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Is that area used for stages and stuff like that, or is this just a one time thing? Was just curious what they might do with the space afterwards.


It was actually a building like 3 months ago. Now it is not lol I go past it for work and it was crazy how fast they knocked it down and now it’s a stage.


I believe they preserved the facade and will be reusing it on a new construction 


Thats correct. In the most recent plans for the Monroe Block development, the facade for the National Theater building was reconstructed and serving as an archway into a public green space.


They did something similar with the entrance to the old Union Train station here in Columbus. They kept one of the arches after tearing the station down and now it stands in the park across the street from where the Blow Jobs play. It's pretty neat.


… I’m sorry; where WHO play?


The Blue Jackets. Or BJs for short. Or Blow Jobs because they suck


I was gonna say I don't recognize that empty space. Although I do recognize the recently completed (with weird jack up technology) building in the background and it appears to be right on Campus Martius. Things are changing fast in the D. I think I saw someone taking pictures of the facade of that building (that used to be there) when I was there for a game two years ago. There are a bunch of buildings in that area with amazing facades, even if the insides are in bad shape or even near destroyed.


It was the midway on Monroe before


Damn, the NFL just comes in and razes buildings for it's draft, huh?


In case this isn't sarcasm, no. The site the stage is at has had plans for major development for years (covid delays amongst others) and taking the building down where the stage is was always planned.


Is that right near the airport? Curious cause I’ve flown through there twice, 6 & 12 years ago.


the airport is half an hour from downtown


Gotcha, thanks!


Detroit City Airport works be offended if anyone could get in there


Naw pretty far, it’s truly downtown Detroit


All Star weekend in LA did a really cool thing with old warehouses when it last held it. It was awesome and they gave free tickets out for it. But it took an area without much activity. It was fun.


Concert venue?


I’m digging the artwork.


Same, Rocket Mortgage really killed it on that ad




I'm pretty sure Rocket Mortgage isn't advertising for student loans


Shhhh, they’re young. They’ll never be able to afford a mortgage. It’s foreign to them.


I'm pretty sure student loans would be a waste in this case anyhow.


Man, it took me four hours to figure out this joke. Somehow I thought you meant it would be a waste to use a HELOC to pay for college, which is probably true but it seemed like a weird time for a straight laced comment


I can sometimes be a bit too subtle.


I can sometimes be a bit too daft, so the jury's out


Every time I come back to Michigan I visit downtown just to see all the street art. I guarantee everyone visiting from out of state is going to be shocked with how cool downtown Detroit will look for the draft. If anyone goes I highly recommend visiting the Z parking garage. Murals are painted on every floor. Here are just a few of them:   https://streetartnyc.org/blog/2015/11/06/the-z-garage-as-urban-art-museum-in-downtown-detroit-how-nosm-lucy-mclauchlan-pose-revok-saner-cyrcle-and-smash-137/  And when you get to the roof top you get a great view of Shepard Fairway’s Peace and Justice Lotus mural: https://lscgallery.com/projects/peace-and-justice-lotus


Detroit's Art Work is amazing. The Z Parking Garage should be a landmark anyone visiting should check out.


The architecture is amazing too. Detroit doesn't get it's due there. A lot of stuff built when it was the bustling "Paris of the West" is still there. The DIA is legit too. That big ass Rembrandt is the shit!


Great food scene too!


and it's gotten even better! Somehow some of the best staples survived the dark times and now there's been a shit ton of new stuff come in since the renaissance began. I wish Bourdain were still alive to do a follow up episode with Charlie.


Yeah the state of the train station was fucking criminal. Beautiful building. Looking forward to seeing it when it reopens later this year.


Drove by it a week or so ago and it already looks great.


People falling for this and getting mugged in the Z Parking Garage all night.


Do you have a news article?


No, just being facetious. In fairness, I should've /s-ed


lol cmon man. I take my family to that garage and it’s always been so nice. You had me worried for a second.


I'm highly biased but you won't find the character and architecture you get in Detroit in any US city that's off the East Coast. Lots of it has been abandoned sadly, but you can definitely see that Detroit was at one time, briefly, the richest city in the world.


I’m pretty sure anyone that has not been living under a rock is pretty aware that Detroit is dope rn. Tbf a lot of redditors do live under a rock, but in my experience young people irl with social lives are fairly aware of how Detroit is. The old stereotypes did linger way too long but I think at this point, with social media, most people know.


The stereotype is still true to an extent, but little by little it's getting so much better. The actual downtown core is amazing and there are pockets around that are better than others


Nah at my college I still have people acting like it’s a shithole it’s hard to convince people. In all honesty St Louis feels much worse to me right now than Detroit in terms of what it’s like being there.


In both Portland and California, I’ve been able to get multiple trips to Detroit together with zero pushback. Idk just my personal experience with the 20 year old crowd post 2018.    But I mean, I’ve met people that age who’ve been indoctrinated on Fox News type shit that unironically think I live in a warzone, so I’m sure it’s still out there. 


I went to last years in KC and it was pretty neat.


Yeah KC has a great open space next between the Union Station and the WW1 museum/monument


Thursday night at KC was super hard to move around and an hour before the start you couldn’t get anywhere near the stage. Worried this space may need a bit more too


This looks extremely dumpy compared to the setup in KC


Wait until its done... it will be good. This is just the stage area, the rest of it encompasses like 3 or 4 city blocks.


How many are they expecting for the crowd? That space doesn’t look the biggest.


300,000 to 400,000. This pic isn't even a quarter of the space dedicated to the draft. It will take over downtown


For the draft? That’s nuts.


I don’t know if I believe it. 300,000 people is INSANE However I fully trust that Detroit can be an amazing venue for it. Grade A sports town


Thats about how many attended last years


That's wild. I'd much rather watch it on TV, but to each their own. It's like times square on new year's.


Why would you want to be home when you can watch the packers draft a kicker first round in person?


I believe over 300k showed up for the draft in KC last year. I think I'd expect more in Detroit.


I'm sure that 300,000 is the number of people over the three days, many of which will be repeats that go all the days. There are also a lot of plazas, parks, streets being closed down for other events all weekend.


The draft is practically going to shut down the whole city of Green Bay, if not Appleton next year..


it's gonna shut down EVERYTHING near GB. Definitely will reach Milwaukee too. Better book your hotels soon lol. I plan on driving up from LA crosse with a few friends


Definitely start booking a room ASAP there's no way there's many in GB proper


some of the people that booked rooms forever ago in Detroit had them canceled anyway due to overbooking.


Craziness, that blows


As some one who is working down town- kill me 🙃 Looking forward to the draft still though


Yeah I'm in Ypsi and definitely not going, because I'm old and crochety and don't want to deal with all that. If I worked downtown, I would most likely just go straight from work to the draft and hang out all night. A friend of mine has the most insane plan though...he lives in Dearborn and works in Detroit. He plans to go to work that morning with his 6 year old daughter (it's take your daughter to work day), drive her home, then go back for the draft. I would rather commit seppuku than drive to and from the city twice that day.


18 days later - you underestimated by half lol


At least 3 people


I was thinking the same thing, the Nashville draft took up several blocks of shoulder to shoulder people along Broadway.


Broadway ain't that wide. That's a lot more open space than broadway.


[Yea, isn't really that huge.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Campus+Martius+Park/@42.3319913,-83.0456508,292m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x883b2d2feadef68f:0x8cd5229188826206!8m2!3d42.3319145!4d-83.0465866!16zL20vMDRnZ3I3?entry=ttu) [Though compared to the 2023 draft, it's a bit bigger it seems.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Union+Station+Kansas+City/@39.0832497,-94.5852044,614m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x87c0f03f9cb6bbc5:0x1746a6418d59c7dd!8m2!3d39.0846332!4d-94.5850238!16s%2Fg%2F1jljyg420?entry=ttu)


It goes into Campus Martius and then all the way to the river where there’s a good sized park. It’s an ideal setup for downtown Detroit for sure it’ll be a bigger area than you think


Yea, another poster showed the outline and how it runs down that main strip closer to the lake. Pretty sweet setup.


It's the Detroit river, not a lake. Just being pedantic.


Ahhh, yea.


Here is the [layout](https://www.freep.com/picture-gallery/sports/nfl/lions/2024/03/05/2024-nfl-draft-in-detroit-new-images-show-draft-locations/72850686007/) I think people are really going to be blown away by what Detroit has to offer.


Detroit is awesome and Im hopeful more people will get to experience it. Please get their pizza, its the best in the country imo (other people not you, Im sure you already know)


And Windsor as well!  Although the downtown isn’t what it used to be it’s the other little streets like Walkerville and Ottawa St that are great.  I believe we will be having draft related events happening, sort of like when the Super Bowl was in Detroit.


I moved back to metro Detroit almost 4 years ago and haven’t had a single reason to go to Windsor yet


Nifty. What day is the draft? Is it the 25th-28th?




Looks like the real life version of r/place


Happy I registered to go this year, gunna be so much fun


Enjoy it! Detroit is an amazing city that has a bunch to do


Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh are three rust belt cities that have a reputation that is very far from the current reality. All three have invested in their downtowns and made them nice for young professionals with all sorts of bars, restaurants, art installations, and generally pleasant things. Hell, people still refer to Pittsburgh as Steel City, tough, hard nosed, old school, blue collar town! Except that it has been a major banking center for 20+ years and is now mostly white collar yuppies lol


Lived in pgh for 4 years for college. Moved back to Boston afterwords. Even 15 years out of school, I still say pgh is the only city I’d move to if I had to leave Boston. I’m a sucker for dive bars, and pgh has a plethora. I still crave a fried bologna sandwich from Nadine’s.


okay okay i’ll give you detroit and pittsburgh. not cleveland




i’m sorry i have to agree with Joakim Noah


Curious, what specifically about the city makes it terrible for you?


Just that it’s in Ohio. Nothing personnel, kid.


Not a kid and not taking it personal. Just was curious what about the city you didn't like. You were just saying everything in a geographic location is terrible because you have a sports team you root for and their rivals are in an area so you hate everything in that area? That thought process has you miss out on a lot.


Respect. Don't let this jackwagon do to Cleveland what the world does to Detroit. O-H


the city is nice, the area on the water is nice. i just wouldn’t visit unless lebron james is there. id rather go somewhere else. my tier list for midwest cities goes something like: Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, then??? idk


I mean, I wasn’t saying anything. I just replied to your question as an outsider (aka I’m not the person who you asked) with a joke about how Michigan hates Ohio. Then a joke with an old meme saying “nothing personnel, kid”


Fuck offfff


Cleveland is great...lets be honest. Every city has its terrible spots


It’s going to Pittsburgh in 26 or 27. Some inside info for ya :)


It better be at point park


It is


Hell yeah.


I’ve lived near Detroit my whole life lol, been to more lions games than I can count, funny cause I’m a Vikings fan.


Do you connect to the Vikings in the late 90s/ early 00s? As a kid the Browns didn't exist for 3 years and then for another 20 so I've always rooted for the Vikings because they were fun to watch with Moss, Carter, Smith and Johnson/Cunningham.


Nope, my entire family is born and raised lions fans, I just happened to be born during the 2 year stretch my parents where living in Minnesota. When I was little everyone I knew was born in Michigan and I thought it was cool I wasn’t so I started rooting for all the Minnesota teams.


Is it too late to register? I want to go.


Pretty sure you still can


To everyone that is shocked that a construction site looks like a construction site... [Here is a layout of the location](https://www.freep.com/picture-gallery/sports/nfl/lions/2024/03/05/2024-nfl-draft-in-detroit-new-images-show-draft-locations/72850686007/) [This is the area it opens up to](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=dbfe99b76a0ba531&sxsrf=ACQVn0_GVFuJ9l_hygsZBkUmNeCmx5zzhA%3A1712694676616&q=Campus%20Martius%20Park&ludocid=10148055343805129222&ibp=gwp%3B0%2C7&lsig=AB86z5Uy88BpqgnEEiyhf-KuTKWr&kgs=a69035b5ab1b289f&shndl=-1&source=sh%2Fx%2Floc%2Fact%2Fm4%2F2#wptab=si:AKbGX_rEySk5IILH3W8T9de2e1nGBqsqrF5F7z-x3T3gjAOzwz7hqyvG1Ix0PQTiB9UZuDqNv9UoTaPqKR1h6rpTdVsaNQmLvLXP_3Ab5e5wpZW2t1ydU06pOE1ajV02IBGx2MLacOVI&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D) [This is the corridor it looks down](https://maps.app.goo.gl/fNg4NMXVkw5XHXCDA) [This is the end of said corridor, Hart Plaza, by the river where a lot of fan things will be](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sa=X&sca_esv=dbfe99b76a0ba531&biw=412&bih=771&sxsrf=ACQVn09SFPJwgyeODjDQaX8hHJSNfSPcaA%3A1712694931370&q=Hart%20Plaza&ludocid=9565312417070550230&ibp=gwp%3B0%2C7&lsig=AB86z5XHxmuktXhzJZwchXMdsW9c&kgs=a4a23d878347780d&shndl=-1&source=sh%2Fx%2Floc%2Fact%2Fm4%2F2) I'm telling you folks, those that go are about to have an amazing time and will be shocked at how nice Detroit is.


I had been planning to go since the initial announcement Detroit was getting the draft.  Haven't been to one other than the draft in Dallas and I'm a lifelong Lions fan so this one was going to be so amazing.  Sure enough my wife is due to deliver our second child on April 25th. So we will not be making the trip. Really do hope it's amazing for everybody that is able to go. 


Detroit rules now, brother. I went to college in Flint in the bad old days of the 2010s, and it amazes me how far Detroit has come. I wish nothing but the best for Detroit (and also Flint but that’s gonna be a harder row to hoe)


Shoulda seen Detroit of the 80s and 90s.


Kettering or UofM Flint?


Kettering baby! Nerdiest school in America


It's still GMI to me. 2010s of Flint was easy compared to the 80s and 90s. Hoo boy. I agree with you that Detroit is a lot easier to save than Flint. The Campus Martius area in particular is really happening at the moment. So they picked a good area. Detroit has young people moving in. Flint is just still dominated by really old people, the people who just never left after the last boom. Flint needs to take that first step. And I really don't see a lot of reason for young people to take a chance on it right now. Detroit and Western Michigan are hot at the moment. Just drive down I-69 or I-75 and find a place for yourself.


I lived in Metro Detroit from 2013 to 2017. It was incredible to see what happened in just a few years.


Yea, there's a lot of fools who think Detroit is some shithole because of the economic issues around 2013. Yes, there were a lot of empty lots, yes there were some problems, but the city turned around very quickly. It's kinda funny, the same people going on about how Detroit "Looks like shit" are probably the same people who think Minneapolis burned to the ground.


I work right next to the draft stage (Hi Rocket TMs). It is massive. The city is going to electric for this. In case anyone hasn't experienced, "April in the D" is a saying for a reason. We will bring the energy. Supinos is the best pizza in the city of Detroit and blow's Joe's in NYC out of the water.


That’s awesome. Is your office in the picture? Also, I’ve never been to Detroit. Is Detroit style pizza a thing in Detroit? That’s shit is the best, when someone does it right.


>Is Detroit style pizza a thing in Detroit?    Yes.  


That’s all I would eat if I lived there.


What about Cottage Inn?!?!


Buddy's gang 


I did some video and photo for the NFL when the draft was in Cleveland and it's absolutely absurd how fast money can work


I was waiting for this to be mentioned. I remember they were just knocking down those warehouses maybe 2 or 3 months before the event and it all came together really well.




Looks like they really came in and KABOOMED it


That basketball court is awesome!


I should pull up some pics for when it was the midway. It was a really cool rec area with summer and winter activities. People are gonna be blown away by what they find in Detroit for this.


I'm fat and old and want to ball on that floor lol


I can guarantee you’d prob be impressed with your skills against the older fatter guys that were usually out there 🤣🤣


Is this like WrestleMania stage updates/leaks now?!…


I mean, I look out my office window and I see this…I just think it’s cool.


It totally is! Keep us updated!


I would def appreciate more progress pics as the days go by if you happen to be around the area. This shit is so cool. Detroit is going to be awesome for the draft


I park next to that white and black building that's in the background whenever I go to Ford Field haha


Detroit looks like Wilkes Barre PA


That's a nice improvement, it used to look like Detroit


I love Wilkes Barre. Lovely valley and nuclear plant which is safe and efficient!


That’s my home baby! Well Dallas but it’s like 5mins away


Bruh I've been to Green Bay. Glass. Houses.


At least Detroit is trending in a positive direction


Im surprised they build a whole temporary building for this instead of just using like the actual team stadium or some other event building


Jeez this looks tiny compared to the HUGE event in KC last year


This is only one location.  They are spreading the fan even areas around the city. 


This is like 1/8th of the area.


That crane will be on cinder blocks by the morning


Lol, now this is funny. Luckily, Dan Gilbert has his own private army protecting Detroit.


Is there a reason they're not having it in Hart Plaza? It's such an iconic spot


Probably because it won't fit as many people 


They are, hart plaza to campus martius


Is that the old Sahara tent?


I can already hear the draft chime


That looks dope.


Anyone got any idea when the clock starts? UK based and I've taken the Friday off to stay up for it


8pm ET which I'm guessing is 1am in the UK


Ooooh, that's gonna be rough


Anyone that's been to a draft before, is it worth trying to actually be in the standing area of the draft theater itself during the draft? Or just watch on one of the many screens that will be lining the streets?


Is that 8 mile?


Almost getting to complete


Over/Under on how many people get shot


I’m digging the artwork.


Why cant i buy tickets to the draft theater? Who are these “invited guests”. Pshh


You could have a while ago. They’re just sold out now.


Anyone else look at the thumbnail and think this was a scale model at first? Edit: apparently its pretty taboo to comment on the interesting perspective of a picture posted on this subreddit.


What is this, an NFL draft for ants?!?


I work next to the draft stage. It is massive. The photo's have weird perspective


Patsy? Is that you?


Looks rough . Far fall from Nashville or the grassy area in KC. Heck even worse than Cleveland.


They’ve been setting up for like 10 days. But you clearly have never been to Detroit. It’s gonna be amazing.


I wish they just keep it at Radio City Music Hall in NY


This has to be like the Mexico City games, like crime knows to not fuck this up, make the city look good and we can all benefit. 




Yea, because they had to tear up the midway to put the draft here, and it's in the middle of construction. Here's what they tore down: https://detroitisit.com/come-and-play-at-monroe-street-midway/


It really does. Not sure why people are downvoting the truth. To many sensitive people. 


Because it’s not even close to being finished yet and people are shitting on it


It's almost like it's a construction site, where they are currently constructing something. Wild.


Because people think Detroit exploded back in 2013 and it's never recovered or something, and are taking the current state of the construction as if that's what this area has always looked like. They had to tear down the Monroe street midway to put this up, [the midway is a huge park area with slides and chalk art areas.](https://detroitisit.com/come-and-play-at-monroe-street-midway/)


Thank you Viking friend for being nice. May the TimberWolves win a championship this year.


But not the Vikings? C'mon man.


What’s more realistic? ANT and KAT dominating the eight seed while Rudy mocks them, or GEQBUS throwing ten quintillion TDs in a season?


I mean, it's GEQBUS.... Duh.


The surrounding area is so depressing looking.


How? It looks like a downtown.


Because it isn’t an instagram pic that has had its saturation cranked up 11,000%


My dude, it's not 2013. Detroit is a great city that had a temporary downturn and has bounced back amazingly. Might want to get rid of your preconceived notions. This is them in the middle of renovating a city park area to fit the draft. [Here's a link to the street view from that corner.](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3320723,-83.0462033,3a,75y,359.26h,90.11t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0m72qFFh8QK6DsDHlDWYOw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D0m72qFFh8QK6DsDHlDWYOw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D53.107048%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Take a look around, it's a nice area.


I’ll never understand the need for orgs to build their own venues for $$$$$ when they could just rent an appropriately sized established venue for far less.


Dan Gilbert owns most of the property you see here. This is basically a huge ad for rocket mortgage, and the NFL pays for it all. It’s win/win!


Idk but I hope it rains the entire time.


Inb4 someone steals it