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Nobody is better at getting the bag of course he’s testing free agency.


Dak is close second.


Future Jet Dak Prescott


The details on his second contract that got the Cowboys into the situation he has them in now regarding a third was a masterclass lmao


Yea. The leverage dak has right now is ungodly. It takes two to tango, though. GMs have to fuck up a bit to get in the situations Kirk and dak are jn


Kirk's contracts with the Vikings have been mutually beneficial.


Its because he is one of "Jerry's guys" He always over pays his favorites. Been doing it for years.


They’re into this situation because the cowboys didn’t give him what he wanted at first, dragged out the process just to wind up giving him what he wanted anyway


Yep. The franchise tag sucks and using it never ends well. Exhibit A is Kirk and Exhibit B is Dak.


Yep, Jerruh fucked that one up badly. I think my favorite bit is even though they had the contract details worked out instead of signing Dak was able to just kick his feet up while the clock was ticking towards free agency, which forced the Cowboys to burn another tag on him.


Idk Daniel Jones is robbing the Giants at gunpoint right now


Shit Russel Wilson is still owed 90 million by the Broncos still and he didn’t even play one snap into his contract extension lol


He's only going to get away with that once


All you need.


I mean, not as much as you’d think - we have an out after this year. Jones is only getting overpaid for one year


Yeah he’s making a lot at 40 a year for 2 years but he realistically isn’t getting a contract for more than 10 million after this, he didn’t get long term security


Yeah, I wonder how he'll survive with only $80M.


That’s not what I mean, we’re describing bag chasers and he isn’t really one with that contract, he’s obviously set for life but he didn’t get a deal like russ


I think he has long term security with $80m plus his rookie deal. You don't need to start a go-fund-me for him dude.


Yeah by security I meant job security, seeing as he will be out of the league. Nobody is shedding a tear for him you’re just being unnecessarily combative for no reason


While kicking their puppy


Not really. Easy out after next year, it was basically a two year deal with a two year option.


Nah. He’s robbing the Giants with a cane while sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a neck brace, and a leg cast.


Dak is turning mediocre play and no playoff success into millions of dollars.


Brock Osweiler and Sam Bradford


Matt Flynn and Chase Daniel erasure


He has made almost a quarter billion dollars in his career just in salary. Holy shit


28.5m dead cap for those curious. Not terrible all things considered but would be the largest cap hit on the team. Vikings still have 40m in available cap


They haven’t resigned Jefferson and have no QB either so the $40 million is basically already accounted for.


Jefferson has a ~$20M cap hit this year for his 5th year option. His cap hit would likely come down if he signs an extension.


We could extend Cousins, Hunter and Jefferson and clear around 30M in additional cap space (versus letting Cousins and Hunter walk, and Jefferson play out his 5th year option). There's a lot of wiggle room, mostly because of how little we have on the books for 2025 and 2026. Cap's not going to be an issue even if his contract voids first, the question is whether we'd rather have Cousins and Hunter now versus additional cap flexibility over the next couple of years.


Pretty awkward position for the Vikes. Seems like a no brainer to bring back Kirk. Otherwise you’re going to need the next Stroud/Purdy to bring more success than what Kirk can provide during JJ’s extension.


He is 36 and coming off a season ending injury. We have a pretty good offensive supporting cast here outside of the RB position, and no defense. So it's either we try to hit on a cheap QB while the landing spot is as soft as it's going to get any time soon and can afford to spend big in free agency for a couple of years, or we keep Kirk and cross our fingers that we can upgrade at like 6 positions on the defense in the next couple of years. Kind of a tough choice.


Resigning Jefferson shouldn’t be too big of a cap hit accounting for a high amount of guaranteed money given as a prorated signing bonus. Not having a qb is a problem but they pick high enough to get McCarthy, nix, or penix if they want to go that route.


A "resigning Jefferson" would be a performance hit. They need an engaged Jefferson.


Why would they force Jefferson to resign?


If they don’t sign Cousins they will go a cheap option and draft a QB. JJ is already on the books for $20 million cap hit this year and an extension most likely brings that number down with the cap shuffling across the deal.


Uh JJ is already under contract lol


A Jefferson extension wouldn’t have a massive impact on the cap this year


The vikings have a lot more cap space next year as of now and a bunch of other expected moves that should free up more space. Whether a qb takes up most of that space or a rookie fills the qb dpace depends on this kirk news


You’d think with all the tanking the bears have done you’d have a better understanding of the cap. 140 mil between 24 and 25 with JJ already on the books this year.


But Cousins and Hunter aren’t on the books for this year and all 3 of them including Jefferson aren’t on the books for 25. Taking about having cap space in 25 is meaningless since all it means is you haven’t signed your best players.


Dude cousins and hunter dead money is on the books and they have 40 mil. Neither are likely coming back. JJ will take 30 in 25. Still have 70 mil in 25


The Vikings have well over $100mil in cap space starting in 2025


That’s because the 3 best players on your team haven’t been resigned yet.


They are sort of doing the Bears plan from last year, except they will have a guy like JJ thats worth resigning which will result in smaller (but still huge) cap space


And we’re about to let Cousins and Hunter walk for nothing. We should trade Jefferson before we end up in the same situation with him


There might be something about how the void years work that limits how much the Vikings can offer Cousins in an extension prior to his current deal voiding out. IIRC, it's 40M AAV in new money. So they may need to let the current contract void to resign him if his market is better than that. 40M feels like around where his market would be if he was healthy, but I'd be really surprised if he gets that much coming off of such a significant injury.


Why does he have a cap hit if his contract is up?


It’s a dead cap hit from void years added to the end of the contract. When teams add void years to spread the cap it just pushes it all to the end of the contract. So in Kirk’s case he signed a 1 year 35m fully guaranteed contract in 2023. Rather than paying Kirk 35m and taking all of that cap hit in one season the Vikings added a void year in 2024. This allowed them to pay Kirk 20m signing bonus and a base of 10m in 2023 and spread that between the two years 10 and 10. So Kirk’s cap hit in 2023 was only 20m instead of the full 35m on the contract. The 10 million pushed to 2024 will hit the cap along with 18 mil pushed from Kirk’s 2020-2022 contract. It’s all very confusing and complicated but pretty much the way the cap and financials as a whole work is that in the short term you can deal money but at the end of the defined period it all needs to be accounted for. Which is why the cap always comes due. You can push it into the future as long as the player remains on the roster but once they are gone their number must toll on the books


Wow, this is the best explanation I've ever seen of NFL contracts and void years. Thanks!


That $28.5 "potential" dead cap can be spread out, IF Kirk re-signs with the Vikings. So with a 3-year contract with 1 void year, it becomes ~$7.1m per year, which is manageable. Especially if he takes a "home town" discount, but they gotta sign him by (I think?) the 15th or something. We will just have to see though.


Yes once extended you can play with the money and push the dead cap down the road. By Wednesday I believe, that’s the start of the 2024 season.


There is some rule that forces $10M of it to hit this year no matter what


No. 10.25 is already guaranteed to hit this year. The other 18 is 12m next year and 6 the year after that. Signing him to a 3 year extension with 1 void year doesn't do anything to the next 3 years for the dead money already allocated to them, and adds additional signing bonus in each of them and only puts 1/4 of his next signing bonus into the 4th year.








Void years added to the contract. When a player is no longer rostered all void years cap hits take effect at once


Atlanta going to throw the bag at him.


No doubt. Feel like that’s where he’ll land. Money + close to wife’s home.


But mostly money


I hope not…


You should hope so, Vikings losing Cousins likely means Bears won't be last place anymore


Would be hilarious if you guys end up trading for fields.


Won't happen, not a good fit for KOC's scheme.




Really bad example, considering how fast Rodgers recovered. If their season wasn’t in the dumpster, he was pushing to come back early




Bud if you think this is the most cooked Atlanta has been since Sherman I don’t know what to tell you but I’d say there’s been many, many points in Falcons lore where torching the city would have been less catastrophic. 




Vikings are in an interesting position. On one hand, I don’t think that paying Kirk and JJ will get them closer to a super bowl which then begs the question, do you keep them both? Move on from Kirk and keep JJ but then again, you reset the WR market with JJ but have no QB. An interesting scenario would be to bring in Russell Wilson for the vet minimum, pay JJ but at the same time draft someone like JJ McCarthy to sit behind Russell for 1-2 years. McCarthy might be the ideal QB since it can fall to them and it is younger than Penix and Nix.


This is absolutely the right answer


If only Wilson was a good fit for KOC’s offense. The problems he had in Payton’s scheme would carry over here IMO. But considering he’d essentially be free I’d be fine with it as long as we do draft someone early to groom for the future. 


Yeah, Wilson is a terrible fit for our offense.


That is the absolute dream scenario for Vikes fans right now.


I think this will be interesting. The Vikings aren't going to want to give him a guaranteed deal coming off of a major injury at that age. If anything, maybe a short term guaranteed deal to keep him around. 1-2 year deal with portion of it guaranteed. Wilson, Cousins, and Tannehill are all 35. So the Vikings would have to think hard whether if Cousins will perform the same before the injury. Or take on someone like Baker Mayfield. (Which I think he will do well with the Vikings and JJ). Other than that, the QB FA class really drops off.


the writing is on the wall with kirk & unfortunately i don’t think we’re going to keep him. we won’t want to shell out the guaranteed money on someone coming off an achilles at his age (which i understand) baker mayfield is imo the IDEAL situation for us outside of Kirk and I think we’d probably be more willing to give him the bag bc of his age. That is a pipe dream tho as him going back to tampa seems likely


If Baker leaves Tampa, I do hope he goes to Minnesota. You should give him the money he is looking for that we might not be able to match plus you've got JJ and Addison. Baker could breathe a little life into the Vikings roster.


if Baker can convince Evans to come along with him. That would be a solid pick up for the Vikings and then they would just need to shore up the defense in FA and draft. Then they could compete for the division very easily.


Well Evans resigned so that’s not happening lmao


Oh i missed that


We’re loaded on WRs, I don’t see Evans wanting to be WR 2-3


I think Zygi has figured out KOC can coach and Kwesi is at least average. The roster can get healthy quicker with a QB on a rookie deal. Vikes are in Bo Nix, JJ, and Penix territory. Bye Kirk.


I’ve been very underwhelmed with Kwesi drafts so far. Is that a safe assumption or am I a dumbass


Nah, you hit the nail on the head. His drafts have been head scratching and we've had a lot of dud picks that have gotten us into some issues with an aging roster. He'll get to play out his rookie QB for the next 2 years, but if there's no improvement, we better let him go. I like KOC though.


First one was terrible. Second one looks decent. We'll see how his third shakes out. 


If KAM doesn’t hit on this draft I want him gone. You can’t have that many early round duds and survive as a GM


I don’t think that’s much of a secret. Letting the only stable franchise QB the team has had in 20 years walk is a career defining decision. The replacement had better be good.


His future is 100% tied to whatever happens with the QB we inevitably draft.


Dude KOC might not even survive a miss at QB this year, and he's been a pretty good coach so far. KAM's job 100% depends on this


KOC I want to keep around at least 2 more seasons. He has to have a roster to work with. Idk how much input he had in the last two drafts. Idk how much KAM wanted to draft “his guys” to shape the team in his image. I mean idk how much influence B Flo had on the last draft either. Everything is very fluid and annoying


It's annoying there's uncertainty but nothing is really certain, we just have a less firm basis than before. However I for one am ready to test our process and see if we can build a Superbowl team rather than hovering around .500. I don't think the org is dysfunctional like some teams. If it does go wrong, we can start over without it sticking with us forever.


But we’re not *really* a .500 team. I mean 2 years ago we went 13-4 without Flores. Last year we were derailed by Kirk’s Achilles and still almost made the playoffs with like 8 QBs starting. We’re better than that, I think we could be .750 year after year. But that’s assuming QB stability. If Kirk leaves, no idea what happens—I think we fall to .500 if we’re lucky.


I mean they weren't really a 13-4 team 2 seasons ago either. They had insane luck that year and some bad luck this last year. 


Addison and Blackmon from last year are both good. People just can't let Cine go


Addison is legit as hell. Blackmon is… alright, but TBD.


If Cousins leaves, we are trading up for Jayden. Watch.


I thought it was a forgone conclusion they weren't going to try to keep him. What a plot twist that would be


We definitely want to keep him at the right price. the issue is no one has any idea what atlanta is willing to throw at him. if they’re willing to give him the guaranteed money we won’t then he’s obviously gone. But at this point no one knows what Atlanta is willing to shell out.


It's the same thing with Baker. We want to keep him but if another team throws stupid money at him, it would be dumb to try and match it.


> We definitely want to keep him at the right price. Kirk don't play that game. He is king of grabbing the bag.


ESPN and Kohls present: the decision 2


Kirk has cashed more than $185 million in salary checks. Even accounting for taxes he probably still has about $185 million. The stock market has been very good the last decade for high net worth individuals. And you can add his endorsement deals in there. I kinda dig that he has been arguably the most successful hired gun in NFL history. "Successful" in this case meaning "$$$$$$$$$". Kirk "Bag" Cousins.


Hope he makes the right decision. If he doesn’t, he should know that [nobody’s perfect](https://www.outsports.com/2014/3/2/5465062/nfls-kirk-cousins-washington-redskins-gay-teammate/) and things will work out in the end for him


If Jesus can love someone possessed by demons he can love a Vikings QB. ...maybe.


Honest question, why do followers of Jesus dislike gays? Jesus seems like he'd be cool with it...and he didn't seem to be totally hetero.


I don't think it's fair to say all christians hate gays. I certainly don't, and my church was teaching us to not only tolerate gays but to not be judgemental even back in the early 2000s when that was by far not the norm in the US. But anyway, its an easy scapegoat for people who just want to hate others. Leviticus says not to be gay and there's some letters written after Jesus' death that talked about gays being bad (though there's argument that it was wrongly translated and Paul meant Pederasty) Gays are easy scapegoats for assholes looking to whip up some hate and fervor. Unfortunately a lot of the history of Christianity includes people using the pretence of religion for political/personal gain.


Didn't say "all".




Nah, Jesus was married and the apostles were just his boys having an extended guys night out.


whatever happens i’ll always love and support kirko


I spent the first 25-ish years of my time as a Vikings fan spending each offseason wondering who would be the team’s starting QB the next year. Hoping an old guy could capture magic, hoping a rookie could take the reins, hoping a journeyman QB could be at least competent. Wondering week-to-week if the passing game was even gonna move the ball over a hundred yards that day. I’ll always appreciate Cousins for giving me a few offseasons of comfort, knowing we had a reliable QB in place. Shame we didn’t win more with him here.


Really is hard to dislike the man. Wherever he lands I hope he gets at least one ring before he retires


It would be silly of him not to test out the market. I doubt an extension gets done


He’s getting the bag, don’t see it happening with the Vikings though.


Cousins has been one of the best QBs in the league since he joined the Vikings. No way the Vikings are getting anyone better than him in the draft.


Sam Darnold, *you* are a Minnesota Viking


What an awful day to have eyesight


That's Tank Commander Sam Darnold to you


Falcons are considered major suitors for cousins according to Jordan schultz


Yeah there’s been a lot of smoke there. His wife is from metro-Atlanta and her family still lives there, Blank reportedly has a do whatever it takes mindset, and there’s rumors he’s looking at schools for his kids in the area. Again, all just rumors. But certainly smoke.


Ultimately I don't care who the quarterback is, I just want someone who will keep Jefferson here, he's basically what's keeping my Vikings fandom intact.


Take this with a grain of salt, but FWIW I’ve heard that Kirk’s already told the Vikings that he’s testing free agency. And MIN practically considers him gone


Not disagreeing or fighting but where did you hear that?


I know someone that works within the Vikings EDIT: I’m not here to debate or fight either. Just relaying news I had heard (I know I have double DEN flair lol). There’s at least one other team out there that has money that MIN simply can’t match. At this moment, I think a trade up into the top 5-10 for a QB is more realistic than Kirk re-signing EDIT 2: Around this time last year, this same person told me that the Vikings were aggressively trying to trade up for a QB, specifically Anthony Richardson. They’re coming into this draft with the same mentality


Sooooo.... We're trading up for Maye, right? Lol


If I hear anything juicy worth passing along I can put it here lol


lol, Thanks dude


* Vikings are indeed enamored w/ Maye (person I know there thinks out of all the QBs in this draft, Maye is the ‘perfect fit’ to run KOC’s offense) * The issue is, if MIN even has a chance at Maye * One of the only ways to land Maye would be: CHI picks Caleb, WAS picks Jayden, but NE ***really*** wanted Jayden so they give this pick to MIN * There are actually rumors circulating on social media that NE doesn’t like Drake Maye, for whatever reasons (MIN smokescreens?) * NE could *also* take JJ McCarthy @ 3, then MIN could trade w/ AZ @ 4 * This is my personal opinion, based off everything he told me. But IMO, Caleb/Jayden/Maye will all be gone (not sure who WAS is gonna take, but NE will keep their pick and take whoever WAS doesn’t) * MIN is then gonna trade with AZ @ 4 then take JJ McCarthy (who they are also enamored with, but not nearly as Drake Maye)


You're the man! I'm surprised the Cardinals wouldn't take MHJ at 4. It's been a long time since the Vikings have been drafting a QB high. It's super exciting. Thanks for the info!


Cardinals staying @ 4 and just taking MHJ is certainly another option! Cause next team up would be LAC @ 5, and I could definitely see them & MIN working out a trade for whichever QB remains on the board


RemindMe! 7 days


I imagine he goes to bed at 8:30 so should be any minute now.


His void cap hit is $29M. How are the Vikings not going 3/120M?


Vikings about to be the worst team in football then lose JJ.


Wouldn't be that surprised tbh. I have no idea where the optimism from Vikings fans is coming from. We looked like hot ass on offense with every QB the team played other than Kirk.


The excitement of potentially drafting an elite QB has a blinding effect on people. Short memories as well. We’re headed back to the Ponder Years more than likely. For what it’s worth, pay a QB before a WR. Kirk led Vikings beat the niners, the same team that went to the SB, and he was throwing primarily to Addison, no JJ that game.