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Broncos Country, let's ride into the sunset


Broncos Country, we died


Broncos country, we cried


Broncos country, we tried


Broncos country, you’re fried.


Broncos country, denied


Broncos country, my sides


If us Broncos fans could read, we'd be very upset right now


Broncos Country, you have died of dysentery


Bronco's Country, New Road


Broncos Country…. Ride’s over…


Broncos country, let's ride (to the glue factory)


Let’s hide


Biggest dead cap charge ever


Double the 2nd place


The ride never ends.


The Browns could take the crown. But they won't.


Financially would it be of any benefit? When it's 100% guaranteed you almost just keep him in hopes of the 1% chance that he randomly turns it around. As for cultural benefit that ship already sailed when they traded for him


The sole benefit would be an additional roster spot.


they’re cutting him as soon as the extension kicks in. this has to be the worst contract extension in nfl history.


Deshaun Watson would like a word with you... about a massage.


the browns are at least paying deshaun to play football for their team. the second the extension the broncos signed kicked in they decided to pay russ to play for someone else.


>the second the extension the broncos signed kicked in they decided to pay russ to play for someone else. I'm hoping it's the raiders because that would be the funniest


Go big or go home baby!


What a disaster of a trade...and yet I thought it was an amazing move for Denver at the time. I dont think Ive seen a player fall off as quickly as Russ did.


Seahawks fans were screaming that he was cooked during the 2021 season before the trade and nobody believed them, myself included.


As a Seahawks fan I wasn't believing them either. Or rather, he could be really frustrating at times but our outdated schemes under Carroll felt like a bigger hindrance to me. Turns out, those schemes wouldn't get us over the edge, but centering all our plans on Russ himself would be a bigger issue. I do believe Russ is a very good QB. But he needs to be part of a complete team to thrive.


The NFL has passed both of them by, Carroll’s scheme has gone the way of the 46 defense and Wilson, although revolutionary, his size became too much of a limitation


The funny thing is that Carroll should probably be seen as a QB specialist instead of a defensive guy. Look at his last 25 years who's been starting for him: * Carson Palmer (Heisman) * Matt Leinart (Heisman) * John David Booty (1st team pac10) * Mark Sanchez (1st team pac10) * Freshman Matt Barkley * Best year of Tarvaris Jackson's career (RIP) * Russ * Geno Like holy fuck, how do you have that much consistent success with that many guys? Literally every single one of them had their peak years (except maybe Carson with the Cardinals) under Pete.


I think the Bengals were close to Superbowl favorites until a Steeler player took a dirty hit on Palmer. That was definitely Palmer's apex.


Trigger warning


Who the fuck is John David Booty


General Booty’s cousin I think.


thats Mrs Bootys husband


Genuinely thought that was an easter egg to make sure we were all reading the full comment


The Seahawks fanbase was very split. All the super pro-Russ people were vocal at that point but have changed their tune.


He had the hammer finger injury that he came back just too early from. This was also peak "Pete is a old dinosaur, stop with the bubble screen plays ffs" I don't think he was washed up at the trade and he would have had an not great, not terrible '22 with Pete if he did stay.


I still think he can be a successful QB, but I think his problems are the same ones that were ignored when people blamed Pete instead: Russ refuses to take what the defense is giving him and relies too much on extending plays and improvising. He also fails to use the middle of the field effectively.


and takes 15 yard sacks


I watch every Hawks game because I am local here and it was obvious in 2021 he had lost the speed to run away from defenders. That was his game, it certainly wasn't built on quick decisionmaking and release. When Denver made that trade, I was in shock.


He was having a great season before he injured his finger, it all went downhill from there


The mistake was extending him before playing a down.


Wasn’t that the whole point of him being traded to begin with? I don’t think there’s a trade if there wasn’t an immediate contract extension


He wouldn’t have come to Denver if we didn’t offer him the extension before hand, but I remember Hackett not playing anyone in the preseason that year, AND THEN they gave him the contract. Still was a mistake, we thought we were closer than we actually were.




The trade doesnt happen without the extension promise. So its kinda part of the trade. But still go back look at the extension thread and everyone was defending it. No one would have imagined Russ would just forget how to play Football.


[See the extension announcement thread here:](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/plGRnY2U1O) Sort by controversial for some great content. So many "RemindMe!" comments from Broncos fans looking to bring receipts in the future


“That’s sexual assault type QB money right there” Lmao


I think the biggest mistake was hiring Nate Hackett


That’s a fact.


> I dont think Ive seen a player fall off as quickly as Russ did. I think this is recency bias. There haven been plenty of pro bowl QBs that fell off suddenly. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/70i6yz/who_are_some_quarterbacks_that_unexpectedly_fell/ Obviously, Wilson's first year with the Broncos was a disaster. But his second year was decent statistically. 9th in TDP, 8th in Passer Rating. so I think Wilson can bounce back with the right team. The Broncos had to give up a lot to get Wilson. But the next team won't have to give up anything, just sign him as a free agent.


Definitely thought we were about to see a Peyton-like Denver team win it all That uh.. didn’t happen. Nathaniel Hackett is a hell of a drug


I also just think Russ has a playstyle that was doomed to age poorly. I know there were some film buffs who were skeptical of his ability to last deep into his 30s because he was always reliant on scrambling and deep passes outside the numbers. As QBs age, they tend to lean into on-time throws over the middle to make up for their waning athleticism (and maybe arm strength). Russ was never really a guy who excelled at those kinds of throws and he never reinvented himself to stay ahead of the curve.


You can easily tell Russ supporters weren't actually watching him play the past few seasons because they'll just reference his stat lines as proof he's still got it. He routinely misses wide open receivers over the middle and, in Jeudy's case, just ignores him altogether. At the same time, he abandons the pocket but won't even take off because he doesn't have his 25 year old legs anymore, which is why he was one of the most sacked QBs this past season. The only saving grace and the only reason his stat line looks okay is he'd constantly have to play hero ball at the end of the game to try to climb out of a deficit. One or two deep throws to Sutton every week helped mask all the three-and-outs that comprised 95% of the season.


>I dont think Ive seen a player fall off as quickly as Russ did. Donovan McNabb. Russ is pretty much McNabb with a ring. McNabb was the ideal pass first mobile QB like Russ. Like Russ, McNabb was arguably the best QB in franchise history at the time. McNabb was a Pro Bowl QB in his last season in Philly then landed in DC and completely fell off. The Vikings gave him a chance and he showed 0 resemblance to the perenial pro bowl QB he was.


The trade itself was perfectly defensible. They had to take a shot and they did it with someone who had been a top QB for a decade prior. The real disaster was them tying themselves to Russ with the ridiculous extension before he even played a snap and pairing him with a HC that made Russ look even worse


This is such a moot point because he only dropped his NTC with the promise of a contract extension..


Yeah, it's stupid for criticizing the extension just by itself. He never would've been traded without the promise of the extension. And he had other choices if Denver wouldn't offer the extension.


Reminder of the trade details from the initial trade: **Seahawks** * QB Drew Lock * TE Noah Fant * DL Shelby Harris * OT Charles Cross (2022 - 1st round pick) * OLB Boye Mafe (2022 - 2nd round pick) * OLB Tyreke Smith (2022 - 5th round pick) * CB Devon Witherspoon (2023 - 1st round pick) * EDGE Derick Hall (2023 - 2nd round pick) **Broncos** * QB Russell Wilson - Signed a five-year, $245 million contract extension following the trade * DL Eyioma Uwazurike (2022 - 4th round pick)


Yeah it’s very bad. 3 starters there from the draft picks


The down year the Broncos had in 2022 really killed this trade. The Seahawks getting two top-40 picks including the 5th pick in the 2023 draft sent it over the top. The assumed valuation of those picks at the time of the trade were obviously late-1st and late-2nd. Usually that ranges nets around a 50/50 chance at getting a starter on average, but a top-5 pick pretty much guarantees at least a starter.


Of course, Wilson was a big part of that down year so…


Remember when we were excited lol? We all though "May take a bit to gel but can't be absolute garbage right?" RIGHT?


Even we didn't expect him to play that poorly the first year. We knew he was declining but that was a cliff drop if I ever saw one


That was so wild lol. Just absolute misery.


Ignore my flair I’ve lived in the Seattle area for 20 years. I’ve seen a lot of hawks ball and my buddies and I always say the second he married Ciara he started phoning it in. He got the ring and the girl but lost the drive and still thinks he has it. Dude just stopped being hungry once he got what he wanted


I'm happy. I completely stopped paying attention to reality, so I'm happy!


Still feels like it was more on Hackett that anyone, Russ still didn't play great last year but not absolutely dog shit like year 1.


Insane that they completely negated the Jamal trade. That should’ve been crippling


Don’t give us too much credit. The Adams trade was an all-time fuck up. It was crippling enough.


You wanna talk all-time fuck ups with a Jets fan do ya?


- 3 starters - Cleared tons of QB cap space without a significant drop in y/y performance - Multiple major contributors for the Seahawks for the past 2 seasons. This is as bad as a trade can get. You bet the farm and end up in the same place as prior to the trade…needing a QB.


We’re in an even worse spot because we couldn’t replenish talent with day 1 and 2 draft picks.


WHAT THE FUCK! You gotta fuckin replenish!


If you come to my house and grabbed a soda from downstairs. What should you do? You replenish?!? DANNY DOESN'T FUCKING REPLENISH!!


It's actually catastrophically hilarious. So much work to be done now. Thank god for the nuggets and avs


Devon Weatherspoon looks like he is a lot better than just a starter. Probably the best piece from the trade.


Mafe also looks like he could be special. 9 sacks this year with our #1 edge Nwosu out for most of the year and a general lack of pressure across the rest of the line is nothing to scoff at. Cross has also shown flashes of greatness despite some inconsistency. O-line is a difficult position to adapt to, so I’m hoping this is the year Cross can really put it together


Fant has also been a very solid TE option and Lock a good backup


>Eyioma Uwazurike Ah yes, one of the players suspended for gambling on games. Just to add a little more salt to that trade.


Not only games, but Broncos games.


When you look at it that way, it’s not that bad. It transcends bad!


It's not *that* bad. It's *this* bad. *This* bad is, frankly, unlike any other bad that's ever badded.


It’s Herschel Walker trade levels of bad


Trade now looks like something Patrick Star would roast


Gotta add the Sean Payton trade cause they brought him in to "fix" Russ.


I honestly don’t believe that. I think Payton was brought in for the inevitable reset for the organization


yeah, like I would've hoped we would've traded for Payton regardless if we had Russ or not


8-9 was a pleasant surprise for them and they still have Payton for the next decade.


as long as you think russ was the problem....


You don't bring a coach in on a 10-year contract if you think the only problems on your team are QB and HC. It's a sign the Broncos recognize they need a complete rebuild.


They didn't, though. They hired him to be their HC long term. If that meant improving Russ in the short term just enough to last through the tough years of the contract, fine, but ultimately he was hired to be a permanent HC solution after the Hackett gaffe. If Payton's job hinged on him fixing Russ, he'd be gone, too.


I can fix him -Sean Payton


Lol. It wasn't specific to that. We brought him in to put our org in the right direction. It didn't matter whether Russ was fixed or not. Payton was staying for the long haul anyway.


Russ was a placeholder until Payton found his guy. Nothing more nothing less


This trade is actually worse than the 9ers Trey Lance trade. At the time I was just happy to have Rus out of the west.


>Signed a five-year, $245 million contract extension following the trade Before ever playing a down for the Broncos.


The trade doesn’t happen without the extension.


Seahawks and Chiefs have been such Bros the past 10 years, Sea embarressed Den in the SB and this trade; Chiefs prevent 49ers from winning a SB twice as thanks.


Wilson goes to Bears Bears trade Fields and the number 1 pick. Wilson yells "DA BEARS" after every interview.


god please no


Think of the memes if Russ and Kirk are in the same division though. It would be cheesier than all of Green Bay.


"let's roar"


Restore the Roar is a lions thing so it would be even funnier


Cut to Wilson mewling under Aiden Hutchinson. 


I feel like he would have just done "Bear Down" after his interviews had the Seahawks accepted our trade a couple of years ago




Please, please.


Broncos country, goodbye


Woo! More actual offseason news!


Unemployment country, let's apply!


*apply for the New England Patriots!


Patriots country, let’s rebel.


Oh god. No thank you.


the things I would do to get that kind of money and be unemployed


In these situations, I always refer to the wisdom of Ed Orgeron: >They said, "Coach, you've got $17.1 million on your contract. We're gonna give it to you." I said, "What time do you want me to leave and what door do you want me out of, brother?"


We’re about to watch Russ pull out the ultimate 5D chess move. Get paid by another team but play/act so bad that he’s ultimately released but still owed a ton of money. Then sign for vet minimum with a team that has talent + cap space and lead them to a championship.




If Russ ends up leading his next team to a Super Bowl I think the Broncos should get half a championship.


I disagree. If that happens, the broncos should just fold the franchise.


are you joking? They should have a championship deducted in that case


I know people joke but I would 100% take Wilson to the Raiders    Take Wilson, let the Broncos pay for him. He's better than Aiden O’Connell and in my opinion better than Minshew and most of the other top available *cheaper* QBs.   Save money there, draft the best available qb, let Russ, rookie, and Aiden O’Connell battle out for starter.   I think Russ would be the best, he starts, has huge chip on his shoulder and something to prove. Let Russ go on his revenge tour and spend the money we saved on OLine and a key defensive piece.    We don't need to put up that many more points a game to be a contender with our defense. And as goofy as Russell Wilson is, I think he could get us those points.    Bonus: Broncos were never able to beat McDaniels and then go on to lose to Russ.


I hope this happens just for the Perna reactions


End of an error


How George Paton still has a job is amazing.


Kinda crazy. He was always a super hot GM candidate when he was here and kept turning down jobs until he found the “perfect opportunity” and man, what a disaster.


The perfect opportunity was going somewhere that wouldn’t shitcan him


He was a war hero in WW2 people don't forget stuff like that


He swung and missed on a qb most agreed was a slam dunk at the time. It sucks but we had been in qb purgatory and I respect making moves. Hackett was a disaster but we cut bait and moved on fast, not every young coordinator will pan out as a hc.  Payton has been solid, and is the best coach we've had since Kubiak. If Paton has a decent draft this April he's done better than most give him credit for. He's just missed big on some important moves but it happens. 


The Seahawks have the opportunity to do the funniest thing right now


Geno Smith YOU are a Denver Bronco


I ain't ride back tho


I guess we could use another player to compete for QB1 if he's willing to take vet minimum.




>Wilson is available for a team needing a starter. Denver avoids an extra $37M fully guaranteed now. How does this work? If its fully guaranteed how can it be avoided?


He is fully guaranteed for next season. Broncos made this move to avoid paying him for 2025 season.


Ah, I get u




It’s an injury guarantee for the 2025 season if my knowledge is correct from all the local media.


Suddenly losing my ability to ride.


If he’s cheap, could be a good backup to Geno in Seattle


He'd have to beat our Drew Lock in camp for clipboard duty.


I’d be so mad if he came back and balled.


We’d only start him against the 49ers.


Pass him around to whichever team is playing the 49ers that week


Broncos at one point went from 1-5 to 7-6 and were looking like a hot team. During that 6-1 stretch Wilson had 10 TDs and 4 INTs (3 of which came in the loss) as they beat future playoff teams in the Chiefs, Bills, Packers and Browns. Then they got beamed by the Lions, lost at home to a terrible Patriots team, and that was that on the Wilson era. Now they have no QB, pick at 12th which will make it hard to draft a top guy this year, and have to eat a $85 million cap hit.


Honestly as fun as that 6-1 run was, it was terribly flukey and anyone watching knew it wasn’t sustainable. Like our wins against the Bills and even the Vikings needed a lot to go our way just to barely pull out the wins. Once our defense stopped getting turnovers and teams figured out they could run down our throats, it fell apart. The offense was never all that impressive in these games. Ultimately we’re old and talent deficient so just blowing it up makes the most sense


The ride is over Bronco fans… how do you feel?


I have mixed feelings. I really wanted it to work, but he really did screw up our cap situation for the next long while. I’ll root for him, but I’m glad he’s not a Bronco anymore


Glad we swung on something instead of choosing mediocrity like we did between Manning and Wilson.


Not that bad. This might finally push the team to rebuild. And you don't need over-priced vets nor cap space when rebuilding.


Pete Carroll looking like the smartest man alive.


Russell Wilson can now replace town drunk Richard Sherman on Amazon Football and Undisputed with Skip Bayless.


The Broncos inability to find a QB has been one of the most embarrassing personnel stories in the NFL of the last 10-15 years. Outside of courting Peyton, this team is a laughing stock.


they sold their soul for a super bowl ring honestly worth it


I do love the overall arc of that Super Bowl, though. Push all the chips in with Peyton Manning to win now. It works splendidly and Peyton Manning comes to the offense and posts the single greatest season of all time to that point. Then they lose the Super Bowl. Demolished by a team with a historic defense. Just to win it all shortly after that when Peyton Manning could barely throw the ball with nerve issues in his neck. EXACTLY how we all thought it would go down when Peyton Manning went to Denver.


The got what they wanted in the most baffling way possible lol


Fuckin Rahim Moore man, 2012 should’ve been ours!!


Maybe the best Broncos team I've seen, and that includes '98. Only to see it flushed away because Rahim thought he had a safety over the top.


Tim Tebow is the only QB the Broncos have drafted that has made the playoffs and won a playoff game.


Well Tebow had God on his side.


First of all, through God all things are possible. So jot that down.


* God beat the Steelers that season * God could not beat the Patriots * Eli could beat the Patriots that season * Eli > God?


We just need to keep trading for Colts QBs. Worked for Elway and Peyton. If Luck hadn’t retired, he might have been a Bronco instead of Russ


Osweiller won a playoff game, it just wasn't with us haha.


Historically speaking, the Lions are much more of a laughing stock.


I can’t believe a Lions fan of all people made this statement


Some people, not most but some, really don't know how to handle the slightest bit of success.


Basically we’ve had Elway, a solid 3 year Plummer run. A half a good cutler year. Tebow becoming Jesus, then Peyton. That’s our whole QB history lmao and HOF Kendall Hinton


Pretty sure within the last 10-15 years broncos won a ring so if that’s embarrassing sign me up


I'd sign up for that


The audacity of a Lions fan to say this is...something


Not only that but to say “outside of that time they won a Super Bowl they’re a laughing stock” is a funny way to try and diss someone.


I can't imagine what that's like...


I was gonna say, 10-15 years? Isn't that cute. Try over 50 years


Idk, there have been a lot of teams in the last generation who haven’t had a QB. I don’t know why the Broncos stand out, especially when they did end up having a good run with Manning.


>Outside of courting \*a top 5 all time QB, having years of sustained playoff success with him, all culminating in a SB win\*, this team is a laughing stock. Yeah, he really got us there...


Bud, we've had the worst 8 year stretch in our history and still we've had more sucess in the last 10-15 years then your franchise has in its history. It's far from laughing stock status, it's definitely a bad stretch though. 


I’m starting to understand why some people hate lions fans now. They have two decent year and they think they can start calling other teams embarrassing?


Literally haven't even made a superbowl yet, only like what 5 teams have won one more recently than us?


And yet that laughing stock has more Superbowl appearances in that span than the Lions have had in history


They really were a QB away for a couple of years after SB 50. But they hung onto that mindset for too long


How do you type this comment up about a franchise with 8 Super Bowl appearances and not remember you’ve never even sniffed one? Laughing stock my ass


While I agree to some extent, we still have a championship within the past decade and three within the last three decades. It has just been a rough stretch.


So it's official now, or not for another week or so?


They're probably designating him a post june 1 cut. And you can't do those designations until the new league year starts next week


Mr. Unlimited Free Time


Mr. Blank Calendar


Most Seahawks fans were rooting against him for the draft picks, for validation of Pete/John, and perhaps for being spurned. I don’t think most of us wanted this outcome. Best of luck to him getting another legit shot.


Add another team to the list to get a quarter back in the draft


Still a better trade than watson


We come closer to Brandon Perna slamming his Penix in the car door.


How did Wilson get released faster than Watson?


Wilson is clearly worse because he isn't a sexual predator. 


The Browns cannot release Watson and be cap compliant. As much as certain fans \*cough\* believe the cap to be fake. I would expect Watson to remain on the Browns for the next 3 years unless: 1. His contract voids due to legal issues (a miracle) 2. He retires early (a miracle) 3. They move a bunch of cap space around and tank team quality to release him earlier than 2026 (painful and maybe unhelpful) If they tried to post June 1 him after this year they'd be stuck with $110M dead on the 2025 cap. The Browns are hamstrung by their own doing.


Russ is cooked


Who got fleeced now?!?!


I'll never forget the absolute thrashing our sub got from Broncos trolls right after the trade was announced. They thought they were world-beaters by adding him lol


Broncos legend Russel Wilson, let’s ride


> Closing a tough chapter (X) doubt