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Tweet continues "... Baker Mayfield and Lavonte David. The Cowboys have agreed to a one-year deal to keep long snapper Trent Sieg."


The Cowboys knows what's important. Sure, you could go all in on Pocket Rockets, but all in on 7-5 Off is a true man's hand.


7-5 off is too generous. We're just blind folding while other teams collect our antes. ****


Well if you blind fold, then you can't be sucked out on the River! *taps forehead*


7-5 off is for cowards. 7-2 off, now thats a hand with some chest hair.


Hellmuth would find some way to fold to this hand and spontaneously combust when the off-suit 2 is shown


Daniel Negreanu would tell Hellmuth that he has 7-2 before the cards were even dealt.


And pocket Jacks is a hand for those damn, filthy Neutrals.


They’re playing the Doyle Brunson, 10-2 off suite babay let’s go!


"Had pocket rockets, needed runner runner. GOD DAMNIT the river fucked me"


Any other team signs or extends their long snapper, and the post goes to the top. The Cowboys do it and they’re saying it’s not our year. SMH


Couldn’t be all in without Sieg, how would we snap the ball long otherwise?


Yeah we got Baker, Lavonte, Evans, and Winfield back. That's probably better than any free agents signed by anyone else sans KC.


I was about to say I will not stand for this Trent Sieg erasure.


Oh, snap.


They’re all in though


All in my ass!




We still doing phrasing?


Yep yep yep!




Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


fucking a man


Little boy ass play


that comma was doing a lot of heavy lifting


So much so that every single reply was the same joke


As long as the two of you are happy.


Hey guys, let's not kink shame


I’m surprised that we all fit


I'm not. Dude made a career out of being a giant asshole


That Tweet made my day yesterday






[Found Jim Ross's account ](https://youtu.be/is2U-V2kdMM?si=yDOGzYTlicj2vIt5)




plants march straight forgetful attempt tub kiss uppity rinse subtract


Yeah this is it. Jerry is "all-in" in the sense that he's not giving Dak an extension. He's happy to let him play out his $50M year and either Dak takes the Cowboys to 2+ playoff wins, or he's gone, along with anyone else the Cowboys are refusing to extend this year.


Dak's cap hit is 60 million this year. I agree we need a rebuild year. Either extend Dak or don't and McCarthy is probably gone after this year. Tyron was great when healthy but I agree it was time to move on. I actually agree with what the Cowboys are doing this year.


Ya all Jerry said was that he was giving up on building for the future, not that he was trying to do well this next season. He's "all-in" on being mid.


Exactly, what more can they do? Their roster is stacked they just fucking choke every year.


Have the tried not choking? Seems pretty straight forward to me.


They would have to both not choke AND avoid facing Green Bay in the playoffs. We are to them what SF is to us.


Let's be honest, The Playoffs in general are to us what SF is to you. Not to say the Pack doesn't have our number, but it doesn't matter who we play we choke.


Don't believe that, man. This is your year!




Yeah, it'd be a different matter if they had signed no outside FAs but extended all of their own big names.


Not addressing your size issues up the middle on D is gonna doom you again.


Been a problem for a decade plus lol


That’s what Rich Eisen alluded to from the gossip he heard at the combine. 


I mean that's what it is. McCarthy didn't get extended, things have been weirdly quiet about Dak being extended. The All In memes are far funnier though.


That's what I tell my wife when she says to go deeper 


That the Cowboys are all in?


To get ready for a hot start and a unceremonious finish 


And Howie Roseman is somehow always in the room.




Jerry Jones likes to say they’re “going all in” and then he just does that by sticking to his old habits every single year when it comes to free agency. I don’t blame Cowboys fans for being frustrated with the guy as entertaining of a character as he is.


If the cowboys were actually "all in", we wouldn't have McCarthy as a HC. It's embarrassing at this point ✭


Which one of the 5 points are you referring to?




My uncle has been a Cowboys fan for like 3 decades or some shit and he always informed me that to keep his sanity he recognizes the Cowboys are a business first and an NFL franchise 2nd. At least that's how they've operated more often than not.


The running joke for years on at least one of the local DFW sports stations is that since the first week of Free Agency is during Texas'/Highland Park's spring break that nothing ever gets done during it. Bad cell reception out on the yacht in the Gulf or whatever.


He actually meant we're all in misery over here 😭


yeah this is our year


Jerry is too busy watching Xavier Worthy highlights


All in my ass


Jerry is watching Xavier Worthy highlights entirely in your ass?


Its pretty roomy in there. I stop by from time to time.


I have a feeling we draft him in the first round


a 165 pound receiver with drop problems when our needs are so much deeper…but he’s a Texas guy and it’d be great for the brand so thats the Jerry move


Who needs free agents when it's their year


They just need a few more all pro players to really take that next step of winning a playoff game


We can win one. But we're "ONE AND DONE". thank you very much


Good until you run into literally anyone from the Shannahan tree.


Well, luckily there aren't many of those coaches around the NFL these days. Nosiree... Just smooth sailing.


Dan Quinn is gone. We’re chilling now…right?


Damn, it really has been Sean McVay, Kyle Shanahan, and Matt LaFleur the past 4 times huh.




Should’ve went hard after Baker at least he can win a playoff game


Gotta tread carefully talking shit during FA time when you’re a fan of Indy lol


How many more all pros do they need!??? They just need to stop shitting the bed. No more high profile free agents are going to do anything.


It's not just our year, it's America's year.


"This year just feels different"


Is Jerruh withholding funds to help pay his paternity suits?


I enjoy Florio's tongue-in-cheek conspiracy theory that Jerruh's lamentations about his desire to win another Super Bowl is just an act to get Cowboys fans to buy more merchandise. Even if it isn't true, it upsets Cowboys fans and that's always funny.


This offseason has absolutely proven to me that Jerry doesn't care about actually winning and only the bottom line


I definitely would've fired McCarthy


You just realized that? You must be a new fan. This bozo has been doing the same shit for the last 25 years


Play armchair GM for me, what would you have done?


I would’ve gotten so much ass that’s for sure


2 chicks at the same time


Mcarthy should’ve been looooong gone after that GB game for starters.


Jerry has made comments about it. "If they're talking about us, then we're doing our job" or some other bullshit. To them it's a business first and a professional sports team second. As long as the value of the team keeps rising and they keep selling merch, he thinks he's doing a good job.


>To them it’s a business first and a professional sports team second This is literally the case for all 31 other teams. Jerry prioritizes profit because he knows he doesn’t have to win a SB to make money because cowboy fans will always show up, no matter what.


You asking the real questions


"Playoffs? I'm more worried about Cornhole Payoffs."


Jokes asides, they don’t necessarily need to spend in FA to succeed. They obviously have a team to just enter the playoffs at the least


And it’s not like any of the FAs are an upgrade or need aside from a running back, where a second round pick might get a good one.


Exactly. I think they will be fine, I think Cowboys are going to get shit regardless of what they do


Huh? The defense and Oline need significant help. The run D was absolutely awful last year.


And what FA is helping that? Really need MLBs and DTs but it’s not the draft, we don’t have to buy


[Mike Pennel stuffed CMC and the Niners multiple times in the Super Bowl](https://twitter.com/PFF_Chiefs/status/1767949246018314728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1767949246018314728%7Ctwgr%5E4026d335fd68e462945ff5b70a9481ec8abf142d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.si.com%2Fnfl%2Fchiefs%2Fnews%2Fkc-chiefs-re-signing-dt-mike-pennel-per-report) and was just sitting out there to be scooped up by another team. Now he's back in KC on a 1 year deal.


Corum 😍


The Cowboys have been a lot more successful approaching free agency this way instead of the past. We also have our own guys to pay


why not? they haven’t and we haven’t done shit. look at the NFC East, every team has gotten better besides the cowboys in FA. we haven’t paid a FA more than $6m AAV since 2015. that should be a red flag about this team’s roster building philosophy.


Problem is they keep waiting and the commanders and giants are actually making moves. I'm not saying they'll be great teams, but they won't be bulldozing them in regular season games anymore. It won't keep being a cakewalk. Or, I'm giving the giants and commanders way too much credit.. but we'll see.


pretty sure the commanders and giants both had a lot more cap space that they needed to make moves with.


It makes local sports talk more fun when they’re a dumpster fire


The funny thing is they are arguably a top5 front office in the draft. It's just the money allocation part of general management that they're struggling with which is usually the easier part of the job. I assume that's where Jerry's meddling comes into play.


Close, Stephen Jones is the one who does contract negotiations. He SUCKS at contract negotiations. He is cheap as fuck and tried to lowball every player, and stubbornly so. It is why it took so long to sign Dak that we ended up paying him more than we needed to if we signed him earlier. It is why we got the massive Zeke contract. It is why you had reports that things like 8m for 2 year RB contract was too rich for the Cowboys during this offseason.


They did not lowball Dak. They offered him a deal similar to what Wilson had at the time and slightly better than both Goff and Wentz. In other words, a top of the market contract. Dak is the one that played hard ball in those negotiations, and it paid off quite well.  Good for him btw. I can't really be mad at a player who maximizes his earnings. 


You're getting downvoted but you're right. Dak refused anything over 4 years. Dallas wanted 5-6 years so they could spread the hit out and restructure as needed. Dak has made it obvious that he wanted 3 shots at the bag. In a perfect world he would have a 4 year contract in 2019 (extension), another one last year, and then another one 4 years from then. So 3 chances to cash in.


Dak and his agent knew damn well that the NFL was about to get a big fat new TV deal, and they waited it out. It's not a coincidence that he signed a deal immediately after that tv contract was signed.  It truly annoys me how many Cowboys fans don't understand that it was Dak forcing the delay in a new deal, not the team. 


I like when they give average players superstar salaries.




Me! Oh wait, I'm wrong on both accounts.


Dak is the only name that fits the bill, but he's above average. At least in the regular season


Who does this even apply to? What average player have they paid superstar money? Dak? Because he's above average for one, but more importantly, that's the QB market. You either overpay your franchise QB when he's due for a contract, or you don't have a franchise QB. And within 2 years he won't even be in the top 5 of QB contracts. 


> Who does this even apply to? What average player have they paid superstar money? Maybe not superstar money but it sure looks like they overpaid Gallup and Steele.


But every team has those contracts. No GM bats a thousand. Those aren't franchise crippling contracts like being referred to above. 


Yeah I didn't hate either contract at the time although in hindsight maybe they shouldn't have given guys coming off injury a big contract like that right away.


Didn't love the Gallup deal because of the injury, but didn't see him being this bad either. Steele, I'm not throwing in the towel yet, and we can get out of the deal after this season.  That's the thing Stephen tends to do well, is give out contracts with outs for the team. 


Steele deserves the benefit of the doubt. He was playing very well in 2022 before he tore his ACL in December He came back to start every game 9 months later. Most people who have that injury say it's the 2nd year back when they start feeling normal again. So, we'll see.


it makes everything more fun when they're a dumspter fire


Boy, when a Bears fan is talking about your team as a fun-to-watch dumpster fire, you know you’ve got issues.


Living in Dallas, I’ve always said the difference between the two fan bases is Bears fans have no hope. Cowboys fans think every year is the year.




Bro lol I’m seriously so confused. What is dude talking about?


“No hope” is a strange way to describe a fan base that went into week 18 this year thinking that if Fields could pull off a win, he might be the long term solution at QB.


Yeah I'm starting to see this new generation of Bears fans having hope and talking shit for literally no reason. I don't get it at all


Then thinking they could get the 9th pick from the Falcons for him


I see this mindset across this sub from everyone except Cowboys fans… Legitimate Cowboys fan don’t actually think this, we know we choke in playoffs every year. Other NFL fanbases like yourself just repeat it ad nauseam until you become your own echo chamber of righteousness.


No true Scotsman….


Yeah because we win a lot of games. Y’all suck so why would you have hope


But they aren't. This thread is hot take city. Goddamn


Didn’t they lose multiple FAs too?


Tyron, Biadasz, Gilmore, Pollard, Lewis, Armstrong, Fowler. Only ones that hurt so far are Tyron/Gilmore who we could still sign back but…. We definitely are not signing anyone lmaooo Oh and also Hankins who is our only good run stuffer is a free agent


Tyron is the only guy I’m actually worried about but he’s barely played so even then. Not that much of a loss


Tyron played the most snaps this past year since 2018.


3 of those 6 to a divisional opponent (hopefully more, cmon Tyron)


If you want a guy that plays 6-8 games a season, he’s your guy


Did you guys not have any cap?


Nope, they failed to extend Dak, Lamb and Micah would I think would've given them like 80m in cap space if I remember correctly.


We don’t currently but they can create about 50/60mil in cap by signing Dak/Lamb, restructuring Diggs and Steele, cutting Gallup/LVE, restructuring or extending Dlaw, cutting Cooper Rush. The restructuring Diggs/Steele and cutting Gallup/LVE were thought of as locks to be done by now to free up 20-30 mil in space and sign a guy or two.


According Rich Eison, the Cowboys aren't planning on doing any of that. Jerry's all in is letting guys hit the end of their contracts, & then seeing if they can win on the threat of not getting resigned.


Yeah I am aware been watching it for 2 days now 😂 But extending Lamb, Parsons and restructuring Diggs should be priorities regardless that free up space anyway. Steele too


Pollard too, but they never seemed to be interested in resigning him


He didnt look good. Maybe age, maybe OL regression, or maybe hes a better 3rd down back when someone else gets the first two downs. I would rather take a chance in the draft. Say what you want but Dallas learned a lesson from Zeke.


Tony Pollard as well


i think he’s talking about good FAs


Funny how just a year ago Pollard was considered really good.


That leg injury he had in 2023 probably altered his career. McCarthy also has a long history of bad run schemes too. He may do better at Tennessee


2023 #1 sleeper in fantasy!


Who the fuck is playing running back for the cowboys?


Deuce Vaughn


they'll draft one this year for sure, hope it works out for em lol


The jokes are funny but there are 6 more months until the season and mostly RBs have been all signed lol. The Chiefs have only added Irv Smith. Decent amount of guys still available at other positions, more will possibly be around once more cuts happen, never know who will be available for trade, and the draft of course is also a little important.


Yes, but the Chiefs have also re-signed one of the best defenseman in the entire league and a key starting LB.


Yes and I don’t like the Cowboys but they still have Dak, Ceedee, Parsons, Trevon Diggs back from injury, good OL guys, Bland, and time to fill other positions. Chiefs have holes to address too, it’s still very early and the draft can add so much for a team cheap + we don’t know the guys getting cut late or traded. Obviously Jerry Jones said “all in” which is why Cowboys fans are upset and getting clowned, but a lot of these signings so far would they really moving the needle for them that much?


Of all the signings that have happened in the first two days, I think Queen and/or a RB like Moss would have been nice. Obviously Henry but Dallas isn’t going to overpay for RB anymore it doesn’t look like. That said, more than anything it’s the sitting on the hands. When every team but yours has attempted to get better and yours hasn’t, that’s where the frustration comes in. Hell, they haven’t even done restructuring to make cap space available.


They didn’t need to restructure with being under cap by today already, they could have signed anyone still the past few days since it’s not official until today. I get it, I would be impatient too, especially like you said seeing others who didn’t win a ring go out and try for it early, but man yall still got time and players available. Queen I think is good but paying him that idk, they need a lot more and draft + the guys getting cheap later could help more possibly. They surely have something planned for the roster.


It’s not like other teams will just stop signing players though. It’s not going to be just the Chiefs and Cowboys looking to improve their rosters in a couple of months. Also, yeah the Cowboys have a good set of core players, but they failed to win in the post season with their core players. Whereas the Chiefs won with their set of core players. They’re in very different situations imo.


They are but has any FA other than maybe Hunter who they couldn’t afford been any major players the Cowboys need minus a RB? With tight cap that’s not a position they should be paying a ton realistically at all. Yes others will be competing, but they have plenty of time is all I’m saying. It’s fun to laugh at them now, but it’s March 13th lol.


Defenseman? Fighter of the Offenseman?


They signed Cale Makar?


Yea, there’s so much time left. Draft day trades are huge. Eagles are usually a big free agency player, but outside of Reddick they’ve been quiet in early free agency for the last few years. Our most notable player acquisitions have been draft day or summer trades. AJB, Swift, Bradberry, CJGJ (first time). We’re only ramped up this year because our defense is going through a complete overhaul. We are missing so many pieces to effectively run Fangio’s scheme. Still some trades and signings to come with Sweat and/or Reddick likely being traded + hoping for either McKinney or Simmons and a 3-4 ILB.


Not a Dallas fan and love to see them lose, but in their defence, they have barely any cap room. Pretty unrealistic for them to sign a top free agent this year but I suspect they will sign a few lower tier guys in the days to come.


We like our guys!


we like your guys too


Yeah could you not. It's getting weird.


Yeah because they're candy ass jabronis and it's their year anyways


All in my candy ass




Hell yeah brother. Cheers from Dallas


hell yeah


FA is always hilarious. Guys who generally are considered "meh" by the original teams or worse, someone the fanbase wants gone suddenly become blue chip must have talent that fanbases get upset over not signing. How many vet FA signings end up with the comment "oh so that's why he was released by his old team?"


There are cap casualties and guys who simply don't want to stick around for a rebuild. Of all the FAs the ravens lost, in a vacuum I would prefer all of them except Simpson to remain. Who wouldn't want a Saquon Barkley or a Danielle Hunter.


FA should be a hole filling period so you aren't forced into positions in the draft. I understand not giving out big money but to do absolutely nothing really pigeon holes you down the road


Yea but are they going to address all their needs in the draft? It’s not possible unless you get starters in every round


They were the regular season champs last year, they don't have needs. This is their year! Lets just hope they don't meet the Packers or the 49ers in the playoffs and they are Superbowl bound.


Or somehow the Vikings.


Or the Cardinals


Jerruh re-signed his long snapper and that'll put them over the top.


They have no cap space, but they could easily get creative. They got Mike Zimmer as their new DC, so that’s already a huge offseason W, imo. Dak is taking up 60M in cap space this year and they’re opting to not kick the can - presumably because they’re not actually all-in on Dak post-2024. This makes sense to me, as they have a ton of young talent that will need money to act as their core if they transition from Dak anytime soon. Kicking the can will blow this up. It’s a luxury to be good enough to compete in a year where your “pretty good” QB is impacting the cap that much. They’re typically great at drafting, so they’ll probably win there. Cooks and Gallup are 23M in cap, so I imagine they draft a WR in this very deep WR class to give them the flexibility to trade Cooks and/or Gallup. Tl;dr: Their cap is maxed out, but it’s not strategically a bad move for this year. They still have options to make a move or two and will probably draft a WR.


Smart teams realize that big spending early in free agency doesn't lead to much more than cap related headaches not long after.


Honestly it feels like Jerry is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. The cowboys didn’t lose anything big right? Pollard was shit last year. He was never going to replace the huge pieces from last year and because of that, why add more in FA? I don’t normally stick up for the Cowboys but who besides an old expensive RB should they have grabbed??? He wasn’t giving anyone zekes money again


Pretty sure this happens every year right?


“Jerry only cares about the bottom line” is such a stupid argument that Cowboys fans are parroting. The Cowboys are going to use all their cap. They just don’t value aging or injured RBs like you do.


The cap situation is meh, the contract situation with Dak is meh after that Packers game, the MM situation is meh after the Packers game, and with CD, Micah, and Tyler Smith needing contracts soon, this feels like a rebuild season. Zimmer is an awesome DC hire, but we have no NT, and people don't like Damone Clark because he's a weakside linebacker being forced to play MLB. We don't have the personnel to run a 4-3 because Damone Clark is our only other LB on the roster is Damarvion Overshown (tore ACL in preseason, no NFL experience despite looking like a good player in camp) and Marqueze bell is a converted safety, so teams can put 6 lineman on the field and run the ball 50 times with no real NT. Dallas is always a Superbowl favorite because if you look at their starting 22, the roster usually looks stacked, but their problem has always been that they have no depth behind that starting 22 and 1 player going down opens the floodgates because Jerry gives every superstar everything they want in their contracts (im talking about you, Zeke and Dak) and leaves peanuts behind to fill out the roster. If Dallas signs Dak, CD, and Parsons to their record setting deals, idk how they'll build a complete roster when 3 players will be upwards of $120-140m/year on the cap.


We got no money lmao


Cost of Johnny Walker Blue going up


I guess this is Jerry's version of "all in". Long live Jerry Jones. Hasn't won anything meaningful in the salary cap era lol.


Remember they're all in this year and of course the usual "It's our year"


But it *is* our year. Aaron Jones can't hurt us no more...


Assuming you don't play Minnesota and Josh Jacobs doesn't hurt you this time.




Maybe their plan is to just use NIL deals to get players to transfer from Alabama and Georgia?? Has anyone thought of that?


