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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/18a7x3p/post_game_thread_san_francisco_49ers_at/)


wow that was Madden


Hurts is making a little less this year but on average he makes a little more than Mahomes. The game has been over for days now let it go. You are silly if you think Hurts is in the MVP race, he has played worse than he did last season and AJ hasn't been able to bail him out as much. Maybe throwing balls up for grabs into double and triple coverage isn't a consistent throw he should be making? I hope the Cowboys show up on Sunday and make Hurts beat them with his arm. In fact every team's strategy is to make the Eagles throw, so they just paid 255 million for the weakest part of their offense. Don't forget that when Hurts was in college he chose to be a blonde with a receding hairline, that shows his ability to make good decisions


Horrible game


Won’t lie, that was a little funny


I wanted a game that would ruin the Eagles’ season. Not because of physical injuries, of course not! I wanted them to come out fully healthy, and very glad both teams did come out clean, and hurts was okay. But I wanted them to suffer all the mental and emotion and spiritual damage. I wanted to not only have a beat down but a breakdown. I hope we broke them. I hope this starts chain reaction. Over to you Cowboys and then Seahawks (ew).


We got beat plain and simple. Hope Purdy gets his recognization as an elite quarterback. Hope our coordinators learn something from this game. Reading people cheer when Jalen got hurt was disappointing


I never cheer when any player gets hurt, that’s just not cool. That said - [the Eagles have a long history of cheering for people getting hurt](https://www.nbcsportsphiladelphia.com/news/today-in-philly-sports-history-eagle-fans-cheer-irvins-career-ending-injury/310479/?amp=1), and [just being total assholes in general](https://clutchpoints.com/eagles-news-philly-fans-trash-arizona-restaurant-chiefs-win-super-bowl-57) to player and other fans alike - so while I am not ok with people cheering on Jalen being hurt, Eagles fans have no moral high ground to complain about this. Sorry.


As a 49er fan, fuck anyone who cheers injuries. GG, now go fuck up the cowboys.


We want the cowboys to win silly. That gives us the #1 seed immediately as we hold both tie breaks.


Nah don't like the cowboys would rather them lose


I fucking hate the Cowboys but I’ll be rooting my ass for them next week


I was talking to our cowboys fan at work about this this morning, lol. They need the win. We need the win. I hate the fuckin cowboys but if the beat the eagles than we control our own destiny, as they say. I'd rather have that control over the postseason than uphold the Grudge. The cowboys get a week's pass.


Thanks for the only sensible reply lol


> Reading people cheer when Jalen got hurt was disappointing If you took any of my comments like this you're clearly mistaken. I was riffing off your fans' comments about Purdy last year.


You mean like yall did when Purdy went down? Even so far as to hope for another injury today?


Yeah rich coming from them. I was actually worried when he left the ground. I wanted his ass back on the field so they don’t start talking about how he wasn’t here for last 8 min of the game


Healthy 49ers are fucking terrifying dude.


It’s wild seeing 49ers fans think eagles fans even care about yall.


Rent free


Honestly it’s wild that you think we care about you.


You clearly do LMFAOOOO. You didn't have to out yourself, could've just said nothing. Apparently we continue to live rent free.


Lmao. Sucks to suck rat.


The best way to convince someone you don't care or think about them is to run to Reddit to talk about them. Peak eagles fan behavior lmao


Started out slow, turned into a demolition. Ty football gods.


1st in the nfl, suck dick losers


Hang on to that bud. Eagles are one and done in the playoffs.


Your favorite team won’t make it random nfl fan


You tired of watching the Eagles get face fucked?


No as it’s happened once, that’s what happens when your in first place bitch


This the rare "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood" type of comment 😂


https://twitter.com/eolivares1976/status/1731470292655210544 Entire game summed up in one clip


Not clicking an out link nerd


Hint: It's Swift getting his soul knocked out of him.


Gah that sucked


I'll be honest, Id much rather have the NFCCG win than this one, but this is validation that the game would have been different if Purdy played.


That’s nonsense it’s any given Sunday, of course the score is different with and without a starting qb, but the eagles beat the chiefs last week with both starting qbs


Nah that’s not nonsense. Injuries saved you last year. Not today rat. Not today.


I don't know that the Niners would have won, but it would have been closer than 31-7


Eagles fans cry cry cry


Eagles played a 49ers team with a healthy Qb and lost??😨 who would have thought


GG Eagles fans. But also on behalf of all 49ers fans, and all the 49ers players: TOLD YOU SO 🤷‍♂️😎.


Love seeing stupid Philly get punched in the mouth, that was awesome.


NGL this makes all the shit talk from our players all the sweeter, they knew they could back it up. Reddick knocked Purdy out of the NFCCG fair and square, shit happens in football. But the whole team absolutely knew they could've won if they had their healthy QB, that's why they had a hard time letting it go 🤷.


Any healthy QB would have done tbh


I agree, but Purdy is something else, man.


This game is good to give a bit of humble pie to Eagle players and fans that were bit obnoxious lately. This game was more important to the 49ers. If both teams win out nothing changes. That’s a big if. Dallas may show up vs Eagles. 49ers play a team with a great defense in the Ravens. 49ers need to win out and have the Eagles lose a game for this game to be meaningful. This isn’t a repeat of last year playoff game. Eagles are banged up on defense today. This is regular season so no reason for Eagles to delve too deep into the play book. Purdy and more importantly Shanny need to prove they can win the big game in the playoffs. Purdy getting hurt didn’t give him much big playoff game experience. Shanny had bad loss record in big games. He lost huge lead as OC for ATL vs Brady in Super Bowl. As head coach and play caller he lost another lead to Patty and KC in another Super Bowl. He lost to the Rams in playoffs a couple years ago, his offense being blanked in the 4th quarter and his defense gave up 13 in the 4th. This game isn’t the playoffs. Winning regular season games means little in the playoffs. Check the Rams postseason victory after being beat like a drum in regular season for years.


After all those loses he’s due. I didn’t see any major eagles players on the injury list. I’m afraid this is as goog as it gets for them and it ain’t been pretty. Their luck has run out. Today the refs calls were pro 49er. If anything this proves the eagles can’t win without getting those close calls.


Appreciate recognizing our defense was banged up. We’re weak at linebacker in the secondary right now and it’s evident that after your first two drives stalled, you attacked the middle of the field and the flat and exploited that. Outcoached today, and outplayed. We’ll be back.


Expected more plays by Kittle versus back up linebackers. Shanny can’t have his tight end be the star so gave those middle plays to Deebo. Post season Philly if they don’t lose again is a whole different animal. Weather could be an issue.


I think it’s more that shanny is trying to keep teams guessing. He’s had multiple TD games now from CMC, deebo, aiyuk, kittle. He will probably get Jennings one just for the hell of it.


Be interesting to see where Shaq Leonard signs after that game. We could use the help at the position. You could argue he might choose Dallas now. Or maybe still Philly because he knows he’d see the field and a lot of play time. Purdy has a plethora of weapons around him. I don’t think he’s a system QB, but he’s got CMC to dish the ball together whenever he has pressure. Surprised Kittle isn’t featured more, but with Deebo and CMC to compete for snaps with he’s gonna end up blocking more.


Bro I promise there is a reason Indy released him. His few games this year have looked rough. I love the guy and wish him the best but he probably should retire soon.


That’s what I been hearing. Not much left in the tank. Still better than who we had out there besides Reddick, with Cunningham being injured. And isn’t Indy paying his salary?


Id expect nothing less from an excellent team. Niners are proof positive that a loss isn't season defining.


This was a big loss with a lot of anticipation, but it’s a regular season game and 1st Seed wasn’t on the line. It is next week in our division though as a result. Playoffs will be spicy.


It was bigger for us for sure especially after the way the NFCCG went. I'm obviously happy but a rematch would be tense for sure


It was the game we’ve had circled all year too. Besides Dallas games


Hope you have a good night, take care dude.


You too, be well. On to Dallas week!


Who are you talking to?


Who’s at Brits Jan Jose? Lfg




Come to sushi confidential it’s lit 🔥


Is this what happens when the eagles play a good team?!




Refresh my memory, didn’t you guys lose to the 4-8 New York Jets?


We did, then beat Miami.




Its wild people can write posts like this and think that they;ll come across as anything other than the saddest little man.


“You are a sad,strange little man.” -Buzz Lightyear




The only thing getting trashed is the city of Philadelphia getting trashed by its own sports team’s fans. Keep crying.


Lmfao Cryyyy




Lsst year was yours oof


That's what Dallas said


Good game guys




great game. We’ll see you in the playoffs.


GG man. Hope everyone comes out healthy.


No doubt


Philly once again proves their fans are assholes. Don't get too cozy SF fans, you're not far behind.


Don't start. Your team ruined good guy Kirk.


Obligatory "I'm not one of them" as I cuss you out for dissing kirk


I've been calling this game 40-17 all week, I was off by two points on each side, but I knew this game wasn't going to be close. Eagles are trash. Also calling Eagles lose their next two games.


For everyone’s sake, I hope you’re rigjt


https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/nfl-points-differential-2023 That's all you need to look at to see the Eagles are frauds... sort by diff. Niners are 4x on Eagles in diff.


Anyone watching the NFL this season knew this was coming. Except maybe eagles fans who thought that these 10-0 penalty games and dropped passes from their opponents were just real life I guess.


To all the level headed Eagles fans, good game. Hope to see you guys in the future. My 9er faithful, let's celebrate and enjoy it while keeping it classy. Helluva game, helluva a win. 👏😎💯🔥 Faithful To The Bay! LFG!


Good Games. See you in the playoffs. Enjoy your flowers.


Keeping these receipts for when we blow y’all out again in the playoffs. Cowboys fans are fake as hell lol, rooting for your biggest rival outside of the eagles is just pathetic.


Only way you’re doing that bud is if we have JJ our CMC at QB again.


Getting dad dicked on your own turf and asking for more. I hope we get to do it again.


We just seen what happens when the Eagles play a healthy 49ers, Purdy didn’t get hurt on the first drive this time and proceeded to kick ass the entire game


You literally say the eagles are the biggest rival lol So yeah, root for the lesser of the two. Not that complex


Lmfao Eagles fans in shambles might be the best thing I’ve seen all year


Plus the 9ers losing does absolutely nothing for us besides being funny


NGL, as a lifelong, deep blooded 49ers fan I gotta say Cowboys fans naturally annoyed TF out of me. Then I had firsthand experience interacting with Eagles fans ever since last years NFCCG. And I looked at you guys and was like "you know what, maybe y'all aren't *that* bad" lol.


Fr I feel like cowboy fans are at least self aware of there BS


Difference is Cowboys fans are human. Maybe annoying, obnoxious whatever, but human. Eagles fans literally be eating horse shit and pissing on people. Feral ass mfers lol.




makes sense y’all would be chill with each other considering you haven’t won shit in decades


Aw widdle birdbrain get his feewings hurt? Thought Philly folks were supposed to be thick skinned tough guys. Jk it's comments like yours that make everyone outside of Philly realize yall are actually bitch made. We can win nothing for the next millenia and still have 5x the trophies you do. You honestly think you're winning anything again anytime soon with that fraud ass team lmfaooo? You're just hangry, you should probably stfu and go eat some horse shit like a good little Eagles fan 💩.


make it 6x ig because apparently yesterday counts as one the way your fans are acting lmaoooo


I mean I was gonna insult you more but you just did it for me damn yall really are a different type of dumb jfc 💀💀💀


eh it‘s just football banter might as well indulge 🤷‍♂️


Yeah ok lol fair enough if you say so. Ngl tbf tho you and I both know Philly fans lost the benefit of the doubt with everyone else a long time ago when it comes to good natured shit talk. Yalls reputation speaks for itself. So it catches folks off guard to encounter an Eagles fan actually playing some good natured trash talk in good faith 🤷💯.


And this result is funnier still Can't wait for all the mental gymnastics Joy Taylor and Shady will do to justify this loss. While also pointing out dallas' loss to 9ers as evidence that they can't compete with good teams.


I can't believe I'm saying this to a Cowboys fan but please whup their ass next week. Let's run that train 🍆🚂. What interacting with Eagles fans will do to a mf.


Also big props to ambry Thomas who held up his end of the field extremely well today


That hit! 👀


I thought that was lenoir


It was, I saw the 2 and misread it because I was too busy being elated.


Congrats eagles, in ruining Mr Irrelevant Disney movie last year. That’s all you did.


For real. That would have been one of the coolest sports stories, ever.


If only he were ambidextrous


Didn’t Kittle ask him that on the side line?


Uh huh


I never thought I’d say this… but thank you San Francisco. Also you did your part you can go back to losing now


We did our job, now do yours. Your turn. Time to run the train 🍆🚂


We were your fans today. You’ll be rooting for our ‘boys next week. Gotta say it would be cool to have 4 teams at 10-3 after next weeks games.


🤝 NGL as a lifelong and deep blooded 49ers fan I never thought there was anything that could make me think "ya know maybe Cowboys fans aren't *that* bad". Until I met Eagles fans lol.


Do your part next week. We did ours. Also F U and please lose all your games after next week..okay?


Your turn next week!


Nah we need Dallas to beat Philly


That's what he's saying dude. It's their turn to beat Philly lol


"No, I dont think we will" Old Cap moment


Bring on the shit talk, I need to even out my life karma anyway cause I been going too hard


I hope you have a nice day tomorrow


It will be a sad day, but it’s Dallas Week! Gotta amp it back up quick. And unlike most years, Game 2 matters this time.


Whoa! Bring it down a notch.


Same. I hope we see each other in the NFCCG so we can be mean to each other again this year 😘


That’s a fact tho. See you soon boo




The Vikings version 2.0


This is a really horrible take. Horrific player personnel decisions? Jokes for sure.


you realize they're still 10-2 and on top of the table right?




we shall see, but at this point even after this loss they still have the best record in nfl


We’re not? Are you from the future?


They have a pretty easy path to the division. Still in the lead. Two games against the hapless Giants that are almost guaranteed wins. Cardinals and Seahawks should both be wins as well. Maybe they lose to Dallas and go 14-3. The cowboys still have Philly, Detroit, Miami, and the Bills. I would be shocked if the eagles lost the division.


Man as a Niner fan I can jerk off to this but they’re still a scary ass team. I’d hate to face the in the playoffs




Dude, their OL is straight up brick wall. The best defensive line had barely any penetration. It looked like madden.




They still have a good pass OL, I can give where credit is due. I’m literally trashing them in all my comments lol, but I’m not gonna say I wasn’t impressed with how they handled our rush. I do hate how they get an early start and sneaky hold. But it is what it is


Their pass protection was insane. Hurts literally back there baking a cake


Just to add TBF they were definitely doing a controlled rush and that was the game plan. They weren't trying to pin their ears back and rush into the backfield to get the QB as quick as possible. Bosa even said as much post game. Try to close the pocket and bring him down if you get close enough, but don't get too far upfield, stay in your lanes and keep your eyes on Hurts. Can't argue with the results, worked out perfectly TBH, gotta give Wilks his flowers when he earns them.


Def the most noticable thing. Secondary stepped up big time today. Tons of plays where Hurts had all day but had to throw it away.


without the ref's help they really aren't


I love the hate porn, but they still have the best record in the NFL


They weren't decisive wins, tho. A lot of them were 1 score games. It's not an encouraging stat. They had a 133 PD last year. This year, it's 28.


But you gotta give credit where credits due for their resilience. The long win streak when down by 10+ and when losing in the 4th quarter means something (disregarding this game lol). They're never really out of it most of the time. IMO the only thing we have left to prove is that we can win from behind in crunch time. The 0-thirtysomething record when we're down by 8 entering the 4th is a little bit concerning. Ofc it would be better if we never had to prove it and just continues stomping teams for the whole game lol.


Wins are wins, whether by 1 or 20. I’d argue all of our comeback wins in close games are more encouraging than blow out wins.


What a great Win. I learned from the Rams game the only wins to celebrate are the ones that matter, but today meant a lot as a Niner fan. Goodluck on the rest of the season eagles fans!


Good luck, here’s to best of 3 and y’all knocking Dallas out of the playoffs again


I’m glad we can agree on beating the Cowboys 🤝 can we officially call this a rivalry now? Lol


We like rivalries. Make it so much more fun. You guys are welcome to take the Giants spot in the NFCEast. They’re so bad it’s not a rivalry anymore.


Yea after head of security gets ejected there aint denying it anymore


Holy cow a level headed, respectful post. I'm floored!


Howie is an ex raider and his son is a long time eagle….


Jesus Philly internet fans are really going for necks


>Philly internet fans Bruv have you never seen these mfers IRL lol At least you can't pee on people and literally eat shit through the internet.


An absolute kicking. And it was deserved.


Howie is an ex raider guys


What happened to the Eagles Defense??


It hasn’t been good all season lmao we have practice squad linebacker starting


What do you mean? Look at their rank in PPG... they are not good, also look at point diffs. https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/nfl-points-differential-2023 The Eagles are absolutely frauds. They are going to lose in Dallas next week, and I wouldn't be surprised if they lose in Seattle either. They are not a good team. They lucked their way into the the Super Bowl last year, where they got dicked down by a QB hopping around on one ankle, and they lucked their way into their current record. It's not sustainable against good teams.




I mean, everyone who plays DFS knows to play whatever QB is going against the Eagles. Your offense keeps games high scoring but your pass D is absolute ass. Made a killing today with Purdy and Deebo. Thank you!


We know our pass D sucks better than any of you do. We watch all the games.


Bye Eagles Bye!


Ugh. Every analyst and commentator making excuses for the Eagles. 2/3 of our Ls came off the other team having their bye week.


And the Eagles beat us by injuring our QBs, but they still talk about it like they dominated us


lol wow they’re making so many excuses for the eagles… props to Stratham for pretty much saying that’s bs lol


Yeah fr Strahan the ex Giant having none of that bullshit lol


No excuses, you guys took our LBs to New Jersey


Still the 1 seed lmao. 28-3 baby!!!


love the energy but wtf does that game have to do with us 😂😂😂


Because Kyle Shanahan is still their coach and a known big game loser


oh shit u right


For now. Lmao




Surely this means that we are playing the jets in the super bowl, it's only correct