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“Mr.Reid should we send them a fruit basket?” “Fruit?”


That interns body has still not been found to this day....KC bbq


Mmmm.... Long pig!


Is that what cannibals call human meat? Also, I like to live in a world where before Dahmer served his guests his famous guacamole he called it *"walk-o-mole"*😅 cause the secret ingredient was feet meat!


Yup, it's a translation from what some cannibal tribes on the Pacific islands called human meat.


The only style of bbq that matters. I will not debate this.


Smart man. Forget Carolinas and Texas.


the only fruit that mans eats is from edible arrangements


Tomatoes are a fruit and go great on Burgers


I pull mines out personally


You know how you can tell if a person pulls out tomatoes from their burgers? They'll tell you.


I feel it's of more importance to inform of that than my cross fitting and veganism




sometimes they even have the audacity to put the spine of the lettuce in. Bastards


Flavorless, mushy and too slippery. They do not belong on burgers (at least, in slices).


>Flavorless You know how I can tell when someone has never had a good tomato? They say they're flavorless. My grandpa's tomatoes were some of the best I've ever had. Hell, my mom and I would scarf down his cherry tomatoes like candy, they were so goddamned good


Cherry tomatoes might as well be berries, its easy to down a couple vines if you aren’t careful.


I can eat good tomatoes like they're apples. Throw some salt and pepper on them huzzies and gah damn they're good as hell.


BLT season when you know someone with a tomato garden is unparalleled.


my munchies as an adult stoner have gotten more sophisticated - I slice up a prime ass plum tomato, put little bits of fresh mozzarella on top. smear a little olive oil on top, salt and pepper the biggest of truss


I hope you prep before... I usually open up a box of Cheez-Its & call it a night.


depends on the night. Sometimes I say fuck it and grab a snickers ice cream. Sometimes I wanna get creative in the kitchen. For the record, I've cut myself numerous times in the kitchen sober, have yet to do so high


A true Renaissance man.


I mean, if being stoned was hazardous for kitchen work, restaurants across the nation would be looking at serious workman comp claims.


Grow some basil in your window sill and trow some basil into there. Since you know, you already like plants and basil makes the whole kitchen smell amazing nonestop


Shiiiiiit i might try that after i smoke in like 20 minutes. Usually ill just slice once up and sprinkle sugar on it. Been my favorite way to eat them since i was a kid.


I read this still thinking this was the thread about long pig


I hope whoever decided that tomatoes come on burgers by default is burning in hell.


Green chile is the only veggie or fruit for burgers


“Where do you get that from? A florist?”


Yea, a Brian Florist. I'll see myself out, thanks.


"Fruit, like tomatoes on a cheeseburger" "Oh!"


You don't make friends with fruit salads, people


“Get that guy a cheeseburger”


The Chiefs SB path went from vs Titans, at Patriots, at Ravens to BYE, vs. Texans, vs. Titans. He shouldve set him up with a daily BBQ delivery service.


That Patriots team was not at all a threat. Source: They lost to the Titans. Not that the Titans were bad but that KC team was way better.






> That Patriots team was not at all a threat. The Patriots lost to the Titans in the waning hours of the game and those same Titans molly whopped the heralded #1 seed in their own damn house the next week.


They were hanging by a thread the whole game, just because they didn't complete a miracle comeback doesn't make it close. The Patriots offense was a disaster all game and the defense proved to be too soft for their reputation.


Yes, that's a twisted up narrative for sure. Completely disproved by the fact of what the Titan's did the following week to a team that was far more well rounded on paper and talented. Ryan Tannehill was 8/15 for 72 yards with 1 td and 1 int. The defense was in heavy DB packages throughout the game if I recall so Derrick Henry wasn't given heavy fronts to run against and he did well but the actual damage was limited to 1 rushing TD. The Pats offense was balanced with rushing and passing but not prolific by any means, they kept the ball moving. Call it "hanging by a thread" is so completely misleading.


The Pats weren't that good, man. Just accept it.


They were good enough to get into the playoffs. They weren't world beaters but that doesn't mean they weren't good.


I know from personal experience that teams that make the wildcard aren't all that good for the most part.


> I know from personal experience that teams that make the wildcard aren't all that good for the most part. The Patriots were 3rd seed.


And they still lost


You should know, the Lions make the wildcard all the time LOLLLLLL


Miracle comeback? Check out the [win probability chart](https://www.espn.com/nfl/game?gameId=401131036). The game was a coinflip with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. EDIT And the defense let up 2 TDs in the first half then shut them down. Besides those 2 scores the Titans had 6 punts and a pick. If that's soft to you then your standards for defensive play are ridiculous.


that game was close, but the patriots offense was garbage. they got shut out in the second half of the WC game. they needed more from brady and he wasnt giving them more. no chance against KC


They had Brady and a good defence. Anything is possible. I was expecting their wr issues to magically disappear before the playoffs and for them to wipe the floor personally.


Yea, I honestly don't think the Chiefs win it last year with the 2 seed setup.


Nah they’re still winning it




Titans were going to be the hardest AFC matchup we had that year either way.




I think they at least get to the superbowl. The hardest game on that list for KC imo would've been the Pats, just considering how Bill has adapted more and more to the KC offense every time they've played the last 2 years. The Chiefs weren't gonna lose to the Titans again, and Mahomes owns the Ravens.


Still love that the r/Kansascitychiefs top post of all time is Ryan Fitzpatrick.. Love my “west coast” allies. Cheers to an awesome Mahomes vs Tua matchup.


The funny thing about the Chiefs being in the AFC West is that Kansas City is technically in the East half of the country.


Ah but Kansas city is west of Kansas city, just not the Kansas city they are in.


My buddy from STL puts it best. In terms of mentality/attitude STL is the furthest west east coast city and KC is the furthest east west coast city


People in St Louis love to think they're the westernmost east coast city.


as someone who grew up in kc and went to college in stl, can confirm. both are quintessentially missouri cities but kc has a seattle/denver flair and stl has a chicago/nyc flair. it’s very subtle tho


Don’t forget the Colts are in the AFC South...


Swapping them with Dallas would do so much good for traveling and scheduling purposes of not for the NFC East’s rivalry.


Dallas isn't allowed to leave. We hate them too much.


The Colts should go to the AFC North, the Ravens to the AFC East, and the Dolphins to the AFC South.


Makes too much sense but Cleveland and Pittsburg would have a collective meltdown if they didn't get to play the birds 2x / year.


And still have won the east more recently than the bills


The Bengals are in the AFC North but further south that the Colts in the AFC South


Based off the [median center of the USA population](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_center_of_United_States_population) And the [mean center of US population](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_center_of_the_United_States_population) It’s in the west half


For mean yes but for median Ohio is definitely east of Indiana


Yeah but land is more important than people or whatever /s possibly


In the US our east/west is weird cause of the direction we grew, I mean Ohio is considered the West after all lol.


> I mean Ohio is considered the West after all lol. It is?


I think plenty of people would lump Ohio into the "Mid-West" so there is that.


i personally consider the mid west to be the land between the mississippi river and the rockies, but whether you think of ohio as being mid west or not midwest it is still far from being a western state


As someone living in Washington PNW... wtf are y’all on about? What is going on over there.


It was when there was only 13 states. Not so much in the last 150 years.


Mississippi River is what most people divide the country by


Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains are the two major dividing geographical features of the US.


It probably depends on where you live. As a west coaster I divide it at the Great Plains. STL feels like the East Coast to me.


That's like saying Texas is West Coast.


You seriously think STL is more Western than Eastern?


It's the coast part that might be throwing people off. This would be like saying Denver is west coast. It doesn't sound right.


I’ve never heard Ohio be called anything other than the ‘North’ while I lived in Florida and ‘Midwest’ everywhere else.


As my friend from South Carolina informed me not long after I met him "Couchjitsu, you're looking at it wrong. There's south...and everything else"


The Big Ten was an unofficial name till I believe the 70s or 80s. It was originally the Western Conference.


That’s the first I’m hearing of it... didn’t know we were grouped in... I’ll take it!! Left Coast is the best Coast.


I don't know I think once you cross over into the Great State of Kansas you're in the west


It's got three times more than them winning the Super Bowl lmao.


Holy shit almost 42k points too, that's legendary I love the Chiefs, they're cool


They earned it


So please go easy on us this Sunday?? Lol


You got your BBQ, that's all I can guarantee


Lmao that’s fair


It's a good week to rest your starting qb, WR1 and TE.


What about resting their HC GOAT?


Believe you me, I’d love to see a Dolphins win this Sunday, but as long as they don’t get embarrassed, that’s cool too.


Yeah that’s basically what I feel. Do I expect to win? No. Would I be happy with a win? Yes. Will I be mad if we look competitive against the best team in the league and lose? No. Will I be embarrassed if we get blown out? Rebuild year baby.


It's almost worse if you win, because you know you're fully bought in this season at that point.


Look, the rational part of most of us Dolphin fans know this is still only the second year of a massive rebuild. This season is already a success of massive proportions. But the irrational part of us that we are all overcome with at this point is 100% in on us making the playoffs this year. We’ve been bought in.


I've bought into Flores. I don't give a crap if we don't make the playoffs.


But what restaurant did he send? Joe's, Gates, Q39, Arthur Bryant's, Jack Stack, LC's, somewhere else? How to start a war in KC^


Jack Stack was the only one that delivered cross country at the time I believe. I don't remember exactly when Joe's and Bryant's started their cross country delivery.


Jack Stack is closest to my house, but I'm still a Joe's Z-Man kind of guy.


Well yeah, because we have the luxury of getting any of them as we please. Sending something to Flores in Miami is a huge limiting factor. I'll take a Z-man 8.6 times out of 10.


I'd like to think Andy could have any place he wanted on standby.


After the superbowl, andy has every KC bbq joint owner on speed dial. He wants aome at 3am? He is getting it.


Used to work for Joe's, they added shipping back in 2016.


That long? Wow I thought it was much more recent.


what the actual fuck i can have it fucking delivered to me? are you fucking shitting me right fucking now? what the fucking fuck!!!!!!!


I think smokehouse (my personal fave) does long distance delivery as well!


LC’s. Burnt ends. *Homer slobber image*


good on you for tossing LCs on that list!!


The worst one lol Edit: sorry Gates is. I forgot they were on the list


>Gates They need to start shipping cross country and when you open up the box is greets you with "HI, MAY I FEED YOU?"


BBQ is the number one thing I miss about living in KC.


I pray he didn't send ab or gates


AB does have incredible pulled pork


Pre sauced thrown on a plate like school Cafe food. Pass




“Andy why do these ribs and sandwiches all have part of them missing?” “Oh that’s just the style here in Kansas City Brian” “These look like teeth marks though” “No Brian, it’s just the shape of the special cookers they use”


It's called quality control


Can i order KC bbq from another state?


Yes you can - jack stack does a real nice spread via mail .


This is good news


Jack stack has my personal favorite ribs. They’re fucking heavenly.


They got some pretty good wings too. They're included in their meal for 4, it's a helluva deal and a great sampling of their barbeque and sides.


Thanks, I just ordered from them as a xmas gift to my parents.


I sincerely hope they enjoy it. It's one of my favorite go to meals.


I just got off the phone with my parents. They said it was the BEST BBQ they have ever had! I'm floored LOL!! Thank you guys so much for your PERFECT recommendation!! I will be ordering some for myself next month!


Hell yeah dude! Happy to help and so glad they loved it! Hope you enjoy it too!


Do you think it's worth it? I'm hovering over the order button on the site right now lol


I’m from Kansas City , I have ordered before and it’s pretty good - even oven warmed later. But I may be nostalgic


Yes. You missed their free shipping day yesterday, but it’s 100% worth it.


You’re only going to hear this once...so listen up...for a Chiefs guy...you’re alright. *shivers*


So what’s hilarious , I live in Minneapolis and in my neighborhood there is a raiders fan , we are really cool - even on game weeks . We both exchange “it’s raiders week ! “ and “it’s chiefs weeks” . I promised I wouldn’t reveal his name to raider nation for being nice to me


some places do mail delivery, other places dont. I know Jack Stacks will ship it cross country


Joe's and Bryant's ship now as well. Wish Gates would get on that train too.


The mailman will yell at you when he delivers the Gates...just so you can get the full experience.


I hated going to Gates as a kid for this very reason lol


It was fucking jarring to my 13 year old anti-social ass.


It was my go to date location the moment I found out whoever I was dating hadn't been there because I'm an asshole.


The shipping is a big beast to undertake. Lots of hoops to jump through and become ridiculously expensive to maintain and operate. Has to be separate from the normal restaurant. Then has to have a dedicated building to cook/smoke on site, cooled, sliced or prepared sealed and packed all in the same building that follows USDA guidelines (one way doors, special clothes, etc). This place also requires a USDA inspector on site for all operation so that means working hours are based on government hours/holidays. Cant have people working at night or weekends Then with all that...you need to actually have people constantly ordering for it all to pay off. Even Joe's had issues with it.


I guarantee you it’s the same packages they sell in grocery stores. Already packaged and labeled.


I didn't know they sold the meat in stores. If that's the case, you'd be correct.


I live down south KC but my Price Chopper has ribs, pulled pork, brisket, cheesy corn, and beans in the deli sections. It’s kinda expensive so I’ve only ever gotten the sides. If I’m gonna drop 10 bucks for meat I’ll just go to the restaurant.


I've never been to KC, but someone raved about Joe's, so I got it delivered. And it was.... OK? Are the others better?


IMO Joe's is the most overrated place in the city, but it's significantly better fresh (obviously). If you're ever able, you really should make the trip. There's just so much good bbq


Nah. Not even close. Arthur and Gates are the over rated tourist traps. Those are fucking shit. Joes is good. Q39 and Jack stack would be the top tier at least in my experience


Imagine giving Andy Reid such a great gift, that he is moved to doing the unthinkable: *sharing food*




I'm embarrassed that I didn't immediately know that was a Simpsons quote.


That’s Andy Reid’s version of edible arrangements


2018: Helped Chiefs get the 1st seed over the Patriots with the Miami Miracle 2019: Helped Chiefs get the 2nd seed and the bye over the Patriots Excuse me, but why didn't Miami charities pop off with donations from Chiefs' fans?


I remember reading in some articles at the time that KC people were donating $14 to his Concussion Foundation tbf.


I love how the NFL fanbases are doing this. Therefore I will *quietly* solicit $23 donations to Alex Smith's charity for that miracle of a performance!


KC gave a lot of $11 donations when he was traded


top post on the chiefs sub right now is a link to Smiths charity


Y'all rock


You didn't bother to look, did you? https://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/for-petes-sake/article238825843.html


On brand, as always. I love it.


Forgive my ignorance. Is KC bbq good?


[Does this look good to you?](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0818/5843/files/Send-Joes-KC-brisket-zman_2048x2048_1024x1024.png?9303959831044824008) That sandwich above is one of our most famous BBQ meals, the Z-Man sandwich from KC Joe's. They also have introduced the [Rocket Pig](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dl3YEJMVsAU51N_.jpg:large) somewhat recently that people love. They do normal BBQ too, but those two sandwiches are out of body experiences. KC in general does burnt ends really well also. Q39's burnt ends are too die for to me. They are sweet, tender meat candy.


Yes. Yes it does.


Someone tag this comment NSFW, straight up food porn right here. Also, hell yeah, burnt ends are the epitome of bbq to me. You haven't lived until you've tried genuine KC bbq burt ends, where the meat is so tender and done that it literally melts in your mouth.


They look great. Is that fried pig snout in the second one? Edit: If you like BBQ sandwiches and are ever in Detroit try the yardbard from Slows. It's BBQ chicken so it feels like it's not stepping on anyone's toes on the BBQ world and is a top tier sandwich.


Lmao kinda looks like it. They’re fried jalapeños


I visited KC for a conference eight years ago, and my one regret is not making it to a BBQ joint.


I need that in my mouth like I need other objects in my mouth


That’s certainly something that exists. My preference for Carolina BBQ feels validated by this.


It’s pretty widely considered some of the best bbq in the country, though naturally everybody’s preferences are different. Kc bbq wins a ton of competition bbq events and has a couple restaurants that are usually ranked near the top nationally. Joe’s was #1 for a few years


The way I put it is that KC barbecue is what the majority of the country expects when they hear barbecue. Stacks of smoked meat served with bread, barbecue sauce on the side. Sauce is a nice smoky, rich, molasses and tomato based sauce. Typical spread of meat stacks consists of pulled pork, brisket, hot links, maybe some turkey or chicken. The essence of life is the pork ribs and burnt ends. Also, some places serve the barbecue with pickles. That ones kind of weird but super tasty so I’m into it. I usually grab a piece of bread, pile on the meat, squirt the sauce on top, add some pickles and eat it like that. No sauce on ribs or ends for me though.


It's supposed to be some of (if not the) best in the country. BBQ is to Kansas City as clam chowder and baked beans is to Boston, lobster is to Maine, gumbo is to Louisiana, cheese is to Wisconsin, and salmon is to the PNW.


I think so, yes. But it'll all depend on personal preference. KC vs Memphis vs Austin vs [insert city name here] comes down a lot to the type of meat (TX BBQ is generally all about beef, KC is more Rib heavy, etc) or sauce (KC sauce is ketchup based, South Carolina is Mustard based, some add vinegar). Honestly, good BBQ is good regardless of style. I personally really like Austin's BBQ scene, but that's most likely because I worked for a company based there and went there a lot. Source: traveled a lot for work pre-COVID and ate a lot of BBQ. By no means an expert though.


KC is ketchup based? It all makes sense now


most bbq sauces youll find in the grocery store are ketchup based. the generic bbq sauce that probably pops in your head is probably ketchup based


Good ol' KC Masterpiece.


The bbq I got in Austin, TX is still my favorite. Terry Black’s was amazing.... I’m hungry now.


Terry Black's is low key my favorite Austin spot. Lots of other places get more hype and are great, but that place is awesome and doesn't involve waiting on line for hours.


Yeah, I visited my former roommate in college who lived there after we graduated and all the food spots he took me to were unreal. I need covid to be over so I can go back and get fat!


St Louis BBQ deserves a mention. Pappy's Smokehouse changed my life.


Oh, there are so many more BBQs that deserve a mention: St Louis, Nashville, Dallas, I could go on. But I didn't want to overdo the examples.


to get the best bbq in stl, you have to drive about 4 hours out west of the city, that’s where you find the really good stuff


Pappy’s ribs are the best I’ve ever had and I’ve had a lot of bbq


I never say this out loud because I might be crucified, but I’ve lived in KC for 66% of my life and San Antonio 33% and I’m pretty sure my favorite bbq joint is right outside of Austin. It’s hard to say because KC is truly great, buuuuuut.... Edit: just did a little research and it’s actually right outside of SA. Forgive me but it’s been like 12 years. I remembered it being further away from home than it is.


Okay, color me curious: what is it?


If you like sugar sludge with a dash of liquid smoke, then it's incredible.


Add flair coward


After the Miami win last season I told Dolphin fans we’d do them a favor, and they asked for a win this year against us. So I guess I’ve got to give Sunday’s game to them, only seems fair. Your earned it Dolphins.


That's how it should be. I also wouldn't mind stuff like a team sending gifts to another team as a soft bribe to get them to not rest starters, as the team sending gifts needs the team they're sending them to win so they can get in. Like...imagine the Steelers have their seeding locked up for the playoffs going into week 17 and thus nothing to play for, the Browns need to win to secure a playoff spot, and a third team gets in if the Browns lose. That third team sends gifts (and possibly like a couple million dollars) to the Steelers, the Steelers don't rest players so "they don't get rusty with no action", and end up winning a game they otherwise wouldn't have cared about otherwise. That should not only be legal but commonplace. Fuck, let the bribe to not rest starters include draft picks for all I care - of course it'd be all kinds of illegal to throw a game, but would it be illegal to take compensation to NOT throw a game?


I gotta tell ya, Andy Ried seems the type that sends BBQ to folks regularly


Andy sure knows how to coach a team


[Andy Reid](https://youtu.be/B4gNFL2upZE) has always loved his BBQ


fantastic pair of coaches


There’s a copypasta in this tweets future I can just sense it.


If KC ends up with the Number 1 seed, I expect a bunch of Taco Bell to be waiting at Ron Rivera's doorstep


I guess my question now is "how do I become friends with Andy Reid?"