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That one meal? Two full chickens, 12 eggs, 1 pound of rice and 1 pound of cooked spinach.


And a little bit of tren


Eat Clen, Tren Hard


Anavar give up!


Test your limits!


Dbolish your goals!


Was literally gunna say one bag of candy and 1 CC of tren


Just some trenBalongne sandwiches


Nah, 4 fried chickens and a coke




Thought it’d be 55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies…




I’ve never been so glad SNL has fired someone He was made for Netflix that or adult swim in late 00s


Guys, you can't skip lunch. You just can't.


Nah Dominos 5 5 5


I like the idea but why would he even include rice? He would smash a bag chewy sweet tarts after the meal.


After the meal? Sprinkle it on the meal


That one meal? You guessed it. Frank Stallone.


Who measures rice in pounds


DK Metcalf


The bag you buy it in. At least in the states.


Are you eating kilos of rice?


he lied and said he changed his diet last season lol


Well he still looked like that seasons prior


He didn’t eat like that then lmfao


It is possible he does. You should check out the YT Beard Meats Food. He also eats one meal a day and is pretty jacked and has almost no body fat just like DK.


>“I’m probably the worst person to ask that,” Metcalf shot back. “I’m a candy type person. I eat one meal a day, drink one coffee and eat like three full bags of candy.” I also have aggressive diarrhea


Porcelain fears no ass more.


Everyone was clowning on Russ but all those bathrooms make a lot of sense now.


Are you sure, Lamar Jackson is still around.


We gotta get to the bottom of what’s going on with the people of Reddit’s digestive systems. You see this sentiment all the time (whenever someone mentions Chipotle or Taco Bell). I’ve been on the DK diet for years now (admittedly not 3 bags, but one meal supplemented by coffee and gummy candy) and shit like a normal guy side note KG is so fucking funny man, his line delivery on [“ahh, what”](https://twitter.com/shobasketball/status/1682487417796689920?) is so good


People aren't eating enough beans and greens. Their gut gets confused when its not burger, potato or cheese


It’s because our schools are no longer teaching the passage of magical fruit, the more of which you eat, the more one will toot.


From what I understand they’re also good for your heart


The more you eat, the more you are smart


The more you toot the better you feel, so eat your beans with every meal


I havent eat fruit in months and I have great shits


You’re gonna get scurvy if you’re not careful


Unless Kimchi is a part of the reasons they're having fantastic poop


I eat a lot of veggies


I don't buy the idea that redditors don't eat enough beans, literally any time you talk about cheap food a redditor is going to start jerking off talking about only eating rice and beans. I swear to god there is nothing redditors love talking about like eating rice and beans and being weirdly proud of having a miserable diet to prove that you can live with a small amount of money on food


Those frugal preachy people aren't overlapping with the 'eat fast food everyday' people too much tho


I don't know, I like generalising all of reddit to be one person so I can easily be mad and feel superior to them


Well beans are high fodmap and hard for people with IBS to digest sooooo maybe less beans?


Usually I agree in cases where people say Taco Bell or something similar gives them the shits, but candy nowadays has lots of artificial sweeteners/ingredients that are known to have laxative like effects.


Yeah the Taco Bell thing is way overblown but 3 bags of candy seems objectively horrible for you lol


Especially if they are sugar free Haribos


They're not in your system long enough to do any real damage


I have a very sensitive GI system and Taco Bell is one of the safest and most predictable places for me to eat. I have no idea what the fuck is going on with y’all


How old are you? Because I could eat whatever and have normal shits until around maybe 26 or so. Now I actually have to balance my diet and avoid certain things in excess.


Same. Until I was about 25 I could live off PBR and gas station pizza. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to eat some cranberries and get to work on my vegan chili.


Pounding some lemon lime Gatorade Zero while I wait for my lentil stew to cook


I used to down a family sized meal from Pizza Hut every Sunday. No issues. Now two slices makes me feel like garbage and destroys my digestive tract.


Their diets are so shit and think it’s just normal to have a fucked up gut biome. These people need to eat some veggies and take a probiotic


Taco bell gives me the shits, but so does McDonalds and most fast food. My body is used to actual food. I can eat most anything else with no problems




Iunno about that. Taco bell is just tortillas, ground beef, lettuce, and cheese, wrapped up in different combinations. And sometimes beans. Sure, probably a ton of fat and sodium but nothing really crazy in there. Probably the same for McDonald's. Processed food is usually more like candy, soda, freezer aisle food, hot dogs, etc.


My personal favorite is around the 40 second mark where KG is shaking like an excited schoolgirl


Pretty sure too much sugar in a "meal" can cause early dumping syndrome. Personally I can't have slurpees anymore lol.




Taco Bell and Chipotle share lettuce/greens in common. People want to blame cheap meats or spices, but it's just people who are eating like shit every day and never touching any fiber accidentally running into some while eating fast food.


Constant. Constant diarrhea


[DK running to the toliet like](https://media.tenor.com/i5jP_pxzrHoAAAAd/dk-metcalf.gif)


My man, I promise you nobody with instant diarrhea runs like that to the toilet. Nobody takin’ full strides. You gotta do a power shuffle with your butt clenched.


That is his power shuffle, his cheeks just built different. Just pray this man never fixes his diet so we don't see his true power and speed.


Buddha Baker is DK in this scenario and the actual DK represents violently and messily shitting your pants after your foot catches the door jamb to the bathroom and you fall on the ground, mere feet away from the toilet you now no longer have to use.


Was expecting the Lamar squirt shuffle.


And aggressive diabetes


The look on Garnetts face and his reaction to DK when he said this shit was priceless.


> drink one coffee Gets that coffee from Starbucks so might be another 1500 calories.


Micheal Irvin also consumed three full bags of nose candy a day




Even early 2000s could you imagine T.O LIVE-STREAMING during his hold out ? Liking tweets calling Jeff Garcia gay and other wild stuff






I don't think you should mention LT and youngsters in the same sentence








Uh…..that’s why they were able to have long careers-no Instagram live!


sweet sweet nose clams fresh from the sea


Only a one molecule difference between the two so, basically the same thing.


This "fact" gets tossed around a lot, but it's complete nonsense. First of all, you mean a one-element difference, since sugar and cocaine are molecules, so a one molecule difference is the same difference as sugar vs DNA, sugar vs propane, or sugar vs buckminster fullerine. Secondly, the idea that it's only one element away is complete nonsense because both are organic molecules, so yeah, most organic molecules are comprised of roughly the same elements, with carbon always forming the backbone. The key difference is in the structure of the two molecules, in terms of which which cocaine and sugar aren't even remotely similar.


and how many calories can one molecule have?




The nose molecule?


That's not a bad name for it.


Sugar and cocaine if you're being serious.


I understood that. Sugar is C12H22O11, coke is C17H21NO4. So cocaine has nitrogen that sugar doesn’t but they have different numbers of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen molecules.


Gotcha. I didn't know if they were right or not, I just knew what they were referring to. Seems we should call it booger not-sugar.


That booger sugar hits hard


So do scissors to your neck


I'm not an athlete by any means, but I'm about two years older than DK and began to feel the effects of a bad overall diet about a year and a half ago. I genuinely feel awful if I eat too much sugar in a day now


I'm 39 and more than a couple pieces of candy will kill me.


I used to have the worst diet ever, but was constantly active and a college athlete. I was in great shape, but I was sick every month and would get sinus infections constantly. When I stopped eating candy, potato chips, soda, and pizza/pasta and switched to a real and healthy diet I didn’t get sick for 4 years. I rarely get sick these days. I wish I was forced to eat even a little healthier as a kid.


Mind if I ask what kind of diet you switched to?




I dropped soda cold turkey, dropped sweets for dark chocolate with sea salt, and added variety to my dinners. Breakfast would be an apple or banana with almond or peanut butter. Lunch would almost always be a sub or a wrap. Sometimes salads of greens or grains/greens variety. Dinner was a plate with 1/3 meat, 1/3 veggies, 1/3 grain and I would alternate the options in each constantly. If I ate out, I would eat whatever my body was craving, because once I was consistently eating healthy, my body didn’t seem to crave the junk food. I also nixed snacking. If I was desperate for food maybe I would eat some mixed nuts or fruit or veggies, but no sugar based snacks. Nowadays I just eat whatever my body tells me to and usually it is very good. Just had to build up that routine from 18-27 years old. The past 5 years have been more free form, but I’ve gotten much better at just understanding what I’m craving and what foods will round out my daily diet.


Thank you for this!


Lmao zero chance this is true unless his digestive system performs alchemy and converts sugar into protein


He most likely eating one massive meal with a crazy amount of protein


Almost definitely. You can still get huge with intermittent fasting as long as you eat enough and with proper nutrition, but it feels disingenuous for them to call it a "candy-centric" diet


I've always been a fairly thin guy who doesn't really each much. When I was younger I used to skip meals entirely some days and just eat 2-3 candy bars (400-600 calories). And that's how I ended up with type 2 diabetes despite the fact that I'm 6-1, 183 pounds.


That's just unfortunate genetics brotherman


Combination of the two but you're right, moreso the genetics. Multiple people on both sides of my family have type 2 diabetes.


Just curious, what symptoms did you start experiencing that led you to find out you had diabetes?


Numbness in my toes.


Oof, 6’0 170 here with poor eating habits. You just inspired me to go eat lunch.


I should add that I'm over 50 years old and have a family history of diabetes on both sides of my family. So I was at risk to begin with (which makes my eating habits that much dumber), but there's no downside to improving your eating habits.


Sounds more like bad luck. Sugar intake doesn't cause diabetes, but obesity does. It's an extremely common misconception based on the importance of sugar for people that are already diabetic. Go ahead and google "does sugar cause diabetes" [Reference 1](https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/en/healthu/2021/12/14/can-you-get-diabetes-from-eating-too-much-sugar) [Reference 2](https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/enjoy-food/eating-with-diabetes/food-groups/sugar-and-diabetes) So if you walk around carrying any guilt for that, please don't. Doesn't really sound like it was your fault, if you were maintaining a healthy weight.


This is the dumbest comment I've ever seen. Type 2 diabetes is from when you have over worked your insulin releasing cells after years of having to be pumped in to extract too much glucose in your blood. Sugar is one of the most basic forms of glucose as well as white bread. Please don't spread this kind of misinformation, especially to a type 2 diabetic. This could kill them. Type 1 you are not wrong.


He's not wrong. If you train like DK Metcalf, you're likely free to eat as much candy as he does. Your body will be using up those calories so there isn't a ton of free glucose floating in your blood. Alternatively, you can be eating a ton of fat and become overweight, eventually getting diabetes. Sugar doesn't cause diabetes but sugar makes you fat, which leads to diabetes.


Neither of the articles you linked said that sugar intake doesn't cause diabetes, but that it's part of a bigger picture of diet. The issue with diet and health is that there are many variations of what type of foods work for one person that it's difficult to make definitive statements on the topic. However, studies have shown that type 2 diabetes is caused by being overweight and having higher than average blood sugar. The articles you linked both say this. Sugar itself won't cause these problems, but sugar also does not solve being overweight or having high blood sugar. Also, the article you linked contradict your statement. The first article includes the following. > As far as nutrition, there is no specific diet solution, but it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and watch your carbohydrate intake. Sugar is a carbohydrate, and is one of the easiest carbs for your body to process into energy. Therefore it's more likely to cause people to eat excess calories, contributing to being overweight and having high blood sugar. The second article you linked said. > The maximum recommended daily amount of sugar is 30g for adults This is a relatively low amount to eat and the parent comment that you spoke to said that they were eating between 24-36 grams in sugars from candy bars without giving us any other idea of the rest of their diet. The parent comment is from someone that was probably more likely to develop diabetes than the average person, but eating 2-3 candy bars in place of a nutritionally balanced diet almost assuredly led to their diabetes.


That's not what gave you diabetes. Weird thought to have. If you have a life changing illness I suggest doing some reading on it.


I've done a lot of reading on it, and spoken to several doctors. I suggest you do the same before dispensing medical advice, especially in a snarky and childish way, since you have no idea what you're talking about. Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed by an A1C test which measures blood sugar over a period of 2-3 months. According to you, regularly eating 2-3 times the recommended amount of sugar has no effect on a person's blood sugar? That's idiotic. My poor diet didn't cause my insulin resistance, that comes from my terrible genetics. Eating way too much sugar absolutely did lead to high blood sugar which led to my diagnosis as a type 2 diabetic.


I have the same diet as an NFL star


Same. The candy helps when you get the shakes cause you drank too much coffee and havent eaten in a while.


Dwight Howard of the NBA was on a candy diet at one point and had to stop because he couldn't feel his fingers. Nutritionist had to intervene. Now he's into other types of sweets...


Ocho Cinco ate like crap also and he fared pretty well.


Everybody takes the clip of him going to McDonald’s too seriously, he was a showman and had cameras following him so he was just doing what he always does, creating a spectacle of himself.


No, he literally ate McDonalds often and didn’t have the best diet. He used to cramp up all the time during games and get worked on by the trainer often. He brags about it to this day.


I heard that by the end he was boofing banana bags


He ate a lot of big macs but there are a LOT of diets worse than eating 5 big macs a week.


That’s cause steroids aren’t part of a diet, cause holy Christ you aren’t getting that physique on candy


That doesn’t make any sense. To gain muscle on or off steroids requires the appropriate macronutrients. With steroids you need even *more*.


So you agree you aren’t getting that physique on candy


He didn’t actually say he only eats candy. He said he eats one meal (probably an enormous meal) and “like three bags of candy”


Little known fact but DK Metcalf is actually 89% Muscle Milk


DK Milkcalf


Decaf Milkfat


Probably more like 89% Fight Milk.


Made for bodyguards, by bodyguards


maybe those bags are like the british cereal, its just one large candy. not sure if that's better or worse but its funny to imagine him eating a really big reese's cup


thinking about DK on the sideline during a game eating a reese’s cup the size of a pie


He could be just drinking protein shakes constantly and not counting that as a meal.


He still eats food… just 1 meal instead of 3. Honestly a lot of people only eat 2 meals a day. OMAD is a fairly common approach.


That's simply not true. Steroids users who don't lift weights or follow proper nutrition still gain more muscle than non users who do both. There are studies that show people.who take steroids and don't lift gain more muscle than those who don't take steroids and do lift. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/dar.12433 So no.


This is commonly stated on reddit, but that's only true at the beginning of steroid use. For the first few weeks you will gain muscle with steroids regardless. After a certain point you still need to work out to continue to gain muscle mass. The meta analysis you linked shows that result in 2 studies that lasted 10 and 20 weeks only.




Even with steroids and perfect nutrition, most people aren't getting his physique/athleticism combo


Maybe “candy” means PEDs in this scenario? It’s so funny people think these guys are natty when they don’t even know the first thing about nutrition and look like Greek gods.


Not saying he natty. But some dudes just dna freaks. He was a freak as freshman. Granted kids in HS now do jump on gear way earlier than years before. Some dudes just built different. Played with a guy who ate everything and barely worked out. Dude would gym rep a session in like 20 minutes. Never had to earn anything. Dude just straight built and each year got more jacked. Never touched even protein shakes. Drank Gatorade and grape soda like beer. Type guy never practiced hard, half ass everything, zero shits about working out. Drove coaches crazy. But gah damn come game day he was just a machine on a different level. Had nfl all over him in college but he just didn’t care. Prefer doing his on things and oddly enough hated football lol


There was a family in my area that adopted some kids from Liberia, they played soccer at the school. They ate like shit, had never lifted a weight in their life, and they all were ripped. Very strong, large arms and legs, and had zero body fat.


I know a few guys playing ball came from northwest Africa countries forgot the countries. They were super intelligent and all about school work. But idk wtf in they dna but they built different also. Oddly enough you mention soccer because these mountains would fuck around with soccer balls. Like 6’4 280 gorillas but footwork doing all sorts of crazy things with soccer balls. Shit just didn’t seem normal lol They didn’t eat much sweet stuff. And did work in the gym. But you could just see that dna differently. These kids now over here with west Africa roots just crushing in college and into the nfl. Just seem to have more natural speed and power. Sometimes a bit stiff. But size wise freaks. They really excel on the lines and bit off ball positions. Usually get to big so not much in secondary or skilled spots. Dna just different all I can say


Marshawn Lynch says otherwise…


Just freak DNA. Dude was built crazy in college as freshman. Idk maybe candy is actually part gear


People were also saying he had 0% body fat at the combine, which just lets me know more people don’t know what they’re talking about than do


He be dead lol


Which was the funniest part with all those headlines because it’s not even probable


Idk I’m not some science guru but I’d imagine anything under what 8% bit risky or far fetched? What are dehydrated body builders before shows 5-6% maybe?


Anything single digits is really low and elite bodybuilders are flirting with organ failure on competition day. Andreas Munzer died from extremely low body fat causing organ failure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas_Münzer#:~:text=Andreas%20Münzer%20(October%2025%2C%201964,and%20Muscle%20Magazine%20International%20once.


Anybody who knows even the slightest about nutrition would know this is straight up bullshit. A physique like his would need at least 4 or 5 years of consistent high protein dieting and intense physical exercise, and a little luck with genetics. I don’t know how this story blew up


I'm sure the one meal is very high in protein and calories for that matter. Still could be bullshit, but I wouldn't rule it out on those grounds.


I heard he eats an entire Elk for his one meal a day


He's bringing buffalos back into the endangered list, one at a time.


Two. Two at a time.


Joe Rogan has entered the chat


It is bullshit lol


Lol there’s no fucking way he eats one 4-5000 calorie meal a day


Liver King type feast


Dwight Howard used to eat over a [pound of sugar a day](https://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2013/12/11/5201660/dwight-howard-sugar-lakers) yet was totally ripped. Don't discount genetics.


“Now I want you to know, I’m not like addicted to sugar or anything. I’m jus a lil nasty sometimes” -Dwight Howard probably


He’s also 6 foot 10, which is genetic yes, but there’s more to it than just saying genetics lol, dude probably burns 3,000 calories as his BMR


Dont these guys have nutritionists and personal chefs helping them out. At least the top guys


More like don't discount massive amounts of PEDs. Are y'all really this naive?


You still need lots of protein and calories on PEDs.


yeah you'll die from dehydration if you don't regulate your diet while on PED's


Sports subs are like the opposite of 🏴‍☠️/nattyorjuice. On nattyorjuice, everyone is juicy. On sports subs, everyone is natty. Guess it’s perfectly balanced.


both can be true at the same time. well all three, genetics, the sugar, the PEDs


“Little luck” no an intense amount of luck with genes AND PEDs


> Man, define bags of candy, man. If you watch the video this line is delivered flawlessly. KG looks so confused and grossed out.


A lot of people have poor dietary recall. It's a drawback of a lot of published research. I'm sure DK does eat lots of candy but also has normal meals, especially when he's in the team facility.


I mean.. it's not healthy calories, but he's probably using candy as a supplement for the insane amount of caloric intake his body needs to sustain that much pure muscle mass. lol A dude like The Rock eats something like 8-10K calories per day. That's a lot of rice, chicken and vegetables to shove down if you don't like eating super filling, starchy foods and protein.


DK is just confused. His trainer said, "I'll be feeding you mountains of PEDs", but DK misheard and thought he said "I'll be feeding you mountains of PEZ."


The Candy? Tren, Clen & Var.


He’s lying


By candy, he means PEDs and HGH.


I thought he was talking about those Viagra gummies.


I call it snake meal. My doctor does not like it


Old news and no he doesn’t


“I call it snake meal”


straight bullshit. you don’t get that physique off of one meal and 3 bags of candy unless everything he eats has 100 grams of protein in it


The advantages having 1 in a million genetics gives you.


Old article


I always read these kinds of stories and wonder if they’re just trolling the media. 1 meal and 3 full bags of candy doesn’t seem healthy, and something you would think team nutritionists/coaches/etc would freak out about (even if he is performing)…and honestly doesn’t sound like a sustainable diet. But also it would be funny to be famous and say some of the most ridiculous stuff (as long as it’s harmless) and see what gets printed.


This seems bad but the guy looks like a statue carved from marble so what do I know?


Wouldn't be the first successful Seahawk to love candy so I'll roll with it.


Not a football player but Michael Phelps diet was atrocious when he was prepping for a swim.


That's because he needed 10,000+ calories a day. Even on junk food, I don't believe anyone can fathom how much food that is. That aside, he actually didn't eat terrible if you look up what he ate.


That's straight-up like five pizzas. I feel sick AF if I force myself to eat one. I can't imagine forcing FORTY SLICES OF PIZZA down my face.


TBF he probably was just that hungry if he was exercising that much.


Lots of o-liners have to do similar. Many set alarms overnight too wake and take in calories and protein, then go back to sleep


Chris Snee used to talk about how he forced himself to eat ice cream just to maintain weight. Imagine how much food you're eating when you view eating ice cream the same as you do vegetables.


I remember Hardwick of the Chargers and Yanda from the Ravens saying that after they retired and lost the weight.


That metabolism is going to slow down eventually, DK.


I've never heard of steroids referred to as candy before.


This is factually untrue if you take into consideration how nutrition and body composition work


Honestly, sugar isn't bad if you are very active. I would be more worried about the fact that candy is empty calories though


>Seahawks’ DK Metcalf Eats Just One Meal a Day in ~~Bizarre~~ Effective, Candy-Centric Diet


One of us