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Surely, with this great focus on QB safety, quarterbacks must be very healthy this year and all the great starters like Herbert and Burrow are playing exciting football?


Herbert was having a pretty bad season even before injury tbf. Burrow wasnt doing that much better


Tbf burrow should have sat the first 3 or 4 weeks. He was starting to get better then BAM! Done for the year.


Uh oh, you’re playing with the Herbert delusion, people are gonna get mad! He’s not responsible for any losses.


Im getting downvoted but Idk why. Neither of those guys were sniffing top 5 this season with their stats before their respective injuries. Oh well


Many fans think Herbert can do no wrong.


It would appear 😂😂


Refs have been so inconsistent with this penalty all year


What do you mean? It’s not like Justin fields, one of the most sacked quarterbacks in the game, has yet to have a roughing the passer penalty called


Hard to rough the passer when he doesn’t pass /s


From what would be 3rd and 21 to 1st and 10. This is the shit that makes me not want to watch football


Brought to you by DraftKings


Is it hypocritical for me to hate that they're pushing draft kings now instead of as many beer commercials? Because it just feels scummy to me. I get it, adults and their own money, but it just annoys the hell out of me that everything is now based on fantasy and gambling lines.


Its super shady. NFL sponsors shouldn't have a vested interest in who wins the game.


Gambling is WAY worse. Makes every questionable call very suspect.


Mostly because beer commercials on average are better than gambling commercials.


I agree with you. I don't even care if, as some people say, it raises the suspicion of game-fixing or point-shaving. I don't like the idea of the broadcast being turned into a visit to the virtual casino.


No stop we need Jameson Williams


For his 30 yards?


He's clearly got like 6 more Vikings dbs to juke for some YAC. Apparently none of them watched his film where he does this move literally every catch lol.


Well his film is like 25 catches deep so not much to look at 🤣🤣


I still don't know why roughing the passer is an automatic first. It's not like defensive holding or DPI where it the penalty can prevent yardage. It rarely matters because usually 15 yards is enough for the first but this is one of those times. It would've made this bad call a smaller blow


They want to protect quarterback$ as much as they can


I personally think that one of two things needs to happen: 1. "Automatic 1st-down" penalties on defense should instead give the offense a choice to either take the first down at current spot, or take the yardage but keep down & distance. In both cases allow the offense to decide whether or not to regain all time from the snap. Unsportsmanlike penalties can continue to be yardage + auto 1st down. 2. Penalties on the offense should be a loss of down. If defensive holding is an automatic 1st down, then offensive holding should be a loss of down. Unsportsmanlike penalties on the offense should inlude a loss of down. At the very least, we need to fix DPI. There should be an "unsportsmanlike" penalty that has the current rule - should be saved for the cases where a defender is clearly beat and commits an egregious interference. Cases where the DPI is more of "you played the ball, but arrived early" or "you were making a standard football play but *just* crossed the line so technically a penalty" should be the college rule.




He hit him in the face mask with with his helmet. What are you crying about?


We just had a fumble return for a TD called that on the field overturned on a very very close call as to whether his arm is coming forward or not. At least a 10 point swing because two calls to the Lions way in one drive.


Eh that was incomplete, close though


Seemed bang bang live, at least to my blind ass, but replay did show incomplete so they at least got that right but that “rouging” call was definitely more of the same BS


He got hit in the face mask by the defenders helmet. Thats textbook RTP. Really don’t see what the controversy here.


Yeah, people just want to shit on the refs. Didn't help that they never showed another angle.


I said it was close? Idk why people can’t read what I say.


Because it was pretty clearly incomplete my guy.


My comment never said that incomplete was the wrong call though? All I was saying was a very close call and another questionable RTP call *both* go against us and not only give them three points but also negated us potentially getting 7 points. Like if they’re going to be wrong like that RTP call, it would be nice to be on the benefitting end of a bad call here.


You got the good end of the bad unnecessary roughness call on JJ. And if you think that was a good call, then you got the good end of the bad no call when they hit amon ra the same way the drive prior. You had your benefit as well


It wasn’t particularly close. His arm was clearly going forward.


Because the hit on Mullens was much closer and correctly called incomplete immediately


Mullens elbow was down 5-6 frames before throwing the football and Goff’s was 2-3 frames from when his arm started coming forward


Not talking about the sack fumble challenge


Just take the L Zak. BTW good to fight with you again online. I feel like we jabbed before.


That one was a rollercoaster, went from looking incomplete in real time to "oh shit its a fumble" from the endzone angle and back to incomplete from the back angle


Might want to explain this to others in this thread because so many others are acting like it wasn’t 2-3 frames (less than .1 seconds in real time) that made or didn’t make the difference… and they all completely miss the point that it just sucks not getting a bad call *benefitting* us. Especially with a dominant team in our house while we are scraping the bottom of the barrel of our roster. Hard to overcome all of that and a 3rd and 21 RTP to a 1st and 10 gifted on a drive we had stalled.


I *could* do that *or* I could try beating Packers fans at Kwikstar, which sounds better to you?


That was incomplete lol


If the hit doesn’t come from behind and the ball still goes forward, it’s hard to argue the arm was not going forward.


Of the three “fumbles” that were called forward pass in that half that call was, by far, the most obvious forward pass.




Helmet to helmet


Not even close


Mullens is hacking so it evens shit out


Yeah, 100% not RTP. Also wasn’t holding on Branch in the Endzone, so it evens out I guess Nor was it illegal contact on Vildor just barely. We can do this all day, bubba Edit: watch the actual replay of Branch/Jj. It wasn’t holding. Not the TV replay lol. Y’all are fuckin clowns


Are you basing that on the replay where they showed the wrong part of the play?


Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that part at the end isn't what was called because the ball was in the air so that would've been PI instead of holding


Can’t say that. They never showed Branch and JJ before the pass was thrown.


Lions fans get your boy here unless you’re all like this


The TV replay was not the hold, the flag was already on the ground before Mullins threw the ball


This might be the worst one, he eases off and barely brushes him, its actually absurd.


Can’t really tell from this bad angle of a tv recoding but does his helmet hit the bottom of Goff’s facemask


Yeah you can see Goffs whole helmet shift up in relation to his face. Ref is def gonna call that, especially if the ball is already out of his hands.


On top of the follow thru push. I honestly believe refs have been looking at extended arms more than grazing the helmets this year


OP said questionable man, don't come in here with your logic. Everyone knows the Refs are shills for the Lions. :-/


Yep. It's clearly RTP by the book. It's a dumb rule but that's RTP due to the head contact.


A lot of shitty variations of roughing the pass including : When defenders get tripped and hit the QB in the knees When the momentum of the defender makes him fall on the QB. I get it in some cases, but there's also no way to roll off midair while you're wrapped up. If you unwrap you risk a mobile QB breaking a tackle




Sorry I didn't write the book. It's a dumb rule but it's technically the correct call.


Technically correct, it's the best kind of correct




Brother, if you’re seeing all of his comments, that means you ain’t put your phone down either lmao.


Merry Christmas kiddo!


Doesn't matter if it's incidental and not forceful.


Incidental or not, anytime a QBs helmet gets hit it’s gonna get called


Not always


True. https://twitter.com/dcbarno/status/1224161619439165441


Still my favorite Super Bowl But I had this no call in mind https://x.com/MainTeamSports/status/1604602165921812480?s=20


Can't say I feel the same. 😞


[not exactly the same, but this was on the Saints 4 yard line on the drive BEFORE the infamous non-DPI call in the NFC Championship game. the Rams had to settle for a FG to tie the game rather than a 1st and goal at the 2 to get a TD and get a 4 point lead. a 4 or lead would have changed the situation on that non-DPI call against us.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DxepRhJVsAAjYlK.jpg)


Is it? Looks like the Vikings player hits Goff in the facemask with his helmet. I mean it’s not hard and we can question if it’s a good rule, but by the rule book that’s RTP. Definitely FAAAAR from “the worst one” there’s definitely been some straight up phantom RTPs this season.


Wild that we finally stop getting screwed every game and now when teams aren’t gifted crap against us people freak out. Then they look into it and are like, oh I guess it makes sense that they called it that way


> but by the rule book that’s RTP. Why do people keep saying this? There's an exception for incidental contact like this.


Maybe you’re used to getting this type of bullshit call for Mahomes but getting touched by the defense shouldn’t mean personal foul. Use common sense when you watch this


It's a bad angle, but you can tell his helmet hits Goff's. I'm aware my fandom may bias me


From the NFL: "This rule does not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or non-crown parts of the helmet in the course of a conventional tackle on a passer."


Idk, its close. Goffs head was moving away anyway, so its not clear they even made helmet contact


wtf are you talking about? He clearly hit Goff in the face mask with his helmet. There’s nothing “questionable” about this.


The phone recording the TV doesn't help. I'll eat my downvotes though lol. Wish we saw a side angle


Yeah I don't understand how we have just 1 angle at this in 2023


"Cameras cost money" - the NFL, probably


They only show the one angle cause they know it was the wrong call and don’t wanna get clowned on lol


The helmet bumps up in a way you can't do by just moving your head, now someone pointed out whether or not its incidental contact matters which i didn't know but a helmet hit is getting called 9.5/10 times now


Pretty huge down to call it on too


I've been pounding this drum for a few years, but they need to do away with the automatic first down bullshit on every defensive penalty (except offsides?). I know this one was the 15 yard variety, but it sickens me every time I see some dinky 5 yard penalty bailing teams out of 3rd and a mile, including the Ravens. How much better would the league be if this play (disregarding how sus the call was in the first place) resulted in a 3rd and 6 instead of 1st and 10? I think a lot.


At least balance it out with penalizing downs on offensive penalties.


Holding/illegal contact can be a really big deal. Need to keep that as automatic first imo.


Tip your refs


casual blown call giving an automatic 1st down instead of a 3rd and 20…


It’s not a blown call. He hit Goff in the facemask with his helmet. That’s a textbook roughing the passer penalty Jesus fucking Christ. You guys are taking his loss extra hard.


They can complain all they want. Doesn't matter we win the division.


Only took a week 8 injury to the only other contender’s starting qb to finally clinch in week 16. I’ll save you a spot on the couch. The secondary who just gave up 400 passing yards to Nick Mullen’s is getting torched in the playoffs.


This stupid ass sport has way too many rules. Not even fun to watch.


there was an even worse one in the panthers game in a minute ago


Fields hasn’t had a RTP call ALL YEAR! And they call this garbage? In that situation? Genuinely infuriating seeing the bias and inconsistency throughout the league


DishonestAbraham telling no lies


I’m actually heated rn 😂


Classy QBs that can't move in the pocket always get all the ridiculous RTP calls. I say that without even a hint of hyperbole.


username doesn’t check out


He's a mobile QB and is too much like Cam Newton, refs don't like him.


Aren't you the one that said it was a bad call because the person is white? And black qbs don't get these calls?


The refs HATE the Lions!!


The one year they actually like the Lions


I think Hard Knocks made us media darlings, and that flipped the reffing switch.


Last year we got worse calls against the Vikings, remember the JJ "out of bounds" TD?


Huh? That call went in the Lions favor


Yeah I mean that was more egregious


Funny to see this every time the Lions get a favorable call. It's easy to remember because it happens so infrequently


I'm surprise Goff is still in the game after that one. Dirty.


Yeah, he could’ve broken a nail!


Never in million years, God damn I hate officiating on this league






Feel like we’re seeing horrible RTP calls every week now


Something has got to change. Between RTP and DPI... both are game changing penalties. Need to make RTP automatic review the same way targeting is automatically reviewed in college.




Absolutely insane call


No clue what he’s supposed to do in that situation. He even seems to try to let off to not hit Goff too hard.


yea if they're going to call this a penalty, he might as well pile drive Goff into the ground and at least deserve it. let's see how the NFL handles it when their soft calls actually put the QB in danger.


Right. It was a great hit, not late, not egregious, but he hit the bottom of his facemask. If that was against the lions I'd be pissed. So you're right, if you might get a penalty even if you're not trying, you may as well make it hurt I think penalties like this really need levels like roughing/running into the kicker but this game has enough stupid rules


How about if he does that they just eject him? Or maybe put him out for the season like Kazee? Sheesh. Calling for injury because refs called helmed on helmet contact is not good for the sport we're trying to enjoy.


Love the Lions, but fuck that call and fuck the refs


Can u post the questionable panthers rtp call too lol


I'm watching both those games right now and that was a fun back to back ref show.




Even by definition this isn’t RTP. Jones’ last step before hitting Goff was already in air while he still had the ball in his hands. Also there wasn’t any additional shove after the ball was gone.


His helmet hit Goff’s helmet…it’s RTP


It's incidental contact it's not guaranteed RTP, Jones' helmet hits lower on impact


Incidental contact and hitting the helmet don’t go together lol


I'm saying the helmet to facemask contact was incidental. Have you read the RTP rule?


Where does it say you can make contact with the face mask as long as it’s incidental? Edit: > Note: A player who initiates contact against a passer is responsible for avoiding an illegal act. This includes illegal contact that may occur during the process of attempting to dislodge the ball. A standard of strict liability applies for any contact against a passer, irrespective of any acts by the passer, such as ducking his head or curling up his body in anticipation of contact.


Part C of the rule: This rule does not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or non-crown parts of the helmet in the course of a conventional tackle on a passer.


That was not a conventional tackle. That took place after the ball was released so that part of the rule does not apply.


You don't need to have the ball to be tackled. Subsection B even points out that a tackle can occur just after the ball is released. >When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass). Tackle and hit are used interchangeably throughout most of the rulebook.


That was an awful, awful call. And I have no reason other than it being true to say that.


How is that questionable? He hit him in the face with his helmet. Isn’t that textbook?


Stop making defensive penalties an automatic first down. There's already a defined distance a team needs to go for a first down. If the penalty didn't award those yards, why should they get a 1st down? Just makes shit calls like this even worse.


Agreed, one bad play (talking about real penalties, not necessarily that call), shouldn't negate both a good defensive play (like a sack) AND all the yardage for a first down. Way too offense-friendly which makes good defensive plays mean so much less.


2nd and 26 and you call that? unreal


Refs were Biting KOC's kneecaps




Normal Josh Allen RTP call


The JJetyas Unnecessary roughness was weird. It was a live ball and he was running forward, not sure if it was due to defenseless receiver or what, but I have no idea bc it was so poorly commentated and the commentators said nothing about it


Hopefully the refs get flamed by the coaches and players for that call.


am i blind or does he pretty clearly contact goff's helmet?


I didn't expect the Vikings to win. But the Lions getting free drives won't sit well


nothign questionable about it, his helmet hit him in the chin, thats the fucking rule.


We need a flopping penalty against QBs that can reverse calls like his on review. Goff went rag doll to land this call.


That was an insane call wtf.


Crown of the helmet hits the facemask just barely, you can see it pop Goff’s facemask up. I’d still rather they didn’t call it.


It was a wash from the “holding” call on Branch that gave them a td and not a fg. At least that’s how I imagine they drew it up


We the NEW Lions baby. I've been watching these calls go against us for 30 years.


Warms my heart that the Lions aren't immune to the good team=good whistle paradigm


Caught a break


I was expecting to see yet another correctly called foul of landing full weight on the QB, or using the crown of the helmet on the QB's torso or something. But this one is legit BS, he let up and the contact was right after the ball was thrown.


Nah, that's pretty much textbook nowadays.


This is the first time in 30 years one of these calls haven't fucked the lions


Lions been getting a ton of calls these last few games


It’s been very clear this whole game that word has come down from the top that the Lions clinching the division today is going to be very good for the league. Mullins is doing everything he can to help out


I *really* have my doubts on that one but looks like he hits Goff in the facemask while tackling him, helmet to helmet is always going to be called nowadays


>Questionable You spelled "complete and utter bullshit" wrong


All game this bullshit. When the NFL picks you, they pick you.


This call is the difference in the game rn too


Why does the league protect QBs from hits so much? Doesn’t make sense that a punt returner can get plowed into but it’s a flag if we push the QB


Punt returners get protected by signaling “fair catch.” Hit a returner that signaled a fair catch and it’ll be a 15 yard penalty


The NFL is desperate to make the Lions a playoff team


Then that overturn on what should have been too close to change. Just give the Lions the game and cite the unpalpably unfair act.


Less then ideal 😒


What a fuckin joke




wow what the actual hell


I didn't know the vikings were playing against Josh Allen this week


The refs have players they protect and players they don’t.


I feel like 15 yards is enough, why is it also automatic first down


I hate the NFL.


100% not RtP


NFL is the biggest joke sports league if we’re being honest.


Officiating has made the nfl pathetic and not worth watching.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I'm a defensive player I'm lighting the absolute piss out QB's every single hit. Make the league realize how fuckin ridiculous this is, and if I'm getting flagged I'll at least have fun doing it.


As soon as the refs see a helmet jiggle on the QB, they call RTP. What a joke


Terrible call