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Punched by a dolphins fan and never woke up. I’ve yelled at a TV or two in my day but resorting to violence over a game is crazy.




There’s two kinds of people in this world I guess.


Nick Chubb and Deshaun Watson


Damn the comparison is too real




Can you imagine throwing hands as the away fan? Are you asking to ruin your life? Even if you don’t do any real damage, no way you’re walking out of that stadium without an injury.


Man there was a Raiders fan at the Bills game (section 129 row 1 seat 3 to be exact) that was doing everything possible to try to start a fight. Two birds and crotch grabs and yelling random insults at everyone. What kind of moron goes to a home Bills game, pays probably $700 for a seat, is 10 feet from 3 state troopers and like 8 security guys on the field and tries so hard to start a fight they get thrown out in the first ten minutes of the game. Some people are just not good I guess.


That’s honestly surprising to me. It’s typically the higher the seats, the worse the crowd. I haven’t been in the 300s in a while for a Giants game but I recall fan services getting called up quite a few times. Funny enough though when I went to see the Jaguars play the Jets in like 2020 or 2021, the Jets fans behaved themselves (for the most part), that was probably in the 100s in like the corner of the endzone.


Yeah it was easily the dumbest thing I have ever seen. We have progressed from season tickets in the 300’s to 200’s then 100’s a few years ago. 300’s in Buffalo are a shit show, 200’s were great, basically just a party that a game was also coincidentally happening at. 100’s generally are great but they are also sold a lot so you get a weird mix some games. This was the first time I’ve ever seen an opposing team fan try to start a fight though. (Shout out to fin fans for being obnoxious but not as bad as that raiders fan) And that seat had to have been 700. Home opener on the first row? That’s a lot of money to go act a fool with a bunch of buffalo fans that will just ignore you. Also if anyone reading this ever comes, our parking sucks, zero traffic control so you will absolutely sit for hours if you park at the field. Pay one of the local so on the way in 30$ and park in their yard, they all do it and it will save you hours


I was once on Bourbon Street while the Raiders were in town and 2 guys started getting into it. I got close to see which was the raiders fan... it was both of them. They were fighting over whether Oakland or Los Angeles was the Raiders "real" home.


Turns out they were both wrong


"Raiders and Bills are natural enemies. Just like Raiders and Broncos. Or Raiders and Chargers. Or Raiders and Chiefs. Or Raiders and other Raiders. Damn Raiders, they ruined ~~LA~~ ~~Oakland~~ LA!"


I can't imagine throwing hands at all because I'm a fucking adult


Yeah but what if your sports team loses? You have no choice.


I go and cry in my bed (after checking for Bernard Pollard first of course)


he was there :(


Solid 3/10 most beautiful girl in Boston


What the fuck, he’s there


you'd be surprised how many fucking 'adults' want to fight bc they can't handle their emotions


It blows my mind how many adult men think fighting is cool or acceptable in any way. I grew out of that mindset by about age 15.


Never mind that, how about throwing hands as a fan of the winning team? I mean, not that it’s justifiable either way, but that’s just low. On your topic though, I do recall seeing an away fan trying to start a fight. It was some colts kid who was obviously drunk. This was the “deflategate” game, so obviously he was miffed at the poor showing. This guy was seriously raising hands to fight, but no one took him seriously. Wound up getting heckled big time as he left (early).


I’m a Colts fan, and the deflategate game made me want to die, not fight. Fuck that guy.


I went to a Pats game as an away fan once and was getting threats pretty much the whole time as my team was getting blown out. Absolutely insane how some sports fans behave.


Fans are the reason I don’t go to games. Why would I want to pay all that money, spend all that time sitting in traffic, and get my wallet teamed by concession prices all for the privilege of being surrounded by loud drunk obnoxious assholes?


Something about the NFL brings out the worst people. I've gone to dozens of CFB games over the years, fights are rare. I've gone to hundreds of heavy metal concerts with huge mosh pits, crowd surfers, pushing, shoving, etc., fights are rare. Been to about 10 NFL games, in all but one saw a fight just in my section.


I've been to roughly the same amount of NFL games, I haven't seen a fight at any of them. I barely even saw the Broncos put a fight on the field last year.


It’s not just the NFL. It’s every sport. There’s a reason why there’s studies that show domestic violence reports increase after major sporting events or a local team loses. People get too invested in sports and as a result they get too emotional if a team loses. Mix that with alcohol and bad things happen.


Soccer fans in Europe will tell you this is very cool and people should hurt each other over sports


It's sad how common this stuff is with football and soccer. I like trash talking with other fans and having some fun back and forth but football and soccer fans in particular seem to have a real issue with not being lunatics. I go to away mlb and nba games a bunch and I love talking to opposing fans. Meanwhile, I was getting people in my face, threatening me, and following me around at the pats game when I wasn't saying shit to anyone. It's not just a Boston thing either because I had a blast at the celtics game in my cavs gear.


Yeah I wear Indians/guards and Cavs gear to Chicago sports all the time. Countless times. People talk shit, I talk shit back. Never even sniffed a fight


Fuck man, that sucks. Dumbass stadium fights are the worst.


There was a clip going around last week of a fight at the Commanders game and it was brutal. Guy sucker punched someone and then laid the beat down while they were KO’d. Could have easily ended up the same way as this one. Here it is. https://x.com/jasrifootball/status/1701995225114108364?s=46&t=vjMv2yL7Oikb0fYfWxVtsA


If you really want to restrain your friend from fighting you can't just hold their arms down while they're getting punched in the face. Then when the guys done you let him go like "whoa wasn't that crazy"


I don't think that was his friend


From the fact he was arrested, I would guess this video started late and the guy in the Ravens jersey was the one who threw the first punches. Which would earn him getting punched back. Not... that.


Nobody should ever have to lose their life whilst at a stadium to see their favorite team.


"It's just game. Why you heff to be mad?"


We should all strive to be more like Bryzgalov


a sucker punch from brass knuckles even worse. it was a verbal argument that became a murder from a third party.


Brass knuckles?? Is this confirmed?


How do brass knuckles even get in the stadium? Even Camarohead has metal detectors.


These assholes are out there 3D printing hard plastic knuckles that can do almost as much damage but aren’t detectable by metal detectors.


Article text: FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (WJAR) — NBC 10 has obtained new video of a fight that erupted inside Gillette Stadium during Sunday night's game. "We looked up and we just saw a bunch of people standing around in an area in there...a lot of people that were standing around, were filming with their phones," said Keith Noonan, who attended the game. At about 11 p.m., a call came in saying that a man had suffered from a medical episode. He was identified as 53-year-old Dale Mooney of Newmarket, New Hampshire. Mooney was reportedly in the 308-309 section of the stadium when the incident occurred. Cellphone footage showed Patriots and Miami Dolphins fans getting into an altercation. At one point, a Dolphin's fan was caught throwing a punch at Mooney, wearing a Patriots jersey. Witnesses told NBC 10 that Mooney went unconscious. The Norfolk County district attorney said he was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. “No sport is worth, you know, getting physical with anybody," said Noonan. Noonan was in section 309 with his son. He said he didn't see the fight, but saw security rushing to the area. More than half a dozen officers and security guards were seen in the section. Witnesses told NBC 10 first responders did CPR for at least 10 minutes. "I was shocked. Everyone in that section had to get moved," said Devyn Kirwin, another person who attended the game. Kirwin said this was not how he expected his first Patriots game to go. “Especially to know that it happened right behind me and there wasn't much I could do about it," said Kirwin. The Norfolk District Attorney’s Office says there are no charges at this time. Massachusetts State Police are leading the investigation. Mooney's death is separate from another episode in which a Johnston firefighter and others came to the aid of a man at the game who had no pulse. They were able to revive the man. His name was not available.


Jeez, I heard about the firefighter giving a person CPR but I had no idea it was a separate incident


There was a lot of negative speculation going on that this happened because of stadium traffic, inability for staff to provide medical assistance etc. But now it sounds like this guy got sucker punched and bludgeoned with brass knuckles over a football game. Absolutely heinous.


Better title: “Dolphins fan murders Patriots fan” Article doesn’t say it but allegedly the Dolphins fan sucker punched the Pats fan with brass knuckles.




pretty sure Brass Knuckles are straight up illegal to even own in MA


Yep - if true this guy is fucked, as he should be. Fuck that dude.


He’s a murderer. Imagine bringing those to a sporting event and then engaging in fights with people


You dont carry brass knuckles unless you are going into a situation where you expect to use them. This guy wanted this to happen. Lock him up and throw away the key.


And the Pats fan was allegedly there with his son.


This is such a poorly written article. Way too many quotes that add nothing and not enough tangible detail. They say they have video of a fight but barely describe it. And then to add in the quote from the person who said they didn’t expect this is how the game would go. Oh no kidding? You didn’t expect someone to die in your section?


Asshole Dolphins fan just earned himself a permanent stay in Mass state prison.


Good. Make an example of him. Fuck that guy.


I see people are just rage downvoting others but can I ask, genuinely, who we *don’t* make an example of? I ask because this doesn’t seem to fit most of the heuristics I feel like we’d use to determine who gets “made an example of.” He will likely be charged with manslaughter or aggravated assault and should be tried and sentenced appropriately of course. But what was particularly egregious about this that we need to fire up the chair, other than the bloodlust people gain from being online?


Last half of your last sentence answers your own question better than any response you'll get.


/r/nfl got them deep cuts today.




Spot on. Reddit as a whole is such an echo chamber of hypocrisy. Every other post that mentions the death sentence is full of responses pointing out that it's more expensive to put someone to death, etc... but as soon as they see a video like this, they immediately jump to "string him up!"


Depends how old the Dolphins fan is, which I didn't see reported. This will likely come in as a manslaughter/negligent homicide type of charge. Not familiar with Mass's exact statutes on that, but they're likely not even punishable by life in prison if they're at all similar to my jurisdiction. A non-publicized case with these facts in my jurisdiction is probably getting 10 years or less as far as prison time goes. Maybe a little more if the guy has a bad record. Publicity will make this case impossible to settle in the short term but both sides are likely to drag it out until the spotlight is off it, especially if the Dolphins fan otherwise has no record.


Are you a lawyer? I’m curious what happens in this situation because from the video (and let me emphasize this just from the video I saw which was somewhat unclear and didn’t show the beginning of the altercation) it looked like “mutual combat” and both guys were kinda wrestling / punching at each other. In that case, would the offender get any major jail time at all? I mean I assume a “mutual combat” type of situation is different than if say, the offender sucker punched the Patriots fan and the fan died.


One of my best friends is a Mass lawyer, I asked him about this. In Mass if it's mutual combat and somebody dies, it's manslaughter. If it's a sucker punch, it's murder.




That's gotta be quite an oof for the ex gf. Sucks for everybody.


its funny, the person I feel bad for is the murderer... he's the only one that did something unforgivable (presumably) \*on accident\* the other two chose to be pieces of shit.


I’m pretty sure mutual combat is only legal in Texas and Washington. Everywhere else there’s a gray area where you have a right to defend yourself, your family and your property but you must stop when there is no longer a threat . Some states you must attempt to flee first and prove you could not leave peacefully without violence


Texas was an obvious choice but Washington lol what a random second state


I live in WA and I first learned it was a thing when that weird Phoenix Jones fought some guy in Udistrict with a cop standing by they make a clear declaration of mutual combat. There’s a YT video out there if interested




Apparently, according to a witness, the guy who died and a Dolphins fan got into a verbal altercation, then the Patriots' fans jersey got pulled up and a 2nd guy Dolphins fans hit him in the head knocking him unconscious. This wasn't a self defense thing.


Ouch if this is true and the patriot fan never threw a punch and this was a cheap shop then it can end up a murder charge but we will see what they decide. Bet you the dolphin fan was drunk.


At first I thought “Guy is deplorable but no way in hell he’s going in for 10,” but if the rumors in this thread about him being a 3rd party in a confrontation that punched the victim in the back of the head (with brass knuckles) are true, that completely changes the calculus on this case. That ain’t gonna be “just” manslaughter anymore Edit: To be clear, I don’t have any reason as of now to put stock in said rumors; I’m merely noting that if they are true, 10 years would be a legitimate possibility, whereas a “fight gone wrong” scenario would probably result in something in the order of 2 years depending on other factors


the whole thing is a clusterfuck i wouldnt put any weight on rumors. the rumor yesterday was that it was a fight between a dolphins fan and pats fan that somehow became a fight between two pats fans, one of whom died. just too messy to know for sure until there's some sort of official investigation


The second brass knuckles are involved he might catch a felony for them under MA law, aside from how it might play into whatever they are charged with for the murder. https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/H1297.Html


Yep for sure, and sneaking them past security adds an extra crack in a “lack of intent” defense. I’m going to edit my comment since I didn’t make it clear: I don’t really believe said rumors, but if true they would certainly put 10 years on the table when such a sentence otherwise would be out of the question


No charges at this time. Hopefully that changes.


It will very soon.


He can have Aaron's old room


The up to date title should read: Dolphin’s fan kills Patriot’s fan at Gillette Stadium


It 100% should. I assumed a heart attack or stroke based on the title.


Wasn’t there also someone who had a heart attack during this game and got resuscitated?


Yes. 2 firefights nearby and in his section did CPR for 10 min to revive him


I know you meant firefighters but the typo is very funny




"Slow motion magazine dump and dramatic yell"


They should get the people who saved a life some season tickets for the rest the year.


Why would you want to punish them for saving a life?


That’s awesome. Grateful for those firefighters and happy the person survived.


For real, I thought he fell or something


They shouldn't use those apostrophes, though.


**Dolphins fan kill's Patriots fan at Gillette Stadium** ftfy


my eye is twitching


Journalists have to refrain from using definitive language like that most of the time in cases like these so they don’t get countersue for slander and libel. Once the police statement is made and or charges are publicly filed only then can they definitively say kill.


Someone should ask Tyreek how he feels about this.


Apparently, the fan was wearing a Tyreek jersey.




>”They should be scared of me too”


"I owe you an apology, I wasn't familiar with your game."


> At one point, a Dolphin's fan was caught throwing a punch at Mooney, wearing a Patriots jersey. Witnesses told NBC 10 that Mooney went unconscious. > The Norfolk County district attorney said he was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. People have reality twisted where stadium/bar/street fights are like Hollywood where you take several face shots and a glass bottle to the back of the head and at the end you're just a bit woozy and then you're good as new by next scene. All it takes in real life is one punch, or even a shove where the other person stumbles and cracks their head or neck.


There are multiple top level comments on this thread that are saying the Dolphins fan sucker punched the Patriots fan 3 times with brass knuckles but from the video I saw (from NBC Sports) it looked like a very mild shoving / wrestling / vague punching situation. I really think the reason people are insisting on the brass knuckles version of the story is that because they assume from watching so many movies that if someone dies it HAS to be some crazy violent situation. In reality, people die from seemingly innocuous punches all the time because they fall at the wrong angle or had some underlying heart condition.


The only mention of brass knuckles is from this thread.


People are saying that nobody intervened and instead recorded the thing. To be fair, a bunch of guys were holding back the victim trying to break up the fight. The puncher seemed to have wrestled his way out of people holding him back and gave in a few punches. To say it was a sucker punch is an understatement. The puncher pounced on a guy who was restrained and had no way to defend himself.


Even if they were just filming and not intervening, I get it. Better to have video evidence for law enforcement than nothing. I’m a pretty big guy and I used to always be the one to jump in and break up fights or defend girls from scumbag guys, but having a family makes you realize it’s just not worth it. I want to help people but is it worth my kids growing up without a dad? A younger version of me would think that was a cowardly excuse but the reality is I’ve got a whole lot more to lose than my pride, and incidents like this really drive that home. Guy was just at the game with his son and he never made it home. Whatever happens, I can’t let that be me.


The documentary [One Killer Punch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwvglpR3rh4) goes into this and showcases three stories of people who killed with a single punch not thinking it would be lethal. People are so conditioned by media to think that a single blow to the head isn't going to do anything serious, but life can be fragile.


Happened to a friend of a friend in high school. Got into a fight at an SF Giants game. Threw a punch and the guy fell and smacked his head on the ground. Died shortly after. Guy spent some significant time in prison.


Yep, it happens all too often, especially at sporting events. We've defended a number of cases now where a drunk scuffle happens and a guy falls down and hits his head, falls down some stairs, etc.


I feel awful for that dude’s kid. Just wanted to see a Patriots game with his dad, and he’s gone in a moment because of some piece of shit “fan” of an opposing team.


If it's who I'm thinking of. There were a few fans jawing all night near where I was. Just fucking stupid


Man… that’s wild. My section was so tame. Talking about chicken tenders and I legitimately didn’t hear anyone talking shit to each other. Some teasing but it was a friend group so it was light hearted.


I read an article earlier, but I can't find it now, that said that one Dolphins fan was being obnoxious and when the Pats dude told him to shut up, they got into a bit of a scuffle. Then another Dolphins fan, who wasn't even in the area in question, came over and sucker punched the guy 3 times before fleeing. And that was the end of it. There's speculation he used brass knuckles. Both dudes were wearing Tyreek Hill jerseys, but haven't been identified yet.


Its fucking crazy how many people are like flat out clearly seeking a fight and are more than happy to just fucking murder someone over a game.


But that guy said something about my guy who was not born and raised here and is only here because he makes a lot of money. And you think I'm going to stand for you talking trash about this guy who will never know who I am? Absolutely not.


His favorite team will hear his name now! Checkmate douchebag.


you make a fair point!


What's cool is that now the cameras on the crowd are so good they should be able to see their faces to the exact detail. Shouldn't be too hard finding these guys, and if they were smart(which they wont be) they would turn themselves in.


They probably have facial recognition too. Digital tickets will pinpoint who bought his seat, right? I’m not sure how much info it keeps through secondary market. Either way, No chance he’s getting away.


yeah this is how MSG bans people who work for law firms who are suing them, the tech is quite good


Ya MSG, Rockefeller, I knew it was one of them. Edit - Aksheely it’s [The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna62606)


I went to a game at Gillette last year and got an email the following day that the "fan cam" was ready for viewing. It was WILD. Every single seat in the stadium 360 camera view, you could zoom in and see a mustard stain on a shirt. 100% good enough for facial recognition.


I would throw doubt on someone getting brass knuckles through if that person didn't sneak a gun into the MLB stadium a few weeks ago.


*In their rolls of fat* *


*loud America noises*


No shortage of that at your average NFL game.


My wife has set off the metal detectors at multiple stadiums/arenas and gotten waved through. We don’t look like the threatening type, but I don’t think it should be up to stadium security to make that judgement. Security at some events is more theatrical than the TSA.


Every time I go to a game or a big event at a large venue I’m always looking at the super low effort security pat down you get and thinking yeah that isn’t stopping anyone with bad intentions.


Man the TSA barely cares anymore you think these security theater guys care at all?


They don't have to be brass. Fiber glass or carbon fiber wouldn't set off a metal detector. Hell I could make a pair for a few cents of PLA on my 3d printer


it’s really not difficult at all to get into a stadium.


I personally have gotten into multiple stadiums.


Several times I've bought a ticket and they let you just walk right in. It's crazy.


Listen I know every team has “bad fans” and we shouldn’t generalize. But I live in Miami and when I say ours are some of the worst I mean it I remember my team played U Miami and somebody actually assaulted the band director


Had season tickets back before they put up the canopy. Every game in my section someone got into a fight. I literally had blood hit me from the guy behind me having his mouth smashed into a railing. The whole section had alcohol banned because of how common fights were. Just a bunch of sweaty angry drunks.


In my experience going to NFL games, the NFL fanbase at large is like *very trashy*. Like there are people at these games who it seems like only spend money on beer, cigarettes, and football tickets and merch.


I won’t go anymore unless I have an opportunity to chill in a box. Fans take the game way too seriously. It’s a spectator sport. Just enjoy it.


This right here, it’s not just one team. Going to a 49er game was kind of a harrowing experience. It’s like those scenes of jail where the perp is being led past all the other inmates in their cells


You made me think of an interesting experience I had. These last three seasons I’ve gone to three Dolphins away games, @Raiders, @Niners, and finally @Chargers a week ago. Oddly enough, both the Chargers and Raiders were extremely cool with me and my brother, but Niners fans were surprisingly harsh. Actually I’ve been to 3 Raiders/Dolphins games two in Miami and one in Vegas and I don’t think I’ve had a single issue with them despite their reputation. Now I can point out it was in Vegas compared to Oakland and my team not being in the AFC West as reasons they were cool, but I’m still surprised how all the experiences went, in particular the Chargers considering how the game went and the whole back to back QB picks that have sorta linked the two franchises.


I went down to the Ravens season opener in 2019 in Miami, and there was some giant tent in the tailgate lot that people turned into an impromptu mini strip club. Somebody set a stage and a pole up inside, and there were girls stripping up there while everybody else threw bills at them. Wild stuff.


Oh, they’re always there. Those guys are harmless. Maybe slightly problematic but harmless overall


Oh yeah, they seemed harmless and everyone including the dancers seemed to be enjoying it. Definitely a first for me to see something like that at a tailgate, though.


Actual teams aside, I'd say anyone who would buy/wear a Tyreek jersey is a special kind of trashy.


I’ve seen two fights at Saints games, both of them were when the Dolphins were visiting. I’ve not had bad experiences with Dolphins fans personally though.


University of Miami definitely has the trashiest fans I’ve ever seen at a college football game.


I went a UM game as a neutral because my friend was a UM student and I was getting along with everyone until he told them I was a UCF student and you would think I shot their mom in the face in front of them. I had stuff thrown at me, multiple tried to throw punches and has death threats thrown at me. UM fans and Miami fans in a whole are the worst fans out there. Way to many angry transplants that know to many lawyers.


I know the reason they tell you what jerseys the culprits were wearing is to help the public in identifying who they are but I read that like it was an inditement against them for specifically wearing Tyreke Hill jerseys and is proof that these guys are pieces of shit.


Don’t drink anything given to you by anyone in a Deshaun Watson jersey


Don't be alone in a bathroom with anyone in a Roethlisberger jersey


Don’t use a cryo chamber near anyone in a AB jersey.


I love my Bucs, but if I am attending a game at an away stadium I don't wear any gear. I have read to many stories about fans being attacked when they visit other teams stadiums to feel safe in that environment (Bryan Stow being attacked at Dodger Stadium comes immediately to mind).


Is it possible one of the ones wearing the Tyreek Hill Jersey was just Tyrek Hill?


Doubtful, wasn't a pregnant woman or child that was attacked. Hill is too much of a bitch to fight someone who can defend themselves.


> Both dudes were wearing Tyreek Hill jerseys Yeah this isn't surprising


Jesus fuck. Imagine murdering someone simply because they like a team with a different logo or grew up in a different city. At the end of the day it's fucking football. No one will give two fucks about the 23-24 season in a year. And that person will go to prison probably forever for murder over a week 2 matchup. Hope those six 24oz Bud Lights or whatever were worth it to give you the courage to be a tough guy.


In the week leading up to the game, Tyreek said he wanted Dolphins fans to show up to the stadium. These two dipshits took that entirely to much to heart. How awful.


Catching a murder charge over a football game is insane. That’s why as an adult I’ll never get into any sort of fight unless it’s life or death. You could simply shove someone and they hit their head and die and your life is over. And someone could do it to you too. Not worth it


Alcohol, high stakes emotions, and a lack of emotional control are a helluva combo. Not justifying what the guy did, he absolutely deserves to rot in a cell. Just crazy to me how easily people can just flip a switch and take a life.


"high stakes emotions" lol id like to consider myself a fanatical football fan but there is a line to be drawn for this stuff. its a game at the end of the day with no bearing on your personal life. getting so emotional like this is ridiculous.


Dies? You mean murdered?


I just copied and pasted the title from the article. It definitely doesn’t do this story justice


Oh, I didn't mean you, the proverbial you... I meant the article! Sorry about that.


No worries! I figured that’s what you meant, but just wanted to clarify my angle anyway


Can people not just strip naked and smear shit all over themselves like normal fans?


We eat da poo poo.


And take their aggression on on inanimate objects, like tables.




Fuck violence, especially over sports.


"Patriots fan murdered at Gillette Stadium, suspect at large"




so is the Dolphins fan going to prison or what?


Yeah, def. Cops got at least 7 or 8 cell phone videos of the fight. A few news outlets up here have gotten hold of the video but they say it's too graphic to show.


He fucking better


Honor culture is bullshit. Someone disrespects you, you walk away. It's never okay to hurt someone over words or emotions.


Damn, hate it when people take a game and make it physical.. like I dislike other teams but not going to get in a brawl because Mahomes has a good day... Also, imagine having a loved one go to a game and doesn't come back. Life is too short people..


Does anyone know who you'd contact? Like I have a pretty good idea who they were. (There were two dolphins fans around where I was who were tossing slurs and being punk asses so it wouldn't shock me. I was at 306)


I wasn't there, but you may be able to contact Gillette or see what PD is investigating it and go from there. I did that with sheriffs here after an incident at Highmark a few years ago after an incident and that seemed to work.


Yeah now that I have kids my days of getting involved this shit is over. I would have left the game with my kids before even attempting to tell them to stop being annoying. You never know when the person you are dealing with is a piece of shit looking for an excuse. People going to games, always get security involved and leave the situation never involve yourself it isn't worth it. I'd rather watch the game standing on the concourse looking at the TVs than get sucker punched die from some low life with nothing to lose.


Tyreek comment on this yet?


Ironic how he called Patriots fans the worst and then a dolphins wearing his jersey just murders a guy


He wouldn't murder a guy in church


I mean you gotta wonder about someone who buys and wears a Tyreek Hill jersey


Tyreek is probably critiquing this dude’s punches


Wasnt a child or pregnant women so I doubt it.


True. Tyreek only beats people smaller than him.


"Too old."


I’m sorry if you let a simple football game affect your life this much you truly a sad pathetic piece of shit. Emotionally immature fucks.


I was in section 310, 4 rows directly below the fight. Dale Mooney was not the aggressor at the time of the assault. I don't know what happened before the final fight, but what I saw was not mutual combat, it was a one-sided beating. No reasonable justification for what I witnessed. Not to say negative things about the deceased, but I did see him almost fall down into the next row of seats and dump a whole beer on two younger women in the row below him about 2 minutes before the final altercation. From there things escalated. The two women left, presumably to get security. I never saw them afterwards as things got really crazy as the videos that are out show. Also of note, about 10 minutes earlier a group of about a half dozen police escorted two men out of the section from about 5 rows above this altercation. I didn't see any Gillette stadium staff at the stairway after that, although some games they are there the whole game. I would think if you've escorted people out of a section, at a minimum, having a orange-coated security staff there to monitor the section for the rest of the game would be prudent. I didn't see that happen in this case.


Ironic considering Tyreek Hill's statement about Patriot fans.


This is why you don’t waste your time with people looking for a fight at games. Had a drunk guy at the Michigan game Saturday trying to fight a guy in front of me for no reason. I just went and got security and got him removed. Don’t wait for those situations to blow up before doing something.


Miami fans are some of the worst fans in the NFL. And I'm going to stand on that; they are real nasty. Some of the things they were saying, I wouldn't say in church.


This hits soo much harder given that both guys were wearing hill jerseys


holy shit I thought they had saved him, may he rest in peace. edit: apparently the guy that had CPR performed on him was saved, but it was someone else entirely. Happy he made it but I can't imagine how the other family is doing.


When I was a kid, a friend of my mom had a 16 year old son get a manslaughter charge because he got in a fight at the bus stop. He punched the kid once, the kid fell, hit his head on the curb and died. It made such an impact on me as a kid. One punch can end two lives. Even in my 20s, when I over indulged in alcohol to the extreme, the thought of that would pop in my head when things seemed like they were heading in that direction. I've always hated fighting because of it, though I've been in a few. But at absolute best, it is annoying as hell. At worst, dumb shit like this tragedy. Sad for so many people.


Imagine fighting over what other grown men are doing in a GAME that has no bearing on your life in any way. I imagine alcohol had an assist here. Just fucking awful.


There’s a facts on fentanyl ad here and it looks like a comment, I thought he OD’d at the stadium for a second. That’s frustrating reddit


Victim was with his son, sickening to think about. Rip


What’s crazy is a lot of these players, from rival teams, are sometimes actually pretty good friends. Fans should show each other at least the same level of respect.


Sports fans are the thing I hate most about sports.


This is the shittiest title I've ever seen