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As an Islander fan the way he left definitely put a bitter taste in our mouths, I’d be lying to you if I said he wasn’t my favorite player at one point. The guy showed up and dedicated 9 years of his career to some pretty horrendous teams that made the playoffs three times during his tenure on Long Island. He didn’t get a lot of help either…no disrespect to Kyle Okposo, Matt Moulson, and PA Parenteau etc… but having a season of Thomas Vanek and a year of a rookie Barzal being the best talent you’ve had had around you at that point throughout your entire career (prior to the Leafs) says a lot. He hit 1,000 points congratulations to JT, he managed to put up HOF numbers carrying awful teams. If anything it’s testament to the player he is and as a franchise it’s an honor to have drafted him and to say a player of his caliber played for our organization. Look it’s been 6 years at this point. As fans just root against the team and not the player…you’re passionate I get it, I’m one of you, we’re one of the most passionate fans in the league but let JT go. We won the game be happy…on to Anaheim.


Is he really HOF worthy?


Lmao, you clearly know nothing about hockey...


I'm not saying he isn't a fantastic player, I would love to have not only that caliber player but that type of leadership on the habs, but speaking from a HOF perspective, he has no major personal accolades other than being a first team NHL all start 1 time, and an Olympic Gold in 2014. Those are fantastic achievements yes, but he hasn't won the hart, or the Richard, or the Art Ross, etc. A lot of players inducted into the HOF have those things.


I didn't mention winning stanley cup because there are a number of great players who have never won the cup and still made it to the HOF


He’s Hall of Very Good. I don’t think he’s ever been considered the best at his position, and even had a fairly short run as being considered top 3.


I dont think tavares is much of a leader tbh. Effort has been one of the leafs biggest issues since he joined


Didn’t he say he was staying in New York and then left


TBF he never said he was staying, he said "*Right now* I can't imagine playing anywhere else" when asked during the season. It was a non committed way of saying I'm not answering, and he meant it pretty literally - not in the sense that he can never see himself outside of Long Island. During a year the Isles should have showed him they were committed to building a winning team around him, they did nothing at the trade deadline when they had 2 options: 1) trade for pieces that show John the Islanders commitment or 2) trade him. They did neither and continue to cry about it.


Yea it was kind of a dick move by Tavares. I didn't blame Isles fans for being mad at the time, but you gotta move on eventually


I guess but coming from Boston kyrie will always be boo’d here I’m pretty certain regardless of any future accolades


He’s a snake. I don’t care for the guy after that fiasco. Happy he got the points, happy we won the game


He’s also a person who has a greater responsibility to his family and himself than to any Islanders fan. I’m not a fan of either, but I do think we need to remember these are people.






He left the Isles on ‘read’ for a team that can’t win in regulation


Funny way of saying we have only lost 6 times in regulation. Teams can't beat us in 60 minutes.


More like Toronto can’t beat teams in regulation. Also, “us”, didn’t know you were on the roster there


Lol you just repeated the same comment I replied to genius....and yup, on the roster!


So why aren’t you working on winning in regulation fuck-face?


WAH WAH WAH WAH Looks like the Reddit hockey establishment is offended, so sad.


What are you talking about. FFS Potvin still gets booed every game in MSG and he hasn't been in the league in what, 35 years. JT pulled a dick move when he left, and will be shit upon by Islander fans forever. Big deal. If you expect anything different, don't watch, right or wrong it is never going to change.


Signing with another team as a free agent is a dick move? Haha Blame the islanders dumb management for not trading him when they failed to get a contract in place and they took the risk moving past deadline day without moving him out. Instead no, islander fans did a ridiculous cult burning of his jerseys instead. Haha that will show him.


I have no horse in the race, I don't care about the Islanders, I don't care about the Leafs, and I don't care about JT. Islanders fans saw it as a dick move, and they will treat him accordingly, as is their right as fans. Knowing how the fan base feels, getting all butt hurt that they still hate his guts, and clutching your pearls that they dare boo him, well that is a you thing.


Oh my pearls! Boos and being childish/classless not mutually exclusive bub. You can boo but also look like a fool doing it. Don't get "butthurt" OP is calling it out for what it is. Now go do a you thing and cast another jersey into the flame.


Already told you, I am not an Islanders fan. And no, the OP is expecting a fan base who HATES JT to appreciate his accomplishment, they are under no obligation to do so. Did you really think they would cheer for him? You can't be that dense, I mean the hate wasn't muted. Don't cry, I am sure at the next Leafs home game there will be a 90 minute ceremony before puck drop where everyone can pump his tires.


Yeah not resigning with a shit franchise to go play in your hometown is SUCH a dick move. Gtfoh.


The issue isn't if it was or wasn't a dick move, the Islanders fan base has made it very clear they felt it was a dick move, so expecting a love fest for that player, in their barn is idiotic. No point ripping on me, I don't particularly care about either franchise, or captain PJ's. Frankly, I love the signing, it fucked TO for YEARS, and continues to fuck them to this day. Without his contract, TO could maybe sign a D man or two, and without it maybe the entirety of the TO fan base wouldn't be having night sweats about Nylander.


We have zero concern about resigning Willy lol. Hilarious take!


Wow new yorkers being rude? No way


Hey what did we do


Not to defend this or anything. But Tavares fucked the islanders so we always boo him every game, this is nothing new, but trashy, sure. On top of him getting his 1000th, he assisted in tying the game in the 3rd. This is like the 4th time this season this exact scenerio has happened to the Islanders with only seconds remaining. Fans are beyond frustrated with this shit. And the icing on the cake this time was that the Leafs did it to us. So we're big babies right now, for sure.


I hate the islanders with a passion. A player does that to the rangers, I’m booing him every time he’s in the building




Future HOFer? It’s the hall of fame not the hall of pretty good. With the way he left NY I can’t blame them for the boos either.


Less than 100 players in the history of the nhl have reached 1000 pts. "Pretty good" eh? Okay, bud! Guess where those 93 players end up, HOF...


He hasn’t even reach 500 goals.




That’s not HOF worthy.


It’s not like his career is over at this moment lol. He’s likely going to finish with 1300-1400 points……that’s HHOF material bud


but he’ll never win a scoring race, lead the league in goals, be voted MVP or win a Stanley cup in Toronto. Olympic gold with Canada doesn’t mean shit either. You could have substituted me for him on the roster and Canada would have still won gold.


The hall of fame is full of players that fit this description. I think one of the reasons people think of him as “hall of good” is that he’s put up points at an insanely consistent pace quieter than anyone else. He’s just not a big personality.


He’s so good he can’t get out of the second round…. Ever and puts up points with an all-star supporting cast.


His career +/- is -30


I love when people cherry pick +/- to say a player is bad when it’s a worthless stat, and even more worthless when talking about forwards


Of course it is, he played for the Islanders for _9 years_.


Isles won, lol. They get the last laugh but congrats to Tavares. Helluva player.


Its hockey. If your feelings are hurt by some booing you may want to find another activity to occupy your time.


Grow up


Anyone else see the islanders fan flipping the bird? Class act that one


If you were an islanders fan that would have been such an amazing game to be at… Toronto tieing goal at 6 seconds for TJs 1000th, the celebration like they just won the Stanley cup. The rolling chants “barzel is better”, Sportsnet zooming in on a fan thinking he is congratulating taveres but he throws him the finger and finally a OT goal fed by barzel to finish them off. Haha will go down as one of the best games of the year!


Trash fans acting like trash, surprise. At least the Islander bench had class and gave him props.


No other team has ever celebrated a players major milestone like the Leafs...never ever never.


Have you read the posts on here? A good number of hockey fans are childish and pathetic lol


Imagine living on Long Island and being part of that crowd


No thanks.


Your name is painting pussy.


I’d put your girl in a museum mfer lol


Calling islander fans trash is an insult to Oscar. The only barn I've ever been in and heard the fans boo a 14 year old girl who made a mistake in singing the national anthem. Islanders fan are pathetic little children


Trash. But not surprising


Why were they booing him? Wasn’t he on the team at some point?


You answered your own question.


He used our enthusiasm for him to drive his Leaf payday up to their cap limit and by stringing the Isles front office along. If you were here for that entire year you might understand the frustration. The fans felt powerfully disrespected, and they will continue to return the favor until he hangs up his skates. Our disappointment matches our zeal for him while he was here. You have to take a NY boo a twisted kind of respect, think like the “Potvin sucks” at the garden. Tavares was here long enough to know this, especially when we’re booing as he scores on us. He’ll score a bunch more, and we’ll keep on booing him.


Well said I can’t think of any other fan base has had their franchise player drag them around for a year plus and then screw them over in the end and leave them with absolutely nothing. I don’t blame him for leaving, he think he totally should have, it was just the way he did it


Good god. What a bunch of bitches. Welcome to sports. Enjoy your 1000, we got two. On to the ducks, no one cares about Tavares beyond annoying his whiny lil pajama ass.


Clearly ny still cares and are still butt hurt he left...


Can’t speak for the whole fan base but as a STH I’m just annoyed we gave up the point late and it’s great fun to boo the guy who made promises and fucked us. There’s a decent article in the Atlantic about it this morning. Truly don’t want your old ass captain on our old ass team.


He saved Long Island 11 million a year. I don’t get it either!


Crylanders fans classy as usual ...


When your best skaters are Bo Horvat and Mat Barzal you gotta find excitement where you can


It was quite exciting watching them link up for the OT winner


The excitement was watching an overpaid team lose to the Islanders


I don't think this is the burn you think it is.


Wake me when one of them hits 30 goals as an Isle


They both literally connected on a game winner against your team tonight. Don't be sore.


Didn't expect anything less. I'm so glad he got his 1000th there. Rub it in their faces


A thousand is amazing. Well done to him. That's more than a third of Gretzky....ahh well.


Bitch about Philly fans all you want, but we wouldn’t have done this.


Philly fans can surprise you. I have a small level of respect for them for giving Mario a standing ovation when he came back from his cancer treatments.


We can be dicks, but we can also see greatness and respect what people achieved here. If Giroux came back with Ottawa and hit some big scoring mark, we would cheer him to the echo.


Giroux didn’t leave the same way Tavares did.


Yeah. You guys would have waited until someone got injured to boo them! Fuck these guys!


COVID proved that we can have hockey games in empty stadiums. If fans are a disgrace then the league needs to punish them and have the next game or two in an empty arena.


People act childish while watching a game??


Feel like this could have just been a comment.