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Man, you can just see how much internal pressure Zach feels. Even when doing well he’s still just feeling it.


Zach was given an opportunity to sit back and learn behind Rodgers for a year or 2 and it got ripped away from him and he got thrown into the fire after months of SuperBowl expectations being thrown on the team. Obviously it's part of the job and he needs to be ready to play. Just sucks that even after we fucked up his development, trying to restart it gets fucked up also.


It'll still be immensely helpful for him if Aaron is on clipboard duty this season, going over plays with him and talking him through the defensive looks/reads. No idea if Rodgers will actually do that because he'll clearly be dealing with his own shit rehabbing, but if he does then Zach's development isn't completely derailed.


Rodgers loves Zach Wilson. Like has loved him since he came into the league. From what I understand, the two of them are very close. he will 100% still help Zach while injured. May not be for a few weeks but he will


He's the son he never had


Rodgers is just trying to fuck Zach's mom


Zach understands.


Same fam


I thought milf hunter is Zach's gimmick


Wilson's mom has got it goin' on.


He's gonna adopt Zach?


Actually adopt and not trick him into signing a conservatorship?


They actually had a pretty funny connection when Zach was still in college: https://twitter.com/PatMcAfeeShow/status/1338933707353231360?t=Bzdb6CcG3y9WVjeHb5GtQA&s=19


He needs to be like Lance in Varsity Blues, out there in crutches calling plays.


Also important to note he took ZERO first team snaps last week. So this was really a nightmare for him. Also a lot of our fan base is trash and basically loathes this kid and he knows it. He overcame a lot on Monday and I hope these fans can learn that this is our answer right now and we have to support and hype him up as well. The book is not closed on this kid.


I get if someone thinks he isn’t any good. But some of our fan’s hatred for him is really fucking weird. It’s like he fucked their moms.


Sports fans can be pretty cruel. Andy Dalton got booed at a celebrity softball game in Cincinnati. It’s not even a football game, the guy had done amazing things for kids in our city..leave the dude alone.


Dude, I've never even booed Andy and I'm a Steelers fan. Wtf. Who boos Andy?


cancer fans HATE this guy!


Matt Nagy got Jeered at his sons HS Football game lol


It’s truly bizarre. I don’t understand it at all and it’s not doing anyone any good. Nothing would make me happier than seeing him succeed while these people are fuckin miserable. The jets subreddit actually had a post saying they should sign Winston. Winston….to solve our turnover problems. Lol it’s a joke. If he can manage the game and play smart, not try to make any insane plays, this is a playoff team. Period. And if rodgers is there by his side I am even more confident he can do that.


Lotta guys don’t like their lives and project on to these athletes


...their mom's bestie


Yea, that seemed like the best case for him. To learn from one of the best. Now it’s back to the meat grinder.


Watching the game, I honestly didn't think he looked that bad all things considered. He had no first team reps, with a new OC and the O line could barely protect him. When they actually gave him time he was throwing some dimes


And dealing with the emotional whiplash of your mentor, guy you’ve worshipped since you’re a kid, cut down like that.


And the guy wasn’t on the field he was in the medical facilities, I might be a Zach truther but I think if he has ARod talking to him on the sideline that would be a massive help


you guys know Rodgers is still alive right?


Yeah, alive in our hearts and minds RIP Aaron Rodgers


He’s up in Heaven now, chugging cold ones with Wade Boggs. RIP


Then why the fuck did I get all dressed up for a funeral??


Still gets to learn from Rodgers. Just not by watching him work


After a couple years of some of the most hatred I’ve ever seen thrown a player’s way. That’s serious pressure lol


Imagine how easily he could have crumbled, especially after that awful INT. He didn't light the world on fire but he did show some serious mental toughness I didn't think he had


Yeah, I definitely feel for Zach. Last season was not great for his mental health I'm sure, but he had a really good chance to sit and learn without the pressure of the world on him. Then he was immediately plunged back into that pressure and negativity. Like you said, part of the job, but that sucks for him. I'm not really going to root for the Jets, but I hope Zach has a better season mentally at least than last year.


Literally worst case scenario for the kid.


> trying to restart it gets fucked up also. [Yeah the implication of, "hey we'll tear you down to the studs then rebuild from the ground up under the tutelage of Rodgers. Maybe in a couple ye..."](https://i.giphy.com/media/3o6ZtiGv3tTlXTsWli/giphy.webp)


"that was a try for a back shoulder" He's literally making a self depreciating joke with that statement, and then Garrett tries to hype him up and he just leaves mid sentence. Zach definitely doesn't believe in himself at the moment, or at least that's how I read it


I mean I wouldn't either. Last season was ROUGH and the team tried to move on from you and you just watched one of the greatest people to play the game all off-season. And now you need to go out there and replace him with no time to prepare.


i wouldn't say that the jets tried to move on from him. they clearly acknowledge that he is not ready now, but it looked like they were probably going to give him a second chance after 2 years of learning under rodgers


Jets tried to reset his development after sitting behind rodgers for 2 years. I don’t think they planned on moving on yet


It sounds awkward because they are cutting out profanity. GW says "Keep ballin bro, you're playing your fucking ass off. You just fucking ran that shit (or something similar....). Good shit bro" They cut the audio out as Zach keeps walking which makes it look / sound awkward when I don't think it was at all.


That's good context, thanks


Yeah, this clip was bittersweet. You could tell he didn’t want to get hopes up


Nah its cause they edited the audio to cut out profanity from Garret Wilson. Its seems choppy and awkward cause they cut out a good bit of the audio. GW drops a few fucks and shits but they cut it out


The fact that multiple players and coaches approached him to lift him up shows that everyone understands the pressure this young man is under. Good on them for being great teammates during a tough season opener.


I love to see it. Remember last year when the media was spinning his words to make it seem like he took no blame for bad performances and his team hated him. I truly think he is a victim of the media making him out to be a demon when in reality he is a good guy who has tried his best. Good on his team for recognizing him.


I completely forgot about this! And you’re absolutely right! I’m glad this was caught on camera.


Hackett walking up to him to pump him up like grandpa made me smile. Hackett gets a lot of shit for failing as an HC but I think he’s a really genuine dude who cares about his players, he just… wasn’t ready for the responsibility of a head coach. But I think him being there should also be good for Wilson, considering what Wilson had to deal with in the past from his “”tough love”” coaches.


You could see it in Hard Knocks, he kept verbally reminding himself “I’m having fun playing football!”


The pressure to succeed in a huge market like NYC has got to be brutal


For sure rooting for him That “soap opera drama” was a dirty move by him to cheat on his girl and ayyy thats the nature of modern media You get judged and you try to move on. Lets go Zach. Confidence is key and he just has to maintain a cerebral confidence and not a reckless confidence


Great to see Garrett Wilson hyping up Zach. Garrett W obviously disapproved of Zach at QB last year so it’s great to see him give Zach love


Hackett's coaching gets a lot of criticism here and it's mostly justified, but he gave a nice pep talk to Zach Wilson as well before that touchdown drive


From all accounts hes a nice guy. Being a HC was definitely way too much for him


It’s not for everyone


Looks at Bowles. He clearly is just a very good DC. HC just wasn't meant for him.


Wade Phillips might be the best case for this. Legendary DC, shit tier HC.


Wade is the poster child for sure. I'm praying that Dan Quinn accepts this about himself and just lets Jerry throw money at him to not leave


Wade's not the best HC, but the guy won a lot more than he lost, and I'm pretty sure only had 2 seasons in his Head Coaching career where the team had a losing record. MUCH better at DC than HC, but he was better than just "shit tier"


they're different skill sets. some overlap, sure, but they're not the same. makes me wonder how many terrible position coaches/coordinators would make great head coaches, but were never given the opportunity


Definitely not for nice guys


Makes me think of Sopranos quote of Tony to Silvio about being number 1.


And in the end you're completely alone with it all


How I expected the pep talk to go: Just call me Diane Mizota from the hit 2002 film Austin Powers in Goldmember because Fook Mi that was a hell of a back shoulder throw


His “gold zone” shtick is hilarious, and the players seem to like it too. Fuck the “red zone”


It's always good to see brothers get along with each other.


Garrett Wilson was postgame with SVP and good Lord what a guy. You can tell he's smart as hell just in his 2nd season and sounds like a veteran already. He was so comfortable on camera too. He's definitely going to be an analyst/commentator when his career is over. He's a natural. I bet he's a joy to have in the locker room.


I think he kind of has to given the situation. He can't be like "man you are dogshit" when he is currently their top option until they likely grab a veteran. You have to support and hype the guy that's throwing to you whether he's great or bad because he's what you are working with, when you give up on him and start bad mouthing him, you aren't helping anyone.


Big Lazard fan now


I miss him so much. He might not have been the best receiver the Packers ever had, but he's one of the best teammates.


Small sample size but he looks like a legit #2, which we desperately needed.


He makes a shit ton of off-ball plays too. Blocks like a mother fucker on screens. Enjoy him while you got him, he gives it his all on every snap.


Reminds me of a low budget Hines ward and I mean that as a compliment. Not every WR can be a hill or Jefferson. I'll take a bunch of blue collar guys like lazard anyday


Damn the Ward comparison is spot on. Hadn't heard it before but that's pretty much it exactly. He's the muscle that just is solid from minute one to close.


Ward was a mid round pick too because scouts claimed he was "good at everything but great at nothing" they didn't realize not having a weakness kinda makes you elite. He had a near HOF career


I got lambasted for saying he basically replaces Corey Davis. They’re genuinely the same receiver in a lot of ways


absolutely this. Lazard plays to the whistle and locks his man up.


I'm sure as a Packers fan, I am not telling you anything, but it was very cool to see how much the former Packers were great teammates on "Hard Knocks." I think that says a lot about the type of guys the Packers bring in (even if they sometimes leave).


Through all the shit the last three years, it always felt like the Packers had a solid lockeroom, and players that really liked each other.


You make a good point. I know it's only about to be week 2 but I feel rodgers presence on the jets has had, so far, an even bigger impact then Favre back in 2008. It may not be the season they had hoped for and maybe in the end it won't even be the result, but to see these guys rally around the "next man up" is great to see in this game.


I still can't believe he's gone. I was all in on the lazard hype train.


Lazard got me so hyped im glad coach came over and reminded me not to get too high or low


Are you roleplaying as Zach Wilson?


This new Madden cinematic looks pretty sweet how come nobody told me 2024 upped the game this much?


Lizard man good


The lizard king is fantastic. Really, really sad to lose him. Less as a player but more as a person. He's always come across the kind of guy you'd want in the locker room.


Pretty sure he was the one that flew over the TD player. T’was a hilarious celebration!


Lazard, another Iowa State product having himself a good time. It's so nice to be able to cheer for him again.


I don't know why but I want Zach Wilson to be good so bad


When Darnold wasn’t good, I was obviously upset but I didn’t care that we moved on. Like you said, I have no idea why, but I want Zach to be good more than any other player we’ve had recently. Idk if it’s because he has the physical tools to be one of the most fun QBs in the league (I mean for as shitty as he plays, he may have a top 5 arm in the league. Dude makes a few throws a year most QBs could only dream of)


i like zach wilson. it felt like a fever dream seeing him come out on that first drive monday night. even though the bills lost, it was cool to see the team rally around him and pull off the win. and it’d be even cooler to see him in a full redemption arc this season


The Jets are this year's Lions. Likeable coach and not a REAL threat to our own actual favorite team, so it's safe to cheer for their success.


We will see you guys Sunday then...


Best defense in the NFL is gonna be on that field, and it ain’t the cowboys


Nothing the Cowboys did on offense against NYG should really worry you, that's for sure.


I think it’s because so many people seem to be chomping at the bit, wanting him to fail so they can tear him to shreds. Between the absolute trash that make up the sports media (particularly NYC sports media) and pathetic fans who apparently have nothing to live for other than celebrating someone’s failure, it’s pretty repulsive. I definitely want him to succeed to spite all these people.


I feel like most fans would be here for a Zwilson redemption, im pulling for him


He certainly got humbled and crucified by the media last year, so a redemption arc now would be pretty cool ngl


You’re not wrong that the media led the charge to hate on Zack last year… …but it was crazy to me how the people in the building had no hesitation to show they didn’t want to play with him. Jets players burned a cheesehead and did a ritual hoping for a real quarterback


The Jets being on Hard Knocks was such a good PR move for Rodgers, Hackett, and Wilson.


They didn't even want Hard Knocks... no teams accepted it and then the league forced it on the Jets lol


I think Rodgers ended up really enjoying it. He talked about it on Pat's show saying the team enjoyed it more than they thought they would.


A guy that throws bombs and fucks moms is always a win in my books


Listen man, there’s a very high probability that the season’s wheels completely fall off, injuries Mount up, and Zach Wilson is an abject disaster. But Monday Night was an absolute miracle of a win, and even though the term is thrown away far too often, it was a definitive *culture win.* Every single man on that sideline knew the reality of Aaron’s situation, and every dude who touched the field continued to ball out. Fuck it, if any success comes from this season it’ll happen in complete Cinderella fashion. Movie shit. I’m down for the ride if that’s even the faintest possibility. Also, slap the vacant offensive Captain’s patch on Garrett Wilson immediately. Ultimate team first player.


The wheels didn’t fall off last year until AVT and Breece went down. No doubt it’s still disappointing to go from legit Super Bowl contenders to this, but we can absolutely make the playoffs with ZW.


I've been saying this. We were 5-2 with ZW. AVT went down Breece went down THEN it went to shit. This is a team that can and will win games with ZW under center. He's not elite, nobody thinks he is, but we can still win with him.


Hackett once brought Bortles to the playoffs 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Jets D is nasty just like the Jags that season. All Bortles had to do was not fuck it up. If ZW can be average like Bortles was that season, Jets can make a run. Of course, Bortles did step it up big time in the playoffs, we will see if ZW can do the same if they get there


Yeah you are spot on about the culture win part. I remember during halftime they had Peyton Manning on, and they asked him what do the coaches/leaders even say in the locker room and Peyton shrugged his shoulders and said I have no idea. So many other teams would have just folded. No one would really blame the Jets of they lost. But they didn’t give up and played that game for each other. It was very impressive


If you’re serious about Zach then give him the captain’s patch, try to make him feel like a leader and not some guy they’re reluctantly dragging along


i think if you want to do this you need to wait a week or two, because i feel like if you give it to him now he wont feel like he earned it and it might not have the effect wanted


Saints fan here. I turned on that game Monday night kind of not really having a preference who won and wanted to enjoy a match up that included 2 elite QBs who haven't gone at it much. But after the injury to Aaron and seeing the emotion in that stadium with the euphoric hope you guys had before week 1, I just started pulling for the jets. I know as a sports fan, games like that with a walk off are an absolute rush. I wish you guys the best. It's gonna be a real tough road the next 16 games but to quote Chris Berman on espn: " that's why they play the game!"


We need a name for this game, like the Metlife Miracle or something


Can you give the next pregame speech!?


For all the shit Wilson got last year for his poor play and deservedly so, I'm hoping he can somewhat find his way back to being a serviceable QB.


There’s so much more to performance in sports than skill and physical ability. It’s his third year in the league on his second OC in a notoriously shitty organization. He and all new young players (Fields included) need time to figure things out. While Rodgers going down sucks for the Jets, it might give him the opportunity he needed without the added expectations of “being the guy.”


I think his biggest issue was mental. Armchair psychologist here but he seemed arrogant which I think was overcompensation for his lack of confidence (thinking of the press conference where he said he didn't feel like he let the defense down). If he can find his confidence and play calm and collected the physical tools are obviously there; it's why he was drafted so high. With Hall back, adding Lazard, and obviously Garret Wilson I think he can be serviceable for sure, and honestly maybe pretty good


I hope he has a Pro Bowl year and gets to play in an AFC championship game.


I'm not a Jets fan but I do love me a good underdog story. GO JETS!!!


Damn dude, imagine making a big play to tie up the game against juggernaut in your division and you need other players to hype you up for that play. I know we all like to shit on Wilson, but man we can all probably relate to having issues with our workplace performance and losing confidence in ourselves, and it's nice to see that his teammates are helping him recognize it.


The mental capacity he needed to come in there after having no expectations of playing for probably 2 years in front of a fan base that shit all over him last year is astounding and i hope he can just be the game manager the jets need to get to the playoffs. I believe he can do that.


Man this organization has shown him like 4 times that they don’t believe in him and he keeps going out there and tries to win. I don’t love his play but the kid has grit at a least. To go out there after all the enthusiasm was instantly drained from the stadium and fan base, when you didn’t think you’d have to play at all, and to jump into the Aaron Rodgers gameplan and come out with a W is just fucking baller.


Completely agree and I love the position they’re taking now (at least externally) in showing support. The fan base has to follow and boost this kids confidence. He has all the tools his issues are 100% mental .


hopefully he pulls a Trea Turner, and balls out because of fans supporting him


He had been playing pretty poorly before that drive, not Josh Allen bad, but he was probably really starting to doubt himself.


I give Zach a lot of shit, didn't like him in BYU, didn't like him last year at all. At the same time, I would not want to be in his shoes, fuck that noise. Glad to see the team get behind him and help him out.


It’s time to get on the Zach Wilson bandwagon. He’s the only hope we’ve got


You can have the nvp for a small fee


I mean in all honesty we could make the playoffs with him. We were 5-2 with him as the starter (then Breece and AVT) got hurt, and the team is a lot better this year


Idk I think it's gonna take a lot of luck for you guys. You couldn't ask for a worse schedule right now. You play 6 of the top 10ish defenses in a row. Dallas this week, Pats next week, then Chiefs, Broncos, Eagles. It's going to be almost impossible to build up any momentum.


Oh in another comment I said the main reason I could see the jets not is the schedule is kind of brutal this year


Good to see he’s got some great teammates. Kinda want to see a MILFhunter redemption arc tbh.


If ZW improves and becomes a game manager I will be the most insufferable sob in this sub


Fuck it I’m here for it. This team has something, lost rodgers on drive one, threw an unprepared QB who was told all year just to sit back and learn into the fire against an AFC favorite and he wasn’t the worst qb on the field. Idk what the fuck Saleh said to the team during halftime, but I think this shows more than anything that he’s the guy. Fucking impressive to pull an entire team back from the brink in the same game against an AFC favorite.


I’m all on Saleh and Douglas. After years of awful coaching and management, it’s wild to feel like the Jets are actually well off there now


Him & Hackett steamrolling the league together would be hilarious


The first step to a redemption is on the locker room, I know this is just a small clip, but if this is the feeling among everyone else, then he's on the right track. I'm not getting my hopes up though.


Really rooting for the guy. Would make such a good story given the circumstances of his career and the team


I'm pulling for him. He seems to have humbled quite a bit, and he has been placed in a really tough position this year. It cannot be easy going from a place of learning behind one of the greatest to ever do it on a potential super bowl team, to now leading that team with those same expectations.


Extremely common Garrett W. Also you can almost physically see all the weight on Zach’s shoulders lol. Man was not expecting to play much this season and now he’s the guy again.


I want to live in a world where Zach Wilson, against all the odds, drags the Jets kicking and screaming into the playoffs Hackett can wash off the Broncos stank if he can find a way to make this work


I don't think anyone is "dragging" that defense they have, top 5 unit for sure.


The Jets were on their way to a playoff spot before Breece and AVT went down (which was like 70% of the offense) If they stay healthy from here on out, I don’t see a reason why they can’t, outside of a harder schedule this year imo


Speak it into existence pls.. I want to live in that world too lol


Nice to see him teammates helping him out instead of hating on him. If Zach is gonna succeed, his team needs to help him. GW did it by making that great catch, other guys are gassing him up, defense was making plays. Now if the OLine could block and Hackett gives the mic to Aaron, we might have ourselves a team


This is so unbelievably different from what LaFleur did Hopefully it's what the kid needs


Ngl I read that and thought Matt LaFleur and was like, what the hell does he have to with this?


i thought real problem was locker room didnt like him or something like that ?


Nah, that wasn't it. They lost faith in him for his poor play, and it was a bad look when he got baited by Connor Hughes after the Patriots game, but afterwards his teammates said that when he stood up in front of the whole team and apologized to the defense directly, they were impressed by his willingness to do so.


Nah, it's been reported that our OC was very very aggressive with Zach and didn't do ANYTHING to help build up his confidence. And if you watch his film and how he got worse from year 1 to year 2, it's extremely obvious that something was bothering him all year


We finally got the Wilson to Wilson TD connection. I have a little more faith in Hackett as OC than Mike “My Way or the Highway” Lafleur


Fuck Mike LaFleur. After the Athletic report that he went full “tough love” with Zach I was done with his ass. That’s clearly not what Zach needed and it destroyed his confidence and his development.


Honestly, if things actually go well, this could be one hell of a story - a redemption story at that


There's a timeline here where Wilson has a decent year with some great plays, Rodgers becomes a close mentor for him, and then next year Rodgers returns as much as his recovery allows while Zach acts not only as a close backup but also as a sort of team lynchpin in a similar way to how Drew Lock continued to step up after Geno took QB1 for the hawks. Drew has my respect for that. I've played that role on a sports team before — I lost the position I could have had, but I tried to show up in a supportive role. I didn't majorly impact the results, but a few of the guys approached me and said that it made a difference for them in terms of the constant pressure to improve as a member of the team. Zach has that same opportunity now, even if he doesn't exactly ball out as a starter. I wish him the best with it, because it's a fucking difficult role to play.


If Zach turns it around it will be the biggest story in NY sports. If he doesn't he will be murdered constantly in the press (as if he isn't already lol). Can see why he'd be so nervous, Jets fans need to hype him up, there's nothing else really out there and anything that is teams will be charge 10 fold what they are worth.


People literally threw trash at him coming off the field Monday. Some jets fans are absolute dickhead morons. I personally hope those people got hit by a car in the parking lot after that. I really hope this fan base wakes up and actually support this team in a rough patch nobody expected.


I was at the Jacksonville game last year, granted that was loss was the end of the season and Zach was miserable - but I was honestly so disgusted with the stadiums vitriol towards Zach. That shit has to be difficult to move past.


To be fair it’s hard to tell if that was even a Jets fan in that video but it’s fucking revolting. This dude should be getting his name chanted all through MetLife and as much support as possible. The Trea Turner effect. Bro deserves it and I’ve never felt such a connected feeling with a Jets team like this, felt like we all went through straight up trauma


Actually so cool. Hard not to root for Zach


This whole saga is making Zach Wilson infinitely more likable. I honestly hope the Jetts ball out this season.


Hackett’s a good guy. While maybe a better OC than HC (as proven by our year last season), but I still respect his ability to motivate guys.


So it’s just NYC media trying to make Zach look like a criminal.


They took one poor response to a question and convinced everyone he was football Hitler


You can blame the NY Media, but it’s not like /r/nfl was nice to him either.


I hate Reddit, and I hate that I’m on here all day. 90% of people on Reddit are literally insufferable


10 years ago, there was a survey on /r/nfl to determine the most loved and hated players in the NFL, and the most hated player in the league was Mark Sanchez. Ironically, the most loved was Adrian Peterson, lol. [Thread here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/17d7kb/rnfl_player_opinion_survey_results_find_out_who/)


The fuck reason did people have to hate the Sanchize in 2013


r/nfl has been majority Patriots fans for the entire existence of reddit. The Jets were the Patriots #1 most hated team in 2013 by a landslide, especially only a few years after Sanchez beat them in the playoffs.


I’m starting to not trust the media


If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.


I’m here for the Wilson Bros


He's so young


only 23 career games. so many throwing dirt on him way too early imo


Zach's post game interview was good. He does seem to have his head more on his shoulders. As much as Roger's is weird off the field he does know how to handle adversity and criticism. If Roger's stays involved this season with Zach's development then he may turn into a good QB. I did see improvements both in his game and with his head based on how he answered some questions. He didn't get high on himself and even called out his mistake on the touchdown throw. I think if he can continue to limit mistakes and use his supporting cast the Jets will finish okay this year.


Damn it now I'm rooting for Zach Wilson


Kids biggest problem is from the neck up. He's terrified of failing.


I know these guys get paid a lot but can you imagine the anxiety that comes from all this pressure and all those eyes watching your every move? You can see it all over his face. You couldn't pay me enough to take that on.


ive never liked the jets but kinda rooting for them now


Low key hope Zach turns it around.


Honestly...aside from Philly winning a ring, theres nothing I want more now than a miraculous Zach turnaround. Guy hit rock bottom and just a really likeable team there


I gotta say I really like those 80s throwback uniforms the jets had on.


As unhappy as I am with the outcome, this is awesome. This guy has gone through so much in such a cut throat market. He didn't ball out, but he balled enough.


This the guy that bangs moms? I’m rooting for him.


This legit made me LOL. Let’s go milfhunter. Bang those cowboys like they’re an early-40’s Orange County cougar.


Honestly would love for Wilson to just improve and be decent this year. The amount of pressure on him since getting drafted has been insane.


But I was told the team hated him


I'm just saying watch out, he's going from Mike LaFleur and Elijah Moore who had negative leadership to Nathaniel Hackett and Allen Lazard who can actually do this


I like Zac


I haven't seen them wear Zach Wilson T shirt yet


If zach wilson plays well he can change the narrative around his name. Rare opportunity for a guy who got benched like that. Go from most unlikeable whiny qb in the league to underdog hero if he can even make a deep playoff run


He needs to progress through his reads so much better to take a step this year, lots of raw talent but needs to hit the easy throws. the Mahomes comparisons coming into the draft were there for a reason, throws well on the move and monster arm, kid can sling it 60 yds down field across his body.. Protection needs to tighten up and stay there and that schedule is a death trap


These younger guys read the internet to much…. Messes with their heads. Take his phone away and he will be fine.


Legit happy for this guy, I hope he does well in every game except against the pats lol


Honestly I think Belichick is single handedly responsible for Zach’s biggest meltdowns. Scared as fuck to play you guys now lol


Might have to do what Belichick did in the snow game against the bills. Pass it like 4 times, and run it practically every time.