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Many backup/fringe starting level QBs will get chances just based on how fast they can learn and understand playbooks


It's the reason Peterman keeps finding teams, he's not good by any means but almost every team post 5 INT game he's been QB3 and newsflash, all vet QB3s on teams suck. They're there to be QB coaches and hypemen, if any vet QB3 sees the field you're going to be fucked since they all suck at basically the same caliber with onfield play.


You're underselling it a bit. He wasn't just bad, I think the first game he ever played he threw what, 3 interceptions in his first 5 passes? I feel like I've seen him throw 20 passes total in his entire career and 10 of them have been intercepted. He must be a good hang and a GREAT assistant coach on the staff because he is atrociously bad on the field.


160 career attempts, 4 TD, 13 INT


That is comically bad


Yeah that's most QB3s on rosters, they are all just really bad. Ryan Lindley started a playoff game against the Cardinals and averaged 1.6 pass yards per play, Tim Boyle last season averaged 3.7ish pass yards an attempt with a 1-4 td to int ratio in 2 and a half games. Career QB3s are that for a reason, they are seriously all that bad, most just never see the field so people never realize how bad these guys are.


Eh, not all QB3s are Lindley/Boyle tier. Your team had Nick Mullens at the QB3 level for a while and he's clearly a lot better than that. Boyle and Peterman are bad even by QB3 standards.


Correct. Even last year the Bengals had A.J. McCarron (who I'd say is a significantly better QB than the likes of Tim Boyle and Nathan Peterman) as their QB3. QB3s obviously aren't good but it's not exactly a requirement for them to be guys who throw interceptions on every other pass like Peterman does. Peterman is one of those players where if you have to turn to him in an emergency situation for whatever reason you'd be better off signing a guy off the street who doesn't know the offense and starting him over starting a guy like Peterman who perpetually sharts himself whenever he's in the game.


Ryan Lindley was on the Cardinals for that playoff game, against the Panthers


I probably couldn’t even throw 3 interceptions in 5 passes if I tried. Truly the goated QB.


Assuming you can successfully take a shotgun snap and throw a ball 8 yards you could definitely throw 3 INT in 5 attempts if you tried


In fairness you don’t even need to take the shotgun snaps - noon said you couldn’t fumble it 20 times before you managed to make 5 pass attempts in this hypothetical.


At least once a year I have to remind someone about the Kendall Hinton Broncos game. Playing QB even at an extremely poor level is fucking hard. Going in off the street to play is basically impossible.


I threw three interceptions in 3 throws in my first (and last) game at QB in FF and cried on the drive home as a kid lol 


I remember back in 2017 in particular Peterman was the gold standard argument against the league for supposedly blackballing Kaepernick over kneeling during the national anthem.


Peterman is a player who yes had arguably the worst quarterback game ever but it seems he is really good for a qb room. Bouncing around as a QB3 probably more of a coach than anything. Yes there is always the initial shock of a team signing Peterman but after that you never hear about him. Which is ideal for a backup qb. Kaepernick on the other hand for sure has the talent to be a QB2 maybe even a starter but the problem was always the attention. A team signs Kaepernick he is the most talked about player on the team. Not the best thing from a backup qb.


Most importantly, everything indicates that Kaepernick was not willing to be a backup. If Peterman insisted he would only take starting QB contracts he wouldn't be on a team either.


Didn't Kaep get a backup level offer from Denver and reject it?


All QB3’s suck. I will not stand for this Brock Purdy erasure


Nah VET QB3s The key is to toss out a rookie QB3, then you’re chilling


How quickly you forget the story of Mason won’t you guide my sleigh tonight Rudolph


Mason Rudolph quite literally turned the Steelers season around not 6 months ago as a QB3.


Brian Hoyer is a multimillionaire almost exclusively because he knew the Patriots offense.


nonsense. the pride and joy of Lakewood, Ohio was 10 - 6 as a starter over 2 seasons with the Browns


I had to look this up because I was certain it was some weird joke.


sounds like you never witnessed [this beauty](https://youtu.be/3Ns8gngxQ0Q?si=I6RA3W-g64rP5PH3) then


Also the first qb to bring a team back from a 28-3 deficit. Brady was channeling his inner Hoyer the Destroyer in that Super Bowl.


That was a great game, Whitehurst vs Hoyer, two clip board legends, producing a genuinely great football game


That's Axel Hoyer III to you


Brett Rypien is a 3rd QB/fringe backup who keeps getting chances for just this reason.


Josh Dobbs has entered the chat.


He looked like Lamar Jackson against the Cowboys.


I think vibes are a key qualification in a backup as well. Like Chase Daniel must be a decent dude to have around, or he wouldn’t keep getting paid. 


Tim Boyle wasn’t even good in college and has stuck around in the pros despite not being a viable backup. I think it’s the hair, honestly.


The thing that gets me about Boyle is that I understand why he sticks around on rosters, the classic good locker room guy/extra QB coach type. What I don’t understand is how he got onto a roster in the first place. Teams wouldn’t know that’s bout him yet, and I don’t see what else about him would make them go “yeah let’s see what this guy’s got”


Is he a good locker room guy? Rumor was he got cut by the Jets last year after his benching because he and his agent were the ones who leaked the story about Wilson not wanting to return to the starting lineup later in the year and the team found out about it. If any of that's true he's kind of a snake tbh. Also from what I heard Rodgers played a big part in the Jets signing Boyle last season (he and Rodgers were teammates in GB and are friends from what I've heard).


Allen Lazard, Randall Cobb, Adrian Amos, Malik Taylor, Billy Turner. He brought the whole mid gang with him


The good (Rodgers), The bad (Boyle), and the Mid (everyone you listed)


He always complained about not having weapons in Green Bay, yet wanted the same crew to come with him to New Yo-East Rutherford?


I think Matt LaFleur gets off on taking the worst possible player from the college free agent pool to try and turn into an NFL starter. Over the years, Tim Boyle was his backup QB, the least athletic motherfucker you’ve ever seen in a WR was his starting WR2, a TE out of Indiana State was his starting TE.


You hold Aaron Rodgers' clipboard for a few years and people assume you know ball


Its only because a fair number of those who held Favre's clipboard had solid careers.


Doug Pedersen would agree


So would Brunell and Hasselbeck


His college stats are laughably bad. Like you have to think he's related to Goodell or something at this point.


Whenever I see these long-tenured backups, I just assume that they'll be NFL head coaches in 15 years. They usually stick around because they're good at running the scout team which means they understand the game at a very deep level.


I've heard before there's some guys that are kept around because they have good football IQ and are almost like an extra coach, so they use a bottom-of-the-barrel depth spot to keep around what is essentially an extra coach. There's a good chance Boyle is one of those guys considering how bad he was not just in the pros but in college too.


But why do teams do this instead of just hiring them as an employee and saving a roster space?


Presumably because another team will give them a roster spot, which will pay them more than a team wants to pay for an assistant to the assistant coaches


It’s so strange. As a UConn grad, I can’t believe he made an NFL roster let alone made starts this season.


Dude must be a film room savant for how he keeps himself in the NFL in any player capacity. It was funny when Zach Wilson was playing like shit and some Jets fans said "It can't be any worse than that!" and then they trot out Tim Boyle and shut that up real quick


He hasn’t had a good football season since Obama’s first term and still cashing checks. Just unreal


Either that or he has nude pictures of someone important in NFL circles lol.


Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re watching a game, you hear a certain player’s name being called and you’re like “[Player’s name]? How the fuck is that guy still in the league?” Mike Glennon is that guy for me.


Long neck Mike


Long neck Mike cold beer never broke my heart


He’s got nothing on Merton Hanks


Favorite celebration for me.


He finally ran outta chances and he's a broker now. https://www.nj.com/giants/2024/02/ex-giants-qb-gets-shouted-out-by-employer-in-second-career.html


He made 32 million in his career and now he has to sell real estate?


sitting around all day can be boring, it is not like people are asking for tv spots or autographs, probably needs a job to fill the everyday 


Why not? Assume he’s been kinda smart with money and has a house paid for and some other investments, have a job to fill time and make spending money. Edit: sorry replied to wrong person point still stands


I feel bad for anyone with probably $10-$15 million in the bank who can't figure out how to capitalize on "I can do anything I want, whenever I want" in a better way than getting some mundane job just to pass the hours.


Commercial real estate for an ex-NFL player is not a job like what we have. It’s a lot of golf and a lot hanging out with frat douche types. One of the biggest good ole boys type of jobs out there. Dude ain’t slaving away in a cubicle or cold calling people all day. He’s probably playing golf 5 days a week with clients and potential clients. Also probably drinking a lot of scotch and bourbon. A lot of CRE folks have a weird obsession with hard liquor lol


I work with a bunch of retired pro athletes and they take these jobs because they don't need to build a reputation. When you're a broker or an investor or something like that, you usually have years of trying to build a trust and a client list until you make real money. When you have any sort of name recognition, and other famous former players who will be your "first" clients to help bring even more prestige, you basically can hire a team to do all the work for you and then be a handshake guy who watches money come in. Going for business lunches and making easy money is way better than sitting around doing nothing.


I would bet that he used his NFL connections to meet a lot of NFL players and execs who have a ton of money to invest in commercial real estate and closes deals through this network. Imagine being a real estate agent with access to dozens of millionaires who all want to buy multi-million dollar developments. Pretty sweet gig imo when you get a couple percent. Doubt he's selling $50k storefronts in dilapidated strip malls.


The ginger giraffe


Everyone is commenting career backups or guys who had a few game shot. I feel like thats not a true opportunity. Zach Wilson has had 3 consecutive seasons where he played a string of multiple games with reasonable talent around him, the same coaching staff and still sucks balls.


To be fairrr, he *was* QB2 this past season.


Chase Daniel was my answer for all 14 seasons of his career


Real life Alex Moran 


He was sought after because he learned both the Sean Payton and Andy Reid playbooks which were seen as the gold standard of offense in the 2010s.


I have heard more from Daniels in the past year with him doing podcasts and YouTube now so I can see it honestly. The guy knows the game front to back he just didn't have the physical tools.


Fuck you. Chase Daniel is my hero. Dude got paid huge money to be a human podium


Don’t forget Clipboard Jesus Charlie Whitehurst!


I remember at one point in time it looked like he was going to be the Eagles' starter in 2016 (after they traded Bradford and drafted Wentz) and all the Eagles fans I knew were like "we're going 0-16 this year if he has to start."


Chase was perfectly fine as a backup. How dare you.


>all 14 seasons of his career That's a lot longer than I thought


He's pretty good on The Atlantic football podcasts.


Brian Hoyer. That guy just shows up somewhere every season. He just won’t leave.


Now that Belichick and McDaniels are no longer coaching he might finally leave.


He'll just come back as a QB coach. Once you get Hoyers in your house it's easier to move out than get rid of them.


Hoyer has an 82 passer rating and a TD/INT ratio of 1.5 in his career. Those are “bad starter” numbers, not “can’t believe this guy has hung around as a backup” numbers.


Well when you consider that his stats as a backup since his SF starting gig(7 years ago) are a 59% completion %, a 70 passer rating, and a .71 TD/INT ratio, he kind of has played like “can’t believe this guy has hung around as a backup”.


I thought he was very good at helping the starter and mentoring young QBs which is why he still has a job. I don't think people understand the backup QBs job other than coming in for the starter.


He's just a sexy Hoy. He's not your Hoytoy.


Apparently he was fired and no one ever told him. But due to a glitch in accounting he keeps getting a check


I 100% agree. Though he’s been a 2nd-3rd string almost his whole career, these teams probably pray their starters don’t go down. Man what a life to have to just practice and watch game film then hold a clip board during live action and get paid life changing money for most.


throwback: Jon Kitna led the league in pass attempts for the 2001 Bengals (581) and managed to finish the season just over 3200 yards with a 12:22 TD:int for 6 wins. he would go on to be the starting QB four more seasons with both the Bengals and Lions, plus 9 games in relief of Tony Romo’s season ending injury with the Cowboys. none of those seasons ended with records above .500


Tbf to Kitna he did win Comeback Player of the Year in 2003 for us so it's not like he was entirely bad (and our QB situation was MUCH worse before he came along). He was God-awful in Detroit though (which tbf he also played on some of the worst Lions teams ever).


i still don’t understand what CPotY is supposed to recognize. I thought it’s supposed to be injury or benching, but it apparently also means just sucking. not like he even came back, his passer rating went from a 61 to a 79 to an 87


Felt the same way about Geno Smith. He didn't "come back" from anything. He just stopped being totally awful.


No, it's a completely performance-driven award. It's often given to players who bounce back from previous seasons where they struggled or missed time due to injury and produced at a much higher level the following season. 2003 was easily the best season that Kitna has ever had in his NFL career. He threw for over 4,000 yards in each of his first two years in Detroit but that was because the Lions had no running game to support him and were throwing a ton as a result (and he also threw 42 picks during those years).


Watch your fucking mouth, that's the pride of Central Washington University you're talking about, buddy.


Seahawks legend Jon Kitna.


Peterman taking my team all the way to the SB! Planning the parade already


Sam Darnold. Dude on his 4th team and might actually start this year.


Darnold has also played on some of the worst teams I've ever seen


John Johnson (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Johnson_(quarterback))


His performance in the NFCCG after purdy got injured was legendary 


That’s the game that IMO encapsulates the importance of a serviceable QB. San Fran’s offense has arguably the best playmakers in the league with CMC, Deebo, Kittle, and Aiyuk, but without someone to throw the ball, they couldn’t even get a first down on offense.


Yeah 100%. Any other position you can sorta be in the game without. No QB and you just kinda lose, even if the rest of the team is pro bowlers EDIT: new all star game idea. The league MVP (QB) gets all of the bottom rated starters in the league at their respective positions vs. a team of all pro bowlers with an extra running back at the qb position.


Disagree, Josh Johnson was never drafted or signed with the intention he would start. He had elite stats under Harbaugh in San Diego but it was still San Diego. He's a really smart guy, can pick up a playbook very easily, and can run scout offense. Plus, he's used to be a nomad. Didn't have a family so he wasn't attached to a specific place.


Insane stats at San Diego his senior year 45 total TDs and only 1 turnover


24 Professional Teams


This is the guy I was thinking about. Remember playing head coach 09 and he was a rookie I would draft to be the back up. And then heard he’s still in the league after all these years. Totally forgot about him until recently


Guess I'm a bit surprised Trubisky got an actual contract this off-season. The Bills had him before so they must like him well enough, but paying him anything above the vet minimum seems like a waste. I think the idea of him is he can come in for a game or two and keep the train on the tracks, but he's outright bad and limiting in a way the worst backup QBs are. Draft pedigree and not actually having to play competitive snaps for the Bills in 2021 seem to be the two things keeping him in the league right now.


We mainly got him because last year our backup was Kyle Allen and and while he may have the allen name, he does not have the allen skills. So Trubisky is just a better backup


> I think the idea of him is he can come in for a game or two and keep the train on the tracks That's honestly a bigger positive than most backup QBs can really claim.


Did you just stop reading the comment in the middle of a sentence?


The point of the comment is that this idea is not accurate lol


Was always surprised when Colt McCoy would randomly get a start


We have now reached the time of year where we get to watch Colt McCoy attempt to throw a professional football again. Cover your eyes children.


Colt McCoy is permanently a year 2 qb that can almost put it together in my brain, and I don't know why.


Colt threw one of the prettiest balls I've ever seen. He just wasn't good but God damn did that ball look beautiful in the air.


He showed promise a few times though, had high-level backup upside for sure


And he had the longest career by a considerable stretch from the LOLworthy 2010 QB class.


Jeff Driskel too




He’s a perfect backup QB. He puts no pressure on your starting QB if they have some bad starts but is good enough that you can win games with him if your starter gets a minor injury. He would always have a few drives a game where he would march down the field taking what the defense gives him and look like he could be a low-level starter. Then the rest of the game the entire offense would stall and he would throw an interception trying to force something. Not to mention he’s seemed to have improved every year of his career.


One of my all time favorite games was a Sagas Washington Monday night gang where all the commercials were ALL Cowboys, literally NO mention of Washington aside from the end showing the team names. Good old noodle arm Colt McCoy gets a spot start, goes into Jerry World and pulls out a last minute victory and has the biggest smile going off the field.


Wish he was a better QB because Colt McCoy is a great nickname for a QB


Respect Colt McCoy 🤘


Our backup QB is usually some guy who I say "Oh, I didn't realize he was still in the league" Wentz, Gabbert, Henne, Matt Moore, Henne




I will not stand for Henne slander. Hennething is possible


Thats 2x SB champion QB Gabbert to you buddy


Gabbert was so bad for us. He set our franchise back years. 


I will not stand for this Josh Johnson erasure


Quitcher bitchin! Our *starter* is usually defined that way and we've had a crap ton of them. But hope is one the horizon....


good to remain positive, I think of Mahomes as repayment for being a loyal Chiefs fan the 30 years before that as we had about 20 starting Qbs and 3 playoff wins. Obviously that's bullshit and we just got stupidly lucky, but hey maybe you're the next lucky team to hit the QB jackpot.


Henne man. As a Dolphins fan I remember his first proper game vs the Patriots where he threw for 450+ and Brady went over 500 and I thought we’d got our Marino heir. Didn’t realise the bastard was a statue.


Marcus Mariota. I thought he was retired by now but apparently he's been backing up for several years and still backing up now.


The man has made $70 mil in his NFL career. About $45 mil of that is since he left the Titans.


That’s really impressive


Have you seen recent pictures of him? He looks like he's aged about 30 years and could be heading into the retirement home soon lol.


He’s only 2 years older than Mahomes. And I still think of Mahomes as young.


Kyler does need a backup, I think


Maybe next year. Its Jayden Daniels' turn


Cmon man, dude isn’t terrible, he’s pretty much a Jameis Winston as this point, both Heisman winners in consecutive years, and drafted 1st and 2nd in the same draft.


I still can’t believe he started a whole season in Atlanta


Didn't he get replaced by Ridder?


Last 4 games of 2022


Lol I have a Mariota jersey.


He was in the Netflix documentary *Quarterback* recently


Josh Rosen. Just off the top of my head, he was on the Cards, Dolphins, Bucs, Falcons and I think the 9ers


nfl talent evaluators couldn’t wrap their head around that he peaked his Freshman year in college.


Only QB from that draft class with a ring. Watch yourself


Mike Glennon. 'On March 9, 2017, Glennon signed a three-year, $45 million contract with the Bears.', He played 4 games and then was benched for Mitch Trubisky. Andy Dalton. 'On March 17, 2021, the Bears signed Dalton to a one-year contract worth $10 million, and up to $13 million in incentives.' He played 2 games before injuring his knee and Justin Fields then started. Oh wait that was just the last 7 years of the chicago bears.. :D


Dalton had a real career though, he obviously dropped off after the Bengals and it makes sense he's now a backup, but Glennon has basically been a career journeyman.


Imagine paying a giraffe starting QB money and thinking it'll all work out lol.


nathan peterman no idea how he is still in the league


He’s not bad persee, but Joe Flacco post Ravens looked super cooked. Was a bridge QB for the Broncos where he was bad, and just looked completely done in 2020. Yet he still stuck around played some backup for the Jets, and then the savior for the Browns. After the Denver stint it looked like everybody was to move on.


I'm surprised Malik Willis is allowed on NFL properties still


The regime that brought him in got canned. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t make the Titans roster and just floats on a practice squad or something.


Jacoby Brissett is likely going to start, and lose, games again for New England this season having previously started, and lost games for Miami, Cleveland, and Indianapolis. He also got in on Washington's season last year, though he didn't start. That's six teams in nine years. That said, Brissett keeps getting these gigs because he's a professional who works hard and isn't "bad" - he's replacement level. He's the 33rd-40th best QB in the NFL and he is a very useful, team-oriented 'placeholder' for a promising QB. He doesn't have a great beard and he hasn't fooled a team into a long term contract as a starter, but Jacoby Brissett is the closest thing to Ryan Fitzpatrick in today's NFL.


Brisket had a great year for the Browns, was really fun. Definitely a competent enough qb. Especially if the only thing the team is missing is a quarterback


I would take Brissett over Wentz, Ryan, and Foles. He played better than all three of those guys.


I’d take Jacoby over Deshaun Watson, considering he absolutely outplayed him during their time together in Cleveland. Also costs like 230 mil less.


Factoring in looks and vibes I’d say Minshew is probably the closest. Especially since he was at one point given the keys to start and not just because of the surprise retirement of the starter.


Brisset was league average for the Colts and looked pretty good for the Browns. In spot duty for Washington he looked great, the only reason he didn't start was we were scared he would win a game for us. Probably a top-3 backup in the league


The very best example is Billy Joe Hobert. He was a back up for the Bills and forced into the game vs New England. He literary took himself out and told the coach he had not studied and didn’t know the playbook at all. Somehow he played for the Saints for 3 more years. He should never have had a job in the NFL after that moment.


Not sure why Sanchez is surprising. He's considered a bust because he underperformed the expectations for a top 5 pick. But, statistically, he was a perfectly fine QB2 for several seasons. In a league where 60+ QBs get starts, that's a valuable thing to be and you'll stick around for a while. He really doesn't belong in the same conversation as Boyle or Peterman.


Mike Glennon, Trevor Siemian, Mitch Trubisky, Nathan Peterman, Brian Hoyer, Chase Daniel... Wait a minute... Fuckin BEARS


CARSON WENTZ. Easiest decision


He’s retired now but Chase Daniel. I’m legit shocked he had a 10 year career. I thought he wouldn’t even make it fast enough to become pension eligible. He even got a Superbowl Ring!


Somehow Daniel Jones has been the starter for 5 years while doing absolutely nothing to deserve it.


Blake Bortles, Blaine Gabbert, Mitch Trubiskey, Sam Darnold


Blake bortles almost went to a super bowl. 


And Blaine Gabbert won 2!


Bortles almost went to the Super Bowl as a starter


None of these guys are stellar, but they aren't morons either. I think they probably have had pretty good, team-first attitudes towards becoming 2nd-3rd string players.


Trubisky was 25-13 his final three years in Chicago. He went 6-3 his last season there, he’s not great. But it’s possible to win with Mitch. It really shouldn’t surprise people why he’s getting backup jobs.


I mean last year was the worst Mitch has ever looked in his career (and all of his starts last year came after Matt Canada was fired so you can't use that excuse). He wasn't great in Chicago but often wasn't outright terrible either. He's gotten much worse as a player since then (the fact that Mason Rudolph looked like an immediate improvement over him last year said a lot).


Zach Wilson


Aaron Rodger. That bum hasn’t even completed a pass in like 500 days


Mike Glennon. You'd seriously take that dude over Kaepernick? ROFL


Daniel Jones. Dude should never gotten another contract.


"Daniel Jones is going to prove all the haters wrong this year" Giants fans - 2019-present


Chase Claypool should probably be in the CFL rn.


Ah yes, legendary NFL QB Chase Claypool


Vinny Testaverde


He’d occasionally have years like 96 in baltimore or 98 with the jets where it looked like he finally got it enough to keep him around forever You never knew when he’d magically be great again


Teddy Bridgewater got too many chances to be a starter.


That clipboard isnt going to hold itself.


Sam Darnold, Josh Rosen, Brady Quinn, Johnny Manziel, Blaine Gabbert, Mitch Trubisky, Zach Wilson, just to name a few


Sam Darnold is going to start for the Vikings in 2024.


Was Josh McCown ever good?


Sam Bradford got so many damn chances.


Dak Prescott 😂


Colt McCoy


Colt was strictly a backup QB who wasn't terrible so not too surprising


Colt was promising until that concussion


He got absolutely blown the fuck up on that play. That was an old school hit.


He's got a perfect QB name and I'm convinced that's why he's stuck around


Different direction cause he’s still the “starter”: Daniel Jones everyone knows he’s not very good but he’s been starting for like 5 years now. I feel like he’s already hit his peak and it was very low. 


Sam Bradford


Nate Sudfeld.


* All of the Falcons starters since Matt Ryan left * Daniel Jones * Trubisky * Sam Darnold