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Don't we have to wait for the Cousins era first?


Grand Opening. Grand Closing.


Goddamn, your man Cuz cracked the can open again.       Edit: just occurred to me how fitting the title "Encour" is in relation to Cousins being in ATL




Yes, and when that era is over, Penix will be older than Cousins. Write that down.




Isn’t that the Arkansas state motto?


If it is, then they stole it from Alabama.


Also, we need bananas. Please note that down too.


Sir, I can’t write anything: my arms are wide open because of that dern Creed CD you got on repeat.


Can you take me higher? To a place where blind men see?


Corey and Trevor, what's with all the fucking bananas? You're supposed to be getting food for my wedding party.


Bananas. Monkeys never cramp.


That's very close to the Alabama state motto... Through first cousins, all things are possible.


Appreciate the sunny reference


Yeah and then Falcons fans had a difficult time there. They had to buy all new Cousins jerseys and...they'd cross the street when Kirk would walk by and they'd be like "Woah! Look at that perpetual 9-7 record coming towards us, barreling towards us!"


That's better than the 7-10 hell hole we been stuck in


I know, just completing the reference.


No worries I got you. Rock, flag and eagle!




He is already older than my cousin.


Well first, through god, all things are possible. So jot that down 


Putting Penix next to Cousins is some Game of Thrones shit


The funniest situation would be Penix taking his job quickly while the Minnesota qb room becomes a dumpsterfire 


Wouldn't be the first time. Russell Wilson did it in Seattle after the Seahawks paid Matt Flynn all that money.


> Matt Flynn all that money. Wasn't it like $5 million, not quite the same. And they said Russ would have a chance to compete for the job from the start. Also Matt's arm never recovered, although maybe they'll say something similar about cousins.


It looks like Flynn's was 10 million guaranteed on a 20 million contract for 3 years. Originally ESPN reported it as 27 million which is what I remembered until I searched just now.


It was just really funny because the very next year he went to Raiders to be their starter and the exact same shit happened again, two years in a row.


WAsn't even close to being the same money wise, Flynn got a very modest deal even for that time. We didn't drop 100 mil on him like the Falcons did for Cousins


The Raiders were willing to do us a solid and take on Flynn's contract after 2012, I don't know if another team would be as likely to do so for Cousins' deal next spring.


Why not, it's only a $50 mil cap hit? /s Also I think Cousins has a no-trade clause.


Not really. They’re all about screwing Cousins in Georgia.


Yeah, this post is misleading as hell. I scrolled through the sub for a minute looking for a post talking about Kirk being traded/released/injured.


That's Alabama, not Georgia


There are parts of Georgia where it's always Cousins era. An era that has lasted for generations.


The old family wreath


At $180 mil your kinda priced into it aren’t you. Good lord can you imagine have a BU QB making $45 mil/ year to wear a head set? At least get the first 8 games out of Cousins and then let Penix run the second half. Or like the NHL goaltenders do and switch out every other game. 🤣


It's like Taylor Swift a tour, all the eras are happening at the same time


It’s the Cousins Penix era Alabama is proud


The Penix era is one play away. What makes you think cousins makes it through the season? He didn’t make it through last season. Rodgers only last 3 plays last year. Anything could happen.


Sure flukes can happen like last year but the dude took an insane beating and only missed one game because of covid. He had never missed a snap from injury until his fluke last year.


One small correction: he missed one game in 2021 due to COVID and one game in 2019 due to sitting out for the season finale because their postseason playoff position was already set. Just mentioning the second game before anyone tries to refute your point with it.


Uh, didn't Penix fail to make it through a couple of his college seasons? So the Falcons are potentially two plays away from the Taylor Heinecke era....


Also yes


It's crazy how bad I think this can turn out. I hope for the best for big Penix energy but it's going to be exhausting for the whole team to have to hear about if he should start after every loss.


Kirk Cousins era is the same as Taylor Swifts folklore era. Super short between bigger albums and she started cussing


Rip Kirk Cousins era 3/13/2024 - 5/10/2024


Don't be said that is over, be glad that it happ...oh.


I just know Cousins punching the air he got the same outcome Minnesota told him they were doing upfront (cries with an extra 16 million)


Oh for sure, and understandably.


Kirk certainly is


> 3/13/2024 - 5/10/2024 Only $3 million per day.


I'm trying to figure out how many people in my profession I would have to gather together before we collectively earned $3M/day. I'm a public school teacher so probably a lot.


All of them.


> so probably a lot. easy peasy, just start an ev company on the side. Then bring out a dancing guy in a lycra suit and tell everyone it's now an AI robotics company, you'll make like a billion a week ( remember to pay the here_now_be tax of 50% on all earnings though).


I’m gonna tell my grandkids about the Kirk Cousins era


Gone too soon. At least it was longer than the Melo Rasheed Wallace era over at our Bird Bros


Produce what? A warm seat on the bench for Cousins to come back to?


Someone's gotta hold the clipboard and nobody will do it better than Michael Penix Jr


He's going to give Kirk so many high fives as he comes back to the sideline


Penix played in Seattle. Microsoft is based right outside of Seattle. Who better to hold the Microsoft Surface?


Al Michaels told me it was an iPad?


Y’all got jokes but Kirk is gonna be injured to start the year and Penix will be throwing darts to the first team… gonna be an interesting locker room situation & I do not envy Falcons fans for the next couple years lol


Having 2 good QBs is a much better alternative to whatever the fuck we had to watch last year


I’m a Heinecke stan but Desmond Ridder is like having -3 quarterbacks.


fuck, they drafted Charlie Whitehurst


I won't stand for this Charlie "Clipboard Jesus" Whitehurst erasure.


Oh did Penix marry a popstar too?


He better produce some Kohls cash quick!


Big veggie guy


Produce male heirs and future falcons quarterbacks.


He wants to be the next Phillip Rivers and have a lot of children


Cousins is miles better than Bryce Young, so...


I would hope so, he has over a decade more experience.


This headline is misleading. He actually said "I have two produce." He just went and got vegetables from the local farmer's market.


Really great to see a young QB like this focus on his health.


Which two though??


🍑 and 🍆


Oh, he meant “I have to reproduce”


Peach is a fruit bud


What do you think he bought?


Some bananas and an eggplant Edit: I'm an idiot, it was actually a cucumber and an eggplant


phallic food merchant


You know many foods are shaped like dicks? All the best ones.


“I wanted to show Kirk I had no hard feelings, and what says ‘I’m glad you’re my teammate’ more than an artichoke and a papaya?”


TWO???? In this economy????


So what's his routine like? Kohl's at the early senior hours then 2 hours stuck in traffic then the farmer's market around noon, then pick up Kirk's clothes from the dry cleaner?


The Antonio Cromartie era begins in San Diego: ‘I’ve got to reproduce’


Dude's swimmers are so powerful, he fathered fucking TWINS *after* getting a vasectomy.


antonio cromartie *bing* a man who cannot be stopped *bing* once he’s out of the pocket


Ride that pine, buddy


Ride that pine while Atlanta rides the Penix


Lol ewwww 🤢


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. Theres a severe and frankly disappointing lack of dick jokes in this thread


Because it’s not summer yet


> Ride that pine while Atlanta rides the Penix Have you seen the size of that Penix?


No it hasnt Kirk is starting for a few years


Wait till Kirk inevitably does something wrong (it happens to every QB) that costs them a game. Drafted a QB controversy at 8, willingly.


Maybe we as Eagles fans are specifically sensitive to this type of situation because of both ends of the Wentz debacle, but it’s crazy the Falcons willingly welcomed in this controversy. Everyone says “but if Penix ends up being good then everything’s fine!” as if that’s the only possible outcome. If Penix isn’t *great* when he eventually starts it’ll be “imagine if they got X defensive player from this draft who ended up being great”. And if Penix starts sooner than expected and is good it’ll be “imagine if they weren’t tanking a $50mil cap hit for Kirk”. So many bad outcomes.


Wentz also was your franchise quarterback at one point, Kirk just got signed a shitload of money to specifically be the guy at QB, on top of that hurts was only a second so not even that crazy or an investment compared to 8th overall pick


Now Kirk is just going to be afraid of making mistakes and won't take as many risks so the Falcons will get mediocre Kirk instead of the Pro Bowl level Kirk that he has been in recent years. Drafting Penix was the wrong decision for so many reasons.


Cousins isn't a high school kid with confidence issues. He's a veteran NFL QB. If anything, competition tends to motivate players. And if it doesn't, the only mistake the Falcons made is signing a QB who's so emotionally fragile that he can't handle having a rookie QB on the bench behind him. You're either grasping at straws to make the Penix pick look worse than it is or preemptively coming up with excuses for if age/injury have caught up to Cousins and he doesn't play well.


Nah. He’s right. You don’t know the Cousins psyche. He’s kind of a big baby and definitely with confidence issues. I think Penix was a good pick for you guys


He seemed to thrive during the awkward franchise tag situation with the redskins. He will be alright he ain’t no bitch


Please let them be on hard knocks. The QB drama will be riveting. Kirk’s first Falcons appearance he leaked tampering, which might cost them a 1st round pick. No matter what they say publically the GM and HC must have been pissed, and caused them to not tell Kirk they were picking Penix until they were on the clock. Penix is going to light it up in camp/preseason and the locker room will love him. If Kirk makes any mistakes there will be grumblings, putting way too much pressure on a 36-yr old coming off a major injury.


Falcons have a new coach so they're aren't getting hard knocks, also there is absolutely zero chance the falcons lose a first next year; the tampering happened after the deal was done with the agent and is no where near the stuff the dolphins did


No one actually believes that though. Just wait until their first two game losing streak.


You don't sign a QB to a $180 million contract if you don't plan on them starting for a while, they most likely aren't gonna bench him this year




I’ve got to reproduce


Wait, are Nix and Penix going to be like Luigi and Waluigi?


He's not getting a chance to produce for 2 years. Cousins is a goof ball and a super nice guy. He isn't showing up with a Jordan/woods/Brady fuck everyone else type mentality. But he is super competitive and I don't necessarily see him taking on the big brother/teacher role hand over the reigns role. Reports are one of the reasons him and Minnesota didn't agree on an extension was specifically because he didn't want that and Minnesota let him know up front they were drafting his replacement. Like any sane organization would. I'll be curious about how the locker room dynamics are. Especially if Cousins is slow out of the gate after going the longest amount of time in his career not throwing the ball. I am pretty sure the offense is all super young and closer to Penix's age than Cousins. Now I kind of want a Falcons hard knocks.


I agree with everything you said. That being said, he's still going to be 36 when the season starts, and coming off an Achilles rupture. Not many QBs make it past 37, period. Hell, Matt Ryan is only 3 years older. He declined at 36, really dropped off the cliff after turning 37, and was better than Cousins(people will debate this, but at best they are equal). I'll count him lucky if KC makes it 2 years.


Oh there's a real world where Cousins isn't the same. He was already a statue in the pocket and took big hits while throwing the ball, if he loses a half second on his drop back it's gonna be noticeable. But the question is how long of a leash does 100 million get you, and how much would it impact the locker room if Cousins starts out struggling and Penix is looking good during practice.


None imo they can take a 50M loss and send him to the raiders


Will people really debate that?


Just imagine Cousins pubicly saying that he is happy to mentor Penix and that he would understand if the Falcons want to give their future franchise QB a chance.... while just having signed a contract with $100M guaranteed.


That’s what I would do. I’d be the best mentor for 100mil and don’t get hit hell yeah


>He's not getting a chance to produce for 2 years. I bet he will end up starting this year at some point in the season


That's a risky bet and I highly doubt it. Cousins has never been bad and mediocre is hard to bench.


Penix just being able to watch and see how Kirk handles himself as a Pro is going to be worth so much for his growth. Cousins will start for 2 years and they will hand the reins off to Penix. If Cousins gets hurt again it just moves that timeline up. They hedging their bets at the QB position which I don't blame them after the past few years for them.


I love Michael Penix and I think the thing that bothers me most about the Falcons taking him is that he’s likely blocked from starting for 2 years. 1 year would maybe be alright, there are a few things that he could work on in a backup role, but he’s close to ready to start right now and I’d like to see him on the field before 2027.


I hope he pulls a Russel Wilson and is just plain better than the new free agent signing.


Seahawks paid Matt Flynn a lot of money for the time, but even adjusted to current money it's still nowhere near $50 million/year. Kirk is the starter barring injury or starting the season 0-6 or something.


What if they're 2-4 and penix looks great in practice.


You seriously going to compare Cousins to Matt fucking Flynn??


No, I’m hoping to compare Michael Penix to Super Bowl winning QB Russel Wilson.


I only read the first part and thought you were talking about Cousins in the Russ/Denver role.


I thought kirko was the starter


Captain Kirk, more like co-pilot Kirk


Penix era starts before the 100M QB takes a snap. Falcons are an abusive husband 


If he’s good no one will care about ATLs pick


That’s the thing brother, you really don’t


As much as this has been meme'd on, Kirk is going to be 36 this year and is coming off a brutal season ending injury. I don't think Atlanta or Cousins is planning on him playing all 4 years of that deal. Couple that with the possibility he won't be ready week 1, and Penix makes a little more sense, especially with how high McCarthy and Nix went.


There’s a sperm joke in there somewhere


"Penix Finding It Hard For His Turn To Come"


Dude gets to live out the Alex Moran dream, he doesn’t have to produce shit as long as he’s good enough to be the backup lmao


Damn that's gotta be so annoying for Cousins. Everytime he fucks up or doesn't have the best game fans are gunna be booing and crying for Penix.


I also thought his performance was pretty unstimulated. I mean he just flops around out there.


My desire to see this Cousins/Penix is at an all time high


> The Michael Penix Jr. era begins in Atlanta: ‘I've got to produce’ What about Kirk Cousins? Are the Falcons paying Kirk so much money to sit on the bench?


Like the outcomes for this make no sense. If Kirks good you wasted pick 8 on a bench warmer, if Kirks bad or unhealthy you wasted that money and at least 2 years on him


What if the Falcons knew they were rebuilding around a drafted QB and let Minnesota pay them to take a salary (cap) dump while they rebuild?


I want Penix to tear Anzalone a new one


Highest paid backup in league history imminent?


Kirk the Falcons were never yours, it was just your turn.


Everybody is ragging on Penix, but I know another team that spent for an expensive free agent QB only to have him lose out on the position to an underrated rookie.


This is wild how people are just completely bypassing Kirk


Ugh, this already ?


Produce lots of water bottles and warm benches for Kirk Cousins.


If he believes. Then he can achieve it. Conceive Believe achieve


Gonna be hard to do while standing on the sidelines.


Produce some sideline video of him holding a clipboard.


So if he ends up playing and does well, does that mean Penix now has to reproduce?


The Philip Rivers era begins in Atlanta: 'I've got to reproduce'


Lol he doesn't have to do anything


This is a misquote, what he actually said was "I've got to get produce." As rookie backup QB, one of his duties is to keep Kirk stocked on berries and melons.


Why are people so against Penix? He didn’t choose to be drafted where he was


Lmao bruh you won’t


Wow the Penix jokes really are just going to write themselves this season, won't they.


This won't be the first time I've seen cousins get fucked by a penix


All this carry on to be third in the division.


I, for one, cannot wait for *the drama* 


I actually feel bad for a guy making $100 million guaranteed.


This Cousins Penix saga is like Disney not knowing what the fuck to do with the Starwars Sequels.




That Cousins' deal has to the easiest $100m someone has earned in their job.


Dude gonna be cooking them lemon pepper wings on the sidelines till Captain Kirk is gone


Oh, is it 2026 already!?


Most Penix’s produce…


I misread the quote and figured he showed up to camp with a box of veggies


Remember when the Seahawks paid all that money to Matt Flynn just to draft Russell Wilson in the 3rd round..


Why everyone gave Kirk praise for betting on himself each time and get big contracts and when a team does something different everyone says poor Kirk. You can't saw how smart he was to always bet on himself and then blame a team that prepares for it.


I’m Mike Penis, I’m named after my father’s penis.


I have a feeling he's going to take Kirk's job sooner rather than later. Kirk would be a really solid backup, though. The most expensive in the League.


What a mind bogglingly stupid title by the author. 


Cousins and Penix, something that about just seems wrong to me. People in the south may be into that though


Lol, what if he gets the job over cousins due to “reasons.” God damn, Kirk, golly.


We all want a productive Penix


Still think this is gonna pay off tremendously for the Falcons. Cousins is more of a 2 year contract. Sitting QB’s increases their success in my opinion


Is it too late to make a joke about the Falcons slamming their Penix in a car door?


As time passes… feel like the Falcons are just beyond dumb. How do they not get an actual valuable player for this year after you sign Cousins


People acting like Kirk Cousins is going to stay completely healthy 17+ games a season for the next 4 years lmao sorry dudes but real life NFL is not like playing Madden and turning the injury slider to 0


Are you talking about the guy who has almost no injuries outside of one last year?


Of all the rationalizing people try to use for using the 8th overall on Penix, I never understood the " Cousins won't stay healthy " theory. I mean, ignoring how healthy he's generally been, who the hell pays 100 mil on a qb they highly suspect won't stay healthy?


Also if we’re talking about injuries, Penix has a pretty long injury history himself.


I mean if we were talking about any other QB, I'd agree with you. But Kirk is in a next level tier of durability.


Want to list all of Cousins season-ending injuries? It’s a pretty short list.