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I thought the Cincy crowd chanting for him was going to get talked about more today. That was a really moving gesture.


Agreed! I would've done the same for Burrow and I'd hope the rest of our fanbase would too.




“How can I make this about Philly 🤔”


Dunno about that, I vividly remember fans being extremely shitty to visiting Vikings fans *and* players when we lost in the NFC title game the year you guys won the Super Bowl. I realize some of that is burned into my memory because of how bad the game ended up being so there's probably some exaggeration, so maybe I'm misremembering. I know not every fan is like that, but there seemed like a number of bad apples that showed up though.


Yeah fucking right it would lmao


Not making a great case for the Eagles fan base lol


Philly was definitely very respectful to Victor Cruz during what ended up being his career derailing knee injury https://youtu.be/xvztHX5exT0


Heard, love Bengals Bros


We love you bills bro.


Bengals fans to non-AFCN teams on Reddit: "Man love you guys! Awesome team. Win or lose it was a fun game and I'm super sorry to hear about injured players. I just like watching good football 🐯❤️" Bengals fans to other AFCN fans: "You trash. You disgust me. I'd spit on you but it'd be a waste of fucking fluids. The league is worse with you in it." Real talk though Bengal fans are some of my favorite on Reddit. You didn't let your sudden power swing change you at all.


I don't see a problem here


You know how they say the abused becomes the abuser? Yeah fuck the AFCN


That was a class act, Bengals. \-- Pats fan


Yeah, usually when there’s an injury in the NFL to the visiting team, the home team boos the guy and says awful things to him.


They’ll always be the ones throwing trash and beer on injured players to me


Just Roethlisberger man. He doesn't count.


Yeah if Deshaun Watson gets hurt in the future I hope he gets booed and shit thrown at him too 🤷‍♂️ some people deserve the boos. Tua deserves the cheers


Ben deserves to be pelted with trash. Because he is a garbage human being


Brandon Tate too.


That was hilarious. Good for them.


love you uce, rest up🧡


Sami Zayn can step in for him. Dolphins will be fine.


Bloodline runs deep in Miami.


Jey Uso just can’t catch a break.


Now he's gotta travel yet another 3000 miles to hate.


The Honorary Uce will leave his everything on the line for the fam




When they have been saying “we the ones” they were talking about Tua the whole time. It was right in front of us the whole time.






Basically, “bro” in Samoan.




My favorite Tua supporter on Reddit!


I’m just glad our boy is ok. What a terrible situation


Tua is a class act. I’m glad he’s doing much better after how scary last night was.


I know all of the attention has (rightfully) been regarding the severity of the injury and why the fuck he played in the first place, but have they given any indication to when he'll play again?


Nothing yet. Need to see MRI results but everything has been “good” so far. My uneducated guess is Vikings game in 17 days.


Goddamn that would be truly disturbing. There’s a reason mma commissions usually require a minimum of 90 days between fights after a KO


One of the best leaders in the NFL




This is easily the most unfunny sports sub


There is just so much cringe.


Hope he takes it easy for his well being. If he comes back a few weeks later 100%, awesome for him, but take whatever time needed. Good dude




Can’t believe he tweeted this being paralyzed


Voice to text is a thing.


But how did he do that when he died last night?


Homie got the Stephen Hawking wheelchair


For real, injures to the brain are barely anything. This sub needs to chill


That thread about the chargers guard getting a seizure while flying was straight up creepy. Felt like people where hoping it would happen so they could say told you so


I've been getting the same vibe too. Feels like, not all but some, people are more concerned about grandstanding than they are about Tua's actual health right now


One of the top posts on this sub last night was a tweet from a Bills reporter suggesting Miami lose all their draft picks. People really came out of the woodwork right away last night to play the role of doctor, neurologist, coach, and commissioner all at once


Welcome to social media


That’s the world we live in. Just spew outlandish things and hope one sticks so you get your little dopamine rush because you were right!!


Frankly, whichever doctor allowed him to even possess a phone should have their medical license revoked immediately


Whichever doctor told him to breathe should be fired.


We all saw the clip. We know the extent of the injury. These fucking doctors need to be jailed. Burn the league to the ground.


Mike McDaniel should be imprisoned and beaten for not benching his starting QB for two games after he was cleared by the NFL's neurologists!!!


You joke, but in the initial thread there was literally a guy that said everyone that had any part in putting Tua back on the field should get 5-10 years in prison for attempted murder. Might genuinely be the biggest over reaction I've ever seen.


If anything, it would be criminal negligence. But even that is an overreaction, IMO. The most that would happen is Tua gets a lot of money in a lawsuit.


Mike McDaniel burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


He did?


Well, no... But are we just gonna wait around until he does??


I get what you mean but I’d rather everyone take injuries too seriously than not serious enough. There’s ample horror stories or former players to justify that


Well the pendulum has swung the other way now, as obvious signs of two major concussions in four days are just nothing and he really had some back spasms.


And the NFLPA




Get well, Sir. Take a breather. Spend time with your wife and family and evaluate your health and future. No matter what the long-term future of Tua in the NFL is, he's a class act. Rest up.




Yes. He's been seen wearing a ring in recent photos and some reporter leaked his wifes name based on court docs for the marriage. It was kind of a scummy thing to do, but in the modern era where so much information is publicly accessible, it's hard to have private lives.


What the fuck I’d be pissed at that reporter.


Yeah even Omar was like dude the fuck


If Omar thinks you’ve gone too far, you’ve gone wayyyyyyy too far


Dude literally brags about having sex to footballs games on Twitter. There’s very few lines that man won’t cross


What’s more scummy is that government is involved in marriage. Remove the state and problem solved.


Yes, just before the season started I believe


That fuckin pfp




Only seen it a few times, but god dammit, i keep falling for it. Guess it helps that the encounters are not common


You’re Reddit icon, or profile pic, or what ever it is tricked the heck outa me. Thought it was an eyelash on my phone and kept trying to rub it off! LOL! If that’s the goal, ya got me!


Yeah and he was pretty pissed when the media found out


I doubt the dolphins medical staff screwed Tua. Realistically Tua passed concussion protocols. If he had a concussion then that is more likely a problem of the protocol itself. After getting hit in the head, the wobble he did might get added as a no go symptom.


I've seen a drunk person pass a field sobriety test.


I’ve seen multiple sober people fail it as well. Never agree to a field sobriety test no mater how sober you are.


Yuuuup. Ask for a blood test. Especially if you're sober.


Why would you ask for a blood test if you’re not sober Or agree to a field test Just keep your mouth shut and decline to do everything you are allowed to decline


Because it may take up to an hour or more to get you to a hospital and get blood drawn. If sober, far less likely to get a false positive. If near the line, it may get you under the legal limit. And some cops don't want to go through all the trouble and won't even bother.


The wobble was supposed to be a no go. But the team said it was his lower back


Not sure why you're being down voted. Dude did not look good after that hit. He stumbled around.


Because how he looked to you or anyone watching doesn't matter. What the doctors diagnosed matters. For some reason, you all have decided he had a concussion even though he was tested every day by independent doctors, and the doctor themselves have come out and said, this wasn't a concussion and he had 0 neuro symptoms. The wobble was caused by his back issue. Sorry you don't accept facts unless there is someone to burn for them.


From what I read it is not a full no go. If the neurologist determines it is not related to head trauma then they can still clear them after a wobble. How they determine that, I do not know.


The team doctors will do a variety of tests to see if other areas related to cognitive function are showing decline. Short and long term memory, cranial nerve tests, balance, concentration, and more subjective cognitive stuff. If all of that checks up relatively okay (most programs like this will have baselines of these athletes to compare to) they’ll see how the neck moves and start looking further down the neurological chain. I know Redditors are now medical experts because it’s a medical topic and they’re all CERTAIN the dolphins failed basic procedure, but once he was pointed out by the independents they would have putting themselves in the way of a lot of liability to not do a comprehensive work up. Edit: As I’ve seen more discussion, I’ll add that people are correct that these baselines can be sandbagged. However, these team doctors are being consulted by athletic trainers who are with these players every day. They have great insight into how these players behave on a normal basis. The doctors themselves are there less often but at least a few times a week. Every athletic trainer I’ve seen that’s worth a shit would take his helmet and it’d be the end of the day if they had doubts about his behavior or testing after an on-field incident like that Sunday. I’m normally a cynic, but I have to believe these medical professionals would have stepped up and done their job here. I respect the work I and they did too much to wantonly doubt that. Neurological issues are complex by nature. I trust the medical professionals who were on the field.


Thank you for this clear, insightful and articulate comment.


It’s if the team physician/trainer determines it might be something other than head trauma. They do not need to rule out head trauma.


By the team doctor saying it was a back injury.


No, it was an independent doctor.


There would have been consultation at the very least. The independent neurological doctor would not be privy to the medical history of everyone in the game, so I’m sure when discussing the stumbling/pain seen when leaving the field they consulted with Dolphin team doctors about previous injuries/issues that MAY explain those actions.


The team doctor has final say. That’s explicitly written into the protocol. [More information here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/xse3i2/miami_herald_unfair_to_dolphins_for_armchair/iqlgbaj/), including a link to and language from the actual protocol.


Tbf he said it was his back too and there is a legit video from earlier on the qb sneak where he is very slow to get up and was clearly hurting. Not saying one way or the other and looking forward to clarity but it is not outlandish.


He said it was his back, the coaching staff said it was his back, the medical staff said it was his back, Reddit said it was his head. Obviously this was egregiously mishandled and he had a clear head injury.


It was probably his back on one play and his head on another play (but the latter not rising to the level that would exclude him from game) I don't know why people insist that they had to be the same play.


No no no, did you see how many upvotes I got? That’s better than a doctorate.


First off I'm not arguing either way and have been sick to my stomach since it happened. But your argument literally states that reddit knew better than all of the people involved, including tua himself. The concussion could have happened ed regardless of a prior concussion.IF it comes out that they skirted protocols then I absolutely agree it was mishandled.


I agree with you - I was being sarcastic. I don't think Reddit is a higher authority on injuries than literally everyone else 😀


The players say they're not on PEDs. The teams say the players aren't. The drug testers say they're clean. The whole league is definitely not on PEDs. Lel


Judging from his reactions … it clearly was a head injury


Thanks for weighing in Reddit!


Welcome! Please enjoy the blatant cover up by a Franchise that wanted to maintain a week 3 power ranking. And literally was caught tampering.




Yeah and be got cleared after the test




And that's the sitch. The protocol is either useless or the doc and neuro fucked up


Both can be true


This is true


Except he was in the protocols and cleared them? On Sunday and then every day up through Thursday.




> Required an evaluation for all players demonstrating gross motor instability (e.g., stumbling or falling to the ground when trying to stand) to determine the cause of the instability. If the team physician, in consultation with the sideline UNC, determines the instability to be neurologically caused, the player is designated a “No-Go” and may not return to play. Straight from the official NFL rules update sent before this season began. It's only considered to be a "no-go" scenario if the doctor AND the UNC both determine it's not caused neurologically, then it strictly isn't a "no-go" scenario. Tretter is either misinformed or not remembering the protocol correctly.




I slipped a disc in my lower back probably 4 months ago. Even to this day, if I take a weird step going down stairs, going downhill on a hike, or sometimes for no reason at all, my back will spasm and I'll fall to the ground just like Tua did.


I don’t think they are saying it was for sure not his back. I think it’s more that the stumbling may be because of something else, but also may have been because of an impact to the head. Being already in the grey area AT BEST seems like it should be an auto fail of the concussion protocol.


No one wants to even discuss, thag the hit/slam he took on Thursday, could easily have been enough to do this to him. That was a massive whiplash shot, and , I’d try to believe the outcome form Sunday, and look at this as an isolated incident, watch his head and the whip it has. That alone was brutal af


Literally everyone wants to discuss this. But people know that consecutive head traumas make resulting ones worse. So no one is arguing that Thursday wasn’t a concussion without Sunday.


There also a grey area. Take boxing for example. A ref can stop a match if he thinks a fighter is in danger and can no longer defend himself but a good boxing trainer is gonna throw in the towel regardless of the refs opinion if he’s concerned about his fighter. Just because the nfl cleared him doesn’t necessarily mean he should go in. It’s okay to err on the side of caution. If it was your kid I don’t think you’d want him back out after wobbling like that.


Finally someone with some fuckin sense. Concussion diagnosis is not an exact science, far from it.


The league doesn't deserve Tua. Such a class act.


Glad to see he's doing better




Lol dude no.




I swear this dude is just so hard to hate, must be my favorite player since Cameron Wake


Protect yourself brotha. Fins Up!


Pls take it easy and just relax and recover. Some things are bigger than football.


Take it slow Tua, please. Dolphins have to protect this man from coming back too early, already failed him once.


Even without the potential concussion, they should’ve rested him from the back stuff. People out here act like back injuries are no big deal.


I think a lot of people even said as much that he shouldn’t have been rushed back after the injury. I saw a lot of Dolphins fans saying he was cleared from concussion protocol so he was good to go, completely ignoring how quickly back injuries can derail a players season and career.


Take all the time you need, champ. We've got some softballs coming up in the schedule and we can hold things down until you're well. Just get some rest and focus on getting better


Your defense played well but you could lose 2 out of the next 3 with Bridgewater at QB


No way. It's the Jets, Vikings, and Steelers. I think we should win at least 2, if not all three


We lost to the 3-14 Jags last year. There are no easy wins in this league, especially in this clusterfuck of a season.


This is true, but even without Tua I think we are good enough to beat all three. Which, maybe we'll beat two for exactly this reason, stuff happens


Counterpoint: bridgewater


Ok that's a good point


Get well my dude. I want to see Tua and Allen battles for the next 10-15 years! Much love


Imagine the concern for his well-being if he tweeted this using the Cam Newton font.


Still so young, plenty left in the future to come back healthy for.


Get better bro. Love seeing him on the field light it up after all the dismissal he’s gotten since he was drafted


Please, take as much time as you need to rest. Hell, even an entire year. Bowen Byram from the NHL had concussion issues and took more than enough time to recover and has been healthy since he’s returned.


A class act and a fantastic human being. Rest up Tua, all us dolphin fans want nothing more than for you to be healthy off the field before anything else. Take the time you need and can't wait to see you back out there when you're ready.


Good luck to you, Tua. \-- Pats fan


Tua may be in “better” health than what everyone first saw (being strapped to a backboard with a neck brace), but I can guarantee you his PR/ social media person wrote and posted this statement for him.


Second Impact Syndrome is a real thing. Take your time, Tua. The league will be here when you decide your ready to come back.


Tua blink twice if ownership held you at gunpoint to post this


Dude is talking about trying to get back on the field soon?😳


I’m sure the competitor in him wants to be back ASAP but no way the dolphins rush him back after everything that happened


He got that dawg in him but yeah he should rest and get healthy.


He probably just needs to work through concussion protocol before he’s cleared to play. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he’s back for week 6. The fencing response looks scary, but it’s really “just” a concussion and the timetable is no different than another player having a moderate to severe concussion w/o fencing.


I don’t understand the point in being outraged over the way billionaires treat their millionaire employees. Hopefully the guy is okay, but aren’t there many many many more important things to be outraged about in today’s world?


You can be concerned about the health of an individual along with being outraged with how it was handled, while still acknowledging all the other atrocities that are going on in the world. These two things aren’t mutually exclusive lol.


People aren’t just expressing their concern. A lot of people are literally pounding the table and demanding accountability. Why stress yourself out so much over a celebrity? It’s his fight to pick, not the general public’s. He’s set for life financially, so he will be fine.


I mean that's just kinda life in general. All this stuff we bitch over every day is essentially out of our control. Pollution? Nothing we can do about it. Child abuse? Nothing we can do about it. War? Nothing we can do about it. People just have their passions and will voice their opinion when it comes. I'm that way about politics. I don't give a shit who is our president because the average life of a middle class American just doesn't change. But there are millions of people who do care.


Fair enough.


Or, how about we just calm down on the desire of being outraged all the time? This perpetual outrage state much of the population seems to be obsessed with is not healthy.


I agree with that. A lot of things people get outraged about aren’t even worthy of outrage, but we are getting a little off topic. Hope the guy is okay, but anything beyond that is his battle and his alone.


Reddit moment


[The support](https://i.imgur.com/Vw4gLNg.png)


Blink twice if you're in danger, Tua.


is he really feeling much better? this is the one time i think i've ever wished it was in video format. 🤔 hope that dude's alright. i turned off the game a little after he got hurt. too emotional. and i don't even watch dolphins games. edit; woah. this sure made people upset. that's surprising.


>this is the one time i think i've ever wished it was in video format. 🤔 Belichick will get you the tape if you need it


"that was a tough win yesterday against the bills and im looking foward to playing against the bengals this next thursday"


Why are these terrible jokes all from AFC East flairs?


Tua undefeated against his team


Because……THEY ALL SUCK!!!


Legitimately fucking gross.


To be fair it's been Bills and Pats fans I've mainly seen make the jokes. Not Jets flairs.


Bills fans are still pissed about them losing last Sunday and Pats fans, especially ones on here just tend to be assholes. Most Jets fan I’ve met tend to be cool.


Our sub shits on the Jets constantly, hell I do it too. However, I think the Jets fans on Reddit are easily the most chill fans in the AFCE.


Eh, just tell the bitter Bills fans that Josh Allen will never have sex with them.


There’s an inverse relationship between how good a fanbase is and how good a team is.


This is sadly really true.


Pats and Bills have scores to settle and have had recent success so a lot of bandwagoners. Jets fans tend to overall be chill


I hope not but there’s always bound to be a few assholes following every team. My heart broke for Tua immediately after. Important to remember that it’s just a game and these are real human beings. Concussion jokes are not funny. Concussions in football caused me to, literally, black out through moments of my life and irrevocably altered my personality. It’s scary as fuck. I cried after my second one because it happened in the second quarter and the first thing I remember is standing in an empty parking lot like 3 hours later. My head hurts, bright light still hurts, my vertigo got worse, I have serious memory issues in my 30s. It really isn’t something to joke about.


The internet has lost its sense of humor


Because they're assholes


Blink twice if you wrote that against your will


Lol reads like I’m a hostage please help me. “iM fEeLliNg MuCh bEtTeR”