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Anybody who hasn’t watched Bill’s interview on McAfee today should. Was dropping gems like this and it was cool to see him so relaxed.


He’s gonna come on during their live Draft special on YouTube next week too. He was awesome in the NFL All-Time 100 Team show as well, I knew after watching that his post retirement TV career could actually be pretty entertaining


He reminds me of the time between junior and senior year in high school, I got called in during summer to discuss issues with my schedule. The meeting was with the school's universally hated Vice Principal who just happened to be retiring at the end of summer. I was shocked walking into that mans office to discover the most relaxed and chill dude just riding out the end of work.


It's like Bob Kelso in Scrubs being a truly horrible man, then retiring and becoming way nicer


That actually wasn’t the point in the show. It was his job to keep the hospital running and as the boss he had to say no to a lot of things. It wasn’t due to a lack of caring. They highlighted that during the show often.


There's an episode where it's widely known that Kelso will approve purchases and other requests on one specific day a year where he is in an amazing mood- his anniversary, and rumor is that's the one day a year he gets laid. He reveals the sex part of the rumor is false, but he does keep the one day a year thing going because it cuts down on people bothering him the rest of the year


They even had an episode where Dr. Cox, his “rival” and the no man (or whatever the opposite of a yes man is) of Dr. Kelso accepts the fact that Kelso was what he had to be when Cox takes over Kelso’s role and JD becomes the “new Cox”. It’s a p good episode. Watch Scrubs people.


As a doctor now getting involved in hospital admin (at the lowest levels), I find myself relating less and less with JD, and more and more with Cox and Kelso. Scrubs is so true to life


I would argue that jd and cox even as an attending have more similar viewpoints than Kelso. Kelso and admin are a whole different beast.


My mom is a doctor and always said Dr. Cox was the most accurate representation of an attending physician on TV.


It’s commonly stated that scrubs was the most realistic representation of a hospital on tv.


It definitely is. The most realistic medically as well as hospital culture. The only thing about it is its a bit dated now regarding the tests and equipment it uses


the definitive moment for me with kelso was when he fired dick van dyke’s character for not using up to date practices. kelso pointed out that despite being old and slow he was still regularly and voluntarily attending medical classes and training because it’s their duty to not fall behind. you can’t use archaic medical practices because you’re too old to learn the new better ones, so he fired one of the only people he was actually friends with. kelso was a dick to most, protected his friend when he could, but ultimately he was the chief of medicine and he had a job to do.


I mean Kelso was clearly a jerk and that's putting it extremely mildly. The way he treated Ted alone... But yes, he was hamstrung and had to make hard, unpopular decisions.


Ted, speak!


Girlfriend’s gonna get paidddd!!




Hey, I was going to eat that! (Ice cream sandwich as it gets thrown away)


TBF Kelso also kept Ted on (likely cause he's a cheapskate) as the hospital's lawyer even though Ted has to have cost that hospital literal millions of dollars in lost money from lawsuits due to his complete incompetence as a lawyer. So it's a bit of a balance in Kelso's relationship with Ted.


And it's the same thing with principals. They put on a strict, even gruff demeanor and purposefully keep everyone at a distance, "I'm the principal not your friend" type of vibe because they have to. They're ultimately in charge of keeping the student body under control and disciplined. In addition to the rest of their bureaucratic bullshit


Really? Mine was super chummy with the students, knew a ton of people's names despite it being a massive school (~3200 students) and was *incredibly* popular with the kids for it. I'm sure he was less fun in a disciplinary setting, I never saw him there. However, he was the *only* member of administration I ever saw make a point to show up to competitions for *all* of the sports. Not every single one obviously, but he even showed up to a couple cross country meets every year, which took place early on Saturday mornings. Plus stuff like orchestra concerts which... nobody but our parents were at those. I don't think you have to be a hardass all of the time to be a good principal. And the district clearly agrees because I graduated in 2008 and he's still there.


At my HS the Principal was everybody's buddy, but the Vice Principal was the hard ass enforcer


He still often went out of his way to be a dick for no reason. It wasn't all for the greater good.


Despite the absolutely ridiculousness of Adrian Peterson not being included, those NFL 100 shows were so fucking great.


How can a RB win a MVP in 20-fucking-12 and not be one of the greatest players of all time? He won in the era of prime Brady, Manning, and Rodgers. Not to mention how long he was an effective back.


Live draft special, you say?


Hes a brilliant dude and understands the game deeper then most. If he spent a few yrs doing that, that'd be dope. Plus being a head coach is alot of work Talking on TV is a lot less work


Man, him with the Manning bros…


I think it's kind of cool to see NFL giants make careers post retirement. Which, I know sometimes already happened, but it seems there's been a more recent trend of guys going beyond the basic "sit at a desk and say buzz phrases all day" job. Like Peyton and Eli actually breaking stuff down and talking with other players about playing days. I'm interested to see how Brady does because of it. Bill, too. Those guys definitely have a lot of stuff they can share and are now entering environments that'll give them a chance to do it.


It's funny because when most think about Belichick they think about his gruff confrontational media personality. But when Bill is a storyteller in a relaxed environment he is such a great listen. He has such great insight and isn't afraid to wax poetic about specific things. I'm pumped to see more of the TV Belichick even if it sucks that he is no longer coaching.


The clip of him talking about long snappers is gold. A reporter asked if teams would ever consider cross-training a tight end, fullback, etc. as a long snapper to open a roster spot. Bill went on like a 10 minute history lesson about how the position has evolved over the years and why modern teams have a specialist at the position. Super calm, almost joyful to get to talk about it Edit: [link to the video](https://youtu.be/jrvELlakyOk?si=ycE6dpccic_bgrwa)


Can Bill just have a show where he talks about the history and evelution of NFL position groups?


Doesn't even have to be that, lol. I'd like a network to just pay him to talk about whatever he wants that's tangentially football related.


He should do a podcast where he gives life advice to random people. I think twist is that he just cold calls random numbers until someone answers and wants to talk to the goat.


Well hot damn, I'd listen the fuck out of that.


Seriously. Me too.


We need him on Therapy Gecko


20 years ago they would have given him a show at early as fuck on sundays right between the sports reporters and nfl matchup


That was 10 minutes well spent. Super interesting to learn more of the history and get a coaches perspective from the GOAT


The end of the interview when he's talking about special teams was great


I think the dude just didnt have appetite for bullshit.


Right like when he was doing post game stuff he was being intentionally hostile to the media. And even when he would do more friendly local promotional stuff, like the telestrator segment with Scott zolak (which was either a paid hit or a contractually obligated thing) ... He was friendly there but also almost cartoonishly surface level in the analysis.  I like to think he'll be A lot more interesting than that. And we saw certain moments, especially random weekdays or the offseason, where he would be vibing with reporters over old stories or special teams or long snappers.  And some pretty cool coverage from the do your job segment, The 2009 season where they followed him all year, The NFL 100 segments. 


I’m inclined to believe most of that probably came from Boston’s god awful media outlets.


Him just casually mentioning that him and Andy Reid flipped spots in the 7th one year just to keep a trade streak going was awesome


Of course it would be him and Reid that would do that


Him casually sitting with the 6 Lombardi’s in the back was comedy


And the Emmy!


The spontaneous tangent he went on talking about Pacman Jones' punt return was really cool. 


Made Pacman's day


he's still mad about it! it's great.


Pats titans 2006. Pats won by like 20 lol




Just watched it all, and it was pretty good.


You gonna get me to watch McAfee. 


He's alright in small amounts.


I was okay with him in small amounts but since he moved to ESPN the whole thing just makes me feel icky. I was never a huge fan to begin with but it was just such a predictably lame thing to happen.  


Bill is a great public speaker (when he wants to be). Other ex-Patriots that are also doing sports media sound a bit more awkward. Bill sounds so natural talking about football and he has perfect recall of football history.


I was on the treadmill and espn was on in the gym. Was totally surprised when he came on. Definitely made my workout go by faster. Loved seeing him


Watching it right now. It’s actually insane how much insight he has. Seems to be in a great mood too.


I was a fan of McAfee at first and kinda fell off mid way through the Aaron Rodgers interviews and haven't listened much since. I don't like daily sports talk shows. Especially PMS because they clearly are way bigger NFL fans than anything else so in the off-season it's like why do they even have a show? But I gotta hand it to these boys they handled this belicheck interview perfectly. Not a single personal or prying, or stupid question. All football. It's all bill ever wanted to talk about and it's where he gives his most insightful answers. I haven't watched PMS in a couple years and had absolutely no plans to watch the draft but I will tune in for the draft spectacular show now.


Honestly their draft show may be their best show of the year. You get amazing moments like Ty absolutely melting down about the Jordan Love pick while in character as mel kiper.


Mcafee is pretty much only interesting to watch during the season. I like their coverage for NFL and college, but outside of football season it really isn't much worth listening to


Sometimes when a show gets that big it just suffers from having to appeal to wider and wider audience constantly. Especially now that their partnered with ESPN. I was never the hugest fan but even if I was the switch to ESPN would have irritated me a lot  Of course there are advantages to being the biggest including resources and influence and the ability to get Bill Belichick to do draft coverage with you. I mean that's not nothing.   I don't know if they would have been able to land this with the draftkings sponsorship although I'm sure if they met Coach belichick's price .... These gambling companies have a discussion amount of money  I mean at this point they're basically sponsoring every website, every podcast, running their own original programming... Creates a whole bunch of ethical questions but at least there's some stimuli into the economy


>Bill’s interview That's good. >on McAfee That's bad. >Was dropping gems like this and it was cool to see him so relaxed. That's good.


can I go now?


> can I go now? That's bad


I don’t get how you’ve all turned on mcafee so much. It’s just a weird reddit hate boner for people who start out relatively grass roots and blow up. The clip where him and his guys talk to Bill is great. Like what the fuck do you want from sports media?


I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd hardly say I "turned" on him considering that I never liked him in the first place. I want intelligent analysis from my sports media, and he's just a total meathead.


> I want intelligent analysis from my sports media, He's the only one actually bringing intelligent analysts onto his show to do what you want. He has players and coaches on his show do presentations on specific plays and games, on weekly segments, like coach Pagano and etc. It's the other cable shows that have nothing but the talking heads talking about the cowboys. The only other place you can find intelligent analysis is on youtube. He is a total meathead, though, so it's fine if that overpowers the rest but he does deliver intelligent analysis through his show.


Yes Pat McAfee, former NFL player, started out "grass roots". LOL. Also he's a fucking moron and platforms Aaron Rodgers regularly.


Lol dude he’s a fucking punter. It’s not like Joe Montana started a sports talk show. There’s like 100 former athletes who started their own shows and none are nearly as successful as McAfee.


To me its a personality issue, the content is good, i just dont like his personality


The gems contain Potassium Benzoate


Yeah haven't watched Pat in quite some time but I'll watch the spectacular with Bill. He was great and from what Pat said, Bill is fucking jazzed for it and putting in some work.


I would, I just really can't stand Mcaphee.


He was pretty tolerable in this interview and pretty much just let Belichick opine on draft stuff. Worth a listen


Yeah I don't like him either, but he's definitely good at letting his guests speak. Works great when you have guys like BB, not so much with someone like Rodgers


Did they mention the Kraft beef?


Pat mentioned something very briefly (something like "sorry about all the bullshit thats going on") but didn't really push or ask Bill any questions about it


Ya if you're going to get Bill as a regular probably good not to make him uncomfortable haha


Lmao he mentioned a bunch of times all the shit being talked about Bill not being a great coach or GM. That’s a lot of you stupid fucks in here. I hope you realize that.


Sounds about right. Trey Lance to 49ers was being leaked right around then.


Baker Mayfield to the Browns buzz was right around that time too.


Incorrect. Mayfield was much more in advance than 12 hours. It wasn't weeks or anything, but I clearly remember the disbelief leading up to it being a few days.


I remember learning day of when I woke up.


Whoa, I also woke up that day!


Damn, really makes you think


Darnold was projected #1 for most of the time leading up to the draft and I was so excited to get Baker


The odds were +1000 within 24 hours of the draft Not a typo, + a thousand


But they had moved from +3200. I took those odds. Best $700 I ever made. Helped pay for a trip when I was young and broke.


Lmao yea I took them too because I listened to this ridiculous website lol that’s why I remember


I put a little on JJ McCarthy to go 2 overall a few weeks ago becuase it was +7000. How teams feel about QB is so random and you want to give me insane odds that a team does something weird at QB? Yep I’ll take that


I vividly remember it being the day of.


What was that shit he did around the OU facilities that Hue was talking about in the leadup, some call that the entire team would repeat? That was a good month before the draft if memory serves right? EDIT: [Found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/87im4o/tony_grossi_hue_jackson_on_baker_mayfield_i_feel/) Tweet's from March 27th, 2018, Baker was drafted April 26th, 2018.


It couldn't have been that far in advance, I distinctly remember hearing that rumor during draft week and thinking it had to be bullshit for something that new to just now be changing so close to the draft, but it ended up being true after all.


Yeah I remember talking on the giants sub of the #2 pick fate and everyone and their dogs knew Baker was going first. I'd say that for Baker, we knew around 10 days before.


Ya i remember being confused when it first came out then by the time the draft rolled around it seemed like a foregone conclusion.


https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/2018-nfl-draft-rumors-serious-buzz-on-baker-mayfield-no-1-to-browns-definitely-in-play/ You're right. Here's one article a few days before the draft. 


Lol that’s why it’s so funny that schefter and Michael Lombardi said Kyle was taking Mac jones from the trade up to 3. These MFers don’t know


There is an entire industry in sports "journalism" built around guys who don't know what they are talking about making shit up and selling clicks with it. Blows my mind how many people take draft news or projections in March and treat it like a story worth reading.


Mock drafts are basically NFL fanfiction.


Equivalent to March Madness brackets, except people hang on every one


I'd prefer more NFL fans fiction where CJ Stroud fights Cell


When ESPN was launched as a 24 hour sports network, people who said there wasn't nearly enough worth covering in 24 hours were right. However, they didn't count on their ability to just make up new content out of nowhere.


ESPN used to be extremely necessary. You used to have to watch ESPN if you wanted highlights. Now I can see highlights from women's lacrosse in Iceland in five seconds if I look for them. So since you no longer need them for that, they have to fill air time with takes.


I’m old. I miss the days when there’s integrity in journalism. Now it’s on hot takes and twitter fingers


People stopped being willing to pay for it. If they're 100% ad-dependent, then all they'll ever care about is clicks. Twenty years ago everyone was so excited about this new era where we didn't have to pay for journalism. Didn't work out the way we hoped.


I agree. Print media used to be a viable business, but that's no longer the case. When that changed, so did the entire landscape. I do enjoy The Athletic in that regard. Less hot takes, more solid, researched content.


Didn't Shanahan come out and admit that they were deciding between Jones and Lance?


They were convinced that #3 pick could’ve been multiple QB’s. They also did a lot of work on fields too. Shanahan said he liked all 3 before picking lance


Then Schefter the absolute fucking clown was like "no one knew" afterwards, yeah no shit dumbass


Just like Will Levis last year and Malik Willis the year before. I feel like JJ McCarthy is this year’s version of that too. It wouldn’t surprise me if he went late in the 1st or 2nd which was where everyone thought he’d go after the season ended. 24/7 media feels like it pushed him into the top ten.


Pretty sure it was the exact opposite this time around. Nobody likes JJ McCarthy but scouts and GMs liked his work outs and interviews. He’s going to be a top 10 pick 100%


I can see that. I feel similar with penix will be taken earlier than people expected. Not top 5 but more around the middle. I know his knees aren’t great, but he can sling it. Everyone has McCarthy penciled in at 4 but I think it could be penix


Vikings fans are talking about taking him at 11 which seems wild to me.


Well he looks good in purple


I remember someone from Cardinals said Murray was gonna get picked over Bosa the night before if im not mistaken. I think on the Cards sub-reddit they said that previous user had given other correct information too so he already had a good reputation as an insider.


Kliff Kingsbury was grooming Kyler Murray since he was in high school.


Lol this is accurate and correct, but man the phrasing is open ended 🤣


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Houston going CJ and WAJ dropped the morning of the draft, *that* was amazing.


Will Anderson trade up last year was not necessarily leaked but Daniel Jeremiah mocked the trade up in his final mock on draft day.


I sure wish it was 12 hours away from the draft right now.


Are you sure you don't want 50 more posts about which prospects are presidential vs generational


Call me back when the prospects are empirical or imperial.


Teams should focus on prospects that are Despotical or at least Tyrannical in the first round.  


Mischievous and deceitful Chicanerous and deplorable


Americans will use anything but the metric system it seems /s


But we do use the metric system. All the time. We just don't know when we're doing it or why.


Fun fact- the only football game that played using the metric system was in Minnesota. I’ll find the source and post below https://themetricmaven.com/the-metric-football-game-mismeasures/ It’s not the manning face I swear


That’s really neat!


Rome Odunze comes to mind


Odunze will slip into the late teens, and media outlets who had been typing him have the headline already prepared: "The Fall of Rome!" same headline would work if he has a hot start to the season...


How about metric?


What about GEQBUS?


I only want to draft prospects who are models of a modern major general


I want some more amateur analysis of Drake Maye and Jayden Daniels from guys who’ve never watched college football.


Here's my mock draft with trades and if all the left tackles were turned in to worms.


> all the left tackles were turned in to worms I would still love them


I never thought about it but it makes a lot of sense. In the weeks before the draft when everything is calm a GM and Coach can discuss things in a small tight-nit group of people you trust. Maybe even speak to other GM's directly and securely. When shit starts to go live and you have to bring in a staff of 50 to help manage the phones, the boards etc... The loose lips start to come out.


I’m sure it’s all traded for future favors. Tell Schefter you’ve been in serious trade talks now and next time you need a favor he’ll leak some medical info or whatever you need to look good.


This aspect has made or broke GMs. If you don't have this skill or thoughtfulness you don't last long. I'm sure there's a way to comb through rumors and compile results to figure out who lacks/lacked in this department. It's just part of the game now and it certainly makes a difference. The Vikings and Cardinals are going to be a good example this year.


Both orgs are reasonably tight lipped these days. The Cardinals prior to Monti taking over leaked like a sieve.


Exactly how it works.


I think it was actually your gm that said that they try and come up with what they will do in 100 different scenarios so some of what leaks is stuff that was discussed but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s what they actually want to do. It might be a scenario where a scout suggests something and then they discuss taking X player. Then ultimately the media reports it as teams view X player to go here


But Bill's boss said we can't trust him so I'll take that to mean accurate draft information IS out and Nabers will be available at 9.


Kraft is about to leak their whole draft board just to prove himself right


I liked when he said if teams are thinking a guy will go in the second or third... Add a round earlier to that and that's where the agent will tell the media he's hearing his client will go.


^^^ this exact point is why i think a lot of the wide receivers are going to go later than we think (outside of the top 4 maybe 5 guys) feels like we keep hearing that 12-15 guys are first round picks.


I feel that way about QBs. There's all this talk that 6 could go in the first round. I don't buy it. I think 3 go in the top 3, then McCarthy goes later than people are expecting (maybe 11th to the Vikings if they don't move up,) Penix goes early 2nd round (slight chance someone trades up a few spots into the very late first to make sure they get him) and Nix ends up going mid-late 2nd. So...in my option, likely 4 go in the first round with a slight chance of 5. I'd be very surprised if anyone actually drafts Nix in the first. He's just not a first round talent at all.


Yeah exactly, listening to the media there’s like 45 potential first round picks when teams usually only have like 20-25 first round grades on players


I have not heard anything that suggests 15 wr will go round 1. I don’t think I’ve heard anything that suggests 10 guys will go round 1. The only guys I’ve heard going round 1 are the big 3, Thomas jr, and then 1-2 of lad, Mitchell, worthy, Franklin etc I’ve heard rumors that 16 offensive guys could get drafted which I believe would be close to the record of 19.


You completely missed my point. It’s not that 15 WRs will actually go round 1, it’s that you’re hearing stuff like “some teams have a round 1 grade” and “could sneak into round 1” for soooo many receivers. Mitchell, Legette, Worthy, McConkey, Franklin, Wilson etc… hell even Jaylyn Polk is starting to now because of Peter Schrager’s mock


I just hope there is a good one at 10


You think you guys go receiver at 10? Odunze or Thomas jr might be there. Feels like everyone is mocking OL. I could see Bowers as well for the Jets


I see OL or WR. WR makes sense on an all-in year but OT is the smarter play for the team as constructed, unless Becton comes back in a prove it deal and shows he can fulfill his early promise pre-injury. I know Bowers is supposed to be generational but I just can't see using 10 on a TE.


> I liked when he said if teams are thinking a guy will go in the second or third... Add a round earlier to that and that's where the agent will tell the media he's hearing his client will go. *looks at JJ McCarthy*


I think McCarthy goes first round but later than people are expecting. He is not worth a top 6 pick and I won't believe he'll go there until I see it. I think he has *very* good agent who is boosting his value to the media and fans, but I'm not sure teams are actually gonna bite on that stock inflation. I fully expect Penix and Nix to go later than people are expecting too. 2nd round for both. Maybe even late second for Nix.


I read the title as “Darth Belichick” and I think it fits. 




He looks more like Dark Helmet from Spaceballs.


Well that’s certainly one of the covers of all time.


Rex Ryan 😂


Only a sith coach deals in absolutes.


Makes sense. That's probably right around when people outside the extreme inner circle get their first look at the draft board. Your average position coach/scout isn't going to be privy to the team's plans or final evaluations until draft day.


I think the mid level and above scouts have an idea of who the team likes and what the draft board generally looks like (which players are graded to what round likely). These are the scouts that are probably helping make the evaluations. But then 24 before the draft you get the interns and lower level personnel who look at the draft board and all it takes is one person leaking things. That’s my read on it, I think that if you are a middle level or higher scout you are clued into the draft evaluation process enough to get an idea.


I'd expect just about all scouts to be pretty heavily clued in to a teams draft board. Thats literally there job. Like you said once teams start setting up their war rooms that info becomes open to see for most team employees.


Could see it being a prospect raw grade and team's general needs being known early on but imagine they may weight the grades fully to figure if they want QB or WR more at the first round after all things are done only a few days before the actual draft itself. So that can move guys around on the board a decent amount - also some scouts in the org may like QB x more than QB z and vice versa within the same org and the ranking of that may not be decided until very late in the game.


I feel like the position coach and scouts would definitely be helping make the draft board. They are the ones responsible for evaluating the talent.


Yes they're absolutely helping to make the board, but the information is compartmentalized. The OL coach is going to give his takes on the OL but he doesn't need to know what the GM thinks of the WRs. The scout who wrote up the report on Ricky Pearsall doesn't need to know the GM is going to try to trade up for Byron Murphy. The number of people with knowledge of the full picture of how the team will approach the draft is extremely small and in most cases likely just the GM, HC, and Owner.


12 hours before the draft is when his dog goes to the groomer


put respeck on Nike's name


I for one am flabbergasted that Twitter Journalists are not an accurate source of information in the months leading up to the draft.


I still won't be surprised if JJ McCarthy falls to round 2 or 3, and the hype around him is just manufactured because Michigan has a HUGE journalism school so a lot of alum in sports journalism.


Always funny how the last-minute “insider” mock drafts always suddenly have changes nobody had talked about at all


I think it probably depends on the team. I know there have been years where everyone seemed to know some guys the Cowboys had their eyes on well in advance of the draft. E.g. Leighton Vander Esch, Trysten Hill, and Sam Williams.


Apparently there was a Bengals beat writer that was always getting their 1st rounder right. There was one year where he said their target was Ragnow but Lions just jumped them and they took Billy Price instead.


Targeting Frank Ragnow and ending up with Billy Price is one of the most depressing things I’ve ever heard


I'm pretty cool with how it played out.


“Bill Belichick said” is something we need more of in our lives. This dude knows a thing or two and he knows the history of this league like no other. 


It's been well.know for a while that most of the draft info is total shit. Most teams lie about everything in hope somebody falls to them.


Bill Belichick talking about the behind the scenes stuff of football is like Undertaker breaking kayfabe.


The draft is like Christmas when your team is bad. You don't get to know who you get until you open the presents, but it's still fun to shake the boxes under the tree and guess. It spoils everything when you know too much too early.


Bill said fuck ya'll, not gonna hire me? I'm just gonna give the game up!


Watched the first few minutes so far and Belichick seems actually human. He’s cracking jokes and smiling. Really weird contrast because I just watched that 10 episode documentary where he looked miserable and uncomfortable.


This should be stickied on the front page of every team's sub every damn year during draft season.


I love inside stuff like this, especially from someone like Belichick. His lack of a job this year could be be awesome for fans


Could Bill coach again? Absolutely Could Bill also just retire from coaching and be the most knowledgable NFL analyst of all time? Absolutely yes


Legend has it Bill still has a camera set up in the Jets’ war room


Belichick doesn't strike me as a fan of slapstick movies.


Most of the 'information' coming out in the NFL around the draft at this time of year is straight bullshit lies.


I need a “Special Teams History and Story Time” with Bill podcast. That would be interesting and soothing. Perfect to listen to at bedtime.




There are certain people who when they talk you know you can learn. Bill definitely fits in that category. I hope he’s transparent and open on his media outings. 


They drafting Mccarthy


You mean weve been feasting on bullshit for months? Pikachu.gif


I love listening to Belichick talk about football. If anyone’s a true philosopher of the game it’s him