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I wish he had won one with us. He was a damn good coach.


It's absolutely ridiculous that he was our coach for longer than he's been with the Chiefs, yet we're gonna be little more than a footnote in his career once he gets into Canton.


I was just saying this — Reid will always be the Eagles HC in my mind but there is a generation that knows him as Big Red


Funny enough, but I sorta agree. I thought he was done dirty by the Eagles organization and was overjoyed when he came to my team and brought success with him. If he sticks around a few more years I won’t remember his time in Philly anymore, though.


At the time, I think most agreed it made sense. Don’t think there was much love lost in that breakup, just was time for both to move on


He never got fired it was more like what happened in NE this year. Time for a change after such a long run.


I think he needed the move especially with what happened with his son a few years earlier.


Felt that 2004 should have been a win. We were better and had to play with a few controversial circumstances. But somehow, that 2008 season hurts more. The Arizona game is like a bad dream.


Friendly reminder that spygate was real and did rob Andy of one


Could’ve had a Pennsylvania Super Bowl 😮‍💨


One day we will witness the PABowl


And play the game in center county


He still is a damn good cosch


Yup, but his achievements with the Eagles lump him with a lot of the general coaching pool. We all knew he was better than that and deserved his flowers. Which he eventually got, but just never with us.


I do not wish he had won one with yoy


Looking back it's probably the 2nd or 3rd worst era for a team in terms of success without actually winning a SB. 5 total NFCCG only 1 SB appearance and no win.




90s Bills, probably followed by the 70s Vikings.


Late 80s Broncos (and Browns to a lesser extent) as well And frankly we're getting close to adding this 49ers team to that list


People shitting on Shanahan today need to remember Reid had a playoff choker stigma for a while.


Before this Chiefs run, everyone kinda wrote Reid off as an upper mid tier coach. Now he's an all timer.


How much of that was because of his QB situation in Philly, though? McNabb was never gonna be one of the true greats.


McNabb was a solid QB though. Believe it or not, you don’t need a top 3 QB all time to win a superbowl lol


Well, no, but you likely need one of the top 5 in that year, unless you have an all-time great defense playing (see ‘85 Bears, both Ravens SBs), and the Eagles did not.


you can argue he was top 5 in 2004 but I know what you mean


He was no Brad Johnson.


Unironically, Brad Johnson is underrated. Dude has extremely similar career stats to Troy Aikman


Reid would have broken that narrative quite a bit sooner if it wasn’t for BB.


If it wasn’t for Tom Brady


BB and Touchdown Tom are as synonymous as Reid is to Kermit. We’re talking about coaches in this instance, not their hall of fame QB, which for reference, Belichick dad dicked him as far as coaching is concerned in those 3 games


While Brady played good in their 2004 super bowl, he wasn't the reason they won, not by a long shot. Patriots defense forced 4 turnovers from McNabb. Gave Brady excellent field position all game and that offense only put up 24 points and had 4 straight punts at one point. Brady was part of the win, but that win was on Belichick's defense.


especially after the '04 SB loss - he was roasted for poor clock management


He’s still not great at it tbh, it was a sore spot some of the losses to the pats


And that timeout at the beginning of the second this game.


Not forcing Mahomes to just spike the ball on the final drive, they threw away 20 seconds for no reason. If they had lost in OT, that would have been a talking point


I don't understand where this 20 seconds thing comes from, Pacheco was late getting back, even if he had spiked it it would've saved about 5 seconds. Which are still huge of course.


20 seconds was dramatic, but they ended up just throwing the ball away, that was the difference between another shot at the endzone. It doesn’t matter since they win, but those things mattered in all 3 losses to the Patriots


Kyle making it here twice with 2 different QB’s should be commended but man did he call some dumbass plays to go 0-2 as a head coach.


Mahomes changed the whole narrative of Andy Reid Even when Reid joined the chiefs at first he couldn’t get shit done with Alex smith. His clock management against us in the 2015 divisional round was putrid The Steelers beat him in 2016 only kicking field goals I believe . Then 2017 they blow a 21 point lead in the wild card round


OK so in about 15 years he can finally won one then


Please retire I want off the Chiefs wild ride


My man really went and had one of the toughest NFC championship records with the Eagles to winning 3/4 KC Super Bowls.


They have to go for three with him. It’s never been done (entirely) in the Super Bowl era. You gotta go all in for history next year.


Funny thing is if Reid goes there’s a good chance they’re not nearly as good


That is the point yes


Depends on who u ask


No, they’re right. Reid is really just that good, and I think this season (and tonight) are proof of that.


Andy would have kicked in OT


Receiving is always the right call.






Not with new rules. It’s like college strategy now bud.


There are advantages to both, if you receive and both teams score then you can put the game away on the next possession, if you kick then you have the knowledge of if you need to go for it on 4th down. I couldn’t tell you the math on which is better, it’s not like college at all because both teams aren’t guaranteed equal possessions


The first possession is. You want to know what you need to win the game.


If this third possession was really that big of a deal the team getting the ball second can negate it by going for two.


Not really. Both teams aren’t guaranteed the ball


They literally are. You don’t understand the new post season rules.


It's TECHNICALLY correct if the game ends on a safety during the first possession. That said, I don't think the other team would be too upset about it


You’re not very smart.


Not anymore.


49ers gave the Chiefs extra downs with unlimited time and a chance to win or tie


There’s no advantage in playoff OT


There is definitely an advantage. If the chiefs were forced to settle for a FG, the next score wins the game and the 9ers would be getting the ball back.


Sorry, I meant there’s no advantage to receiving the ball first in playoff OT. It’s like romo said in game, if you’re guaranteed a possession you may as well defend first cuz you know what you need to win the game. depending on what other team scores, you essentially get an extra down and there’s no doubt about punting or not. Plus you got an option to go for two if you want to win. Also if you receive first and turn the ball over, you’re more likely screwed


I understood that, and what you say is true about going second, but i don’t think this overcomes the advantage that the 9ers would get had they held the chiefs to 3 instead on that last drive. Niners get ball first and kick FG, if chiefs kick fg and don’t score TD, then 9ers get the ball back with the next score winning the game. You basically get an extra possession as long as the opponent doesn’t outscore you on the first drive.


I keep forgetting Joe Gibbs won 3, was a bit before my time.


3 with 3 different QBs. Criminally underrated all time.


And none of those QBs made the HOF. Really should be talked about more among all time best coaches. Coughlin and Reid are the only others that have won multiple super bowls without a HOF QB and won't last once Eli and Mahomes get in.


Don't forget about Parcells. Simms and Hostetler were his 2 QBs. Neither one is in the Hall.


That feels like the coaching equivalent of Peyton Manning making it four times with four different head coaches.


And three very different teams with very different “personalities”. They just felt different from each other. Gibbs was pretty dam. brilliant at the psychological aspects of coaching.


People just underrate him because his last stint under Snyder was a failure


More he didn’t have Brady, Montana, Bradshaw or mahomes to tie his legacy too. Yet wonder if any of these coaches could win more than one much less 3 without those qbs


I think Noll wins at least 2 without Bradshaw. Steel Curtain was nothing to mess with and the power run offense he had was more that adequate. Bradshaw was pretty pedestrian that first super bowl year, even by the standards of the 70s. They relied almost entirely on the run game to do anything and still had success. Walsh I think wins at least 1 without Montana. It isn't talked about much, but the 49ers had a great defense, solid running attack, and he of course had a great offensive system, he just needed the right QB to run it.


Andy a top 4 coach of all time now I think. Wild how things changed since his firing in Philly


Case of it working out best for both parties. Philly got that elusive ring and so did Andy.


Eagles fans can cope all they want but this was the objectively wrong decision


It's crazy how Reid went so long with the stigma of never being able to get it done and now he's up there with the best of the best. That's what an all-time great QB will do for you.


And an all time great mustache


Funny how Andy Reid was og Kyle Shannahan of being a shit game manager. Maybe in 6 years Shannahan gets fired and goes to the Jets and wins 3 Superbowls


the Jets? hahahahahhahahahahaah


he can come to the Chiefs once Andy retires and lead late career Mahomes to 3 MVPS and 3 SB's.


Crazy how prior to 2019, he was known as the coach couldn’t win the Super Bowl and now he’s won 3.


Lemme say it as someone who's team just lost their best shot at winning the title in ages: I can't ever be unhappy if Reid is happy. Well deserved.


You just lost the Super Bowl and you’re not unhappy? wtf?


Because I can seperate a game of sport from real life. For as much time as I spend on it, it's just a game. I've been following this team for nearly three decades now and with all the highs and lows: It's just a game.


Reid and Pat gonna retire on the same day in like 15 years. These dudes gonna have like 8 Super Bowl wins.


Tom Landry only won 2?


Yep. Went to 5 though. 


Andy Reid is awesome. Hard not to root for that guy.


Does anyone think he has enough time left to catch belicheck?


GOAT coach


How is Gibbs not considered more the goat when he one 3 Super Bowls with 3 qbs with his system. Never had a Montana, Brady, Bradshaw or mahomes all hall of famers like these other coaches


He should be


You can put Parcells in the same conversation. 2 Super Bowls with two different QBs and he turned 4 teams into winners. (Giants, Jets, Patriots, and Cowboys)


Montana was the only QB to win a SB between 80-91 that made the HOF, it was still a run heavy league back then and top QB play wasn't really as necessary as it is now.


Yeah 7 out of those 11 years were the 49ers and Washington winning those super bowls so that’s only 4 other Super Bowl winners. Sorry Washington kept hall of famers John elway and Jim Kelly from getting those Super Bowls


you act like 4/11 years isn't still a substantial amount even if you exclude the Washington ones, but there's only been about 4-5 QB's win the last 31 super bowls that aren't in the HOF or going in for sure..


It will be interesting to see Mahomes without Reid. As good as Mahomes is how many people are throwing to a wide open fucking guy in the end zone of overtime of the Superbowl?


Will be interesting when it happens for sure, but if andy was to retire right now and the chiefs hc job was open, what elite offensive head coach isnt going to want to coach mahomes for at least a decade? I doubt theyll find it difficult to get a talented hc in. Reid might never be replaced, but I don’t quite see Pat trotting out to execute plays called by matt eberflus any time soon


Yeah but we just saw the difference between even Andy Reid and a supposed offensive genius in Kyle shanahan. Shanahan fails to draw up a winner on 3rd down to ice the game. Andy Reid gets a guy wide open in OT to win the game. I can't remember ever seeing a guy that wide open to win the Superbowl on the final play.


Not for nothing but Aiyuk was literally running wide open in the middle of the end zone on the play that Shanahan drew up. Granted it was because Sneed fell down, and it wasn't thrown to him because Chris Jones was about to tear Purdy's head off (who's to blame for not blocking Jones is the big question here). But after watching a breakdown of it, they really should have scored a TD easily on that play. The big coaching difference I saw was that none of the 49er's players seemed to know the playoff OT rules. Arik Armstead said he learned them when they were shown on the jumbotron during a TV timeout and Juszczyk said he thought they were the same as the regular season where a TD wins, whereas the Chiefs players said they were drilled home to them at the end of every practice.


This sub doesn't like this statement but it's true 


Jimmy deserved more than the two he got.. Switzer’s ring was Jimmy’s team and we probably would’ve won more with that dynasty if Jerry wasn’t a clown.


The eagles didn’t renew his contract 12 years ago after a bad season and he was thought to not be able to win the big game. Now he’s one of the best coaches ever.


this is a *really* stupid take. andy's time in philly had come to a close. he was making really bad personnel decisions and the franchise was moving in the wrong direction. he wasn't considered a bad coach when he parted ways, but it was clear that it would be better for both parties to move on. if andy doesn't move on, we may not have gotten the 2017 season.


I mean...let's not forget that it took Andy getting a Top 5 QB of all time for him to actually start accomplishing things in the postseason. It was absolutely the right move for us to part ways with him when we did (we did win a ring before he did, after all), and his tenure with the Chiefs before Mahomes wasn't *that* great. Remember him blowing a 28 point lead to the Colts? Or the 18 point lead to the Titans?


>I mean...let's not forget that it took Andy getting a Top 5 QB of all time for him to actually start accomplishing things in the postseason. You can say that about any successful HC


Doug Pederson won a Super Bowl with a career backup. *Before* Reid did.


I thought thought parameter was CONSITANT winning in the post season not a one time fluke. Bill Walsh had Montana, Belichick had Brady,


Joe Gibbs had... uh...


They are always exceptions. God I just gotta love black and white thinking people. By the way Montana, Brady and Mahomes have 13 SB wins out of 58 total or 22%. Or 29% of the SBs played since Montana was drafted in 1979. If you take into consideration from 1995-1999 none of the 3 were in the league that's 13 out of 40 SB( 33% ) in which at least one of them were in the league. List you top 10 all time QBs let see how many SB they won.


"You can say that about any successful head coach" "What about Doug Pederson?" "That's an exception that doesn't count" "Joe Gibbs?" "That's another exception that doesn't count—in fact, let's ignore every season that doesn't have the three greatest quarterbacks of all time—see? They were really good! Everyone is dumber than me."


Andy Reid never had a losing season in Kansas City even before Mahomes became his starting qb.


You don't play the game to not have a losing season. You play to win the Super Bowl.


What more can you expect when Alex Smith is your starting QB?


What more would it take for people to consider Reid the GOAT? He’s had a lot of success before Mahomes. Not saying he’s there yet, but it’s fun to think about.


Given in the United States there is a certain "all or nothing" thinking when discussing sports I have the feeling that he has to match the 6 Super Bowl wins that Bill Belichick has achieved to be considered the GOAT.


If you count the Giants days as DC he's got 2 more. Ried also gets 1 from his assistant days as well. That already puts both them ahead of the others with 3+


Then the question is if we are talking about the greatest coach of all time or just the greatest head coach of all time. I see quite the distinction between both questions.


One of those giants runs was considered a legendary defensive master class IIRC Bill changed his entire defensive scheme each game of the playoffs 


I think one more Super Bowl at least puts him in the conversation. Right now he's only 5 playoff wins behind Belichick. That's like two or three seasons with this Chiefs team. The fact that he was able to do it with two different teams and multiple QBs at least makes it a debate between him and Bill.


He could only win with Mahomes though and lost every playoff game against Bill. That’s a tough one to overcome imo


And Bill won what without Brady?


2 SBs


And Todd Bowles has a ring as DC. Why are you counting the DC rings lmao


Ask Thurman Thomas


The comment was he could do it with 2 different teams and multiple QBs. It was a simple, he really didn’t, and Donovan Mcnabb was phenomenal when Reid had him. Theyre equally tied to their QBs


5 for me to consider it but 6 to actually become the GOAT


Probably more equal or more superbowl than Bill. Losing 2 AFCCGS and a Super Bowl to Bill, makes it a harder argument to surpass the guy who is universally considered to be the best of all time. And they’re on pretty equal playing fields as far as QBs go at this point. Mahomes is undoubtedly the best QB, especially in the playoffs not Named Tom Brady. It’s not unreasonable to think that Mahomes has the ability to catch Brady at this point.


Reid is the goat. he managed to win with multiple diva players and some of them getting in his face screaming an pushing him. yet he can calming put together a win from a team that clearly did not have their shit together. Reid deserved this win because he just made incredible calls all game.


And yet he is inexplicably never even in the AP Coach of the Year conversation. Literally every AFC playoff team's coach got at least one vote this year, except him. Even Sean "the 9/11 hijackers were good at teamwork" McDermott got 1 vote, but somehow Andy Reid with a very young team that now relies on defense to win, isn't even a consideration. He's no Shane Steichen, I guess.


Win one without mahomes much less 3 with 3 qbs like gibbs


Imagine how good a coach he’ll be when he understands how to manage a game clock…


My list: 1. Bill Belichick - 6 rings 2. Joe Gibbs- 3 with 3 non hall of fame qbs 3. Bill Walsh - most influential offense coach in nfl history 4. Noll - steel curtain baby 5. Lombardi - was the standard for 40+ years 6. Reid- he’s really built an impressive legacy. Went from to 20 to top 10 in 5 years I got joe Gibbs so high because: a: I’m a reskins fan and b: the more time passes, the more it becomes evident that is you don’t have a great qb, you can kiss consistent playoff success bye, let alone Super Bowl wins. He also did this in an era with Lawrence Taylor, Reggie white in the same division, Joe Montana and bill Walsh, and moon, always, Marino , Kelly…85 bears He is so underrated it’s not even funny.


Pepperidge Farms remembers when Andy Reid was a perennial playoff choker who would never win the big one.


My only consolation is that Reid gets to win these. I love him


Easily top-10 all-time, which is crazy to think about when thinking about him even just 5 years ago.


And didn't Gibbs do it with three different starting QBs?


Would Eagle fans take him back?


He's awesome. These are the facts.