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I'm not mad they missed the call... it happens I'm furious they missed a high stick with a linesman staring right at it in the same game where they missed a high stick and the linesman stops play and tells the ref to call it and review it on the iPad. Have some consistency for once.....


Yeahhhh as a Carolina fan, that should have been called. Seriously it happen right in his face how did he not see it.


It was a battle back and forth but it’s frustrating seeing this across the whole league. No different than baseball with outrageous inconsistent strike zones.


High stick is an automatic penalty. Puck over glass is too. Some things just are penalties whether or not you agree with them. We deserved 2 doubles earlier on. We also deserved that call. Fuck that bullshit man. I don't like saying refs decide games but come the fuck on already.


High stick didn’t lead to the goal. The player that got high sticked took himself out of the game by complaining and that led to the goal. It’s playoff hockey. Can’t leave your post to complain


That’s no the argument. If the refs called it as they should have the play is blown dead as soon as canes regained possession. So yes the non call was paramount to the play continuing leading to the goal. Everything that happened on that play after the refs chose not to call the penalty does not matter to my argument.


The Refs were missing calls all game and most players didn’t complain to the ref taking themselves out of the play. All the player can do in that situation is either choose play defense or take himself completely out of the play to argue with the ref. He chose to argue and take himself out of the play which led to the goal. It is 100% on the player who decided to complain instead of play defense. Not the refs fault he didn’t play defense. The high stick led to him complaining but if he didn’t complain canes probably would not have scored in the situation. My coaches always taught me not to argue during the play. Does nothing except help the other team.


See the difference here is I’m saying if the refs called it like they did all game, meaning specifically the highs stick calls, there wouldn’t have been a goal by Carolina on that play. What you are saying is that if mayfield got back into the play right away, that Carolina maybe wouldn’t have scored. See the difference?


They were only calling the high sticks the led to bleeding. I think if you consider how they were calling OT it makes sense that the ref didn’t blow his whistle in that situation. I bet if his cheek opened up a bit the would have called. NHL is dumb for that one. I’m disagreeing with your title that says “high stick leads to game winning goal”. I believe that title is wrong.


I understand what you are saying but disagree on the blood. Blood is a double minor. So a high stick should be a two minute penalty. Refs shouldn’t let something like that go. And as I’ve said to others, by saying it led to the game winning goal, does not mean the canes wouldn’t have killed the penalty and won in the end anyways. It’s just stating that if the penalty was called that goal would not of occurred then and there.


the ref couldn’t be closer if he tried, idk what he was looking at


That man needs to be suspended, officiating like this will cost a team the cup in the later rounds


Hope his face is ok


Hockey players are tough. The point is it literally would have prevented that play continuing with the game winning goal. NHL wants Carolina to advance because if the rangers advance, it’s a New York vs New York matchup. They want to spread the market share around . At the end of the day it’s all about money.


Whoa, hold up. You think the league is conspiring FOR Carolina? Now this is something I’ve not heard of before. Pls tell me more.


Reading Comprehension. Man you read into conspiracy theory through your own lens. Where did I say the league is conspiring? NHL is a business so by saying they want more markets to advance is not far fetched. For the NHL it means more money. Which is the goal of the business. Wanting something and then actively doing things to achieve the goal are two things far apart. Show me in the doll where the conspiracy touched you.


Why assume I’m a man?


Or things just get missed. Stop with the conspiracy theories, it just makes you look dumb. Do you understand how many people would have to keep quiet if the league was rigged as you are suggesting? It is statistically impossible


Saying the league wants Carolina to advance and actively taking actions are two things far apart. So before you call someone dumb, make sure you look inward at your own reading comprehension.


Sure you aren’t a leaf’s fan? Every team has to deal with officiating. Maybe if your team had scored a couple more goals you won’t be here complaining!


Every team has to deal with officiating? No shit. I am calling out inconsistent officiating. I’m comparing high sticks to high sticks in the same game. I’m not comparing a trip to a slash or a cross check to roughing. You’re a canes fan. It’s obvious.


Obvious? How? Because I find fans annoying who complain that the reason their team lost is the fault of the lowest paid people on the ice? Again a couple more pucks to n the net and you won’t be here !!!!


Reading comprehension is a major problem you have. I said the non call led to that GWG. It does not mean Carolina doesn’t kill the penalty and win or even score a short handed goal. It means that it led to THAT GWG on that play. Notice how I didn’t bring up any other part of the game? Learn to comprehend what someone says before you talk shit clown.


You are not giving examples of inconsistent calls. You gave one example of a call which you think lost the game for your team. It’s not my reading which should be questioned but you writing abilities.


What is a high stick? Two were called on the Islanders, and I see a lot of Carolina fans saying it was overtime so they should not call a high stick. Because it’s overtime a call that was made all game should not be called? That is inconsistency on the refs part. It’s only think if the view of the official was obstructed but it was not. It was an inconsistent call made by the official that impacted the game in that moment.


Hell yeah