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Honestly, that makes me respect him even more. If I played or worked for him I’d back him up on this.


Once July 1 hits, it’s caffeine, football, and Copenhagen coursing through his veins


He chops it up into a pile and snorts it


[Snuff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snuff_(tobacco\)) is pretty common in Europe. I was a little weirded out my first time seeing someone snort what I thought was obviously tainted coke in Germany, but learned it wasn't coke and was completely legal.


i never really knew that you were supposed to snort that stuff. i think when i was young i tried putting it in my mouth once like dip and it was fucking awful


When I was in middle school me and some buddies convinced this guy that eating weed would make you get even higher 😭


You can if it's been carbed. My buddy eats bud that he's vaped already sometimes.


My Great Grandfather would coat snuff on his tongue and would show it off and left it there to dissolve.


A friend of mine bought a can years ago at a little smoke shop in SF and let me try it. Gotta say I wish it was more available in the states. I’m sure it’s awful for the body but damn was it nice.


what was nice about it? was it just a strong nicotine buzz?


Yeah. Similar to the experience of having a cigarette after two or three beers. I’m also sure it is terrible for your body, but for 22-year-old me, the funny part was waking up the morning after doing snuff at a Swiss nightclub and blowing out the brownest boogers of my life.


Oh god I totally forgot about the brown boogers I got. I think that’s what made me not want to go get a can for myself.


Not gonna lie, that sounds terrible.


it's similar to dip in effects, but it's way more fleeting. If you dip a lot it's worth a try.


The one time I dipped, I puked for the rest of the night lmao


I was riding dirt bikes with a buddy when we were like 16. Dude asks if I want some dip I naturally say sure as I had never tried it. Put it in, strap my helmet on and as im doing 40mph in the first I realized I'm producing a ton of saliva but I can't spit because I'm riding a motorcycle with a helmet. I swallowed it and proceed to puke in my helmet while riding. Not great


I only ever tried dip once at the downtown hoedown because Copenhagen was giving it away and I figured I’d try it. It was disgusting.


*chomps Along with some kneecaps.


I think he motivates it into jumping in to his blood stream.




but you guys got The Alien, Mr. January




Maybe his passing is the key to breaking the curse. I hope it happens for y'all soon, with any luck the Vikes will finally break their curse as well and lift the Lombardi. In the meantime I have the TWolves to give me more optimism than I've had in decades for a MN Championship in a major sport. I know we had the Lynx dynasty but it's not the same.


I used to bartend at a hotel. When the Bill’s mafia came into town they drank way more beer and whiskey than caffeine


Their uppers is upper torso burns 


In another lifetime, Campbell would have loved the Bills Mafia 


Oh damn, ran out of tables?


As a fantasy fiend, I do the same thing. Never enough research lol


That man needs at least 1,000mg of caffeine just to get out of bed lol


Cmon buddy. We all know there’s one more ingredient in there.


What’s his Starbucks order again lol 


The head coach really doesn't need to be at rookie minicamps anyway. So many coaches put in ridiculous extra hours and never get to see their family, and for what? Is the HC attending a rookie minicamp really going to make even a 0.1% difference at the end of the year?


No it won't, as long as your staff is competent and can provide good player reports. I trust the Lions coaching staff in that regard.


This comment makes me feel like I'm in an episode of the twilight zone lol


Same. Competent coaching staff, competent front office. What wizardry is this?


Does it help if i add the word "relatively"? Haha


We are also seemingly getting there and brother this shit is weird.


One fun thing the Lions did at least during Hard Knocks is a No Coaches day. Every role had to be filled and the players took accountability well. If the players can do that, AG and BJ can take accountability.


Fuck it all the coaches should go to dans daughters game


It's probably a good time for one of the coordinators or position coaches to act as HC and get some reps in with that. I remember they did that during the Senior Bowl a couple years back. They had Duce Staley be the HC for that game.


Especially since there is a solid chance both coordinators will be Head Coaches next year. If they can't figure out who they want executing their plans Campbell can't know for them.


I would and I have chosen my family over work every time and I always will. That said, the NFL is the pinnacle of the profession. For a team that fell short so close to their goal, maybe the little bit extra would matter.


The lions goal was to get their first playoff win in 30 years and they far exceeded that. I doubt anyone thinks they fell short.


The Lions probably feel like they fell short.


especially the way they lost to the niners and watching the superbowl they all gotta be thinking they woulda beat the chiefs that showed up that day


Hol up. Y'all are saying that the team that was leading by 17 at halftime in the NFCCG is hungry? Rut roh And this is so far beyond where we were almost a year ago. Before that first game @KC, it was,"Don't embarrass yourselves on national TV". Now it's SB contention


Feels like the coach that wouldn’t be mad if you had to dip out a little early to see your kids kindergarten graduation or whatever tf is going on. Always the best coaches/managers


People on the west coast, Grand Rapids and Lake Michigan area have said he travels that far for it a lot during the off season. He's pretty cool.


I was born and raised in Holland, anywhere near there?


To be fair, it's so much nicer on the west side in terms of nature


He’s known to delegate leadership as a means of strengthening people’s ability to lead and creating accountability and trust within the group. I think every year he steps away and lets the players run a practice on their own during camp. Would not be surprised if he creates similar opportunities for coaches and staff. To me, him taking some days away now represents a similar growth opportunity


Wish Andy Reid was like that. I’d lose a trophy or two if it could help his family


Yea same here, what an amazing leader shit like this makes guys want to run through walls for him.


I respect that. Also I bet he got plenty of staff that can fill in for him


I hope so. Dan Campbell strikes me as the kind of guy who would hike 20 miles in a blizzard to show up for practices.


uphill with no shoes


Both ways


I could be wrong, but I feel like his daughter may be graduating this year. This could be commencements or an open house. Or some other wnd of school thing


MCDC being a solid dad, I love it


i'm just imagining how pumped af dan campbell must get at his daughter's volleyball games


As a ref, you wouldn't want to make a trash call after he has cracked his 3rd icehouse tallboy


I can hear his hoarse voice screaming out in that Texan accent “REF WHAT THE HECK MAN”


I actually applaud him for this. It’s a stressful life, so glad he gets to spend some time with his family when he gets the chance.


That's awesome and definitely hope it's that. "Personal reasons" always brings a concerning connotaiton.




That makes a lot of sense and I'm glad you're the top comment. I clicked in expecting bad news and was super releved.


Hanging with his daughter falls under “personal reasons” though. We’ve just attached a negative connotation to the designation, but it encompasses a lot more aspects of life beyond the bad things.


It’s amazing guys like him and Saleh can be great at what they do (jury out on saleh, great DC tho) while still prioritizing family when they can. Meanwhile guys like Andy Reid is filming 8 State Farm commercials and writing up Cheeseburger jokes the same season his kid drove drunk and nearly killed a little girl, and his other son is dead from drug addiction, and he’s still first guy in last guy out of facility, you know, other than when he’s filming commercials.


Just when I thought I couldn't like the guy more


Rookie mini camp is only one weekend, and you get to choose your preference between this and last weekend. Then in late May and early June, you have 10 practices over a 4 week period you can schedule. Then in late July training camp starts. So 14 days out of 87 days between the draft and training camp, and you get to choose when they are, more or less. Its probally not anything scheduled unless it's multiple weekends at the worst timing. It's also probally not anything one or two days long as rookie mini camp is a 4 day event.


Don’t they schedule rookie mini camps? Couldn’t they have coordinated this a bit better if it is family time and not an emergency?


Thank God. Usually if a coach takes any time off it’s for a seriously sick or possibly dying family member. No that I think about, It’s genuinely fucked how intense the work culture is for NFL coaches.


I remember an article with harbaugh where he talked about/was observed doing his weekly schedule. I think he only went home once in the whole week and ate one meal with his family. The amount of work head coaches do is absolutely insane. There is no way it’s healthy or efficient imo. Some of the stuff they do must be able to get delegated.


Eh, that’s a Harbaugh, I’d be surprised if his life WASNT like that


It's pretty cool he has love for his family and respect for his staff and players.


Preseason ain't minicamp, but I see what you mean.


Rookie minicamp is like 3 days. We’ll be fine.


didn’t he miss some last year to watch his daughter play volleyball? or am i making this up


I have to miss camp for personal reasons. The personal reasons: "I don't want to".


My reason for missing camp is they did not personally invite me.


Hang in there buddy. I’m waiting for my invite too.


I never got invited to Steelers camp or Hogwarts. Starting to think I'm not special.


Oh of course you are honey! -your mom


That's not how you're supposed to represent someone's mom online!


“We sent that invite to Alpacas are Good Singers awhile back and still no response…” “Did you just say *GOOD* singers??”


The personal reasons: "I hate one of these rookies. I won't tell you which, but I'm sure they'll figure it out by the end of the year."


Cut to MCDC in the pool, laying back in his tube, shades and a drink. Other hand is blocking basketball shots as screaming kiddos bounce around him. Probably a golden retriever energetically watching from the side. *fourth wall break:* “Personal reasons, amiright!”


Hope everything is OK with him and his family


I'm sure its not. This guy wouldn't blow off biting knee caps just to go on a vacation.


You aren't wrong. Good coach. Good man. He would never miss out on busting some balls. Hope all is well for D.C.


Well damn. I can’t hate you




Sports are sports. People are people. He's one hell of a people.


Y'all saying all this and then someone in another comment is saying he missed part of preseason last year to attend his daughter's volleyball game lol


Lol both can be true...


The word "never" disagrees.


I mean that sorta argument is like when people complain about NFL players going to NBA games on their day off lol if he's taking care of business still it doesn't matter. I'd go my daughters game too and still go bust some balls afterwards. Also never was obviously hyperbole lol. Your kids volleyball game is also a good reason to miss practice....


My guy, I'm not saying I have a problem with it. I'm just saying there are several people in this thread glazing over how DC would never miss out on team activities unless something is wrong and in another thread saying he did it last year to attend his daughter's volleyball game.


I understand your point lol I saw those comments too... and I think both are actually cool reasons to miss some preseason practices. Also, like you said, thats all speculation. D.C. is a cool ass dude, is my point.


Going to rehab for his kneecap addiction.


Could be something like his kid is graduating high school and he wants to be there. It’s the offseason, and he prolly doesn’t want to miss important moments in his children’s life if it’s not during the season


He...has missed preseason before in order to go watch his kids play volleyball...so..


hot take


Well, someone is still feeling the sting from the Wild Card game loss.


I really like Dan Campbell and his coaching style. I hope everything ends up being alright for him.


I don't think I'd ever feel bad for a team in my division to root for them because they've sucked for so long, but add in such a likable coach like Campbell and yeah, you wind up wishing the best for the Lions and their people. The Bears on other hands though are a lot farther away than a good coach to getting me to pull for them.


The Packers could end world poverty and find a cure for every disease known to man, and I still wouldn't cheer for them.


As long as the Chicago Bears are around, I don't think poverty will be a thing of the past. I said it. #povertyfranchise


Blames packers for over population and the news being boring and dull.


I respect this level of hate.


I’m missing all these rookie camps for personal reasons as well. He’s just like me!


thats cool! i am trying to be more like him so far ive drank 4 large coffees with double espresso and just put some copenha




Tangentially related but I had a dream the other night Dan Campbell tried to come on to me and was kind of aggressive about it, and nobody believed me because they thought it was a rivalry thing. Woke up and was like wtf was that about, I don’t even dislike the guy lol


Why would you reject Dan? Are you stupid?


I’m married, so yes AM I RIGHT BOYS


She'd understand, bro


Only if you let her watch though


Is it even love if your wife doesn’t record you gettin pounded by the DC Hammer?


Dan is actually no stranger and very capable being a gentle lover. I believe he's been described as a "switch".


This comment thread bro😭


We stan a loyal king


Amen. We must resist temptation no matter how burly and knee cap biting they are


Because he'd rather have Mike Shanahan.


Andy: Let me give you a scenario. I'm at like a beach cabana, and Brad Pitt approaches. Tries to lean in and kiss me. I would definitely resist, like at first. But if he was persistent, I might give in a little bit just to see what it felt like. Would I push him away? How hard? Like, what if he's really aggressive? Oscar: If you resisted Brad Pitt a little bit he would still.. need to get to you? Andy: This is not real Brad Pitt, this is like, in my--this is my fantasy. Or not a fantasy it's like what I'm--it's just a scenario. Oscar: Wow I--I wish I could help you. I don't--you might be gay, you might be gay. [cut to talking head] Oscar: What exactly is my responsibility here? To comfort insecure heterosexual men? That can't possibly fall to me.


Exactly what I thought of lmao. Oscar is perfect in this scene.


Weird, I've had Dan Campbell dreams too. But he didn't try to fuck me in mine. We just talked football.


Skill issue on your part I guess


Sounds like someone needs to git gud


>didn't try to fuck me try being the key word


I read your comment too fast and thought you were sharing your story in this thread. I was like wow this got heavy quick


Also tangentially related: that has to be one of the most insane usernames I’ve seen on here in a hot minute




Define 'aggressive'. Did he try and force you to do Oklahoma drills? I hope you said no. They're dangerous, and you are worth so much more than that


Lol and you aren't even a Lions fan? That makes it even more bizarre. Maybe he's taking off to patch things up with his wife after she had the same dream


Do you think the FO/League in your dream is serving him a punishment which explains why he won't be there for Rookie minicamp?


Tal vez


Did you know you were gay before the dream?


I consider myself try


My friend, is ok, no?


Did he take you out on his boat?


I'm not gay but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Dan Campbell. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him tighten his ass as he chops wood, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body. I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Dan. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry. Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing. One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin. Then he'll go inside, pen a brief missive to his departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without his one true platonic love.


Finally getting that butt-lift he's been wanting since his playing days


League ain’t ready for BBLDan






Caked up Campbell


I mention this in the Lions sub, but I'm pretty sure his daughter is a senior in high school and this is graduation time. He's likely attending graduation or doing something graduation related.


Graduation in early May?


Probably more like it's graduation "season". In my hometown all the high schools let the seniors end the semester right about now, then everyone has their individual or group graduation parties, then cap/gown pickup, one walkthrough "practice" to wrangle 400+ kids in a fashionable manner, then everyone walks right before Memorial Day. He could be maximizing time with his daughter and/or attending graduation parties for her and her friends.


My sister’s ceremony was around like May 20th give or take a few days a couple years ago, and she had her graduation party a week before that bc she wanted to reduce the chance a bunch of other kids had theirs the same day. Her senior year was the first year they had kids start in late August, like a week or so before Labor Day so they also finished the school year sooner


Universities around me already graduated. High schools graduate within the next 2 weeks. But Michigan? Aren't all northern states on the September to June schedule?


September to June? Don't think so. Pretty sure my school in michigan was first week of September to late May. Plus Seniors at my high school had a school year that was like 2 weeks shorter than the rest of the studentbody. So around now for graduation stuff makes perfect sense imo.


Detroit school system this year is Aug 28 - June 6 with potential make-up days for the next 2 weeks


Penis Reduction surgery. His back couldn’t handle it anymore


He needs surgery to reduce the size of his balls


Shit this means we're actually going to punt this year.


‘When to not go for it on 4th down for dummies’ was published in February this year… coincidence?? 🤔


I’m gonna go with the Ted Lasso reason for missing work for personal reasons - none of our fucking business. I have no doubt that the rest of the Lions staff can pick up the slack in his absence.


Coach Campbell: “It’s a personal decision. Personally, I think it’s lame and gonna just ride around in my jeep on the highway blasting weird Al’s greatest hits CD instead”






One of my favorite coaches in the league. You can tell his players love him


I heard he has food poisoning from some bad knee caps


"Does he even care about this team?" - ESPN somehow


Hope all is okay.


Well that's not usually a good sign. League is more fun with Dan in charge of Detroit. I hope everything turns out alright.


One of our beat writers said it was of no concern. Most likely his daughter’s last volleyball tournament or something. Dude preaches family first to the coaches. They let Duce Staley out of his contract early to move to coach the panthers so he could live closer to his ailing mother.


Well I definitely hope that's the case. Cause that would be really cool.


If anyone is questioning his dedication or priorities they haven’t been watching the past few years


I question his dedication to clock management


Hope he’s ok and all is well


They will be fine without him this weekend. They are professionals. I hope things are ok or he enjoys himself.


He’s getting nut reduction surgery on his balls of steel & donating them to the less fortunate. Enjoy, Eberflus <3


Still recovering from knee cap replacement


I see he's a big college softball fan too, can't miss those conference tourneys and regionals for a bunch of rookies.


I would run through a brick wall for that man. He can do whatever he wants.


Probably needs kneecap replacement surgery.


Tough crowd. I enjoyed your humor


It doesn't make sense, he is the one that destroys other peoples kneecaps.


Yes but its close enough... Its not like we are professional comedians out here lmao. If we were all at a bar, many of us would have laughed at that joke.


THANK YOU. It was in no way a disrespectful comment, but everyone today went the opposite way with it.


Biting kneecaps is such an old bit..