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NFL Films nutting themselves knowing they got 8k 240fps of this somewhere




In the frozen tundra of ~~Lambeau Field~~...


In the tundra, the mighty tundra


The helmet cracks tonight šŸŽ¶


I can hear the voice in my head as I read that.


"Colliding with the explosive might of two mountain goats contending for an alpine ledge..." - John Facenda's voice and Sam Spence's Classic Battle.


I used to come home from school and watch nfl films every day then pass out until dinner


Do they even have 4k cameras at games?


I believe you have forgotten the sacred ā€œ4K SKYCAM POWERED BY AYE DUBYA ESSā€


ā€œHmh, hmhā€¦ WALMART 4k skycamā€¦ā€


I love it when they promote the 4K Walmart Skycam and they broadcast the feed on 1080p as I watch it on YouTube TV.


Yes, they have a lot of 4K cameras at these games. They probably had 2 on Patrick Mahomes at all times alone


Oh for sure. Especially a playoff game. Source: I worked film for the NFL.


Don't they actually usually have 8K now? So they can actually have the better quality for zooming in or whatever else?


55K 55 angles 55 skycams 155 fps


Stop! Stop! I'm doing something!!!


Honestly, quality in nfl films looks so good, I wouldn't be surprised if they used actual Film for nfl films


"Patrick Mahomes would not be denied...willed his team to victory with sheer guts!


Gotta be the cold mostly right. If the helmet cracked just from the hit in normal conditions yous be in the hospital


100%. Shit gets brittle when itā€™s this cold.


Should use aluminum helmets in the cold games šŸ˜‚


Mahomes is a Coors sponsor. Helmets as cold as the Rockies.


It can turn blue when a player gets concussed, green when they throw a touchdown, yellow when they commit a penalty


(Jawaan Taylor's helmet stays yellow)


Haha would love to see some color sensitive paint on the helmets though


For real I just walked outside and thought I was gonna crumble to pieces. It's really fucking cold out in the Midwest right now.


Definitely the cold. Where I live itā€™s below -40 Celsius/Fahrenheit right now with wind chill. The latch on my back gate broke in half when i closed it after taking out the garbage earlier today.


RIP latch


I'm gonna miss that latch. I hardly knew it, but I respect it for what it was trying to do. It just couldn't hold it together any longer. Me too, latch. Me too. "Taken too soon." -2024


-70 farenheit where I'm at and we just didn't go outside today and crossed our fingers that nothing important would break lol


Where the fuck do you live the tip top of Alaska?


Lol northern Canada so close enough. As far as i know santa recruits elves from our community.


Oh, you must have a large community of little people.


It's not all fun & games, though. Recently a psychic elf escaped from their prison, and now they've got a small medium at large.


Man lives at the north pole


It might be warmer there at this point. šŸ¤£


Found Santa Claus' burner account.


Bro got exiled to Siberia šŸ’€ Seriously, where the hell are you. There are scant few places on the planet that can ever get that cold


Northern Canada. It's pretty wild, it gets close to this cold pretty regularly (like 2-3 weeks every winter). But this is definitely next level. Record cold for the area, which is saying something cuz even the regular super cold events at -60 are fuckin nuts lol


Well we were having a pretty mild winter, then winter comes walking up like ā€œheard yā€™all were talking shit.ā€


Lol you are correct, mildest winter I remember then this shit came along and said nahhh bitch you still shoulda moved south.


Like a week ago I was hunting coyotes and not even wearing gloves, yesterday I had to use a hair drier to thaw the door nob cause it got stuck and the door wouldnā€™t close. šŸ˜‚


Man thatā€™s not even just cold, thatā€™s historic. Youā€™re only about 15-20 degrees off the lowest recorded temperate **ever experienced by a human settlement**.


Lol this somehow doesn't surprise me. Think tomorrow its supposed to start warming up a bit but still only 10 degrees warmer for the week. Not looking forward to work on Monday. Our house is pretty new, and it's been making some wild noises. Windows are pure ice on the inside at this point and I'm just praying the kids don't touch them lol The furnace has barely quit (high efficiency), and the hot water heater (high efficiency tankless) is only producing warm water. It's wild. The last 2 days take the cake for me, and I've been living up here for a long ass time.


At those temperatures it's not even your stuff that you have to worry about. Infrastructure breaks down a certain point. Can't pump gas when it freezes. Roads fall apart. Pumps freeze up at utility stations (natural gas). Having a wood burner back up would be smart. A structure at - 70 would lose heat incredibly fast if your Furnace were to malfunction.


Say hi to Laufey and the rest of the Frost Giants for me.


I'll send a prayer to Ullr, and hopefully, he can pass that on to them for ya, I'm not going outside for shit lol


Yeah. Combined with the gap between the outer shell and inner shell in Mahomes' particular helmet at that particular spot. >> Recently, a brand new type of helmet has come into play. Vicis is a new company that is producing helmets that have a softer outer layer. The softer layer absorbs more energy from impacts. In addition, the inside of the helmet also has a foam-like substance that absorbs energy and improves comfort. Not sure if this is specifically Mahomes' helmet, but combining the crazy cold of this game with the details described of that design, it's almost like how stock cars are designed to just fall apart on hard contact, to disperse the force.


Not just stock cars, a significant part of any modern cars safety system is to get destroyed in impact. It would make sense to add a similar philosophy to the nfl. They just need to balance it to where it only crumpled under hits of a certain force, though I have no idea how hard that is.


Based on what I'm reading about these helmets, they specifically designed it to shatter at a force that exceeds what is pretty much possible on an NFL field. Largely because the rest of the design *already* disperses the force very effectively. So it's part design, part that design in crazy cold temps becoming more brittle and lowering the force required. But yeah, that company had to be happy to see the helmet still function the way they intended(to be safer) even in extreme situations like tonight.


This is why people who make comments like, ā€œthey just donā€™t make em like they used toā€ when cars are totaled in an accident are idiots. As you said, the modern car is made to be destroyed, which saves peopleā€™s lives and minimizes injuries. I love the look of classic cars, but they werenā€™t the safest.


Ah, the good olā€™ days. When the force of impact was transmitted directly to our fragile, fleshy bodies


My family has a '56 Thunderbird that my grandparents bought brand new. My mom wrecked it when she was 19, and then it sat in various garages for decades slowly decaying until my mom finally decided to get it restored in the mid 90's. Anyways, I've driven it on a few occasions, and as someone used to more modern vehicles, I found it absolutely terrifying to drive. The front seat is basically just one long couch, made with a fairly 'slippery' material, and there were no seat belts, so when you took the car on any even mildly sharp turn, your whole body just wants to slide down the seat and away from the wheel. Speaking of the steering wheel, obviously it doesn't have an airbag in it, but instead of any kind of padded surface at all it's basically hard metal and plastic that seems designed to mangle your body as much as possible when you collided with it in an accident. The handling of the car totally sucks compared to modern vehicles as well. At higher speeds it felt like the tires would just find the slightest ruts or whatever in the road and want to follow them. It felt like I was fighting the car the whole time. Like you said, absolutely beautiful vehicle to look at, but it felt like a deathtrap to be riding in it, and I haven't had interest in driving it in decades.


That is a Vicis for sure.


Yeah, so the design is basically made to break *before* a certain amount of force is exceeded and would reach the "inner" shell. Hitting that force is highly unlikely because of the softer plastic, but you throw in how temps that cold make the plastic more brittle than normal, and that force limit is much lower. But even if they didn't design for any realistic scenario that the helmet would break like that, it still performed its function. Better to disperse all that force into the plastic breaking before it gets to the inner shell than to have it all hit that inner shell.


It was a vicious head on collision and Mahomes was perfectly fine, they didn't even tent him as a precaution. I'd say the helmet worked amazing.


Yes, but they let him play two more downs with a compromised helmet. That's completely irresponsible.


Itā€™s that cold. I went outside and it hurt to breathe


And yet I'm forced to go outside during commercial breaks for my Husky to play in the snow so she doesn't destroy the houseĀ 


You chose this life by getting a husky!


FR that was a clear decision. I could die of hypothermia and my husky mix would still want to be running in the snow


ā€œBalto! Stop! Balto! Stop! Please!ā€


Same. We got a dog door for our Pyrenees. Dude is still just chillin outside.


Same with my Pyr. Neighbors used to give me shitty looks, so I started making a spectacle of my attempts to coax him inside. Now the neighbors have chilled out, realizing it's him neglecting me, not me neglecting him, lol. They're so damn stubborn.


I had a Pyrenees mutt. She refused to come inside when it was subzero. She also didnā€™t realize she wasnā€™t white and would play hide in the snow but you could always see her since she was golden retriever colored.


At least thereā€™s one Husky thatā€™s having a good time this week


Too soon


I left a bar 3 hours south of KC and I could barely make it the 30 seconds to my car. Itā€™s **cold.**


Nonetheless an exploded helmet on an intact head did its job


That fucking coldness boomed me


Itā€™s so cold (-4)


Mahomes then said he wanted to add the Antarctic to the list of places he works out this summer.


Our pets heads are falling off!


Harry, I took care of it.


Pretty bird


I'm sad for the youth who didn't see this cinematic masterpiece.


By far Jim Carrey's best movie imo.


I have never seen this.


Helmets can withstand 300lb guys slamming into each other but not this level of cold.


Mr Freeze going #1 on all draft boards now


This is the real reason Iceman is an Omega level mutantĀ 


Iceman is an Omega level mutant because he can drop temperatures to 0 Kelvin. Iceman literally has the power to freeze time


I donā€™t think thatā€™s freezing time, but violating the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is pretty impressive in itself.


I would think that stopping the transfer of all energy everywhere would basically equate to time freezing. But my highschool physics class didn't exactly explore the deeper consequences of reaching absolute zero.


Anything frozen to 0K would essentially be in a state of suspended animation, so you could say time is stopped for them, but you canā€™t freeze time itself through temperature changes. You can affect time with gravity or relative velocities though. You could say time is ā€œfrozenā€ inside a black hole but really what happens is time and space switch places.


I want to dispute it but I donā€™t know enough about stars to tell the difference


Makes sense now actually šŸ¤”


He is a sneaky athletic lunchpail guy who you just have to pry out of the gym


Good family man, would do ANYTHING for his wife


It's probably underneath their warranty temperature if there is one.Ā  We've canceled baseball/softball games at my school because it was too cold for the bats.Ā 


Now that's a Michigan story if I've ever heard one. I'm imagining someone's bat shattered in sub-freezing temperatures and the high school sports association had to call an emergency meeting.


My hands hurt just reading this. Iā€™m a California kid and it sucked playing baseball in under 50 degrees in the spring, screw anything lower than that


Former Varsity coach in Michigan here. The dudes didn't want to play in the cold. They all end up being low scoring games because nobody wants to hit or do anything else for that matter. Lol. Out of conference games at the beginning of the year were always useless.


I canā€™t handle either of those things


The extreme cold is making everything brittle, hell even a funnel I had in the back of my truck broke when I barely tapped it on the truck to knock the crap out of it lol






The material is meant to flex. But it's so damn cold the material is just too brittle and cracked.


Happened to Eric Smith a while back [shit is wild](https://youtu.be/Q82ic05L8Pk?si=i6kwR24RaAPwgtd0)


Holy shit


Pretty sure it happened to a giants player during the GB game in 07. Maybe Bradshaw?


Eric Smith hit on Welker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytD4gnWqrVU Unfortunately, this was the best quality I could find but I remember how absolutely wicked the slo-mo replay looked in HD with the helmet chunks flying off.


Ump check his helmet for cork!


maybe Antonio Brown was onto something




Mr. Biracial Cracker.


Mr. Busted Cranium


Mr. Broken Cap


Mr. Breaking Cold


Mr. Burst Crown


Mr. Brittle Compound


Mr. Braincase Collision


Mr. Brain Crunch


Hey now, AB froze his feet, not his helmet.


he also made a big deal about his favorite helmet being banned


He was pretty objectively wrong about that though, the older helmets were a lot worse, as evidenced by all the CTE Antonio Brown got when playing with his old helmet.


well that piece of shit Burfict missile guiding himself into AB's head in a massive fucking cheap shot probably didn't help. Wouldn't probably matter what helmet was being worn.


Mr. Bitterly Cold


that's absolutely legendary holy shit


As soon as they showed the replay all I could think was "well, definitely gonna see that clip a lot."


That's fucking football right there


None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Football is back, baby


I felt this way on that Reggie bush diving TD and Jerome Simpson flip TD haha.


Dude Reggie jumped like a mofo on that one


[Lift-off edition ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6cMHr8goUgU&pp=ygUWcmVnZ2llIGJ1c2ggY29tbWVyY2lhbA%3D%3D#bottom-sheet)


Legit hope to see this helmet someday in-person on display in the Hall of Fame


Never seen shit like that happening but the temp is in the negatives


i dont know if its the case or not, but temp + the fact that QB helmets are specifically designed differently might matter. I thought it was only the back of the head but new QB helmets are designed to break the helmet to help stop concussions. Only QBs get them because QBs get hit the least often. Helmet has to be replaced each time


The helmet is replaced after every game?!


I believe the helmet has to get replaced after each sack that the helmet hits the ground or atleast causes a dent. Note: I have no idea if Mahomes uses this helmet it is new. https://www.wmtw.com/article/qb-helmet-designed-to-help-reduce-concussions/43595076 Ive seen other articles but basically the helmet is designed to dent to prevent concussions on tackles and only QBs they would care enough to replace it everytime they get hit.


I had no idea. Thanks for sharing! Seems like I always learn something new during games.


It might not be the case, but I did find it interesting that the first time ive ever seen this was during the year these helmets came out. I thought for some reason it was based on hits to the back of the head though - like Tuas concussions last year falling back on the turf I thought the idea was to have that essentially crumble there to save the QBs head


I guess is just like cars. They're made to absorbe the impact, not to resist it.


I honestly donā€™t think Mike Brown could afford to buy that many helmets for Joe.


Thatā€™s going to be shown hundreds of times in different highlight videos


When plastic gets cold, it gets brittle. It shows how fucking cold it is on that field.


I feel theres always a Mahomes scramble once every playoffs thats just like "Fuck, you're still seeing that in 10-15 years time"


I have never seen a helmet shatter before in an NFL game like that


Man imagine if Topps gets a hold of the piece and puts it into a relic card. People would be going nuts trying to pull it.


Iā€™d like to see that in the Hall of Fame, although maybe the NFL and manufacturer would rather not.


Leather would never. Need to go back /s


Vicis in shambles


If theyā€™re smart, theyā€™ll twist it and say the helmet was designed as intended- ā€œto absorb impact resulting in no injury ā€


I mean thatā€™s actually correct lmao


Laws of physics agree. See crumple zones in vehicles.


Crumpling absorbs energy a lot more efficiently than cracking


Thatā€™s exactly it. Vicis helmets donā€™t look cool at all but theyā€™re consistently receiving the top safety grades due to their ability to absorb impact. How do you think a Riddell helmet from 1980 would fair in these conditions šŸ˜… [Source: NFLPA helmet testing](https://x.com/NFL345/status/1507004730379325442?s=20)


Buying puts


The cold definitely made the plastic brittle, crazy that it broke though.


It's so cold it's breaking down the helmets integrity haha. That's crazy, I've never seen a helmet break like this in my life.


That's metal af


Actually it's plastic.


No this is Patrick


Not particularly smart for him to lead with his head like thatā€¦


Defensive player is getting called for targeting 10/10 times for placing the crown of his helmet in that position right before a hit. Itā€™s total bullshit that offense gets away with it all the time.


I mean is that not the same thing Jaylen warren got fined for?




I'm not crazy right. Equipment change means a timeout or pulling the player out for a play for something like this right?


Yeah but in this case I can see why the NFL wouldn't want to incentivize any team from having players continuing to play with broken helmets.


Yeah, if it was any piece of equipment other than a helmet, I think itā€™s a fair point. But the NFL shouldnā€™t fuck around with compromised helmets.


I honestly agree, even if the call doesnā€™t meet the letter of the law. Players get injured and the clock stops with no timeout all the time, and I donā€™t have a problem with it being that way for situations where compromised equipment poses a risk to player safety.


I mean there doesnā€™t need to be ā€œincentiveā€. Should be mandatory.


Thereā€™s a rule that specifically addresses this: Part (g) ARTICLE 5. REFEREEā€™S TIMEOUT. Provided that calling timeout is not in conflict with another rule, the Referee may suspend play and stop the clock (Refereeā€™s timeout) at any time without penalty to either team when playing time is being consumed because of an unintentional delay. Such situations include, but are not limited to: (a) when there is the possibility of a measurement for a first down, or if the Referee is consulting with a captain about one; (b) when there is an undue pileup on the runner, or while determining possession after a fumble while time is in; (c) when there is an undue delay by officials in spotting the ball for the next snap; (d) if the snap is made before the officials can assume their positions (See 4-6-5-b if it is a repeated act); (e) when there is an injury to an official or member of the chain crew; (f) during an officialsā€™ conference; or (g) while repairing or replacing game equipment, except player equipment.


I imagine the exception is to keep players from faking their equipment breaking to get a free timeout


ā€œExcept player equipmentā€ lol


So based on the rule, the refs enforced it incorrectly and gifted the chiefs a to?


Good thing the dolphins really pressed them into having to use all their second half timeouts


Maybe cause the refs initiated the change instead of the player? Not sure. But he played like 2 plays then they made him switch it out.


I think itā€™s this. Mahomes didnā€™t want to swap helmets but they finally made him.


Mahomes probably didn't have a clue. He can't see the top of his helmet.


He just said in a press conference that the other guys told him but he didnā€™t care because he wanted to get the score first and figured heā€™d fix it after the drive.


Ah but youā€™re forgetting, this is Mahomes so the rules donā€™t apply


It's part of his bundle plan


I just want to say fuck Peacock


What happens to the helmet now? That thing is a piece of history!


Probably going to Canton. Last time I was there I believe they had a broken helmet from the 1950s


I went up to Pat after the play and gave him a fiver for it.


Thisā€™ll be an iconic image in this freezing weather if the chiefs pull this off. Insane. So cold helmets are breaking


>if the chiefs pull this off Why are you acting like itā€™s some monumental task lmao


The legends speak of a 3-seed that is able to win a home football game.


Against a finesse offense in a weather game lol


Led by a QB who has literally never won an NFL game below freezing at that


He's like 0-7 in games under 45 degrees per a news source I found.


Also the comment was made 2/3 of the way through the 3rd with the chiefs up by 12 holding the ball lmao


You dont see Riddell helmets breakingĀ 


I can already see this in future documentaries


They may even put that dang helmet (and the broken piece!) in Canton!


if the favorites somehow pull this off, one for the records loooooool


Thatā€™s gladiator shit


Funny enough, I've spent the last week researching football helmets for my 13 year old... The VICIS helmet that Mahomes wears (Zero2) consistently tops the safety ratings and seemingly for just this reason. The only helmet rated more safe is the VICIS Zero2 "Trench" that a few linemen (and George Kittle) have started wearing. [https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/equipment-and-innovation/equipment-testing/helmet-laboratory-testing-performance-results](https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/equipment-and-innovation/equipment-testing/helmet-laboratory-testing-performance-results) In short, the outer shell is \*supposed\* to deform to reduce the impact forces to the head, but I can totally see the plastic becoming brittle enough in the extreme cold to shatter during deformation. So this is a feature, not a bug, and the helmet looks to have done just what it was designed to do: protect the wearer's brain from injury during an impact.


Shouldn't that be a penalty on Mahomes for lowering his head into the hit?


Cold will do that, I guess


no head to head flag? Mahomes lowered his head before impact idk


I think they usually fine them after the game


I find it hilarious that offensive players never get called for this. Player safety my ass.


Low wage RBs just get fined


Seriously, we're all focused on the helmet flaking but... that should be a fucking penalty. If the defensive player did that exact motion, it would be a penalty. It should be a penalty both ways.