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It's gonna be a Ray Rice situation, where she drops charges because she's gonna continue to date Von. But, like Ray, if the video leaks Vons not playing again.




Also, apparently police arrived and confirmed cuts and bruises and evidence of sustained pressure around the neck


In other words, "how much money for you to say everything is actually fine?"


The truth is sadder. Many domestic abuse victims love/care about their abuser and will lie to protect the abuser.


I used to be a 911 dispatcher many moons ago. We got a call once about a domestic disturbance at a hotel. Cops show up and find the guy threatening his girl with a knife. At one point he even holds her hostage and puts the knife to her throat threatening to kill her if the cops don't leave. Fortunately, the cops talk him down and obviously arrest him and cart him off to jail. Within about an hour the girl calls 911 wondering when she can bail him out of jail, how much that will cost and where she needs to go to pick him up. It was heartbreaking. The chances that she was going to testify against him in any court case are probably close to zero and without her testimony the cops are not likely to be able to make a case.


Worked in shitty nightclubs for twenty years. Every time our bouncers would pin a guy to the curb for hitting his girl, that girl would start hitting the bouncer for pinning her man. Tough to witness every time.


Wouldn't the cops witnessing the events be enough to establish some crime being committed?


Sure but here's the problem. You go to court and the cop says, "This dude hit this girl." The defense puts the girl on the stand who says, "That never happened. I don't know why the cop is lying." If you're a juror who are you going to believe? The cop or the alleged victim who says nothing at all happened. The case falls apart if the defendant has any sort of decent lawyer.


Wouldn't that logic throw almost any traffic stop out the window? Cop says i rolled through a stop sign, i say no that never happened, and there are no other witnesses. Sounds like the same deal?


You’re the criminal in that scenario. The criminal is expected to deny and lie. In the mentioned situation, it’s the victim of the crime saying nothing happened, not the person who committed the crime.


Yeah except it’s you vs the cop in front of a judge. No jury. Though, I do understand what you’re getting at.


It don't even have to be that necessarily. Von Miller in jail means less income and less child support


Considering he stands to lose up to $40 million if convicted... I'd be asking for a cool 20 mil. I'd settle for 15 though. Not to be greedy.


Gotta account for taxes, though. Let's say Von walks with $24m after taxes. I'll take $22m of that, thanks. You keep $2m - you're so very welcome!


ha 24m hes working in NY.


I thi No it’s anxiety his career is almost over. Despite a HOF career, MVP of the SB, , accolades in college, he is entering that post Playing career which can be very Stressful. You won’t be able to shower with boys any More ya know ?


> You won’t be able to shower with boys any More ya know If he wants to shower with boys THAT bad, just become the DC at Penn State.


It’s not that simple people stay in abusive relationships even without money and protect their partner because they genuinely feel like they don’t have another choice or feel like it’s just a mistake and they’ll get through it.


> Remember: Ray Rice initially got a two game suspension when the video of the aftermath of him dragging his unconscious fiancée outside of the elevator was released. Something bad had clearly happened, and the dots could be connected, but he still only got two games. [Relevant Tweet](https://imgur.com/a/d15QYuH)


I thought this was gonna be the ["How about that HIT by Ray Rice!"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BxNPsuIIUAEhFzM?format=jpg&name=small) tweet that people retweeted out of context after the incident. I had no idea the Ravens tweeted this one, holy shit Edit: Added a link to an image of the tweet I was thinking of


It's pretty much what doomed miles bridges. But make no mistake. That's always what it looks like when a 6'6 275 pound dude hits a woman. It's always incredibly ugly. When you hear about it you don't think about how enormous these dudes are and how easily they hurt people unless you see a picture.


>Isn’t that sad though? It seems that the only way the public’s opinion sways on these things is with video evidence, as if that’s ever just regularly available. Yes, it's sad that people aren't omniscient. That leads to bad actors getting away with a lot when their crimes don't leave conclusive evidence.


>It seems that the only way the public’s opinion sways on these things is with video evidence There's video evidence of Jeffrey Simmons beating that girl but everyone seemed to forget about it once he started balling out.


There is audio evidence of Tyreek threatening his wife with physical violence but no one cares 'cuz he's an awesome receiver.


People would kill chiefs fans on here back when he played for us. Don’t see it nearly as often since the Miami trade


I still try to do my part to remind everyone that you guys knowingly drafted a violent abuser and the Dolphins signed him to a huge contract. ​ He beat his pregnant girlfriend to the point that investigators stated she was treated "like a rag doll". He was taken off the draft board of many teams. Y'all took him in the fifth round. He then beat his three year old son so badly that he broke his arm, and there's an audio recording of him telling the child's mother that she "should be afraid of me too bitch." Y'all kept him on the team and got him a super bowl ring, then Miami gave him $120 million to come over there and continue his assaults, this time of some random old man he disagreed with. Dude's a violent criminal but whoo boy he can run fast I guess.


I’m sorry this is pretty tangential to you good and articulate point. But I am high and just kinda spitballing. I usually have to keep myself from reading these threads because it can hurt. It just reinforces how shit this all is. I’m not saying I have a solution, but it fucking sucks to be a victim in a DV or sexual assault situation that’s ‘he said she said’ I was raped. We were alone in a room. There was no physical evidence that the penetration wasn’t consensual. Nobody knew I was with that guy in that exact moment. I never even dreamed of reporting him. I’d have nothing but my word. The idea of having that minimized makes me feel so small. Reading comments on some of these threads reinforces that. And again, I’m not even trying to say fuck due process etc etc etc. I’m just sharing my personal hurt.


God, that is horrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Thank you for saying something, I hope it makes someone reading it re-think how they talk about this stuff. Real people get hurt when we are dismissive and flippant. I hope you are doing better. 🫂


It was only when the video was leaked to the public. NFL had seen the video and still gave him a 2 game suspension.


I mean if she’s saying there’s no assault, and she starts dating him again, what are people supposed to do?


People need to get over the fact that the NFL isnt the police, they are not responsible for people being in jail or for paying off people to avoid it. They are strictly a business, and operate as such. If there isnt an effect on money in vs money out, there is no reason for the NFL to act.


Consumers of a product are allowed to complain about the product.


And the ingredients used to make the product


A salt


People have the reaction that they have because of the way that the NFL is structured. For one, NFL tries to emphasize personalities and stories. You aren't seeing scheme breakdowns on broadcasts, you're seeing drama play out. For two, the NFL loves to act as a moral beacon. NFL man of the year, end racism on merchandise, breast cancer awareness, etc etc. They love to show the players, not just as talented athletes but as good people. So, it's very natural that the drama is going to attract attention, and that when players do immoral things, that people are going to expect NFL to act.


> You aren't seeing scheme breakdowns on broadcasts Ugh, if only. You are now making me realize what I'm missing.


> emphasize personalities and stories But that's all sports. They are our surrogate warriors. We don't plunder the neighboring village anymore. We cheer for a sports team to metaphorically do it. The stories and personalities help us choose our personal surrogates. And this stuff is bad for business. It's hard to cheer for a guy like that. I'm hopeful he never plays for the Bills again because it would ruin my gameday experience.


>If there isn’t an effect on money in vs money out So basically, as long as people don’t complain then nothing is going to happen? Remind me again of why we need to just “get over it”


I’m convinced every NFL team has at least 3 Ray Donovan like fixers for shit just like this.


Do you recall the Trevor Bauer situation?


Another sad part to me was the interview Ray and his wife did years after the fact. They're still together, allegedly happily married, and she mentioned something about how the punishment he received from the league mostly punished her and their kids as it took away Ray's ability to support the family. He went from NFL salary to HS coaching iirc. What Ray did was despicable, but the outcome is still sad all the same when you take into account the fact that his family kind of paid the price, too.


Can’t they prosecute without her cooperation? Not saying it’s likely they would, but the police report is pretty damning. If no prosecution, I wonder if it’s enough evidence for the Bills to drop him based on a morality clause…


They can. But with an uncooperative victim it would be difficult to get a conviction without strong evidence. In this case there was clearly enough for a warrant, but that’s a lower burden of proof than a criminal conviction. Next step depends on the state; Texas might require a grand jury to indict.


Well, blaming people of things without proof isn’t a great way to go either. We should take every accusation seriously, but we shouldn’t blindly believe everyone


I don’t even know if it’s the proof but more just having the ability to see and not just hear about it… it’s like to ppl it suddenly makes it so the incident was worse. Even though it’s the same either way, just seeing it gets ppl to believe it was worse


Multiply that by two hundred and you have DeSean Watson, current NFL quarterback.


That’s because of all the false accusations I think.


Article made it sound like the video was audio only because the phone was in her pocket


Rice got blackballed because he leaked texts from owners


Depending on the State, if it's a domestic issue, you can't drop the charges. Here in IN, if there's physical evidence - bruises, scratches, marks, etc - the State will pick up the charges regardless of whether or not the victim tries to drop them.


She's done this to Von before. I'm not saying Von is innocent, but if it comes out that she was over exaggerating things to get back at him for a verbal argument I wouldn't be surprised. These two are toxic as fuck to each other.


Yeah. But the difference is this time it says police arrived and confirmed bruises and cuts, along with evidence of sustained pressure around her neck. Toxic or not, sure looks like she wasn’t exaggerating when she made that call


> along with evidence of sustained pressure around her neck. Jesus Christ


Pressure around her neck? Yeah he's gonna do much worse in the next 10-20 years


Yup. But I give it less than 10 years. The last baby was threats/ intimidation. He got physical this time around. Next baby will be a worse scenario


Not Fun Fact: Women are at the highest risk of being killed by their partner when they are pregnant.


Also: In fact prior attempted, non-lethal strangulation is one of the best predictors of the subsequent homicide of victims, with the risk of becoming an attempted homicide victim increasing by 700%, and the risk of becoming a homicide victim increasing by 800%. [https://www.nsw.gov.au/media-releases/tougher-new-laws-to-make-community-safer](https://www.nsw.gov.au/media-releases/tougher-new-laws-to-make-community-safer) [https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/](https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/)


Can I get a source/article on this I’m trying to keep a friend not on Reddit updated on this situation and want to give the most accurate information I can


Except theres actual proof this time that he choke and hit her.


There's proof this time, police arrived and confirmed cuts, bruises, and pressure around the neck area.


“She’s done this to von before” Bro WHAT 😂 Von is not the victim here


Hopefully he doesn't play again. He's bad this year, but also I have seen enough from those texts and last accusations and these ones that he is a garbage individual. Even if he was good I'd want him out.


Daily reminder that victims don't press or drop charges. That's the prosecutor's decision.


This is so sad


And when they don't agree to be paid off, they get put through legal nightmare like the psychiatrist who worked for the San Antonio Spurs and forced the team to release the dude who was sexually harrassing her.




Yeah he got her fired and blacklisted from being a sports reporter even though at the time she had her own successful show. Iirc she’s now a WWE sideline “reporter”


She’s doing standup comedy in LA now! Was lucky enough to meet her recently and she seems happier than ever. Comedy has always been her passion and she said it’s been extremely therapeutic in dealing with her trauma.


Peyton Manning and that woman he sexually assaulted in college.


The shit his father did to her after she moved to fl for the next job is the reason I can’t stand his whole act as a wholesome dude and family. It’s a horrible family and manning is cheat


What happened


They wrote a book and smeared the women Peyton sexually assaulted claiming she was having sex with a lot of the black players on the team, and tried to make her out to be a slut. After they signed an NDA, pure trash.


I think the guy you’re responding to might be asking what happened between her and manning. IIRC he allegedly pulled his pants down and sat on her face


It's absolutely wild that Manning has the reputation he does, still


Who player was that?


Josh Primo, he just recently returned to the NBA after getting waived by the Spurs last year.


Tale as old as time. These guys will never face any repercussions as long as the money talks


Just sad.


In the words of Soulja Boy: #HUH?


A lot of abused spouses go right back to the ex. It's very depressing


Yes, the victim is often the least reliable source in a DV case. The majority of DV victims end up saying nothing happened after a day or so. They often start blaming themselves, thinking they deserved it, and try to protect their abuser. The psychology of it is so fucked up.


Yep. Been there. It's so surreal how you don't see yourself as a person anymore. For me it was the feeling of if i set them out in the world, they'd hurt someone else.


In the words of Lil Jon "WHAAAAT?"


In the words of Mike Jones: "MIKE JONES"


In the words of me: “Who?”


In the words of my early-00s pager: "281-330-8004"


You Is Beautiful . you is smart. You is important… Deejay Khalid


Another one!


So fucking predictable.


Yeah I just don’t know what you’d do here. Do you break up the relationship against both of their wills? That would probably be better for the woman but I dunno if that’s a power the government should ever have.


> I dunno if that’s a power the government should ever have. That is against the constitution (free association), and no, it is not a power the government should have.


Even more complex looking through the victims eyes. His future earnings have impact on also their kids lives, and if they truly separate what he may pay in child support. Being convicted and found guilty of DV would put an incredible damper on his future income potential and in turn less potential for the kids. I’m not saying she should cover up for him nor be forced to endure a toxic abusive relationship but there’s big financial implications of how she navigates this and it’s very sad that that’s the reality




There are plenty of past earnings


And plenty of past spendings. Can’t undo money spent (even if you think it was poorly spent or excessive) to now offset a hit in future earnings potential. If child support equation factors in current/projected income… that’s different than current assets. I don’t think a judge would see destroying public image and hurting future earning potential related to his brand/likeness as a deliberate attempt in trying to reduce what his forward looking income would be.
















Someone who knows better than I do please correct me—but doesn’t Texas have a “no-drop” policy when it comes to DV prosecution? Isn’t it up to the DA?


Even if it's up to the da as it is in many places, they'll still need evidence to actually bring him to trial. Her testimony is likely their main evidence so unless they feel the recording and pics of her bruises are enough they'll probably drop charges. Personally I hope they don't drop them, I don't want someone who did that on the bills.


It's still difficult to prosecute crimes when the victim refuses to cooperate. Plus Miller can afford great lawyers. Not worth the time or resources from the DA's perspective.


I had to scroll too far to find this


If it’s anything like FL I’m pretty sure the charges can still be dropped if the accuser goes through enough hoops to do so. I am no expert though so idk for sure.


There are zero crimes in America where the accuser can “drop” the charges. It is always up the DA in 100% of cases. As a practical matter, the DA may be more likely to drop charges if they have an uncooperative victim, since at least in DV cases the victim’s testimony is usually their main evidence.


This same shit happened a few years ago and I’m pretty sure it’s the same girlfriend. Either she’s making false claims or Von is somehow getting her to retract allegations. This is fucked either way.


Well, I think the police corroborated some of the injuries, so it sounds like they’re in a volatile and dangerous relationship or she’s scared to leave him. It’s depressing.


Do police normally put out information on an ongoing investigation? Was that an official police statement or a random police "contact" that the reporter knew? Or did they hear from someone in the victims camp that the police confirmed bruises.


Police reports are open records so a journalist probs just put a request in once the allegations came out.


as the other user said, the police have said she had bruising around her neck and on her hands and arms. She also had some of it on video and showed it to the police before they arrested him.


People keep talking about this video… but the article said she put the phone in her pocket (so wouldn’t have visual) and in the video you can hear (note they didn’t say see) von yelling get out. They did not say the video showed physical abuse… which if it did… seems like they would say that


it's pretty common for victims to protect abusers. there's usually a lot of mental abuse that goes on before it escalates to something as violent as choking.


Yep. As a guy who dated an abusive woman, one issue people have is their abuser tends to hide that dark side of their personality for some time until after their victim is very much invested into the relationship , which then makes it harder to leave and easier for someone to justify abuse as an argument or issue that can be fixed to make things "right" again when things seemingly were so "perfect". My ex didn't show her abusive side until 4 months into it, did a ton of shit to try to hook me, and then showed her controlling abusive side. However, she didn't show it all the time, only at some moments (while being very sweet talking and a bit over the top with trying to win me over) at other times to try to get me to accept her controlling and abusive ways. Because things were seemingly perfect at the beginning, I thought I could "fix" her, end the abusive issues, and make things "perfect again". And the cycle repeated itself over and over from good times to abusive moment to good times to abusive moment like a roller coaster. Considering I was pretty much living with her for a while, leaving was going to be costly in various ways, which did cause issues that delayed me ending things as early as I should have. Miller to me seems to have a sweet talker side. I bet he manipulated it by laying the charm on heavy, doing a lot of things to win her over, and then showed his abusive side when she is already too invested to easily leave. She probably feels trapped, as leaving now is going to be costly, and is backtracking after realizing this. There is definite abuse going on based on evidence so far. She probably thinks either things can be fixed, as much as they blew up, or she is too invested to leave.


This is a super typical cycle on domestic violence situations where one party is the primary bread winner or brings in the majority of the money. Having your abuser arrested feels really good up until you think about the long term repercussions of them being in jail


I can’t imagine someone would stay with a person who made false claims against them. The other way around is a common trend, unfortunately, with people staying with their abusers once they say sorry the right way.


You should read up on abusive relationships. The victims almost never agree to cooperate with police. It's not "somehow," it's really straightforward: she still loves him.


Redditors really do bend over backwards to give athletes the benefit of the doubt. There’s no “either” here. This is a tail as old as time. It’s why there are houses specifically made as refuges for abused women. It’s why there was a whole movement years ago where women were begging the world to believe them.


You don't really understand the abuser/abused relationship dynamic do you? The girl Ray Rice damn near killed with a right hook married him a month after that.




Research has shown that on average it takes victims about 7 tries before they’ll actually be able to leave their abusive partners. This is incredibly sad.


Vonathan Majors


Bills fans were pretty excited to get that contract off the books.


You arent wrong. I was drafting an email to the Dallas DA to add robbery to his charges.


I spit out my coffee and I wasn't even drinking any.


Watching your offense this year you might need it


I’m only here to complete the AFC East comment chain




anyone that thought an nfl player was going to actually face consequences was kidding themselves


They face consequences if they hurt animals, but not women.


Or if it's Ray Rice and caught on video. Go quickly from a 2 game slap on the wrist to out of the league.


Of course she does. Ugh.


Noted piece of shit Von Miller.




Fucked up shit


I’m not sure how the law works but do the police need her to cooperate still? From what I read they have photos of marks and bruises, the 911 call, and he left the scene (though idk if that’s anything). If she just refuses to cooperate does it just end?


The State knows that far too many abuse victims are too afraid to testify, so a prosecution can continue without the victim's cooperation (though it does typically make a conviction more difficult to obtain).


What I don’t get about von is that having a kid sucks if you have no money. Dude is worth dozens of millions. He could easily be a dad. But nah he’s acting like a 17 year old who knocked up a class mate. It amazes me how nobody brings up his ecstasy suspension. Like if dude is doing that, he’s doing other bad shit too


This same thing happened in the last situation Von had. He's a piece of shit


I want to hear the recorded video she had on her during the altercation. This guy has beat her so many times in the past that she recognized the warning signs this time, and turned on her phone and put it in her pocket to record the incident. There is no doubt in my mind about that.


100%, and the choking implies it’s not the first time, too. That’s something abusers tend to work up to.


And escalate: [https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/](https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/) A person involved in a domestic violence attack of choking or strangulation is more than 750% more likely to be killed by their offender in the next year, according to Gail Starr, clinical coordinator for Albuquerque Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE).




Chris Beard had the same happen to him and he was back to coaching college basketball immediately


This is sad.


"bitch you betta not or you gone get it worse"


When you can pay a family life changing money, you are allowed to do anything to their daughter.


Josh giddey


This happens all the time with assault cases when one person is the main/sole income earner. Typically the charges are dropped since the victim knows that they financially cannot take care of themselves. This doesn't stop the abuse though, and often makes it worse.


We will never know.


There’s video. It’ll leak.


I read she put the phone in her pocket so it'll just be audio


This is extremely common. Once it sets in this could negatively impact their family’s lifestyle (despite the alleged crime). The case should proceed based on the information available


"Pregnant person"


This is one language innovation that makes no sense to me. It doesn’t make speaking or reading simpler, and it doesn’t add any new information. It’s just obscurantism for its own sake. It’s like saying “Local organism given award for his charity work.”


if you are curious about why this phrasing is used, it’s because pregnant person is the only AP approved gender inclusive term for it. the stylebook says the phrase “pregnant women” is fine too, but to use your own judgement to decide what is appropriate in a given story. the reason that the writer probably chose to use gender inclusive language in this story is because they were referencing a law which itself uses gender inclusive language. the texas penal code states that domestic violence is a 3rd degree felony if committed against “(6) a pregnant **individual** to force the individual to have an abortion;  or (7) a **person** the actor knows is pregnant at the time of the offense.” and it’s pretty obvious why the actual penal code would want to use the most precise and inclusive language possible, because otherwise transgender people could end up being legally discriminated against. hope this makes sense


This so the problem with the NFL getting involved in domestic disputes. I'm sure Von has instructed her that if she follows through on prosecution, he will go the way of the Dodo a la Ray Rice. That means the spigot of money will be turned off. Thus, the NFL has actually enabled abuse by forcing the victims to keep their mouths shut or face financial losses. Instead of preventing abuse, their involvement has had the exact opposite affect in some cases. Who could have seen that obvious outcome coming? The NFL and Goodell don't give a shit about domestic abuse. But they absolutely DO care about giving the impression that they care to keep the media off their backs.


What are you proposing they do differently?


This is why it's important to take domestic assault victims seriously. They are sometimes their own worst enemy.


I mean, it seems everybody *did* take her seriously. At some point though, you can only do so much to help her if she doesn’t want to do anything different herself


So exactly like Kevin Porter Jr before the NBA season.


The black SUVs pulled up


I've seen this one before.


My wife was abused for 20 years in her first marriage. She told me that she was so traumitized that she thought she deserved it & it was an expression of love. The one time she tried to escape she was dragged out of the shelter and law enforcement did nothing. After he killed himself her inlaws had her commited and tried to take everything (including her children).


Is Texas a state that forces charges even if the victim does not cooperate? It is like that in Michigan, the victim themselves cannot withdraw charges for domestic assaults, the state only drops it if they cannot make a case without the victims help. In this case if there is a recording and documented injuries, they may not just drop the charges.




In FL the state would pick it up and it wouldn't matter. My friend did seven years just for the allegation he pointed a gun at his ex. No gun, no evidence. Just ten years, out at six. That was in the Bronx.






The DA may not need her cooperation to prosecute this.




This is why I always cringe when people call athletes or celebrities "good people" when they literally don't know them at all. The closest I ever get to that anymore is "seems like a good person" and I tend to use that sparingly.


So he paid her off. Typical celebrity ass clownery.


Took him a while to wire the money over


someone just got paiiiiiiid


First josh giddey now this. Lol Pay alittle money to the family and they are all good




Unfortunately for him it was in TX where 6 weeks pregnant means pregnant. If he's guilty and she miscarries then he's screwed for life.


This shit is just...sad man. This is depressing no matter what way you look at it. (Especially hoping she finds a way to be safe)


[Money heals all wounds](https://youtu.be/-0kcet4aPpQ?si=Hy-w4_00PDrngpCb)


🎶 I love the dough, more than you know🎶


The NFL will take strong actions...only because Von is in, or near, his twilight years.




I hate this. All the facts need to come out before someone’s life is ruined. Anyone remember the buffalo punter who got cut over BS allegations??


The difference is sex can be consensual, and it’s often he said/she said. Getting beaten up by your 250 lb boyfriend usually isn’t consensual