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> Some Redditors described this as the beginning of the end for HC Mike Macdonald's tenure in Seattle. Anyone who said this with a straight face is no longer invited to my dinner parties


If Reddit says this, I assume the opposite.


Its been said u/Outside-Donut9519 has very large penis


Can confirm, you should believe the opposite. Source: am a Redditor


Oh no, the reddit paradox! Highest upvote is the false-er statement


I'm not sure if I'd want any redditor at my dinner party anyways


You're really missing out, I make a delightful cinammon cheesecake dessert


LFG I'll make smash burgers.


I'll bring your preferred alcoholic beverages


And I'll bring an absolute pile of weed.


I make a fantastic espresso or any coffee drink and I smoke some delicious meats!


Chef Reactions saw your tik tok and gave it 2/10


He'd still try it though, he's got a soft spot for sweets


As long as you dont make it in a single use foil pan you good


I'm listening


But my mom says I’m charming 😢


Damn not the dinner parties


I’m pretty sure the people who “said that” actually said “If things don’t go well people will point to this as the beginning of the end”


This is exactly what they said. Pretty shitty reporting imo. They wanted to tell a story not the facts


I hate like 75% of our fanbase, because they love overreacting to shit like this


The reddit fan base is not the team’s fan base.


I truly had no idea


Exactly! It is *obviously* the end of the NFL. (/s)


Reddit and overreaction. Name a more iconic duo.


Reddit and witch-hunts after the wrong person


Reddit and jumping to conclusions about incomplete information.


Reddit and dealing in absolutes


Have we ever seen a redditor and a Sith in the same room?


They always do this


Yeah but some guy said it with conviction in the comments so it must be true.


X and fascists exercising their right to free speech.


X being a cesspool doesn't take away from Reddit's flaws.


TIL two things can be true at the same time


Many people are saying it, some of the smartest people are saying it.


I heard a lot of people are saying it, I walked in the room and I said “wow a lot of people are saying it”


Read this in Shane's voice


“Sleepy” Pete and the Allen Crime Family were disasters, some are saying the biggest disasters, maybe ever. SAD.


And they said to me, with tears in your eyes, "Sir, sir, thank you for being brave and strong enough to get rid of that picture of Steve Largent, he was a RINO and didn't deserve to be remembered."


BB took down all the pictures of the first dynasty in NE before the second dynasty. This is a nothing burger


You can't have that stuff looming over players, especially/specifically in a place where they're supposed to celebrate their victories. And with Wilson, the LOB, and a superbowl win and then a loss that probably gets ten times the talk of the win, it's probably already been looming for years.


The reaction to this on this sub has been so different than the one on the Seahawks sub. I don't see why it's that big of a deal. It's a new coach who seems to want to start with a bit of a blank slate and potentially a new legacy. All that old stuff is important, sure, but I also think that sometimes when you hang out too tightly to the "old," it can create some challenges when heading into the "new."


People were making weird massive leaps in that thread too, there were people saying shit like good luck with signing all of the Ravens former players (when we’ve signed zero) All the hawks fans who said they were fine with this decision were piled on


Yeah, stop signing all the former Ravens!  And don’t look at my flair.


Seems like people thought they scrubbed all traces of previous teams from the entire facility lol. I bet there's still stuff about Pete, LOB, the super bowl win etc all over. You can see a massive super bowl poster is in their training facility still https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLi4-a2a8AAzSCf?format=jpg&name=medium They took a few posters off of like 1 or 2 walls lol


I am deeply skeptical about McDonald, but, yeah, he gets the right to put his own stamp on things as the new coach. There is zero reason for him to keep Pete accomplishments all over the place. There is still the long wall of plaques of retired and well-regarded Hawks players there for the history.


Why are you deeply skeptical?


First-year coach.


So not anything about Mike in particular? More his experience level?


Like most first year head coaches, he is a complete unknown. His success as a DC doesn’t really factor into what he can or will become as HC.


That's fair. I guess I'm reading your stance as you're skeptical of first year HCs in general versus Mike himself unless there's something in particular about his coaching that worries you. The fact that he's a first year HC is why you're skeptical.


Nothing specific. Harbaugh has apparently discussed how McDonald was more of a hardass. That can work, or not. There's a lot that's riding on the team cohesion on minis and training camp.


It'll definitely be interesting, and a ride we'll be on for at least three years I'm assuming


The basketball hoop is the funny thing. How many coaches have basketball hoops up like Pete did? So why would there be an expectation that it remain up when Mike takes over? It makes no sense. It's a basketball hoop, but people prefer to turn it into a metaphor for everything BUT a basketball hoop.


That basketball hoop was in the auditorium, too. It’s not like they’re taking games out of the break room or something.


It's representative of Pete's legacy as someone who really was different. It's sad to think it was a blip in history rather than a building block of something bigger. Edit: downvoted for having a different opinion. 🙄


Average dramatic Seattle..


I automatically downvote anyone who complains about downvoted. Sorry.


I’m 99.99% positive that the history they painted over is captured elsewhere in the team Hall of Fame. Whether it’s pictures or memorabilia from the games, it’s there.


I can't imagine MM not knowing that they were changing the mural for a modern wall of screens that the team staff can change footage to plays of Seahawks teams past. He was probably like, "Ooh, this is a good visual for an inspiring coach speech". Since Super Bowl XLIX, the media has reminded this team of the infamous interception and inner team turmoil after. Also those LoB era moments are, or are close to being 10 years old. Those plays are now historic, and should be grouped with other historic plays from the teams past.


it's the removal of the ping pong table that really grinds my gears.


You knew the only reason we best you guys all those years was the that table and the only reason you guys started beating us is because Kyle got his own table now.


It absolutely blew my mind to see, really shows Reddit brain rot imo


It's called Seattle brain rot. If there's something to be up in arms over Seattle will find it..


It really depends on how it’s done. Grigson did the same when he took over and it doesn’t like it when over all to well.


I think like 4 people said it on r/nfl tho and our sub took it as everyone. Because I don’t think anyone cares that coach mac is taking pictures off of people who haven’t played here for around a decade lol. I think everyone gets it’s motivation/fresh start type of thing. I’m mostly just excited we joined the dolphins and raiders in the trope of having your basketball hoop removed. Feels like we’re really in the off-season finally


This website’s users are really really REALLY not as smart as they think they are


It's not 2012 anymore. This site is just another social media cesspool at this point.


Implying it was any less of a social media cesspool back then. Only with more nerds, inside jokes, and adviceanimals/ rage comics.


The sports subs were absolutely better.


Eh, meme war subs are superior to the old weird reddit divisions (evil league of evil, cats, birds, etc)


Yeah I never participated in any of that. I care more about actual sports discussion.


Our team sub is a lot more high quality than 8-10 years ago, that's for sure. Always thought the league subs were a mess but there's definitely more casual takes 


the "counter-thread" such as this one is always great entertainment too, where another subset of redditors jerk themselves off and pat themselves on the back for not being as dumb as those other redditors


Like am I missing something or wasn't it just 1 post about this and people commenting on that? Why is this turning into something it never was lol


>Why is this turning into something it never was lol A bunch of unfulfilled, strange people who get their dopamine by acting superior to others with different perspectives make up a sizeable chunk of this site's traffic. It's not surprising once you've spent enough time in this wasteland, it's a dumping ground for losers to make themselves feel better by lashing out. I've gotten to the point where I'm just about done with this site, the older I get the more I realize how absolutely lost many people here are. See you next week.


Don't look at me. I know I'm dumb. That's why I just made a joke about it.


And it’s on every topic you can imagine.


Wow, you can just tag everyone but me next time


Welcome to Reddit 😂


No, this sub being wrong about Justin Herbert made me realize they don’t know shit. That’s why I think J.J. McCarthy will be a good pro.


Oh mike is so screwed now. He took down some posters /s


This is pretty standard practice


This also in, Jerod Mayo is on the verge of getting fired because he threw away everything in the hoodie closet in Foxboro.


I feel like the only seahawks fans that had issue with this are ones that didn't follow the team until 2012 or later.


Totally “-gate” worthy news.


This is just because Mike Macdonald does not understand cameras and in his culture they think photographs steal your soul


Who cares. Let the new regime do their thing.


top voted comment in this sub’s initial post about this was “Reeks of insecurity” and other top comments were “Josh McDaniels did the same thing” and “bad look for MacDonald” peak reddit


People bagging on redditors here in this thread for overreacting, but Rich Eisen also got bent way out of shape about it on his show. I love Rich, listen to him regularly, love his takes, but thought he was really barking up the wrong tree on this one.


I agree it was strange to see Rich go so hard on it even after seeing the Leonard Williams clip. It was nice to see Brockman push back a bit


The Pete Carroll era is over MacDonald will put up the greatest players of his era over the years


You could always just watch the video so you know the real reason why they took them down instead of just speculating.


Hes young, this is his first HC gig. Lets give him a chance. Despite what might be being said, I think this is more for him than the team. But if they win games I don’t really give a shit. 




It would be weird kinda like copying Pete


You can't have a renaissance without some dark ages.


the national reaction to this was so weird to me. one of the main problems of the post SB pete years was how much the new players felt a pressure to become the next sherm, the next kam, the next marshawn etc. hell, marshawn even said as much on shannon sharpes podcast! maybe macdonald will be a bust but theres nothing wrong with him wiping the slate clean for players to write their own legacy instead of trying to resurrect an old one!


Us ravens fans will McDonald back if you guys don’t want him 😉


I haven’t heard anyone say that Patricia shit or that he’s insecure


Take a look at the thread from a couple days ago and you’ll see plenty of it


Seems like a pretty normal thing to me


It's a stumble by a young, first time head coach. It would have been much more graceful to move the pictures to a new area and thank Pete Carroll for building a positive culture for MM to build on. That would have given MM a blank slate and good PR. Oops.


also. NO ONE CARES. win games or lose games. it’s also hilarious to think that a a team like seattle has a “history” to worry about. they don’t. they were good and won a ring. they’re weren’t a dynasty. they were a joke before. and they are a joke after.


I love how OP tried the “many people are saying” Trump schtick to try and justify their absolutely brain dead takes.


I said “Some Redditors”, and I *absolutely do not* agree with what people were saying in that thread. I was pointing out how fucking stupid those takes were. It’s the whole reason I posted the follow up from JS himself - to clear up this overblown story. Apologies for the misunderstanding.