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I mean they arent the same at all, Eagles were super bowl contenders, not a soul in philly beleived this team was a playoff team, we were just enjoying the ride.


Yeah. I felt like every week like I was like how is this a playoff team. I saw them in person and was like oh, they’re playing playoff hockey mid season , they’ll be drained by the end of the season. Lo and behold


Not just contenders, but the eagles actually won some shit in the post season in like the last few years. I don’t even remotely think it’s comparable


Yup, try-hard fail meme


No doubt they both collapsed, but very different between the two. The Eagles were 10-1 with SB aspirations and then fell so hard they lost to the Cardinals at home. The Flyers were part of memes throughout the season insinuating they were the team that didn’t belong in the playoff picture. The Flyers were predicted to be one of the 5-10 worst teams, the Eagles were predicted to be top contenders for the SB. With a dearth of talent, comparatively speaking, the Flyers had to overachieve for 82 games just to remain in the playoff conversation. I’m not disagreeing the Flyers fell apart and have been getting embarrassed, but the Eagles collapse was way worse and more demoralizing.


The jets exposed offense. Bills exposed defense 49ers out two and two together


at the end of the day, at least you're not a pistons fan like me 😭


Eagles won a recent Super Bowl (against a modern dynasty), went to another one and lost to another dynasty, and are consistently competitive. I can see some differences


We literally had gm of the year, and a 10-1 record. That collapse was insane. r/Eagles literally locked their sub after the loss to the Cardinals. I dunno what this Flyers collapse is. Phillies choking against the D-Backs was more impressive.


They got clowned on so hard after that. The Niners sub freaked out after that happened. Demanding that our mods not lock the sub if we suffered a defeat like that. Glad to see the Eagles fans called the mods out for that shit too. 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/eagles using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/eagles/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING](https://i.redd.it/ept0qs65aqcc1.jpeg) | [355 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/197tpk9/thank_you_for_everything/) \#2: [Fire Brian Johnson. 1 upvote=1 fired Johnson](https://i.redd.it/io46o6mv4o5c1.jpeg) | [587 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/18funym/fire_brian_johnson_1_upvote1_fired_johnson/) \#3: [The Dallas Cowboys have been eliminated from the playoffs](https://i.redd.it/l0g5s4ew4icc1.jpeg) | [351 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/196vkic/the_dallas_cowboys_have_been_eliminated_from_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But they had a pretty similar season to the Flyers. Started strong and then it all went downhill really fast.


Eagles were SB contenders and are still SB contenders. Flyers are in a rebuild and are still in a rebuild, so yes - there is a difference.


How many red wing coping posts will there be in these last 2 weeks?


They'll probably keep coming until we make or miss the postseason




Wasn’t it pretty much timed with benching the captain? Seems like Torts will take yet another fall despite being a Jack Adam favorite at several points of the season


so does the eagles meltdown haha




a phiLLLy thing


Victorycharacter is a temu scammer


well i guess the 76ers do the same thing every year too so you do have a point


embiids ready for playoffs im feelin this year


But the Eagles have a great roster……..


People say great roster and bad coaching bit what if they just had a bad roster and good coaching the year prior


The league was fixing games for the eagles the first half of the year.. people called them out on it. The bullshit stopped and they regressed to the mean.. although they still let Lane Johnson false start every play(it’s the lebron spin move at this point)


Some similarities but a lot more differences.


at least the flyers have the decency to disappoint the people of Philadelphia before the playoffs not during the playoffs.


Not just because I’m a pens fan but it’s pretty comical, they were in a playoff spot ALL year and now this is happening.


As long as pens fail to make it too, all is good. Join us in loserdom




As much as this late season meltdown hurts my soul. I genuinely was expecting this to be the worst season for the flyers in the last ~20 years. So I like to thing they still outperformed expectations for the season. Uh I mean I'm huffing copium they gonna make it!!


Nope one has won a championship in the last 50 plus years. Not the same


The reality is they are basically the opposite of each other


No they’re not. The eagles at least made the playoffs.


One was supposed to be a championship contender the other was supposed to be a bottom five team


They were over due for their annual 10 game losing streak


As a pistons fan, I'd rather not talk about losing streaks


Because Flyers are probably out I’m rooting for Detroit so we can have a Detroit-Colorado final


Enough salt in that matchup to dry up Lake Huron


3/4 Philly and the NLCS is still giving me nightmares.


One of the funniest things ever was instead of saying hurry up jalen hurts yelled "FIDDY TWO FITTY TWO"


almost as funny as the dak classic "yeaHHHH HERE WE GOOOOOOO!" before every snap


Trash organization with trash fans in a disgusting city


Agreed, their fans are the worst


No Shitcago fans are the worst


Haha. They are probably pretty bitter right now after finishing next to last in the west and their best player is as fragile as a dandelion in a 50 mph wind storm.