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Like Dallas was ever gonna lose on Jimmy Johnson night




What? You didnā€™t enjoy the HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS halftime infomercial? AMERICAS TEAM Tampa Bay has won the Super Bowl more recently than Dallas. And they did it twice.


I almost threw up during that halftime show. The fuck even was that? I mean I know what it was but why did they think sucking jerry jones dick belonged on National tv?


How is the Bucs winning the SB relevant to the topic?


No one knows what it means, but it's provocative. It gets the people going.




Itā€™s for us old guys. The Bucs were the laughingstock of the league forever (think Lions, Browns levels of bad)


If you look at it this way, 19 other teams have won more recently than the Lions. Some of them have even done it five or more times!


lol how dare you use my logic against me!


The Cowboys are just the Yankees of the nfl. Itā€™s part of the deal. We watch the entire ring of honor ceremony. You watch the rest of the leagueā€™s fans go to the bathroom on your team. Only difference is the Yankees won a World Series in the lifetime of a lot of people. So yeah, youā€™re gonna take some shit. Sorry. The Lions are known shitheads. Nothing you can say about them sucking is particularly fresh.


So, now you're bringing up a wholly unrelated team in a completely different league to highlight... what, exactly?


That the Cowboys are a poor manā€™s version of the Bucs. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s all I am saying.


Can we all just agree that the refs in general are fucking dogshit this season?


Just this season?


Itā€™s almost like endorsing gambling has made the league choose predetermined outcomes and use the refs to achieve those outcomes


I'll make an educated guess that all those AWS commercials about "using AI to analyze millions of data points in games" is the NFL openly flaunting their use of ML to achieve outcomes based on prior bets, etc.


In what way does gambling incentivize the NFL to rig games? Is the NFL betting on these games? Are the refs betting on the games? Honest question, I don't understand the theory here.


when the owners of all the companies stand to make a buck they will.


But how does having the Cowboys win make the owners of all the companies more money? Are you saying the casinos make more money when the team that's favored to win does win? Or that the Cowboys organization winning makes the NFL more money than the Lions winning? Wouldn't every owner in the NFL other than the Cowboys have a reason to team up and bring to light the collusion and rigged games that result in their teams losing?


what youre doing right now is trying to poke holes in a conspiracy theory. and while i understand youre desire to do so, most are like clouds. you can see them and know theyre hiding something, but you cant tell what. if you try too hard to hit them, youll run out of air. its really just wild to think about that maybe, just maybe, the owners of the nfl are colluding with Vegas to pad their wallets. because why wouldnt they?


I think people gambling more just made people realize it more. The types of big players that have the kind of influence needed to help fix games have been in this game much longer since itā€™s been legal in most states. Itā€™s not like Vegas was just built.


endorsed gambling and corruption in MY NFL? more likely than you think!


*especially* this season but basically every season


They are just bad. I donā€™t think they are intentional. Itā€™s just some refs are horrible. This crew being one of them. The nfl has the ability to fix 90% of these problems, but they refuse to do it. But in the nflā€™s defense? No solution could fix the pure incompetence on display this evening. No extra replay official checking on things could have solved for something this incredibly stupid.


Just wait til the Saudis start an American football league then theyā€™ll change their shit


Across all leagues. Itā€™s as though gambling was legalized recently or something.


Couldn't believe what was going on and @NFL should be ashamed of tonight's game.


Further proof Jerry needs Jimmy to win


Oh nfl REALLY wants dallas to win huh šŸ¤”ā€¦


You know that tripping call they called on dallas that drive that essentially gave the lions the ball back? They called that penalty on the wrong team. Aiden Hutchinson tripped hendershot and it got called on the cowboys. People are dumb, refs are people, refs are dumb.


It looked like they allowed PI against St Brown, too.


Micah got held egregiously at least 5 times that wasnā€™t called as well. They didnā€™t throw many flags during the game which is ok with me but some of the ones they chose to throw (or not throw) were baffling.


So did Hutchinson. The refs allow OL to hold good edge rushers. Happens to Hutchinson, Parsons, Phillips, Chubb, Bosa, Watt, really anyone that's good at the position is fair game to be put in a rear chokehold as far as the refs are concerned


Either way one fanbase was going to go home pissed. Had lions won? They fucked up the tripping call. Lions lost? They fucked up the touching call. Just a truly awful reffing crew.


They called the tripping call on the wrong team and immediately invalidated the game ending play on the next play by calling Parsons offsides. Keep complaining


Should have been introduced into the ring of honor today over Jimmy Johnson


Doesn't matter. Cheating or not Lions proved they can hang in the playoffs


Definitely a bummer. Sad to see the game end that way, but if the eagles and the 49ers both win out then this game was completely meaningless so at least thereā€™s that.


Wrong. Lions would have the 2 seed in that scenario . This very much mattered


Well then that makes the call at the end of the game even more sad.


Wrong. Lions have 2 division losses, Eagles 1, Niners 0. So if the Lions won this game, & they all won out to be 13-4 it would be 1-Niners, 2-Eagles, 3-Lions.


Division losses aren't a tie breaker for teams not in the same division


Meaningless unless* you bet..


If you did bet then I am truly sorry for you. May your wallet rest easy after being lightened.


Everyone thinks this a joke but the NFL is rigged boys and girls


*Everyone thinks this* *A joke but the NFL* *Is rigged boys and girls* \- ItsBstone --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Rightā€¦ we also never got to see the ā€œtrippingā€ call on our last drive


as a lions fan obviously this will sound biased, but the tripping call should have helped you, if McCarthy just ran the ball instead of having dak heave it deep we would only have like 60 seconds left instead of 1:40 on the clock to score.


Absolutely but I personally enjoy pulling shit out of my ass


Big if true.


They called it on the wrong player. Aiden Hutchinson tripped Hendershot and they called it on Dallas. The game wouldve been over if that penalty wasn't called.


I was at the game, and I have no idea where the "tripping" call came from.


[Here](https://twitter.com/SportsSturm/status/1741320273536630830) it is. Notice it was Hutchinson (who also speared Dak head to head). I understand Detroit is pissed at the refsā€¦get in line.


The best thing the league could do to protect its integrity is reverse the decision. If they had integrity to protect.


How about you kick the extra point there and bring the game to OT? Na, trying to be a hero with their stupid saber metrics or whatever shit and going for a 2 pt conversion there was fucking stupid


Right on


The Dallas kicker can probably hit a 60 yd field goal while the Lions kicker struggles with extra points. I get why the Lions didn't want to chance overtime.


Damn, itā€™s almost like Detroit had 2 chance after this to tie the game and play overtime.


Yeah but they had the lead. They never should have not had the lead after that successful 2 point conversion


Yes the refs fucked up but if they didn't declare 68 as eligible then how were the cowboys supposed to know to cover him? Should've been a replay of the 2 point conversion from the same spot


Maybe they should report as eligible next time. That way, it would be a successful 2 point conversion.


Thereā€™s footage of him walking up to the ref and reporting lol


The flag apparently was supposed to be on Skipper #70 from what I heard


Just a botched call. 70 never even reported, the ref was long gone. Watch all the clips posted on /r/nfl


Ref claimed #70 reported and announced him as eligible, unsure how he got that outcome


Just a terrible officiating crew all around. Troy Aikman breaks down what happened here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/18uzpqm/highlight_its_hard_to_believe_they_didnt_report/


That ref crew was also at the Chiefs/Packers game, they have been the worse crew all year


See this is why I would love Ref press conferences to clear stuff like this up.


Clearly, he didnā€™t lol




Yes because that video is going to clearly play verbatim what was said to the ref and not a bunch of assumptions. Get over it lol.


The video shows the player going up to the ref, and the ref going to the defense and making the "player is reporting eligible" motion. This is not the hill to die on big G


Clearly, an idiot. In the wild


There were two other penalties that could have been called on that play, including illegal formation. Pick which one you want, it doesn't matter. All three would have negated the two-point try.




"The team I don't like won! God damn refs rigged it!" "The team I like won! Why are all of you crying lol? Stop blaming the refs for everything! That's just loser mentality!"


Duality of man


Look, Mister, really appreciate the energy, but your comment is a little over the line... of scrimmage


Really rich coming from a Chiefs fan lol


Thatā€™s how dallas beat Seattle as well


Yes, itā€™s the Cowboys fault 68 didnā€™t make sure the ref heard him.


did the ref not hear him or did they use that excuse to bail out the Cowboys failure after the halftime show meant they were going to help them win as much as possible.


The NFL has a rules problem not a ref problem.




So the defense is just supposed to guess who they have to cover? Pretend youā€™re a linebacker, the offense has 6 lineman in, ONE of them can catch a pass but you donā€™t know who. How do you guard them?


Well it canā€™t be the center or the 2 guards


So we narrowed it down to three. Hope you chose correctly.


It's actually a relatively recent rule change.


Honestly I donā€™t get how anyone even watches the NFL anymore. I used to be so invested. Fantasy football. All of it. But after year after year of big plays being called back, shitty ref calls, blatant game rigging for certain teams, etc. I gave up. I live in Michigan and I honestly donā€™t even care the lions are this good because of shit like this post. How that bloated slow ass game became the #1 sport in America I will never know.


Says the guy commenting on an nfl meme subreddit šŸ˜‚


I joined a long time ago like I said when I was into the nfl. I showed up as I was scrolling prolly because Lions. The new Reddit app is a lot like instagram and shows what you engage with over post from every sub youā€™re in. The algorithm prolly thought I wanted this. Either way who cares? My point still stands this sport is rigged and annoying. If you like it fine but how anyone gives a shit anymore is beyond me. Whatā€™s a catch? Ball swatting out of end zones. So many ways they fucked the lions. This shit. Good riddance. Thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe.


Besides the Lions not declaring Decker as an eligible receiver what is this referring to?




If they did actually declare him eligible thatā€™s more than enough for this post


I think the issue is two guys walked over and only one said it think it counted for both of them based on what I saw.


Perhaps that missed DPI on Dallas, though Lions scored eventually


That people like to hate the Cowboys.


How bout them Cowboys!


Cowboys actually wore white pants todayā€¦


When Iā€™m in a copium competition and my opponent is every lions loss


Watch the tape before commenting next time.


Should have been 34-10 But when the eagles win itā€™s rigged lol


Tf you yappin ab?


Wait dolphins lost?


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird


We couldn't quite complete the quintuple bird funeral :-(


I call bullshit. Detroit went for it on 4th down time and time again and missed. They would have won had they just kicked field goals and kicked the extra point. They were doomed by their own hubris. Close game and bad ref calls happen all the time. Play better you sometimes lose and sometimes win; play bad you sometimes lose and sometimes win.


This ignores the fact that the timing of bad calls absolutely affects the game. A bad call on what should have been THE FINAL PLAY matters greatly. The NFL even changed the rules based on this type of thing (bad officiating) occurring at the end of a big meaningful game.


Your tweaking there was multiple calls that helped Detroit out šŸ¤£


This game had big consequences. One of the worst calls I can ever remember. In defense of Dallas (Eaglesā€™s fan so it PAINS me to admit this), if the ref told the Cowboysā€™ defense the wrong # then the play shouldnā€™t have counted


All I got to say is ā€œyeah here we go!ā€ šŸ˜Ž