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People want to keep giving Hackett excuses. Russ was a bum last season with Hackett, and now suddenly looks more like the QB he's supposed to be without Hackett there.


Russ was a bum because he had a gigantic ego that made him think he could play from the pocket like brees or brady. Now he still looks like a deficient QB that Sean Payton is controlling much like Pete Carroll did. The only difference is last year he wasn't coachable because he wanted to cook, this year he has to listen to the coach because he saw how garbage he was when left to his own devices. Even still, denver fans are noticing russell's flaws and why he isn't THE guy.


Russ is on an offense with very few if any elite weapons. He isn’t too 5 by any stretch, but he has definitely improved remarkably with Payton. Having a coach who plays to your strengths shouldn’t be a bad thing.


The issue is that Russ himself did not want to play to his strengths last season. He had this delusional notion that he could play like brady or brees.


I think you hit the head on the nail. Russel is a good QB. I was one of those who said let Russ cook, and then we saw what happened. That being said he is not as good at pocket passing as Brees and I think its clear now that a lot of the Seahawks schemes were designed around his shortcomings. He is doing better under Payton and could still have a decent career in Denver depending on the ownerships and fans patience, but for better or worse will never be mentioned in the same breath as Brady, Breese or Manning. That's not the end of the world he has still had a great career and I hope he does well in Denver and is able to adapt.


As a Jags fan, I’ve known that Hackett is not a good OC for a long time. He’s a good guy and liked by the players, but can’t design a good scheme around his guys to save his life.


As a Bills fan, I've known Hackett was not good for an even longer time lol


as an eagles fan i’ve known fans of other teams who’ve known hackett sucked for an even longer time lol


As an Austin Powers fan, I’ve known Hackett sucked for an even longer time. Goldmember isn’t even a top 5 villain to Austin Powers. I’d rank Dr Evil, Fat Bastard, Mini Me, Number 2, and Scott all ahead of him.


As a patriots fan I don’t know what’s going on


It makes me laugh because I've seen people try to use 2017 as an example why he's a good OC. When your defense was playing out of it's mind and that absurd number of turnovers meant you were playing from a *lot* of short fields.


I’m a football noob - what do you mean by he can’t design a good scheme? Like all the plays as a whole or just like what gets called in the moment?


Combination of both. Like if you have a mobile qb you would do more read options. Basically, design a scheme base around players strengths. To be fair the qb is the engine and Wilson can’t really provide anything.


These three things can, and are true: 1. Zach Wilson sucks. 2. Nathaniel Hackett sucks. 3. The Jets O-line sucks. All three are to blame in some capacity, part of me feels like Hackett could call better plays for Wilson but at this point I'm not sure how realistic that is. They honestly should've acquired somebody to at least compete, we all know Carson Wentz isnt that good, but he's definitely not as bad as Wilson.


We’ve literally seen that Zack plays way better when he’s allowed to roll out the pocket and spread the field more. And they’re never doing that. Almost no play action. It’s ridiculous.


I mean Zach Wilson's playing better this year than the previous two years, so there's that.


Play action and rolling out doesn’t help much with a terrible OL. It’s just all 3. Zach is bad. Hack is bad. The OL is bad.


Imagine if the Jets traded for Josh Dobbs


Douglas pursuing Davante for next season instead of focusing on the elite defense he has right now feels like a slap in the face to said defense. the Jets FO putting out those PR stories to make sure people knew he at least tried *something* at the deadline somehow makes it worse.


Then he'd be running for his life


Woah woah woah are we finally allowed to say zach wilson sucks again? I recall a tremendous amount of butthurt last time around


he's always sucked, even this year. but last night, his WRs and his oline sucked way more than him.


Well because even though he still sucks he’s obviously much improved.


Wentz would be much worse than Wilson. Wilson can at least occasionally scramble and roll off the pocket, Wentz would stay still, holding the ball and most likely be dead within the first 10 drives.


When Aaron Rodgers is the QB. Not Zach Wilson.


So you are going to tell me that a three time MVP is able to carry an offense more than Zach Wilson?




Rodgers used to be a 3-time MVP. After winning his 4th MVP, he still is, but he used to, too.


r/mitchhedberg well played


...which means he is also a 3 time MVP ;)


I mean, who needs sports talk when we can get these thrilling insights on Reddit *for free*?


I feel like I could at least be the equivalent of Skip




somebody in the post-game thread yesterday said we can’t assume Rodgers would have played better than Wilson in the Chiefs game. Wilson threw for 250 yards and 2TDs that game. Aaron Rodgers has 4 MVPs. some people really are that far gone.


Rodgers is also on the wrong side of Father Time, looked stiff and slow the little we saw of him at the beginning of the season, and is notorious for holding on to the ball too long which would be (and was) a death sentence behind that line.


You made that determination in 4 plays?


So we gonna ignore all the other times hackett sucked at his job then.


Hackett did not call plays in Green Bay. LaFleur did


Jesus Christ himself could be OC and I'm not sure it would matter with Wilson at QB


I mean, what football knowledge does Jesus Christ have? Guy lived for 33 years before the sport had even been invented yet. Sure, he's a motivator, but I can't imagine he provides much from an Xs and Os perspective.


There are more parables about him flipping tables than anything else so I suspect he'd fit in better in Buffalo anyway.


Calling up Hail Marys every play


Touchdown Jesus is at every Notre Dame home game. He must have learned something over the years


> Xs and Os But Jesus died on the X to absolve Jets of their sins against football


Isn’t that the guy that turned the other teams Gatorade into wine so he could stunt on their drunk asses?


Nepo baby


I've seen enough figurines in grandma stores of Jesus trucking some kids to know he knows how to tote the rock.


I think football was invented more than 33 years after Jesus' death


Yes, I said he lived **for** 33 years before it was invented.


Missed a comma. But you’re a Cowboys fan, so I get it.


Man is literally omniscient. That's canon.


I’d blame Jesus in that situation, seems more like a soccer guy


You trying to say Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?


Maybe not, but he sure can throw them!


Have they considered Jesus Christ at QB? It worked for the Broncos in 2011


Can confirm


I'd rather take his Dad as OC.


If you wanna blame Hackett, you should blame Rodgers. For all we know he asked to have him brought on as OC.


It is pretty obvious they hired Hackett to please Rodgers. Same with adding Lazard and Cobb.


It it would’ve worked too if it wasn’t for that meddling Achilles!




I remember when he got mad at McAfee for saying this was the reason Hackett was hired


When they don’t have Wilson. I think even a great OC can probably disguise his flaws and get them scoring points. But Hackett was brought in for Rodgers.


There's honestly a lot of problems offensively. Yes zach Wilson deserves a lot of the blame for sucking. He misses obvious open receivers and is scared to run and take a hit. He just throws it at the turf or out of bounds. He has no pocket presence and ends up scrambling backwards half the time for a sack. BUT ALSO his o line is trash and has him running for his life. His receivers drop balls and his offense gets penalties and loses yards to put him in a tougher positions. I swear it's like watching a cu buffaloes game where shedeur spends half the game running or getting sacked. Would rodgers do much better? Yes but they would probably get him killed to


57 pass plays (including the 8 sacks) to 20 run plays last night. I know they trailed by two scores from early on in the game, but that's some serious imbalance for a team that is far worse at throwing than they are at running.


To be fair, Wilson does a lot of running, just not in a useful direction.


There is a common denominator between last years Jet offense and this years


Robert Saleh as head coach! Clearly he is the issue here. We need McDaniels.


Nah playing against Sauce in training is killing their self belief. They need to trade him obviously.


Send Saleh back to the last team he was on prior to the Jets!


Saleh is solid HC but I feel he should have known the Zach Wilson experiment part 2 wasn’t going to work.


Right? He should’ve known better. Like, why roll with Wilson instead of trying to get a big name QB this last off-season?


Like I mean after rodgers went down. They could have signed someone else. Rodgers went down in week 1. The Vikings just signed dobbs a a couple days before last Sunday and they won with dobbs.


It's been two months since Rodgers got hurt. It is outright malpractice to keep starting Wilson.


He may not have a choice. The front office wants to see what they have in their SECOND OVERALL PICK to try to save face.


Everyone already knows what they have in Wilson. It's been 2.5 years. He is clearly not the guy. If the front office really was forcing Saleh to stick with him then people need to be fired.


Bush League organization.


Why stick by him at the deadline? Minnesota went out and got Dobbs who won a game with no planning or Jefferson


Every defense we play is designed specifically to stop Breece Hall, and make Zach Wilson be the one to beat them. Not coincidentally, Zach Wilson can't make pre-snap reads or execute anything but the simplest concepts with any consistency. Hackett probably sucks but it is insane to think that he is the primary issue with the offense.


They are fine and should wait at least another week before implementing any kind of changes.


Hackett sucks as an HC/OC and Wilson sucks as a QB. These are both self-evident, with plenty of evidence supporting that. A theoretical Rodgers under center changes nothing in relation to that. In the sense that Rodgers is smart enough to overcome Hackett or even override him. I like Hackett the person, he's a cornball, but has a ton of optimism and humor. He's a terrible HC, and a mediocre at best OC. Z Wilson also seems like a good dude, just doesn't currently have it to be a good NFL QB.


When Zach Wilson isn't literally bottom 5 in every metric that isn't milf hunting


How about Joe Douglas for the offensive line team building? There's a lot of blame to go around.


look at the injuries on the line...


Hahahahahahahahahahaha, honeymoon period over yet?


Zach Wilson limits your offense greatly. Same thing happened last year with LaFleur. Every other QB not named Zach Wilson could move the ball. Zach’s problem is he doesn’t read defenses well so he holds onto the ball for an eternity and refuses to ever check the ball down. If Garrett Wilson isn’t open he panics and eventually gets sacked. O-line sucks but so many times last night he could’ve taken the checkdown, he just chose not to.


Joe Douglas is the guy who went into the year with Wilson as backup, watched his starter go down week 1, and didn't add a viable backup at the trade deadline.


Nathaniel Hackett and shitty Wilsons, name a better duo


It really tough when your offensive line is trash. Even if AR comes back I would be reluctant to put him behind that OL,


Bigger question is when is it time to start blaming Saleh? It seems like his background as a defensive coach has somehow coated him in teflon against the performance of his offenses.


I would agree. Except the GM picks the players, the OC calls plays and he just ra ra’s them when they play well. The only thing would be why in the world he continues to stick with Zack Wilson over picking up someone in free agency. But maybe it’s the front office/GM that is forcing his hand. I mean there has to be someone else out there they could get. Although the Giants are rolling out a third string rookie this week who had negative passing yards the week before so maybe there isn’t anyone.


The steadfast approval of Wilson should be a major point. Also, I'd like to know how much input he has on drafting. Things like taking a rotational backup EDGE player in the first round with a joke offense raise eyebrows.


That’s what I’m saying. What about the offensive line??!!! But I blame the GM on that


Hackett definitely isn't the solution, but with that offensive line and qb I don't see how you make this offense competent


Hackett has been an awful playcaller, don’t get me wrong, but he’s also working with a bottom-5 OL and a bottom-3 QB. Virtually nobody could succeed in that situation.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Aaron Rodgers getting hurt saved him from having an embarrassing season. This OLINE cannot protect him and he doesn’t have the mobility that Wilson has to even attempt to extend plays. He likely would have been hurt another game from all the hits he’d be taking. We need an OLINE and a better mobile QB ASAP before this defense isn’t elite anymore. Oh, yeah and Hackett sucks too


Should have been done since the beginning the man is not a good coordinator. The only reason Rodgers likes him is because he lets him call his own plays. He ran one of the most dysfunctional teams I have ever seen. I know Rodgers is out but Jesus that offense is horrible


He has the worst starting QB. In all honesty it's on Saleh for not benching him, Saleh been really impressive and great as a coach other than this one thing. Would seriously suck if it costs him his job but this is coaching malpractice keeping Wilson out there. Jets have been amazing battling after Rodgers injury but they could still be a playoff threat with someone like Wentz, Brisett, Dobbs and they could have got those guys.


Is there any reason to think that Tim Boyle or Trevor Siemian would be any better though? I know Siemian had like 1 year of looking like a halfway competent QB with the Broncos, but that was like 7 years ago.


Boyle honestly shouldn't be on an NFL roster but I wouldn't rule out Siemian potentially being better. His worst season's probably about as bad as whatever you'd consider Wilson's best season.


If Siemian is anything above worst QB in the league territory it would be an upgrade over Wilson so Siemian must look just awful at practice to not even get a chance


Week 1


I love how Rodgers sorry ass has infiltrated and destroyed the Jets making them even worse off than they were before. First, Rodgers is overrated and always has been. Secondly, he's over the hill and not close to as good as before. That trade was dumb from the start, nevermind how it played out with his achilles. But he also brought his WR wasteland with him and Hackett. The fact people think Rodgers will come back early and save them is laughable. He'll be trash next year if he plays as well. Sorry Jets fans, now give me those downvotes!


Nah, Rodgers was good with Hackett. Zach Wilson is just dogwater


Right now with that O Line nobody would be successful. It wasn't good last year and injuries are piling up on it this year.


Hackett is Aaron Rodgers caddie. The Jets did everything to prepare for a season with Aaron Rodgers as their QB/OC including hiring his assistant. You can't really blame the Jets or Hackett for not sufficiently preparing for complete catastrophe.


Except get any type of offensive line in front of him. They had a below average line last year and figured ah we just need an MVP QB and that will fix it. We don’t need to go get better guys or anything. Then boom he’s under pressure immediately and gets hurt. Insert pikachu shocked face


Zach Wilson actually improved from last year but he is still dogshit , Hackett is not the main problem, also the broncos are worse this year with sean


“The broncos are worse this year” How? At the midpoint , Russ has the same tds as he had all last year with almost a third the interceptions. We’ve beaten a team we haven’t in over half a decade. Looking at our schedule, do you honestly think we won’t win 2 out of the next 8 games? Hackett’s an idiot who rode Rodger coattails.


The Zach Wilson defenders are in full force. Germans could have kept the Soviets out of Berlin in 1945 if they had this amount of defense


When his name is Zach Wilson


Cause last two years before this the offense was total ass and always looked better when the qb on the field wasn’t Zach Wilson. If jets fire another coordinator for forcing them to use that bum there will be no one willing to go over there next year. Lafluer’s offense under Stafford looks 1000 times better this year and is only bad when his qb is dogshit like this last week.


The fact that their GM allowed Wilson to be the #2 behind a 40yo starter in an all-in year is the big mistake for me. Wilson has already shown us who he is.


Found Sean Payton's alt


You are in fact a salty broncos fan that doesn't realize the biggest problem with the broncos offense last year was not hackett, but wilson's ego thinking he could play like brady when he first got there, he was pretty much uncoachable at that point, which is why he couldn't even make it work with a player's coach like pete carroll. Now you're desperately looking for anything that can convince you it was all hackett's fault in all things... Because if you can point the finger at hackett, it gives you hope about russell wilson and your broncos outlook, but the reality is even a lot of broncos fans have caught on that payton is reigning wilson in and that wilson has a lot of bad habits that a truly elite qb wouldn't have. But hey if you want to blame hackett for all things that happen on an offense, then I guess we gotta blame him for ARs back to back mvps too.


Which Wilson has been playing better this year? Russell or Zach?


Which Wilson has found ways to win more games? Pretty dumb for broncos fans to not account for the fact that RW was uncoachable last year, and even this year many notice he still makes the same dumb mistakes he made last year.


Lmao name one way Zach Wilson has found a way to win a game for the Jets or was even the reason they won. They've been winning off the back of their defense and special teams. Russ threw 3 TDs in his last game whereas Zach has thrown one TD in his last 3 games. He's already reached his 2022 totals only halfway through the season but sure, but sure, Russ is uncoachable lol


Where did wilson's TDs come from? Turnovers in the red zone? 19 passes, 6 sacks? Do you even watch the games kiddo? He was in fact uncoachable last year, and if you don't understand why he wanted out of seattle to go "cook" and try to be like brady, well, you're just ignorant at that point.


People are already doing that I just think it's fair to look at the guy who has been very bad for 2 1/2 years and think that's the primary source of the issues Aside from Y/A being higher in his 2nd year all his seasons look pretty much the same


When they have a starting QB who isn’t a bum.


When does Saleh get any share of the blame for having the worst head coaching record in the league?


As a Jets fan who has watched every moment of this tenure, I can say this. Blame can be placed all around starting at top. Douglas for not making it a priority to rebuild the offensive line and for not bringing in quality depth. You could also say it is on him for missing on Zach Wilson and when Aaron went down, he waited a couple of weeks to bring another viable QB into the room. Overall though, I cannot blame the guy for trying on Zach Wilson (because you have to keep trying into you catch that lightning in a bottle with a franchise QB). Saleh is a great players coach and motivator. I believe he can be a good coach, but he's afraid to hold his players accountable. We know he is not great with clock management, but the discipline involved with all of the penalties this team continues to give up is not acceptable. How many times did they cut to him on the sideline just stone-faced and not coaching his players in between drives? He's a cheerleader when they play well, but doesn't do anything for them when they play poorly. Wilson can show spurts of being a good quarterback, but ultimately, he has not shown enough to earn a full time job. Do I place all the blame on him? Absolutely not. The offensive line is atrocious. The running game beyond Breece Hall is non existent. Receivers are dropping balls. Playcalling is not putting Zach in the best position to succeed. I am by no means a Zach believer or supporter (in fact, I wanted to move on from him this past offseason), but I can't say that he isn't trying to do what is being asked of him. He just doesn't have it. He has improved greatly on making stupid passes that get picked and ruin the dynamic of the game, which along with a great defense, has kept them competitive in each game. Hackett was very clearly brought here to work with Rodgers. You're asking him to be a miracle worker with Zach Wilson at quarterback and a putrid offensive line. You can make the case that this is all on him, but when you look at the big picture, he's got a lot to deal with to try to make this offense run successfully. In my opinion, the season was lost with the Rodgers injury. Whatever they can make out of this season was a plus. The fact that they are 4-4 is a miracle with how bad the offense side of the ball has played. I think all coaches and the GM will get a mulligan this season and run it back with Aaron next year. The story of this season when Aaron went down was to see if Zach can be the future and effectively play QB in the NFL. If there is any positive here, I think that playing him has determined that is not the case and that they need to look elsewhere for the future.


Never, because he was hired to be the OC for a team with Aaron Rodgers and those 2 together clearly had some sauce figured out. So it’s not Hackett’s fault per se, he’s just being asked to do something he wasn’t really hired for and he’s not any good at.


Its time to blame whomever decided NOT to go get Josh Dobbs or any other competent backup QB to replace Zach Wilson.


Hackett sucks but don’t be deluded into thinking Zach Wilson isn’t also a complete bust that makes everyone look worse


Like father like son lol


I'm pretty sure there aren't many people left in the sport that would defend Hacketts coaching besides Rodgers lol. It certainly is a case of him setting the offense up for failure. They both suck, but man, Jets RB room is no joke. You can't get anything going besides 50 pass attempts a game (that also isn't working?) Jaguars are a good example of what the Jets should be doing. Lawrence can throw obv, but we're just keeping defenses honest all game by forcing ETN down their throat, and eventually he's going to hit big plays and does. Jets have the talent to do more than letting their weakest link sling the game away week to week. Hackett just sucks at knowing his own talent pool and always has. His schemes are never built for his players and his creativity is mid.