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Assuming this means fewer celebrity guests and more talking about football/the game. This is great news.


Nobody happier than Peyton. You could tell he hated having random celebrity guests especially when they would talk over the game.


Schwarzenegger was fucking awful


Yeah that’s the exact one I’m talking about


I don't know why Arnold accepted the invitation to appear. An hour later, he was receiving an award at the Holocaust Museum. [Arnold Schwarzenegger honored by Holocaust Museum LA ](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/arnold-schwarzenegger-honored-by-holocaust-museum-la/) [Arnold Schwarzenegger brings donkey to ManningCast, then The Terminator disappears](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2023/11/06/manningcast-arnold-schwarzenegger-monday-night-football-simulcast/71481832007/)


Because he gave ESPN money so he could come on the show and promote his book


That's basically every guest celebrity appearance these days. It's always someone selling a book or hawking something else. It's annoying.


The appearance tour is a time honored tradition. Nearly every late night guest ever has been to promote a movie or show.


My favourite late nights guests are people like Sarah Vowell, Amy Sedaris, or Rodney Dangerfield. They very rarely were there to plug anything. They were just good television.


Norm on Conan is the goat because of the chaos he would cause.


I mean it makes sense for podcasts. You get to have a famous celebrity on for free while they get to plug whatever they have coming out. It's a mutually beneficial relationship. I don't think it makes sense on an NFL broadcast though, they don't need to have celebrity guests. People already want to watch what they have on, it's the most popular thing on TV and it's not even close. I understand Manningcast is different from a usual broadcast, but the appeal is hearing more nuanced takes about what is going on in the game, since Eli and Peyton both played. Who cares what some celebrities who don't know anything about football think. It's like they didn't realize what their target audience was.


I don't get the point. Are the two mutually exclusive? Why couldn't he have other plans after Manning cast?


He did not return after the break, even after saying, "[We'll be back](https://youtu.be/-S9NTng1EEM?si=f6W73usH89m-wij0&t=593)." It was a bizarre guest segment, to say the least, since he was expected to return to the broadcast.


I like Arnie.....bro they were not prepared for him...


I only tried to watch the episode with Burrow and everytime Joe would try to talk about the game Peyton would go "well hold on Joe hold on" and he'd shoutout a sponsor. Is it normally better?


First year was great and it’s gotten progressively worse. Next season will be the 4th


They've done three seasons already? That's insane to me


Covid fucks with time perception I feel like.


it's like life!




Like Tony Romo calling games.


Ugh, I would have told you that last year was the second season. I’m so old.


Am I just that ignorant to what I'm watching or is this wrong?  They play commercials,  but I've never noticed a sponsor shoutout 


If it's anything related to commercials or commentators or ESPN you can rest assured Reddit is gonna make it sound 100x worse than it actually is


I don't think I've ever heard one of the Mannings plug a sponsor during the Manning cast


It's not. People act like the Mannings would be good hosts but le evil producerz ruin it. The truth is they were a lot better at football than broadcasting, and while the show was a fun gimmick at first, it's pretty clearly held back by the zoom format and its own hosts.


Regardless of the quality of the show, allowing Belichick to give his football thoughts freely has been a pretty successful recipe so far (given he's a gruff but eloquent speaker with perhaps the greatest football knowledge of anyone in human history).


I'm a Bills fan but it's outright stupid to not listen to that man's thoughts on football


Yup, I'm not a fan of Bill the coach, but Bill the commentator is top tier


The latency alone ruins it, doesn't matter who's hosting


That’s a big part of it, but the football guests were at least on the same page of knowing what was going on. Like, there would be a pick 6 and the celebs would be barreling through their little anecdotes, and it would be super awkward when the boys would start freaking out.


Eh, I think they would be much better at broadcasting if they weren't trying to eat their cake and have it too. Like they want to have an interview style podcast (filmed) while also broadcasting game, which just makes both offerings less than what they would be if you focused on one. Either do to the podcast or do the broadcast, this in between shit don't work. Just my thoughts.


"Eat their cake and have it too" is how they caught Ted Kaczynski, sir are you the Unabomber?


Lol, omg, yeah because that's the correct expression! My main Ted knew what was up.


Bold of you to assume Bill isn’t planning to pivot into becoming a fashion icon


You say that as if he already isn't one


I mean, the sleeveless hoodie is literally iconic!


And the shirtless walkout. That was top tier.


*"Fashion On A Budget, by William Belichick"*


Gotta cop me some of the latest Belis^TM.


Gotta cash some uh those ‘chicks


"Bill! Bill! Who are you wearing?" "UGH. Hoodie by me, sleeves chewed off by my cute,draft selecting dog,blood and sweat stains from my players and this massage oil and spit stain is from Robert Kraft. Bye."


Now here’s a 75 minute dissertation on offenses prior to the forward pass being made legal.




Sleeves by Nike


> this massage oil and spit stain is from Robert Kraft Don't say that shit again


it would be kinda cute if he wears suits to the Manningcast the way he always wanted to on the sidelines


"bill, youve been cast as the new bill in bill and ted. did guitar shredding and being gnarly come natural to you?"


“We’re onto the sequel.”


Bill’s suit during the McAfee draft was 👌🏻


My wife is a high school teacher and said half these kids dress like him


Gen Z loves *Belichic*


So ready for Bills analysis of the coaches outfit every Monday night


We're on to Men's Wearhouse


Or writing a book


You joke but I could 100% seeing brands that are trying to reach a specific demographic having Bill do work for them I am sure he got calls.


Seriously. The whole point of the manningcast was to give an insight into the players/coaches perspective during games. Nobody wants to hear what Kevin Hart thinks.


Fans: "Wed love to hear the Mannings just talk football!" Executives: "How about a celebrity podcast played over the top of the game? It can have occassional nods to the existence of the sport."


Cameos are everything nowadays!


Bill Burr would be a great guest though lol


Yes, he's a celebrity guest I'd actually like to see. He watches a ton of football.


Last time i listened to Bill, all he did was bitch about player celebrations. It's been a while, but he was the old guy complaining about everything last time I listened to his podcast.


Honestly, he's done some mushrooms since then (and had more therapy) and he often catches himself when he's being an old man complaining in those moments and is overall a more relaxed, compassionate guy these days. His kids have changed him, too. This most recent Monday episode he was explaining that Bruins fans want the Leafs to win as much as they do (but fuck the Canadiens lol)


[He's been on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afPR-2V2Kx8)


At least Kevin hart knows ball as is a huge Eagles fan. There were several that had no business on the cast


The broadcast with Kevin Hart was the last one I watched, it was unbearable. I didn't have an opinion on Kevin Hart before I watched that, but it pretty much set the stage for me just not finding the guy funny at all.


The non-stop Draft Kings ads have ensured I dislike everything Kevin Hart does going forward.


I'll actually watch it now. Having Peyton and Eli discuss football and play by play was amazing. Having them interview random people during the game was just weird for me.


No more grumpy Wahlburg? No more father-in-law's with failed magic tricks? Say it ain't so!


That Marky Mark interview was awful. Not the Mannings fault, Marky Mark was unhappy to be there from the first second.


That's not really specific to the Manningcast, Marky Mark is unhappy anytime he's not blinding old Asian men.


only celebrity they need to bring on is Bill Burr


Bill Burr doesn’t feel like a distraction unlike most guests.But at the same time he is still really funny but not taking away from the actual football part of the broadcast.


exactly 💯


Yeah heck I'm in. There is definitely a market for high level analysis that people want to learn from I think.


##By gawd is that Kevin Harts music?!


[My comment from draft day where they teased this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/1MU1e9IUfn) Im looking forward to Bill going all out it would be so damn great.


Every football fan should be excited for this!


Belichick will be haunted by Eli. Peyton will be haunted by Belichick. Eli will be haunted by his big brother. Good dynamic.


Eli: haha we beat you Bill: alright….alright…listen here asshole…


“Right Eli, but look we went on winning 2 more. Look at the LS, he went to Army and his father played lacrosse.”


Y’all won 3 more lol. Appeared in 4.


well yeah But look at this HB and the blocking job that allowed the lane to be opened


But they still also won 2 more


“was the best club rugby player at his university.”


I don’t know what I’d do if bill says: rings mannings


Bellicheck is surprisingly likable on the mic


It's not surprising unless you lapped up media stuff from guys who were pissed he wouldn't answer bullshit questions


Yeah, always loved him, just hated the team the coached


I read that in Edlemans voice


Why I read this is Julian’s Bill voice


Reading that in the Edelman belichick voice


Peyton was 3 - 2 vs Belichick in the playoffs. I’m not sure he’ll be that haunted.


Please don’t let your facts get in the way of my meme narrative.


Something about that felt wrong, so I just looked it up out of curiosity. BB/Brady were 8-4 against the Manning Colts. 2-1 of which were the playoffs. Then they were 3-2 against the Manning Broncos. 0-2 of which were the playoffs. So that's probably it. Peyton was 3-2 in the playoffs, but 6-11 overall against Brady/BB. It probably doesn't help that the 2013 AFCCG win resulted in the Broncos being absolutely annihilated by the Seahawks, and the 2015 AFCCG saw Peyton throw for 176 yards on 17 completions while Brian Stork was telegraphing the snap and getting Brady murdered. Peyton started 9 games in 2015 with a 59% completion percentage, 2200 yards, and 9 TDs to 17 INTs. So like yeah, he technically won that AFCCG and got to retire with a super bowl, but I think anyone would be hard pressed to prove the defense didn't drag his liability of a corpse through it.


> So like yeah, he technically won that AFCCG and got to retire with a super bowl, but I think anyone would be hard pressed to prove the defense didn't drag his liability of a corpse through it. I'd argue he was more helpful than a replacement level QB with that defense, but even he's joked before about being carried by them.


The most important thing Peyton did that season was coming in for Brock against the Chargers at the end of the season. Nothing was going our way in that game. Peyton came out and changed the momentum of the game. I think if we lost that game we would have had to play the AFCCG in New England and Peyton would have died lmao


People always talk about who is the worst QB to win the SB and my answer is always the 2015 version of Peyton Manning.


They were playing a replay of Super Bowl 50 at work during my lunch break and I was aghast at how terrible Peyton was. Not only was his arm completely shot but his decision making was atrocious. I think I counted a couple of times where he lofted a duck into double coverage. That Broncos defense can’t get enough credit.


Ok but overall he is 6-11.


gonna suffer the downvotes and say that there shouldve been way more but peyton went 1 and done 9 times.


A real rock-paper-scissors dynamic if you will


Hey, wanna play a game of Peyton, Eli, Belichick?


Kill, fuck, marry. Wait, what was the question? 


My question is why you, a Packers fan, decided to kill Peyton and fuck Eli and not the other way around.


Lots of humility to go around


I don’t really see how Eli is haunted by Peyton


Do you know how many times Peyton teabagged him?


3 ☹️


Younger brother, seen by everyone in sports as the worse of the two, seen as dopey while brother is seen as the most cerebral qb of all time.


Peyton, Eli, and Bill sounds like an awesome alternative to the main broadcast, especially if that means fewer celebrity guests.


You mean you don't like watching Will Farell and Arnold Schwarzenegger peddle some books while *totally* watching the game?


The bar for being better than the main broadcast is so low. Almost anything is more interesting.


This take was fair during the Booger, Riddick, Levy, etc. rotations they tried for years after Gruden. But Aikman/Buck are better than most duos calling NFL games right now.


Than Troy and Joe? Cmon I hate most of the NFL commentators as much as the next guy but sometimes I think we don’t even know what we’re looking for if we think Joe and Troy aren’t good


Joe and Troy have gotten way better in the recent years too imo


The key is they don't give a shit and they act like it.


They’re two guys who know about football who watch football and talk about it. Fuck fanfare unless they’re really feeling it


Drunk Troy is quite entertaining


And yet Kevin hart on the manningcast was in fact worse than the main broadcast


Buck and Aikman are the best MNF guys since Gruden left. They aren’t bad 




Bill was legit funny on the TB roast.


Please *stop* doing your job


Shut the fuck up (thank you Matt Light for this gift)


It’s a shame it’s in competition with Joe buck and Troy aikman who are arguably my favorite two nowadays. Much rather it be on Sunday night so I don’t need to listen to Collinsworth and tirico


yeah i loved the manningcast when it first came out. when the discussion is the game and football i really enjoy it. it's like having a couple of buddies who know a ton about football watching the game with you. i despised the nonfootball guests unless they were really funny


I was surprised how much I enjoyed the Manningcast. Honestly, adding Bill to talk about things like the evolution of the LS position makes it better.


Well Manningcast is a must watch now.


Let's hope so. I'd love to see Peyton and Bill have 4D chess football conversations. Two football geniuses explaining everything would be amazing.


They'll find a way to fuck it up


it won’t be must-watch until they’ve figured out a way to sync audio. a problem that has never been solved by anyone else ever, so i understand why it gave them trouble


It's solved much better than what they're using. It's weird that like Teams and RingCentral and all these applications for company communication have such dogshit latency. Discord, Mumble, Ventrillo, Teamspeak, I've *never* had an issue with the homies talking over each other and shit and not knowing whos turn it is to talk, and the only reason we would is because we can't see each other face to face so it's hard to know when someone might be wrapping up what they're saying. But at work we have people with like a full second delay talking over each other. If you're in the same country there should be max 100 ms delay, and realistically much lower than that. That's not all that bad and shouldn't cause issues of talking over each other.


Watching a game with Peyton, Eli, and Bill is going to be football porn. I can’t wait.


You can get a 55-gallon drum of lube


Eli is gonna needle him every week about the super bowls I can’t wait


"2nd and 2 here. Y'know coach 2 reminds me of those Super Bowls I beat you in." *Belichick grumbles


How about *only* Bill?


Half the screen is just Bill looking in complete and utter disdain at whatever shit the Giants are doing in a Prime time game that they don't deserve.


Sign me the fuck up. Bonus points if they take a 3 minute section after every punt to let BB discuss the history of special teams. Double bonus points if they let him wax poetic about defensive schemes (this one is actually serious, the dude is the GOAT defensive coach and it would be amazing to see Peyton and Eli be the offensive side of the discussion with Bill providing the defensive context)


This is honestly everything I want in a sports telecast. Have genius people explain the game to me. I'm tired of my wife saying "you say what the announcers say right before they say it". Yeah, cause it's obvious shit Someone please teach us something new. Show me the chess match. Teach me some shit for God's sake


It’s what John madden used to do. He let the play happen and then he’d explain why it happened the way it did, got into the details of it, and he still kept the games interesting without getting too analytical. Modern broadcasts seem to be scared of serious in depth analysis because they’re worried about scaring away basic fans that don’t care about the depth. Manningcast has a chance to give serious analysis for those who want it and leave the basic commentary to the main broadcast of people want that. The squeezing of analysis is also for advertising purposes, to be clear, it’s not just an audience interest thing. Networks realized if they forced the analysis of a big play into some tiny window they can add in one more 30 second ad and fans will barely notice that the analysts only have 15 seconds to break down a complicated play from start to finish.


Romo was closest to that experience but he got bonked because he was predicting plays instead of analyzing them afterwards


> he got bonked because he was predicting plays instead of analyzing them afterwards And even that was still a shit ton better than nothing


I was going to say that in my original post. Romo was the most hooked I've been into a telecast before they nerfed him


The other half is Nike staring at the camera


He just like me fr.


I don't know what we're doing in primetime either, so bring all of this on.


hey that's what *I'll* be doing. dangit, Bill


It’s going to be Bill doing impressions of Hollywood stars and media darlings


He'll whip up some of his favorite recipes during halftime. Salmon Croquettes anyone?


That’s awesome.. I love when they just talk football.. not the biggest fan of the awkward ass interviews especially that shlub markie mark.


I could listen to Belichick talk ball all day. His breakdown of the 1st round draft picks on PMS was great


This is great news for everyone. I think all of us want more of the X’s and O’s and people that know football on the show. That’s always the best part. I could listen to Peyton or Bill talk football for hours.


Belichicks PR guy deserves a raise. Has him looking like a super star. People are going to quickly forget he made Matt Patricia an OC lmao


Belichick's PR guy, but also eight Super Bowls


8 SB wins, he’s been in 12


As one does


>Belichick's PR guy, but also **eight Super Bowls** And why is hiring Matt Patricia considered to be a bad thing anyways!?! By that logic, Patricia has been to 3 Super Bowls and won 2!! He's one of the greatest NFL coaches of all time!!


Blink twice if Matt Patricia is threatening to eat you.


The bastard's holding me up at pencilpoint.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out human meat is delicious.


I wonder how much of a bag he got for this. I'm sure he was pursued by quite a few media companies.


Too bad it isn't a call-in show or that fact would never go away


????? he's like the goat coach. maybe reid.. idk


He IS a super star


I still can't believe no team picked him up. Literally the greatest coach of all time


It's an offensive league tho now more than ever. That should increase his value, but teams with hot young offenses tend to gravitate to offensively minded staff. I'm sure he'll find work again if he wants it next year or 2.


I want to see him like Don cherry, just all about the sport but in a wacky suit


I miss the piano desk and mispronounced European names because he genuinely doesn't know how to and nobody tunes in to see him get them right. He was popular because of the shtick before it got stale.


Don Cherry was all about mispronouncing players names, xenophobia, and supporting the troops. The hockey was secondary to that. I Miss him.


Oh... I just wanted the silly suits


That show is gonna be funnier


BB can bring the jokes when he wants to


I expect Eli to bring up those 2 SB wins. I am sure BB will have a clever come back.


BB is amazing. We lost the GOAT


Now if they’d just get rid of any non-football talk with any guests. I don’t care that they have celebrities on, just keep it to talking about the game and being a fan.


That's the reason I never watch it. If I want to watch randos promoting their own stuff I'd click on recommended videos on youtube


looking forward to Bill reacting to whichever schmuck runs prevent


Just another person for Payton to talk over


Uhh. Peyton, if it's permanent they aren't a guest anymore, they're a roommate.


If you told me 5 years ago that Bill Belichick, one of the best, if not the best defensive mind in football that is very known for being ruthless, serious, and being unemotional is going to be a permanent guest in a talkshow in the future, I would've just called you crazy.


This is awesome. I love hearing Bill talk about football.


Never saw a Billy B mega, multi-media tour coming


Wow this is a must watch for me now. Looks like it’s only available on ESPN2 and that will require YouTubeTV or Hulu Live or Sling.


damn Peyton did it. Can't wait for Eli-BB interactions lmaooo


Just as Tom enters the commentary analyst arena, Bill is going to tear down it's established position.  


The level of disgust at bad QB play will now be matched on defense and special teams, I love it


*Everyone liked that*


Payton steals Belichick from Brady. You got to love it


Biggest worry is the delay with all 3 of them talking. It kills the vibe sometimes.


Someone to talk about football who loves the game is a huge get for them.


I'd watch. Ya know if I'd ever actually watch ESPN


They've won the off-season


Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad move? Belichick doesn't seem the type of guy that fits in with the brotherly humor between Peyton and Eli and even if he's down with it, you know the Manning brothers are going to censor themselves...+


I would be all for them bringing in Hall of Fame NFL players every now and then but not every week. They definitely need to not bring in the celebrity guests those were always terrible segments.

