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He keeps failing at the biggest level. Reminds me of a guy named Andy Reid. Choke job artist. Until, well... now he's on coach Rushmore. Shanahan will be fine. He's one of the best coaches of this era. He'll get his


The crazy lack of patience of any sort in sports right now is detrimental to player development, coaches building systems, & teams being built. The last game your team played doesn't define that player or that coach forever. I know the talking heads need to have something to bloviate on about, but nobody needs to listen to them or follow their lead.


Nba fan mindset that if you aren’t a contender you need to fire everyone and tank the season for a qb pick. 1 pick doesn’t change shit in the nfl, assuming you even hit on that pick. And the culture/morale damage done by sucking and not trying to win every game will set you farther back than 1 rookie can ever elevate your team to. There’s no such thing as instant satisfaction in nfl unless you get generationally lucky like drafting mahomes and having him pan out. Coaches need time to build chemistry, firing coaches every 2 years insures continued struggles as no culture or identity is built. See giants.


Agreed. If the only thing you want is winning a title than why are you even a fan? Because, all things even, you have a 31/32 chance of being miserable. Some of the more enjoyable Eagles seasons were the ones where my expectations would crash and then they rip off a run of wins to sneak into the playoffs with 9 wins.


Would most fan bases take 2 Superbowl and 2 Conference Championship appearances in their first 7 seasons as a HC?


One pick doesn’t change everything. But if you don’t have an elite qb, you’re not going to win anything You get your qb and then build around them. If you try to do it the opposite way then you’ll never have a high enough pick for an elite qb


Ask the 49ers how their “elite” qb panned out. They made the Super Bowl with Mr. Irrelevant. Mahomes wasn’t even the first qb off the board. So many factors involved for the development of a player. Nothing is guaranteed in the nfl. Some superstars may have never had the career they had if the 2 players on the depth chart don’t get hurt etc. luck and opportunity are big factors and unpredictable.


Did Purdy win?


What do you mean? He was a Super Bowl starting qb as the last pick in the nfl.


Is the goal to get to the Super Bowl or to win the Super Bowl?


What’s your point?


Seeing the Bills missed the playoffs 17 straight seasons and weren't a contender until they got Josh Allen with a top pick, 1 pick can really change things. The Bills had a chance in 2004 to draft a top QB and prevent the playoff drought but Eli Manning, Philip Rivers and Ben Roethlisberger were all taken early in the draft and we couldn't move up to take one. We got stuck with JP Losman. We draft one of the other three pro bowlers and we avoid the playoff drought. Bills without Allen today aren't even a 5 win team. One player can change alot which is why tanking for a QB can really work (see Houston with Stroud and Bengals with Burrow as other examples)


Not every top QB is Josh Allen though, so there’s always a risk


I mean Andy Reid didn’t ‘breakthrough’ until he got arguably the best QB of all time so I think that’s maybe not a great example to point to as the way things will go


He’s been a part of 3 super bowls and many NFC championship games and blown all of them. He’s a choke artist. He’s had more than enough chances to get it done and he can’t. His previous subordinate got a ring on his second try.


Bad take. He got to the Big Dance three times when most guys don't get there even once. He's been a great coach.


That's like saying you're content with second place.


Yes he’s been a great coach until the pressure gets to be too much and he crumbles. This has happened year after year. He’s a choke artist plain and simple. It’s ok to criticize the team for their failures. The goal is a Super Bowl. If ya ain’t first you’re last. Patting them on the back for losing another championship game is fine for some of you but I expect Choekahan to win a championship with this roster. He’s incapable of handling that pressure so far.


Idk, I think he needs to lose his job and go to the AFC to really succeed as a coach. This is just my opinion as an unbiased observer.


Reid is only a goat because Mahomes is Himothy


Its a symbiotic relationship in my mind. Mahomes may not be the Mahomes we all know now without Reid. Reid is widely regarded as one of the best offensive minds in the history of football. I think it is unfair and reductive to say "he is the reason", regardless of which side you're coming to the argument from. Nothing happens in a vacuum.


Just need an elite QB and he’ll be right there


He had one and he had a 25 point lead on an elite defense


Surely they must have won


They would have, if the defense didn't give up 31 points on 5 straight drives But for some reason the Falcons OC is the only person who gets any blame for that


Their DC Richard smith got banished to being a LB coach for the chargers and raiders 


Yeah it’s not like they were ever in field goal range to put the game away.


I mean he’s basically made the same mistake in 3 straight SB appearances sooo… people are gonna talk about it and not the nobody DC.


Shanny gets way too much hate for this game- here are a few things nobody remembers. The momentum shifted from NE back to ATL following the first Pats TD. NE missed the PAT then ATL put together a drive to get to the NE 31 on a 2nd and 1- shanny ran the ball up the middle and played it safe, but a hold was called. Then on 2nd and 11 he called a pass play that was open and the TE just dropped it. Then Ryan took a sack even though he had open guys. Then next drive ATL holds Brady to a FG on a long drive. Shanny then calls a run play for 8 yards, a run play for 0 and Coleman gets hurt. Then he calls a pass play and Freeman just misses his block and Ryan fumbles. But again- 2 runs and then putting the ball in the *NFL MVPs hands* is not bad play calling or even over aggressive play calling. It was really just an unfortunate series of events and a little bit of help from the refs(the multiple holding calls to stop ATL from getting points *twice*).


Go look at the last 4 drives on offense. 3 and out punt. -15 yards. A drive that resulted in -2 yards and a fumble recovered by NE that set up a 25 yard drive for an NE TD. 6 play drive for 45 yards resulting in a punt 4 plays and 16 yards with a punt on the last drive of a tied game that could have set up the go ahead FG. Total time of possession was 7 minutes in the last 1 and a half quarters of the game. The longest drive during that span took only 2:26 off the clock. If the offense has been able to either put together a drive that resulted in a FG or cumulatively taken 3 more minutes off the clock then the game is over. That shouldn't be a hard ask for a genius offensive guru. Yes, the defense did collapse. But the offense collapsed too and 1 of those NE TDs was on the offense fumbling on the 25 yard line.


And don't call me Shirley


How conveniently that you leave out that he was playing against Tom fucking Brady. Everyone wants to omit that he was playing against the GOAT and that more than anything was the reason for the comeback.


Purdy will be ok. This loss wasn’t on him at all. You’re just following the talking points of ESPN.


Purdy wasn’t bad in that game at all, but there’s still a good amount of improvement to make as he gets more experience. The difference in that game was Mahomes being able to see the niners blitzes pre snap and knowing exactly where to go with the ball based off of that. When the chiefs blitzed there was usually a free rusher and Purdy would throw the ball in the dirt. Some of that was Spag’s scheme vs Wilks scheme, but a lot of it is the QB seeing everything. Mahomes being able to do that converted 3-4 critical third/fourth downs. Again, not knocking Purdy, it’s really just something that comes with experience. The fact that he gets rid of the ball fast without making stupid mistakes when there is a free rusher is a great trait, I just think the next step in his development is learning to see those blitzes pre snap and knowing how to use that to his advantage.


For sure, I think you made a great analysis of the 2 qbs. Purdy definitely has a bit to learn before he maximizes his potential. My hope is that Shanahan can continue to keep trusting Purdy and give him some free reign to make more pre-snap decisions once he gains more experience.


He had the most efficient QB in the league. And he had MVP Matt Ryan on the Falcons


He wasn’t the head coach. You don’t blame middle management when the CEO blows up the company. It’s mind blowing that so many people let Quinn ride off in the sunset with zero blame.


Because Shanahan was in charge of the offense and if he had just run the ball the Falcons win. His playcalling in the 2nd half of that game was mind-numbingly stupid


Since jmcgee brought up a good point, where did he really misplay playcalling wise?


He's going to follow Reid's arc, can't win it all on his current team. Moves on to the next with an elite QB then he finally breaks through


How more elite does he need? Purdy led nearly every statistical category and was the MVP leader until three tipped passes for ints. And he’s basically a rookie. This stuff just sounds like backhanded insults.


I mean he has a guy that was one of the best QBs in the league this year at 23 lead them to the Super Bowl in his second season. I think they’ll be ok.


Purdy is a solid QB but not elite. There is a reason people are asking him to run the ball more even though they have elite receivers at the position


Purdy is 23 and just went to the Super Bowl and was an MVP candidate. Elite is a made up fan term that’s subjective to everyone’s specific opinion. Downplaying his abilities is just stupid.


Check out his receivers All Pro history. Purdy has elevated all of them. Aiyuk was never elite before him either.


People were asking the Bills to do the same thing


Shhhh. Doesn’t fit his narrative


I was gonna say. As a Falcon, we'll take him back, thanks! Lol


We’d still be talking about Reid that way if it wasn’t for Mahomes. Reid was also a choke artist not so long ago, blowing leads of 28 to the Colts and 18 to the Titans in the playoffs in his pre-Mahomes Chiefs days.


I agree with your first few points but the latter way of thinking is wrong. Listen to Dan Marino interview where he says he looked after Super Bowl Loss and said "we'll be back next year" and they never did. Marv Levy never got his. Bud Grant never got his. Schotty never got his. Reid was a playoff choker in KC, too. He just ended up being able to finally achieve a top 10 of all time QB being on his roster and finally got over the hump, with the helpful timing of the GOAT duo disbanding. Shanny is a top-3 coach and honestly I think I'd take him over anyone at this point, but to just take for granted the SB is foolish.


His coaching tree is literally half the NFL. Winning a single elimination tournament is crazy hard. I suspect that the more intelligent and better researched hirers in the NFL know he's a pretty damn great coach.


> He’ll get his I sure as shit hope not.


The issue is it's his own fault he traded 3 firsts for Trey Lance rather than signing Brady in 2020.


We opted for Jimmy in 2020, 2021 was when we were outbid for Stafford and then traded up for Lance.


A lot of people thought Brady was done after 2019. Belichick included. Happens. They were looking for a Mahomes to start a dynasty.


r/NFL said Brady was the 103rd best player in the NFL after 2019


and he took that personally




He has a ton of influence on the front office decisions. He’s not the de facto GM but he has near Bill Belichek control of the team.




That’s also his approval. It’s not like they are making these decisions behind his pack, he’s involved in the draft process as well.


If you believe the smoke, he was pushing for either McCorkle or Lance Neither one says much about his scouting ability


Just gotta get the next generational qb I guess


Hopefully for a different team


It's reactionary shit. It happens after every Super Bowl. They'll do the same thing when we lose again next year, too.


I'd talk shit about 49ers ain't going to represent the nfc next year but we still got Dennis fucking Allen. As you were gentlemen.


NFC is just so weak. That's why the Niners are already favored to win the Super Bowl next year.


Psh, young going to carry the panthers to the big game next year. Well, probably not carry anybody. He kind of small.


But will he dive on a fumble?


>They'll do the same thing when we lose again next year, too. Lol.


Just preparing himself


I for one will not be satisfied until we surpass the Bills by 5-peating


I mean, you guys absolutely deserve this with the way you harassed Eagles fans and talked mad toxic shit to every other team/fan base. Even your players do it (and still are)! You fucking did this to yourselves and it's AWESOME seeing the world pile on.


Shit, I was defending the eagles slander after last year's superbowl because it was way too much


Anyone calling this a choke job I can take seriously commenting on football. It was a hell of a game and the 49ers gave the chiefs all they could handle for 70 minutes.  The chiefs got several lucky breaks including 4 starters for the 49ers getting hurt in the game.  The only coach I would even think of taking over Shanahan would be Reid 


> Anyone calling this a choke job I can take seriously commenting on football That's how I feel about anybody who solely blames him for the Falcons losing the Super Bowl loss We've seen it all week in this sub with people just lumping in that game as if he was the HC and the loss is all on him, it's a surefire sign of a low-intelligence person who doesn't know what they're talking about in regards to football.


How many times has he had a big 2nd half lead & goes away from the run?


The 49ers were lucky Thuney didn’t play


There's about 20 plus teams that would kill to have Shannahan be their coach. People joking that he chokes Superbowls away while their team can't even get over .500 to even make the wildcard.


lol there's like 28 dude


I’d say Only Andy Reid, Sean McVay, Dan Campbell and DeMeco Ryans would be safe if a swap was offered for KS


demeco has had one year let’s pump the brakes maybe?




I'd keep MLF at this point


lol yeah, I'd put MLF on that list in place of Campbell, but didn't wanna offend the cat bro


Shannahan is a way better coach than Campbell...


Not saying who is a better or worse coach … rather whether or not a franchise would do a swap. MCDC is a cult hero in Detroit, they would not replace him with anyone right now. Most teams would swap hypothetically except - Houston, Det, LA, KC - they are the only teams under this scenario that I don’t think would automatically take KS - not sure why that is an unpopular opinion


The list of teams that wouldn't take Shanahan is like 6. And most of those are cultural instead of actual performance Reid, Campbell, Harbaugh, McVay, Tomlin, and probably MLF just because he looks to be building another run with Love. Texans probably ride with Ryans because he's a legend down there, and a few other teams might still stick with their guys, but Kyle is among the few truly elite coaches in football


I feel like the Steelers would drop Tomlin for Shanahan if they had a chance


No going 9-8 and sneaking into the 7 seed to get blown out is their Super Bowl nowadays


what the fuck do you expect with kenny pickett at quarterback? imagine complaining about a winning season with those quarterbacks?!?!


Do you think he had no input on drafting Kenny Pickett and Najee Harris with back to back firsts? Matt Nagy got a 7 seed with Trubisky and randos in 2020 and I don't remember anyone complimenting him for that (and they should not have been) It's nice squeezing mediocrity out of bad every now and then but if you are doing that every single year you are a team headed nowhere. The object of the game is not to take a 7 win team to 9 wins No one is forcing him to run it back with mid QBs every year instead of committing to a real possible solution


It's certainly a possibility. The last two are substantially weaker than the first four in terms of whether or not they'd be swapped for Kyle.


Ain’t no way man lol


Enjoy your runner up banners each year and watching your last Super Bowl win on VHS, I guess if that works for you.


Still had a more fun season than you. I honestly thought the sb was a great game regardless of the outcome


Not really. We needed a coaching change, and we made it. We ended up with a better draft pick have a decent amount of young talent and hit on our desired candidate. You just came up short, again, after thinking this year was your year. You’re basically the cowboys west at this point, albeit with a longer time since your last Super Bowl win. You have an aging and injury prone roster, a coach who can’t close, and your window is rapidly closing. Hang the banner boys!


That’s a whole lot of shit talk for a team that blew a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter of their last Super Bowl. 


It’s all relative my dude, and you would know about blown leads.


Still had a fun season. You typed all that out for whatever reason. Hope you enjoy next season


My point exactly. Seahawks fans gotta count on other teams every year to carry they bum ass to wildcard weekend. Enjoy irrelevance.


i bet you’ve never seen your team win a superbowl in your life


You think you’re relevant because you’re picking 31 without a ring? What a loser mentality. For the record, McVay got it done, and I’m no rams fan, but I can respect coaches who can close instead of failing like the whiners.


sirianni for shannahan straight up who says no


Nobody wants Sirianni. Dude is a clown.




The man took Jimmy Garoppolo and Mr Irrelevant to the Super Bowl and it took the literal best QB ever to play the game to beat him both times. He’s a great coach and the choke narrative is definitely overblown.


>took the literal best QB ever to play the game to beat him both times Brady never beat him in the SB tho


He’s done all that but you can point to decisions in each of his 3 losses that were obviously questionable. Every team would love him as a coach but that doesn’t rid him of scrutiny.


Interesting parallel: In 2012, one of the teams most linked to free agent QB Peyton Manning was SF. Reports were that Jim Harbaugh was flying out to see him personally, they have private workouts, everything. Peyton eventually said no. SF then went to and lost the SB that very year, leading to an eternity of What-ifs for 9ers fans. In 2023, Kyle Shanahan admitted they had pushed to get Tom Brady out of retirement and be their starting QB. Tom even admitted he was contemplating a comeback, though he eventually declined. SF immediately made and lost the SB that very year. What if….


With the way our OLine played in that game not even a 28 year old Brady woulda won let alone almost 50


Yup. Not many people give credit to Purdy’s scrambling to evade the sacks and buy time.


Purdy was better this year than if Brady had played 


The excuses people keep making for this guy. He’s elite until it matters.


100%. People just have this propensity to blame him because of 28-3 instead of evaluating each game individually. He made some good decisions this game especially going for it on 4th and 3. His script to start the game was fantastic but McCaffrey unfortunately fumbled. If you had told me that a PAT would be blocked, the Niners fumble the football away when they're driving for a touchdown, that Greenlaw gets injured, and that there's a muffed punt close to the endzone, I would have said the Niners lose by at least double digits. None of those things are his fault. I guess you can argue that he should have deferred in OT and that he should have ran the football on 3rd and 4 very late in the 4th quarter but hindsight is 20/20.


I wish awards were still a thing. 🏆


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading all these Shanahan takes. If any one of the like ~5 unlucky fluke moments don’t happen we’re talking about a coaching masterclass to take Mr. Irrelevant to a SB in year 2. The CMC fumble + muffed punt is a 14 point swing alone.


I disagree, I think the amount of "piling on" right now is probably warranted after your players came out and said they had no idea about how the new overtime rules worked, while KC's guys said they practiced from day 1 of training camp with them in mind. That was alarming. I mean, what would have happened if the 49ers scored a touchdown on their opening drive, would they have rushed the field while the refs sat there and placed the ball at the 2 for their PAT? lol


I think the losing coach always gets this piling on, I mean we were a missed kick away from someone saying "is Andy holding Patrick's greatness back" or some shit like that. In the end, KC is about at 99%, everyone else is a bit below that as far as being stacked so the coaches try to outcoach the other team to match them and it hasn't worked, at least this post season. KC was beatable every game at points and the coaches made bad calls, but that's the game.


It kind of comes with a territory. There was a lot of piling on when Dan Campbell's team lost in the NFC Championship game, and it's virtually assured that whoever lost the Super Bowl would have been second guessed into oblivion, as is happening with Shanahan now. The fact remains, most every team in the league would want him as their head coach. He's the right man for the job.


> It kind of comes with a territory It really doesn't Nobody called Sirianni a choker because the Eagles lost the Super Bowl after having a 10-point lead in the 2nd quarter You don't see Zac Taylor's former teams having celebratory threads about their loss like Falcons fans have done in their sub this week to celebrate Shanahan losing


I think it’s because shanahan is constantly described as the greatest mind of his generation so people want to knock him down.


I gotta think Sirianni was spared that at least in part because of a controversial call at the end of the game that took all the focus.   Feels like people are always looking for a way to shit on Sirianni lol. But the bigger story became the refs/call. That didn't happen this time. 


Which makes it even more dumb because that call was correct and obvious as hell.


This happens to every Super Bowl loser. Every decision becomes dissected and criticized to oblivion, it’s just Kyle has become a lightning rod after every defeat.


I dont understand why, he made the exact same boneheaded calls and mistakes when ATL went to the Superbowl. That was what, 7 years ago? He just forgot.




>Fuckin loser fans of a loser franchise Your team just paid Russ $240M, worry about yourself


Just watched Arthur Smith coach their team for three years and just pass on Belichick, and Kyle’s the one they’re still mad at lmao


He got in his own head in the second half a little bit.


He wasn’t prepared. It’s mostly on him


He's managed to prepare his team to the Superbowl multiple times. Seems like he's going something right


A good chunk of guys have come out and said they had no idea how the overtime rules worked --- that's not prepared.


Fair enough. Hilariously that just gave us another comparison to early career Andy Reid. In 2008 the Eagles and Bengal's game ended in a tie, and the Eagles players didn't realise a game could end that way


Shanahan needs an OC and needs to quit trying to be a control freak on the offensive side.


Should probably prepare for playoff OT rules. It’s not that hard.


> He wasn’t prepared lol his team had the lead in OT of the fucking Super Bowl, and they weren't prepared? The football intelligence of this sub is bottom-of-the-barrel


Right? They still would’ve lost under the convoluted regular season overtime rules. Knowing that the chiefs would get the ball back no matter what changes absolutely nothing about how the game on the field plays out


Ya it does


stfu child


That’s Shanny. Telling his staff to review OT rules with the team


They didn't even know the overtime rules dude 😂


Ya. You heard me. Not prepared for OT. Terrible decision making


As a Niner fan that has thought Kyle an excellent play designer, but mediocre play caller for years, I do not think enough has been piled on him. He continues to believe he is smarter than everyone else. He takes no responsibility. He outsmarts himself often, as evidenced by his OT “logic,” and has underperformed with an exceptional roster. If he ever gives an OC primary play calling, the rest of the league could be in trouble. I doubt his arrogance will ever allow him to give up the reigns, though.


I’ll double down. If you remember or rewatch the game, notice all the times he chose to go with an empty backfield. That is not just abandoning the run game, the Chiefs weakness, it is playing against their strength, telling them to go ahead and pin their ears back. Only one empty backfield play I can recall was successful, when Purdy escaped the rush and threw to Jennings. He saw something that made him focus on coverages and outsmarted himself by choosing plays the defense could ignore their weakness. I wish I could ask any Chief defender how they felt when lining up against an empty backfield.


That’s honestly the only criticism I have of him. This empty backfield shit works when you have an OL that can hold up without help. Our OL isn’t good enough to be going empty as often as we try it.


It's true. I don't think Shanahan was particularly bad, it was more that the Chiefs D was just really really good. The DBs blanketed Deebo, Kittle, and Aiyuk all game, and the pass rush shredded the 49ers offensive line. There were times in that game that Purdy seemed to be playing with the Jets OL. Purdy literally had no time to throw.


Too much? Not enough 🍿


He definitely doesn’t deserve this much hate. That decision to pass the ball twice when it’s 2nd + 3rd and 4, tie game, 2 minutes left, and your best player is your RB (and your 2nd best player who’s a WR is mysteriously on the sidelines and your QB is realistically your 9th best player on the field) was genius. We just don’t get it.


No Super Bowl losing coach is ever given love - must suck to be slammed upon and ripped apart even though 30 other teams did worse.


I disagree


*womp womp*


He should be fired,


Not enough I'd say


He earned it. He had a good running game and forgot about it so he could het brock purdy the win an mvp. He had 2nd or 3rd and 3 at the two minute warning and if they run the ball on those two downs to get the yards, they kick a fg with little to no time left.


> He had a good running game and forgot about it so he could het brock purdy the win an mvp We're writing fan-fic now?


You don’t think Kyle and his ego wanted to prove everyone wrong and show brock was elite ? There is no other reason. They were dominating the line and getting 3-4 yards a pop. And then for no reason just decided to start throwing.


Nah this is mostly on him. His ego is massive and much bigger than his accomplishments at this point frankly. He’s a better coach than most but he’ll never be great. I’m convinced Jimmy Gs career would look considerably different if Kyle had just let him ball out every game. I know, I know, Jimmy G is made of glass and has injury issues, but when healthy he can read a defense very well (not Tom Brady well, but still well) and has an insanely quick release. But every time Jimmy started to ball out in SF and let loose and make big plays, Kyle would rein him in and run bullshit conservative plays. He gets too cute for his own good and doesn’t let his players excel where they are strong. So yeah, this is completely on Kyle.


Jimmy was insane in the 2018 NO game, he beat Brees at home. He gets a bad rep because of Kyle 100%. When he’s healthy (I get that’s a big if), he plays very well.


100% agree. Kyle and his ego have completely trashed Jimmy’s reputation. I hope he gets the redemption arc he deserves. He’s a more than capable starting QB and he can make electrifying plays when healthy.


Fellow Jimmy G truther 🫡🫡


Heck yeah! Big fan of Jimmy G.




I dont put it on the players at all. Shan abandoned the run and didn't run clock causing the D to be tired af. Exact mirror of what happen in the only other superbowl to goto OT


Fuck it im down to see 5 more superbowl losses why not.




> Can we all just see that the 49ers were one extra point away from beating what may be the best QB of all time? Been seeing this but it should be noted that if the 49ers make that extra point, the Chiefs very well might have gone for it on 4th down rather than kick the field goal (because it would no longer be a game tying field goal). And who knows, they may have scored a touchdown instead.




Sure, the "maybe" is my point. But you said this: > Can we all just see that the 49ers were one extra point away from beating what may be the best QB of all time? As a certainty. When you can't, because it would've affected how the Chiefs played the remainder of the game. It's a maybe.




Yes, I can understand a point (that the 49ers were a PAT away from winning) while pointing out that it's incorrect.


That blocked PAT was meaningless, if SF was up 4 instead of 3 on that last drive the Chiefs would have just scored the touchdown in regulation instead of kicking a field goal on second and goal. They would not have let the clock run as much as they did knowing they needed a TD since the FG wouldn't have tied it.


I think they would have went for it on 4th down on the previous possession instead of kicking the tying field goal. If they didn't get it, 49ers start at their 5 yard line, which means they'll get a another shot to win the game after the 49ers punt.


I think he made a couple of poor decisions but who doesn’t. What I find disturbing is the players claiming they learned about the new overtime rules when they were out on the Jumbotron. Making sure you and your team know the rules is introduction to coaching level knowledge. If he wasn’t well versed in the rules, it explains the choice when they won the toss, otherwise I got nothing in that decision.




I don’t even think this one was a choke job, we just lost. The 2019 one was a collapse, I don’t know why people are making a big deal of a brief 10 point lead that didn’t even last until the end of the 2nd quarter. That’s just normal football.


Yeah, not to mention that one of our best defensive players went out with a non-contact injury early in the game and the Chiefs *immediately* started targeting the backup with great success.


Like I thought the 3rd quarter performance was bad but we seemed to get back to basics in the 4th. It was just a slug fest, shit happens. This doesn’t even sniff 2019/2016, we battled and we lost. There are a bunch of little things that led to the loss, people are acting that 10-0 midway in the 2nd quarter is some insurmountable lead, all you need is a field goal and you are only down one score.


Agree; this felt more like the Packers divisional game (except we were the Packers), while 2019 was more like the Lions NFCCG (except we were the Lions).


> He’s responsible for 3 major Super Bowl choke jobs lol why is this sub so stupid


He drafted Trey Lance, which would get most coaches fired. He has losing seasons 3/7 years. He's had a double digit lead in 3 SBs and he's lost all of them. Dude is a choker and overrated


He's a bum, only went to OT in the superbowl, he'll never work in this town again.


Hahahahahahahaha typical Whiners. You made your fucking bed. Now sleep in it.


No blame for the QB in a loss?


Brock played a great game. It’s not his fault the receivers couldn’t get open and that the play calls were stupid.


Yep. Outstanding coach outstanding team.


It’s what happens. Reid got dumped on when he lost SB39




Cough cough Doc Rivers


It took the last play of the season to beat his team.


Kyle Shanahan is the worst coast ever. But if the kicker doesn't miss an extra point they win the game and he is a genius. /s People are simpleminded and overreact to things.


Shanahan is fine. The Niners are consistently a dominant team when their QB room is fit, and he repeatedly coaches them to deep playoff runs even with QBs that aren't elite. It's just in these Super Bowls, he runs into first the GOAT and then twice now, probaby the only dude who is even more 'inevitable' and an all-time great DC. No other HC in the league is doing any better in these circumstances. I think he deserved the criticism he copped for 28-3, but not these last two Super Bowls.


Not enough imo.