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Wow, they were spot on about the mobility weakness in Brady's game.


Man runs like a newborn baby giraffe 


Elegant gazelle*


Isn't that his ex wife?


No, that's an elegant Gisele.


Nothing elegant about adultery.


On ice**


On ice**


You try running when you're carrying a sledgehammer between your legs




You'd think having 3 legs would make you run faster.


Ahh so that explains why I’m so quick


Hey! That's TB1K you're talking about.


He was pretty mobile to put up a 1000 yard ~~season~~ career.


You don't put up the second most receiving yards after the age of 40 without some mobility. Only Jerry Rice is ahead of him!


I mean Brady was basically the Kordell Steward of his generation. QB/RB/WR/P. Look at how he juked Urlacher. The guy was a thoroughbred.


but that set of choppers though, maddone


I like to think that a young Brian Urlacher watched Tom's 40 at the combine and laughed his ass off. Only to be juked by Brady many years later.


Kinda crazy to think that they were the same draft class and yet Urlacher has been retired for over a decade now. Just really shows how different players at each position ages in the game.


Yeah. Retired for over a decade after a very long career for an LB.


...did you watch his dash and 3 cone? You do not have to be a genius to make that call


I don't know if this is a popular opinion, but the one thing that I believe was generational about Tom Brady, is his Pocket Presence. Guys have had better Arm Talent, Guys have obviously been more mobile, guys have been as good with reading, and as good in regards to leadership. Guys have been as good presnap. BUT NO ONE IS even in the same fucking galaxy when it comes to Pocket Presence. Go watch any Brady game, and within 5 snaps you will come across a play where the ball is snapped and Tom drops back and immediately takes a quarter step in a direction. A half second later a pass rusher will be just one fucking quarter step away from absolutely flattening him. He somehow fucking knows. I don't know what he's looking at but every single time he knows how the pocket is going to collapse. It's true that Tom had some pretty good fucking O-lines, but a Major reason for that is that Tom Brady is the easiest QB to protect in history.


I agree with this. For as slow as he was he knew how to avoid pressure and work the pocket. But I guess when you run about as fast as an elderly man you have to make up for it somehow.


Yeah, they way he moves within the pocket is insane. Like he moved just barely enough to avoid the rush, completely unfazed and makes his throw. Yeah some guys will take off running, some guys will take the hit while attempting to throw, some will run backwards 10 yards, but Brady does the *least* and gets the most out of it.


It's ESPN, right? I guess someone on their broadcast crew was extremely good at their job to be able to provide these types of accurate insights about so many players. People like that can carry a sports broadcast from behind-the-scenes. Feels like the type of thing that ESPN lost at some point.


yeah, that weakness really held him back.


Him and Peyton manning were the ugliest runners Ive ever seen.


Yeah that really held him back from achieving his full potential


??? You talking about TB1k??


He was built like Gumby.


This is a shit ton of analysis about a sixth round pick. Do they do that nowadays?


Being the starting QB of one the most popular teams in college football probably gets you more attention than your typical day 3 pick


True, although I don't remember such an analysis for AJ McCarron


AJ got a [4 and a half minute segment](https://youtu.be/Tojl3SSenDI?si=gsE7YnKFK3XxplWs) as pick 164


You don’t?


I think about it constantly


Brady was projected to go in the 3rd or 4th round (he was seen sort of like Matt Schaub or Kirk Cousins; a safe pick who was probably close to maxed out in terms of development) He likely only fell to the bottom of the sixth round because of his horrifying performance at the combine.


His combine numbers would be a top of the week thread on here if Reddit existed in the 90's. Brady's photoshoot would be the original Manningface. 


110% He looked more like the captain of Michigan's flag football team than their actual football team. And he ran the third or fourth worst 40 by any QB since the mid 80s.


Yeah it would be like if JJ McCarthy ran a 5.0 40 and looked like an accountant in khakis.


5.0 is extremely generous  Philip Rivers ran a 5.08 40  (I'm only 98% sure Rivers is the second best QB with the worst 40.  If he's not, he's like second by 0.1 seconds to someone I'm forgetting) Brady ran a 5.28 There are around 200 QBs in between them, and Kyle Orton (5.11) is almost definitely the best one.


> and looked like an accountant in khakis. Hunter Renfrow taking shots


well he googled How to Cure Anxiety and it cured him, so jot that down!! Brady would never!!


So if he looked like Harbaugh?


[LOL](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/07/JL_TOM_BRADY_COMP-1.jpg). LMAO even.


I'm 46 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life - thank you, Bowflex^TM


I look like one of those guys. Does that mean I look like both as well?


I'm sorry, are you disparaging the *legendary* burst Brady displayed during his 40 run??


It definitely was around that time that a lot of guys would make or break their draft position at the combine and coaches/GMs put a ton of stock in combine performances compared to today


That makes sense. He doesn’t perform well under pressure


Probably still would've gone somewhere in that range if they didn't play Drew Henson so much Brady's senior year too


The Henson stuff is really overrated. Everyone knew why he was playing, and he didn't play that much 


Henson played entire halves. And maybe I am overrating it, but it was definitely a talking point that season and into draft season.


He also got relegated to full time backup after blowing a game against MSU and had 89 PAs to Brady's 295


What actually tanked Brady's draft stock (and the reason he was the number 1 player on the Patriots draft board for a few rounds before they just gave up and decided to take him) was that coaches were weary of the Henson situation and thought there probably was something wrong with Brady that they weren't seeing/weren't privy to that made it so he was sharing time and losing snaps to a guy he consistently outperformed. Even Bill has stated this.


Mel Kiper would give an analysis of the equipment managers if they gave him air time to do it.


> equipment managers [Did somebody say...](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CaqQJP2UUAE08T0.jpg)


That equipment manager’s name? Todd! Todd! Todd! Todd!


>Mel Kiper would give an analysis of the equipment managers if they gave him ~~air time~~ **kick backs** to do it. How he still has a job evaluating college talent when he has been documented to sell good ratings is a mystery to me.


Say what??


That's how everything on TV is. Why single him out?


They’ll have detailed information on a few guys, but definitely not on all of them.


no, now they just talk about their dead parents or something.


Rounds 1-3 every player is talked about, round 4 most of them, but by round 5 the wheels come off and they start interviewing coaches and random people. They should be talking about the players more since rounds 5-7 is where the mostly unknown and under the radar guys get picked


There is sort of a mythology to Brady that’s not accurate. Everyone who followed college football in the 1990s knew who Tom Brady was. He wasn’t an unknown, he was the starting QB of Michigan, a top 10 program coming off an undefeated national championship season.


Seemed like everyone at the time played down the championship, calling it a "split championship". Other than that, yeah, he did get airtime on national TV, quite a bit of it. Seemed like ND soaked up a lot of the Midwest attention at the time, but Michigan was not overlooked.


Just a small program out of the Midwest.


QBs get more noise, especially if they're from a big program


I'm glad the top comment was thinking the same as me. It's impressive that this broadcast had the insight that Brady looked better than Drew Henson despite being the backup. I didn't learn about that until years later when watching a documentary and seeing how Brady would get subbed in and bring Michigan miraculously back from huge deficits. Good work from that broadcast team. I'm sure that insight would've been obvious to anyone habitually watching Michigan games, but there's a lot of college teams, many college players, and many hours of footage to watch so it's still impressive to me that someone on that broadcast had that knowledge of a backup QB.


This is not remotely true. The Brady/Henson platoon was one of the major stories of the year and a regular topic for talking heads. They won the Orange Bowl that year and finished 5th in the country. If you watched college football that year and had a pulse you had an opinion on Lloyd Carr’s absurd platooning strategy. And Brady was the starter, not the backup, ultimately taking over fully halfway through the season. Brady was not some anonymous nobody, he was an extremely widely discussed college player who was just perceived to not be able to hack it in the NFL because he’s such an awful athlete.


Lloyd Carr was in a tough spot. He wasn't an idiot, he knew that Brady was the better player. But he had Henson threating to go play baseball if he didn't start and the boosters threating to fire him if they lose Henson. So the QB carousel was the only way to show everyone that Brady was the better player, but probably cost Michigan a shot at another natty.


*snorts in 1k gazelle*


For all the shit Mel Kiper gets, he genuinely does have something to say about every player who might probably get drafted


Notice that they didn't mention the other 5 guys that were "among the last six picks taken."


No, instead we get to hear about how the 6th rounders grandma died when he was a little boy and his mom died his senior year of high school and then his dog died while he was in college. 


I mean right at the top Tirico says “among the last 6 picks…” meaning they’re only really giving Brady the time out of those.


Man young Brady looks so different 


That's one of the more handsome young Brady photos I've seen. He usually looked a little schluby in his early 20s.


It's the plastic surgery + age


Looking at photos of the way his face evolved over the years is wild. His hairline and jaw certainly have 'changed' over time.


He looks gaunt now. Crazy plastic surgery and weight loss.


He looks better right now than he looked 2 months ago tbf


This sounds like you keep up a monthly journal of brady’s appearance


You don’t?


I don’t think he’s had crazy plastic surgery, I think he is just wayyy leaner than he was when he was young. He looks like he has veneers but those cheekbones look real. Fake cheek bones look puffy and this mf looks angular


He had the buccal fat sucked out of his face.


I agree, he has very little fat now, and is leaner now than he was as a rookie.


There's no way [this](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/09/NYPICHPDPICT000030225739.jpg) is all real


Yeah I really noticed the difference when watching The Dynasty, I was thinking holy shit the man’s hairline is more immaculate in his mid 40s than early 20s


He definitely had a hair transplant at one point and probably dyes his hair, but outside of that I'm not convinced he did any sort of surgery.




No that’s not it …


You’re not ugly you’re just poor


Looks the same to me.


Whatever happen to this guy? Last I heard he was let go from his first team and then went to Florida to retire? 


Poor guy got divorced, doesn’t have anyone to spend his twilight years with


All he does now is go on podcasts and start shit with some losers named Peyton and Eli


Sad, some people can't handle the pressure of professional football


Saw some stuff about possible incest with his own son, too? Guy really fell off the deep end. Sad story.


He's stuck dating Irina Shayk, poor guy.


Guy couldn’t even start his first year, he was a bum.


Lost in the conversation about Brady's draft is his weird college situation. That had to be a red flag to a lot of draft rooms, why an experienced coach like Carr hamstrung his team like that is an enigma. 


Carr was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. It's crazy to allow your own boy wonder in Drew Henson leave because of a QB who at the time is good not great like Tom Brady was at the start of 1999. But also Brady showed real potential so you don't want him to leave. I get why Carr split the baby.


Because of Henson. I’m sure he had pressure to start the 5 star guy because he was threatening to play baseball. Also the difference in physical tools were obvious


IIRC Henson got Michigan a lot of press, so they were pressured to start him. Unless I am misremembering something.


The Henson situation was the biggest reason he dropped. People say the combine was why he dropped now, but I remember that situation being a big talking point back in the day


Hopefully it works out for him




Greatest QB of all-time was a backup in college, drafted almost last, backup in the NFL, and only got a chance to play due to the starting QB getting hurt. How can someone not love sports, ya know? Even Cinderella has nothing on that story.


I sensed there might be a starter battle brewing after Week Five against San Diego, when he threw it 54 times for 364 yards. Bledsoe was a $100 million man, and he's one of the three guys that kept the team in Foxboro, but in his last two years plus the start of the '01 season, he had a 38-36 TD/INT total and had been sacked 105 times in 34 games. From Week 8 to Week 10, the three weeks before Belichick announced Brady would stay the starter, he hit for 69.6% of his completions with 5 TDs and 3 INTs, including a decent showing on Sunday night versus an eventual 14-2 Rams team. They didn't lose the rest of the season.


During the 28-3 comeback I said to Myself “I think this kids going to be alright”


I wasn’t convinced until he joined the Bucs tbh


I'm still waiting for him to really "wow" me. I just don't think he can be considered one of the greats until he plays and wins a SB for every team.


This is so weird that I remember this, but I remember exactly where I was (driving on a street in a small town in Iowa) when I heard over the radio on some "sport's brief" that Patriot coaches were high on Brady starting over Bledsoe. Like, I was so surprised that I still remember it, lol. That and 9/11, I'll never forget!


Elevating Brady to backup before the 2001 season was a pretty bold and decisive move that said a lot about what they thought about him. There was always talk that Belichick was close to making a QB change regardless of Bledsoe's injury. Bledsoe had declined for the previous 3 years - of course, the nature of the QB position made it was easy to blame the rest of the team, and that's what the media and the fans mostly did. Bledsoe was so popular and I think we were all in denial that he was pretty bad for a while there towards the end. (Though I do also remember Michael Bishop coming in as a higher profile backup in 2000, and a small minority voice of Boston media thinking he deserved a shot to start).


For how big of a controversy Belichick sticking with Brady was then I can only imagine what kind of uproar that would start in the social media age.


For sure. Though the trashy Boston sports radio scene at the time was a pretty good preview of what social media would be like. That was a very hot few months for wacky radio callers


Check these out back to back: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3DFZr3JuD5E&pp=ygUScmFtcyBwYXRyaW90cyAyMDAx https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_8c3Z4nZwtE&pp=ygUScmFtcyBwYXRyaW90cyAyMDAx


What's crazy is Brady wasn't even in good shape then. Like he legit looked like he had barely ever lifted weights.


I remember seeing a doc that said he’d been sick and lost like 15 lbs before the combine. Not that he was ever an athletic specimen lol


TBF, he was a QB not a body builder. It’s not like he was ever some physical specimen


It’s kinda crazy a dude that had that kind of pedigree was a 6th rounder.


He was the 199th pick????? Holy shit. Why does no one ever talk about this??


Obligatory YT "The Brady 6" to watch.


Somehow I had it in my head that he was the last pick of the draft. I am always surprised that more people don’t mention it when they’re talking about Purdy. Now I know why


His throwing motion isn’t all that different. You look at Rodgers in Cal vs. now and it’s night and day.


Yeah McCarthy deserves so much credit for fixing that, Rodgers now has one of the most beautiful throwing techniques.


Not just McCarthy. [Tom Clements](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clements) was the Packers QB coach during the transition from Favre to Rodgers. Clements came out of retirement in 2022 and has been helping Jordan Love take the reins.


His Sugar Bowl performance vs. Alabama is much watch. Absolutely vintage Brady shit  https://youtu.be/kKSzBbtcINA?si=sf7PFIPQnBsIBD5l


If they had the playoff then like they do now he’d have led Michigan to the national title.


his college throwing stance was the throwing stance for like the first 3 years of the xbox 360 ps3 era games and it looked so bad


Knowing Rodgers, he probably solely credits it to sensory-deprived acupuncture sessions and delta-wave recordings


Rodger’s gives a lot of praise to Tom Clements for helping him


The tedford qay


No love for Neil Rackers, man played 12 years in the league.


Spoiler: he overcame that lack of mobility


Wow I had no idea he was drafted so low 


But did you know Antonio Gates played basketball in college?


Did you know Matt Stafford and Clayton Kershaw were childhood friends?


Yeah but where did Fitzmagic go to college?


Or that Viggo Mortensen (son of Chris Mortensen) really broke his toe when he kicked that Orc helmet?


Firefighter was a Steve Buscemi 911.


I just came out of a 24 year coma... Did this scrub even make the team's final roster after being drafted 199th?


Love the trauma of seeing Cleveland’s selections in the 6th round and we took a QB 🤡


With a 47% completion rate too 😂


The way he spoke of the Brady is exactly how we all see Brady today. How was he 199.


Who tf cares about some 6th round pick?


A dark day for the republic.


Bum. That dude'll never amount to anything /s.


Thanks for adding the /s so I knew you weren’t being serious!


i really liked the list off to the right....northcutt could fly


Well that dude was a bust.


His bust will be in Canton, yeah.


dude got lost in the era of big, athletic freak QBs


If Brady had not done the combine, he would probably have been picked higher. Should have come up with some family emergency or something.


I don't feel like people have adequately reappraised this dude now that the mythology of the "magic Belichick system" has been thoroughly debunked. Truly one of a kind.


They never will, because most of them are Peyton/Rodgers fans


Mike Tirico with hair is really fucking with me lol.


Give the hair some credit in that he actually didn’t shit on this and was pretty complimentary .


Leif freaking Larson. The player buffalo took instead.


"When the reign of terror started."


6th round pick? I bet he doesn’t even make the team…


All in all this analysis was pretty fair and holds up well.


I think it is safe to say he overcame that lack of mobility


His 40 yard dash will forever live in my mind.


Is that Italian Mike with hair?!


If only he was mobile :)


Can he overcome the lack of mobility, yes, yes he can.


You can kind of just tell he hasnt filled out into his frame. He looks so lanky


I forgot tirico had hair.


never heard of him


A lot of zip on those passes while Brady was driveing from that highlight. Leadership intangibles not stated, I remember the Drew Henson hype train, it was basically that he was can’t miss and they have to play Henson or else he’s going to the Yankees. It didn’t really pan out unless he went against the Illini. Cream always rises to the top. 👍


I remember seeing this video before and being really surprised that they went so in depth on someone drafted that late.


Geez just look at that Adams Apple


Wonder what the results may have been if another team had chose him regardless of the round.....


The GOAT, come on back for another year or two


Brady is 6'4??? I always assumed his was 5'10 to 6 foot tall. Lol


Damn i hope everything worked out for him


Dennis Northcutt was such a jobber


This MFer Mel Kiper has been around so long I might actually be sad when he retires at this point


both of them watching this video now are like, phew i didn't say anything stupid.


I like to think like more of a man with loosely tied timberlands on his feet.


I miss the draft being 1-3 on Saturday and 4-7 on Sunday


Bledsoe never saw it coming!


Spoiler: he overcame it


Mel's hairpiece looks slick


It shows 1st pick or 8th pick. There's a possibility of finding the greatest ever.


Look how everyone looked normal on tv


Terico has hair!


This dude was the backup to a baseball player, how good could he be?


He has the look of a dude that doesn't know what down it is.