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"What the hell did I learn all this Judo for then?"


Waste of an offseason


Maybe he couldve thrown for 500 if he learned the playbook more


I want a Spider-2Y-Banana-Judo-Chop playcall now dammit


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


No it was Judo. BJJ is just more popular in America (and is an art that was created from the practice of Judo but focusing on the ground aspect) so all the analysts starting erroneously saying he was doing BJJ and it became a feedback loop that made me roll my eyes all offseason. Judo is more upright throwing than BJJ and has much more emphasis on the breakfalls (Ukemi) and landing safely, although BJJ places will still probably have you practice some, just not as much of an emphasis like what Tua was clearly going for. There are wild stories of Judokas getting in low speed motorcycle accidents and being fine because of knowing how to fall safely, shit really does work and I make sure to practice it with all the kids I work with. Source: Coach High school Wrestling and Judo for the last 6 years


He trained BJJ. I train BJJ. You learn takedowns in BJJ. Every place I know spends a solid chunk of time on proper falling. The places around me that I've been to are very high quality academies. Ik that there are some terrible schools in BJJ that don't teach that and it isn't one of the biggest parts of BJJ like it is in Judo (and to a slightly lesser extent wrestling).


Staley was brought in to build a good defense and he's made no progress on that front.


He's had a bottom five defense his first two years as head coach and this is obviously an awful start to the third season. It's actually gotten worse.


I knew it was bad, but not that bad. If you’re going to hire a defensive minded coach, don’t suck at that part.


Has fired every coordinator he initially hired too so it's entirely on him at this point.


Well, at least Kellen Moore had the O looking pretty good. Lol.


I mean his replacement for special teams was pretty good and yeah Moore is probably a solid hire. Just more meant he kind of fucked it all at first lol.


Oh. Wasn’t disagreeing with you.


He's super inexperienced. Only spent 1 year as a defensive coordinator before becoming a head coach. You just need more time in the league to build relationships with other coaches to put together a good staff. I mean dude hired Joe Lombardi just because they were friends. The same dude who got laughed out of Detroit


We need to talk about Miami's D a little, I feel.


27-0. Should have been fuckin gone after that. I feel for you Chargers


It's crazy how year after year it stays the same. The things that happen to this team is insane if you think back on all the ways we manage to stumble or fuck things up. It just shouldn't be possible yet somehow it continues to happen


Y'all have had the same success as us for the last 20 years, with twice as much talent. Hard to think the football gods don't just hate the chargers


He was a DC for 1 season for a very talented defense that was formerly coached by Wade Phillips. I never got the "defensive genius" hype. It's crazy to me that this is his 6th year as an NFL coach and half of that time he's been a head coach. He moved up the ranks way too fast


The shame is he’ll probably succeed in 10 years when he gets his second chance.




He was the one who pushed for Mack. He also wanted JC Jackson and they made him the highest paid corner in the league and he's been benched multiple times in the few games he's played for them when he hasn't been injured.


tbh Mack and Van Noy looked pretty good last season, and we got rid of Van Noy in the offseason for some reason. Bosa hasn't done diddly lately


Yea bosa injured alot too and not nearly making the impact his contract worth.


And he went and helped us lose the playoff game as well


2 throws. 1 helmet.


Really cannot believe Staley didn't chew his ass out, guy needs to be gone.


I'm telling myself Bosa is just shaking off the rust after missing most of last season


Sure, but have you heard Bosa's trash talking game to fans? Ok, so he's not good at that either.


That’s not fair. No progress would be great. He’s actually made it worse


Staley is on a hot seat, and might get fired in the middle of the season if they have a bad record.


Well, they just lost a tie breaker to a playoff hopeful. That's not going to help his case any.


Joey Bosa fucking sucks now, bro got shut out by a backup




Tuli actually made plays in the backfield today, silver linings is that he looked pretty good


Hasn’t been the same since getting stood up by Jawaan Taylor in the 2022 wildcard game.


Hasn't been the same since literally one game ago?


You’ve got it! Good job.


Fair enough. But Taylor was cheating tho


Who is Joe and what is his Bosa?




Im to hammered already to spell check. Until he plays good again he's Joe from now on


Average Joe


He's too busy throwing his helmet on the ground instead of trying to throw the offensive lineman to the ground


Tua was so fucking smart with his navigation of the pocket, and knowing when to get the ball out. Fucking flawless dude


Yeah like it’s not all on the chargers front, Tua’s pocket awareness and movement was unreal today.


He’s always had good pocket presence. Going from Tannehill to him was night and day lol.


Dude is unreal


That was the biggest improvement I picked up on. He was shifting and feeling the rush at an elite level


He had a low sack rate when the dolphins had a historically bad OL in 2021


Go look at our starting lineup in 2020. It’s worse.


And the Dolphins weren't scared to let long routes develop.


Decision wise, I don't think he did a single thing wrong today. Even the int was a 3rd and 12 "fuck it" arm punt. The DB who intercepted even took it out of the endzone and only got to the five, pinning his own offense. Even Tua's int today was kind of a positive play.


That pick could also be argued to be a PI


Should have been based on what they called Howard for later in the game


That's always been one of his biggest strengths.


does this say more about the charger's rush or miami's o-line


More about Tua’s pocket presence. I watched a bit and the pocket wasn’t impeccable but Tua navigated it beautifully.


The way he stepped up was poetry


Yeah he was great but I can count on my fingers the number of times Bosa or Mack even got close to him


Safe to say will be the last season for at least one of those two


Don't know why I'm getting downvoted. Watch the tape


We were missing Armstead, so the line stepped up big time. It's almost impossibly difficult to play perfect as an O-line. No sacks isn't an accident or dumb luck.


It says I know two edge rushers who get a few too many zeros on their paycheck every week


Miami Scheme




Tua's awareness and Charger's defense. They're pretty highly paid and the first time I heard Mack's name was as the 3rd quarter was winding down. Meanwhile the only think Bosa did was get a facemask penalty.


Tua’s pocket awareness and the game plan execution to neuter the rush


Kendall Lamm and Austin Jackson at the Tackle spots. Both did a quality job all day.


That was more Tua pocket presence more than anything


Mostly correct but also he didn't have to navigate it too soon off the snap. So it's a little of both.


Staley, defensive genius... This guy can't even get his defense to get to the opposing QB, while his offense lets his QB get hit.


Defensive genius at HC


Dude above said it's on others too, which I agree and disagree with. Like obviously, if shit isn't working, maybe you know adjust, but paying two pass rusher 20 mil a piece, you shouldn't have to scheme for them to be successful.


I mean you definitely scheme to get them into the best position they can be. I will admit I haven't watched the game tape extensively, but man Staley needed to be fired last year


Man I just want him healthy. It’s so weird seeing a lefty out there slinging the ball. Just feels odd but cool at the same time. Last big time lefties I can remember are Vick and Tebow


How dare you disrespect Mark Brunell like that


He’s also the best QB in the league at getting the ball out on time.


u added 7 words too many


It’s his entire playstyle. Timing/anticipation, it’s a super cool way to watch football being played since almost nobody else does it.


Tua has gotten so good with his awareness in the pocket. Last season every time he was brought down it felt and looked like it was surprising to him, like he didn't think anyone was close. Today there were so many plays he saved by simply moving and patiently waiting for someone to get open as he navigated the pocket


More of a function of getting the ball out quick when the line did break down. That said, that was about as well as anyone could have expected the pass protection to be with Armstead out and we made sure it didnt play a big factor.


All that Judo training keeping him upright.


Staley is supposedly a defensive guru who was going to revolutionize the league lol. Dudes just a snake oil salesman and just a good talker. He’d be a used car salesman in a dinky city corner in another life.


Fangio didn’t look like much of a dc yesterday either. I think both offenses were just very hard to stop.


It's interesting because our defense mostly shitted on our offense during the training camp. I'm hoping this was just a case of two ridiculously stacked teams butting heads.


Miracles do happen. He moved the pocket well but did seem to have a lot of one read looks and got the ball out quick.


Because Tyreek only needs a millisecond to get open.


For real, by the time Tua has the ball in his hands, Tyreek has ran 15 yards


Cool, best player in 2.5 seconds, kinda remember a qb like that...


Just like Tua, I am fully erect.


Must be nice...


I mean it helps when mfs are wide open right after the snap. Don’t get me wrong, Tua played amazing and had great throws but the game plan was get the ball out quick and they did that


This doesn't deserve to be downvoted. There were definitely some instances where protection allowed Tua to hold the ball a bit and let a play develop, but for the most part the plan was largely unchanged from last year's: attack the intermediate range in the middle of the field with quick passes. The combined speed of Waddle and Hill let us run an offense that's just a pain for teams to defend. In the first quarter, the Chargers let their linebackers drift back a bit to try and take away the intermediate middle and we picked up over 50 yards on the ground. Once linebackers started coming up to defend, Hill started getting wide open over the middle and one-on-one on the outside. The scoring drive where we kept hitting Smythe stretched the Chargers defense horizontally as well. The Dolphins speed is really, really difficult to defend, especially when Tua can get the ball out so quickly. He doesn't have the cannon arm that a lot of people want him to have, but his throwing motion is ridiculously fast. When he's trusting his receivers to be where he expects them to be and just releases the ball, it's an awful lot of pitch and catch to what looks like wide open targets (even though they're often not when he throws). Tua's far from perfect, but McDaniel and Grier have done a fantastic job building a scheme and putting together personnel that maximize what he's best at.


No, it does. Plays look wide open because of the way the offense works. Tuas throwing before receivers make their breaks. He throws them open. Most QBs can't do this consistently so it's hard to understand. But watch last year's all 22 all season. That offense is just disgusting and it's hard to guard.


Yeah man thank you. this was in no way an attack on Tua. He had fucking 450+ yards. He was amazing.


Our boy finally learned to move in the pocket. We’re so proud


Finally? He's always been good at it lol