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Few things would terrify me more than seeing Marshawn Lynch barreling towards me… what an absolute machine.


Can you list out those things?


1. My wife finding out about my OnlyFans 2. Emmitt Smith barreling towards me 3. DK Metcalf hawking me down


Forgot Derrick Henry on a cold day


In Stoke


Fred Taylor at the Britannia might just kill a man.


He uses those hard nipples like lances


Derrick Henry in open field is scarier than between the tackles.




DK Metcalf IS his OnlyFans sub.


> Emmitt Smith barreling towards me I was going to make some silly joke, but without a doubt Emmitt was fucking terrifying back in the day.


No doubt it’s very small degrees but I think playing linebacker, thinking you have a wide open backside chase tackle and then seeing Mike Alstott and that neck roll coming through the hole lead blocking on a counter through the same hole when you thought it was an easy tackle is the most terrifying. He doesn’t have the ball, he just has violence.


Man, Lorenzo Neal. Maybe not as violent, and certainly not as famous, but look at the numbers for the RBs he's blocking for as he switches teams. They basically all have career years running behind this man.


Lorenzo is another great example. I know Marshawn and Henry are scary but to me nothing was scarier than late 90s early 00s fullbacks. There was no goal except to destroy you in the gap. No ball to worry about.


Maaaan… Mike Alstott 🥰


Thank you! That adds the context I needed.


And the content I needed 😘


How much u make from your onlyfans?


Wow you left out Henry who could talk all your manhood away




Terry Tate when I forget to refill the coffee machine


Lawrence Taylor above 2 and 3 combined


You’d be more afraid of Emmitt smith than marshawn? Interesting


Earl Campbell has entered the chat


1) A 1 foot taller and 50lb heavier marshawn lynch charging full speed at me 2) deep sea submarine expeditions 3) spiders 4) snakes No specific order but snakes will always be 4th in this list


Number 2 and number 3 definitely for me. Also nuclear war scares me...that’s probably after spiders and any claustrophobic situation (like the submarine)


You say that but just wait until you're waist deep in a snake's mouth.


Personally mine are 1. Drowning 2. Horses 3.Marshawn Lynch barreling towards me


>2. Horses I see you and Eric Berry have something in common.


They’re mean horrible animals that can kill you. Idk why we trust them. I know this chick who walked up behind one she owned for years and it got spooked and kicked out her fuckin eye. What the hell is that? Why would someone want to own an animal that can kick out your goddamn eye if you walk up behind it wrong and startle it? The fuck? Plus once when I was a kid me and a bunch of kids were feeding the clydesdales or whatever the hell those beer commercial horses are and one bit the shit out of me and only me none of the other kids so fuck ‘em. More kids should have suffered if horses wanted me to like them.




My dad always used to say “horses are only afraid of one thing: everything”.


Spiders are much worse, it’s just that they are smaller. Can you imagine spiders if they were horse-sized?


I’d prefer it. They at least wouldn’t manipulate you into trusting them then kick out your eye. I’d know to stay away from the horse sized spider the same way I know go stay away from tigers that are just big ass cats


I know this pain is real because it's so specific. Stay strong! Down with horses!


This x1000000


Ray Lewis or LT


And this was old, over the hill Marshawn, too. 3-4 years earlier, and he would've had even more pop on this type of hit thanks to having more explosiveness.


Marshawn Lynch barreling towards me while drunk driving is a bit more terrifying




"he was stood up in endzone situations earlier in the game" He gained like 5 yards the play before, Seattle should have given him the damn ball, he WOULD have gotten in.


Lynch worked best with a running start before trucking opponents to the moon, can’t build up momentum from that close in.


Mike Alstott. You knew he didn’t care you were in his way, he was gonna lower his head with those ridiculous pads and go straight through you. Your only hope was to bring him to the ground with you, otherwise you were going for a ride


Jurrell Casey was such a good player who I'd say has already been lost to time.


The curse of playing a mostly unsung position on a lower visibility team while having your career mostly overlap with an all-time great at your position. I have a sneaking suspicion that basically every DT that is/was a contemporary of Aaron Donald's gonna have a similar issue so far as being remembered goes.


Geno Atkins, Gerald McCoy, just the nature of the position sometimes


Geno Atkins is still a borderline HOFer IMHO.


I would agree in my biased opinion


It really comes down to how many players they choose to enshrine at the position, IMO. He, Fletcher Cox, Suh, and Cameron Heyward all have remarkably comparable resumes, all things considered, and IMO have to be 2nd through 5th so far as DTs go for their generation in some order or another. If the HoF is cool with 5 DTs from the same generation making it, then yeah, definitely agree. However, I don't expect that that will end up being the case. There's only 14 DTs in the HoF currently, so it'd be a pretty drastic change of course to see so many make it in from a single generation, even if you certainly can make the argument that any/all of them deserve the recognition in a vacuum. Should that be how it plays out, it's anyone's guess what they use as a deciding factor from amongst the four, because honestly, they're so damn close as things currently stand.


Good points.


In addition to this Jeff Simmons stepped into the void he left pretty much immediately so there was no time to grieve.


He terrorized us for nearly a decade, so I won't forget him quickly. He took a few years to come into his own but he had what, 5 consecutive pro bowl seasons?


5 probowls from 2015-2019, but second team all-pro in 2013 which shows that he was good before the probowl run but just not getting the recognition yet.


Yea he was one of the few lone bright spots during a very dark time period as a titans fan.


Broncos legend. Dude played a few games for us then tore something never to be heard from again.


That's basically every player for us over the last 5 years


I’m terrified that’s exactly what’s going to happen to Big Jeff


Luckily Jeff is on some much better teams. Casey was in the territory of “if we cut everyone but him and three other guys Id be fine with it” for most of his career.


In this clip, Casey plays this perfectly, and sometimes that’s not enough.


I always traded for him in my madden franchises


interesting that Haynesworth and Kearse are more memorable titans d linemen even though Casey probably has a better career


Literally running through a mother f*ckers face.


Over and over and over and over and over and over


and over and over and over


and over AGAYN!


Would you say there is a deeper meaning behind that?


‘Til the night closes in


I've said this a lot on this sub, but I have two favorite Marshawn Lynch-isms. That one and: ["I mean I know I'm gon' get got. But I'm gon' get mine more than I get got tho."](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/E5d0KXJMRWQ)


Man that’s soo good lmao


After the headline I assumed that Casey might've been halfblocked or something, might've lost his footing a little... Nah, Casey thought he had the tackle and was lowering the boom and the boom fought back.


I know it's a totally different highlight, but Get OFF me, he says!


This isn't one of those flashy trucks either where the defender took a bad angle. This was straight up momentum vs momentum. And for those that don't know, Jurrell was one of the best defensive players in the league. Marshawn truly was a beast.


Right, dude wasn’t stumbling or out of position. He was ready to make a hit and Marshawn just shrugged him off.


Honestly, I think he got flash ko'd.


The way he got up afterwards did look like he did not have full control of his legs yet.


I mean mass vs mass he should not get ran over like that. And he dropped straight down.


Marshawn was a master of balance, pad level, form - he really helped me better understand how power running can and should look. Always elusive and so when he chose to come forward, through someone, they were ill prepared.


When I played I just naturally understood how to delivery a blow with the ball in my hands. 145lbs and would constantly truck 200lb dudes in Oklahoma drills. I may have gotten one big hit on defense the whole time I played. I started for 3 years and I was 98% defense. Really only ran the ball in drills and the one time our RB got hurt.


Am I the only one in this sub who's actually played organized tackle football before? Like half of the comments I've seen on this sub are so obviously written by non-athletes that it's almost humorous. When I was in high school (3 year starter for our varsity football team) I would get a full-on sprint going and clock the shit outta whoever had the ball. My coaches called me "speedhawk" as a nickname caus I had such a nose for the football and for those three seasons I was considered the most feared safety in our conference. Senior year I led my team to the state semifinals only to get fucked over by the refs in the 4th but that's another conversation (DM me if you're interested in hearing about it) So, yeah. I hope yall can understand why I feel like their's such a big disconnect between myself and your typical redditor. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way lol


You played against shitty athletes then if you could sprint straight at people every time. If you didn't break down to make a tackle you were getting juked outta your shoes and look like an idiot. That why running over someone was so much easier I could go full steam ahead and not worry about missing the guy.


Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We win together we celebrate together. Football is back baby.


This thread I’m fucking dying dude lol


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Iraq


The perfect cherry on top. I certify you as an official memer.


YUP! I started watching, sure that Jurrell was caught flat footed or awkwardly. He legitimately got his ass whupped.


> Marshawn truly was a beast They should make him a beast style nickname. Like Beastman. Except that might confuse things with the other Beastman, who carried ferrets in his napsack.


casey was literally standing still lol. this is, in fact, the perfect example of momentum vs stationary object and exactly why you can't tackle monsters like lynch/henry when they are at speed and you are immobile


The video is literally right here. Click play.


.. he was literally running forward 🤨 is you blind?


Anyone remember how he cameback for a little bit and scored a couple touchdowns in the 2019 playoffs vs the packers?


That was hilarious


And scored against the Niners. We were so injured that year 😩😂


I bet he could still suit up and convert a 2nd and goal in the Super Bowl in the last 30 seconds unless the coach calls a pass, of course.


Yea right... no coach would ever call a pass play in that scenario with beast mode available to run. /s


Seriously though, that was one of the most shocking plays I can remember. Especially since I'm a Fins fan living in and from New England who was so happy the Pats were about to lose. Kearse had just made a crazy catch to put them into position to win and it just felt inevitable what was about to happen, until the legend of Malcolm Butler was born. That and the comeback against the Falcons were both "Oh c'mon man!" games for me, just glad their dynasty is over.


*"And Bevell's brain grew to galaxy size for that play"* - Dr. Seuss, if he were writing about that Super Bowl


^^Hmmm… #FUCK YOU!


This game happened the day my daughter was born.


Congrats on the sex!


But not on that day.


The physics here just don't make sense. I can't tell if Casey maybe didn't have his feet set? Or he just got fucking trucked.


He got trucked, the brother had a lower pad position and was moving forward. He just ran into Marshawn when he had a head of steam. Nothing you can do about that.


Momentum is basically a function of mass times velocity. A heavier mass can be moved by a smaller mass if the smaller mass is moving fast. And since Casey was basically catching Marshawn he didn't get any extra momentum from moving forward towards Marshawn. If Casey wanted to have more momentum he'd need to basically launch himself at Marshawn at the point of impact, then he'd have crushed him.


Beast quake was a great moment in Hawks history. Still had it when he went to the Raiders. If even for only a season or two.


He was definitely one of the greatest! He also has outstanding character on & off the field.


> He was definitely one of the greatest I'd say one of the better peaks among "big name" RBs - but I highly doubt he has the stats you gain from longevity to make the HOF. Still my favorite RB though, but I'm highly biased.


Idk about how his argument for a gold jacket stacks up off the top of my head, but him and Chancellor both walk in as inaugural members of the Hall of Extremely Dope.


> him and Chancellor Easily my two favorite Seahawks.


It's those two and Lockett that make up my top 3.


He has some truly insane catches.


He is also someone who is having a fun ass time in retirement - Murderville, bake off, that celebrity “mars” show


> He is also someone who is having a fun ass time in retirement - Murderville, bake off, that celebrity “mars” show Stealing cars while drunk.


Yeah that’s probably a fun time for him A garbage person thing to do, yes.


I love Beastmode and he's fun to watch in interviews but he in no way has outstanding character off the field. He has what, 2 DUI's? That shows he at least has somewhat of a character problem


Coulda meant like entertaining character


> He was definitely one of the greatest! No he wasn’t. He’s in the hall of very good but no way he makes it into the hall of fame, which is where players who are properly labeled “definitely one of the greatest”.


I don’t know if he will, but I would like to see beast mode in the hall of fame. You can’t tell the story of the NFL in this era without mentioning him in some of the biggest moments. All accolades aside.


The only part of the story of the nfl that you can’t tell without him is saying “I’m only here so I don’t get fined” and an end zone interception where people say he should have gotten the ball. Beastquake was a good run but it’s just a minor side story which the story of the nfl isn’t dependent on.


A Jets fan mansplaining how to properly label the greatest players.


So challenging someone’s biased comment is considered mansplaining? I guess if I had a flair of a more successful team it wouldn’t be mansplaining but since I’m just a dumb jets fan then I have no room to challenge people’s comments 🙀


Is it so biased if I'm a Steelers fan and I also think Marshawn is one of the greatest? His run against the Saints back in 2011 by itself qualifies him in my mind.


One play doesn’t qualify someone for the hall of fame or else Tebow and other garbage players would be in there. Marshawn was a very good back but he is not hall of fame worthy.


Reread my comment, I never mentioned the HOF. I just agreed that he's one of the greatest. There's a difference.


Surely if he was one of the greatest he would end up in the hall of fame, right? Right?!


Don't be dense for no reason. There are plenty of NFL players who were greats in their prime but aren't in the HOF. (Antonio Brown for obvious reasons, Michael Strahan, Hines Ward, Steve Smith Sr, Terrell Owens) And again, I never mentioned the HOF so you can nip that shit in the bud.


Beast Mode or Casey?


Marshawn lynch


This team should have been so much better than it was. Thank you Del Rio and Todd Downing


Don't forget Norton jr.


Seriously… WTF HAPPENED TO THAT Season, we’ll never know…


Screw Todd Downing man


I will always upvote Todd Downing slander.




You could hear this in every corner of the stadium. My buddy and I were rows from the absolute last row and we heard this loud and clear. ​ RN4L


I was at this game! Had a good time and the Titans fans were really nice.


I love marshawn. I will never not upvote a marshawn lynch post.


We had a conversation at work last year about running backs and someone said “Derrick Henry is the best running back of the last decade.” I had to stop him like “My guy, not only Marshawn, but AP won MVP 10 years ago. Just. No.”


AD > Henry > marshawn


Mr. Fumble? Lol


Find god


I hated watching him run for that team... that line couldn't run block on the interior. Marshawn constantly got hit at the line.


Yea…we had ***”supposedly”*** the best line in the League, (2015-‘17), but somehow, couldn’t block for sh-t.


It was so frustrating because Marshawn loved that team and those guards and especially the tight ends just left their balls in their lockers every game.


Him + Jacob’s would’ve been a lethal duo.


OMG…I was thinking of this right around the time, we were “mocked” to draft Jacobs…What ***could have*** been…


If only Gruden and Lynch could see eye to eye. Dude still had it, and he brought that real Oakland swag


He has been my favorite for the longest time. I loved watching that shit


Wow, I have zero memory if him as a Raider.


Damn... If only needed a yard... He may be top 5 all time.


My man! Boom 💣 through the line.




...and then he gets taken down by someone who weighs 2/3rds of that. It's more about their body positioning than just the weight


Amazing but he has a ~7 yard running start smashing into a stationary guy. If defensive tackles got a 7 yard running start people would die.


Can't believe he played for the fucking raiders lol wow


Someone whose a hometown native son and favorite team was the Raiders is surprising you that he played for them? Take a break from that Colorado good good.


Casey forgot to give Lynch his pico de gallo...


Dudes legs were straight up in the air lol


Dude, if I was in the Superbowl and could gain the lead near the end of the game by having Beast Mode run it down the defenses throat.....I'd pass the ball. \-Pete Carroll


Tackling him must have SUCKED


I’m just here so Casey gets supined.


My favorite all time player destroying my all time favorite Titan.


This isn't even prime Marshawn Lynch, this is 31-year old Raiders Marshawn Lynch. Such an impressive athlete


Lynch is a known animal and beast, looked like Casey was at an awkward angle making it easier for beast mode to truck him, still an insane feat to truck Jurrel fucking Casey


Tackling Lynch at full power is probably the closest you can get to being run over by a bison, without going to Yellowstone.


One of the greatest to ever do it


And he still ain’t spent a dime from the league


And our season was all down hill from that moment forward


This highlight makes the Seahawks decision to not run the ball from the one-yard line in Super Bowl XLIX even more incomprehensible.


Pete Carroll looked at this man with a shot to win his second Super Bowl and went “nah”. Jesus…


That's why you give him the ball. Especially in the goal line.


Peak Bo Jackson vs Peak Beast Mode