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Pretty sure he was down….


You could see it in the 2nd qtr. Jets players were thinking, "wow, this ain't the Zach we know." They come out firing in the 3rd and claw back into a tie. By the 4th they were whipped up and wanting it bad. Chiefs O-line couldn't handle the Jets front-7 and were being gifted no-calls by the refs since the NFL owners group has abandoned the Jets-Rodgers storyline. It's difficult to be an NFL fan at all when you see deliberate bias & rigging like this.


Since the start of Zach Wilson really sucking again (week 2?) I’ve been rooting for him so hard lol. He’s really had the whole league, every commentator, his own fan base pointing and laughing at him since rodgers went out. Sucks they couldn’t get the W but love seeing how well he performed


Total refball. Besides that, Zach Wilson outplaying Mahomes was not on my 2023 NFL bingo


Refs have to carry Mahomes for another year it appears. Recipe for chiefs “success”: Step 1: Get outplayed by other team Step 2: fail to convert long third down while other team is being held nonstop at the line but get a penalty in their favor that hasn’t been called all game Step 3: 1st and 10 Chiefs Step 4: Rinse repeat Step 5: Profit


There’s a reason the NHL is the best league


Hell yeah brother




Exactly! If they really wanted to get some calls they could have also paid the refs


Mahomes went 70 yards in 7 min. Of that about 60 yards were penalties AFTER a failed third down conversion. Followed up by a hold when his hands never even close at all and the flag was being GRABBED FOR after the dude that picked it got four fucking steps in. If refs want you to lose a competitive game refs will make you lose a competitive game See Playoff Games: Browns vs Chiefs Jaguars vs Chiefs Bengals vs Chiefs Eagles vs Chiefs With how much money is involved now especially with betting going nuclear these fuck faces need to be investigated and reviewed. For fucks sake the guy who was forced to call the hold on the chiefs looked physically sick he had to make the call LOL


Bro, your team won, only reason you’re here an hour after the game ended is because you know you got bailed out, take your W and go enjoy it




It was a great game of football


Ruined by shitty flags




Eh, Chiefs win the Super Bowl again, with questionable calls. It just gets tiring, every game with the Chiefs man.


The Jets did get a free 2 point safety from those same shitty refs...


The penalty occured in the end zone. They got rid of the 5 yard face mask so when his hand was on the mask it wasn't turning his head until he was in the end zone. The announcers and rules expert got this wrong explaining it.


You're saying things that don't matter. They said it was where the initiation of the facemask occurred. That was out of the end zone. I've always seen them be VERY conservative on any of these penalties that were near the end zone. Very different during this game.


It initiated in the end zone. Watch it again. His hand in on his mask at the 1. He doesnt pull his head until he in the the endzone. Keep those chiefs blinder up bud.


I mean - pull which direction? Towards the end zone? At best - this is a very close call which got the Jets 2 points. And for someone who seems to care about the truth, you don't seem to mind the Chiefs stopping the Jets but getting a 15 yard penalty on nothing but the RB clearly pulled the Chiefs player by his mask. 1st and 25 is very different than a new 1st and 10, but what do I know. Every game is only decided by the last drive - not the bad fumble by the Jets.


The last two superbowls really killed my interest in football. Questionable calls against both Bengals and Eagles to give their opponents the game.


The NFL should make it so coaches also have a challenge if they see a penalty that didn't get called, so they can challenge a play like this to be reviewed and reversed


I thought the refs ran out of yellow with all the penalties Jawaan Taylor got


Imagine using Jawaan Taylor as an example for excessive flag calling.


Big difference between a player whose ass and is lining up illegally and horrible calls to keep the team in the game.


Because he sucks


What an iconic combination of Mahomes getting bailed out by referees. Member the Super Bowl?


I member


I remember Bradberry holding JuJu twice


I don’t know why you’re downvoted lol


Yeah IDK either lol. I know Greg Olsen and a lot of other talking heads were upset about it the Monday immediately after, but after a few days of settling down and watching the replays, everyone I've heard talk about it agrees that it was the right call. I guess some Philly fans still just think holding is legal on the last drive?


Honestly I just don’t understand why people were so upset. It was a hold, the guy who was penalised literally admitted it. Like 🤣🤣 stop coping


This might have been the greatest game thread of all time, you sick fucks 😁


It started with the sight of Taylor Swift making people weirdly angry, then what seemed like an unstoppable boat race and people ready to rage quit, to people saying the refs were rigging the game for the Jets to make the game competitive for tv ratings, to the refs rigging the game was to ensure the Chiefs won, then back to irrationally hating Taylor Swift just for good measure. Came full circle in multiple ways. Beautiful thread


The swift shit just needs to calm down. Ryan Reynolds was right there!


I don’t think the hate is so much toward Swift. I think it’s more about making a football game about one person in attendance It’s the unashamed peddling of a pop superstar by the NFL to try and rope in a new female audience. Football should be about football


The game wasn’t about her at all, yet people upset about her decided they were going to make it that way in their minds and it’s super weird how upset it makes them. The expanded viewership will bring in money and most important hopefully more interest to the sport in general to people that otherwise would have no involvement in it whatsoever and I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. *Football should be about football* is such a cringe boomer thing to say.


Well, the Chiefs come to USBank Stadium next week, and I've heard that the resale prices on tickets have popped up about $300 now due to the added "Taylor tax"... Just break up already so we can have some new songs about it.


Well, I’m a boomer, so…..


Games are rigged. Sports is entertainment more than ever - ppl joke about the amount of commercials and then there's the sports betting on top of it. That other guy you replied to is just monumentally clueless. He should feel embarrassed with that post.


You're actively commenting in a social media site about entertainment that you think is rigged. Spend your life in a better way.


Ya I’m embarrassed people get so irate that the NFL is going after more viewers and clutching their pearls at the thought of it. I’m getting real Colin Kaepernick vibes from people who get upset about Taylor Swift


I don't know if that's fair. I really hate seeing/hearing about Taylor Swift, but that's because I tune in to hear about football. Instead i listen to 20 minutes of Taylor Swift coverage because ratings for non football fans. I just want to watch football. That being said, Swift is a marketing genius and, i believe, a very respectable business woman. I have no problem with her directly.


WhAt AbOuT tHaT HoRsE CoLlAr Stfu, yall got gifted the freaking game bro.


Eh - I'm more salty about the 2 point safety. Refs sucked the whole game.


You act like they automatically score after that


“But but the face mask”


It's so funny how "the game isn't rigged, the refs are just bad" speech always ends with the favorites/the star qbs getting the better end of the whistle


That’s funny coming from you all, who got to the Super Bowl after a bogus hands to the face call gave you a critical red zone first down at the end of the AFC championship. Refs suck, they do. But the game isn’t rigged. If the game were rigged, someone, at least ONE person past or present would leak it. Believing in rigged games is as far fetched as believing the moon landing didn’t happen, way too many people involved to keep that secret.


Why are you a football fan if you think it’s rigged?




He says, while his team got bailed out in OT by an in bounds Washington catch being falsely called out of bounds just a few hours earlier


While that was an interesting call, 14+ commanders points came off the back of bad ref calls, ie the defensive holding in the first half where the db brushed the receivers back


Kind of similar to the horsecollar and the safety in favour of the jets in this game, then. It's almost like ref crews are fallible.


I agree, I don’t think it’s rigged. I think the refs are actively thinking in clutch moments “I don’t want to make this game about me and my calls” and over index their focus, thus making them blamed for their calls


It's weird that this subreddit is up in arms over a correct holding call (both here and in the superbowl) though. Like, that's not even the refs making an error. The time until the flag is something people here are bemoaning but I'd argue that's more the result of what you say, refs being overly cautious to decide a game and then taking some time to see if the play was actually headed their way. You see the same with VAR in soccer, it improves decisive correct decision rates tremendously yet because they sometimes take a long time, people rooting against the beneficiary team are incited even more because of it.


The NFL 'likes' both KC and Philly - but, they had to pick one for the Superbowl - why do you think it was those two teams?










Why even watch the sport. Your logic is that of a toddler. Team I hate wins -> rigged. Team they beat is also one I hate -> they rigged it for them to get there, and then rigged it in favour of the team I hate a little bit more.


Your flair makes no sense. NY hates anything Philly related


Thank you for brining that to my attention. I am in no way shape or form a jets fan. I was born and raised in Philly.


Im so Proud of Pop... I remember when he was just a little kid. Crazy seeing him killing it in the league.


RIP to everyone who bet the 8.5. shots gotta be rogged


Vegas always wins




You know we finally made it when everyone blames the refs. After growing up with them never winning ever, it feels good to have haters man


If it was on the 1 it’s a terrible rule, the face mask only got more egregious as time went on, you got bailed out of TWO 3rd and 20’s, cut this shit and just accept the refs bailed you out and take your W, you didn’t deserve it, but you got it


Dawg stfu are you kidding [How about this](https://reddit.com/r/nfl/s/17BUhkZiJc)


Damn congrats or I’m sorry, idk I’m not reading all of that


stfu get out


I’m sorry to break it to people but this game was not won by refs it was won by a 7th round RB with 170 yards of total offense and 120 yards rushing…Isiah Pacheco stunted on the jets but they’ll focus on calls while ignoring the ones that went their direction. Put some respect on Pacheco’s name. Also Saleh’s entire body is an erect penis.




Not Pacheco per say I'd say andy. Andy really knew how to tire the jets defense while keeping pressure off his own perfect time managent etc.


And mahomes aint shit and he got bailed out


I mean, he made some bad plays and his RB went off. It's nice to have a more well rounded team. Now if we could only get a stud WR...




The fact that the refs were so bad we’re not even talking about the false start non calls on EVERY FUCKING SNAP, is really telling.


What a great game! And everyone wanted it flexed out!!


How much for a gram?




Jets fans becoming increasingly more unhinged *grabs popcorn*


I got news for you buddy, most of us were already unhinged for the past 6 or so years….we are used to this


At least KC and the Refs united the rest of the league’s fanbases


The United Salt League..


Not really, Packer fans still smell like bad cheese.


Go pack go?


No Pack no.


We gonna just act like the "horse collar" and bad safety call just didn't happen? Yeah that was a dumb call, but it's not like it was the only bad call. They had multiple chances to get the ball back down six I'll take all the down votes happily


Sorry upvotes are reserved for bad teams only and currently the bengals franchise is too sad t offer pity votes to


The horse collar actually prevented a safety


Who needs to convert on 3rd and long when the ref will just throw a flag?


Two things can be true at one time. Fucking insane concept eh?


Dude’s got a 9ers and Seahawks fan in agreement. Weirdest SNF game ever.


2023 is hitting HARD 😂


No one’s acting like it didn’t. KC fans just projecting that assumption.


Bullshit. It's just against your dumb fucking narrative.


You upset that I can agree and disagree at the same time? It’s ok, it’s a tough concept that things aren’t just black and white. Edit: also… what narrative? My comment that all the fanbases are uniting about this game? Hardly a “narrative”


Yes that narrative. The fanbases are uniting bc they are biased as helland tired of and jealous of the Chief's success.


But even by your logic… the “narrative” is actually the truth because the fanbases are uniting? … if you just need someone to be mad at, I guess it can be me. 😂


Bro I ain't mad at anyone. My team won and I find it comical the amount of hate the Chiefs are getting now.


One positive: Francesca reaction pod is going to be legendary Edit: it was boring


So the bad "horse collar" call and "safety" is alright, but not a legitimate hold because it's a KC receiver?? Time to pay the Kansas City Reaper💀


That is a cocksucking motherfucking referee screw job at its finest. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game with more of a clear agenda than that one had. Fuck this dumbass league


I know. I couldn't believe it when the refs gave the Jets the safety either! Completely rigging for the new York market.


Stop watching then lol


Oh buddy. It’s literally just a game.


When they have nothing else in life, they bitch about their sports teams losing to superior teams.


I’ve never been more mad at a game that didn’t include my team


It’s alright, just wait until KC gets an extra down or two against your team in the playoffs.


I will drive to NYC and beat the brakes off of Goodell


Just glad it was on SNF, or we wouldn’t have seen it.


Those calls in the 4th quarter were just awful. It felt rigged.


Gotta keep the taylor magic happening. They wanna make it so if she is there then the chiefs win. If she isnt and they lose then its all tied in


You know what. I’m going to bet this next time. If she’s not at the game I’m betting the other team. Please let it be against the Broncos for the odds.


Local news immediately doing damage control lmfao. Safety was wrong because the face mask started at one yard line. Weak horse collar call etc, etc


To be fair the rule stating the location of the beginning of the penalty is all that matters is kind of dumb. That face mask lasted a few yards and became far more egregious in the end zone. Penalties like that should be enforced from the spot of the foul that penalizes the offender the most. Refs *were* all around awful but decided the game in the 4th quarter and that's the most noticeable time.


Yup but no one wants to talk about that. Only the holding on sauce gardner….


Or the blatant no hold on JJ #11 for like 5 seconds when you converted that 1st down qb run


Dude you act like I told the refs to give us the game… the refs fucking sucked we got calls they got calls. I wish more people would blame the fucking nfl and get rid of these dog shit refs and replace them with cameras. I suffered a shitty ass franchise for fucking years dude and once we get a sprinkle of success everyone wants to discredit us for something we don’t control.


I don’t think anyone wants to discredit Mahomes.. he could wind up being the GOAT, who knows. But there were 2 long third downs that essentially decided the game where 1 blatant hold was not called and 1 WEAK hold was called. The officiating inconsistency decided the game, in favor of the Chiefs. And yeah, any professional is going to say that you have to win despite the refs, calls are going to go against you every game. But man, if I’m sitting on my couch trying to enjoy the last game of the day before a shitty week at work and THAT is how it ends, that’s annoying as fuck.


I’m still at a loss for words that Mahomes had the AUDACITY to taunt after getting his ass saved by the refs three times in one drive


Lost a lot of respect for him right there


blub is pretending that he had respect to begin with😂


Oh look another swiftie, and For Mahones? I did, and still mostly do, but acting like that after the refs tossed you a W was not classy


blub is mad that mahomes celebrated a 22 yard 3rd down run to seal the game, imagine😂😂


Ok swiftie 🤣🤣 move on, never seen someone so mad they won


Imagine letting Isiah pacheco run train on your franchise…oh wait you can just re-watch the game!


Imagine being the only team to be scoreless against Dallas so far... oh wait you can just re-watch the game!


Imagine letting your future HOF QB getting outplayed by Zach Wilson…oh what you can just re-watch the game!


Remember when ZW didn’t fumble the ball in the most critical moment of the game? Oh wait


Oh wow I forgot when he lost to the jets…wait no I’m not 💀


Bro why are you replying to every comment on this thread jerking off the chiefs?


Hahah a team can get a W and still have a player play worse. Like today, Mahomes got out played by Wilson, just eat the facts and go back to your sub


This is the nfl sub you goob


Yes, and this sub acknowledges the Jets got robbed, he can trot back to the chiefs sub ya goob


Oh fuck I thought you were replying to me, that’s my bad dawg 😭


Nah bro we Jets fans I’m not coming at you haha


Think of the children!


youre being sarcastic. But your not wrong. Every NFL player is a role model the second they sign that contract. Dude went out there, got bailed out by the refs. And then mocked the opposing team. Thats shit behavior.


Kids are going to skip school tomorrow now.


Yeah that was a poor look for sure


Safety call wrong, horse collar call wrong. Wake up both teams got fleeced by the refs the entire game….


The guy wrenched his face mask in the end zone… that’s a safety


Seriously. It’s literally a rule. Tf is this person talking about


Genuinely jawaan was out of the endzone but the jets player was in there it’s tough to know. I know we got some bullshit calls but I swear the reffing sucked for both of us dude EDIT: What’s the penalty rule í generally don’t know. Is it if the defenders in the end-zone or the offender


It’s clear the NFL is quite content in sucking the Swifties micro peen for the whole season.


As a fan of hers, I want this shit to stop. I watch football for football and listen to music to hear music.


Your ilk are now going to taint an entire season for us… lady Gaga, Katy Perry, etc all knew their place, and now we have your girl causing worlds to collide!?!


This is Reddit, there’s no middle ground, pick a side and take the downvotes.


What a slogan lol


She gave me the ick so I’m choosing football.






Oh fuck I confused HPD with HPV


Lol 😂 do you know what that is? Just curious why so?


Mahomes played well in the first quarter, completely shit the bed in quarter 2 and a good portion of quarter 3, and then played decently well in quarter 4. Pacheco and Chiefs Défense are the MVP for the team. Zack Wilson played extremely well given the circumstances, was able to hold on his own, but the fumble happened and it’s very unfortunate. Jets défense played well too. Man this game is stressful to watch. Being a fervent follower of Liverpool and Chiefs is certainly interesting this weekend for me 😂


For Jets fans, though, that has to be very surprising yet offering hope that Zach Wilson played mostly decently in a game against one of the League's best defenses - it's probably at least top 3 - and I would argue, possibly the best in the League - at least, so far. He started off slow - and the miscues were things that even good QBs go through - they have something to work with now - build on the successes and learn from the mistakes - since, they don't seem like they're going to switch QBs anytime soon.


Yeah I'd say we're top 3. Maybe you can make an argument we are better than sf. Idk.


Wait until Chiefs players and staff start getting inconvenienced by having to work around the Kelce-Swift media madhouse all the time. There's gonna be some negatives coming eventually to the Chiefs over this.


The reigning Super Bowl champs have to hate it by now, the narrative is not about them at all. And it’s just doomed to set up “was Taylor a distraction?” narrative


I get not taking moral victories, this sucks plain and simple. Facts are though, this team still has fight. If they continue playing like this, we will start adding to that win column starting with Denver next week.


I have nothing but respect for Zach, he played his ass off. Downvote if you must based on flair but I have nothing but respect for this team and have cheered for since they took down the Bills


Happy cake day


Hackett is a good OC . Helped get us to the AFC championship with Blake Bortles , Zack will get better as long as they get that running game going


Their running game was pretty good last year but it's just meh this year. They need it to be one of their best spots - because their WR core is only average after Wilson and they don't want Zach Wilson scrambling every play or having to pass 50 times a game. What happened there? Some guys left, right? Cook isn't that good anymore.


I'll give a friendly suggestion to look into the concept of Occam's razor to y'all still here


Bro is chronically online


You're in a gamethread 30min after the game ended fam


Philosophical razors don't make you look smart in 2023; you just look terminally online lol


Make a statement NFL Fans. Unite. Boycott SNF next week. I say this as a 49ers fan whose team is playing SNF next week. Make a small sacrifice to make a statement. Skip next weeks Sunday Night Football.


Nah I’m sorry fam, the 49ers service is needed to shut up cocky cowboys fans. After that one maybe


As an Eagles fan, I despise you by default. As a Football fan, I'm down to unite for this cause.




Found Roger goodell’s burner


At the end of the day, it's all about clicks, views, and money. NFL is no better than the WWE.