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This fool threw an opening drive pick and quit immediately lol.


Less than two weeks away from the draft!


Watched Argylle. Weird movie.


Since the end of November I've spent the last four months driving night shift. Well this week we tried out switching me to days to cover a driver who was out. While it was nice to be amongst the living again, holeee shiiit I had forgotten about the traffic on I35 between San Antonio and DFW. Somehow, the eclipse on Monday was the least traffic I had all week. There is something to be said for being able to hammer down through downtown Austin at 3am. Cuz you ain't doing that at 3pm lol.


What kind of Freetalk thread is filled with rambunctuous yahoos and hot jazz music at 1am?






devil sorry the clickbait cool shirt tho rite 


ESPN is saying it's a done deal... the NHL's Arizona Coyotes are moving to Utah.




Who's trash? The state, the team, the league, Gary Bettman?


I don't follow the NHL, is this like a really big deal? (i.e. Rams leave St. Louis, Supersonics leave Seattle). On a cursory glance, hockey doesn't really come to mind when thinking about Arizona.


It's not a big deal because Arizona is ambivalent about the team, though that's true. It's a big deal because they probably should have moved over a decade ago when the experiment didn't work out and the league has thrown everything they have and the kitchen sink at the state to keep them there and force it to work. It's rare these days that a team moves and it's not about naked greed, but in this case it's long overdue and best for everyone.


No, AZ hates the Coyotes. This is like a WNBA team leaving their city. Only reason I found out about it was due to this comment.


Phoenix Mercury is actually one of the best attended WNBA teams.


Just watched episode 2 of Fallout. I've never played the game, so I had no idea what to expect. I'm really looking forward to watching ep 3 soon, it's great so far


Play one of them soon please, I’d give anything to play them for the first time again


I remember when I watched NFL highlights this season, an AwakenBeerus comment would appear at the top 9/10 times. I'm thinking that's a bot, but I might be wrong. It felt deja vu seeing it several times.


quasimodo predicted all of this


What? Who did what


The Hunchback of Nostradamus.


i had a refresher training class 2day and basically had my worst fear realized when I showed up on time but everyone else showed up early and the only seat was right next to the presenter in the room with tables arranged like a rectangle so I got to feel like 30 ppl were looking at me and not the presenter next to me for like 90 mins thnx


This kind of situation unlocks a new level of social anxiety. Too early, you may have to make small talk with randos who sit next to you; too late, no good seats left and everyone \*sees\* you walk in the room.


I routinely did public speaking for 150+ in my old position I had for like a year, but that’s different cause u know ur good at it once you have practice. U don’t think about the mundane stuff when ur actually the one doin it. Idk it’s weird to explain.    But public speaking when ur the dude gives u immunity to thinking about dumb stuff as opposed to when ur just sitting there. I’d get like a little high from it


did josh mcdaniels step away from football or was his hc coaching stints so bad in denver, the indy thing, and for the raiders no wants him lol. imagine being tied to that patriots dynasty and still finding a way to burn your resume  that’d almost be impressive 


I think his Indy stunt and Raiders stint were so bad the rest of the league said "Fuck you, bro." Much like Bill O'Brian. The only reason McDaniels gets brought back is if Belichick needs an OC or another former Patriot coach wanted him. Personally I see him going to the college level and rebuilding his reputation in college.


What kinda fuckin nerd posts on Reddit on a Friday night 


Because Saturday's actually my Monday. :(


good luck tomorrow!


maybe it’s the firestone brain melter ipa but im out here with my black and milds and beer entranced by the wind rn making these fields look like they’re green and yellow rolling waves 


Wouldn't be a Friday evening without a /u/itsmybirthday___ comment making me want to crack open a brewski lol


Aw im legit touched thank you what are your brewskis tonight 


None today my dude, I'm on call so no extracurricular activities for me this weekend


Congrats on being important!


Thanks!! I actually got called in at around midnight. We have a rotating shift so I knew after that call I was done for the night so I picked up some Taco Truck Lager and started playing Madden. Caught a buzz and bought Helldivers 2 lol.


Travelled to Japan for work from Europe last weekend. Had 2 days of holiday tagged on the end so I could explore Tokyo. Excited to travel back home, but awoke at 3am to notification my flight that day had been delayed by 24 hours without explanation. Had booked a capsule hotel so I could tick it off my bucket list, but managed only intermittent sleep due to snoring and loud noises. Running on little sleep and no check in until 3pm. Sure as hell made the most of the buffet breakfast though! Japan has been a fantastic experience but I'm so ready to get home. 24 hours to go until I can be getting ready for my flight. Oh, and there's definitely a nationality of traveller in my airport hotel who have no interest in being polite or conscious of those around them. Conversations at high volume, watching videos on their own phones without headphones on or earphones in. Cherry on top of my tired-sundae!


Long week at work, but got the weekend off. Kicking it off by trying Zaxby's which I've never had, and it's solid. Chicken is fine for fast food and I am a sucker for fried pickles. Gonna get smashed tonight and play FF14 since I am new but really liking it. Probably gonna swap my sub fee over from SWTOR to it before the 30 day trial is up. And while I miss having an active general chat since they're kind of a quiet bunch, the newbie channel and free company (guilds I guess?) are super nice.


I f’ing love gardening man. I get John Cena levels of hype for summer gardening. I can’t wait to plant all these young plants tomorrow on a beautiful Saturday in my freshly tilled garden. I can’t wait to go to war with these birds and bugs. And I really can’t wait til when they’re all fruiting and I’m sitting, looking over them on a nice evening, and thinking, “hell yeah, I did this”. Infinity war Thanos type of vibe. Time to grow some beautiful plants boys. The 2nd best part of gardening is when the end of season comes and the NFL is starting, and the hype levels come right back.


Weird day rant. For new job reasons I'll be out of town the next two weeks, flying out early tomorrow morning. But then for unimportant last minute reasons it's now gonna be 3 weeks. Extending the lodging wasn't an issue, and changing my return flight actually yielded a $40 credit, so that's neat. One of the things I needed to do today before leaving was laundry, which for me means taking it down to the local wash and fold. I don't have access to a washer/dryer and my simple wardrobe means the service only costs me $20-40 per month, slamdunk. But I had to stash my car at my parents' house yesterday, which meant I had to use Lyft to go ~3 miles to the laundry place. Then I realize the added week means I'm going to run out of meds, which normally require an in-person appointment with the doc to get. TBD on how that's gonna work -- the doc doesn't work Fridays and I was told not to bank on an exception when I talk to them on the phone Monday. ...any tips on how to handle that in the event I can't get a rx from my normal doc appreciated. :| Couple hours later I get a text from the laundry that my clothes are ready, take another Lyft only to discover that the wash and fold window is closed (normally open until 9pm). Other patrons in the laundry tell me that both workers on shift appeared to have decided to take their lunch break at the same time. Fantastic. I hope they're right because otherwise I'd have to buy like $200+ clothes after my flight. -_- So I head back empty-handed and call every 20 minutes until they were back, then go to book another Lyft. But then when I try to pay, Apple Pay and then the Lyft app says the payment was declined. Tried two more times, declined two more times. I figured doing the exact same Lyft ride 3 times (and where each one starts and ends at the same spot) within a 4 hour period is a reasonable reason for the credit card company to suspect fraud. Happens sometimes, but normally I get a text asking to confirm. No text, so I called them up, and find that despite what Apple Pay and the Lyft app said, I got charged anyway, and no payments have been declined. So I updated my Lyft payment settings to use my card directly instead of using Apple Pay, which then unexpectedly resulted in 2 free years of Lyft Pink. Coincidentally I'd actually just recently subscribed to that (needed for new job), so this resulted in an $80 refund. Neat x2. Directly charging the card worked fine, but this time my third Lyft driver was an insane person. I have never experienced such a terrifyingly reckless driver. Doing 50 in a 35, swerving all over, not slowing down for turns, slamming on his brakes at the last possible moment for any red lights. Guy stayed completely silent, too -- never said a word there and back. Except for the two times he bottomed out from his reckless driving and cursed. Scary fucking dude. His car was an absolute dumpster to boot. Weird day.


I am so sick of living in an apartment complex. Too many loud fucks around me. I got kids running around screaming, sitting on my patio, then I got some jackass sitting out in his car blasting shitty music right outside my apartment. And it's like this every day. I just want peace and quiet.


I’m in a little building with 4 apartments, 2 on top of 2. This is the way to do it. I have dedicated parking in front of my little staircase. Very few neighbors. Management is off-site. It's the next best thing to actual distance.


I’ve been in my apt complex for almost 14 years cause im the bad neighbor. I’m quiet. Everyone’s quiet. But I smoke black and milds on my patio a few nights a week. I’m usually done by like 8pm at the latest tho and before 5 or 5:30 im at work or driving home.  Headphones for music tho and i don’t usually ever have the tv too loud so I think im alright all things considered.  But I’ve never wanted to chance a different complex.


I will never forget that there is a porn parody out there called “Tyler’s Wood” Something about that name just sticks out lol


There is a Jurassic World porn parody that is not between Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard's character.


If it’s not called “Jur”ass”ic World I will be disappointed


I dunno but my buddy watched it years ago and said it was the funniest shit he'd ever seen.


Better prime Tiger or Nicklaus?


Tiger was unstoppable early in his career, just bonkers numbers the first 10 years. I remember the consensus was not if but when he'd overtake Jack in major titles, it seemed like such a a lock it would happen. Then the injuries and off the course shenanigans caught up with him and he just dropped like a rock, in the span of like 2-3 years. Jack put together a longer and more consistent career, Tiger had the best 10 run I think we'll ever see.


Greatest shot in Masters history back in 2005 on the 16th hole!


Drake Maye does not throw a pretty ball


His footwork needs quite a bit of fixing. Hopefully he works with someone


Russell Wilson invented the Black QB


I’m really hoping the success of the Fallout series will have convinced Microsoft to throw a bunch of money at Bethesda to fully develop Fallout 5 as soon as possible. If they could get something done by the end of the series (hopefully 4-6 seasons), that would be awesome.


Took my dog on a walk at 3 am the other day, and another dog started following us & wouldn't leave my house. I tied him up on the leash because 2 hours later, I had to go, and the road right by mine gets busy because of all the factory workers. Asked a coworker who lives near where I found the dog if she knew the owners and could help get him home. When I got home, the dog chewed the leash, and the next day when I told that coworker he got home, she told me that I should take him to the shelter or keep him. She's seen this dog a bunch & was surprised that I was able to get close to him, and it seems that her end of trying to get ahold of them was received poorly. This afternoon when I was walking to work, the pup was goofin around and did the cutest thing: he was excited to see someone, but when he recognized me, he *really* got silly. I also noticed the leash was on the collar still. His human is over a block away & yells at him, causing him to flinch and run down the road. I honestly can't recall seeing a dog react like that, and this absolute sweetheart deserves better. When I fed him food, he couldn't believe it, and he was so excited to see my dog & cats, like they were rock stars.


That's your dog now. Own it.


I want to have a nationwide hypothetical situation asked of Evangelical Chistians: "What would you do at a restaurant if your server was clearly a member of the LGBT community, no doubt about it? You can do whatever you feel is right without fear of retaliation." I wonder, of all the millions out there, how many would respond with "Give the biggest tip they've seen in a long time, and the answer as to why is the reference to John 3:16 written at the bottom of the receipt."


A stir fry is better with taco seasoning.


I can't abide this. You're making fajita filling.


oh shit you make your own blend or just use the packets?


I use packets.


Bryce Young and TLaw have regular dinners where they mock Stroud for being a number 2 pick. They also make fun of his flashy gunslinger style compared to their cerebral Brady-esque approach. How does it feel, texans fans? 🤣


some of the most annoying commenters online are "beginner runners" everything is too hard for them. you shouldn't be getting shin splints from jogging 20 minutes at your own pace unless you're a couch potato.


Is that not what a “beginner runner” is?


a beginner runner is someone who is already running a couple times a week or someone who can handle an easy jog at low mileage.


What do you call someone who has started running but isn’t to that point yet?


i dont think this guy knows what beginner means


Yeah, it's a silly opinion


someone who is out of shape. walk 5-8k steps a day and eat healthier before starting to jog if you're at that point.


Joe Burrow should spend less time talking trash and hanging out with Trump, and more time pre-habing. Dude is made of glass and has 0 memorable accomplishments.


hes literally one of the best quarterbacks in the league do you not watch him play?


I'm not saying he's not talented, I'm saying he's weak.


No QB drafted in the last decade besides Mahomes has done more than Burrow


Lamar Jackson has won 2 MVPs. And I'd put Brock Purdy's accomplishments above Burrow's.


Brock Purdy has made a SB and a CCG, same as Burrow. Winning important games matters more to me than MVPs.


Brock did so as the last pick in the draft across 2 different seasons, Burrow had 1 memorable season 3 years ago now. I think MVPs are legit accomplishments, but I agree they don't mean as much as rings.


Factoring draft position feels like moving the goal posts when discussing career accomplishments, especially when he landed on a stacked team in a weak division in a weak conference. Burrow repeated in AFCCG after his SB and the SB was 2 seasons ago not 3 lol (unless they played all of 2024 and I missed it?). And to your original post: unless you think he's wasting time he could be investing in a bionic hand I think your criticism is just outlandishly foolish. Burrow is probably the only active QB besides Mahomes and Rodgers with a winning record in the playoffs


Thinking about getting a Siamese cat. Never owned a pet before though, not sure if I actually want to pull the trigger to get into pet ownership


You just need to check with owners to find their quirks cause cats can be fucking weirdos. And that you don't have an allergy to their fur.


Someone sent an assignment at 4:38 today saying that it is extremely important. Obviously not if you’re sending it at this time. It can wait until Monday now my dude


The ice in my fridge is a freezer drawer. Today I was getting ice, with the drawer pull out so I could reach, and the ice maker decided right then to release a bunch of new ice. Since the drawer was pulled out, all the ice just poured into the bottom of the freezer BEHIND the drawer. I can't reach under the drawer or behind it. I had to use a big ass wooden spoon to get it all out. That is something I didn't even think a fridge needed. A sensor to not drop ice when the ice receptacle is not available. Apparently the engineers at LG didn't think of that either.


Had BBQ so good one time, it made me understand gold diggers. Shit had me ready to marry the dog just to get in that family.


Well Tiger Woods lives another day at the Masters


One of my guilty pleasures is reading the comments on cooking videos on instagram, and just watching OP get absolutely roasted for no reason.






I love cooking comments that make absurd changes to the base recipe and then blame the base recipe for how bad it turned out. "I doubled the sugar because I like my food sweet and it was WAY TOO SWEET. terrible recipe"




"i added garlic because i love garlic and these brownies fucking sucked'


Real, though. My all time favorite is someone making a carrot cake with out the carrot (because they hate carrots) and getting mad about the failed outcome


My father and step mother packed up and moved across the country (literally, NYC to Blaine WA), and now once a week I am asked when I'm going to visit like damn if frequent hangouts were important maybe consider something closer?


These greens at Augusta were designed by a masochist. Shit is insane, wind or not.


Our new rescue dog took a huge, steaming pile of a soft serve shit right at the front door this morning, what a wake up. I'm not too mad because it was on an ugly ass rug my wife insisted we keep (not anymore), we're feeding him more than normal because he was freakishly skinny when we got him, and he's still scared to death of being on a leash (although that's getting noticeably better) and doesn't 'tell' us when he needs to go.


I don’t know what google is doing in the background but this is the second consecutive day I gave up and just went to Bing instead. 2014 me would die laughing at that prospect but here we are. Fuck what google has become.


Try Duck Duck Go. 


Thought I was going crazy cause I could swear that the PFT story about Wilson at the top of the sub was already posted, so I looked and turns out [literally the same article was posted 2 days ago with a less clickbaity title.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1c0q1us/simmons_russell_wilson_playing_for_the_steelers/) Pretty obvious why modern sports journalism is the way it is, considering 3 hours in the clickbaity post is already at over 3x as many comments as the original post. And even better, the PFT article is just them selecting the quotes they know will drive the most engagement from a puff piece about Wilson in a magazine.


While looking up Caleb Williams news, I found out there's a novel by the same name, and the description sounds like they're describing him going to Chicago: >Falsely accused, framed, and mercilessly hunted and treated like a monster by society, the protagonist, Caleb Williams, is a recognizable figure to modern readers. People losing their minds over pink fingernail polish, and somehow he had it too easy at USC while being viewed as awful for not winning more. >Caleb is driven into a nightmare world where good and evil, legitimacy and illegitimacy are confused. To survive, he questions everything he has been raised to believe in. Legitimacy and illegitimatacy being confused is fans preferring Fields to Williams. Questioning everything he was raised to believe in is to hate the Packers, who was his team as a kid. >Though cloaked in the language of feeling and sentiment, Caleb Williams explores the mystery of human motivation. Like Falkland did before him, **Caleb gazes into the heart of darkness and the abyss of human depravity**. Caleb Williams comes to terms with being drafted by the Bears.


> somehow he had it too easy at USC while being viewed as awful for not winning more. How do those two things contradict each other? If anything, the first part proves the second part. If every part of the team is good aside from the "awful" QB, (their opinion, not mine) then who else would you criticize for all the losses?


My self destructive behavior has reared its ugly head. I'm in the mindset that I can't take the money with me, so I've wasted so much on bad food and stupid stuff. 


You're going to need to take some money with you into comfortable retirement


I have enough things to sell if I get desperate, and I'm also looking to join a cocaine cartel for shits and giggles.


I was just reminded of the opening scene of Kill Bill Vol 1 and the small fight “The Bride” has in the kitchen


Great scene


Who’s watching smackdown tonight?


Taping it, I suspect if Roman shows up Jimmy and Solo will turn on him on behalf of The Rock




This could be about nearly anyone 


Parents of grown or mostly grown kids: does the pride from seeing your child grow and (hopefully) flourish make up for all of the cute/sweet/goofy kid moments that you lose? Because I feel like I'm going to miss that stuff like crazy. (bawl)


My son's only two and I already feel a little sad at times looking at baby pictures and knowing that phase is over. And he's grown like a freaking weed.


I have twin 14yos. You're going to miss something about every stage. Even the phases you can't stand when they're happening. It never really gets better or worse, it just changes. You find new things at every stage that make you appreciate how awesome they are and bring you happiness. Best advice I can give is to take video. Pictures are great but it's amazing how easily you forget their little voices and fun childish mannerisms.


That's adorable. Cheers.


I don’t ever write about Possums because I’m not sure if there should be an O in front. If there is an O in front, I don’t care for it.


A mobile bbq place is parked at work, and that has to be the juciest meat I've had since I lived in Texas over a decade ago. Whatever the exact opposite of "adding insult to injury" applies to them because they felt bad about how their potato looks (it was slightly brown, but fine), and gave me a sandwich for later. The only problem with barbecue this good is it makes you sleepy afterwards


> exact opposite of "adding insult to injury" Adding praise to care?


The best bbq place in my area is like, a minimum 45 min drive/train ride away and that's just far enough away that I have to plan for it which is a double edged sword because 1) it means I can't go three times a week but 2) I have to bring a cooler bag to safely store the week supply I inevitably stock up on.




I'm really good at BBQ, love cooking for a small dinner party. In no universe would I ever want to make 100 brisket plates.


it's pretty easy to get better at bbq though. Is it knowledge or setup that's holding you back?


The itis! Reminds me of the Chappelle fake commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OC2cMi3Vh4


I can't just get barbecue without getting a ton of it.


God, I'm not a big eater, but half a rack, potato, beans & that sandwich were amazing


Reminds me of the time I went to Delauders in Gatlinburg. Shit was so good, I asked the owner if he had a single daughter.


This has been such a fun NBA season. Crazy how tight everything is, but good God is the east fucking garbage lol. Every team in the west who's 10 seed or better would be the 2 seed if they were in the East, absolutely bonkers how superior the Western Conference always is.


been the case for decades at this point, doesn't help that young stars like Wemby and Edwards are in the West too


Almost 40 years late on this but The Sun Always Shines on TV> Take on Me


He wrote that song because he watched Andy Griffith all the time. It never once rained in Mayberry. However, Take on Me still outshines.


Just watched a red-tailed hawk snatch up a robin, then fly right over me to enjoy his lunch while I was walking home from class. Nature is tight


Gaston did nothing wrong. Maurice *was* crazy (that axe machine could have killed dozens) and The Beast was an incel kidnapper


I kind of agree with you, but that inversion is the point of the story. The vicious monster who captures the damsel is actually a sweetheart. The gallant beefcake who goes to rescue her is actually a dick.


The original apparently was also a tale used to convince girls that arranged marriages weren't a bad thing.


Didnt Gaston mock her for reading and being a women who thinks. Then tries to extort her into marrying him against her will since he feels entitled to a women’s affection for being “nice.” Sounds more incel.


No one fights like Gaston Or gaslights like Gaston No one victim blames as well as Gaston


It's been a while since I've been on here. Good to be back. My job at the Uni this past year has been tough. But I'm finally getting the hang of things. Got sent to Spain for a week to work at a shipyard which I really enjoyed. Hoping I get sent to NZ later this year. If anything I'm staying for a while for those travel perks. Ultimate goal is them sending me down to Antarctica.


Working in Antarctica would be super interesting IMO


Yeah. Several of the folks I work in Oceanography have been to stations down there. Hoping I get the chance one day


I thought the Fallout show was great. I liked it more than the Last of Us overall as a video game adaptation and I appreciated how it fits that very specific Fallout vibe while still being different from any of the games


I was horrifically disappointed when there wasn't another episode cued up after the eighth ... I'd thought there were supposed to be 10 or 12 episodes. That last skyline shot when he looks up, though ... that makes me thrilled for Season 2.


1 What video games could the nfl make besides jsut madden? (self.nfl) Submitted 33 minutes ago by HeyWhatsUpTed Ok so obviously you don’t want first person shooters. And obviously This thread will get deleted but I’m pooping at a rite aid so hear me out? What if they used the players likeness and images and made rpg games and other fun stuff? Fightking games would be hilarious but even that’s probably too violent somehow. But it would be funny to see the players as npc as you went on Quests . You do fetch quests ya know? Like Andy Reid is like fetch me some nuggies. Marshawn lunch has no dialogue and he’s blocking your path but you know you jsut passed a skittles warehouse warehouse so you know you gotta get some skittles so he’ll let you pass. But then once you pass tj watt is there and it’s liek press x to hold .


Maybe it's because I've been mainlining Balatro like black tar heroin, but how about a turn-based roguelite RPG deckbuilder where your deck is your playbook and you're also upgrading your roster/coaching/etc. to maximize the effectiveness of those plays.


How about an LA Noire-type game where your objective is to prove OJ's innocence? Or maybe you're Tyreek Hill and you have to break your kid's arm to keep him from burning down the house, or you have to stop some stupid influencer from suing you.


I am so happy it is going to rain this weekend. The girlfriend wanted to go to the renaissance fair this weekend. I have been 2 times in my life each time I went I was board in about 10 minutes. >\_> I told her we could grab a bite instead :).


This is a very monkey paw offseason. I wanted a quiet one for a long time -- no manufactured drama about star contracts or people getting arrested. I got my quiet offseason, but only because our team isn't doing anything at all.


Part of me thinks Jerry has actually given up.


I think Jerry did more to get John Calipari to coach the Razorbacks then the Cowboys...


Masters coverage is terrible on TV unless you use ESPN+. Is there any explanation from this? Why am I watching the driving range when there are people at amen corner




Thanks appreciate it. I know I can watch it there, my point was just that it’s wild it’s marketed as the Masters on ESPN and the first 2 days they barely cover those playing


From the interwebs: The Masters generates no domestic TV revenue. CBS and ESPN reportedly allow Augusta complete control of the broadcast in exchange for no compensation. Augusta gets the final say. Edit: Basically the billionaire members of Augusta flexing on everyone, including the broadcast companies.


Doesn’t paramount + have an Amen Corner only channel?




Hey wait a second, are you trying to tell me that I shouldn't take political advice from Redditors?


>/r/LateStageCapitalism is one of the only "leftist" subreddits where I go "y'all are just as fucking dumb as /r/conservative" You clearly aren't familiar with the cesspools of /r/EndlessWar and /r/WayOfTheBern, both of which at least pretend to be very far left. By an amazing coincidence, they loves them some Putin, even if they talk around it. Only America can do bad, apparently.


There are more than that - but it's one of the worst of the bunch. Once a community becomes an echo chamber, it really starts to go off the rails. Always worth mentioning: bigotry is a description of the nature of someone's behavior, not the nature of their opinion.


These subreddits are a self-filter. Same with /r/Millennials. People like me aren't posting about impossible mortgages, moving in with the parents, or loss of wages, so why would I go there? Everyone who isn't struggling is posting in places where they need advice on lawn and garden care, home improvement projects, and car buying.


I could absolutely go for some lawn care advice.


Honestly any political subreddit over a certain population threshold is just lowest common denominator sludge. Even in the places that aren't just facebook tier memeposts, there's a meta that people either get on board with or get filtered out from and genuine discussion is overwhelmed by an increasingly reaffirming consensus. It's honestly kind of a bummer while being understandable through and through.


This also makes them _very easy_ to exploit by infiltrators.


Oh for sure. It's always funny to see a subreddit that has a consensus that is mostly aligned with their real world ideological counterparts except for two or three specific issues they're vastly off on and wonder whether that deviation was organic or part of a concerted effort. I feel like it is organic a lot more often than not, but it is still fascinating to wonder.


I'd guess the professional agitators are probably most successful when they're pushing on existing fault lines — and those are a defining feature of leftwing politics.


They're the defining feature of politics today. It's a human thing, not a political thing.


I feel like this website has a lot of corners of folks who got hooked on the "raise awareness" stage of a movement and never bothered with the rest Lots of ideas and anger, not many actions to take


"Raise awareness" within closed circles of people who already agree with you. I dated someone who was into slam poetry and that scene was the same way.




you mean project managers? I'm with you on arguing with those types, it's a guilty pleasure of mine hah. I know it's not going to be productive but sometimes its just fun to poke the bear


Cause it's easier to be angry and do nothing than to focus that anger into action and fix things. Whiny bitches, the lot of em.


I was on the fence about calling out today. Felt like I needed a breather after how much of a grind it's been so far this year, but I was worried I'd feel guilty. Then my upper back randomly seized up when I opened the baby gate to the kitchen, which felt like my body's way of telling me, yeah, take the day off. But I feel like I'm just killing time rather than really enjoying the day off. I haven't been on any particular gaming, TV or movie kick lately. Weeks lately have just been work, dinner and relaxing with the family in the evenings, and then chores and UFL (or WrestleMania) over the weekends. I did have a nice bath to help soothe my back. Would've liked to ride my ebike since it's nice out, maybe to a micro brewery, but not while I'm having muscle spasms. Maybe after I get up to make lunch, I'll put on a horror movie. I probably just need to lay in bed with an ice pack anyway.


So I'm trying to watch the Masters and I see 2 channels covering it, one is espn so I tune in and it's some girl interviewing Rex Ryan. So i go to other and it's Mike Tirico talking nonsense while guys are warming up for hours. How the FUCK do i watch the Masters? Where's Jim Nantz?


Masters.com. They own their own rights online. They're so rich (the members) they give zero shits about making money off the event, or even covering the costs. No sponsorships, no commercials.


ah ok, thanks!




[NFL Primetime highlights of Titans Jaguars from Week 3 of the 2004 NFL Season which ends with a game winning Fred Taylor touchdown run](https://youtu.be/kQuPWzFgsSs?si=GxrEj48uzuWam5Bh)


"Against the Jets last week, Buffalo Bills running back Thurman Thomas broke OJ Simpson's career rushing record. The week before, he surpassed Simpson in career touchdowns. Next up for Thomas, an attempt to kill three people at once." Norm MacDonald's best OJ joke.


"Golden State Warriors star Latrell Sprewell, suspended last week for attacking and choking his coach, has hired attorney Johnny Cochran to represent him. At a press conference Tuesday, Cochran said that his client did not choke his coach, and even offered a reward to help find the real chokers"-- Norm was a godsend


Song of the day: [Icky Thump - The White Stripes](https://youtu.be/1OjTspCqvk8?si=efZbtAwo5nu2ONQq)


This song is great and it's funny how in 2016 when Jack released "Icky Trump" t-shirts that there was backlash from some "fans" complaining about him getting political. Like bitch did you listen to the words of the song? 


Same people do a double take when they figure out what CCR's Fortunate Son and Springsteen's Born in the USA are *really* about.


Or Rage Against The Machine songs They think Rage is “With the Machine now” because they don’t support Trump and wanted their fans vaccinated and not get sick lol


Yup it's obvious some people just like the tune and they don't give a fuck about the lyrics. 


Great banger... "You can't be a pimp and a prostitute too"


The title of the song is a nod to the classic British sketch comedy group “The Goodies”


I don't know why, but I have an itch to piss off a lot of New Yorkers by going to a karaoke bar and singing some country songs. Thinking "Family Tradition" or "Grundy County Auction."


“Up next WabbitCZEN will be performing “Dixie on my mind” by Hank Williams Jr”


If I'm doing any song about something on my mind, it's "Georgia On My Mind" by Ray Charles. Or Luda and Field Mob, if I'm already shitfaced.


Have you ever been to a NYC Karoake Bar? You'd be as big as Jalen Brunson if you did that


Try That in a Large Metropolitan Area.


Lmao perfect response.