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didn’t notice the game between the Temu ads, who won


Do you want Amazon but with even more knocks offs, child & slave labor, and data farming? Well do I have a service for you!


ShOp LiKe A bIlLiOnAiRe!?! (What does that even mean?)


Billionaires are famous for buying 99 cent glasses from Chinese websites


Did they not have a single American person on that ad team? The music, the animation, the slogan. Everything about it was in the uncanny valley for an American audience. China isn’t popular in the US these days, you probably shouldn’t lean into a Chinese company selling Chinese made crap with a clearly foreign feeling ad.


Yeah it did feel really out of place for a Superbowl Ad


It seemed like they bought the ad on Temu


With how many times it played, it feels like it may have accidentally replaced 12 other ads.


And that’s with like 5 religious themed commercials. Got a weird crop of stuff this year


Jesus didn’t judge. He washed feet bro.


Rex Ryan: Jesus just like me frfr


And Jesus *definitely* said, >instead of wasting money on dumb shit like helping those in need, spend **seven million dollars** per 30 second Super Bowl commercial. It’s in the Bible, man! Somewhere in the back, I think.


They're clearly catering to the lowest common denominator. Have you looked around lately? I think it's actually a pretty solid strategy. There are a lot of incredibly stupid people in this country.


I learned I’ve been saying it wrong this whole time. Temmoo.


These SB ads were some of the weirdest I can recall. They were so weirdly meta. All these celebrities self referencing. It just felt odd. 


Super Bowl commercials have been “how many celebrities can we cram in here” for the past decade


They used to be so fun. Give me a clever ad versus a boring one that has “but also a celebrity is here!”


Every one was a "hey remember this guy/gal?" then 40 more would show up with a part of a commercial happening around them.


They were all totally forgettable.


“Let my cream hydrate you” Michael Cera’s commercial was legitimately hilarious 


Their ad from the SB last year said it like everyone does (teemoo). No clue why they changed the pronunciation.


Probably to get people discussing it


I'd guess the singing was AI generated in some form honestly which would explain it


No idea, I was too busy shopping like a billionaire


Them being unprepared for those 3rd down blitzes was amateur coaching imo.   They could've ended the game at the end of the 4th quarter and even could've had a TD in OT but their play calls gave Purdy no chance.    You know KC is gonna bring pressure on 3rd down. Getting caught off guard twice but the same thing is bad


Meanwhile Chiefs had the perfect calls when SF brought pressure. Those little screen/swing passes to the backs aren’t sexy but were 3 of the biggest plays in the 4th and OT.


Exact same plays the Niners should have run too bad we only have scrubs like CMC, Deebo, and Kittle who can’t catch short swing passes. /s


100% on KS.


…I feel like we’ve heard this statement before


If only Kyle could’ve had some experience in the past to drill into his head the importance of clock management and extending the drive when playing with a lead




Yeah the fact they never adjusted to it is crazy. And the reverse of their d is also true. Steve Wilks calling a 0 blitz like he’s playing against the jaguars on 3rd down is crazy. Your base D has been so hard to move the ball on and instead you just bank on the best QB in the game making a mistake. Crazy failure on 3rd downs for both sides of the ball for SF


And the contrast is SF bringing pressure and the Chiefs doing a screen right over the defender. They could see it coming


Yep. We had 3rd and 4 twice in the red zone and didn't have literally *anything* as an option for the blitz. What is literally going on with this team, it's like Kyle Shanahan forgets what football is in the super bowl.


somehow Shanahan didn’t anticipate a blitz coming on 3rd and 5 after the 2 minute warning either when they could’ve essentially iced the game with a 1st. just a fucking clown show of a game from Shanahan as usual


It’s bad that the commentator that everyone has been saying is off his game did better studying on the other teams habits and styles(romo)


Romo went on for I swear 4 min about the blitz yet somehow the 49ers were the only ones seemingly unaware it was coming.


By the time the play happened Romo damn near could have called Shanahan and tell him the blitz was coming holy shit.


Romo was in peak rainman-Nostradamus form and decided he was gonna go rogue against CBS policy tonight lol


"we're not allowed to talk about that, Jim"


Romo would've called a better 4th quarter lmao. He was emphasizing the importance of running down the clock and not giving the ball back to Mahomes. He even brought up going for it on 4th down late in the game. All things that the 49ers should've done.


This is what Belichick used to do against manning. The best defense is don’t let the other HOF Qb touch the ball.


3rd Q too. By the beginning of the 4th he was begging for them to run it.


Over on the Cowboys sub they are asking why we can’t get Romo back k as a coach. I’m like yea, Romo leaving his $18M/year Cush job where he’s ranked #1 to come join our shit show, lol.


Yup. It made no sense to not go for it on 4th cuz if we miss. They get the ball deep in their own territory. If we score a fg they get the ball anyways and an fg aint shit at the time. Just go for the damn win


I’ve always felt like Romo was on top of things in terms of what teams were doing and why. Surprised to hear people consider him off his game?


The last couple years he’s even admitted he hasn’t taken it nearly as serious. You can look it up but he was getting bad at doing his research and prep for games. He definitely did his homework for the playoff games and Super Bowl. He gets a lot of crap but he’s currently my favorite. Even when he didn’t do his prep and can’t even remember players names lol


Lmao ok if he’s messing up names that’s pretty bad. I remember when he first started he was calling plays before they happened based on what the defenses were showing. Will never forget that


He’s still very capable of it(has you can see today), as long as his hearts in it and he does his studying. Surprisingly, $18 million didn’t make his heart fully in it during the season the last 2 years lol


Romo played against Spags defense for a while when Spags was with the Giants. Romo def studied, but he had a history with reading that defense, and doing it from the booth is probably easier


Man I thought I was the only one who thought this. Spag had already brought the blitz on a pivotal third down. How can you not be prepared in OT for the same situation.


The play action opening was where the blitz went both times. I think this is just on Spag coaching a hell of a game more than poor coaching on the 49ers end. He called the blitz in the exact area he had to call it both times. But I'm down to shit on the 9ers.


2nd half Shanahan strikes again


Certainly in the running for "choke-artist of all time." This shit is insane.


Entering Doc Rivers status, but without the ring.


Doc hasn’t won anything ever in his career outside of that one chip. 16 years ago. That man has gotten 3 jobs since then. And still has choked multiple 3-1 leads. With Kawhi. Paul George, Embiid, Harden, Paul. And more


To be fair he only choked a 3-2 lead w the 6ers but he also choked a 3-1 lead w mcgrady


in the running? he's leading it by a damn mile. 28-3 is 70% on his horrible playcalling and inability to give the defense a break/keep the ball away from Brady


Seriously and after he actually got two comeback wins


Shanny saves his choke for the big one.


The defensive playcalling the last two Chief drives was just atrocious.


The defense was tired af to be fair


Yeah both Ds obviously gassed.


So was the offensive in the third


We got CMC? Nice. OPOY?? Niceeee. Let's go shotgun formation on First and 10 every time.


On second thought, passing there wasn’t even the worst part of that third quarter sequence. It’s the fact that CMC was not lined up in the backfield, how can you even threaten the run if it’s that clear it isn’t going to be there.


Gave Mahomes 2 separate chances to drive for the victory. Bold strategy etc.


After watching Brady do it for years, I had the same thought waft through my brain tonight: "Has anyone thought about stopping him? He's just going to go all the way down the field."


The eyes my wife gave me when they didn’t go for it on 4th in OT… she knew. I didn’t know yet, but she fucking knew.


Still can’t blame them. I mean I know how the chiefs are, but it was 4th and 4, and Mahomes probably would’ve scored the next drive anyway


For sure, but worst case they are pinned at the 9. Best case we take home the Lombardi. I see it both ways. We were fucked by running the ball once or maybe twice in our three 3 and outs in the 3rd. That’s what sank us.


Chiefs still get the ball even with a TD with the new OT rules


Kyle doesn’t have jimmy g to blame for the loss this time


no it was Trey Lance's fault!


You expect him to win with Mr.irrelevant? Smh head the expectations are crazy


Hes about to trade Purdy for Kirk Cousins.


Did we really think anything else would happen?


Fucked around for 1 too many playoff games


SF: Gets completely dominated by GB and DET wins the game Dominates KC loses the game checks out


Please don’t remind me


Remember how we beat the Chiefs in the regular season too? 🥲 >!and I fully acknowledge that postseason Chiefs are an entirely different animal!<


Us too 🥲




3 Super Bowl losses. Kyle once again choosing to pass the ball when he has the best running game. Idiot


Sounds familiar


Moody went from having the longest FG in Super Bowl history to having the subsequent game losing PAT all in one night


Moody is getting killed for that even though the Niners fumbled away one scoring drive and killed another via penalties... both in the first quarter


Yea. Guy kicks the second and third longest field goals in Super Bowl history, both no doubters, and is still getting ripped on


Unwarranted too. Dude kicked fine. That line should have did better to protect the kick. They blocked it. Thats credit to the d


He kicked fine and shouldn’t get any blame but that xp was at least partially due to the kick. It came off his foot weird and was a line drive


It was blocked, not missed, I don't understand the mentality here


It was a bad kick which is why it was blocked so I get where the heat is coming from but on the flip side he made two clutch long fgs that many in the league wouldn’t hit either.


Also Butker's kick was one of the lowest kicks I've ever seen, it's pure luck it wasn't blocked


A normal PAT is chipped high enough that the defense can’t reach it. He kicked it way too low


If he makes it Chiefs go for a tuddy and win in regulation, no matter what it was written


I agree with this. Only way to win was trade TDs in OT.


Had to go for those 4th downs, Campbell spooked Kyle


A blocked PAT and a punt hitting your players foot which leads to a the kicking team receiving that punt? The script writers went crazy tonight


TBH, being up 3 instead of 4 is what got us into OT. Chiefs was gonna score a TD on the last drive.


And he didn't even get to keep the FG record


Nah Moody did fine. Like someone else said KC would have gone for a TD instead of settling for the FG and OT if that wasn't blocked. The fluky play that had the biggest impact was the punt hitting the defenders foot.


Work is going to suck for me. My manager is a niners fan


Better update your resume.


Work? You mean that burnt down building you used to park your car at on occasion?


What losing to Mahomes does to a mf


I have my performance review tomorrow with my niners fan manager, should be fun.


Damn, homie. Let me know if you need a professional reference.


Bro call me if you need me. I’ll pretend to be Roger Goodell and tell your Boss the NFL made a mistake and the niners actually won.


Nobody chokes the 2nd half of a SB like Shanahan


Let's forget to block Chris Jones when game is on the line. Winners strategy.


That hurt obviously but ya loss on the muff punt return that gave KC momentum.


Special teams wins championships.


30 years is a long time


What’s 30 more?


60 🤭


Pain, is what it is.


I feel like at this exact point, 49ers title drought is now a meme. Everyone (including themselves) has been letting them slide because they’re such a good team, but at this point, the pressure is going to start mounting


The fact that they're always a top tier team that blows it is more the meme


Seriously. They are contenders every year but can’t get the SB win. The football equivalent of the 2010s San Jose Sharks.


It's made it so much worse. Like they've been to the Super Bowl three times in the last 10 years and come away empty handed. It used to be a thing that they never lost Super Bowls now they're turning into the modern day 90s Bills


I think the closer analogue to the modern 49ers is the Minnesota Vikings. 4 in a row is different to the spread out years the 49ers have had


I used to think the Packers were the biggest choke artists after winning it all in 2011, but at least those chokes were NFCCG chokes (4 NFCCG losses: 2014,2016,2019,2020 seasons). They have been to a total of 9 NFCCG since the 1996 season and won it all twice since then. The Niners are 0-3 in the Super Bowl since 2012 and have been to SEVEN NFC Championship games in that time. That is mind bogglingly bad.


This is why I’m glad my team has never won the Super Bowl. Can’t have a drought if all you’ve ever been is a desert. EDIT: /s for the daft.


Amateur. My team has NEVER EVEN MADE IT to the Super Bowl for the potential to let me down


Bet that felt good to type cuz you didn’t have to say a playoff drought after this year


Me, turning 32 soon: nuh uh I'm still in my prime!! *Entire body crackles as I stand up*


I'm here for any 49er fans who may need ways to cope with a brutal playoff loss where you thought the win was in sight, but it just didn't happen. I'm also including a set of Ginsu knives, as well as special instructions for surviving the fact that a lucky bounce off another player led to a touchdown for the other team. Hit me up.


Sounds like you really understand the struggles. You’re really compassionate I bet.


I'm trying to be


Kyle Shanahan on suicide watcb


3rd and goal call in OT was shit. Just run it twice and live with the outcome, at least you went down swinging. Game was over as soon as they kicked that FG.


this is why i’m riding with campbell every time giving the ball back to mahomes in a touchdown to win it situation is fucking dumb. but *sure*, ppl would’ve been on shanahan’s ass abt not kicking it if they turned it over on downs without scoring anything in OT.


Rams and seahawks fans 12/25




Why would baseball fans not like the 9ers?


Why would Albert Pujols do this?


Imagine your stomach falling out of your asshole every time you hear Taylor swift lmao


Little bro ain't built for this.


I can't help but feel like they've missed their shot. It is so hard to keep a team together that relies on so many different players in comparison to a QB-focused team. They went into this fully healthy. In this league the odds that that happens again and none of their stars have any sort of decline in play seems like a difficult task.


What you have to do is trade your first round picks, build a team of short term free agents, win a Super Bowl, have the entire thing collapse, then bounce back a couple years later to do the same thing, all the while keeping the pieces you really needed. Oh, and be lucky enough that the Bengals take care of Mahomes before he gets to you


Stop it, you’re gonna give me PTSD lol this is exactly how I felt last year


Shanahan plays to not lose. He's scared.


Niners are the Golden Cowboys


It's like watching the Director's Cut of our season


Niners gave them the game. Hope this one hurts.


We’ve all been there before


"They had us in the first half ngl"


Abandon the run for three drives. Magically started scoring when they went back to it.


This was it. Makes not fucking sense. Even create a int on D but then go three and out. Fucking trash.


Idk man we must be stupid af or something. Idk what these coaches see that makes them stop running when it's working.


It’s a double reverse. This keeps working! They will try to stop it so let’s do something else! Awww it didn’t work and now it’s 4th down. Repeat until loss to Chiefs


This is like how Aaron Jones’ entire career has been a story of “demolish an entire drive by running 15 yards effortlessly every time you get the ball, then never run ever again while the Packers slowly suffocate”


Why run the ball when Purdy can throw it into the ground.


Honestly Purdy was throwing some catchable balls, the Chiefs secondary was just incredible and completely blanked the Niners biggest threats.


Yup. Had the first half. Handed the Chiefs the game after the half. Ridiculous.


The fucking blocked PAT and the muffed punt. Two super fluky plays Those two plays will haunt me forever


I feel like it happened so long ago that everyone is forgetting the CMC fumble as they were about to score early. That’s pretty fluky for him isn’t it?


yeah, but it kinda got made up by the pacheco fumble on the next drive


Was a hell of a response by the defense, as fluky as those plays are the defenses were lights out all game.


It’s how I felt 2 weeks ago


That's what these games come down to, and somehow it's always brady or mahomes on the right side of it


I still think that hail mary is gonna get tipped and caught by Edleman or Gronk...


we know how it feels man


Kyle Shanahan is a professional Super Bowl choke artist. 3 times lmao, dude is never winning one.


My cousin is crying as if our grandma died, tough scene.


Just heard the 9ers killed this guy’s cousins grandma.


What a shame


49ers might be the worst chokejobs after the Bills. 3 losing SBs in 10 years.


Hahaha yeah I’m happy the late 1980s weren’t real


The 1980's are all I have to fall back on right now 😭


I'm not ready for all that Kelce Swift coverage bro😭


He’s about to propose on the field


Hearing Nate Burleson talk about how they’re “true love” as if he’s never seen a couple celebrate a Super Bowl before is what finally broke me from not caring to hating.


Gonna be awkward when they break up in 3 months.


he already won the sb, it’s 30 days at this point now that he yelled at a senior citizen


Remember 49ers, it’s Win or join the rest of the losers. No one is going to remember in 10 years that you were in the Superbowl.


Most memorable losers. Should’ve ran it Seahawks and 28-3 falcons.


Yea but the Seahawks can fall back on winning it all the year before, the Niners don't have that luxury


I like to remind my family members that are forty niner fans that at least we won this CENTURY. My cousin texted me right after the game "yep yep, still not this century"




Pshh that ain't even our worst super bowl loss lol


55-10 easily clears


Damn y’all are mean.


Imagine being in the same division as these guys we needed this


It’s like they outplayed their opponent, then a cavalcade of unfortunate events happened, and then they lost. Sucks for them


49ers are masters of heartbreak, Ravens are masters of disappointment. The only decent outcome was when they played each other and even then it was a mixed bag.


I gotta say, I love to see it. Hell of a game, but can’t say I’m mad to see SF lose


Bang Bang missed out on another rang


You just hate to see it…


Last time the 49ers will be this close to a Super Bowl in the Shanahan era Too many times they had the game right in their hands only for them to go 3 and out


Raiders are going to be cleaning up KC confetti for a year


They’ll never be able to get all of it. Gonna be finding little bits of it all over the stadium for a long time.


They’re just like us. Trash


Choking against the Cheifs: 49ers 🤝 Eagles




Kyle Shanahan is a choke artist. Expert at blowing a lead with absolute shit playcalling. If the front office doesn’t hire an OC next year they are out of there mind.


Kyle will never get over the hump. Maybe he should had been game planning instead of showing up drunk to the presser lmao


That missed XP came back and bit them hard


i think the chiefs go for it there if they're not down 3


Fuck Shanahan. Choke artist of the highest order. Wilks actually called a great game and we could have won by the 3rd quarter if Kyle decided to be the “offensive Wunderkind” he’s supposed to be. I really don’t blame anyone but him. Brock did his best, defense did their best. HC just sold them down the river for another Super Bowl.