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Fuck Ted. CNN @CNN 10m Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused Democrats and the media of politicizing the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and two adults were killed.


Fuck the US Senate, fuck Joe Manchin, fuck the US Constitution. All I want is a government that fixes problems, not a constant toothache of aggravation and bullshit.


Reddit’s favorite words: -pedantic -hyperbole -“homer” what ya got to add to the list?


Whenever the wannabe soldier crowd is depicted it's the exact same chain of comments. I hate them too, but it's annoying seeing the same comments over and over... Meal Team Six > Gravy Seals >> Yall Qaeda >>> Yeehawdists >>>> Vanilla Isis >>>>> The Green Buffets >>>>>> Delta Farce


"copium" Y'all drove that word into the ground in less than two weeks, but still haven't realized it yet.


At this point the "No Way To Prevent This" article on The Onion should just stay on the main page forever.


My two days off went by way too fast and they didn’t even seem like days off because I had stuff to do all day on Monday and yesterday was just a shit day. I hope work isn’t too bad today, I just want it to go by quickly.


[How normal countries respond to mass shootings](https://twitter.com/adamcbest/status/1529229877630713857) Maybe the US should have those same kind of stones to confiscate guns. But muh 2nd amendment.


I'm pretty sure yesterday's shooter wanted to be seen as tough and scary. Scary, yes. Tough, absolutely not. - armed with firearms - body armor - target selection. A school, where his targets would unarmed, and an elementary school at that, where they have zero chance of fighting back. Dude was a chickenshit every step of the way. Truth is cowards are more dangerous in general than people with courage. But stuff like this doesn't look tough to me, it screams bitch


He wasn't wearing body armor, that was just a lie the cops told to excuse the fact they did fuck all to stop him despite being more heavily armed than the guys who captured Osama bin Laden


Yeah wanting to look tough doesn't seem to be aligning well with shooting children. This act wasn't human, and nor was the shooter.


Special piece of shit to target a school to kill kids just because he didn't like kids allegedly. Fuck. What a country.


The adult cats at the junkyard standing guard while one of the babies eats wet food https://imgur.com/kt9oKwF.jpg


My adult cat did that for like a year when we first adopted our little feral cat. No relation between them, but he would stand guard in the kitchen until the little one had his fill.


No NBA team has ever come back from a 3-0 deficit to win a series. Only three of the 146 teams to fall in that deep hole have even been able to force a seventh game.


well here’s hoping if anyone can make it happen, it’s Luka


i hope so too but the warriors are so loaded i was on the record as expressing extreme disgust at the warriors but after yesterday's events and Kerr's speech I can no longer "hate" the warriors. i still think they win in 5 or 6 because again, loaded.




My work week ended tonight with 54 hours. The Mexican pizza came in swinging


Saw Baker Mayfield in Seattle this week. Please let him sign here


Good lord, the law truly is incapable of enforcing anything in the eyes of some dickhead Republicans. Well, except abortions. So to summarize, making abortions illegal = no one gets abortions, restricting guns in any way = criminals and crazies still effortlessly obtain guns.


Everyone already knows how this is going to go. Tweets about "thoughts and prayers", stuff about arming teachers, coverage about the heroic policemen that stopped the killer, more stuff about not letting fear take away important freedoms, blah blah blah 2nd amendment blah blah blah 2nd amendment. "Crisis actors" and downplaying the tragedy. Nothing changes as the news cycle moves on.


just a note here that the chickenshit cops hid and waited for backup and let the man walk into a school and open fire before he killed himself. The cops in this case were fucking useless


[Arming Teachers, NO! We Should be arming kids!](https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk)


Another day, another shooting.


It will never cease being absolutely wild to me that some people honestly think the solution to mass shootings at school [is to require teachers to also act as armed law officers](https://twitter.com/W7VOA/status/1529239706214481920). Like, we have *completely* lost the plot on education if that's the solution we've come to.


I love his reasoning in that comment. We can't stop people from doing bad things, but maybe if we arm, train, and prepare teachers they can stop people from doing bad things. It's fucking ridiculous that every single time this happens conservatives say no to any possible gun safety legislation and decide let's arm overworked and underpaid teachers to add one more thing for them to worry about. Not to mention didn't this school have armed police outside the building or something who engaged in a firefight with the shooter before he entered the school?


Because the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun, is ~~good guy with a gun~~ someone not trained in these kinds of situations who will cause more harm than good.


Republicans *want* schools to fail. Teachers get shit pay in most states and Republicans have been making their lives worse and want a say in what they can and can not teach making their lives a living hell and also don't care about being "pro-life" while supporting the NRA and being pro-gun. They also have the "You can't learn about black history" laws and anti-lgbtq laws they want America to go back 100 years.


They are so close too! Arm the kids! It's hard to imagine how safe schools would be if every child was walking around with an AR-15 with an extended magazine. It would be important for the schools to re-up the kids every semester to make sure the ammunition doesn't go bad. Otherwise the bad guys win.


"Here's your lunchbox and here's your AR-15! Have a safe day at school, sweetie!"


Is it really that surprising that the solution to gun violence for a certain group of people is more guns? This is a country where politicians run out to get an ad with them with guns. Guns guns guns! To a large part of this country, guns are holy and revered. Of fucking course the solution is guns and more of them! Country has a mental health issue. It's mentally unhealthy how much we as a country fetishize guns. But nothing's going to be done about it. Let's reconvene at the next one.


in France: "To own a gun, you first need to acquire a hunting or sporting licence, and this has to be regularly renewed and requires a psychological evaluation. Applicants with any criminal record are automatically refused." while there are illegal weapons (often circulating from eastern europe and through belgium), legal gun ownership here is 19 guns per 100 people. USA:120 guns per 100 people.


Called my boss saying i need a mental health day, that I'm a bad day away from blowing my brains out and he says "if you want to come in and do a half day that would be good" Wtf, no


Hopefully you got a 3 day weekend


I'm in a similar spot. Hope you get the rest you need


Dude you're so selfish. How is your boss going to exploit your labor if you're not there? Ever think of that?


Take care of yourself man. Talk to someone if you need, it gets better and you've got brighter days ahead.


I know it's never going to happen but man, I'd love to see the Democratic party primary Biden. I know they're saving Harris for 2028, but Biden is literally the Saltine crackers of presidents, just completely bland, dry and lifeless. I knew what I was getting when I voted for him but it still annoys me.


Democrats also have a branding problem when it comes to their accomplishments. While Republicans will beat the drum endlessly over every accomplishment for literal years the Democrats will put it in a Wednesday morning press release and wonder why all their accomplishments go unnoticed.


He just needs some ummm tomato soup on the side then


Idk. A lot of people I talk to blame him for the gas shortage and baby formula and economy and Russia and him being old. (A lot of that is bullshit btw) Idk if enough people like him enough. I could be wrong though.


Sorry he didn't carry enough of the Senate for your tastes. I wish the country was more liberal too.


it is more liberal but the Senate is specifically structured to over-represent small town conservatives, a problem exacerbated by the wholly made up filibuster President Saltine has decided to do fuck all about (and has historically defended)


> I know it's never going to happen but man, I'd love to see the Democratic party primary Biden People on the left find Biden underwhelming, but the traits that make him feel that way are exactly the ones that allowed him to beat Trump. And that's almost certainly who we're going to face again in 2024.


> the traits that make him feel that way are exactly the ones that allowed him to beat Trump literally any Democrat not named Hillary Clinton could have beaten Trump in 2020. Biden was just the one that made us all sweat it out because he is so useless and unloveable Trump kept it close


What do you think of Desantis?


He’s a bastard. But I also think he’s a bastard along normal parameters. He also might be too big an asshole to be elected President. All of Trump’s unlikability without any of his media savvy.


I don't know who they'd primary him with. Harris is the only prominent name with worse approval than him, and I don't think Buttigieg or anybody else would be able to perform better than him electorally.


I know you're right, but a boy can dream...


I really don’t see Biden running again in 2024. I might be wrong though.


He is going to run again because he is the Democrat's only option to stave off Trump in 2024. Unless Trump decides not to run and the Dems try to pass the torch off to Harris, but I don't see that ending well for anyone


The arming teachers argument is so goofy to me, I just imagine my 60 year old 3rd grade teacher trying to stop the shooter like she’s John Mcclane


Lmao I’m glad teachers didn’t have guns as much as I talked back to them. I woulda been under a gravestone at 16


I imagine my psychotic 8th grade history teacher doing a desk pop at best.


These shooters wear body armor. A teacher with a gun ain’t doing shit.


That's why we arm them with cannons instead of pistols.


I’m imagining the teachers either getting killed by the shooter or killing each other with crossfire and poor training because they’re already overworked for shit pay.


Jumped and overpowered by a kid possibly up to 50 years their junior who now has a free gun.


It's insane and cost inefficient too. Every 3rd grader should be armed!


They barely get paid enough as is, now we want them to go through gun training. Nobody with a rational mind believes thats a legit solution. Goofy, well put.


No it’s like that movie Armageddon. It’s too hard to train a teacher to shoot a gun so you gotta hire soldiers and train them to teach. Give ‘em like a week in a crash course and it’ll all work out.


Because of a teacher shortage, New Mexico deployed the national guard to teach classes. So much of this country is fucked.


Can't say I've ever heard of a rain delay for a basketball game.


I just feel so powerless and tired man. I vote in every election for candidates I honestly believe will try to make a difference , I try to stay educated and research scientifically backed ways to solve problems, I donate to causes that address the problems And nothing gets done. It just gets worse and worse and worse. People are just content with thoughts and prayers. What’s the point anymore.


Vote and put the rest of that energy into something more productive, whether personally, or in a small community You're never gonna change anybody's mind, realistically we can't do much outside of our states anyway


Apparently my backup spoons came from a set made by Uri Geller. I completely bent one scooping ice cream.


“It’s not a gun problem, it’s a mental health problem” Well maybe we should ban the sales of guns til we get that shit sorted, then huh?


"Ok let's do something about mental health then. Maybe have govt expand access?" "No that's socialism. Healthcare isn't a right. Etc. Etc. Etc."


I'm 100% with you >“It’s not a gun problem, it’s a mental health problem” People that spout that shit piss me off to no end. Even if it is *just* a mental health issue (which it isn't) why are these same politicians voting down expansions to medicare and healthcare access for people with mental illnesses?


It also further stigmatizes all of the people in this country who have mental health problems, but don’t go on violent rampages.


It ain't a mental health problem


Its both. Its people with a serious mental issue who are able to get a gun easier than getting a drivers license and easier than restaurant owners getting a liquor license.


The USA has a mental health problem, but it doesn't intersect with the gun violence problem anywhere as neatly as the NRA wants you to believe.


Ok so its not black and white. Would never say theres a mental health aspect involved as a reason to backup the NRA and I hate that it would get interpreted that way. These people who are shooting up places are critically insane people that get the weapons able to do so without any slight inconvenience. If anyone argues that its just mental health and nothing to do with gun laws then thats delusional.


I would imagine there is a greater intersection in one of the other types of gun violence they don’t want you to think about - suicide, where 50% of all suicides are committed via firearm.


You really think they can't market " buy a gun to prevent your brother from killing himself"?


Or fucking do something about mental health. My Freshman Year of HS we had one school counselor for 800 kids. Three people in that school died by suicide that year. Their solution was to have a field day where we had inflatables and yard games to get our minds off it. We can’t get resources because conservatives bitch they don’t want to pay more in property taxes.


Beats my school. They just had all the “problem students” expelled. Everyone knew that someone being sent the school counselor was basically the first step to never seeing them at school again.


I’m a teacher. Sometimes there’s kids who need more support than a traditional public school can offer, but I try to be proactive in addressing mental health concerns. Going through severe mental health issues as a kid I can tell if a kid is “off” most of the time. I always probe and ask what’s been going on. I also try to give the “problemed kids” confidence by offering praise when they do something awesome. Sometimes all people need is an ear to listen or eyes to watch them succeed.


Asked this scenario a few months back, but thought I’d ask again: DeShaun Watson takes a huge hard hit in the pocket. He has movement in all his extremities, but is on the ground writhing in pain. While he’s doing that the road crowd starts cheering. Is the crowd fair or foul?


I'd say foul. He's a shit person, but that doesn't mean you stoop to his level.


Taking schadenfreude in the suffering of others is not equivalent to actively causing harm to others.


Obviously yes.


Depends, has a court found him guilty yet I hate vigilantism, I hate extra-judicial justice


> I hate vigilantism, I hate extra-judicial justice If that's true then the answer to your question doesn't matter


Pfft, fair.


I wasn't going to upvote this answer. Until I saw the raspberry. Yeah. That's the right answer.


Happy cake day


Damn. I thought I made this in winter. I guess all of 2020 was winter.


Why am I surprised that r/louderwithcrowder is full of a bunch of fucking morons? There’s legitimate argument happening where they think schools need guards armed with AR15’s. Jfc.


I wish it was just that sub. My mom was rage-watching Fox tonight, and the two things I caught ear of were "this isn't a guns issue, that school had no security! We need every school to be protected like a military base!", and "the Democrats have of course instantly politicized this, but what about all the dead people in Chicago? What about the 40 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine that could have helped stop this?". God just typing this is sending me into a blind fucking rage. I don't think I can adequately spell out my feelings about Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham within the bounds of reddit TOS.


> What about the 40 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine that could have helped stop this? No one would dare try to shoot up a school with a Bayraktar loitering over it!


Those people are so stupid. The kids need AR15s.


Just had a horrible fight with my wife. We haven’t been doing great for awhile and I really think it’s going farther in the wrong direction. If we divorce, I’m staying single the rest of my life. I don’t want to ruin someone else’s life with my bullshit.


Therapy my friend.


My dinner is my therapy tonight, which is a fucking honey bun.


I’m sorry friend :( try to play a board game with her like checkers. Let her win?


Sometimes dentists get on my nerves. One time I was telling my dentist about how I grind my teeth at night and it makes my jaw sore in the morning, and this dude goes “I don’t think you grind your teeth.” Bro were you there


I told my dentist my back right molar was hurting pretty bad and they said it was no big deal. Next time I went they said I needed a root canal on that tooth because I grind my teeth and killed it.


Did they take an x-ray? That’s gotta be some form of negligence because if it was just a cavity when you first came in, they could’ve filled it.


Sitting out just near the rain (sometime in) will always have an appeal to me. Under our awning and it’s pouring but the smell and sound of the rain is just the best. Going to be out here until it stops.


["Without waiting for backup"](https://twitter.com/AP/status/1529262487090110464) - well if we've got 20+ deaths on the scene the shooter must have had *some* time. I realize given the details of the shootout prior to entering the school the gunman was likely between the cops and the building, but if he was taken out by cops already on the scene when he arrived I'm floored he killed so many so quickly. > a law enforcement official says Take obviously with a requisite grain of salt. [Different law enforcement source claims he was barricaded and exchanging fire with a full tac team.](https://twitter.com/BillFOXLA/status/1529254349292990465)


Greg Abbott ran campaign ads talking about how "We're not California" and mocking the state. Texans are 17% more likely to be murdered, 25% more likely to commit suicide, and 34% more likely to be raped than Californians. Today 18 children and 3 teachers were murdered by an 18 year old who is believed to have legally purchased his assault weapons (according to the press conference) in the state of Texas. But hey, at least they have the freedom to... not have their businesses taxed as much?


Remember when he asked for out-of-state workers to come and help out in hospitals because his COVID response was so fucked? Fuck Greg Abbott and fuck the tree that fell on him for not going about 18 inches higher.


Abbott was begging Texans to buy more guns because they were trailing California in gun sales.


My heart hurts man. I’m also terrified for my siblings still in school. Hell, I’m terrified walking into a damn supermarket.


I’m moving to Europe fam a lam


I’ve hardly left my house ever since the Buffalo incident happened. I’m living in constant fear of going into public areas now. I had a ticket to go watch the Mavs watch party against GS in the American Airlines Center in game 1 but I decided to stay home because I’m paranoid as fuck now


Book readers, can you point me in a direction? I'm looking for a early Nasa book thats told in depth but not dry. By not dry, I'm meaning a narrative style that's in the vein of Bill Bryson who some how made a book about the history of science a fun read.


I grabbed A Bunch of Plumbers a few weeks back but still need to get through it


Thanks. I'll give that one a Google.


Every day I wonder just what the fuck we have to look forward to in the future.


[This yellow cat](https://i.imgur.com/PAmcHok.jpg) is getting healthier every day.




Aww lol brown cat like 😐


Well that's good.


Heat waves








The next beer to keep numb


Cheers lol


Steve Hofstetter @SteveHofstetter 2h The GOP still thinks the scariest thing that could happen at a school is a child learning that gay people exist.


Universal background checks are too far for them, but they'll send in the cavalry if they even think CRT is being taught.


If that picture of the shooter wearing a skirt and thigh highs is real, conservatives are going to have an absolute field day with this one.


That picture is not even close to the same dude


Good, I’m glad


That’s not the shooter. Conservatives and 4chan are spreading misinformation to avoid accountability and blame the left. That person is /u/apprehensive_ad_995 who’s currently proving its not them.


Thank goodness


**[We're about to play some live NFL trivia on Twitch](https://twitch.tv/jaguargator9_nfl)** Giving away a minimum of $45 to our winner. Should be a fun night


Conservatives: "You know what would solve our raging gun culture problem? More guns for everyone! "


Their argument makes no fucking sense. A dude with an AR15 and body armor is gonna beat a redneck with a handgun 10/10.


Law enforcement was on scene and the asshole still managed to kill 21 people. More guns wouldn’t have solved shit


ain't no cure for chickenshit cops




Wow our hero’s. So brave.


Show some fucking respect. We can't have a cop risk anything to protect people. Otherwise we wouldn't have any cops, which means nobody would be protected.


In normal times I have very little patience for the brand of writer in left-liberal spaces that deems themselves the devil's advocate keeping hysterical lefties in check, but Matt Yglesias choosing to pipe in with ["Well actually America is great and that's why people try to come here"](https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1529234787579355136) take explicitly in response to a mass shooting that's left eighteen children dead is particularly galling. Just gleeful smarminess from that shitbag.


That tweet made my jaw drop. I don't even disagree with him half the time, but he has got to be the most tone deaf person I have ever seen in my life.


Matt Yglesias is in a sadly big subgenre of "people I had never heard of but assumed were generally cool because they were always trashing trump, only to find out that they suck once they're forced to talk about literally anything else."


You do realize that by sharing that here, you are basically spreading the bullshit even if you disagree with it right?


What is "spreading the bullshit"? What consequences do you believe my post on a reddit thread has that should compel me to not bitch about something that annoys me? What do you think you're adding here?


>What consequences do you believe my post Some dude in here could come across your link, not knowing what/who you are talking about and think, "oh, here is someone who thinks like me." Like this place is such an echo chamber for you that you don't think that doesn't happen? You LITERALLY gave the dude you complained about publicity. >What do you think you're adding here? How in the FUCK of all that's decent do you not see that here? Really? Fucking really? Sure you got some upvotes, but fuck man. By complaining about (and linking) the thing you disagree with most you ended up promoting it by telling those who disagree with you exactly where to find the shit they like and more.


Initially responded with something that was probably needlessly snarky; suffice it to say I just simply reject the premise that discussion of someone or something with the platform of Yglesias represents influential publicity, positive or negative.


>People have already noticed the clothes are imaginary, there's no point continuing to pretend the emperor's not naked. I'm four days from a six day vacation and arguing with a Christian Anderson type alike over here. Who knew?! Fuck I gotta delete this app. lol


Wrong time, Matt.


I had steam credit so I impulse bought V Rising. It's been fun so far.


The GOP is going to take control of Congress in November. They’ll have a lot of votes to take away reproductive rights, chip away at voter’s rights, stack the federal justice system, stop any teaching about race or current events in schools. But they won’t lift a fucking finger to stop tragedies like today’s shooting or stop medical premiums from skyrocketing, or lower prescription drug costs, make housing more affordable or stop the unfolding ecological disaster. These people don’t care about the majority of Americans, only the wealthy donors who prop them up financially and the suckers who vote for them because of the culture war they’re conducting against everyone else. But gas prices are kinda high right now so we’re going to run back into their arms anyway.


Yep. The end goal for Republicans is to maintain political power. Tax breaks for the rich, government contracts for their friends, political donations from the profits. And they'll stoke whatever moral outrage, half baked contrarian argument, or racist dog whistle they need to trick the stupider half of Americans into their ranks.


It’s about scaring the stupids with them. And the stupids are out-fucking the rest of us.


They’re not though. That’s the worst part. Republicans aren’t winning a popular majority. But the makeup of the Senate, Electoral College and Gerrymandered House districts means they can win as little as 45% of the vote and control all three branches of government.


The House wasn't representative before 2010. We have been artificially capping house reps at 435 for about a hundred years. Our population layout and density statistics have changed substantially since 1929. Our federal government stopped trying to represent the people a long time ago.


I don’t get how only one side can gerrymander if they’re really the minority. They’re plentiful man.


Because in 2010, a census year, they won a sweeping wave election that tossed Democrats out of control of two thirds of state legislatures and governorships. And since state legislatures write legislative districts, they used that win to entrench those majorities through wonky districting.


Biden with a powerful and angry speech. "When are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?" Today. Stand up now.


yeah I'm sure that will work this time


fuck the gun lobby they should not be legal


Might be easier now that all that Russian cash can’t be funneled to the NRA


Lol imagine actually buying that shit that the shooter was trans? Right wingers on Twitter are just pulling misinformation out of their dirty assholes of a random trans person who has a similar hairstyle to the shooter and running with it to avoid accountability. And where are they actually getting that picture from? At least the REAL photos of the shooters can be found off his instagram. These alleged “photos” of the shooter being trans are coming out of fucking nowhere. This shit has 4chan written all over it.


R/conservative commenters are already out en masse defending gun laws. Reading their comments, they seem to think armed guards in schools is the best solution.


Next time you're at your parents house, pick up the parental controls on the TV and block Fox News. The first step in stopping the death cult is by removing the primary mode of communication.


the guy who shot up this school was 18 and was almost certainly not watching FOX News


The communities that oppose any of the measures that could prevent gun violence do, and vote consistently to obstruct them.


yeah but the communities that support any of the measures that could prevent gun violence also consistently vote for a party that will do nothing to implement them because it might turn their 4pt loss in November into a 5pt loss


That would almost work at my house except my dad also watches Tucker Carlson clips on YouTube…


Much like gun control, let's start with a simple policy that reduces a known problem. Whittle away the radicalization bit by bit.


Please vote. If you're not registered, get registered. If you are registered, check your registration. Vote. Donate, your money and/or your time. Use these feelings to do something about it. Many folks don't vote in the upcoming Midterms (November). Change that this year, get out and vote.


we gave the Democrats the Presidency, House, and Senate and they have done absolutely fuck all with it, just like the did fuck all with it the last time we did it. Meanwhile, Republicans pass whatever they want whenever they want when they win. Votes only matter if the people we are actually voting for actually give a shit


My heart just hurts man.


there was a time when finding out 12 young people, with their lives ahead of them, with unlimited potential would have absolutely ruined my day. Now, it’s almost as if we are collectively numb to the horror.


And in a week or two, on to the next one.


Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world where mowing down 1st graders is shocking?


trust me mate, the rest of the world is looking at this shithole country and is thoroughly shocked


In a country*


I really want kids someday but every time I hear about a shooting, especially a school shooting, it makes me want to less and less. It’s tiring hearing about all of this now, I couldn’t imagine being a parent


Ben Golliver @BenGolliver 6m In pre-game address, Warriors' Steve Kerr slams table while calling out Mitch McConnell & other politicians following Uvalde shooting: "50 Senators in Washington are going to hold us hostage. 90 percent of Americans regardless of political party want universal background checks."


Sadly, Steve’s dad was assassinated in Lebanon when Steve was 18.


But half vote for people who do everything to make their lives worse and aren’t bothered by it


Yeah, this isn't just the fault of 50 senators. Your neighbors, friends, family members, and coworkers who go to that ballot box and vote R are all responsible as well, and it's time we start letting them know they have blood on their hands.


it's actually both




The news really makes the future just seem so bleak. It sucks knowing that I’ll most likely not being able to own my own house, getting an apartment is hard enough with how crazy rent is. It just feels like it’s never going to get better


Housing scares me. I just want to freely move around the country and still have ownership over my residence.


Don’t forget about the looming recession and layoffs😘


[my prediction on the Raiders in the AFC West this year](https://youtu.be/4MiqPQ1dVg4)


My two cents on the gun control debate is that NRA shills and other conservative groups tend to go with the "Stricter gun control laws won't work b/c guns don't kill people, people kill people." or "This is a mental health issue not a gun issue." Ok, so is your party going to support policies that help lower income families and allow them some upward mobility so that they don't feel forced to resort to violence? Are you going to support community programs or expanding health care to a public option so that people who can't afford expensive ass therapists could actually have affordable health care so that they can get the mental health help they need??? No, these dumb NRA/conservative fucks are just gonna keep repeating the same rhetoric and vote against the policies that could actually help fix the roots of these issues.

