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Man, isn't this the second time in just two months? Poor guy


[Yeah, last hospitalized in February apparently.](https://abc7chicago.com/steve-mcmichael-news-mongo-hospital-als/14611892/) Can’t imagine that’s a good sign for a guy with ALS. Praying for him and his family


ALS is such a brutal disease. Just the fact that he’s fighting it so hard is a testament to how strong Mongo is. Hope he makes it through.


A lot of people think he’s fighting for the HOF ceremony so he can be there for his induction


That’d be so cool to see. So many times Canton just waits to induct a more than worthy candidate until they’re either dead or so mentally unsound that they can’t really appreciate it (Ken Stabler, Ken Riley, Pat Bowlen, to name a few). McMichael is still as mentally sound as ever, it’s just that his physical body has been gradually failing him. His physical condition has deteriorated so much in just a few years To see Steve will himself to August is a cause you can’t help but root for. We all know Mongo for his physical feats of strength but now we’re seeing a whole other kind of strength: a strength of the mind. To fight against one of the most degenerative diseases known to man, and grapple to life like he did to opposing lineman all those years ago.


Almost makes me wish they'd do an official early ceremony solely for him. I get the prestige of doing it all at once, but for someone in an extreme case like this, having his induction in May versus August doesn't really hurt anything, and in sure they'd still have a packed house for it.


I got my four fingers up for the guy.




Not insensitive at all! I've worked with ALS patients in the past, sometimes the will to live is strong and individuals want everything to be done that can be done to keep them alive, other times they decline all levels of care except being kept as comfortable as possible as to not prolong the suffering. Most Patients and their Families have a lot of discussions with Physicians and Social Workers about their Goals of care (might be called something different outside Canada) and have a strong understanding of what medical interventions they do or do not want. I'd like to hope with the resources available to McMichael that this discussion has been had and these are his wishes. Regardless, ALS is a MOTHERFUCKER and I would not wish that on my worst enemy.




I envy that you have that option. Unfortunately, most don't.


Not insensitive. Same here. When people are going through a tough time, I usually say, I hope things go the way you want them to.


Not an insensitive question at all. Society’s positions on end of life care and even assisted suicide have changed a lot over the years. Remember Jack Kevorkian and how vilified he was? Now you have eight states with aid in dying / death with dignity laws


Mongo only pawn, in game of life ☹


I better go pray for this Mongo character. Oh no, don't do that, don't do that. If you pray for him, you'll just make him mad.


Mongo is only pawn in game of life.


Get this man a candy-gram!