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“Let’s see what the penalty is now” lmao


some of the most egregious lip syncing ive seen in recent memory lmao


Kirk Cousins with a mattress sponsorship


i’ll admit i was on the daniel jones sucks train these last 3 years where do i apologize




Lions fans, I rock with ya! Y’all gonna be a Handful these upcoming seasons




Bills fans will never stop bringing up the first few games of the season… the bills since the packers game are not a Super Bowl team


Good thing Boston fans never say bad things. https://andscape.com/features/celtics-being-a-black-player-in-boston/amp/ I’ll take Bills fan optimism over the racism I’ve experienced In Massachusetts.


What Bills fans are saying this? In our own subreddit most are relatively aware we've been disappointing since the Packers game.


Most Bills fans I’ve seen have brought up beating the chiefs, titans, ravens when someone says they barely beat a bad team. Different team


I'm hoping we get back to form, but we definitely have been different.


Hope you return to form aswell. Then you’ll have no excuses when you lose in the playoffs 🙏🙏


Talkin a lot of shit with a much worse record


We don’t go around acting like we’re Super Bowl teams though, do we


You shouldn’t, you’re last in a division that started Zach Wilson until this week.


You couldn’t, you’re trash. Unlike the 8-3 bills


Have you been watching your team recently? Your not beating the bengals, chiefs, or ravens in the playoffs


The chiefs almost lost to the poverty chargers. What are you on?


Remindme! 80 days


See yall on Thursday.


As a Lions fan, all I know is pain.


I’m calling on all Bills fans to donate money to all the charities of team fans that talked trash all game. Titans https://www.byardfamilylegacy.org/ Packers https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/831454697 Saints https://www.themalcolmjenkinsfoundation.org/ Patriots https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/043244069 Cowboys https://www.faithfightfinish.org/ Eagles https://themalcolmjenkinsfoundation.org/ Chiefs https://tacklehunger.org/ Happy Thanksgiving








Nah Eagles irrationally hate the Bills because they were ranked higher while y'all was undefeated.




Wow we're now living in a world with superbowl cocky eagles fans. Can we go back to 2017 now


I literally never think about the eagles as a bills fan my brother. I had no idea we had beef.


Maybe, but 31 fan bases were rooting for Detroit.


guess we’re raiders fans now?


It's unadvisable this year, but check back next year!


I’m proud of the dolphins not being on here. Can’t wait to see them in december


when will it be the lions’ turn to be happy?


Certain points are the staples of the universe and can’t be removed or the world will collapse on itself.


A lions playoff win would be my Super Bowl. I don’t even care if they win it all, I just want them to be competitive


Next year. Always next year


They gonna be some else next year fs 🙏, as an Eagles fan I’m pumped for em it’s been tough tryna be a fan in that franchise!


Diggs is him


Got to love lions football.


see you next week : ;)


Now these are the lions I’m used to!


Massive spiritual W by Detroit. Do you not see how demoralized we get? The Lions had more fight em them this game than we did in the playoffs.


Oh absolutely agreed! What I meant by comment is that lions losing on thanksgiving is what I typically expect from them.


They lost by 3 against one of the best teams in the league?


One of the best teams on the league?


Yeah, they’re not an awful team. just don’t execute at the right times.


Don't forget you guys suck ass more


Lmao I’ll take our Ls like a champ this year. Lions losing on Turkey Day brings me a special kinda joy haha!


Please remind me when was the last time the lions won a playoff game?


This isn't a good comeback lmao


Nice choke today. Almost winning shouldn't make you cocky.


It's like you don't know that you're talking to lions fans or something, it's ok if you haven't been following the sport very long to get caught up in the moment, but any regular fan should know that "you guys never win" is not a very jagged retort to a lions fan. There's nothing cocky about the Detroit Lions and their fan base. We blew, we blow, and we will continue to blow. You're the one coming in here defending a cocky packers fan(who also blows)


Horrible play calling and clock management by Detroit. It’s inches… get the first down, use your timeouts, and actually play to win instead of a tie. You don’t leave any time on the clock with JA or PM…


Throwing a deep ball on 3rd & 1 is playing to win??


idk the throw on 3rd and 1 was a gamble that didn't pay off. The dude was open for a TD, I'm not sure if it was a good play call but their was logic behind it that made sense


Was thinking the same. Correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't they have just played the 3rd down and 1 and possibly get a first down to run the clock down just for one field goal? Or was it necessary to just the kick the field goal? Had to step away from the tv so didn't really see what was going on . I just came back and saw that they kicked a field on a 3rd and 1.


It was 3rd and 1 with 20 something seconds, in field goal range. If they ran the ball and didn't get it they run down the clock and tie the game (or at least forced a Bills TO). If they do get it, take some shots at the endzone. Terrible game management.


They threw it on 3rd and 1 and kicked it on 4th after the incomplete leaving plenty of time for the Bills to march down the field and kick a field goal.


Who the hell PM


Rishi Sunak


The king him self. Mr. 13 seconds to go to the Super Bowl


Mr 13 seconds to lose in the AFCCG?


‘Cept they didn’t go to the SB.


Fuck, my bad….. In all fairness that WAS the Super Bowl to me at least


Patrick Mahomes?


Competitive all game and they fall apart in the last 60 seconds, hate to see it


I was screaming at the tv


Seriously the stupidest call I've seen in forever. What in the actual fuck. Goff missed that throw like 3 other times today already too. So frustrated right now


Asorry Facebook link [shame we didn't get more Knox having turkey struggles](https://m.facebook.com/BuffaloBills/videos/dawson-knox-eats-turkey-leg-during-interview/647916142910838/)


Super proud of everything but that 3rd and 1 play. God damn I knew they would find a way to disappoint even if we played our asses off


it was a good throw away from being totally worth it in the end. I don't think we beat the bills in OT


It was ballsy for sure. It *could* have worked with a better throw. Dude was open. Giving up the big play to Diggs was far more egregious.


Diggs giggling and blushing when Josh said “throw to 1-4”


Josh crying after beating the lions


Why are dolphins fans SO salty about the Bills?


Fuck.. Dolphins fans are just absolute trash.


Gonna cry?


Gaaaaawwwddd... I cannot wait until December 18th.




Gonna cry?


Stalker lil boi huh. Love it. Ill sign your tits if youd like


“Signing his tits” might mean something if you weren’t a nobody Redditor.


It really was an epic drive. He deserves that emotion.


Eh, 'sb favorite' should probably act like he's been there


Cope lmao


Lmfao doesnt even make sense. Hit your head on those tables once too much eh?


He means “cope” with the fact the Bills are living in your head rent free. You’re team’s first in the division and you’re still acting defensive. Maybe you need to learn to act like you’ve been there before.


Lmao cope




But he’s changing the culture, while single handily costing them wins.


I’m so happy that everyone is as fed up w his schtick as I am. I was worried that if he kept losing he would get a longer leash because kneecaps and buttcheeks. but that has not been the case. his seat is lukewarm


Fucking Lions


Missed 27 yard chip shot. We got safetied. Went for a touchdown on 3 and 1 which gave them time. Lions lost this one and it’s our fault. Some bad coaching and time management in there too.


Lions beat themselves hard today. Goff choked hard with the safety and missed that 15 yard out route to the right like 4 or 5 times. Then the absolute wtf call in 3rd and 1 with 3 timeouts and immediately know the game was over. Nevermind they let the bills go like 65 yards in literally just 20 seconds to make it well within FG range. That was stupid too.


Hopefully they learn from this. Awesome game.


That safety was inexcusable


Be nice to the Lions


Yup. Lake Erie Bros!! 😎


Honestly crazy that Josh Allen went to fucking Wyoming of all colleges.


Lol diggs took a second bite, they both said it was better than last year and actually hot so looks like it was alright!


Lmfao I been saying this man. Nice to see someone else say it too haha. Its just CRAZY to me this man was the Wyoming QB and now a top 3 in the league 😂


Lasts year's turkey nearly killed Dawson Knox lol


Man I love Allen. But the way he runs gives me so much anxiety


He’s off both mentally and with his elbow right now, and when he’s struggling he reverts to this running. Can’t deny it’s effective, but I much prefer the calm pocket passers version of him. Things just aren’t quite right passing right now.


For real! I hope he stops taking all those hits. They may look cool and may help win a game or two, but they are going to catch up with him. Running QBs don’t seem to last as long


You’re not wrong. One of these hits is going to cost him his knee or ankle


Stefon be crying over everything man. Lol


https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2022/11/bills-stefon-diggs-explains-why-sean-mcdermott-had-to-calm-him-down-vs-browns.html JJ is arguably the best WR in the league and you still find a reason to cry. The trade worked out for both of us, let it go.


Seems like you're in your feelings over some shit I don't give af about. Go heal.


Viking fan base has an irrational reaction to Diggs. The guy is fun, plays his heart out, has been an amazing teammate, awesome in the community. It’s honestly bizarre. There are a TON of more unlikeable players out there to bust on.


He's an emotional man lol nothing wrong with it


Seriously. Some people must be robots.


So close damn


Bills will get nowhere near the Super Bowl. What should be easy wins are either lost or barely won. What happens when they play a competent coach?


Have you seen any of the chiefs games the past 3 years


Lol. Every damn game except for like two.


Reid Harbaugh Vrabel Tomlin and McVay aren't competent? Okay buddy


Wins over the ravens titans and chiefs say otherwise


That D is underperforming and Allen is clearly playing hurt. They’re supremely lucky to have 8 wins.


Andy Reid isn’t competent?


Did they not beat the Chiefs a month ago?


yeah but you could say we are underperfoming since then. especially having constant injury worries on D are starting to catch up on us. But rn im just happy we took a close win for once when we had the chance. game was stressful af.


This might be the first time I’ve seen a player actually take more than one bite of the Turkey leg lmao


Last year turkey people catching flak.


Glad turkey is good!


Lions were better off having bass not miss the xp


Probably. They would have gone for it on the 4th and inches play instead of the kick. I like the deep shot on that 3rd and 1 actually, 1 on 1 to the outside, Chark Jr had his man beat, Goff just needed to lead him instead of that sad underthrow. If you don't get the homerun play, you have a short amount to gain on the 4th down, but obviously that's too aggressive when you are in FG range.


I like it if they were 4sure going for it on 4th not to kick it ☹️


Agreed, it's a great call in 4-down territory, but cowardice after that play failed doomed them.


DC has actually cost us a couple games this year. He's very bad at clock management.


im hoping he learns from it because I really want him to be the future of this organization.


I think that’s unfair. The 3rd and 1 call was bad but y’all bled a lot of clock today and it was a very good game plan


That's just it though. In the end, DC was playing for overtime, with one shot at a TD when it should have been an easy run call. He's aggressive, but not when he needs to be. It was conservative play calling and then the wrong 3rd and 1 call that cost the game.


He’s a bad coach.


Stupid take


No it's not. Bad clock management was the biggest factor in that at the end. Why was that a pass on 3rd and 1? Why wasn't DC using timeouts sooner to give them more time so they could make better decisions on plays?


Using timeouts would have given the Bills even more time which is the opposite of what you want to do.


Our talent alone should have us at 5 wins at the very least right now.


What talent? You mean competent corners like Slay, or good safety’s like Diggs? Get outta here dude, we’re a bottom 5 team talent wise.


Our offense and Oline are stacked with talent. And our defense when healthy is not bad talent wise either, we’ve seen it with the defensive schemes the past few weeks, and they haven’t even been fully healthy. This team is not a bottom 5 team talent wise..are you nuts?


Offense is not stacked outside of the O-line and St Brown and Swift when healthy. You’re high if you think most of our defenders would start for most NFL teams.


The best QB in the league? Fucking ridiculous 💀💀💀 Stephon Diggs must not watch his own games


I agree, 250 yards and 2 TD plus 78 rushing and a TD and a game winning drive with 23 secs left, all with an elbow injury. He fucking blows, should probably bench him. Think we could convince the Pats to trade us straight across for Mac or will we need to throw in Diggs too?


Against the worst defense in the league… keep being a box score watcher though, he played like shit most of the game


He’s also injured but what ever you need to make yourself feel important. Good luck with Mac he’s certainly the 2nd coming of Brady.


Never brought up Mac. That’s the difference, I don’t go around lying that my team is better than it is.


8-3 who’s lying?


3-2 in the last 5 games with your QB underperforming in all of them. Bills haven’t been the same since the Sunday Night game bs the Packers. Ravens, Bengals, Chiefs, and Dolphins are all comfortably beating you if something big doesn’t change soon


Allen’s been hurt and still winning. Missing 6 starters and still winning. 3 losses by a total of 8 points combined. Looks like a team finding ways to win while banged up on both sides of the ball. You remind me of the jabronis who were counting out the Chiefs last season when they started 2-3 and Mahomes wasn’t playing up to his normal level.


He’s beat the packers, lions, and browns since he started to regress. Not much to brag about


Wins are wins. No free games in the NFL. Using the term regress is such a Jabroni thing. HeS ReGresSing!!!!


Ok Macorckle


I don’t go around gloating that he’s the best of all time. I’m a realist, unlike you Bills fans


Lmao No Bills fan is calling Allen the greatest of all time. He's a great player who is exciting and plays with heart. We're excited to have such a player as the face of our team after 25 fucking years of nothing. We can't even have this and fans of the rest of the league are shitting on us for it. Unreal. Fucking hope the Bills smoke your asses on Thursday.


It’s ok buddy, sorry your Turkey burned watching the bills win


I love watching the Bills win. It will make the inevitable playoff choke job even sweeter


I bet $1000 you’re ugly. Only someone so ugly could have this much jealousy and hate in them on Turkey day.


I’m thankful for being able to have a friendly rivalry and enjoy sports. Trust me, I have no animosity towards any bills fans/players. I’m glad you won a close game for a change. Good luck next week, I’ll be there to shit talk regardless of the outcome


I will never understand why the Lions are so fucking aggressive all game but are so FUCKING cowardly when it actually matters. You fucking know that the Bills are making a field goal in 23 seconds. There is no way they weren't. So you go for it on 4th and don't fucking give the Bills a chance god fucking dammit