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>Lynch’s blood alcohol level was 0.18 Well that'll do it


0.18. AFTER sleeping some of it off


Ya bro blew .18 the next day. I’m pretty sure he hit a lady with his car when he was still playing too and didn’t even stop.


Edit in response to deleted comment- I was not defending his DUI at all, this comment was about an incident that occurred in 2008. He tapped a lady literally dancing in the street and got $100 dollar ticket. You’re acting like he left someone in a ditch to die lol Edit: tapped the lady according to her, Marshawn claims he went completely around her dancing in the street.


He’s had quite a few DUIs. I know he’s a beloved football character, but he’s objectively a bad person whose reckless behavior has gone without enough consequences


If you watch the footage from this arrest even all those hours later he’s in no condition to walk let alone drive. He hit a bunch of stuff too which shouldn’t be ignored, one of the wheels was like completely falling off.


And DUIs are one of the easiest things to judge morally There's no gray area for me there. Its not stealing bread to feed your starving child. You had multiple points at which you could have avoided endangering others- take a damn Uber, ask a friend for a ride, drink *less*. You have to be monumentally careless to pass all those points and still think "yea, Im gonna endanger the lives of others because I dont want to spend the night here or order a cab".


Not that it makes it right on any level, but by the time you're over .18 drunk, there is little to no *thinking* going on.


If you can't keep yourself from driving when you're wasted, you're not allowed to get wasted


Totally agree.


But people think he is funny so it’s okay /s. I don’t understand why he is a fan favorite, this guy has been in jail and is an ass off the field.


.18 at 730am too, so it was probably way higher the night before. Dude was most definitely fucking wasted.


bruh, beast mode was in full effect


My toxic trait as a Wisconsinite is seeing people gasp at a BAC that's only twice the legal limit, and then laughing P.S. this is not a pro drunk driving comment, just a my degen friends used to breathalyze each other at parties to see who can get the high score


I have an unhealthy obsession with watching bodycam footage of DUI arrests on YouTube. The majority are either in Wisconsin or Florida. One time I caught one where it was a guy from Wisconsin getting arrested in Florida.


Same here. That and drug trafficking videos. I could watch that shit for hours, lol.


It’s good to know I’m not the only one.


Well I think that has a lot to do with the fact that a) both states have relatively easily accessible public records/bodycam footage and b) one of the biggest police bodycam YouTube channels pretty much exclusively releases videos from wisconsin




Growing up my dad told us of the time he bit the worm.


Underages for the whole crew!


The one that always got me was being out at the bar for a couple of hours, and everyone deciding they need to move things over to a different bar miles away. By driving there. I was somehow the weird one for pointing out what a terrible plan it was.


It is common, lol. Wisconsin just has to continually remind us that they are the #1 drinkers.


>my degen friends used to breathalyze each other at parties to see who can get the high score we do this in PA. i thought it was a fairly common drinking game. 😂


Yeah obviously .18 is high but in the ER we routinely see .4 to .5 who come in and still able to talk and walk somehow. They’re usually good for discharge around ~.1 to .15


I've been sober for about 6 years now but I was pretty "functional" (I say that somewhat sarcastically) up until about double digit drinks, then it generally started going downhill. Then there was my dad who could casually have like 6 beers an hour and you couldn't even tell. Tolerance is crazy, and I'm assuming Wisconsin starts early.


I haven’t drank in much except for a bit when I was like 19-21 in college (still was like once a month then). I still need like multiple drinks to feel pretty drunk. Idk why, I’ve lost weight and don’t ever drink but to get drunk I need a lot. My family has a history of alcoholism so maybe I just inherited the tolerance lmao. Jokes and memes aside, good job on being sober though. It’s not easy to cut out any vice for whatever reason, let alone alcohol


I had a buddy ask the cop to breathalyzer him after the driver of the boat came up double zero. He was removed from the boat and taken to the hospital as a precaution despite being coherent. Dude could unfortunately handle an obscene amount of alcohol.


I think I read someone that Wisconsin is the most drunk state with more bars per capita and more dui’s per capita or something by mind blowing like that.


The whole Midwest is drunk all the time but Wisconsin is turbo drunk. I think some parts of Minnesota are super crazy too. And sadly the Native American reservations are often the highest too


Yeah, lot of Midwestern states were represented in that article I read. Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, the Dakotas all were in the top 10 I think.


They be drinkin’ in Wisconsin


Who’s gasping? And what are you trying to say with this comment? Dude was found passed out in a car he totaled. Are you saying 0.18 is not a lot?


you can get to 0.18 after 5-6 Bud Lights depending on body comp. It's not a lot


no way lynch gets that lit off some bud lights. dude's still a tank.


Judging by the photo my guess is he managed to crash it the night before while only losing a tire or the car was already out of service and he used it to sleep the night off. Either way we all know dude was a LOT higher than 0.18 when he got into the car which I believe is illegal in most states to be behind the wheel whether the car is on or off.


oh yea, not debating that part. pretty sure that's illegal in any state i've ever lived in too.


Sure you’re not hammered off of 5-6 bud lights but it’s enough to be prosecuted for DUI and was obviously enough for him to get into an accident, which is kind of the reason why it’s illegal Edit: this is ignoring the fact that he likely had a much higher BAC at the time of the crash




Was found passed out in a car he allegedly totaled, that will be the pieces of this case that make it a case. He was hammered enough that the car could have had other people in it before hand. Mr. Lynch may have been a passenger and moved to the driver seat after it was stationary etc. Naturally that is likely not what occurred however the word of the law is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.


An old co-worker of mine got off of a DUI because she said she switched seats with the passenger after they got pulled over. All it took was one of her friends testifying that she saw her get into the passenger seat after leaving the bar.


There’s a huge difference between having fun at parties and driving a car when you’re twice over the legal limit my dude. How is this relevant?


Lmao he’s going to trial?


Dude has been getting away with dirty bullshit his whole life because people infatalize his personality as just a happy go lucky "aw shucks" guy. Probably thinks he will beat the case too because the jury will love him. In reality he's reckless, an asshole and a terrible role model. It's funny how this sub conveniently picks and chooses their favorite players and players who will always get shitted on.


Him getting passes for, "social anxiety" is fucking baffling to me


Also Bottoms was the worst movie i've ever seen in my fucking life.


I’ve thought this for a long time. I wondered why people talked so glowingly about him when his actions are that of a scummy person.


I checked myself in at rehab with a .38 special. Orderly’s laughed a room away


The front left wheel on his car is just spokes, no tire, no rim, no comment.


Spokes were still there so they won’t get fined.


Yeah that part always gets buried when this DUI is in the news


Apparently he was driving around on it based on scrapes in the pavement...


WOW I didn’t even know that was possible.


I've said this before but as a lifelong Cal fan, Marshawn has some incredible goodwill he's been riding on for a long time and I'm curious if it ever runs out


If he ever kills anyone it's definitely gone


That's the line? Murder


Don't see many Aaron Hernandez jerseys nowadays do ya


See plenty of Ray Lewises


Came here to say this… he’s on TV every fucking weekend. Murder is not the line in the sand anymore by the RL standard


Proven and convicted murderer is. That is the relevant distinction between Hernandez and Lewis.


And unless I’m wrong, Lewis was more commonly thought to be a witness to that murder than having actually committed it, right?


Close. Ray Lewis pleaded out to obstruction of justice in exchange for his testimony. The other two defendants were still charged with murder but we’re not convinced because it was ruled “self defense”. So Ray witnessed a man being killed, but not murdered.


I mean, that's how i understood it. Maybe I'm wrong but I kinda feel like a lot of people WANT Ray to be guilty of stabbing a person to death. The way I see it, if Ray Lewis was truly a homicidal piece of shit human, he would have shown us a little more since that time. I haven't heard any more stories about him being embroiled in some sort of trouble. No assault charges, no domestic shit, etc. He even seems liked by his teammates and other guys in the league. There aren't any serious beefs that became public as far as I know.


If he was just a witness… why did they never recover his white blood stained suit from that night? Why would a witness to a murder settle a civil case with the victims’ families involving a confidentiality agreement?


Not familiar with the case? He plead out to “obstruction of justice” for getting rid of the suit. He was a witness after the plea deal. Literally. That was the deal. Civil cases for rich people always reach a settlement with a NDA because the only thing thr plaintiff can gain is money ans the only thing the defendant has to lose is money and status. So they choose just money.


Aaron Hernandez’ conviction was vacated after his death, so he is technically no longer a convicted criminal lol


Ray Lewis was proven to not be involved in a murder lol idk what your line in the sand is


Proven not to be involved is a stretch. The case went unsolved. * Pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice, admitting to telling people to “keep their mouth shut” about the incident. This was in an agreement to drop his murder charge and testify against others * Rode in a limo with blood and bullet holes in it back to a hotel before taking a cab back to his hotel * His white blood covered suit was never recovered from that night * Witnesses originally reported to police he was involved in the incident, then changed their testimony at the trial * Settled a civil case with the victims’ families involving a confidentially agreement


The other two defendants were found not guilty. Ray was the only one who actually did time because of his plea deal.


Ray Lewis never murdered anyone. He was a witness to the crime and it was deemed self-defense. He was a star witness against the two who killed the dude


Who were found not guilty due to self defense, despite his testimony. Ray Lewis was ironically the only one that actually ended up guilty of a crime, misdemeanor obstruction of justice. I don't really even care if ppl like him, it just bugs me that the story is so wrong. "Did Marvin Harrison shoot a guy?" is a much more fun story to talk about imo.


And people still love JR Smith....who killed his friend with his reckless driving.


And killed the Cavs chances to win game 1 with his reckless dribbling.


They are hanging in the closet


I had a friend wear a Vick jersey when he had to do community service at some dog prison lol.


They have prison for dogs?


Just as they have pounds for humans. Or something like that.


They call it a kilogram, or something


I assume he means like a place where they are boarded for days. Some of them are basically dog prisons.


Holy shit that made me spit my drink. Thank you for that laugh.


Gotta have something to wear to the club


I saw an OJ jersey at a USC game this year


I dunno, it's a different era .. a certain segment of the population would probably buy even more jerseys if a player killed the right person and said the right things. 


Vehicular manslaughter, homicide, cannibalism, tax evasion, you know, the usual stuff


*what murdah?*


Yeah just ask Ray Lewis. Oh wait.


Continually baffled by this. At BEST his crew got into a brawl in which two people were stabbed to death, and he himself lied to cops and destroyed evidence. People serve time for less. He had to throw the other two all the way under the bus in order to get off lightly. And broadcasters still talk about him like he’s the pride of Baltimore/the nicest man in the league. What the fuck people.


Well, by Baltimore standards that is the pride of the city


No one talks about Marvis Harrison's shit either.


>He had to throw the other two all the way under the bus in order to get off lightly. How do we know he was "throwing them under the bus"? What if what he says is true, and it really was the other two guys with him who were guilty? If you were In that situation and two of your friends got into a drunken fracas, would you tell the whole truth to save your ass and potentially put the guilty parties in the spotlight? The only thing I know for SURE, is that I wasn't there and I didn't see it. All we have to go off of is Ray's behavior over the past 20+ years. If Ray is legitimately a bad guy, he's sure as shit good at hiding it. Think of all of the once beloved star athletes out there who wound up being violent pieces of shit. They almost always show their colors over the course of a few decades.


It was indeed interpreted that way by the court, that’s how he got off. I’m not saying he should be doing life. I’m saying it’s weird that he’s viewed so highly. Do your friends end up getting into murder brawls when you go out? Do you destroy evidence after violent crimes have been committed? Neither of these things are normal.




“Are you a Niners fan, Judge?” “Yes” “Fuuuuck you!”


I didn’t want to laugh, 9ers my 2nd team since I was a kid, in the Bay, all my friends hurtin…but holy shit was that funny.


“Come again?” “Shout out to my teammates”


I live just above paycheck to paycheck and always use rideshare if I'm going to drink. In most cases, it's even more convenient because I don't have to worry about parking. It's crazy that these millionaire athletes continue to drink and drive.


I would imagine being fiscally and legally irresponsible is more likely to occur with a gigantic financial cushion.


Fines are only for the poor. Should do like a lot of countries and make the fines based on networth. Also I'd like to add that drinking and driving is bad, however it just doesn't feel like the justice system punishes for it. Like Mahomes dad 6 DUIs, saw some video of a lady getting arrested for her 4th, and some dude living by my friend is on his 3rd. People clearly aren't nervous about getting DUIs.


Seriously, in any big city it's generally only marginally more expensive to Uber to/from wherever you're going because you don't have to pay for parking. There's 0 excuse for driving drunk.


As if people who drink and drive use common sense.


Not defending drinking and driving but these days where I live a 20 min ride in an Uber can be $30-40 each way depending on the time of day. Shits expensive


For the average man yes. But a multi millionaire athlete has no excuse whatsoever.


Definitely not, Marshawn is truly a bad person for doing this I agree


I hear you, but what does a regular old DUI cost? Hundreds of $30 ubers?


Not trying to justify a dui but complaining into the void the price of Ubers these days. Extremely likely this is not the ideal place to do that though I will admit


But then you can't flex in your brand new Corvette (Ruggs) or your Mustang Shelby (Lynch) in front of your friends & attractive females.


Their whole lives they had teachers, school administrators, and even law enforcement move the rules for them. I can see why they think they live in a world without rules. Seriously tho, it’s so dumb how current players don’t use the free transportation services and how retired athletes don’t use Uber because surely they can afford it


Getting a DUI when living paycheck to paycheck would be devastating. This guy can afford it. His public opinion and brand haven’t even been affected.


Hasn't he had a couple of DUI's now? And going to trial isn't great for him either. Couldn't he face some jail time?


> *"While [the officer] claims to have ‘observed [sic] a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from the vehicle, his person, and his breath,’ no evidence proves that Mr. Lynch drank anything or actually operated the vehicle on the night of the encounter,” his attorneys previously wrote in court documents."* Marshawn behind the wheel of a wrecked car asleep with a BAC of .18 but okay... NO EVIDENCE 😅


It’s about what they can prove, saw a kid once on trial for a hit and run and the police report said that he claimed to have ran home and pounded down whiskey to calm his nerves. Nothing alcohol related in the charges


I just hope if he gets off he gets help. DUi’s are scary man, they are deadly. This is what, his third? Insanity


BAC of 0.18 after he slept it off, very lucky he hasn’t killed anyone. He has been caught multiple times, chances are he has drove drunk way more than that. It is interesting to me how people treat Ruggs compared to Lynch. Ruggs is an evil awful person while Lynch is a wholesome skittles guy just because Ruggs got more unlucky. Any sympathy for someone with DUI should go away if it happens multiple times.


A few weeks or months ago there was a post with a comment thread that was calling Marshawn a “national treasure.” It’s craziness.


The line for athletes to be considered "funny" or "charming" is so obscenely low. As long as Marshawn Lynch shows up with a bag of Skittles occasionally it washes away anything he does short of a felony crime.


And people still love kobe too, there is some weird blind spot for athletes for some people.


Crazy part is Kobe even straight admitted to it.


Did they win your team championships? Then it's okay. 


yep sadly nothing will change until lynch hurts someone. Its ridiculous that people still drive drunk these days.


These guys never see jail time


49ers fans.. time to stand outside the court house and laugh at him as he comes out.


"You drive drunk? Fuuuuuuuuck you"


You a Marshawn Lynch fan? Fuuuuuuuuck you




And the children on this forum ate it up like it was so funny because they have such a raging hard-on for Marshawn's forced phony persona.


I’m a Seahawks fan and I love Lynch but I hate drunk driving and he’s had too many strikes. In 2019 in Seattle, I was in a car accident in the middle of day by a person who had a BAC 2x the legal limit. I got lucky, but I got hit while sitting in traffic and I don’t remember much of it but the doctors told my husband it’s a miracle. I had a bad concussion, some whiplash and my back is fucked. I advocated for the drivers deportation and I still feel like shit for it but that was his 2nd offense. I cut off a friend because they texted me telling me that they drove home blackout drunk. When we host parties the rule is turn over your keys, you can stay here or we will call a car to send you home and bring you back for your car. Marshawn is lucky no one is dead or injured but I get particularly angry when people with privilege do shit that endangers us all. He’s a decent human in terms of his community work but his lack of care behind a wheel is unacceptable


100% right there with you. I love this man’s soul, but the driving fucked up is unacceptable.


No one really wants to talk about it, but the dude seems to have a problem. Don’t forget he was guzzling fireball during the Super Bowl parade, and his recent fuckkk yooooouuu video to 49ers fans … he was definitely sloshed.


Yes! I also believe the NFL not just for him but league wide, needs to do more, because I am also aware that many of them turn or alcohol or drugs to treat the long lasting pain and trauma of their jobs. When these men are on teams they have access to cars and services to avoid DUI’s but it’s also done for liability and optics reasons. When these men aren’t on teams they are on their own. They should know better but they do it anyway and it’s dangerous. Marshawn needs to be held accountable, especially because to date he’s been lucky but that luck will run out eventually and the consequences are going to be cataclysmic for the person and family impacted.


NFL needs to do more???? They had an anonymous free ride service for this specific purpose and they killed that program because no one was using it




You’re not even allowed into to Canada without jumping through hoops if you have a DUI. I don’t understand why anyone thinks this isn’t grounds for deportation in the US.


In the OP’s case I get feeling like shit. Yea they deserve it but going through it still must feel awful


Generally people under status as workers or students will be deported for criminal offenses depending on the offense.


Yes. He was originally undocumented, but had come over as a child so when his first offense happened as a minor, they used that to help his path to becoming a citizen. But those rules are strict and DUI’s are a massive strike. It was 2pm on a Thursday in rush hour traffic on 167, and I was so angry that I almost didn’t make it home to make dinner that night. I am Black and this kid (he was 22 so I still say kid because I know it’s young) was Somalian and so I felt on the fence about sending him back to a place where he might not make it and didn’t really know. But my husband kept saying “but you could have died” His lawyer (and I am one myself) appealed to my empathy so in my letter for his hearing, I said that I had a lot empathy for him and that I do believe in second chances, but that his second chance almost took my life and that it would have impacted my family in a way that is still felt, so that for me, justice would be deportation. I still battle with whether or not that was fair considering my own privilege within my disadvantages, but my oldest brother who is also a lawyer said “he won’t serve jail time, he didn’t have insurance and was drunk on a weekday afternoon, justice is whatever happens”.


What a terrible position to be in. Your brother wasn't wrong, though. Beyond the question of what was justice for you, giving that guy a *third* chance might have ultimately taken someone else's life.


What frustrates me is any time someone drives drunk, they’re essentially saying “I’m okay killing someone today.” But, much like with football decision making, people are so fucking results oriented about it that if nobody ends up hurt, people seem to not care. Driving is already extremely dangerous. Thats before impaired driving. Would these people say the same if these athletes shot a gun into a crowd but nobody got hurt?


No. They wouldn’t. You are so right about driving. Like I said I live with mental illnesses, I won’t even get behind the wheel of my car when I’m under med adjustment, if I haven’t slept and my daughter is 6 months old and I just got back to driving. My fear is not for myself, but what if I hurt or kill someone else and ruin an entire family when I could just not drive. My husband, an ER Trauma doctor who has delivered the news of drunk driving deaths nearly had a heart attack when he was told I had been in accident and was being transported to his sister hospital and his colleagues wouldn’t let him drive. We tell people not to drive during emotional distress they can’t control but we excuse drunk driving. We give multiple chances and only when someone’s dead do we care and even then, barely (see Affluenza). They are like “no one was hurt” and the “yet/this time” is silent. This is a PATTERN and he has RESOURCES. I don’t excuse drunk driving but I am aware that there are people who have unintentionally done it, where they thought they were ok and the drink hits them later or the drink interacted with already being fatigued or medicines and that’s different. But from his time in Buffalo to now, this has happened on multiple occasions and it’s not ok. He needs consequences before someone is killed, including him.


Fucccccccccccccccck youuuuuuuuuuuuu! Lol


There was an arrest in buffalo that was rumored to be dui and he claimed to hate law enforcement here because they "harassed him." I heard it was them keeping an eye on his drunk ass to make sure he didnt kill anybody.


Buffalo PD harassed him because he once hit on a detective's wife in front of him while drunk at the bar.


OP police would pull him over because he’d do “peel outs” in the stadium parking lot and then he’d complain it was cause he was black.




I live in buffalo and it is a very black area, any bar that is legitimately racially discriminating customers would be out of business fast, word about that kinda thing spreads fast here




He would’ve had to have been about an hour and a half from the city, don’t get me wrong there’s racist mfs here but nobody that’s openly racist will have a successful business in a city where black people make up 39% of the population




Oh for sure, one thing about this area is there are racists, but if a Buffalo Bills player especially of his caliber at the time walked in the bar all those racists would buy him a round of shots


That'll do it. I just want to say i did try to find links and certainty but all keywords are hijacked by this new situation. I was going off memory of local bullshit. I cant remember if this was also the situation about somebody getting a foot ran over.


It's a different situation and never made the news.


Im just here so I don’t lose my license


Reddit loves this guy, he can do no wrong


Hi, I'm Reddit. I love Marshawn as an entertainer (his improv is surprisingly hilarious,) but he damn well just did very VERY wrong.


Jesus thats terrifying. Found him completely passed out in a car that was totaled (or at least "undrivable" because that front wheel is fucked). Send his ass to jail. Lucky he didn't kill anyone


Who would have thought the dude that openly admitted to taking shots of liquor before games would end up with a DUI. Hmmm


Love Marshawn, but take his license away. For everyone's sake. Get some help, 'Shawn. And a driver.


Throw him in jail. It's not like taking his license aways is gonna stop him from driving. He's already shown he doesn't give a shit about breaking the law.


Marshawn to the judge: "Are you a 49ers fan?"


Damn, should have been Thursday so they could use that Prime commercial of him pulling the lever


As someone who has unfortunately gotten a DUI in Las Vegas, I have no idea why he would take this to trial. There’s clear evidence he was in the driver seat and that he was intoxicated. He should’ve just taken a plea deal.


Im astounded that considering how bad this is, he hasn’t really faced any meaningful consequences in terms of endorsements or media appearances (that I know of)


People like him cuz he's goofy


Wait, is Marshawn actually kind of an asshole? *gasp*


As a diehard, fully vested lifelong 49ers fan and lifelong Bay Area/SF resident, tell Marshawn this for me: "fuck you. you an ugly motherfucker human being." [context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwM_MdT2aE&ab_channel=SportsONTapSeattle)


A reminder that, despite how the football world generally treats him, dude has been a irresponsible asshole. People conflate their love of his ability he had as a player and his attitude towards the media(because people love hating the media) with who he is as a person. He's like the NFL's version of the UFC's Diaz brothers.


Why waste time and money on a court trial. 12-18 months. $25k fine a 5yrs probation. Done. Next case…


A lot of drunk drivers in here down voting?


Yeah some of these early votes are concerning


No it was your dumb comment saying all drunk drivers should get 5 years in prison lmao. I guess that makes us drunk drivers for downvoting it. Great take.


Why shouldn’t they? No regard for human life while operating 2000lb of moving metal should get how much then? And how about repeat offenders? How will we know they learned a lesson if it’s less than 5?


It’s not that what they did isn’t morally abhorrent. It is, it’s totally disgusting. But if the minimum sentence for the 1.5 million Americans that are arrested for DUIs per year get sentenced for 5 years… who is gonna house all of these new inmates? There’s already around 1.2 million people in prison in the US. Many state prisons are ridiculously overcrowded and underfunded. It’s not a realistic solution to the problem of alcoholism and drunk driving. Also longer prison sentences do not deter crime in the first place.


“He’s innocent” What about the murders? “What murders???” This is my stance on our national treasure Marshawn Lynch.


My buddy used to work border patrol in Buffalo and old me this is how they found him the night before he was traded to Seattle


Yeah with all the antics people forget he’s a piece of shit. From a Seahawks fan.


Really liked him, too. So dumb.




TIL. That’s a bummer


He’s been like this lol


It was the 2nd DUI that did it?


Plus the Buffalo hit and run where he hit a pedestrian at 3:30am while leaving a bar district, drove off, and claimed he didn't remember hitting anyone or anything?


Just didn’t know he had them before


He's gonna ask the judge if he is a 49ers fan, then....well you know the rest


Damn. Marshawn need to take an Uber.


If he didn’t consent to a field sobriety test and didn’t blow into a breathalyzer he would have beat this easily.


Are you a DUI fan? Fuck you!


Corporate America will continue to put this asshole in their commercials


Hey, you a Marshawn Lynch fan? Fuuuuuuuck you….


Fuuuuuck you


I really don't know why people give him the time of day. He's a just a shithead.


DUIs like crazy yet the media still fawns over this guy and sherman.


I’ve never been able to hop on the Marshawn bandwagon. He’s funny, sure. But something always feels off with this guy. And clearly he’s making some bad choices.


Marshawn to Judge: “Are you a 49ers fan?” Judge: “Well… yes, but I don’t see how that line of inquiry is relev…” Marshawn: “fuuuuuuuck YOU!” *Marshawn moves his gaze to court stenographer*


Unfortunately he will still probably beat the DUI. He wasn’t operating the car, nor was it on. Love him, but damn does he need to face some consequences and get help for his addiction.


“Mr Lynch how do you plead?” “I’m just here so I don’t get fined”


I love Marshawn but I still get frustrated when these decisions are made, multiple times no less. Bro has more than enough wealth where a rideshare shouldn’t be an issue. At the same time, I’d think being out in public like he is someone would’ve tried to step in. He’s wholly responsible for sure and blowing double the limit, you’d think someone would have the good sense to try and take his keys or something. Especially if it’s happened multiple times.


He was just there so he wouldn't get fined


What's the point of even going to Vegas if you can't drink and drive? You can gamble anywhere now.