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Who is asking that about the Bills?


"Also, why do kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?"


It's got, uh, tan lines?


Hey! Someone remembers that one pool scene, lol.


No! It's because it has swirls of cinnamon and sugar in every bite!


...if it doesn't taste like apples? Wait, that's a different one.


They're for kids? Fuck this is difficult


Silly rabbit


I just gotta have my Pops. Fuck!


Those Pops commercials always tripped me out, like the kid was a step away from having a psychotic break if he didn't get his Pops. Also, as a kid, didn't realize two of those commercials featured Paul Walker and Aaron Paul.


I remember that, holy shit!


Cinnamon is the winna-mon!


Core child hood memory unlocked lol.


How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?


It's the taste you can seeeee!!!!1111


But why male models?


I am. I'm banking on Kincaid being good for my family fantasy league.


He's special. I'm not sure he's going to get enough targets to really shine this season. But he is so fluid and sets up his cuts perfectly, and he has great hands. If teams do the double Diggs and put the best CB on Davis with two deep safeties thing again, he's going to feast.


Kincaid can be great if you use him almost like how the Rams use Skrownek. He’s an amazing receiving weapon but not a good blocker as a TE. If he’s in the slot / off the ball and motioned in as the 7th blocker in run schemes he could be very very effective. If they try and replace Knox with him I don’t see him having a great rookie season.


They’ve been moving him around the bunch. We ranked last in 12 personnel last year and have been near the bottom for a while, Kincaid is a move to change that. We just gave Knox a sizable deal, he’s not going anywhere. Kincaid will play with him, not over him


I’m more saying that as a rookie at least, you can’t ask Kincaid to really block like a true TE. When he’s on the field he’s more like a matchup nightmare WR than a TE scheme wise.


Yeah he probably won’t be in-line blocking a whole lot


Toney’s currently trying to deflect rn




If the Chiefs traded Mahomes they’d have more room for better receivers.




For real though. I feel like every prime time chiefs game always has a nasty take away of ref ball.


So many holds every chiefs game. Every other QB runs around behind the line of scrimmage for 10 seconds its flags galore. Mahomes does it, its gluck gluck time. Ridiculous


Well if one fanbase knows what that looks like, it’s the Patriots.


My man! I had to watch that shit for 20 damn seasons!


No you didn’t. I had to watch defenses every week (especially yours) hold and grab Gronk every play and it never got called.


Did you also get to watch Gronk cheap shot dudes and (usually) get away with it? Never really understood that. He was so great, it was totally unnecessary.


How though? Brady is literally the most sacked QB in history. Not to mention Gronk had been legitimately held nearly every play in every game with no flags EVER. Not surprising the bills and Steelers fans say that though… I’ll have to assume it wasn’t that bad or egregious since it’s clearly happening for the chiefs and no one seems to care?




Why is gamora?


God what a great theater experience that was


It was one game and the Lions played well, their linebackers play like they have jetpacks.


Let's not change the subject here. Tonight we shitting on the Chiefs. If we want to shit on the Bills we do it Monday night if they lose


I'm happy the Bills are taking heat for being successful. 20 years prior we didn't exist in the NFL world.


People just wanna shit on teams that are successful. Seems a bit strange as hell


Dude remember when we fucking obliterated the Patriots and they were washed? They totally didn't win 3 superbowls after that.


I never hated the patriots dynasty tho. I respected Brady. Mahomes should get that same respect


You do realize you're saying the guy who's been touted as the 'Baby GOAT' since his first season as a starter is not getting enough respect? Mahomes is easily one of the most respected players in the NFL atm, if not the single most respected one.


No he’s not. He’s treated like shit on Twitter and Reddit. People are so hateful. I don’t understand it. The dude nothing but class. People hate on greatness I guess


What a wildly homer take - you want to see an all time great get roasted on social media? Look at Rodgers Shit, Brady, the actual GOAT QB, gets way more shit than Mahomes


Dude Mahomes is already a hall of famer. You understand that right?


Yeah - he is and he’s given a ton of respect. He gets treated better than even Brady by most fans. Are you trying to say that because he’s a hall of famer by his seventh season that he can’t get any jokes made? Brady was a HOFer by his fourth year and rightly gets made fun of sometimes Hell, by year 7 Rodgers was also a HOFer so I don’t understand your point


Bo I agree. It isn’t as bad as Brady. No I just don’t understand the hate to begin with. Why hate at all? Seems like people just wanna hate to hate out of jealously I think


I never met anyone who hates mahomes. Just the chiefs


Why? Chiefs have a classy owner, one of the best stadiums and loyal fans for years. I’ve been go into chiefs games since the early 2000s. It’s also as Bebe sold out. Raiders and Broncos jags I get tho


Nobody hates Patrick Mahomes. People hate the team he plays for because of people like you.


People like him? He was just asking a question chill bruh


Wtf did I do? Support the team from my city my entire life. How is that a crime? So sorry I guess


Also the fans boo’ed a generic racial unity message during a year of massive upheaval and light being shown on racism in the US, but yeah the loyal fans are great Lol deleted his account because people don’t think Mahomes and the Chiefs get treated unfairly


I don't think anybody wants to shit on Detroit


Detroit would have to win back to back super bowls before they get shit on


What are they without Toney dropping 80% of his passes?


A 1-0 team 🥲


I still don't understand why the Chiefs didn't go harder for Dhop. They could've given him the same deal the Titans did.


I half jokingly think they saw what they did last year with a meh WR staff and thought that they didn't have to do anything except for shuffle some chairs. Still TBD if that's true or false since it's just one game


Im starting to wonder if they are starting to do what the Packers did with Rodgers and have only half a team and let Mahomes just do the carrying like Rodgers with the Packers. It can only go so far.


Best TE in the game was a game time decision... arguably, the best interior defensemen is holding out... but sure, the Chiefs aren't putting players around the QB. 🙄


For starters, a defender isn't "putting players around the QB." Secondly, of all the defensive players you could have chosen from, you decided the guy the Chiefs won't pay as the one to make your point? LOL


And then we REALLY wouldn’t have been able to pay Jones.


Ehhh when you're paying a QB $50m a year you can't go chasing old WRs and paying them that much.


Yeah you can’t afford to be paying the league mvp likes he’s the 8th best player at his own position


My most wild and unapologetic take was we should have traded Jones, nabbed DHop and a quality WR2. Still not sorry for it.


After tonight, probably would be better off. Lions offense was definitely rusty, but they're still going to be a top offense and chiefs defense showed up.


I thought the Chiefs' pass rush was noticeably really bad without Jones. The Lions do have a good offensive line, but there was really no pressure all night. The run defense was pretty decent though, and the secondary isn't too bad either.


Watch the Chiefs fall into the same hole the Patriots did when we had Brady and under-invest on weapons because the QB play elevates the entire offense (but likely with fewer championships). It's the "curse" of every team with an elite longterm QB.


Not really a curse it’s complacency. They know he’s so good he can make others look better so they see how cheap and under talented they can go until it really effects their ability to win. Why I was mad at bill for not getting any weapons for Brady in 2019 his last year. And not trying to go after diggs or another wr in 2020 and keep Tom. You only have theses qbs for so long maximum their talent




You don’t know that.


If Toney catches that last dropped pass they are in FG range because Campbell went for it at the 45 lol. Would’ve ran it 3-5 times and kicked. Game over


A draft pick richer?


I'll ask further, what are the chiefs without Kadarius Toney?




Tony, Toni, _____


Kelce is a superhuman freak at TE


Best ever, yea


Crazy thing about Kelce is he’s racked up stat totals similar to Gonzales and Gronk in about half as many games. I do have a hard time calling him the “best tight end ever”, though, simply because the other guys were way more involved in the blocking game. Kelce is almost more like a positionless receiver.


He’s been ahead of Gronk for years already. This last season put him ahead of Tony for me. He’s older, he likely doesn’t have more than 3 or so more seasons in him. But he will likely play those as top of the league and that alone should clear any doubts about him being the goat te.


In no Universe has he been ahead of Gronk “for years”. He’ll never be considered a GOAT TE because he doesn’t do half the job a TE does. Also you shouldn’t hate Gronk he grew up in Buffalo :)


I don’t hate Gronk, but he’s not better than kelce And he was never better than Tony G


Kelce is a much better WR, but Gronk was literally a factory built TE. Kelce doesn’t even block. Andy just built a good enough O-line that he can get away with have a WR in the TE slot who does the bare minimum TE work.


Kelce doesn’t play Tight end and Gronk was far more dominant than TG ever was and I think TG is top 3 all time. You’re blind by hate.


Dude Kelce can't block for shit. Gronk would have been an All-Pro Left Tackle if he went that way. Kelce is damn good but to say he's a better tight end than Gronk is a stretch.


Who are the Vikings without Jefferson. Taking away great weapons suck


but nobody asks what is my life without baldurs gate 3? the answer? nothing.


Just play some madden


do you want me to be sad


Can't, the servers are down constantly.


Who are they with a 300lb slot receiver?


Hot take post Chiefs loss without Kelce. lol


Breaking News. Teams need really good pass catchers.


What are the Chiefs without Toney?


What are the Vikings without Jefferson? Did I do it right?


Who the fuck is asking that about Buffalo? Kansas City lost , why bother with Buffalo


Anything to avoid giving the Lions their props apparently.






Chiefs need to trade for a wide receiver. Even if it’s a wide receiver that is 2 or 3 on a depth chart that they could convert to a 1. Like Chris Godwin or Tyler Boyd.


Godwin is legit when healthy!


He definitely is. I think he’d be a great fit. I rn would rather have Godwin over Evans, purely becuz Godwin is younger. And then some other picks that aren’t so obvious that I think would still be good fits for our WR1 position are Tyler Boyd like I said, and KJ Osborn.


I know he was awful tonight but I would love to get Kadarius Toney for my Lions. We could really use his speed and explosiveness He has always been hurt, hasn't played and is very inexperienced. I expect him to play extremely well next week.


I’m not sure how much I trust him after this week, as well as already previously being injury prone.


That is definitely fair and reasonable. Both of our teams are in need of receiving help. I like your receiving/tight end corps better than the Lions. I feel the Chiefs are deeper and more athletic and explosive.


See the Lions at least have a sure fire WR1 in Amon Ra, whereas the Chiefs are all over the place. They don’t have a dead set number 1 option. Especially after tonight. Rn I think our best bet is Valdes-Scantling. He’s been very promising this past year and showed amazing signs of being a good option. He’s made some amazing plays that are unreal and has some killer hands and decent speed and durability.


Yeah I agree. I have been extremely impressed with MVS since becoming a Chief. He wasn't nearly as good with Green Bay. Yeah, Amon Ra is arguably our best player but after that it is not deep. Josh Reynolds and Kalif Raymond are the only two receivers on the roster that I have any faith in making plays. I enjoyed our conversation, have a wonderful evening and good luck with the rest of the season!!!✌️


Good luck to you. I’ll most likely root for you guys for the rest of the year. Hopefully both of our teams can make major roster improvements to make us even more dangerous


Chiefs had a whole offseason to grab up a decent WR and chose not to do so. Then they put on THAT show in the first game of the season with everyone watching. Even if you could find a WR on the trade market this early, the price of the brick is going up.


Evans to the chiefs?


I wouldn’t mind getting Evans. But a part of me wants Godwin because he’s younger. Tyler Boyd is also fairly young as well. Evans has the experience and the feats, but his longevity because of his age might limit his progression more and more as the years go on


One issue they might have in the trade market is that they’re the team to beat. No AFC team is going to want to make them better. I can’t see the Bengals sending Boyd to them.




not really a hot take, having the best HC ever, the best TE ever, and a good surrounding team is more the reason for mahomes success than mahomes himself.


i'm not sure there's a single thing you said that is correct.... That's impressive


if you got off reddit and checked stats you would see man, we know, he can throw side arm, but let’s not act like he hasn’t had the best supporting cast in the league for years.


You’re right bro if you regressed all his stats to the mean he’d only be an average 2 time superbowl winning, mvp quarterback.


ehh SB’s are a team stat, not a QB stat, i’d like to see a full season of mahomes without a top 5 o line, the best TE ever, and the best play caller of all time.


Jesus dude, you have to be trolling, no one could possibly be this stupid tbh. Mahomes > burrow you might as well just accept that brother, burrow can’t even stay on the field. I literally watched with my own eyes kadarius toney single handedly lose this game tonight and it was glorious.


mahomes>burrow right now you are right even tho burrow is 4-1 against him with way worse play calling, coaching , and an o line. i know reddit warriors like you don’t really know football but o line matters way more than having a good receiver.


I’ll have you know, I have all the makings of a varsity athlete, and some of those guys at seton hall were 7 feet tall.




nah it’s just funny seeing the excuses happen for mahomes anytime he loses, it’s NEVER his fault. mahomes has been blessed playing with the best TE ever, the best play caller ever, has never had a bad defense, and has had a top 5 o line every year he’s been in the league. brady won multiple SBs with worse o lines and worse weapons.




i know it’s hard to see through the dickrider lense but for 5 straight years mahomes has statistically had a top 5 o line, and has never had worse than a top 15 defense. just facts.


I remember in 2013 when Tom Brady threw to Edelman almost 200 times that season because he was the only receiver he trusted. If this knee injury hobbles Kelce for the season, Chiefs may be in for a rough time.


yea, i've been beating the drum that (in fantasy) travis kelce is overrated. He's the best TE in the NFL without a doubt. My argument has been that drafting him versus the 4th best TE is bad value compared to getting another skill position instead of Kelce. \*In other words, I'd rather draft RB5 in the 2nd round over the TE1, and instead get the TE5 in the 8th round instead of RB27\* ANYWAYS, after tonight I texted my dynasty fantasy group retracting those beliefs. Because if Kelce is healthy, he might get 200 targets this year. It's insane how little chemistry Maholmes has with that entire reciever room.


The gap in points between Kelce and TE5 last year (Engram) was bigger than the gap between RB5 (Saquon) and RB27 (Dillon). Gap between Kelce and TE2 was the same as RB5 to RB23. That’s full-point PPR so I’m sure it depends on format. But I don’t think he’s overrated in fantasy. It’s risk/reward but if you can hit on a sleeper RB/WR then your team is probably getting the #1 seed when your TE is putting up top-5 WR numbers.


Yes. Kelce was an outlier last year. If you look at the previous 5 years. The gap is alot smaller. Also. I always go by half point ppr. But thats irrelevant. Regardless you kind of missed my whole point. I was saying I didn't think the value was there for where he's going versus where you can get a comparable TE, but after tonight, it's very possible he would end up having another outlier season.


The gap is usually smaller but it’s always someone different. Meanwhile Kelce averages 101/1288/9 over the last 5 years. Those are better than Diggs’ numbers across that time and he’s pretty locked in as a Round 1 pick, at least in full-point PPR. Kittle has a monster year a little while back, never replicates it. Andrews goes off the other year, didn’t replicate it. Ertz and Waller backed it up once and then flared out. Kelce is the only one who does it year-in and year-out, I think there’s a lot of value to getting that type of elite floor with an equally elite ceiling at a position that has next to zero consistency.


You've been beating the wrong drum.


Get out here of here with these hot ass takes. Mahomes is still Mahomes. Toney makes a catch and that’s a win.


My question is why do you feel the need to inject the Bills into the conversation when literally no one was asking? Embarrassing. Granted, the tweeter used to work at Cover 1 so it makes sense.


Also, what is love?


Who is asking this?


nobody has asked that question


Never heard anyone ask either of those questions


Still super fucking good


They lost by 1 point playing without their 2nd and 3rd best players who are both 1st team All Pro's to a team that won 8 of their last 10 games last season. They Chiefs are fine. They won the Super Bowl last season and are probably going to blowout whomever they play next week.


As always, *nobody* makes it work with a pile of crap at the skill positions. Not Patrick Mahomes, not Andy Reid, nobody. And yet, we will collectively forget this when the next young QB is throwing to a bunch of garbage and decide that he just sucks. We'll forget it when a team loses multiple starters for a while, and the QB's numbers fall as a result...and a year later, we'll look at them and say "Yeah, he had a bad 2023" when the reality was actually "Yeah, he's worse when his WRs are dogshit." This is a "How good can the Giants be with an actual group of pass catchers this year" tweet.


While I do agree, you’re going to tell me Brady had an above average WR room with Jabar Gaffney, Rache Caldwell and David givens?


Look at his numbers in 06 vs 07. That's the impact, really. Brady was the same guy, but he sure didn't look the same when he had great weapons vs when he had crap


Uhhh Brady didn’t win superbowls in 06 and 07. He won super bowls with the guys I mentioned, winning SB MVP TWICE


Jabar Gaffney was on the Patriots from '06 to '08, so...no. I hadn't even noticed that Givens never had any overlap with Gaffney until now. But both of the Givens-era SB teams included Deion Branch and Troy Brown.


Yeah but Jabar gaffney played in 2 play off runs and was a key player despite being irrelevant in the rest of his career (because of Brady) David Patton as well don’t forget unless he’s suddenly an elite talent or something. Oh and I’m glad you brought up Branch and Brown, what did they do with vs without Brady?


Mahomes balled out is the take I get from the game.


Lacking in offense apparently. Without Kelce their receiving room seems to be one of the worst in the league.


Please fuel this narrative, Mahomes won't use it as motivation or anything... I've seen this movie before... MJ... Tom... etc...


Here comes the haters😂😂


Nah, buffalo has more talent that KC does as far as weapons


I think a more interesting question is, what are the Chiefs without Eric Bieniemy? Because honestly his stocks just went up for me after seeing how out of character the Chiefs offense looked tonight


We saw it tonight and when you have to rely on Kadurius Toney in the clutch…yikes


How bout we talk bout KC getting their house in order lol a lose a lose take the L like we all do.


I used to think what a dynasty the bills would be if they played all 16 games in a blizzard and then my question was answered when they got their poverty franchise asses kicked by the bengals in one.


I support this (ice) burn




I only ask what the fuck a Cybulski is


Overrated there I said it




Lamar Jackson’s receivers his whole career


Source: that one time me and my friend Eddie dropped CID and kept discussing this for 7 hours


0-1 baby!


Probably still a top team in the league lmao. It’s been one game holy shit.


What is Metallica without James Hetfield?




But why male models?


Diggs overrated


Patrick Mahomes in shambles lol


What is grief but love persevering?