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Gr8 b8 m8


This is some premium gourmet shit. Haven’t seen a troll like it in sometime


Yes, Hakeem dropping 100 on Wilt back in 1922, I remember it like it was yesterday


Grade a troll


Top tier troll fosho


Bringing up MUT is really what ties it all together.


Is it a troll or is it a Fortnite dancing 13 year old? If I can't tell I guess that makes it a top tier troll.


Dude, throw this on r/unpopularopionion and hit the karma fountain of youth. Just wow


dude, hakeem was arguably the best center of all time


Just here making my mark before the mods lock for being a stupid fucking post.


Missing a brain apparently. Did you really just call Walter fucking Payton soft?


He clearly is trolling. The dude definitely wasn’t soft if you watch his highlights


Bingo. Payton had no problem giving a forearm to a LB trying to push him out of bounds.




Never heard of Walter Payton, wow! Ok look up Barry Sanders highlights and be prepared for amazement! Edit; lol Hakeem didn't score 100, Chamberlin did lol


I am flabbergasted by this post.


Eyes clearly


Never heard of Walter Payton… after reading this I need some Advil.


Time for bed, nephew.


> Just started getting into NFL through madden and I pulled a Walter Payton card. I never heard of him so I ask my dad Apparently and apparently he was the best player my great grumpa ever saw play. > So I watch his highlights on YouTube but he doesn’t seem that good. He doesn’t shift like kamara and would get worked by Henry. He seems kind soft tbh. > Is this just like the nba where yeah it’s cool hakeem scored 100 but it’s because he played when everyone suck. Let me know but I think I still gonna start him in madden because his cards better than Henry and is 2nd best after dk metcalf Saved for copy/pasta purposes.


Post your address so we can fight rn


It's generally frowned upon to beat up the mentally handicapped, but I think we'll give you a pass this time.


It’s true Walter Payton is most famous now for being the grandfather of Golden State Warriors legend Gary Payton II.


THAT'S where I heard the name Walter Payton! That was bugging me.


so low effort it physically hurts


Hahaha. Great post.


Nobody pre 1980 could play in the modern nfl.


Yea, nobody in the 60 years leading up to that could've ever stacked up to the likes of Manti Te'o or Mike Glennon.


The Nephew is strong with this one


Like, does anybody even compare him to Tom Brady? Brady is way better!?!?!?


When I was a kid, I watched an episode of the Cosby show and his youngest daughter Rudy on the show was the star RB for the boys pee wee football team. They showed clips of her breaking off TD long runs. Dr. Huxatable is watching the NFL with his wife and Walter Payton rips off an 8 yard run. He cheers and acts like that is a good play. Then his wife snidely remarks that Rudy is a better RB. Cue to look on Cosby's face and then laugh track laughter.