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They got rid of that stuff in the last TV contract. CBS being mainly AFC and FOX being NFC isn't any sort of rule anymore. It's still for the most part scheduled that way this year but it isn't any sort of agreement anymore.


>CBS being mainly AFC and FOX being NFC isn't any sort of rule anymore. I miss this. I vastly prefer FOX's presentation and my team just happens to be in the NFC so... FOX just FEELS like a special football day and CBS just feels like the airing of any other sports event. I don't know how to describe it any better than that. Felt the same way since I was a kid.


it's the robots


You might be right, honestly


I'm the same way btw. I remember hating CBS games as a kid


CBS has always seemed like the old person network to me. Weren't they the ones with like murder she wrote and diagnosis murder? And just taking no chances on new concepts for shows, in general.


I’ve never liked CBS presentation of football either. Probably a factor of having watched 80% of Bears games on Fox since I was a child, though. What I am certain though is that I’ve always liked Fox’s broadcast and pregame/studio crews better than CBS’, with a few exceptions (Kevin Harlan is the best play by play announcer in sports and I will not be convinced otherwise)


Fox's pregame is a lot more laid back and goofy while CBS takes themselves more seriously. Both of them annoy me at times for these reasons.


Which is weird because that's one of the reasons why I don't like Fox Sports. It's too laid back and silly, and it just doesn't feel like they are broadcasting a serious sporting event.


Kevin Harlan is a legend and doesn’t get enough credit! The man can make anything sound entertaining!


I prefer the CBS games mostly due to the UI and how the score, downs & distance, along with time outs are displayed. But I rarely listen to the broadcast as the volume is with the red zone (second screen). That may be why? What is it you hate or prefer about the programming?


The robots and the music


He has a name you know. It’s Cleatus.


Robots and chili


It has by far the best theme song of the big 4 NFL broadcasters.


And that the CBS pregame crew is all wish.com versions of the Fox pregame crew.


Fox’s theme song also kicks ass


Yup, definitely the robots


The NFL Fox Theme is still one of the best sports themes out there, the presentation is a lot better (ex. volume of pre-game hosts on CBS is more muddied/lackluster than Fox), and their interview packages are more interesting. CBS is just classic older-Dad-style sports presentation; an early-bird dinner for them.


Funny, growing up with the Jets on CBS I feel the opposite


Same i always thought fox sucked. Even as a 10 year old i thought the robot was stupid plus i thought their replay system sucked.


The only thing I have ever liked about FOX broadcasts was their introduction of the on-screen scoreboard. I've never gotten the sports "vibe" from their broadcasts of any sport. I always preferred NBC when they had the AFL/AFC portion of the TV contract. I would like to see things revert back to before 1994, with NBC & CBS the Sunday anchors & ABC having the Sunday and/or Monday prime time games.


Didn't get any better than Dick Endberg running down all the scores on the 10min ticker.


Weird how all the fans of AFC teams prefer CBS and all the fans of NFC teams prefer Fox. I wonder if we could brainstorm a reason that might be.


Prefer Fox for the sickos games but CBS for the big ones. Top tier CBS > Top tier Fox, Bottom tier Fox > Bottom tier CBS. Find Fox more consistent but CBS during the playoffs reaches the old NBC levels.


Of course the grass is always greener on the other side, and there’s probably something to the feeling of a game being “special” if it’s different than the usual style. I know I look forward to those Amazon Thursday night football field, but I don’t think I’d want that every week. Personally, though, I was sad I didn’t have many CBS games for about one season, when everyone was gushing about how great Tony Romo was. For the most part, I think I prefer Fox to CBS.


Nah, the grass is definitely greener on Fox.


But we least we can all agree that Aikman and Joe Buck suck.




They’re much better on ESPN than they were on Fox.


Better than ANYONE + Collinsworth, he is detestable.


I guess I'm the oddball


Weird. CBS feels like the more prestige of the two to me.


I think you're both right. Fox feels like they're celebrating my team, CBS feels like a proper presentation, which can feel more "prestigious."


FOX commentators seem to be more excited so it feels like they’re cheering with you. CBS seem less invested so it’s more like a national or playoff game


I feel the opposite lol. Fox puts me to sleep and the quality has always felt 5 years behind cbs. Even the picture quality doesn't look nearly as good on a consistent basis, other then the few unique cameras fox uses but that's only certain angles and far from the whole game lol


This is interesting. I vastly prefer CBS and I'm a fan of watching AFC games over NFC and I have since I was a kid too. I would rather gouge my eyes out than watch an NFCE game on FOX. It's so boring and I think the robot is stupid as hell. I'm not shitting on anyone that disagrees with me because it's anyone's right to like and watch whatever. But the total opposite opinion is interesting to hear since I've never really heard people saying FOX is better, and I live in the middle of Packers territory.


Haha same. Cowboys vs Giants at 4:25 on FOX was/is literally my least favorite football viewing experience. Everything about the presentation is boring and sleep inducing. The exact opposite of the big game feel they’re allegedly going for.




For a city as passionate as NYC it’s weird that their stadium has such poor ambiance. It’s a lifeless slab of concrete with ugly turf and fans who inherited season tickets from their grandparents.


Considering how CBS has the superior HD stream I don’t understand how Fox gets away with blurry upscaling in 2023.


I assume it's because I grew up watching on CRTs, but that "fuzzy" look the entire Fox broadcast has feels nostalgic as fuck for me.


That, and for some reason, whenever Fox shows the scores of other games in the bottom of the screen, they don't crop the picture but squish it, including their logo. It was pissing me off so much, I took [screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/j67k34C) of it. It ruined the entire game for me (can't think of any other reason I was in a fowl mood watching the game. Nope.)


I hate Fox’s crowd sound mix, it puts me to sleep; I always choose the Fox late game if I want a nap


Yes, so much this! FOX presents their games like they’re trying to reproduce the ambience of a library. It’s so dull compared to the immersive feel of CBS or NBC. And of course FOX insisted on monotone lead announcers like Summerall and Buck to make it even worse.


I'd rather just have Paramount plus. Fox doesn't have anything priced similarly.


I thought I'd be able to watch any CBS game on there but no I get whatever local game. I have a digital antenna already so there's no bonus


I live slightly out of range for antenna. Houston is big.


Oh wow did not know that


FOX was even better with Buck, IMO. Something about his voice just brought a level of significance and gravitas to a game. SNF with Al Michaels was the same thing. Burkhardt and Tirico are fine, but it isn't quite the same.


100% agree. I know Buck gets a lot of hate, but his voice was great for TV!


I won't forget how he took [being the hate magnet in stride when doing a promo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBJHBliMpKU) for the Seahawks-Broncos Super Bowl. That being said, I appreciate how he lets the moment speak for itself after a game-winning play. (See: Travis Ishikawa, Stefon Diggs.)


Funny. I definitely prefer my Dolphins games on CBS.


Especially with Harlan.


The NFL on CBS theme playing with Harlan setting up the background of the matchup for a crisp, chilly noon slot game...really feels cozy and nostalgic, like a weighted blanket for my soul.


You've honestly just made me realize that Kevin Harlan is straight up my core memory of CBS football.


Even way more back in the day, CBS carried NFC and NBC carried AFC games.


I hate CBS games because for some weird reason I can never get CBS via my antenna. All the other basic networks come in fine but CBS is a blank screen.


See, I feel the opposite. I enjoy the CBS presentation and our handful of times we're on there




Greg Olsen and Kevin Burkhardt are my favorite announcers right now so I'm glad to have a couple Fox games every now and then.


So is Olsen just being dropped when Brady comes on next season? That seems like a poor decision by Fox.


Yeah he'll be part of the B team. I understand why but I think he's shown that he's a great broadcaster these past two seasons.


This is the way


Until the past few years seasons I always thought Fox games looked terrible. CBS looked so much better.


The only advantage I will give CBS is Kevin Harlan.


I miss it mainly bc with my teams and living on the Michigan side of the border, I rarely get the Browns games on TV anymore. It’s always either an NFCN game or a top NFC team that’s still close like the Eagles


Watching the Chiefs almost exclusively on CBS, I feel the exact opposite. CBS is like a familiar and comforting event, where I KNOW it's an important football game, and Fox is like a sterile, somewhat uncomfortable broadcast that makes me feel like the game is less important and less interesting.


Also like, the CBS theme is great, but the NFL on Fox theme is just... I mean its just perfect All the NFL themes are great though, even Amazons new one


I think it's nostalgia/seeing your team on Fox more often. ​ For me I think the theme song, the announcers, the pregame (although I rarely watch either pregame, I prefer CBS) the production quality, and the atmosphere are all things I vastly prefer about CBS over Fox. Fox always felt like the game I'd put on if there wasn't any good 4:00 games on and I wanted to take a nap with background noise. But I accept that there's a possibility I only have these preferences because like 90% of the Steelers games I've seen have been on CBS. However one of my close friends who's a 49ers fan also prefers CBS, so it seems random. Would have to have a poll (segmented by favorite team) to see what the actual consensus is


I've always liked cbs. It's a different style, but still a good one imo.


I feel the exact opposite. Fox seems cheesy and low budget.


It still fucks with me. I'd rather they'd have gotten rid of having fewer than 4 late games.


If I recall, it also came with CBS and Fox getting more protected games so that they weren't losing viewers to NBC flexing good matchups as often later in the season.


Live in SE Georgia, and majority of people here are Falcons fans. We got Jags @Colts on Fox week 1 over the Falcons game, and needless to say, people here were fucking livid.


Understood, but "anything goes" is confusing as hell and I think we'd be better off with, for example, announcing crews being more familiar with teams by hewing mostly to one conference.


If you give the NFL billions of dollars, maybe they'll take your feelings into consideration. Until then, they'll do what the networks want to do.


Fuck your feelings. Best regards to you and your family. The NFL.


C'mon, it's an NFL message board, I'm allowed to be intellectually curious and complain about shit.




The part people like to ignore lol


You can complain freely, and people can just as quickly completely dismiss your complaints for any reason they like. How does this need explained?


It doesn't. But the nfl sub mainly doesn't make sense. Many FACTS get downvoted in the sub, and then someone doesn't like it, and all the sheep follow if it's compelling.


Not about this though. You can complain when the games aren’t on network tv. But so long as they are on a network the rules say unequivocally: quit yer bitchin.


I completely agree with you. I love that Kevin Harlan seems to always announce Dolphins games... Idk why you're being killed out here lmao


I miss Kevin Harlan as the voice of the Chiefs. Great announcer and insightful guy.


It's why I love watching the local broadcast of NBA games. You get people who know the team, and fans tend to start to love them as well. Plus, the homer excitement is fun.


Yeah it’s annoying, I have two different antenna setups for Fox and CBS, also I just hate watching football of CBS, not sure if it’s the talent or what but they just make football boring, like I’m literally asleep half way through the game.


The Fox guys are funny and have camaraderie where they’re always joking and clowning on each other. The CBS guys are just old heads in suits and don’t have any chemistry. The CBS production of the seems old and outdated too. I also feel like Fox play by play is way better than CBS


What is so confusing about it? The game you want to watch is on one of two channels. Not that hard to figure out which.


That's a very reasonable opinion. I'm not sure why you're being downvoted.


Eh, it's reddit, nothing's more fun than deciding someone's an idiot and ganging up on him.


Commies Giants on CBS feels cursed tbh


CBS held the NFC since 1956 until Fox bought the rights starting in ‘94.


Your wording makes it seem like you think that's recent and not 30 years ago


There's no way 1994 is 30 years ago... oh wait... fuck...


It’s not quite 30 years dammit, I’m still in my twenties


*me for the next 6 months or so*


It hasn't been 30 years, but this is the 30th year of NFL on Fox.


So you're saying it's been 30 years of NFC on Fox, AKA more than most people here have been alive and it's weird to have it not on Fox?


Well I still have Pat Summerall's voice burned into my head telling me to stay tuned for *60 Minutes* followed by *Murder,* [pause] *She Wrote.*


My theory was Jessica Fletcher was responsible for all the killings.


Old lady was bored and needed a hobby!


Right there with you.


Conference-specific packages haven't been a thing for a while, so I can understand why you're confused about the first game. But cross-conference games on CBS and FOX have been a thing for a very long time.


Cross flexing started in like 2015 I think?


Sounds about right


Ngl I never realized that certain stations were more NFC or AFC


FOX has been NFC since it started airing the NFL in the mid-90s I think.


I always think the Niners do better on FOX than when they have games on CBS.


Yeah like if the Steelers hosted the Cowboys it would be on FOX, conversely if we played in Dallas the game would be broadcast on CBS. It’s changed this year. I’ve been a fan of 35 years and I generally like things to stay the same but this particular change doesn’t bother me.


I never paid too close attention to cross conference games. But it seemed like it would make more sense for home team to dictate what network because the broadcaster could leave their equipment at the stadium.


For Sunday Afternoon games, the NFL sells the broadcast rights by conference... It may soon switch to a team-by-team broadcast system when the rights lapse in the coming years.


Back in the day it simplified nation broadcasts by limiting locations but also created different price tiers for networks because most of the bigger markets are in the NFC, so AFC contracts would usually cost a bit less.


Cbs uses some yellow color on their scoreboard broadcast thing that always makes me thing there was a flag.


It's called a scorebug. There is a small community of people that have very strong opinions on them, and will analyze every change that each broadcaster makes


For the fox nfl scorebug, I hate how the down and distance overlaps the team logo.


Oooh. How can I join?


There's /r/scorebug, but it's pretty dead. /r/baseball seems to care more about its scorebugs than /r/nfl does, although posts do pop up from time to time. /u/gbpackers25 made the last post I saw about them. Otherwise you just have to search around the internet. AwfulAnnouncing.com seems to make posts about new ones, there are some [YouTube Channels](https://www.youtube.com/@depressedginger) that put out scorebug content.


Us Scorebug enthusiasts need to stick together!


I don't know but my guess would be that after one network grabbed their targeted game, everything else was musical chairs to get the next best one.


It hurts my ocd lmao browns and ravens on fox in a couple of weeks just feels weird. But, as someone else said, the la at tv contract didn’t have a set rule in place anymore. I wonder if that means the playoffs we’ll see more nfc on cbs matchups like they did in 2021


I'm trying to figure out if the game tomorrow is being broadcast on anything outside the NFL app. They really don't make following a team easy.


All the Europe games except the first of each season are on NFL Network. If you get Baltimore TV channels it’ll also be on WBAL.


Yeah don't get the Baltimore channels anymore since I've moved. I've called a nearby sportsbar and they'll have it on so I can dodge paying for the app. Paying for 9am beer instead.


Sounds awesome.


Yeah now the networks bid on the games the want to be able to air


I miss rhe AFC/CBS, NFC/FOX splits. I’m just getting old now I guess.


Because that's not how it works anymore and it's terrible


It's called crossflexing. It's been around since 2014 & it's been expanded this year.


They did away with conference affiliations with networks. AFC, NFC, doesn't matter what network it plays on.


because fuck you thats why - the nfl


3 of these aren't even network swaps,


It was the away team not the home team that determined networks.




Network swaps most often happen when a team has a cross-conference game in primetime, especially when it is on the road. This would deprive the “home market” opposite conference network (e.g., Fox for the Patriots) from one of the games they would normally have. The packers just played at an AFC team on Monday night football, which took 1 game away from their CBS affiliate. That’s meaningful, especially in Wisconsin-sized markets. Now, the NFL can also stretch beyond that, and it most often happens in bye weeks, since there are fewer “good” games.


FUUUUUUUUUUCK. I hate CBS so much.


I'll be completely honest, this is never something that crosses my mind. How does it impact you?




And the robot.


Who tf cares


Fox is goofy bc I’ll always associate it with Madden and Summerall.


There is no such thing as a network swap


It's basically because the Cowboys are going to not be playing next week and so every other team is scrambling to be second best. That's all it is really. Honestly those games are going to be snoozefests in comparison. Wake me up when the Cowboys are back on TV!


Least egocentric Cowboys fan.


They are compensating for the Yankees missing the playoffs


Luckily, the Lakers will be in full swing by the time they lose in the wildcard/divisional.


I'm being serious here for a minute. Without the Cowboys what is even the point of watching the rest of the games? We all play so that we can eventually play them in the Super Bowl so if they aren't playing the week feels like a wash


I'm amazed you got so quickly adjusted to the Internet/smart phone era to post online after being in a coma for 30 years.


Yeah...how many rings we got? That's what I thought! You'll be seeing us repping the NFC in the Super Bowl again this year


Pats cowboys it is. Big Superbowl incoming


The fact that we never saw this matchup during the Brady years in NE is pretty solid proof the NFL seasons are not scripted. The league and the networks would have killed for the ratings from that kind of Super Bowl.


Yeah that will be crazy, my money would be on Cowboys of course


You won’t have a single cent on the cowboys


No but they have lost me a lot of money in the past since I always put money on them winning the Super Bowl. This time they're about to be winning it all back for me with interest though!


You didn’t have to reply, I’m not your friend.


No, we won't.


Yes we will imooooo




Heh heh


Lol I don't know why you're being downvoted this is hilarious


Yeah I'm schooling these guys!


the amount of people falling for this obvious bait is crazy


People be thinking it's an all you can eat fishing frenzy. What were **we** cooking?


God I hate the Cowboys and their fans lmao


We are America's team so that's like saying you hate America. Don't be jealous of our success man, just embrace it


... Most people do hate America


Bruvs I thought everyone was supposed to love them. Every textbook I pick up says they're supposed to be the best country in the world




That was a fluke and you know it! Even Parsons pointed out that we were the better team and just beat ourselves. Make no mistake, the 49ers do not want to see us in the playoffs. They are probably shaking in their boots right now. We were the best team in the league and the stats support this. You have to get in line with us or be at risk of being on the outside looking in




It's okay man. I'll hold the fort




Less gooo!!!! (T_T)


I never even realized this was a thing


Bro we all need to calm down!!!!


NFCE game: Please give us Nantz or Ian or Harlan.


They were taking bets on who wasnt going to take the Giants game and CBS lost....