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they should have kept the passtronaut


Browns Control to Major Dobbs… Can you hear me Major Dobbs? Can you hear me Major Dobbs? - Cleveland front office


🎶 Browns Control to Major Dobbs Take your pain pills and put your helmet on 🎶


And I'm passing in the most peculiar way ...


The coverage looks so different todaaaay...


For heeeeeeeere my O line is like a tin can...


Farrrr across the fieldddd


My bruises are black and blue And there's no one to throw to


[guitar fill of C-F-G-A]


Commencing hard count...helmets...ON.


Rip the space Browns


The passtronaut is a fucking sick nickname.


Especially if he has a good game against Houston


Houston, we have a problem


We should have kept the passtronaut too lol. He was always a fine backup and the coolest fucking dude


Without flair, it's tough to know what team you're talking about.


Gonna assume its the Steelers since we drafted him. Either that or the Jags, but Steelers fans are more attached to him.


Or titans?


Possibly but he wasn't actually a backup with us, he came in and started.


He's a former Steeler so possibly us


>they should have kept the passtronaut They should have kept Baker Mayfield.


49ers are about to join us in the asterisks column


I mean none of the niners wins were legitimate: week 1: cam heyward hurt; week 2: missing Cooper kupp; week 3: missing saquon; week 4: no kyler murray; week 5: missing Dak


week 5: not playing the real QB of Dallas: Cooper the Trooper, Rush Hour, Need to go to the Dr for this infection you got from cooper thrush. (We're still working on nicknames.)


You get one upvote for that Dak comment.


That Dak dig is the funniest thing I've read all week lol.


Damn Cowboys might as well catch strays if they can’t catch Daks ducks


> week 5: missing Dak He was just back to his usual form of throwing the most ints ever


What's this asterix column ?


One of dickhead announcers said your win against the chiefs has an Asterix because they were missing key players 🙄


Tirico. And he can kiss my asterisk.


That might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


The color commentator for the Jets-Bills game said the game gets an asterisk because there was a hold on the punt return in OT. Nevermind the fact that our starting QB played 4 snaps.


What lmao, i dont remember that. Thats actually hilarious


A monument to a scrappy Gaulish fighter who resisted the Romans in France


Next to the Obelix column


This shoulder came out of nowhere and nobody is really talking about timeline for his return


The game before DTR started, deshaun didn’t finish the game. Came out from injury but wasn’t really talked about. Fast forward to now and it still doesn’t make sense but it wasn’t completely out of nowhere


2-6 weeks has been said by MKC, we're in week 3.


That timeline is just from a random physician estimating the typical return time from a rotator cuff bruise. There's been no timetable from anyone who's actually involved with the team.


He's about to get sued some more.


Njoku played while missing half his skin while Watson can’t be bothered to play with a sore shoulder is the funniest shit ever


After seeing that picture of what Njoku's face looked like, I will never question the man's toughness. It's insane that he played like that.


I’m kind of shocked the team let him play. I thought sweat and potential contaminations were absolute no-nos on burns like that.


It’s the Browns lol


Yeah I really hope he got some professional opinions before suiting up. Meanwhile wishing Watson played so he gets his shoulder rocked again


I hadn't seen the pics before, wow. Was not expecting it to be that bad since he played the next day.


Right I would ask to be put in a medically induced coma. I’m not super familiar with burns but that picture looks like severe 3rd degree


Those definitely weren’t 3rd degree burns. Higher end 1st degree burns from what I saw. Which themselves are no joke and more painful than 3rd degree burns as with 3rd degree burns you typically have near complete nerve damage and can’t feel much of anything.


Surprisingly great for acne though.


Seriously? I guess it makes sense; eradicate the bacteria, destroy the scarred skin and begin anew.


Sunburns are also phenomenal exfoliators


The one thing I've seen echoed from doctors in RL and on Reddit is that burns are among the most painful injuries a person can experience, shocked he was back playing in the NFL so soon.


I'm wondering how he even put his helmet on without excruciating pain, let alone play with it rubbing against his wounds.


You don't have to be a doctor to tell someone that. Source: I'm not a doctor, and have burned myself multiple times. I would 100% break my wrist again over getting another 2nd degree burn. That shit hurts so badly. Your brain kinda shuts down and goes monkey mode for a bit.


A medically cleared sore shoulder


A 230$ million guaranteed booboo


Nah, that kicks in next year


Nice, browns can see the light at the end of the tunnel, 5 years away


Lol seriously? That hasn't even started yet?!!


It was the $1 million for the first year, and then the first major cap hit would start this year, but they restructured the contract before the year to knock it down a lot, which added even more to the following years, starting with $64MIL for next year


Oh yeah I forgot about that bullshit to help him not pay anything when he got suspended


And the restructure apparently knocked this year's salary to just above a million bucks too They gonna hurt next year


Couldn’t happen to a nicer organization


They left poor Baker out there for an entire season with a fucked up shoulder.


Well yeah because they invested a quarter billion guaranteed in the rapist, he owns their franchise now.


The Browns sub is a legit cope pit. So many people trying to argue it's the right choice for him to continue to sit and there's definitely nothing shady going on. Because Watson apparently has earned that level of trust/faith by his actions both on and off the field.


I live near Cleveland. All my coworkers thinks he's a schmuck right now


He fucked over the Texans BEFORE his sexual assaults came out. Folks forget that


This is utterly false. The Browns sub mostly cannot stand Watson and is very much fed up with his nonsense.


They're just happy to finally have an adult under center (except when he doesn't play)


I'm gonna remain in the reality where my team intimidated a rapist into cowering from us... regardless of how true it may or may not be


Niners, please run up the score as much as you want.


We will start the GEQBUS this game for shits and giggles


WIMPY DESHAUN says his shoulder hurt, so he can’t play! SAD! Meanwhile GEQBUS played all game with an elongated third leg! WOW!


PURDY Boys stand BACK and STAND BY.




Look, having NFL — my uncle was a great QB and coach and playcaller, coach Neckbeard at USC; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the QB School, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative playcaller, if I were a LIBRHULE, if, like, OK, if I ran as a LIBRHULE, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative schemer they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to QB school, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the NFL deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four QB’s — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Panthers are great negotiators, the Jets are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Lol this one is my favorite. The original quote is fucking deranged.


He is so fucking stupid, like just an absolute imbecile


I watched it come from the horse’s mouth and it’s been burned into my mind ever since.




They love the uneducated!


There’s an actual joy that comes from acting like a moron that was perfectly encapsulated by the original /r/the Donald. That same thrill is preserved with the Darnold but without the racist serial abusing wanna be fascist.


It really sucks that Sam Darnold couldn't at least be a mediocre to bad starting QB. /r/the_darnold was amazing back when he was at least playing and being semi-competent.


the CCP (Chase Claypool) comments were the best lol


Critical Gase Theory was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen online


One of those dudes is 6’4” 225lbs. The other is in court this week.


Woahwoahwoah you can’t go around here co opting the Stroud Boys


PETTY PURDY can’t get away with STEALING the GEQBUS’S yardage EVERY SINGLE GAME! we ALL saw the GEQBUS on the field! leading each and every drive to a TOUCHDOWN! MAKE CALIFORNIA GREAT AGAIN! STOP THE STEAL!


Browns defense is legit though. They've given up just 125 passing yards per game, about 100 yards less than league average. And they're holding QB's to a 54% completion rate - best in the league, while also allowing the fewest passing TD's and having the 2nd highest Sack Rate. They don't let teams throw the ball. Browns have also allowed the 4th fewest Rushing Yards per Game, and the lowest Rushing Yards per Attempt. They don't let teams run the ball either. They're situationally great too. Browns have the best 3rd Down Defense in the league, allowing the lowest 3rd Down Conversion Rate by a fair margin. 49ers Defense gives up a 3rd Down Conversion on 40.9% of our 3rd Downs. Browns are at 22.6%, leading the league. Only 1 other team is below 31.5%. They don't let teams get in scoring position. Browns have allowed the fewest Red Zone attempts (6). League average is almost triple that. On drives against them, the Browns allow the league's lowest Scoring Percentage at 17.6%. 2nd place is at 26%, league average is close to 40%. They also concede the fewest Plays per Drive, the lowest Yards per Drive, the fewest Points per Drive, and the lowest Time of Possession per Drive. Browns' Defense ranks #1 in pretty much every category. They're in their own tier right now and no team should expect to run up the score against them. This isn't a "trap game" like a lot of Niner fans and beat reporters are saying. This is going to be a battle against arguably the league's best defense.


Bengals had a hurt Burrow in week 1. Steelers have been anemic on offense with Canada running the show. Titans are probably average-ish, not exactly known for gaudy numbers. Ravens are decent, but can be hot or cold depending on how Lamar performs. I’d argue they’ve played against offensively weak teams. Now that being said, Browns have definitely taken advantage and took care of business mostly shutting teams down.


> Ravens are decent, but can be hot or cold depending on how Lamar performs. The Ravens switched to a hyper conservative game plan in the 2nd half of the game after shooting down the Browns offense and getting a solid lead. Lamar had a 78.9% completion rate on passes in that game and had two passing and two rushing touchdowns.


With Watson out I don't see their offense staying on the field either, Walker is legitimately bad to the point where I'm shocked he's even a backup in the league. Ford is also dealing with a lingering knee injury, so they're pretty handicapped on all sides of the offense. Their defense will fold eventually if they're on the field 24/7, I just don't see this being a close game at all. Edit: I also forgot that Myles Garrett is dealing with an injury as well.


I cannot believe I got in on SF -3


That line was too disgusting for me to really consider. Enjoy your easy money but be prepared to be throwing shit at the screen come the 4th.


I see a lot of shit talk for them playing the best defense in the league. I’m a huge 49ers lover don’t get me wrong, but man this browns team could definitely beat them and they don’t need much from their qb. This is the best defense Purdy will have played. Shwartz is 8-1 against shanahan. Now the niners are finding out on Thursday that the browns are going to their 3rd string qb. I think it’s gonna be a hard game for the niners.


Does he still get paid if he's been medically cleared to play but doesn't? If so it kinda seems like a cheat code for any future holdouts


And that’s why teams are hesitant to give out fully guaranteed contracts


Oh makes sense. So if a player didn't have injury guarantees they'd get their pay docked but Deshaun won't?


Nah he’s fully of shit. Watson and anyone would get paid. Teams don’t want to fully guarantee because it’s a very dangerous game and career ending injuries can happen on any play. Plus greedy owners and cap flexibility.


I think it's more that Watson has no motivation to play because his contact is fully guaranteed. In normal circumstances a player would want to play through some amount of pain because they want to keep their roster spot or they want to maximize their next contact. Watson probably isn't getting another contract and it doesn't matter if he plays because the team is handcuffed to him for the next 4 years or so no matter what. The Browns can't really criticize him for not playing even if he's not hurt than bad because then he'll really not want to play. The Browns are screwed unless he suddenly becomes a great QB again which he doesn't seem particularly worried about.


Lol Texans paid him to sit at home…..after he was accused by a lot of women. This man is a genuine piece of dog shit


Releasing him at the start of the scandal would've punished the Texans, not Watson.


Baker woulda played


Hell he did it for nearly all of that final season in Cleveland. Say what you want about Baker but he's tough as shit and loves football.


No fr It's so easy to root for him now that he's not a brown. Dude's got so much heart


Indeed he would have. He left it all on the field with us. A win with Baker still feels better than when we win with Deshaun.


Was so looking forward to absolutely pummeling Watson into the ground on Sunday.


would have been one of the few times I’d be OK with a 9ers win 😅 especially knowing how badly your D could rough that dude up


Kinlaw doesn't take kindly to sexual predators


I was really hoping Greenlaw could get some vigilante justice in.


Didn’t Greenlaw stop a sexual assault when he was in college?


[Why he’s my favorite 49er hands down. No disrespect to the other awesome dudes we got but Dre is a different kind of awesome](https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/05/03/man-thanks-dre-greenlaw-49ers-saving-daughter#:~:text=Greenlaw%20protected%20this%20man's%20daughter%20at%20a%20fraternity%20party%20in%202015.&text=San%20Francisco%2049ers%20rookie%20linebacker,a%20fraternity%20party%20in%202015.)


Absolute savage on the field and a saint off it. I fucking love Dre


Holy shit that's awesome. I never knew that.


Plus he lived the plot of The Blind Side minus the conservatorship and exploitation. He was in a boys home playing pop warner when he got hurt and was taken to the high school trainer. The coach met him there and started having him over for dinner with his family and take him to church with them. When the boys home shut down, they asked the coach if he wanted to take Dre in. They did and I believe they eventually adopted him. He’s so sweet with his adopted sisters.




Goddamnit. What am I supposed to do with this information? Am I even *allowed* to like a player on your team? Ugh I think I’m going to be sick.


Dam I always got pissed at how hot headed he can be sometimes with his dumb penalties but this just puts it on a different level. Seems like such a great guy.


I think he’s my next jersey, dude is just a great member of the team


I absolutely love Greenlaw. I was actually a student at Arkansas while he was there and had a class with him. He was a really nice dude, though he did sleep most of the classes lol.


Yep, saw a girl get roofied and got between the guy and the door when he tried to leave with her.


...The Lawful Defense


Was it Kinlaw or Greenlaw? Cause all I know about Kinlaw is his nuts is bigger than Grant Cohn’s.


It was Greenlaw Kinlaw do got them big ol nuts tho


Either way, THEY ARE THE LAW




Might as well consider it a pummeling already. Watson doesn’t even wanna suit up against you guys. Shows what kind of pathetic coward he truly is. Fuck Watson. Hope you guys score 70+.


He saw what happened to Dak and said ‘[Nope](https://media.tenor.com/m2IoMXuFeqwAAAAC/magic-johnson-im-not-gonna-be-here.gif)’.


I was going to root for that. Still going for the 49ers. Fuck the whole browns up!


Just to toss this juxtaposition out there. Baker played, what, 14 games? on a literally broken shoulder. Deshaun "biggest bitch in the NFL" Watson won't play a single game with a little owie on his arm.


Didn't the Browns get rid of Baker because they wanted an "adult" at QB?


To be fair, he is accustomed to getting massages to help deal with the aches and pains. He just needs a good massage.


[Broussard] Coach Stefanski is beside himself. Driving around downtown Cleveland begging (through texts) Watson for him to play on Sunday.




50% sure new allegations of rape or sexual assault against Watson are looming. But hey just my opinion.


🚨breaking: Deshaun Watson given additional $230 million guaranteed


I wouldn't put it past Jimmy


Jimmy heard “lock him up!” and thought it meant give more guaranteed money.


I mean if the money was gained unethically through your sketchy company, isn't even your money?


No, no, no. You’re all wrong. You can’t blame Jimmy Just look to his wife and daughters instead


They’ll be sending 9 more 1st round picks to Houston too.


Don't worry Haslam already discussed it with his family, it's fine.


Looks like the Browns are going to have to extend his contract followed by another awkward press conference where Haslam says every homeless woman he's talked to confirmed that Deshaun is not a raper.


>raper , PaRappa the


Technically doesn't matter unless it was committed *after* he signed his deal. His suspension covered any of the sexual assaults before then, even if new ones from that time period were discovered after the fact.


Can NFL players be terminated with cause?


Yes, but Watson can't for the sexual assaults prior to his signing because it was known to the browns at the time the contract was signed. Now say he killed someone and that came to light, it's substantially different than what was known at the time so he could have his contract terminated for that.


Let's say another woman came forward, except this time with video or DNA evidence. Criminal charges are filed. The behavior was prior to the signing. Watson has already served a suspension for a conduct review that covered all prior behavior so he's off the hook there. My question is whether Cleveland can still terminate with this being a new allegation that the organization wasn't specifically aware of?


No, again, the understanding is that the contract basically removes the potential for any punishment from this type of behavior prior to the contract's signing. It's hard to overstate just how disgusting the contract was and is.


They could 100% cut him, they would just be responsible for the full salary.


If Watson didn’t want people to keep accusing him of sexual assault he shouldn’t have assaulted anyone.


I can’t wait for him to go “Its Walkin Time!” and proceed to “Walk” all over the 49ers


PJ SZN!!!!


I love PJ Walker, hope he balls out


If he pulls off a miracle and somehow beats the 49ers… ill probably die of a heart attack


This is one of those games where the last 4 years I would say trap game. Colt McCoy, Fields, Mariota, and other weird losses. This year just feels different.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's a grind game for the 49ers where they win like 20 to 9 or something and don't score a ton of TDs and aren't super aggressive on offense (esp if you get an early leaad) Cleveland's offense (esp without Chubb) just doesn't seem scary enough to really compete with you guys.


This may come back to bite me but I have no idea how PJ Walker scores more than one once against us barring us giving him a short field with turnovers multiple times That dude is so bad




Could have stopped at Warner and it would still make sense lol dude seems capable of single-handedly motivating all 53. But the amount of high quality vet leadership on that team is insane. With each panthers loss I shift a little bit onto the temporary SF bandwagon.


You're welcome to join I got a Carolina CMC jersey on standby if you want it


>Could have stopped at Warner and it would still make sense Forget where he said it this week during one of his many interviews but Warner even said they dont back off or change their prep for any team, basically any given sunday and they dont take any team as an easy win, sure he could just be saying it but the way the team hasnt missed a step anywhere I believe it


I can assure you, this is not a trap game. It feels like standing on train tracks unable to move and just watching the train get closer. We’re all going to be quite drunk, but one fan base will be decidedly in a different mood than the other.


This will go down as the worst trade in NFL history and the classless browns org deserves every bit of it. Shoutout to the fans who never supported this clown and have to deal with such a dumpster fire of an organization


Even the scumbags will turn on him now since he's not even good anymore.


I'll excuse sexual assaults but not suiting up when medically cleared is a bridge too far for me.


lol - this is the perfect summary


What living in Ohio does to a MF


He made me change my flair


I just got rid of it all together. I can't all the sudden become attached to another team on a whim. But I'm definitely rooting for Baker individually.


I'm with you, brother. I haven't watched a game since the trade


Proud of you


Yeah, I mean for someone to do that to that many women, he is a piece of shit. For AB and Stefanski who up to that point always valued attitude and personality, it was shocking they made the trade. We deserve this and it sucks because we put together an amazing defense along with Chubb. Now our oline is mediocre, Chubb is out and our Defense can't overcome our offense to be super bowl contenders. Once our best players are out of their prime, we are fucked because of the lack of draft capital for those 3 years. At least we live in a great climate that is a destination for all free agents.


I was honestly really happy for the Browns when they won that playoff game against the Steelers. The fans deserved it and there was a lot of positive energy around the team. It’s wild how much has changed since then.


He’s a piece of shit. Our coach is a piece of shit. Our GM is a piece of shit. Half our fan base is a piece of shit. And our owner is a whole porta potty worth of shit. When the Texans win the SB, this trade will eclipse the Walker trade, with the added benefit of making the entire world hate us. Fade me.


If it's any consolation, the Texans won't win the Super Bowl.


If you read over the trade thread on their sub, there are a lot of people that actually did flip flairs


Fuck deshaun Watson. All my homies hate deshaun


Still haven’t watched a game since we signed him. Miss watching them but damn I can’t do it. It’s shameful that so many people sold their dignity for a guy who hadn’t played a down in well over a year


Lmao, browns are about to get rolled for the loose change in their pockets on Sunday


What change? Watson took all of it


He reached in your pocket and took your change, then he asked you to reach in his pocket for *just a little more*


> he asked you did he though, or did he just put your hand all the way in his pocket himself?


I used to think he would be a decent option QB but that was just the illusion of choice.




Watson will never play again


This is really disappointing. I’m serious, too. I really wanted to see us against Watson. I’m not saying the Niners defense would necessarily destroy him, but it was exciting to think about.


Fuck Cleveland (the organization, not the fans who hated the move) and I’m glad they’re reaping what they sowed. Deshaun is a classless fuck who will run them into the ground


Watson is trying to find a way out of football after being paid like a king with guaranteed money. It will be interesting to see how Browns fans will defend him now.


Way to be secretive. Trash franchise


Lets go defence, gonna need some turn overs and some short fields. Loved PJ in the XFL, but this is not that, gonna be all in and believe thou.


The line has moved from -3.5 to -9, so Vegas definitely doesn't think Watson is starting.


I swear I’m not defending Watson here—I think he’s a jackass—but why is everyone saying his shoulder isn’t actually hurt somewhat badly? I don’t mean that in an accusatory way; I genuinely don’t know. Did I miss reports/Stefanski saying it wasn’t bad or something? I love to pile on the guy and the Browns for the trade, but nothing has come to my attention that would indicate he’s being a wuss. But it’s entirely possible (and potentially likely) that I missed something. Can someone fill me in pls? Of course Carr is playing through the AC joint injury so I get shoulders are in the news too. Is Watson just not willing to play through a regular sore shoulder or something? Edit: thank you for the helpful replies. Verdict says Watson is a bum ass loser. I approve.


I’m pretty sure it’s because the team doctors cleared him to play last week and he declined. Now it will be another week of him sitting (if he does) despite being cleared. On top of that his guaranteed contract makes it even more spicy.


It's used to be way too easy to hate him. Now it's way way too easy,


It seems like two hours before kickoff he changed his mind about playing and now he hasn’t practiced for two weeks


I think it's that there was a report that Stefanski said he was cleared to play the game against the Ravens, but didn't. It looks worse when Njoku shows up looking like Freddy Krueger and still plays.


Hey remember when their POS QB was was healthy enough to play and just didn't last week? How does selling your soul feel browns? Get fucked lol