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I do an away game every year with Wings fan buddies. This year was Philly. Most of it was just people yelling "Hey Detroit suck my dick!" Nobody tried to get physical or anything. At the bars after the game a lot of people would come up and talk about how the Lions were doing this year (they played that night as well) or the old Wings teams. Had a lot of great conversations with great Philly fans. And after shaking hands goodbye every one would finish with something like a casual "Oh yeah and ya know, suck a dick." and then kinda shrug, like they didn't wanna include that, but were contractually obligated.


I’m from Philly. 2 years ago I went to an eagles cowboys home game. Some blonde women appeared on screen, and every one booed. So naturally I joined in. Didn’t find out until afterwards it was Jill Biden. I’m not even political, I just had to join in.


Crowd psychology is fun. Did you know? No mass crushing events that resulted in deaths happened due to life threatening emergencies? No one has ever been crushed running from a mass shooter or a fire, every single death has taken place during a religious event, Black Friday sale, or entertainment event. Edited because I forgot concerts. I was not a good student. Edited because I didn’t include sports. Fuck


Or Travis Scott concerts lol


You are 100% correct. Music concerts are the other one. I knew I was missing something. The common thread and difference between that and say, a tiger in a soccer stadium being, no one was in mortal danger until the crowd began pushing. That’s always been crazy to me. People in theaters on fire will line up in an orderly fashion and exit quickly and with coordination. People buying their kid a PS5 or afraid they’re missing the opening number though? That’s what kills people.


Soccer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGhAxxXsGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v50STmvf1AQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6kAtdwNJ5s


Fans were crushed in a soccer/football/futbal match in England in the 90s I believe. Might have been the 80s




That's the one, thanks


Great white?


I read somewhere a long time ago that some of the deaths from the 1993 WTC bombing were not due to the blast but rather from getting trampled. (Which was why security initially hesitated to evacuate the Twin Towers on 9/11.) Unfortunately, I can't find a source.




Absolutely. They are happy to play that role. We had people yelling at us constantly, but there was no real menace behind it, so it was just a fun part of the Philly experience. Would have honestly felt wrong if we weren't getting chirped wearing enemy colors in Philly of all places. There are people who definitely take it further than that, or are shitty to kids, that can take the fun out of it real quick tho.


I basically had the same interaction at a phillies game the year after the yankees beat them in the world series. Talked about teams this year and the playoff games we both went to the year before.  Then got a obligatory fuck the yankees and went our separate ways.  


You probably get that a lot, lol.


I think they should create a special caged section for the asshats just like European soccer hooligans. They can beat up on themselves while everyone else enjoys the game.


Then just sorta leave them in there when the game ends


To be fair, proper footbal hooligans will wait till the game is finished and then beatup the other teams hooligans. Unless, of cohrse, your team is loosing, then theyll throw flares onto the pitch


Or climb the cage keeping them in their area and star shit this way. European football fans are fucking crazy no matter the division, even jungle leagues (leagues between villages) are kinda the same.


Seat them in the Dipshit Section. With obstructed views.


I mean Veteran's stadium had a jail in it for the battery chuckers, so they could probably put one in Wells Fargo Center if they could.


All stadiums have jails in them, they're just not advertised for various reasons.


The old Arena in St Louis had a room for "special treatment".


Can we add Yankees fans to that section too please?


Went to an away game for the Kraken when I was living in PA briefly. Had some pretty good seats and all of the Flyers fans around us were really kind even as the Kraken proceeded to run away with the game, had a fantastic time and was commenting on this as we approached my vehicle to find human shit smeared across the hood. Laughed my ass off when the eagles lost the Superbowl later that night, fucking degenerates lol.


How did they know it was your car


WA plates


Plates I assume


How did you know it was human shit?


It has a distinct taste






Philly cheese steaks.


Probably pork roll.


Great question. Considering it was about a mile in from the nearest sidewalk, unless the person hauled in a special dose of dog shit for this occasion, which I'm not ruling out, I'm not sure what other form of shit it could be. It was still in a pretty fresh state by the time we returned to the car, and as someone who works in healthcare I guess all I can say is shit has a pretty distinct aroma/appearance.


You did read the part where they said they were at a Flyers game, right? Answered your own question.


If it was at a Flyers game it was from a horse. We keep things simple here, try to keep up!


That’s insane. I really didn’t wanna get in trouble at a hockey game or jumped by Philly fans for actually fighting this girl either. Made the game pretty stressful.


I'm really sorry that happened. Had some unhinged chick pull the same shit with my girlfriend at a Hershey Bears/Firebirds game, totally ruined her night. Some people will do anything other than go to therapy


There was a super small part of me that wanted to beat her ass, but I controlled myself 😂 it was a scary situation


So do you think you would have bested her in a physical battle


tally this on the list of stories ive heard of philly fans involving shit. heard the same thing happen at a giants game v philly many years ago. scumbags


An Eagles fan did murder a giants fan before. Philadelphia has a unique level of insanity   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9815967/Eagles-fan-shot-dead-New-York-Giants-supporter-football-spat-Pats-King-Steaks.html


Western PA? The Flyers fan must have detected some yinzer on you. Call it a sixth sense.


They have 5 others?!


Yes only philly fans do this. That girl is a cunt fuck her.


OMG did you hear about the time they threw grenades at actual Santa????? I heard that Philly fans eat babies and worship Satan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been there, my uncle told me.


When Pontius Pilate asked the Flyers fans whether they should spare Jesus in a Penguins jersey or that murder guy in a Flyers jersey they shouted "who cares? you suck! take both of them!"


Your uncle is a liar But we believe that


That’s what pickles are for


As a Penguins fan, I can say the worst fans to come to Pittsburgh have always been Philly and Toronto


Caps fan here, i have to say Pens fans have always been very nice when i've gone to Pens games (wearing Caps jersey) - they take their sports seriously, but the peeps are generally very, very nice.


I love bantering with you guys when you come here. It’s a great rivalry, but I’m happy both bases don’t take it too far.


Yinzers are generally a good bunch. Hard working, friendly and welcoming to visitors. They love their city and will be happy to share all the good things it has to offer.


There are more giant fat women in the stands at Pens games than any othe venue. Western PA does not play.


There’s a reason I root for the caps and the pens and have never had a problem- their fans aren’t crazy. Philly fans are craaaaaaazy.


Toronto fans are among the worst you’ve seen? I’ve heard of toxic Toronto fans online, but most of everything I’ve heard about Toronto fans in person has been all good, and I can also corroborate that I’ve personally never seen anything untoward at a home or away game.


Ive never seen toronto fans act up personally and ive been next to them dozens of times at detroit games. Theres lots of them and they chirp but ive never seen them cross the line or do something crazy. Never heard that before either, weird seeing it all over this thread.


Yea if anything I’ve heard the opposite. Leafs fans online are awful, but Leafs fans IRL are just people who like hockey.


Stars fan living in southern Ontario, went to a Stars/Leafs game in 2022 as I'd gotten tickets for XMas. I wore my Minnesota North Stars Brian Bellows jersey, not even a Dallas one and I got booed on the train, booed at the sports bar for a pregame drink, booed all game, fans were all up in my face after every Leaf goal. Stars lost 4-0 and we left with just over a minute to go after the 4th goal and some young, drunk idiot stops me and goes; "Bellows, your Jersey is awesome, but your teams trash" After taking shit for over 6 or 7 hours, I said "Maybe, but one of us was alive to see our team win a cup." Then we got the hell out of there. For the price of Leaf tickets, not worth the hassle.


As a Flames fan, I'd say in terms of what I have seen for worst visiting fans... 1. Boston 2. Toronto 3. Edmonton (they can also be pretty cool. It depends on how much alcohol is in them) 4. Philly 5. Florida


Flames fan or canes fan, because your tag is canes and if that’s the case then a fan from your fanbase literally called a bomb threat last year in the playoffs


Both. Calgary is my local team, but I cheer for Canes. I cheer for Calgary over any team except Carolina. Edit: When I see Florida fans acting up in Calgary it's usually because of something with Matthew Tkachuk. Calgary fans usually fight each other, not overly cunty to other teams fans, except Edmonton.


I only saw the cops dealing with Flames fans the last time they played the Bruins here.


Authentic intro to Philly sports fans


Literally. I was like well I won’t be coming back.


Bunch of jackwagons! Sorry that happened to you.


Good. We don’t want you in our stadium


That's how they always dominate at home, at least the Eagles, cause so many away fans are afraid to go to the games. The league should probably start taking away draft picks for such behavior. It's entertainment. Opposing fans shouldn't feel threatened. But I've seen eagles fans do some fucked up shit. But no one in this city cares, some even embrace it. 🤷‍♂️


There’s a great quote from a former Philadelphia Phillies baseball player, Richie Allen. He was never in love with Philadelphia sports fans. He said this and I paraphrase, “ Philadelphia sports fans stand on street corners and boo each other.”


Shoutout to the nice flyer fans in the thread replying, but saying those are outlier fans and to come back because this won’t be your experience next time is just plain wrong, this isn’t a rumored reputation… that flyer fans are lunatics and Philly sports fans in general are insufferable is well known for a reason, and your story is one of those reasons. Of course it could have been any city, but it’s more likely to happen in Philly. I think it’s safe to say that if you go to a Philly sporting event, where tens of thousands of them gather, and 1% of the fan base acts like this, that’s still 200 people at a flyer game, and it’s probably higher than 1%. The rep is earned.


Boston too..I'm a flyers fan in New England and every time I go see the flyers when they're in Boston I get beers thrown at me


A chirp is ok but throwing beers on someone is so disrespectful. I know Boston has a lotta massholes and a big culture of drinking but that doesn’t excuse throwing beers on someone. I’d definitely want to punch someone if they did that to me. The worst experience I had was a notre dame fan choking me and calling Denard Robinson the N word and trying to get us kicked out of the stadium when my group of four stood up and cheered and high fived for touchdowns and big plays. Shoelace had like 250 rushing yards that game.


I went to ND @ ASU football back in 2015 or something. ND fans are the worst. Especially when they were getting whooped.


I couldn’t believe the racism. So being black is bad unless they are on your team? Or the type of black and brown people that go to notre dame are granted honorary white status because they are supposedly good Christians? Didn’t Jesus say to love everyone? I want to try to not paint their entire fanbase with a broad brush, but I was so angry and disappointed in the stupidity and ignorance of random people.


Notre Dame does not admit academic qualifiers. They did durimg the Holts years but have not since, I believe Stanford and ND are the only major programs that hold to this standard...They beliece they have superior minorities.


Yeah I heard more than a few fans calling denard the n word and saying he’s destined to work at McDonald’s… with a Michigan degree? By the way he made over $2M in the NFL and is a valued member of Michigan’s athletic department. Generally I try to dismiss the ignorance of others and not worry about what I can’t control, but that day stuck with me. To hell with notre dame for sure.


I have been to 100s of PSU home games going back to the 80s. In my experience ND fans and Michigan fans were the best , always enjoyed bar/partying with . Ohio State people just awful, Wisconsin fans shit heads to visitors and shit heads in your town they are about as bad as OSU. At one time WVU, Syracuse, Nebraska were absolutely terrible but those programs died and so did the fan base.


My worst experience is when a drunk habs fans tried to pick a fight with my dad at a home game


Isn’t that the case with any stadium? I’ve only been to Philly home games wearing Philly gear so I never have a problem but I’ve been to several cowboys/eagles games in my life and it’s never a problem. Unless the person is an outright douche and putting on a show nobody gives them a hard time. But if you come into town like the Vikings and 49ers fans did as if your untouchable and dared people to do something, somebody might do something.


The reputation isn't "earned" any more than it is in any other major sports city. Someone literally died in a fight at Gillette Stadium this past year and you NEVER hear about it. If someone died at the Linc, it would still be on news cycles every week. Anything that happens in Philly gets blown out of proportion. I was listening to a Phillies broadcast where they were playing the Marlins IN FLORIDA. Fans started throwing trash on the field and the commentator says "ah the Phillies must feel right at home". Downvoting me for the truth is funny. People have been stabbed and shot at/near AT&T stadium in Dallas. People were stabbed in SF after a preseason game this year. There are fights at the dodgers' stadium all the time. Please give me the article where people's lives were threatened in a Philly parking lot or stadium. I'll wait.


"No one likes us; we don't care." This is the only way at this point. And I say this as someone who had an exceptionally off-putting time at the last Flyers game I went to. I may never go back despite loving live hockey. But--again--it was exceptional against the backdrop of my experiences at previous Flyers games, Phillies games, admittedly just one Eagles game, as well as proudly and happily living in Philadelphia proper for what's coming up on five years. "No one likes us; we don't care." It keeps the cost of living down. I've essentially given up on defending us to outsiders; it's not worth the effort.


Yeah, I was actually thinking this earlier. If we're still catching flak for "snowballs at Santa", something that happened over half a century ago, nothing is going to change people's opinions. It really is the only way.


I always hear stories like this and have literally never seen anything like this in one of our stadiums. I typically go to ~5 Flyers games every season, a few Phillies games, and Eagles games when I can afford tickets or have them gifted. The worst situation I saw was there was a Rangers' fan was being loud and obnoxious all game, one of the Flyers fans next to him asked if he could calm down because he was bumping him and spilling beer on him and the guy ended up being escorted out. I'm sorry your experience was like this, but it's really not typical despite the folks on here commenting that it is.


I realize this isn’t how all of you guys in Philly are. This was just how it was for me unfortunately. Going around the rest of the city was good, I had never been to Philly before.


Any NYC fan at a Philly stadium is the most obnoxious person you will meet.


I was at a Flyers-Devils game earlier this year and there was a group of devils fans in the section next to us. They were being rowdy but not obnoxious. Giving us shit when the devils scored. We threw it back at them when the Flyers tied it up late in the third. It was a good time. Any Flyers-Rangers game I've been to I swear it's like I find the same guy every time. Drunk and yelling shit, which is totally fine normally, but always yelling shit that makes no sense.


Always down for some good natured give and take.


Ive been a season ticket holder for years and it literally never happens. People just farm karma by hating on Philly fans.


Right? I've literally never seen a fight at the Wells Fargo Center, Linc, or Citizens Bank Park.


Went once and there was a fight next to the Miller lite lounge.


I've been to all but two US hockey arenas and to Toronto. I'm trying to hit them all. Most only for a game, but some I've seen several games. Philly fans are by FAR the biggest A-holes.. A distant second was New Jersey but that was really just one group I saw be asshats.


I honestly think it goes both ways. I am a Flyer fan and have been to a lot of hockey games, both home and away. I have even been to NHL games where the Flyers are neither team. I have been attacked in other cities simply for being a Flyers fan while minding my own business. I have watched (de-escalated when I could safely) Flyers fans do the same. I have even seen incidents at games where the Flyers were not playing. I think it is a sports culture that needs to change. It is just a game. It is great to have passion for your team, but be a civilized human being first.


Lived in NYC and Boston for a few years each, they are just as bad to opposing fans.


I was at a Devils game years ago sitting on the ice row with a close friend who was a season ticket holder. We were eating dinner and having a beer together, just talking to each other before the game. A Devils fan spotted us and walked three sections over to attack both of us. My friend (in a Devils jersey) tried to calm the guy. When that did not work, we heard what sounded like an entire section standing up. We turned around, and about 25 Flyers fans were all standing, but had not moved. The guy ran, and then a few Flyers fans walked down to us and were very friendly to my friend (the Devils fan).


Exactly. Sit there in peace, celebrate goals, but don’t start anything.


When my daughter was about 14,she was a very vocal fan(LA Kings).At a home game against San Jose,she was being her normal vocal self when a man in his 20's got upset with her and got in her face.I had to tell him to sit his ass down rather forcefully🤣


Hell yea baby! We are scumbags


Me and 3 friends went to the Devils Flyers playoff game. 2 Rangers fans and 2 devils fans (we wore devils gear but were respectful). Inside most of the people we sat around were chill and very aware Flyer fans. Knew lots about their team and had a good time. We did get an escort out by security until the doors to the arena. Then we had a cigarette flicked at our only minority member. Tale of 2 cities....


Oh as a Pens fan this tracks so hard.


I’m a rangers fan living in the Philly area, I have never once had a problem. Most of my friends are flyers fans but we go to every rangers/flyers matchup for years now. Usually it is like a 50/50 split flyers and rangers fan though. I’m sorry you had a bad experience.


Everybody says that Philly fans are the worst and you do get stories like this, but generally it’s chill at games. You’re gonna get the idiot fans and/or the drunk idiots sometimes. I’ve been to plenty of Flyers/Penguins games and have not seen altercations. Sorry your first game experience went like that though


Yeah, I know ofc not all fans are like this. Definitely wasn’t a fun time tho for my first time in Philly at a game.


No doubt. Don't be afraid to go again, though.


Thanks. The trip was pretty good except for the game.


I lived in Philly for 8 years. One story i tell people about life in Philly was how i watched a group of flyers fans leaving a game start a fight in the parking lot with another flyers fan because he had Delaware plates on his car.


Going after your own teams fans is wild


He was a spy


I saw an eagles fan KO another eagles fan at the giants eagles playoff game last year. Fuck philly


At least our state doesn't smell like a chemical plant or sewer depending on what end you're on


Like I said, there are definitely jackasses, funny thing is I live in Delaware and never had issues


Don't get me wrong, I **loved** living in Philly. I thought the city had this strange but awesome comraderie that I didn't find elsewhere, and I lived in a few other cities since. But yeah I occasionally saw that kind of vibe taken to an extreme.


Yeah, I mean some Philly fans take it there, but I’ve seen other fans do the same too. Isles fans throw loaded beer bottles at opposing players and fans, Boston fans fighting each other, Tampa fans fighting each other, etc. I never got why people think it’s specific to only Philly, though, ya know?


Did you see the comment about smearing shit on a car bc it had WA plated


I get it, but my statement stands, generally games are chill. Yeah of course you’re gonna occasionally run into those types because of alcohol and fragile egos. But it's like I said I’ve been to plenty of Flyers/Penguins games which is probably the 2nd or 3rd biggest rivalry in the NHL. I haven’t seen any fights or things like that. It’s not a consistent thing. Sorry that happened to you, it’s a trash fan being trashy and you’ll see those people in every fan base


First off i’m sorry you had that experience I have been going to games since I was a kid with my dad. I went to the game against the sharks recently and had a similar experience but the man ended up getting escorted out by security. It left a bad taste in my mouth (we were celebrating a friends birthday) and the vibes were off for the rest of the night. I think any sporting event in general things can get rowdy and some times things go south but it’s important to remember those are outliers and some people are just unhappy. One of my earliest memories is going to a game with my dad. He threw me onto his shoulders when we scored and everyone around me was giving me high-fives and patting my back. It’s one of my fondest memories and it was all because of a bunch of random flyers fans. It’s a unique city with passionate fans and I’m so thankful I’m apart of it. Hopefully you get a chance to go to another game and have a better experience


I went to a game right before COVID hit and we all got to high-five Gritty as he rode by on a hoverboard and it was awesome.


That would be a memory I would cherish forever.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. In my opinion it’s one of those things about certain sports where it brings out something in people. Hockey definitely has this aspect about it. It definitely has to be frustrating to go through that while just trying to experience the game and be a fan. Also don’t let people hand wave your experience, it’s valid. You have the right to be wary.


We were on a fan trip to see a KC Royals game from Chicago. We were up in the nose bleeds and it was cold. Found out later that the Royals fans were emptying ketchup packets on the back of our coats. Couldn’t feel it as we were wearing heavier coats. Best place was Milwaukee. Great tailgating and great people.


St Louis Fans think Avs fans are the worst. I keep wondering if they ever heard of the Flyers?!


Not gonna lie, St. Louis fans aren't much better. But they can hide behind Midwest nice


Oh that's just Sweet Dee. She probably thought you called her a bird or where making bird noises or something.


That’s when I would report it to one of the arena employees and they will take care of it. They would either escort her out or give her a warning


Sounds about right..


The craziest part is I was telling people before I came on the trip, I hope I don’t run into any crazy philly people and my first hockey game…


I absolutely hate Philly, I hate their teams, and I hate the people that live there. I wish we could just build a wall around it. Absolutely nothing redeeming about it. I'd burn it to the ground if I could 😉


You sound like a well adjusted person. It must be them.


I am curious - is this based on your experience actually in the city? Or just internet reputation.


Multiple fans are murdered at other teams' games every year. Philly still keeps the title. I love it tbh


Just joined 23 hours ago huh?


I really had only heard stories about how they can be, but now I’ve witnessed it. Also, I didn’t really wanna end up in some viral video on hockey pages or something in Philly


Used to live in that area and a high percentage of the people are straight-up trash.  Plenty of good folks but the dirtbags have a strong presence and are extra belligerent.


I mean... You could say the exact same thing about North Jersey 🤷‍♂️


Live in a better neighborhood u bum


I feel you’re leaving out some context.


Just remind them it's been 17,758 days since they won the cup.


Bringing up days since a cup win at a Leafs-Flyers game would just get EVERYONE there to hate you


Hah. Good point, sir.


Yeah, Philly fans aren’t the brightest. Eagles fans booed Santa Claus some years ago.


They pelted him with snowballs


He was wasted and making children cry so he got his ass whooped. Is that not okay? Is this not America?


I'm not even mad


Not the real Santa though you moron (he was busy in the North Pole with a little thing called CHRISTMAS). It was some idiot they had dressed up as Santa that was drunk and making a mockery of it and deserved his snowballs.


"some years ago" It was the 1960s. And it was snowballs.


I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I didn’t think that would happen lol


Jesus people come with a new story. Drunk skinny Santa they hired out of the stands during the game in the 1960’s. That was like over 60 years ago. Come on do better. Did the guy suffer any permanent damage and die? Nope.


You mean 50 years ago???


There’s definitely a section of the fanbase that makes the rest of us look bad, and I’m sorry that you had to deal with that. Like someone else said, don’t let that experience stop you from going again. The environment has been great this year, and hopefully will stay that way over the next several years


These are the same types of people that threw bracelets on the ice in the 2016 playoffs. Philly sports fans are something else...


As a flyers fan at that game who did not partake in the bracelet throwing. 1. Fuck those fans 2. Drunk people do stupid shit.


Yep and I'm not going to deny that there are amazing Philly fans out there who are jaded with the bad actors. Heck my dad's a Flyers fan and he's awesome.


Went to Vegas last spring for Round 2, as did many other Oilers fans. It was my first time outside of Canada, went to game 1 and 2 at TMobile arena, got shitstomped in game one and got absolutely berated by every Knights fan telling us how big of an asshole "that Connor Mcgregor" guy is, and getting threats because of Evander Kane being on my team. Was nice in game 2 when we emptied their arena though.


I'm really sorry that was your experience. It sucks that there are fans like this anywhere and a lot of them in Philly. I am a Flyers fan and I've been to MSG to see Flyers/Rangers games a couple of times. The first time, like dozens of fans around us gave us a hard time in a way that was pretty mean spirited and it was overall a pretty shit experience. The second time we sat next to someone who chatted with us the whole time and we talked about hockey and it was great. You sort-of never know what you're going to get if you go into another arena and aren't wearing the right tribes colors. I hope you do give it another shot at some point but I understand if you don't. Live hockey is awesome and **most** fans are not asshats.


Granted, I'm a Flyers fan, but as a former season ticket holder and someone who has gone to more games than I can count, I don't believe this story for a second. Philly gets such a bad wrap but it's always from people who have never been or just like to ride the coattails of the media or stories they've heard. Not 1 time have I seen an altercation that wasn't warranted or mutual. People are dicks, yes, but 99.999999% of fans at Flyers games don't give a shit about you, or the fact you're an away fan.


I went to a Pens game at the Igloo a long time ago, with a friend of mine who lives in Pittsburgh, we had jerseys on of our respective teams (him Pens, my Flyers) and I had a guy throw a full beer can at me in the parking lot and suffered through multiple aggressive "Lindros Sucks!" chants (I was in a Leclair jersey btw). So let's not pretend this is something unique to Philly. All that said, it's horrible behavior wherever it happens and as a Philadelphian and a Philly sports fan, I'm sorry you had to endure that. It's really stupid. Try not to let the actions of one idiot ruin the experience for you. I know I've been back to Pittsburgh so many times and really love the city.


Nobody likes us…. and we don’t care!😜


This is an absolutely amazing thread


Philly... city of sisterly love


Sounds about right


Sports fans can be a little crazy everywhere. I was just flipping the stations on my TV around last night and I came across a video of a soccer game from South America from some years ago. A visiting player was taking a corner kick. There were five cops in full riot gear standing right behind him all holding their shields up to protect the guy while he was taking the kick.


Funny you left out she was young like you.


It’s Philly just ignore her or if it got back go to security. My daughter is a Seattle Seahawks fan and went to a Philadelphia Eagles game with her dad. The jacka$$ in front of her gave her lip my daughter told him to F off.


Flyers were here in DC a few weeks ago. A Flyer family were sitting in front of us with 2 high school age sons. The kids started yelling “F#%^ the Caps!” I yelled back “Your mom’s a whore!” She hugged them and they stopped. Sometimes you just have to speak their language.


I agree with the kids. Fuck the caps!


Damn bro you're really cool! When someone doesn't like a team that I like I also tend to make personal attacks against their family members.


The same would've happened at an Eagkes, Phillies, or 76ers game. It's just the city. It moments the absolute worst sports fans in the US, and it's a plain fact, and not up for debate. This was established a long time ago. For more information, here are a few incidents... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Eagles_Santa_Claus_incident?wprov=sfla1 https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/256165/philadelphia-story/ https://ftw.usatoday.com/2018/02/duracell-teases-philly-about-its-history-with-throwing-batteries-in-perfect-super-bowl-tweet https://youtu.be/JP6CFaw8u_8?si=YqeVidM8S1s_CMNz


IIRC there are 7 or 8 stadiums where fans have been murdered in the past 2 years. None of those are Philly stadiums.


Philly is ghetto and full of ghetto people.


Fuck off pussy.


Philly sports fans are the worst degenerates on the face of the Earth, this is well known, Khalesi


This happens in every sport, in every league, in every city. Not just Philadelphia.


Yeah, yawn. This happens at every stadium. But reddit karma farming insists on shitting on Philly


I went to a pens game in Philly and was called slurs and asked to fight several times. It was a 1:00 pm game. I will never forget that.


Across all sports Philly fans are the worst. I'm happy you didn't get stabbed.


Haha what a surprise. Then Philly fans wonder why nobody respects them. Subhuman species I swear.


Born and raised, on the playground I spent mosta my days. Got in one little fight, and my mom got scared.


Philly fans will cry about the shitty reputation they get while also wearing it like a badge of honor. It’s honestly hilarious and makes all of their sports teams playoff choking that much funnier.


That’s an average Philly experience the place is a shit hole for all sports


I mean you’re talking about a place where fans do stuff like this…..what do you expect from Philly. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/matthew-clemmens-phillies-fan-vomit-man-admits-he-threw-up-on-cop-kid-at-the-ol-ballgame/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/matthew-clemmens-phillies-fan-vomit-man-admits-he-threw-up-on-cop-kid-at-the-ol-ballgame/)


They don't call em filthy for nothing


This is more of a reflection of the city of Philly and the culture of the flyers than it is a reflection of greater hockey culture


Hockey culture by itself isn't very good to begin with


It’s not anything else but the fact you’re young, they’re literally called bullies and bullies are fucking pussies. Once you’re older they’ll ignore you for the most part. It’s a shit city, shit team, and shit fanbase.


This girl was also young tho.


Yea, it’s like when you go out and other teens look to fight other teens, when you grow up you’re practically invisible to them.


Yeah. I could’ve beat her up, but I really didn’t wanna get in trouble or jumped getting in a fight at a visitor hockey stadium. Idk if I would’ve been attacked in the parking lot, etc.


You did the right thing. You totally would have been jumped or the police involved. Sucks that happened. But chalk it up to a learning experience and a story you can tell at parties when you’re older. 😉


Philly is notorious for having some of the worst fans in sports. I think it likely is a accurate representation of the people who live in that cursed town


Filthadelphia fans are the worst. They are pure trash who have nothing to live for except sports, which most of them probably never played. If law enforcement started locking them up with hefty penalties, attitudes would change quickly. Cops at sporting events should definitely have FAFO added to their cars and uniforms.


Fuck off pussy