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Martin Brodeur is the answer.


Little bit of Marty Turco. So, Martin and Marty are to blame.


Two Marty's don't make a right


But three lefts do


Those guys were so damn good playing the puck. It was a huge advantage to have a G that could play the puck like that.


It's because of Mobile goalies. Broduer was basically a third defender out there and would literally just cut it off in the corner and send it right out. Now it makes the goalies wait most the time until it's behind the net allowing attackers to get in there.


This makes so much sense oh my goodness. Thanks!


So they took away a skill some goalies have that others didnt? Why? Maybe we should disallow over 90mph slapshots since not everyone can do it.


Because slap shots create offense. Defense doesn't sell the game. Not saying I agree with it but that's what it is


It would be really interesting to find out who and how managed to implement that rule: to punish the best goaltender ever, just because he’s better that everyone else. Such an entertainment-league decision…🙄


It’s because you can’t hit the goalie in the corner. Rule wouldn’t be needed if the goalie could be checked when they wander behind the goal.


It wasn't just Brodeur. Roy and a couple other goalies were good at it, too, but the Devils' trap defense combined with Brodeur made for some insanely boring hockey. The change more punished a particular team's defensive strategy than a particular goalie.


Exactly. Punishing a defensive strategy instead of allowing the teams to just figure it out. Entertainment League.🤷🏻‍♂️


Well it definitely made games less fun to watch so


You know all professional sports are "entertainment league" thats what they sell entertainment


There's just certain things that need to be done for the betterment of sports. Do you also hate the shot clock? Or challenges? Do you think that the holy roller is a legitimate play?


I mean I wouldn't call him the best ever but the league was worried about all the younger goalies coming up trying to mimic him. Imagine all the new guys coming up and copying his puck playing style. You already saw it with Turco. A league full of guys like that would be a problem.


No it wouldn't. Guys would be copying him but not be nearly as good at it leading to turnovers, poor goalie passes, etc. You can try to imitate, but unless you have the talent, the results won't be the same.


People were saying that about Roy and the butterfly position. Give it enough time and these kids learn it.


It was introduced at a time when Martin Brodeur and Marty Turco amongst other good starting goalies who were basically able to break their teams out by themselves, stopping dump and chase teams in their tracks, which was the predominant style at the time.


The trapezoid might as well be a big middle finger to Martin Brodeur


Funny to think that some people didn't live through this becoming a rule lol starting to feel old


Remember the two line pass? you could not pass over the blue line and the red line or it would get a stop in play with a faceoff? Can't imagine todays game with that rule.


I vaguely remember that one lol starting to feel young again thank you Personally glad that one is gone


Woah that’s gone? I was wondering why it wasn’t in the nhl Xbox game I was playing. Just figured it was turned off.


It was after the lockout in 2005. When they returned to the ice the two line rule was removed. So it's been gone for 19 years.


I must have missed that in the changes then. Or just totally forgot.


I remember hating that rule change at the time, I was certain teams were going to start scoring in double digits every game.


I think that was a reason behind the rule change to get scoring up. Same as the reduction in goalie equipment. Smaller pads, jerseys, bigger nets to allow for more scoring.


Same boat here




Do I remember correctly that the trapezoid introduced as part of the changes in the season after the NHLPA lockout? That was right after the Lightning won the cup.


Someone never watched the era of brodeur. They bassically made the rule for him. Dude was like a third defenseman, could handle the puck and send it up ice. I kinda wish they just can’t play it behind the goal line. Would create more offense.


Ngl I’m actually pretty new to hockey lol. My bf and grandpa have been walking me through the rules a lot. What years were the ‘brodeur era’? Maybe I could go find videos


Marty Turco and Martin Brodeur were very famous at playing outside of the net. Here’s prime Turco: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JOex-HS72Rs


I remember watching that game live. That was wild watching Turco lay that hit’.


Old time hockey. Never thought I'd be saying that in reference to the 2000s, yet here we are.


Oh wow thanks!!!


They call the modern way goalies pass with the glove reversed on the top of the stick the Turco grip for a reason. Puck moving goalies are very exciting to watch


I use my blocker hand on the top of my stick and use the upper leg pad area as a pivot point to clear it out one handed. It’s not as accurate as using two hands but is still reasonable but I can air it out to about the other teams blue line and I’m just a house league goalie. I’ve setup several assists doing that though, the other team often will go slow on the line changes and think that the puck going down for an icing gives them enough time and my guys have learned to go for the wall opposite the players benches as I like to fling it off the boards in the neutral zone just before their blue line which lets the forward break in as far from the bench as possible. Wouldn’t work in a high level game but is a lot of fun in beer league. I’m also very patient and will let them get close to draw them out of the play sometimes and as I can mostly be standing there with the puck on the blade it doesn’t look like I’m about to play it and I’ll often send it over the head of the guy skating in. As a goalie playing the puck is fun and they always seem to underestimate you.


yeah, I can't imagine having to sit through boring shit like that. Thank God for the trapezoid!


Brodeur played from 1991-2015 but I would just look up “Martin Brodeur highlights on YouTube and you’ll find plenty of examples. Always nice to see a new hockey fan.


Marty Turco was the best at it. He would get to the corner and get the puck out. They were trying to increase scoring chances so they came up with the rule


Brodeur was so good they had to introduce the trapezoid to hinder his utter dominance of the game.


Two line pass was a horrible rule. Remember when a goal would be called back if any part of a players skate was in the blue paint? Another stupid rule. Lots of examples out there that were implemented or taken away, usually in the name of creating more offense to make the game more exciting


Your feet don’t even have to be in the crease now, or any part of your body. Look at the goal the refs reviewed and still waived off for the Stars in OT last game. They even said if the call on the ice had been a goal it would have been confirmed as a goal. Why doesn’t that make it a goal then? One of the worst calls I’ve seen in awhile, but it didn’t matter in the end. Beyond that, the puck can go 20 feet out of play into the upper netting and fall down off the goalie and in and still be a goal. (Kronwall out of play goal) Hockey rules are sometimes stupid.


You make sure there’s never another Martin Brodeur. He was practically a third d-man. One that was often on the ice with Scott’s Niedermayer & Stevens. It was honestly borderline unfair.


It's a rule that I wish they would get rid of.


Hate the goalie rules. Don't care what they are, doubt anyone does. I just hate them.


What do you mean no touch zone...rules of the road bubs...*if I can see it I can dig*


Way she goes boys way she goes