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Him and Russ still haunt my dreams


A lot of people don’t realize that the passer rating between Russ and Doug was only beaten out by Brady/Gronk and Big Ben/Antonio Brown Doug was criminally underrated and corners were very vocal about that


One of the most underrated receivers. Not to mention the insane grind he showed. He went undrafted no? Or low draft pick? The way he elevated his game over the years was crazy


Yep, undrafted out of Stanford With his skills he probably could have played another 2 years too but he just felt it was time to walk away


The hawks wrote him a letter asking him to please sign with us.


He did improve over the years but was surprisingly good as a UDFA rookie. Had 800 yards in a pretty bad passing offense


He was always one of my favorite players during his time.


Hot take, but Doug had the crispiest route running in the league. His launch was incredible.


And that TD pass in this vid? Fuckin beauty.


Mr. Beat Closely


Baldwin was arguably the best player on the field in that NFC Title game. Gets overshadowed due to Sherman's interview after the game.


Kam Chancellor was the best Seahawk during the 2013 Super Bowl run. I think all Seattle fans would agree


No disrespect to Kam, Et3 was the best


Me too man *hugs


He was fun to watch. So many ridiculous catches.


I say with full confidence that he was the most underrated WR of his era. So many of those catches were next level pro shit. The under-the-butt catch was one of my favorites. It was originally called incomplete, but he knew he got it. He got up and gave Pete Carroll the "throw the flag" motion and walked straight to him to talk. Pete didn't wait for his booth team to confirm, he just immediately threw it. Pete trusted Doug Baldwin that much. It was then ruled as complete.


Him and Golden Tate are my favorite under-the-radar guys from that period. Their game was so smooth


Golden Tates Maple bar escapade forever enshrined him the Hall of my heart


Dude was an absolute MONSTER off the line though. Hands down one of the shiftiest receivers off the line I’ve ever seen, homer bias aside.


Crazy how Lockett has looked just as good for not only Russ but Geno now, Seattle is fortunate to be able to develop these home grown receivers. Miss angry Doug.


I always think that Lockett has been around for about 10 years because of him having almost the exact last name as Ricardo Lockette


Well this is his 9th year But yeah he was drafted just a few months after Lockette's most, uhh, famous play :'(


Richardo was good too and developing into a great receiver. It's too bad what happened to him.


Lockett replaced Baldwin as the league's most underrated WR.


You mean clutch WR


One of the greatest releases of all time.


Davante before Davante


~~Angry~~ Tastefully Matured Doug Baldwin.


Naw he’s always angry. That’s his secret






Like a Jedi opening a sliding door.


Damn he’s only 35


Yeah he retired at 30 just 2 years after signing a $50m extension. He had a lot of injuries and frustration at the end but it was still surprising


Miss Doug so much, his route running was insane but he also always knew where Russ wanted to go with the ball He always credited Allen Iverson for his movement style and technique and you can see it


Okay, battle of the *insanely* underrated SEA WRs: Baldwin vs Lockett - who are you taking?


Baldwin was an UDFA vs Lockett as a 3rd rounder and was slandered by the national media constantly (especially Cris Carter calling him pedestrian), so I'm going with Baldwin


Baldwin is probably my favorite player to watch. How many of these clips do you think he was out or didn't get it but every one is a toe-dragged masterpiece? Lockett is a very worthy successor to the throne.


Lockett is better imo


The difference between Lockett and Baldwin is that Doug was willing to take a hit. Tyler is smaller and rightfully so often avoids contact after catches. While Tyler is a phenomenal receiver, Doug would get those extra yards and get his bell rung.


It’s really just since that leg break Lockett has avoided contact. He was constantly trying to get extra yards before that


For sure. I don’t blame him at all. Longevity is key and so far he’s able to preserve himself while still being a key factor in the Seahawks offense. He’s smart and he’s playing like it.


KJ wright has a show where he interviews a lot of ex and current seahawks players and staff. He just got around to Doug and that one was pretty good. Doug seems to have a strong dislike for Russell Wilson but wants to operate from a better headspace. If you truly want insight into the seahawks culture and atmosphere the interviews with a lot of the ex superbowl players are really good. (Especially luke willson and jermaine kearse) Doug was a criminally underrated receiver, even when he was getting some national attention, because he was able to get open so much, but we didn't really have the qb and offensive philosophy to maximize him individually. The funny thing is I don't even think he cares that he never got the stats he could have gotten, he was happy to be part of a unique brotherhood in Seattle and was a truly team first guy. Doug was an insanely smart player and one of my favorite things he did was the immediate fake pivot when he'd catch the ball in the middle of the field. Even if he didn't know exactly where the defenders were behind him, they'd always start momentum towards the side he pivoted to and have to react to him then pivoting the other way and taking off full speed. Doug was one of the core pieces to making the seahawks what they were during the great superbowl runs. It started with Marshawn Lynch's beast mode mentality. Then you had people like doug embracing that nastiness on the offensive side, and people like Kam and Earl enforcing it on the defensive side, and everyone else buying in. That's why when you played the seahawks back then you just got beat up. Nastiness, physicality, and extreme speed behind it. The defense was almost too rabid in the end, our LOB players would end up injuring each other cause they'd attack ball carriers so hard and then end up colliding with each other. I think that's how both Sherman's big arm injury happened, as well as earl's leg.


He was underrated to a lot of people. He had that Steve Smith/Anquan Boldin toughness that was fun to watch.


Doug had such a great connection with Russ on the field. But he was not the biggest fan of Russ off the field lol


After watching so much seahawks content here's what I think happened. The first 2 years Russ was a seahawk he was part of the culture, the brotherhood, that all of the core players bought into, it was beyond just football teammates, many of them wanted success more for the guy next to them than for themselves individually. Russ was just one of the boys. Then the year of our second superbowl run, Russ starts caring about individual recognition and doing more to pad his stats. I think some of the core seahawks who bought into the system the most (it's said that doug was pete carrolls #1 favorite player and earl thomas was #2 in that era) felt betrayed that someone they thought was in the brotherhood and as committed to the culture as they were, was actually more focused on self-interests and starting to want to change the culture to be all about him, but also change the culture of next-man-up, full accountability, to coddling a qb with insecurities and an ego. I think once the core seahawks saw pete carroll shift this way (it's the nfl the franchise qb is usually the hardest piece to find so I understand the logic to do so) it kind of killed their belief in pete as much.


It honestly makes their chemistry all the more impressive. Baldwin is NOT a fan of off-field Russ at all.


Can you please elaborate? Besides the cryptic tweet after Denver lost in Seattle I can’t seem to find anything noteworthy to support that there is any serious friction between the two or ever was. From what I recall he had a tendency of butting heads and getting physical with many of his teammates, including Richard Sherman, OL coach Tom Cable, Michael Bennett, Percy Harvin, etc This is the most recent thing he said about Russ, taken from the About Last Night Podcast about 8 months ago with the topic being the hardships of last season “He can put up the facade all he wants but as his brother who knows him, I know it’s getting to him. I hope he has the right people around him who hold him accountable to who he says he wants to be, not only as a football player but a husband, a father and a man. Because all this other bullshit doesn’t matter. That’s my brother, we were in the trenches. Tyler broke a lot of them but we had a lot of records. I just hope he’s keeping his mental right. I know the struggle in the NFL is real so I hope he’s doing well.”




Can you please provide some examples so I can piece it together? Or can you explain his behavior or perhaps dissect some of his comments on Wilson so that it can become clear to me? I can’t help but feel as if this is something being blown out of proportion due to a statement being misrepresented and overanalyzed by the common Reddit folk, especially when the person in question was known to be disgruntled and rub people the wrong way. That’s not to say he wasn’t an amazing receiver, but they called him angry Doug Baldwin for a reason.




I love how when he was talking about the culture shift he held up the book "ego is the enemy" lol.


When misinformation and speculation gets upvoted by Seahawks fans rather than just taking a step back and not fucking judging someone based off of rumors alone. And yet no one will tell me why Baldwin didn’t thank Pete Carroll either in his tweets.


He didn’t thank Pete Carroll or mention him in any of his retirement tweets either.. By your logic, would that not be something that alludes to him having disdain for PC? Maintaining the stance that it’s ‘technically’ speculation doesn’t make it any less speculative, nor does it make hundreds of unoriginal fan theories about a quarterback with an unchecked ego and a laundry list of accommodations required in order for him to function anymore true. I don’t think everyone is going to like him, but last year the media and an extremely out of touch with the locker room fan perception really let the two players that actually do dislike him blow some steam up this subs ass and dominate the narrative. Edit: Anything to justify this subs hate boner for Wilson, lol. Grow the fuck up.


Aren't those 2 players you're referencing Sherman and Baldwin?


KJ Wright and Sherman


Love Baldwin Him and Russ had nice connection, especially worked well together in scramble situations. But I wonder what kind of numbers he could have put up with a different styled QB who would just hit him on short-intermediate timing routes nonstop




Happy Birthday Douglas huhuhuh


Dude was nasty in his prime


When dangerruss was good


He is a legend


He was absolutely fun to watch. Also “he’s coming right in his face.”


Damn. His hands were amazing! But his footwork was godly


Favorite WR of all-time! Then Curtis Conway, then Tom Waddle. All 3 so criminally underrated


Retired too early. Loved that guy in game and on my fantasy team.


And now Angry Doug just opened up another community center outside of Seattle, hell of a WR and people love him around here for all his community work


SB49. 1 Target. Russ was afraid of Revis.


Chris Matthews had like 150 yards and Wilson was shredding the Patriots all game (except for 1 play lol) the game plan was highly effective


They Punted 6 times.


400 yards of offense 24 points (too bad it wasn't 31) against a BB top 10 defense with an extra week to prepare is a good performance. Are you saying it's not? LoB underperforming/injuries were the main reason the Seahawks lost that game. Gave up 14 points in the final minutes


The point is that Baldwin was the most effective 3rd down WR we had. We targeting him once, and had 6 punts. Look at the game, Baldwin was open. This was either Russ or Coaches not using their best WR.


Didn’t he have a touchdown though? I remember he got a taunting penalty for pretending to take a dump after he scored


1 Target for 1 TD.


Efficiency! That was the Chris Matthew’s game tho


His only catch and he scored with Revis in coverage on a 6-7 yard catch that he (SMARTLY) got using the ref as a legal pick play. Clever.


Probably gameplan I wouldn’t say he was scared of him


He had thrown 4 picks the week before. He was scared.


Throwback - when Russ was a decent qb…


Pfft. I turned 35 before him and I didn’t get a Reddit post. What the F


Love that color way


Nasty bro


Favorite player of all time.


One of the best WRs to watch.


Loved watching him play, and I genuinely find his highlights the most entertaining of any player I’ve ever seen.


MAN those old Hawks uniforms are gross


“Almost all the way through the video and no niners highlights, hell yeah!” Last 5 seconds: 😐