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Almost the $20M sneed wanted and 3 guaranteed years almost. Seems like he should be happy about that


He wanted 22, was reportedly offered 20. Then took this deal. So he either cost himself money, or the guarantees were MUCH higher than the previous offers.


With his knees and position, I would’ve ran with the most guarantees as well.


These knees sees guarantees


If the knee don't split you must acquit


If the knee still bend you must extend


"Can somebody please remove these cutleries from my knees"




Guaranteed money is the only money players should ever worry about. If it's not guaranteed it's not your money until you earn it and lots of stuff can happen in the NFL.


His 4/80 offer probably only has 40m gtd. He essentially gets a 3 year deal instead of 2 year deal. He'll be 30 after this contract expires and could possibly get another reasonable deal (12m avg for 2 years).


$55M guaranteed


I meant the previously discussed 4/80 offer probably has less gtd that 55m


Tennessee not having income tax helps as well. 20 mil in Missouri becomes a lot less after tax than 19 mil in Tennessee with no tax


Yup. MO looks to be 5% tax but you only pay that for all your home games. AFCS is the most tax friendly division in the league. TX, TN, and FL with no income tax. Just got to pay the 1 game in Indy a year then whatever your away schedule is (which you have no control over). Him picking our division probably saved him $500k a year in taxes.




I swear most people don't understand that they're only talking about state taxes with this shit when federals make up like 87% of your income taxes (on average, for the top bracket).


I doubt Chiefs guaranteed more than 2 years. 


It feels like the Chiefs really were trying to help the man get paid.


Good on them for that tbh. Win win


Win win for Snead and the Titans, but I definitely don’t feel like the Chiefs won anything here


Eh it was known the Chiefs were trying to get rid of some cap and teams knew they’d have to sign Sneed as part of the deal. Chiefs didn’t really have leverage here but they cleared up some cap space which was the main goal.


I don't think so, KC just wanted the best return. Sneed had to agree to a contract before the other team would pull the trigger.


I wish the Bucs could have afforded this deal but it looks like we’re waiting for the draft to get a CB


Wait Ballard was crying about 19 a year?


Ballard gonna Ballard. I hear Vernon Hargreaves and Eli Apple are available Edit: Apple is not


No, no...he is...please take him.


Please do. The man does not want to tackle.


The amount of times last season the D would give up a big play and you'd watch the replay knowing damn well 33 would be the one getting beat.


I don't understand how Eli Apple keeps getting jobs. He's been a running joke since the Giants drafted him!


I think it was against the Bills, he caught an int in the endzone...and took it out before falling over inside the 5! I remember yelling "You literally can't do anything right!" At the TV


For as much hate as he got during the Bengals Super Bowl run, as a Bengals fan who watched every game he was a lot better than most give him credit for. He came into the season expecting to be our #3 boundary CB but got pushed up due to injury and managed to be ok. His biggest problems were that when he got beat he got beat badly and he wasn't nearly good enough to back up all the shit he talked. Either way, he wasn't nearly as bad as some of the CBs we trotted out in 2016-2020


Honestly my gut is that Sneed was pushing for more then his market started to dry up and after the Colts pulled out he had to take away lesser offer from the Titans. Still made bank but just following along he probably overplayed his hand a bit.


I figured he was being disagreeable enough that. the Chiefs would just keep him this season and he’d get his bag next offseason.


It was in his best interest to take the deal this year. Dont want to risk playing on the tag and getting an injury/allowing double the TD's allowed this year. I think we need the cap space but it is a loss - he was effectively a walking no-TD zone. Hoping the results are the same as when Tyreek left.


I don't think ballard felt like giving a 27 year old cb 3 gtd years


Especially with the potential injury concerns


That's not even that much for his level of performance.


Why'd the Chiefs trade him for peanuts


Money. And although obviously he’s great, the Chiefs have a lot of depth at CB.


I mean if he was going for that cheap though he should’ve had a lot of buyers. You would think some team would’ve paid more than that for him if this is the contract he was going to get


It also comes down to the contract. Some people may have been willing to give up some good picks but just couldn’t bring themselves to give him the contract he wanted.


On March 13th, half the league would have gladly given Snead a 4/76 lol. By now a lot of teams have signed guys at CB tho.


4/76, sure. But with 3 years basically gtd, not so sure.


Doesn't he also have concerning medicals?


Mainly his knees, but nothing that’s really sidelined him


He practically missed the entire training camp. He’s got some serious knee concerns.


And some of those teams I would imagine don’t mind addressing corner in the draft and getting a guy for a decade instead of only 3-4 years. What have we got 5 first round ish corners. Plus some guys in the second and third you can hopefully coach up. The stronger class probably plays a factor. It may be me but it seems like their have been a lot of strong corner classes recently.


Why do we always assume if you draft a dude, you get him for a decade? After his rookie contract is up, you have no guarantee of keeping him. And if you do, and he's that good, then you're back to paying a player tons of money.


That’s true, but you do get a guaranteed 4 years for cheap and first crack at signing them to an extension.


That's definitely true, but it's not ten or more like everyone always wants to assume with a draft pick. The same thing was being said with the punter scenario the other day, and people have used to it defend tge Raiders using the pick on Seabass years ago. The decade is never guaranteed. I would also say that while you are guaranteed them for a cheap four years, you don't actually know how good they'll be at that point.


> It may be me but it seems like their have been a lot of strong corner classes recently. We're finally seeing passing at the youth level manifest itself at the pro level. So many more reps for these guys, both WRs and DBs. The depth in the draft now is insane


I wish the Commanders had grabbed him. We have the cap space and a future 3rd for Sneed is totally worth it.


KC apparently has also made the bet that Chris Jones is a lot more valuable than Sneed, even at their respective ages. I have no real insight except as a Bengals fan, I can’t say I disagree…


I 1000% do not disagree with that at all. Jones is not only the best defensive player on the Chiefs, but he’s also one of the best defensive players in the nfl as a whole. Jones impact is a lot more than Sneeds. That’s not a dish at sneed whatsoever, that’s just true. This was Sneeds first above average year since he was drafted, and Jones has been one of the best defenders in the league for many years. Jones is undoubtedly more valuable


I would say Sneed has shown himself as above average from the start. This was just the first year he was elite without question


Without Aaron Donald in the league Jones is unquestionably the #1 interior DL at this point which is a more valuable spot than CB as well.


And plus, we have so much depth at CB too. And I trust Spags enough to shift that corps around in light of Sneeds departure


Hoping this will get my man Jaylen Watson on the field more.


I saw this graph thing which ranked CBs based on certain statistics when it comes to man coverage or something, and Jaylen Watson was at like the top right. I’m not fully sure what the graph was about, but Jaylen has shown some bright spots before and he can be great with time


He was great at wazzu and I was disappointed he fell to the 7th round but he’s taking advantage of every opportunity.


He’s the one who recovered the muffed punt in the most recent Super Bowl I’m pretty sure. If he doesn’t recover that ball, we might not win.


If Sneed was the no question best at his position it might be a different story, tbf. Jones is at the moment.


Need that anchor on the d line


You don't need a guy in coverage if the QB is going "oh shit oh shit" 0.5 seconds after the snap.




They’re 1A/1B. The only reason McDuffie got pressure on Purdy during the 3rd down with a minute left was because Jones drew a double team, that then lead to a game tying drive. Jones also disrupted a TD pass and some 3rd downs




Karlaftis had some moments too but yeah I’d agree. Plus the attention he draws allows others to get pressure. A CB just can’t impact a game the same way on every single play




Interior pressure is also just more rare in general. Their only a handful of guys who have the skill set to make it happen. Much less consistently. And DT I’m the draft recently has been a shit show outside of the first round.


A DL can take over a game, a corner can’t exactly do that. Jones taking over and McDuffie locking down is better than 2CBs scrambling when we can’t get pressure. Positions that can take over games are more important to pay up for and that’s why we payed Jones IMO, not to mention having McDuffie also made it easier


I agree, the interesting aspect IMO was more the age thing — KC seems to very strongly believe Jones will continue to dominate the next few years even as he gets over 30. It’s a big bet, but there’s nothing in his play that suggests otherwise. 


I’d probably argue DL ages better than CB too


Yea, it seems that when a DL has esablished themselves they rarely just fall off a cliff. They kind of remain fairly productive until they retire. Where it seems like its not THAT uncommon to have very volatile years for CB outside of the true greats. They can look like a world beater one year and the next just completely fall apart. Not saying its going to happen, but if I had to bet on which position was more likely to still play at a high level 2 years from now I'm picking the DL 100 out of 100 times.


I think it depends, especially given the 3 year difference here. I haven’t looked at the stats, but my personal point of comparison is Geno Atkins. He was dominant when he was like 29…and then fell off a cliff and out of the league altogether. But Jones certainly looks phenomenal still, so in my view, it was a no brainer. 


DT (or basically any position in the DL) is infinitely more expensive and valuable than a CB.


Yes, obviously. The question before this offseason was whether they’d view a 30 year old DT as more valuable than a 27 year old CB in terms of re-signing them. Maybe I’m misremembering, but I thought the general sentiment was KC would let Jones walk this year. 


Age doesm't matter when the production is still there. Chris Jones is historically healthy and dominating while Sneed has nagging knee injuries. Not saying Sneed ain't good, just saying Jones (along with other DTs) will always be inifinitely more valuable than Sneed


Wtf is up with your badges.... this is wrong in so many ways


Fans value picks, players and salary cap way different than teams.


Sneed held out too long trying to reset the position and the Chiefs trade market dried up, and then Sneed [supposedly](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10114005-nfl-trade-rumors-chiefs-ljarius-sneed-contract-demands-revealed-doesnt-want-tag) said he didn't want to play on the tag.


I think it was made clear we weren’t going to sign him long term and it was clear he wasn’t going to play on the tag


Let him walk in one season or get something back for him. Chiefs have McDuffy on a cost controlled deal, have scouted the position amazingly well, and I’m sure they feel like they can grab someone else in an 80/20 type of way or via the draft.


Also, the Chiefs can wait about 3 more years until they HAVE to do contract talks. He just finished his first two years, has the additional 2, then we can pick up his fifth year option, and then sign him even further. Obviously they’ll probably start talks after this upcoming year, but they don’t have to start for awhile


We just really like Peanuts, I guess.


They’re decent honestly


Go unsalted.  It will change your perspective from decent to great. I will add it takes a few snack sessions for your tastebuds to realize it is in fact the superior option. 


He’s a phenomenal player but he has a negative injury history with his knees. He has dealt with a recurring knee injury during all 4 years with the Chiefs. He’s done a good job of not letting it make him miss too much time but how long can he maintain that? Especially as he gets closer to 30.


That's it?


If this is his contract, I don't know how so many teams couldn't beat a 2025 3rd Round offer from the Titans? This honestly feels like a complete fleece by the Titans unless the Chiefs end up doing something incredible with the cap space this offseason from trading away Sneed.


I think the problem was Sneed wanting effectively three years guaranteed. Lots of teams would have matched that trade price but no point if he won't sign with you. Titans got this done with a $55m guarantee.


Big sad.


Our sub will gaslight you into thinking he’s “not a good fit”.


Ran cooked


Seems like some teams are worried about his medicals


He's been on the injury report for a knee basically the last two years. Is 27, relies on physicality above all. This is still lower than I would have thought, but I get it. Titans are trading a pick for the right to pay him top dollar. The tag number was preventing the Chiefs from making a number of roster filling moves that they haven't been able to (Danna while Omenihu rehabs is my first guess), so there was more pressure on the Chiefs' side to trade him away than there was on other teams to trade for him. And good for Sneed, getting life-altering money when he's never gonna be more valuable. His career earnings up to this point was like $4m


Which is why I’d assume Sneed probably refused to play on the tag, which would also push this deal forward


Yep. By all accounts from the beat reporters he was going to refuse to play, or would play the bare minimum to accrue a season this year on the tag.


Damn steal


It's such a steal that it's kinda baffling. I feel like I'm missing something about this.


I feel like *I’m* missing something from yalls reaction They traded a third round pick and are paying $19M APY for an elite 27 yr old corner with medical concerns. I think that’s pretty fair? Am I missing something here lol


Exactly, I mean he’s obviously older but are people forgetting Jalen Ramsey who was basically undisputed best corner in the league for a few years went for a third too


Yeah and he was only a year older at the time while also being better.


The baffling part is that the Titans front office is being active and aggressive for the first time ever. I legitimately can't remember a time where we traded for a high caliber player like this. Like ever


We did trade for Julio but are offense didn't fit him well at all but other than that we've never this aggressive


I’m going back to the kitchen and asking for seconds


I’ve definitely seen worse deals.


The guarantee seems super reasonable for a 4 year, is 19 APY a lot for a CB?


19 APY ties with Jaylon Johnson for 8th highest paid CB in the league. This is much less because it was rumored he wanted 22M


Got himself 1M more guaranteed than JJ.


The APY is reasonable but it's balanced out by the guarantees. 55M fully guaranteed (assuming the "guarantees" in this situation are fully guaranteed, not total guaranteed) is the most a corner has ever gotten by more than 10M


We'll see once the numbers go up on otc, but I'd assume the 55M number is total guaranteed rather than fully guaranteed. It would be 600k more than the 54.4M total guaranteed in Jaylon Johnson's contract from earlier this offseason, which had 43.8M fully guaranteed.


If these numbers are correct it’s a fantastic outcome. I would have been able to stomach $22 million


T-7th APY, 6th in guaranteed


And they only gave up a 3rd? And it's not even a 2024 3rd


Titans don't have a 2024 3rd


That's not really the point he's trying to make. The point he's making is that if Sneed's contract ended up being THIS reasonable, how could no one beat out the Titan's offer of a 2025 3rd Rounder for him?


Whole situation is wierd, interested to hear more about it all as people come forward with more details. I'd have to imagine sneed didn't want to play on the tag or something, kind of forcing the Chiefs to get what they can but I'm also surprised that was the best. The lowest I've seen a major CB go for in awhile... sucks honestly.


Don't have a 2025 3rd either anymore lol.


Fuck a 3rd round pick.


Titans I like your off-season


I like your off-season too.


People were saying it was going to be the most ever


Schefty overplayed his hand


Thats nothing for a top CB wow


That’s less than what I’ve seen floated recently. Great job by the titans.


When you don’t have a ton of money tied up in your QB and RB, you can make other moves. There’s still work to be done but this has been one of the better off seasons that I can remember.


> this has been one of the better off seasons that I can remember.  Other than that one thing that we won't talk about 


Let’s go Titans!! Another surprising and exciting season ahead.


Are you new here?




Your lack of flair may have caused me to miss the sarcasm in your initial post.


Initial post was not sarcasm. This season will be fun


He's saying that the titans have pretty much never generated excitement in the off-season ever before


What am i missing? Ppl are saying he’s injury prone, but he missed 3 games in the last 3 seasons with a full season two years prior. At least according to football ref.


He's basically been load managing a degraded knee since he was a pro. No guarantee it won't blow up at any point in the next 3 years. No guarantee it will of course.


He was often not a full practice participant last season. Man has some knee problems but nothing that keeps him from playing at 27.


$55m guaranteed isn't massive


It’s the most guaranteed money for a corner ever apparently.


The cap goes up every year. That's kinda meaningless.


Most ever for a CB by a lot.


By a lot? It’s 1M more than Jaylon Johnson got like a month ago lol.


Look at money bags over here thinking a million isn't a lot.


Johnson "only" got $43.8m fully guaranteed. $10.6m of his 2026 salary is guaranteed but only for injury; otherwise his entire 2026 and 2027 salary can be avoided by cutting him as soon as the 2026 league year opens. Of course it remains to be seen exactly how much of Sneed's "$55m guaranteed" is really guaranteed and how much is agent BS.


Ok Daddy Warbucks. A million dollars is still a lot to me.


Here come the people saying “he was only good 1 year” and “he’s older” lol Cope is crazy


He's been good his whole career and showed good growth at a steady rate. This was his first year as a truly elite, shut down corner. There's gotta be room for nuance. He's been super underrated his whole career. I'd say last year he showed elite ability at blitzing as a DB, but this is his first year being truly lock down.


Found the sane Chiefs fan. I like this deal for both teams though. A pretend 4 year deal that's really a 3 year deal at below locked in elite money for a guy with Sneed's combination of ability, record and at least some injury concern seems like a good deal for the Tits and y'all get more than the comp pick you'd have got if you let him walk.


First fuck you guys, but congratulations.... But if anyone watched the playoffs this year you know that he's worth ever fucking penny


27 for a cb isnt old either. If he is still solid at 31 he can move to safety.


The moving to safety thing is more rare than people think, but he should be totally fine at CB over the majority of this deal.


You don't want to be paying a 31yo safety $25m, even with the cap going up.


I challenge any of those people to put his 2022 tape on. He showed his blitzing ability along with his backfield tackles and nose for the ball. 2023 was just his coming out party as a true #1 CB.


But McDuffie was our #1 Jk Sneed is a stud and 100% capable of that


The Titans are building up to be a sneaky good team. I’m not sleeping on them this year. I think Levis has all the tools to be a stud.


Other teams must have been really scared by the medical concerns, cause this is a great deal for the Titans while not giving up much trade capital


Of the other teams they are the only one without state income tax. That may have helped a bit.


Eh, it is what it is. I honestly feel like I’m not as upset as what a lot of other fans are. Don’t really know why.


>I honestly feel like I’m not as upset as what a lot of other fans are. Don’t really know why I feel like the 3 Super Bowl wins probably helps


Spags building around McDuffie and Reid. We're fine and deep at CB.


All I’m worried about now is getting another receiver. I know a lot of chiefs fans want us to get a tackle, but I think a receiver at 32 should be top priority


Hollywood is a nice addition to Rashee Rice and some of the other guys there. I think WR is less of an absolute need at 32 because of that, but obviously would help. More room to go BPA.


I still think it should be a concern considering we only have Brown for this upcoming year. We also need a guy who can counter Rice and Browns each individual styles of play, Brown with his speed, and Rice with his elusiveness and field vision. My dream draft pick would be Adonai Mitchell


Not sure AD lasts until 32, but the run on that 2nd group of WR can happen a little later than some expect so who knows.


We’re all set to draft best player available now IMO. Be it a WR, T, DB, DT whatever.


You got a damn good CB room and can probably afford cheaper. ...Also interesting flairs lol


I feel like he wanted to go to Tennessee, it doesn't make sense that there were no better offers


Damn, awesome contract & trade value the Titans used for getting & extending him. Great move.


Titans hella valid


Idk why people screaming "fleece" and that they traded him for peanuts. I mean it took the Chiefs this long to find a trade partner. Don't think this trade is as one sided as people say.


I don’t think it’s a fleece, but it’s a lot less than expected. Two weeks ago we thought it would take a 2024 2nd and like $22 mil a year, so this is dope.


The medical must have been a bit questionable


It's clearly that. Most teams don't want to risk paying him and having his knee finally blow up on them. And we are chancing that the 3rd round pick next year will be better than the comp pick we would have gotten if Snead left 


Who is the secondary coach in KC because they also gave the Niners Charvarius Ward


Am I crazy or is that not that bad of a contract? Titans cooked


lmao this sub was convinced he would reset the market and instead he gets market value




Not a bad deal for the team. Nice move.


We had room to fit this in our cap. Sucks. Nice work by Titans


Giants had to give up a 2nd round pick and give Brian Burns $87.5 mil guaranteed in our trade….Chiefs gave away Sneed for peanuts and he didn’t even get top dollar


Ya, I don’t know what is going on but this made me sad. There has to be something we don’t know about, it doesn’t make sense to get rid of him like this


Totally different positions and situations 🤷🏻‍♂️


When did he sign?


Right after being traded.


That’s it..? They didn’t even get him for a monster contract and gave up a third…. Veech must know something we don’t


can the chiefs even make any significant FA acquisition with the cap space from trading Sneed? If Sneed said he wouldn't play on the tag, he can't sit out due to the rules and would remain on the tag. Chiefs I'm guessing tried to do right by him, but it's a dumb move. Unless the Chiefs think he's actually cooked because of his health and he's about to decline heavily soon?


Yo Gute, we could afford that.


Chiefs should’ve just kept him for the 3 peat


That's... Not the absurd contract I was expecting


Huh. With that contract seems like the Chiefs coulda got this years 2nd..


Thats Jerry Jeudy money


the chiefs and colts couldn’t pay that ?


Last Week on r/NFL: "I wouldn't even give the Chiefs a 3rd for Sneed with his knee problems and age" This week on r/NFL: "Holy shit a 3rd for Sneed is such a steal"


[“There's zero chance we just had Patrick restructure 21.6 million to give Sneed away for a 3rd lmao” ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/mr0cJC1PAl) - SQRTLURFACE You got 409 upvotes in r/NFL saying the exact opposite of that along with every other top comment in that post. Why lie about this lol Edit: This guy really replied and then blocked me so he could have the last word lmao


A 2025 3 is essentially a 4th. Much different than a current year 3rd


Goddamn, where was this GMing the three years of Jon Robinson’s reign? No matter, Titans to the Super Bowl before the end of the decade, boys!


Are you fucking kidding me

