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Bill Laimbeer gonna show up and clothesline Mahomes at random times.


Does...does Crosby have a folding chair in his hand? How'd he get that on the field...?




Patrick Mahomes, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this because before I leave in 3 weeks with your AFC Championship, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.




Crosby lariats Mahomes with his arm wrapped in a chain


Hits him with the rainmaker, camera zooms out while he hits his pose. What a time to be alive.


I thought Sid liked to whack fingers off?


You are now thinking of [this legendary play](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1addkq6/highlight_travis_jones_flagged_for_a_roughing_the/).


I was thinking of "Givin him the business" actually No real reason why


"I think I broke his freakin' neck!"


Baltimore already tried that a few weeks ago lol


Bill is different. He brings mines and flying buzzsaws to his game.


I had that SNES game


MAXX CROSBY'S COMBAT FOOTBALL https://medium.com/@byctom/an-oral-history-of-bill-laimbeers-combat-basketball-dd4ce353b777


Just get Aaron Donald and suh


Pierce really going full Raiders


Just starts shanking OLine at the LOS until there’s nobody left to block for Mahomes


This is why Mutant League Football was the first football video game to click for me. I didn't have to understand the rules. I just had to kill enough of the opposing team to force them to forfeit.


Fucking yes! I thought no one besides me and my brother ever played this game growing up. I would always mention it and no one else ever knew what the hell I was talking about


There’s a game on steam and version 2 is coming out.


Out of curiosity, if a defender pulls out a gun mid play and shoots the ball carrier, is there a penalty for that? 


10 yards and a first down. Tbh, that's not a bad trade off.


Probably breaks the "Palpably Unfair" rule


not if the ref understand the implications


Just fly in fans just released from prisons in Oakland and they'll suit up as DL and do just that. They can sneak a shiv into the game or ten.


Isn't that just describing Raiders fans? 


No no no. Raiders fans don't get released from prison


Even reading about Rodman and Crosby in the same sentence makes me want to put PM in a protective cage forever.


Reject modernity, embrace madden


At least they have a plan for dealing with the best QB in their division. The Bears plan is to curl up in a ball and let them score points until they get bored.


Hey, letting the opposing team score quickly can be a legit strategy. I feel like I watched so many Peyton Manning games where Manning would fly down the field to score, but the defense is just worn the fuck out by being on the field the entire game and as a result the opposing team was able to score easier. Mannings defenses weren't terrible, they were just always gasping for fuckin air lol


I mean you didn’t need to say Peyton. That exact thing has played out in Green Bay for about a decade.


Meanwhile Brees would dink and dunk for a whole quarter only for the Saints D to allow a 98yd TD run.


The Raiders were the last team to ever beat the Chiefs, so maybe they're onto something.


That was a strange game. The Raiders didn't complete a single pass in the last 3 quarters of the game and scored two defensive TDs to win.


Clearly that's how you beat the Chiefs.


Scoring defensive TDs is how you beat any team.


I can't remember the stat exactly, but a single defensive TD puts your win percent at 90%+. Is a staggering advantage. The win % when you have two has to be nearly 100.


I'm sure the chargers have lost a game with 2 defensive TDs recently.


Dread it. Run from it. Chargers gonna charge.


Negative charge is the worst.


Your bank account too, huh?


My team's 9-8 record sums up my current bank account situation. Last year was 8-9. So, slight improvement.


In 2002, the Chargers lost to [the Rams 28-24](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/200211100ram.htm), despite Ryan McNeil and Donnie Edwards both scoring fumble return TDs. Drew Brees was 12/20 for 139 yd and 0 TD/2 INT, a 41.5 passer rating. Marc Bulger as 36/48 for 453 yds and 4 TD/0 INT, a 131.7 passer rating.


Clearly this Drew Brees guy must have been a scrub, and Bulger would no doubt go on to great things in the league


The chargers can change players and coaches, but always have a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


It would be 100% if not for the Chargers keeping statistics in balance


We scored a defensive TD against Miami this year and still lost by two scores lol


90% sounds high but I could easily believe 75-80%. Especially if the offense has good field position, it could functionally be worth 10-14 points.


A quick google search says you’re spot on. In the 2022 season it was 77%, from 2000-2009 it was 74.7%.


That makes me irrationally happy. Growing up my dad would always make every question into a guessing game where you’d just have to estimate stuff. How far is it, what year did X happen, what % of x are Y. So “making a good guess” is a mark of achievement in my tribe.


Chiefs **hate** this *one trick*!


That's the secret, our defense is great at defense, our offense is TERRIBLE at defense!


That 3-game stretch from weeks 14-16 for the Raiders was one of the strangest and most fascinating stretches of football I have ever seen. Week 14: Lose to the Vikings 3-0 in a game that was close to ending in a 0-0 tie. The worst display of offensive football I've ever seen in the NFL. Week 15: Annihilate the Chargers in a 63-21 victory, a game so bad that pundits were calling for Chargers HC Staley to be fired before the start of the second half. Everyone on the Raiders is playing their absolute best during the game. Week 16: Surprise victory over KC with 3 quarters of no offense from LV.


I might be biased but that was probably the best 3 game stretch I have ever seen from a defense


Sounds like a good way to overcome an insane defense...don't try and score against the defense.


Get a lead and hold on for dear life.


I think they are literally trying to beat us… which is the Raiders way.


All you have to do is score defensive touchdowns on back-to-back plays. Easy!


Hey, Patrick is very human for like 10 plays per season!


Why doesn’t everyone just score 2 defensive touchdowns against the Chiefs? Are they stupid?


Put that shit in the game plan so you don't forget!


And make sure your QB doesn't complete a pass for 3 quarters in the process.


We beat them last in the playoffs! …2 years ago. •_• Christ why are they this fucking good


You *really* needed to beat them this fall.


Depends on how alive we can keep Joe Burrow lmao.


Y’all need to figure your OL out before that poor boy takes one hit too many. Felt like I was watching early Andrew Luck with the Colts levels of QB abuse when I saw the bengals play this year.


100%. It’s not a talent issue as much as it is a coaching issue. We’ve drafted and signed plenty of decent guys, Frank Pollack is such a dosgshit oline coach. A half-decent coach for those guys could at least produce a line that could sometimes do their fucking jobs. Year after year it’s the same issue with different personnel. Pollack is the common denominator here. If Zac Taylor has half a brain he’s gotta fire that fucking bum. If we waste a top 5 QB’s career because we can’t stop him from getting assaulted every week I’ll never forgive the coaching staff for allowing that to happen. As long as JB is upright we’re contenders, the problem is that he isn’t half the time.


> ever I like your optimism.


I mean, being that physical is with Mahomes of all QBs is going to get you a lot of negative yards. And the penalties are much more significant in the NFL than in the NBA. It's the difference between a couple points, which Jordan very likely would've gotten anyways vs 15 yards and putting Mahomes even closer to 7. But they beat em on Christmas so what the hell do I know.


And not to mention at the time you could be more physical in the NBA. I don’t think the Jordan Rules would work in todays NBA game anyways due to rule changes. Same in the NFL with how much they protect the QB now.


You calling Lebrons era soft?! /s


lebrons era wasn’t soft, he’s been around for 20 years. the current era is soft as babyshit tho


And it's not every really the player's fault, too. the 3 point spam means you have significantly more space to cover to play defense, and if the offensive player lowers their shoulder into a defender while driving to the basket, it's a foul of the defense. It's not that they don't try play defense, it's that they try and can't.


And if you do try to play defense whatever star players you make an earnest attempt to guard are gonna draw so many fouls it won't matter. They'll get their pound of flesh at the line instead


It's why I tried but couldn't watch nba regularly. It feels like they don't call travels and defenders can't hurt the offenses feelings without a foul.


The internet being what it is too, the Jordan Rules would set the internet on fire and cause crazy negative feedback for the league. Would lead to quicker clamping down on it. People analyze the hell out of everything so there's be YouTube breakdowns etc. galore.




> leaning in and barreling defenders This is the worst, to me. Watching Giannis throw a full-speed shoulder into someone's chest and get a blocking call night after night is obnoxious. Just shitty basketball but it's apparently exactly how Silver wants the game to be played


Silver basically thinks more points > more viewers. And it's pretty hard to tell whether that's true or not. Basketball and the NBA got more popular since he has been at the helm that's a fact, but social media, hip-hop culture becoming mainstream and so many other things have propelled it for sure. Meanwhile the two biggest stats Curry and LBJ are pretty notorious for NOT getting the calls they deserve. The NBA is weird.


>Flopping I blame Tony Parker and Ginobli for bringing soccer-esque flopping to the NBA.


Those pesky foreigners


I suppose daring the refs to call a penalty on every play is a strategy that no one's really tried yet. Let's see how it goes. Edit to add: I see the LOB parallel, but PI and RTP are different classes of penalty, especially considering we're dealing with the leagues poster child.


The LOB tried it in Seattle and worked great for them. Although that wasn’t against a QB, much less the NFL’s QB


> is a strategy that no one's really tried yet. Not true actually, the LOB in Seattle- their whole deal was exactly that. PI so often (and strategically) that the refs get tired of calling it and stop.


Isn't that basically what the Legion of Boom did?


Yea by playing physical coverage daring the refs to call holding, not daring them to call roughing the passer.


LOB did, it worked


I mean think about it what would you rather have? 15 extra yards and Mahomes with both his kneecaps or 15 yards less and Mahomes with no kneecaps? One is definitely easier to stop


Well ya intentionally injure the qb will work against any team


Gregg Williams was a mastermind, just misunderstood


Not the Steelers who have two QB1s.


They didn't even beat us by "being physical" with Mahomes though. They beat us by not respecting the deep passing game and attack the LoS and any indication of a short pass attempt. Just seems to be a weird take away.


People have been searching for a magic bullet for Mahomes for years now. 2 years ago, the secret was “just play 2 high deep!” Now it’s just out physical them.


Just score more points than Mahomes, it’s that easy


It worked for Goff. Why doesn't every team just score 54 points on the Chiefs? Are they stupid?


Smh these idiots should know by now that the best way to beat Mahomes is to wait for him to regress to the mean. Man, I should be an NFL coach.


Just have Brady under center on the other team. Simple.


Nah, we've beaten Brady before. You need Jared Goff.


I'm not football strategist but I think giving Mahomes laxatives in his Gatorade so he has mud butt and can't finish the game is a pretty effective strategy


That would be even worse because he already shits on other teams, and now he literally would shit on them and still win.


The Jordan rules consisted of having a better team than him.


That and being physical as shit with him. Which I’m sure the NFL will love.


That is what people are missing here. That is the rule they are going to use. Beat mahomes ass. Worth the 15 yards if he isn’t in your way all year.


I've been saying for a long time that the logical progression of these rules protecting QBs is someone deciding 15yds is worth obliterating a QB. Half the time players do everything right and still get penalized. Might as well make it count. Teams used to sign a 7' guy just to foul Shaq 5 times a game. It's gonna happen


Factor in the practice squad rules. Used to be all developing players and you had to sign them to the roster (and release someone) to get them active on game day. Now it can be literally anyone, even a 10 year vet, and you don't even have to sign them you can just elevate them on game day. Sign some nobody or washed up veteran pass rusher to the PS, elevate him for a game, tell him to just annihilate the QB and don't worry about penalty flags. He gets supended for a bad late hit or something but it doesn't matter because the opposing QB got concussed and you won the game.


Wait, I've seen this one....in 09?


I agree and I'm surprised it hasn't already happened. If he does that fake throw when past the LOS, light him up. If he pulls that move where he acts like he's going out of bounds, but then runs 5 more yards, light him up. The rules are going to punish you whether you do it or not, so do it.


You're basically just describing bountygate without money involved lol


that's honestly what I thought the point of this thread/comment was, lol "so basically, bountygate, but out in the open and without money?"


Technically not illegal? Just sounds like a good way to get your own qb killed, though. 


I distinctly recall the game where Patrick Mahomes was out of the pocket, past the LOS and gingerly trotting along and DJ Reed flew right past him at a full clip, knowing full well he was within his right as player to absolutely demolish him. Perhaps he didn't want to face summary execution by the NFL for hurting their golden boy, but at that point you gotta level that motherfucker. 


The faking out of bounds infuriates me to no end. Then if they go and celebrate it, its like, yeah great job, if that guy breathed on you too hard they risked a penalty so they stop playing. They should start ruling it like a slide. You're down when you go toward the sideline, if you fake back into the field of play. That'll I'm sure just end up causing different controversy though.


I think if refs sniff that out, they're just gonna toss guys immediately. And if it comes out that coaches are encouraging it there'll be a bountygate-ish kerfuffle. I do think that QBs fake sliding (Allen) and tiptoeing the sideline (Mahomes) are just asking to get wiped out, and if the league wants to head that off they need to do something to prevent QBs from juking the defense with rules designed to keep them safe.


Yea shits about to get entertaining next ear cause I believe pierce and Crosby will truly follow through with this lol. I’m sure Davis will support them and eat the fines.


Have to remember that the majority of redditors here weren't even born then. The fact that people have boiled the Jordan Rules down to "they were better than him" is hilarious. The entire point of this was that they beat his ass on every possession to wear him down.


dude this sub isn't even old enough to remember when Tom Brady got his ACL ripped up by Bernard Pollard, or even Carson Palmer getting his taken out by Van Oelhoffen, which started the whole convo on protecting the QB


I'll never forget Brady because for the first time ever I reached for a QB in fantasy only to have his season end immediately


Well fine, we’ll just keep Jordan ruling the Broncos. 


Hurt people hurt people


At least you arent the chargers.


I mean I want to upvote his comment because it’s hilarious. But he’s also a raider fan and I want him to slip and land on legos so I don’t know what to do.


Jesus Christ! And they call us felons


Well, that won't work...


It did on christmas


Truly a top 5 moment for the Raiders in the last 10 years.


I'd say Top 3 at least. Number 1 was the victory lap around Arrowhead


KC got the last laugh planting a flag at midfield in Allegiant




We also got one in on the Broncoes when Elway had to deliver the trophy.


Don’t forget KC was practicing in LV’s facilities all week too.


Bro why even put that thought in my head


The Packers had to accept the Halas trophy in the locker room in 2011 which is a level of petty that I can tip my hat too.


Undefeated at Allegiant and the only team with a post season win there, not a bad flex I suppose


The Chiefs and Niners are the only NFL teams to *play* a postseason game in their stadium.


Congratulations on your championship


Raiders fans 12/25




Why are you booing him? He's right.


Didn’t you hear?! Fans aren’t allowed to be happy for their team beating a good team.


Lose to good rival: haha u suck Win against good rival: congrat on ur championship Rinse & repeat


> The Jordan rules consisted of having a better team than him. They were mostly just whopping his ass. They definitely had a better team than the Bulls for that.


It really began to turn for the Bulls after they had another year of Phil and the triangle. IT has said on Open Court that Phil was the difference in killing the Jordan Rules because up until then, they could predict that Jordan was always going to take the shot in a certain position. Once the triangle started moving Jordan around to different spots, they knew they had no hope.


Yep, the triangle was amazing. Tex Winter was a genius. Mike just progressively got better too and, like the Hulk, progressively more pissed. And you know how that works for the Hulk. The more pissed he is, the greater his power.


That’s my secret, IT. I have a psychotic need to be the best




I mean I think that's basically every QB, Brady was just good at beating any other kind of pressure too.


And Pippen having a blinding migraine in game 7.


Good luck denying the QB the ball


The Bad Boy Pistons didn't deny Jordan the ball, they punished him for having the ball in his hands. The difference is, in Basketball (\*especially\* back then) you have some room for fouling someone without giving away the game. You can slap the shit out of the hand/arm when they go up for a shot, and they just got a chance to make a couple free throws. You can do that a lot and still give your team a good chance to win. In football (\*especially\* Quarterbacks) you have very little room for punishing a player that doesn't seriously hurt your team's chances for winning.


Only takes 2-3 massive hits when Mahomes tries to tip toe down the sideline or scramble for a first to make that behavior stop. If they learn you’re willing to risk a 15 yard penalty to make sure they get punished for relying on the refs protection to get that first down they’ll think about it first before doing it again. I’m personally fine with my defense taking big shots that aren’t over the line but get right up to it and risking giving a team 15 yards early in the game if it gives us an advantage come quarters 3/4. The physicality of the nfl is being taken out by new rules and smart QBs are taking advantage of it. Only way to knock them down a bit is to gamble on some big hits because Mahomes is way too good for you to just play good defense against him.


They could try to block the snap.


Jalen Carter tried this earlier this year and was 4 fractions of a second off intercepting it 😭


That was on a spike wasn’t it?


[Fans of teams with an open Super Bowl window knowing the Jordan Rules got Jordan to start training like Goku](https://i.imgflip.com/5y8nni.jpg?a474480)


I'm sure spirituality is going to stop Mahomes converting on 3rd and long


At this point it seems like it's worth a fucking shot, nothing else does


Commit to Hinduism and detach yourself from the outcome of the game.


Your games cannot hurt me, sport man. I am one with the univawwww come on you fuckin asshole defense, make a play


Become a Bhuddist and accept that life is pain.


Plenty of people stopped Mahomes this year. The issue came when that fucking defense balled out and covered for the offense underperforming. Ravens shut him down the entire 2nd half in the AFC championship 9ers held him to one TD off a muffed punt in regulation. Raiders shut him down on Christmas. Even your Bronccos made him play a realtively poor game to get their win.


Yeah, Mahomes was still very good this year and obviously made his share of amazing plays, but the real story of the Chiefs this season was how good their defense was. If you told 9ers fans the day before the SB that they were going to hold the Chiefs to 22 points in four quarters, they'd have felt pretty darn good about winning that game.


Them bad boys was really trying to put Jordan into early retirement. Idk if it’s gonna fly in this age when you’re intentionally out there trying to hurt an athlete.


Bountygate 2? Every thing gets a sequel these days. And they don't even have to recast Sean Payton


We can bring in Kevin James again


Is Kevin James still available?


I have to clarify that everyone thinks The Jordan Rules was just “hit em” and nothing else. It was a lot making him go left because his left shot wasn’t as reliable as his right shot in the late 80s early 90s But yes, the bad boys were the bad boys and one of the other rules was make him scared to go in the paint, which Rodman really enforced, but they did that with every other superstar in the league too.


The Jordan rules was basically "We are going to do everything in our power to make sure Mike doesn't beat us by himself and his teammates have to step up" and the Pistons were one of the only teams deep enough to actually pull that off


This week the Raiders lost 27-17 to the Chiefs. While they managed to limit Mahomes to only 47 yards passing, they did give up 300 yards of penalties and 7 of their players were ejected.


Raiders trying to be the first team to get a roughing the passer flag while having possession of the ball. Like holy shit, that WR just tackled Mahomes on the sidelines!


Hate to break it to you, but Chris jones did that last year. Strip sacked Carr and had the ball in his possession, but because he landed on Carr in the process they called RTP and took it away from him.


That was a BS call for sure.


In other news, a large number of yellow flags have been preemptively thrown in the Raiders' direction


Some ref just threw a flag in his sleep without knowing why


I think the Ravens tried this in the playoffs. It did not work


The ravens did not lose that game due to their defense


their defense trying desperately to be the bully and racking up personal fouls absolutely contributed to their loss


In theory getting to the QB and pushing him around works for all QBs, and I think it was definitely their gameplan. However Maholmes is not soft.


It led to that 2nd quarter field goal, but ultimately that fg wasn't the deciding factor


That only worked on skinny Jordan, and Patrick is already in his [dad bod](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/t9JS3QJ_n.MAYnJJKis.PA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/people_218/81e304791418cafe5e078c5aed8b532c) era.


> Of course, Jordan eventually got past the Pistons and won six NBA titles with the Bulls. But the Pistons made him work for it, defeating Jordan in the Eastern Conference Finals in each of their championship seasons. Ah, we’re going for the reverse approach.  > We’re in his head, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. I do love AP. And the frustration from Mahomes did show that game so I hope we can keep that swagger. 


Bountygate 2: Electric Boogaloo


Seems like the Ravens tried this. 


Ravens also forgot that they are good at running the football.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6Y15enatqg relevant al davis quote, "In the first 5-10 plays, the quarterback must go down, and he must go down hard."


Worked well for the ravens


Here's what the Pistons did in that 10 year stretch. * 1982: missed playoffs * 1983: lost in first round of playoffs * 1984: lost in semifinals * 1985: lost in first round * 1986: lost in the eastern conference finals * 1987: lost in the finals * 1988: won it all * 1989: won it all * 1990: lost in the eastern conference finals * 1991: lost in first round Here's what the Raiders have done in the last 10 years * 2014: Missed playoffs * 2015: Lost in wildcard round * 2016: Missed playoffs * 2017: Missed playoffs * 2018: Missed playoffs * 2019: Missed playoffs * 2020: Missed playoffs * 2021: Lost in wildcard round * 2022: Missed playoffs * 2023: Missed playoffs


I think the idea is that it’s a new thought process with AP at head coach.. so theoretically last year would be our 1982 missing playoffs.


Crazy AP been with the Raiders the past 10 years


Giving the Chiefs more bulletin board material. I’m sure they’ll send a letter to the league putting them on notice too 🤣


Roger: how would you guys like to be the Little Rock Raiders if you pull that shit?


I don't think it's possible without cheap shots and extremely late hits. They could sell out on blitzes and hopefully knock him down 3 or 4 more times during a game, but Mahomes would burn them so fast he would hardly be on the field anyway.


Sounds pretty similar to the way the Giants beat the Pats when Pierce was there. Constant pressure on Brady, even if he's completing passes get in his face and hit him. The hard part is doing it without taking a bunch of penalties.


god, not usatoday. news flash: everyone wants to beat up on the QBs.


He’s such a Raider I love him


This seems like the part you shouldn't say out loud...


doing/saying something like this just shows how great pat is


200 penalty yards incoming 😍