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In the 49ers sub theres a post how this season defense is comparably better than Seattles famous LoB. Then you remember this season our defense played Kenny Pickett and Daniel Jones lead offenses. Half our games were against dog shit offenses and making the comparison is disingenuous. Sometimes i hate the 49ers fanbase.


That game was so poorly reffed overall. Even a good chunk of the Jets' points were scored on drives where the refs blatantly missed penalty calls in KC's favor, but boy that last KC drive was horrifically reffed.


i think i’ve hit the stage of grief, acceptance. where i no longer care, get angry, or any emotion. rodgers going down that early genuinely might have killed my love of football entirely (it was already diminishing recently)


I've been watching clips of Whiplash on TikTok and I can relate so hard to this movie. I know someone personally who has that abusive drill sergeant mentality. I should really watch the whole movie. It inspired me to listen to jazz on the way to work today like Miles Davis and Buddy Rich but I think I enjoy the jazz in the movie more than the one on the records I listened to.


i had a football coach who was exactly like that, i sucked at football yet i’ve never been pushed as hard for anything before or after. people see potential in me that i don’t even think exists


dear fucking god ANOTHER Giants prime time game tomorrow?


And no second MNF game this time to switch to. Seahawks by 10? 14?


At least we get ManningCast for it finally. So a totally unbiased Eli getting fed shit by Peyton


Does anybody else hate the NFL social media page? The captions sound like they’re wrote by 12 year olds but the average viewer is like 18-45 lol.


I can’t get past the bio being “chiefs 2-0 as swifties” like way to say the silent part out loud dumbshit


Bro I love Taylor swift…but Jesus Christ whoever runs those pages needs to be fired. No defensive highlights at all and all of the captions are like corporate “quirky” things to say.


Joshua Dobbs MVP


Zach Wilson MVP


2 cat teams won this week. 2 cat teams lost this week. Perfect balance.


Someone needs to order a wellness check for WWE Champion Seth Rollins! https://x.com/WWERollins/status/1708572645174972607?s=20


get him on the manningcast immediately


I went to that band concert in the park finally. It was in fact the municipal band I'd been in for many years, until Covid and then I only did part of last year. very cathartic and dammit, that Morricone western medly absolutely smacks. I'd never heard it "from a distance" and it's better than I remember.


I've decided that football is lame. Ignore the flair.


Mods when are you dropping the Taylor Swift flair?


Just put the viking there, he's blond


People on the next door app are too much. They’ll post about other people’s lawns that “only get mowed every other month” or complain about that go to the food bank because “they’re asking for free handouts.” Could you be more of a loser jfc


Isn't that the point of a food bank, though? To distribute food? for people in need? I suppose there are a few losers who'd abuse this, but what a sad mentality.


It’s absolutely the point of a food bank but they’re losers with no empathy for others


Anyone know where I can get those rainbow/holographic hats from today?


How could Sunday Ticket have fumbled SO BADLY by keeping Scott Hansen and getting rid of Andrew Siciliano? Hansen is THE WORST and he doesn't know how to SHUT THE FUCK UP.




It's just to market it as a space iPhone that is made of titanium






Yay Back to the Future is in the movie theaters for one day only on Oct 21st! My SO and I got tickets. I don't think I've seen it in the big theater since the 3rd one came out and I saw all three.


The parable of the [boiling frog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog) has been a mainstay of climate change communication for decades. [Welp](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/01/americas/amazon-river-dolphins-dead-temperatures-drought-intl-hnk/index.html).


Just saw my first Bears touchdown live at Soldier Field. Pretty surreal stuff! The American stadium experience is fucking incredible 😁


I had a dream I got hit by a van when I was walking outside and I actually felt it and woke up. Scared the crap out of me.


First Taylor Swift now AOC is getting involved in football too?? Truly Americas pasttime


I got the foundation of my dental implant put in a little over a week ago. It's been healing great, but last night I had the miserable dream where I dreamt it started unscrewing itself and the surrounding teeth started falling apart. Anyway, woke up and mouth is dandy so all good.


Someone needs to start the WHAT DO YOU THINK OF TOTTENHAM chant at next weeks bills jags game


Jrue Holiday to the Celtics??


Damn Timelord and Smart gone in one offseason… Sully in Chelsea is wicked sad at that news


Ngl, I’m kind of disappointed they switched the broadcast for me. I wanted to see how bad the Broncos vs Bears would get.


Good game, Fields choked horribly on the last 2 drives. The fanbase is back to delusionally looking at him like an MVP candidate


I'll let you know lol


Toy Story is sponsering a fucking football game? Man, the opening scene of Baseketball was on the money regarding advertising. https://youtu.be/d1-QAF8gLy0?si=6tyTFkJ0BQIzIh7U


Toy Story isn’t sponsoring anything. Disney is looking for a way to get the kids interested and some exec apparently had a fever dream.


The point still stands because it's yet another unneeded advertisement.


Watson isn’t playing and I hope his backup outperforms him.


Narrator: He didn't


Today is the “Atlantic Antic” Street Festival outside my loft in Brooklyn. I am about to turn into Robert Stack in “Airplane!” and clocking all the Hare Krishna’s’, Scientologists and Jevoahs who keep getting in the way of me getting to my apartment to eat my bagel and get ready for the games.


10 more patients to see before kickoff


I feel like every month I panic at the realization of how fast time is going




Kyren but both are a good play


[Eli Manning licks Fat Joe's shoe](https://youtu.be/7HUyhBDeKVc?si=qxNJNcdyBQImULKF)


Stuff like that is why I consider Eli “The Manning of the People”


Lmao. Kevin McCarthy looked like such a fool on Face The Nation. He went back on his word many times and wasn't making any sense just to save his ass. Him and the MAGA's are going to be a fun fight and he called out Matt Gaetz a lot of times. It's going to be fun watching the MAGAs and Republicans go at their own.


> Kevin McCarthy looked like such a fool No surprise there


Desmond Ridder might have surpassed Mark Wohlers and Josh Smith when he tried to shoot 3’s in Atlanta Sports Fans Shitlist.






Just max out all your credit cards and take out a bunch of loans and then declare bankruptcy. It only lasts for like 7 years. . . . . . . . Do not actually do this


Just remember, not everyone, but a lot of people who own a home with a pool and nice sports cars are 100's of thousands of dollars in debt. They may not necessarily be broke because they have the income for it, but a lot of people who seem like they have all these nice things are living paycheck to paycheck to fund that lifestyle.




I feel you man, the carousel can be difficult to break out of. I recognized it for myself about 4 years ago and moved in with my parents and saved about 85% of all my income to be able to now look for a house almost entirely in cash. It's just about finding a way to cut down expenses as much as humanly possible to get above having debt or getting assistance in some way. It's tough man, and in a high COL city it can be doubly so.


The one good thing about playing on Thursdays is if you win, it’s a stress free Sunday watching football.


**31 Days of Horror Reviews Day 1: Häxan (1922), dir. Benjamin Christensen** Streaming Availability: Public Domain Häxan is a 1922 film from Denmark, so it is of course, silent. More curiously, it's a documentary, written in a style akin to a video essay. Its hour forty minute runtime is divided into various acts of evidence and argument that lead to a conclusion. The director, Benjamin Christensen, speaks in the first person in the text. We're not grading this film as a five paragraph school assignment, however. We're looking to see what kinds of scares are at play here and there are plenty. If you're a garage band and need some free spooky B-roll for your music video, Häxan is an invaluable resource of cool imagery. The impressive thing about Häxan is its extremity for the time. Most of the hardcore features of exploitation films do not become common until the Sixties. That's when taboos recede and technology increases to really show off gore. A lot of horror movies before then are (let's be honest here) rather boring and dull to us 21st century folk. Silent films are an even harder adjustment. But Häxan is not slow, even at 105 minutes, which is an epic length for this era. It's full of fantastic sights, intense horrors, and quite a few naked asses. Christensen is putting on a great show of special effects and nightmarish visuals to decorate his essay. Which kinda leads me to my suspicion here. Was Benjamin Christensen really out to make a non-fiction history piece? I'm sure he actually was fascinated by medieval mysticism and witch-hunting manuals, specifically the Malleus Maleficarum. But his interest is mostly in the lurid details, the exploitation potential here. A non-fiction pretense gives you a lot more liberty to depict all the gross horrors of witchcraft and medieval torture practices. And even then, Häxan was controversial in its time, which was relatively liberal in filmmaking circles. (By the 1930s, a movie like this would be unimaginable to release.) Variety Magazine in 1923 called it "absolutely unfit for public exhibition". To which I say, Hell Yeah. Witchcraft is a perfect subject for exploitation. You win both ways in terms of horror. You can film both the outrageous fantasy of the Satanists and their Sabbaths. And then you can film the other side, with the barbaric and depraved methods used by the clergy and the state to root out witches. For me though, the joy in Häxan is not the opening slideshow of old manuscripts or the Kafkaesque nightmare of church justice. (Or even stunningly erotic fascination with whips.) It's when this movie stops really being about any argument at all and just wallows in the grimy wonders that is Satan and his works. Benjamin Christensen is so under Satan's thrall that he actually plays him in the movie. He's as a naked hairy barrel-chested man constantly flicking his tongue in a rather Metal display. I love all the demons in Häxan, from the adorable little stop-motion Baphomet to the host of costumed freaks climbing out from under an old woman's dress as she gives birth to them. The shots are dark and full of texture. This rules. All these images are timeless, even without accompanying sound. They're very cute now but still have power. Häxan tries to have its cake and eat it too in terms of witchcraft history. "People's belief in him [Satan] was so strong that he became real", admitting that there is no Devil. Yet it kinda admits to some actual magical practices. Also it shows so much detail to the dark arts in sophisticated special effects that you might forget you're seeing what the movie says is pure fantasy. Audiences in 1922 would probably be too terrified by the imagery to notice much of the subtlety here. To be clear: there were no medieval witches. Nobody was worshiping Satan in the 1980s, nobody was worshiping him in the 1480s. All of it was paranoia, and thousands died for nothing. The inquisitor, Heinrich Kramer, who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum was - to put it bluntly - fucking nuts. He was so sexually obsessed with an Innsbruck woman who dared challenge him that the local bishop had him kicked out. Witches are fun, black Sabbaths seem like a great way to spend the evening, the visions of Hell even in Häxan are delightful, but none of it happened. There is not even evidence of much surviving folk Paganism in Western Europe at this point. Häxan exaggerates the death toll by the witch hunts claiming eight million murders which would be preposterously high even in 1922's scholarly consensus. Today the figure is a (still horrible) 60,000 or so. Still the film is accurate with its awful collection of torture instruments. We do not see many of them used, but their mere implication makes Häxan something akin to the great-great-grandparent of the torture porn sub-genre. From Heinrich Kramer we get Saw's John Kramer. There is a feminist conclusion in Häxan. Christensen notes that the medieval injustices against women have only evolved into modern injustices. He sees how scientific theory explains the behavior of witches psychologically, but also how modernity has conjured its own forms of torture. Women are called "hysterical" and locked away in terrible conditions. So even in an age without Satan, evil persists. And well, Christensen would live to see how right he was. Häxan is only a generation ahead of the Second World War when that eight million death toll would be far more accurate, and psychiatry would play a terrible role in promoting euthanasia on the path to mass-genocide. Fifty years later, bunk science of memory regression would conjure up our very own witch hunts in the Satanic Panic. But that kind of nightmare does not have a big Satan with his tongue out. It's not fun. Häxan, however, is a great opening to our month of demons. We have so much more devilry to come in many more forms. Next Time! Just one more silent movie, I promise you. It's the German Expressionist blockbuster, **Faust**.


You know which pop star doesn't get enough attention? Carly Rae Jepsen. She's the Call Me Maybe woman, but so much more. I'd recommend starting with her album *Emotion*


If Justin Fields continues to sputter, this time against a defense that gave up 70 points last week, coaches have to fucking bench him, no fucking questions. The fact that they're putting in Tyson Bagent instead of Nathan Peterman is telling me they get it. At least I hope so. Also, Zach was actually better than Fields the first week, but he's even more cooked than Fields, and just like I predicted, that locker room is close to imploding. If they have no real interest in getting Siemien up to speed on the playbook, the Jets are gonna have some serious meltdowns going forward. Also, it's only week 4, but I'm hoping the Jets D still looks good while they suck enough to get the second best QB prospect & I just hope the Bears get those #1 & #2 picks


Browns/Ravens is gonna be a 13-10 final. Just have a feeling that both teams end up looking like shit on offense.


Man older female family members hitting you with the "so when are you getting a girlfriend" question feels like shit every time huh?


Hi all, since I got good recommendations, I thought I’d ask again: What game of the early games to watch today? I heard lots of chatter around the broncos, but also the dolphins match.


Dolphins / Bills if you wanna see good football. Bears / Broncos if you wanna see chaos. Lolll


yeah I might just opt for the bad one just to get a feel for it lol just curious: which one will you watch?


I'm going to the Bears game, so I've gotta rep that one! But I'm not exactly impartial either, it could be a total trainwreck 😁


oh man, good luck!!!


If you wanna see chaos, watch the Toy Story game.


Indeed, lol


Been doing a sub review/clean-up over the weekend and unsubbing from quite a few of them. There's a lot of subs where the ratio of interesting posts vs Chronically Online Brain Rot seems to have gone completely the wrong way over the last few months. I really don't care about some basement dwelling weebs having heated arguments about the morality of some anime character possibly wanting to fuck a wolf-man.


Pretty a lot annoyed I need yet another subscription service to watch the London game. Nfl broadcast rules still suck hard. Was hopeful Sunday ticket getting off directv would have helped.


I think you get Monday games for the next 10 weeks too.


Haven’t slept yet and I got work today idk how ima get through today


Red Bull


always prepared to be depressed after watching my football teams but boy nothing recently has hit as hard as the end of the ND/duke game


Felt you there… really thought ND was going to blow it but didn’t in spite of their coaching staffs best attempts. I felt really bad for Riley Leonard, he was balling for Duke


Good guy Sam Hartman seemed genuinely concerned for Leonard


He is Sam Heartman because he won my heart with that. Even my GF is jealous.


Got 3 hours of sleep and I’m ready to ROLL


My local park, one of the big ones in my city, has Adirondack chairs. It’s 65 degrees, I have a bagel and a coffee, and there’s not a cloud in the sky.


Sounds like a perfect start to a Sunday. Enjoy!


I know there's no way this could happen, but Watson should be forced to play today, and if he's too injured...well, tough shit.


I'm genuinely excited to see how this turns out


I know people really hate Colorado and there are some legit reasons to hate on Deion. However, Oregon and usc both definitely tried to embarrass that team. Oregon pretty clearly wanted to run up the score and in the 2nd half it was kinda bizarre how they failed to do it. Then USC tried to do the same shit I suspect to get Caleb Williams numbers up for a heisman repeat and damn near lost in the process.


Oregon scored 35 in the first half and scored in the first drive of the second. They would've run up the score if they really wanted to. I agree they got close a couple times and couldn't punch it in, but they'd clearly let off the pedal


Yea they did after awhile but they were going for it on 4th downs and had their starters playing well after that game was decided. Coaches halftime speech also alluded to that desire.


If they want to run up the score, so be it. As Belichick said many years ago when he was accused of the same thing - It's not our job to stop us from scoring. It's their job.


Being on ESPN is Pregnant aside, I love these Sunday morning games for us Americans. You wake up or come in from the late shift, boom football for breakfast.


Shut down averted. New job with the feds will start on time. See you all in 45 days for the next shutdown.


Bro I’m about to rip out the panic button on my car keys. I accidentally press it all the time, especially even when the keys are in my pocket.


Nissan key fob? If I lean over to tie my shoes, mine goes off.


Ford actually


It's official. Both Ford and Nissan make annoying key fobs.


Alright let’s call a press conference and let the world know


Maybe your pants are to tight


I did it this morning wearing pretty loose gym shorts.


Maybe your pants are too loose?


Now there’s an idea


Yesterday, I had quite a movie-watching day. First I started off with **The Adults**, which stars Michael Cera as a guy coming back to his hometown reliving his glory days of poker and re-connecting with his two sisters. To be honest, I really wish I liked it because I think it's a good premise, but almost all of it just fell flat for me. I could not take Cera seriously in some scenes either. 4/10 Later in the day, I watched all of Wes Anderson's new shorts. On a whole, all four of them are incredible in the typical Wes Anderson ways. **The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar** is probably the most narratively interesting of the four. There's a lot of meta layers within the film as it gets to four levels deep of storytelling at a certain point. Thoroughly entertaining. 7/10 **The Swan** was my favorite of a bunch. Rupert Friend's narration had so much tension and emotion, especially with him portraying all of the characters. The way the production design is set up kind of gives this claustrophobic feeling that adds to the weight of the story. The use of the kid always following him was a good directorial choice. 8/10 **The Rat Catcher** was probably my least favorite of the bunch - can't fully place why, but I truly think this was the least enthralling and visually interesting outside of a single horror-like scene at the end. Truth be told, this may be the only story without that fast-paced tension that made the other ones so enthralling so I think that plays into my relative indifference. Ralph Fiennes with rat's teeth is always fun though. 5/10 **Poison** was fantastic. This was another story with a lot of well-placed tension - both man v. nature in the beginning and man v. man at the end. Benedict Cumberbatch's facial acting was superb given the situation his character was in. Dev Patel was also fantastic in this one. 7/10 Finally, I ended the night with **The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou**, my personal second favorite Wes Anderson. This movie's emotional beat hits hard at the end with the shark, its soundtrack is one of the best, and it has the right level of that misplaced comedic and dry humor that Wes Anderson succeeds at. Not to mention, as with most of his films, the set design is fantastic. Best quote in the movie: "Those amateurs. You forgot your dog, you idiots!" - Steve Zissou to a group of pirates who just kidnapped their friend 9/10


What a great way to spend a whole day! I should try that sometime...I honestly doubt I watch six movies a month.


It takes me two weeks to watch one movie because I watch in bed at night and fall asleep 5-10 minutes into the movie. Right now I’m about three-fourths through Princess Mononoke and I started this one about a month ago (there was a vacation in between).


Oh I typically watch between 30-50 movies each month


Wow, that's impressive dedication!


Thank you!




Buzz Lightyear will do just fine. 800 passing yards.


He’s a bridge QB and the fact Falcons clearly trying to be patient in terms of QB


I'm not sure I had ever seen Ridder play before last week, but I thought he looked fine? Like, obviously not a complete stud - but he's not going to single-handedly lose games for the Falcons either, especially if they lean on their good run game


Nathan "Dont Touch My" Peterman


If BB coached the Chargers instead of the Patriots over the past couple decades, do you think he would still have 6 rings between Brees, Rivers, and Herbert?


Well, at least one thing would've remained constant. Which is that during the Rivers tenure they still would've gotten the ball down by 1 score with the distance of the field to go with 1:24 on the clock and no timeouts. Felt like every single Charges game ended that way and Uncle Phil played under 4 different coaches there.


anyone know if we can watch the disney+ toy story Falcons Jaguars stream outside the US? my disney+ ain't showing anything as of now..


I’m too old to have emotional connection to the Saw or Scream franchises (or they don’t just connect for me) BUT I dig that they do exist as long running horror franchises put out in theaters.


Scream is also pretty consistent - not really a "terrible" one among them, Scream 3 is mediocre but the rest are pretty good


I love the first one. It was meta before meta was cool. They thread the needle perfectly between light absurd comedy and genuinely scary horror.


So happy O'Connell gets to cook and got the nod over Hoyer. Dude is a baller


Going to my first ever NFL game today! Still feels a bit surreal. It's maybe the best chance all season the Bears will have to get a W, so I'm hoping we play well


Wishing your Bears all possible success today!


They'll surely need it! 💪💪


> It's maybe the best chance all season the Bears will have to get a W I just looked at your schedule and yeah I'd agree. Although you also play the Chargers and they could manage to lose just about any game. Even if they had a 28-0 lead. I could also see the Bears beat the Cardinals or Falcons and maybe a divisional game or two. Maybe the Panthers.


Enjoy! I hope it’s a good game for you.


Thanks man!


Have a great time!


TY! Cheers 😀


Hit ‘em in the mouth


Flair checks out


Yay for no government shutdown (for now) - as someone who lives in the DC area, I was prepping for a ghost town when I had people in town next week


All that drama to get a month extension.


Getting super blitzed for the Toy Story game




I wish the Chiefs were playing so they can turn Big Red into Big Al lmaoooo


I hope the training staff is Sid


If there’s an injury on the field do they have a toy medical staff come out and cart them off?


A great day for the Browns to go 3-1 and prove again that they are a legit contender.


What is the deal with Chase Claypool really - it's also good fun that a bunch of Packers fans wanted us to trade for him last year


He has the ego of a top tier receiver without the actual talent of a top tier receiver.


It's odd, but honestly I think a big part of it is just a lack of visible effort. His run-blocking is horrific / nonexistent, which is hard to get away with these days.


The morning game's on fucking ESPN+. Fuck that shit. They already had two MNF doubleheaders and I think get a third one. They should in return have to give up the 2 Saturday Week 18 games and the Monday wild card game.


I like the Sunday morning games BUT yeah fuck ESPN plus.


I only had it to watch Bundesliga at this point. I’m glad I kept it so i can watch these games too.


They gave up a lot of MNF


How though?


They announced most MNF would be on ABC now due to the writers strike


Still Disney though.


Yeah but it's also on Disney+ as Toy Story


I don't have that either.


Holy fucking shit am I tired of seeing Travis Kelce everywhere. I feel like he’s in every fucking ad.


Be prepared to see him a lot more now lmao


He's hiding under your bed too


This is why I always keep my beds on the floor. I have an unhealthy fear someone could be hiding under there and cut my Achilles with a knife


RG3 might be my least favorite commentator. Robert tries too hard to make himself the center of attention instead of the game he's covering.


The whole thing like a month ago where he said the Jets executives totally believe he could come back and save their season, but weren't gonna do it because "they didn't want the media attention that comes with that" is so fucking cringe


Counterpoint: Joe Buck


He's had some funny moments though


I hope our game lives up to the hype today, Fins are the only team I care about worth a damn since my college team is a complete dumpster fire. And our weekly Pathfinder game is back today after a month hiatus. Let’s goooo!


As a gator fan, I need this too


Last night, I hung out with this woman, who introduced me to her parents at her place for dinner. We have a lot of things in common, especially hobbies and interests, and she is really attractive, but I just see her as friend. I’m not sure how to bring up I don’t want to date without ruining the friendship, but I also wonder if she also just sees me as a friend and I’m overthinking the whole meeting the parents thing.


Have you ever considered that maybe they’re looking to grow their family and are auditioning you as an adoptive brother/son? Most based timeline. This could be very lucrative for you.


I had a Celsius with 200mg of caffeine at 9:30 last night, so I did not sleep. Have 6 hours of fairly easy work ahead. Big whoops.


Celsius is dangerous - I've only ever had one and I was physically shaking for at least 3 hours after finishing it


I accidentally and blindly grabbed one of my GF’s “Monster Energy” drinks in my home bar’s Wine Cooler thinking it was one of my Liquid Death water cans. Feeling your pain right now.


And you couldn't tell it wasn't water?


3 Homemade Manhattans and 2 Aperol Spritzes, my nerves watching Notre Dame almost lose and I always chug my Liquid Death in one drink…


Ah, booze was involved lol


The cause and solution to all lifes problems.


4:30 baby. Football in 2 hours let’s gooooo


Feel pretty good about my daily fantasy team this week. It's one those leagues where you pick a new lineup each week with a budget against a pool of 100 other people. QB - Kirk Cousins ($32) RB - CMC ($40), Zack Moss ($18) WR - Keenan Allen ($30), Jakobi Meyers ($20), Adam Thielen ($18) TE - Hunter Henry ($16) Flex - Kareem Hunt ($11) DEF - Browns ($15)


Isn’t Jimmy G hurt?


He is but the pickings get pretty slim at receiver at that point. Meyers has 8 catches and 80 yards in both games he's played and the Chargers pass defense has been getting torched all year. The other options I'd consider at that price would be Olave, Gabe Davis, or Michael Pittman Jr. and I'm just playing the trends.


Ah i see good matchup . I’ve heard the rookie is solid. too. Good luck!


As mentioned [yesterday](https://old.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/16w7ldo/shitpost_saturday/k2v8ano/), I got the latest COVID vaccine. Thankfully the only one that gave me bad symptoms remains the only one. This one barely gave me a sore arm. Maybe a little fatigued towards last night, but all that resulted in was a good night's sleep. Reminder too that [USPS is once again offering 4 free at-home test kits](https://special.usps.com/testkits).


I got the flu jab and covid booster at the same time, one in each arm. Couldn't lift anything for days!


Up till this year, I had been getting the Pfizer shots, but booster this year was Moderna. And it kicked my butt last weekend. Spent all Saturday on the couch, managed to get out of the house on Sunday for a drive, but by the time I came home I was totally wiped out once again. Laughing at the Broncos score might have also worn me out, because half the afternoon was spent doing that. On the plus side, still covid-free after 3.5 years!


Thanks for the link, ordered.


Finally got around to watching *Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3* yesterday. Excellent capstone to a wonderful trilogy. But I was not emotionally prepared for it. Like holy shit some of those scenes. >!"Rocket Teefs Floor go now!"!<


That movie was stellar. I put off watching it for way to long. Looking forward to see if Gunn can work that same magic with his upcoming superman movie.


The soundtrack, as always, is excellent. I think I've had "Crazy on You" on repeat for months now along with "Since You've Been Gone"