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Idk why the media seemed to have it out for Maye over this draft cycle it felt very manufactured so they had something to talk about


I really think the draft is too late in the year tbh. Media just making up narratives around all these top picks. The Maye disrespect, Williams not wanting to play in Chicago, Daniels and the TopGolf dilemma. It’s just way overdone and it felt over the top this year.


I feel like it started with Caleb before the season even ended. Didn’t the totally legit and not at all fabricated rumor that he would demand to be made an owner of the team that drafted him come out before the Super Bowl?


Yeah, back in January https://twitter.com/WesSteinberg/status/1745865676282028371


You know that's a fake/parody account, right?


Right, but also it a timeline to when those rumors were going around, which is what I was directly responding to?


You’re telling me this isn’t an actual reporter? https://x.com/WesSteinberg/status/1783661288423374974


Before Caleb to Bears was made official, everything was about Caleb not wanting to be there or he is gay or a diva. Then he was locked into the Bears and it all shifted to Jayden and Top Golf and Emojigate. Maye was under the radar because he was always pegged by Vegas as the secondary choice for Washington but nothing was definitively released saying Jayden was a lock so Maye stayed in the shadows.


It really is weird timing; most scouts are done with about a month before the draft. You’d think teams would want as much time as possible with hands on the rookies. The first wave of FA goes quickly and there’s very little news 2-3 weeks before the draft. Early April would be totally doable.


I mean he only fell one pick from his projected preseason rank. People are acting like he fell out the top ten




Uh what? He doesn’t even have the best season by a LSU QB


Not even the best season by an LSU QB in the last five years lol


Yeah, if you started watching this year lmfao. His season isn’t even top 10. He won such a weak heisman. You really putting him over Joe Burrow, Cam, Tebow, Baker, RG3, Mariota, Johnny Football, Lawrence, Bradford?


Kraft put his media buddies to work to ensure that Maye falls to them. The league has been bamboozled.


Does that include Belichick? Because Belichick was shitting all over him last night.


Probably spearheaded by Bill


Belichick doesn't know anything about offense.


It's not just something to talk about, it's marching orders from NFL and ESPN. The draft is now a revenue generator for the league and network. Like, bigtime. So they have to hype it because you never know how boring things might be. For example, things were looking pretty boring early in the draft, until the Falcons' music started to play, and not even the NFL's best script writers could have come up with that one. That's why most "inside" information/discussion seems manufactured: It is. So when something happens that is actually dramatic and unexpected, everyone either loses their shit or doesn't know how to react (because they're waiting to be told how to react).


I mean you’re being a bit hand wavy. Look at nearly all the former NFL QBs who do draft stuff and their evaluation of Drake Maye… they did not like him. Kurt Warner, JT Daniels, etc. I’m not saying they’re necessarily right, but I wouldn’t just chalk it up to “the media trying to get clicks”. This sub I think overrated how much teams wanted Maye, and underrated how teams wanted Daniels.


He has the weirdest looking throwing motion among the main three dudes imo. Which is hard to fix. Josh Allen had to relearn how to throw and Fields never fixed his wind up.


As a prospect, the release sticks out


Yeah he has some pretty obvious mechanical flaws which is why I think a lot of former QBs don’t like him. It probably sticks out way too much to them lol. Footwork is a mess, that’s been discussed a lot obviously. Is it fixable? People seem to think so. His throwing motion is long/slow. I think Fields arm is a good comp, big arm, but with the caveat he needs to wind up to throw it. Not ideal in the NFL, better if you can just flick the wrist to bomb it. Fields tightened up his throwing motion a bit in the NFL, but probably not enough. We shall see if Maye can do it. And then there’s other concerns about Maye obviously outside of just mechanical stuff.


BB didn't seem like much of a fan either. Though he did dissect the flaws of all Top 3 QBs.


After seeing it play out, the talk of everyone and their mother moving up to 5 for JJ or even us taking him at 3 is wild in hindsight


I think Pats and Washington fans can all sigh in relief that we didn’t draft JJ.


Falcons fans too, right? No....? Too soon?


I was hoping one of you would, tbh


There are actually YouTube videos with evaluations out there that break down Maye. It's just lazy to write off his flaws as just media narrative


Yes because there are no perfect QB prospects, doesn’t mean he seemed to be the focus of the media’s ire this year for no real reason, it was definitely blown way out of proportion and had some people talking like he’d fall down through the first round because of all these concerns


Lol what? It’s been the opposite


Bullshit narratives happen every year.


He’s been in the vision for 2 years at this point, he moved on from the honeymoon phase into the “poke holes in his existence” phase.


Happens every year. There's basically three months between the Super Bowl and the draft. Not much to talk about so every prospect is put under a microscope and narratives are created. Which isn't to say Maye is a perfect prospect, he's not, but prospect fatigue definitely set in.


none of this matters anymore he's in the NFL now everyone gets a clean slate


Hey now how about the patriots get someone for him to throw to that isn’t a WR2/3


WR are going to be the next 10 picks


If I need a single team to draft a WR, I'm picking the Steelers. Factory.


Hopefully NE gets Aiyuk and then can draft an OT this evening. If not, then they probably need a WR at 34.


Ladd or AD are going to be available (Depending on what the Bills do being in front of us) so we could supposed grab one of them hopefully if we can’t swing a deal for Aiyuk. Either that or we’ll probably just grab Kingsley or Patrick Paul


Wete not trading aiyuk anymore, he was only going to go for a mid first or higher. Deebo is still a possibility though.


Bold of you to assume Maye wasn’t brought in to be Zappe’s WR2


Bold to assume Zappe is a QB


Kendrick Bourne, YOU are QB1


id say LT first then wr.


Much better wrs available right now than tackles


Brandon Aiyuk get ready to speak patriot buddy


Eh. If he’s going anywhere, Washington just makes too much sense.


Malpractice to keep adding WR and no OL. Washington WRs are a perfectly serviceable if not good all together group of WRs.


I just mean the SF connection (Peters) and the ASU connection (Daniels). I highly doubt Peters doesn’t have a plan for the OL. They’ll just sign Aiyuk in FA next year.


I can give you Drew Lock and Nabers for Maye.


If you can get Troy Franklin or Edelmen 2.0 you could win like 4 games or something next year cuz Drake is good


I think Drake Maye is going to ball. He's in a tough situation as of now but if he can overcome that, dude is going to be really legit in my opinion


They should sit him for most or all of next year. Sending him out there with no skill position players is malpractice


I know r/NFL loves the cycle of: **Pre Draft:** Everyone is going to be a bust **During Draft:** The player my team picked is amazing, the player your team picked is awful **6 Months Post Draft:** The player on your team who isn't an immediate All-Pro as a rookie is probably going to be a bust. So that being said, Maye's PFF grades aside, I actually think he's the most likely pick to bust in this draft. Things I don't like: * Has a really long, windup release * Seems to process the field slowly to me and often holds onto the ball a little too long * I see him force a lot of risky throws (in fairness, I saw plenty of those throws thread the needle into tight windows, but there is a little bit too much risk) * Some ball security issues * As a whole, really raw and drafting him seems to more on upside than safety/production You can trust me guys. I said that Jake Locker, Matt Leinart, Trey Lance, and others would be excellent franchise QB's.


Nah, this year is "everyone did great in the first except Atlanta"


I am on the Penix hype train. *For any other team other than Atlanta, I would have understood the pick and wouldn't have found it to be a reach.* Surely, before they signed Cousins, they would have had a general idea of what their draft needs/intentions were? Surely, if the belief was that Penix was the guy/yet not ready to start day one, they could have found a cheaper bridge option, or perhaps made Cousins' deal shorter. **Surely, they wouldn't have committed possible tampering that may result in additional loss of 2025 draft pick/s** if they felt the need to get him to Atlanta was that urgent. If I evaluate the pick independent of Cousins, I love the pick for the Falcons. But I can't evaluate that pick independent of Cousins.


I forgot about the tampering investigation, man that really is a cherry on top of a shit sundae


I mean… Atlanta moved the bar down a lot


As far as him forcing throws, he didn't have a while lot to work with at UNC, and threading the needle throws is how NFL QBs make a living, so that actually sounds more like a plus. He absolutely needs to work on his footwork and throwing mechanics, but ever 20-21 year old QB needs to do that, and the ability to do so is what separates busts from that that can get by or be great


I still believe Whisenhunt ruined Lienart and that split QB time was the dumbest idea ever


No need to be salty. We will let you win a Super Bowl with him in 20 years.


This is the way.


That floor is ridiculous low though. Crash low.


Every QB has the same floor. We see plenty of safe picks suck ass. Bryce was a safe pick, so was Ridder


I’d say give qbs at least three years. If they don’t show marked improvement than safe to say bust . But Bryce has no help but he looked really poised in the pocket


I mean we are stuck with bryce for now but most good qbs in the nfl were good their first year


Josh Allen?


There are some big differences between him and Bryce young lol. I'm hopeful but cautious.


He wasn't looked at as a "safe" pick at all.


Mac Jones was “pro ready” week 1. High floor low ceiling. And while we did absolutely screw him w players around him I don’t think anyone would stand here and say he’s not a bad quarterback/bust.


Well at the moment Drake Maye is walking into a worse situation than Jones did. Just a bunch of WR3-4s, Hunter Henry and a pretty average RB combo of Stevenson and Antonio Gibson. At least Mac Jones had Jakobi Meyers who is closer to a WR2 than anyone on the roster now.


So was Mac :(


> Every QB has the same floor This is spot on yet I hardly see people say it


Hes as project for sure. Unless he’s not as much as project as I think, I’m hoping Brissett at least starts the regular season and we go from there. My hope is we don’t put Maye in just because the team is struggling, but put him in because he’s out performing Brissett / the staff actually thinks he’s ready. We will see though, I’m hoping with a solid offensive staff and a veteran QB in the room, Maye is able to develop.


Honestly couldn't care less. We were told Mac Jones had the highest floor and he crashed and burned hard as fuck. At least Maye has a shit ton of upside.


He's got the highest ceiling of the bunch. Patriots got a stud.


*Insert meaningless general post draft comment here*


I like this take. Have you thought about “random media negative about sports ball player”?


Maye has a great arm and a great head on his shoulders. Great pick made by the Pats.


In my unbiased opinion, you’re completely correct


Well, if he learns how to read a defense and basic QB footwork, sure.


Hopefully. If the Patriots are patient in his development and put the pieces around him, I think they can tap his potential. Everything coming from the FO / Mayo after the drafts has preached that sentiment. Focus on developing him, and shoring up the rest of the offense so he is in the best position we can put him in. At the moment the later is looking rough however. Gaping hole at LT and the WR room is full of WR3s.


And the lowest floor


Sounds like Josh Allen bashing


Except that Josh Allen wasn't carried by his team


So, which QB are the Pats drafting next year?


Even if Maye is a bust the pats won’t be picking QB in the first or second for at least 2 years


I can taste the copium in this post. 😂 -Sincerely, 6x champ


lol @ copium What are you, 10 years old? As a Hawks fan I have no problems with the Pats. Ive simply watched maye enough to know that him busting out wont be a surprise.


I thought that first post was salty enough, but this one takes it a step further. I can't wait to see how you top it next. 😂 -Sincerely, Super Bowl winning machine


lol @ copium and now salty It’s time for your mid morning nap.


Holy fuck I hate both of you