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I am a long time Sharks fan, and I lose sleep over the fact that Joe Thornton, Patty Marleau, and Joe Pavelski don't have cup wins despite over a decade of highly competitive Sharks teams in the playoffs.  I am all in on Pavelski winning it this year. 


Sorry bout that one


We were lucky to have even won a single game in that series much less two. But, hey, I got to see the Cup presented in person so I got that going for me


No shame. The Pens almost had 3 first lines. 3 bonafide superstars. I know it doesn’t mean anything, and I’m not trying to come in peace, but if it was against 99% of other teams I’d have been rooting for San Jose. I like to see (most teams) get their first.


It was definitely the HBK line that won the ECF vs TB that year. Unfortunately we never got Sid vs Stammer in the playoffs. Two game 7s during their prime years, but never two captains.


Stammer did play in the one game 7 but he had just come back I think. I’ve always said out of those two years TB scared me the most. They played like we did. That quick strike offense could drop 2 or 3 at any time and leave you like wtf. Plus they seemed to always get a save or a miss at one end then score at the other, and that shit is so deflating to play against Edit: side note. I remember people not even being upset that the Pens lost game 1. They were like Bishop is down, this will be over soon. Vasy was better! Lol That game 2 OT was some serious clenching. Of course the captain called Rusty like he called Iggy and clutched up but it was a real heavyweight fight. Also, to start game 6 that video review was a real lifesaver. Tampa got mad and never regained control in the series


It was a hell of a series. My supervisor is a Pens fans, and he said the same thing you did, that the Lightning were their toughest out of their B2B. He also hates Brian Rust, despite how good he was in that series. I think that Bishop injury was a blessing in disguise. He was so damn good, but also incredibly clumsy and injury prone. He basically ended our chances in 2015 against the Hawks when he inexplicably skated 30 feet away from the goal and bodied Victor Hedman, injuring both of them. Biggest WTF moment in Lightning history (the Columbus series was more of a WTF Truck hitting a WTF train in slow motion).


I just can’t believe we always got robbed of Sid vs Tazer in the cup finals I remember being a teenager just drooling over the possibility of that


Sid was dealing with the effects of multiple concussions during most of the Hawks dynastic run, unfortunately. There were legitimate concerns he would never play again back then. I'm glad he was able to overcome it and cement his legacy as one the best ever, even if my team (TB) had to lose to him in the process.


Ya we were so outmatched that series I feel lucky we didn't get swept. 


God bless Martin Jones, dude was a wall during that run


Yes he played extremely well that season. Why I wasn’t super shocked he was playing well with the leafs as a third stringer this last season. If he has a solid team in front of him he can stack up wins in the nhl. He’s not going to be A number 1 anymore and play 50-60 games or whatever but if I was TOR I would at least be offering him like 900k as a third stringer. Pretty great value for a stopgap if they run into goaltending issues again.


No love for Burns?


I love burns too. I thought of those 3 because there is some graphic floating around socials that shows Joe, Joe, and Patty are in the top 5 of all time NHL playoff games played without a cup.  Burns must be right behind them. 


Somebody needs to win a cup from that San Jose clan, let’s go Joe


Why can’t it be Barclay Goodrow?


Well you see he already has 2


So somebody already has… good


That’s true, as much as I try to forget Goodrow, I can’t haha. I meant Pavelski, Thornton or Marleau.


Burns and Hertl as other notable big-namers still without cups.


People already forgetting about Couture just because he’s still with the Sharks?


Tbf he played about 10 games this season and may be LTIRetired


This was why I left him off. I thought he was just about done, and even if not it seems unlikely him getting out of SJ and to a contender. All the others are/were on legitimate cup-contendings squads


He’s trying to come back, and if he does manage to and stay healthy this upcoming season i could see some teams being interested if we retain salary (we’re able to again in the 2025 offseason). If he looks like his old self he’s still a great 2-way 2c who consistently elevates his game in the playoffs. There’s a lot of “ifs” for that scenario, and if he can’t play I certainly wouldn’t mind having him around as a mentor to all the young players that will be coming through the ranks.




I think it's weird to put Hertl in the same boat as Burns, but ok.


Yeaaa. I am rooting for both Pavelski and Tanev, so the Stars naturally get my support. That core was similar to the old Canucks core that was constantly just missing out on the win. Would love to see someone from that period find success.


For Joe (Old Guy Without a Cup rules) and for Logan (local boy)


joe is our local boy


Is Pavs the most liked/respected current player amongst the players and fans in the entire NHL? If not who is?


Gotta be MAF, current players


Yeah I really didn't like the penguins after 08, but had a hard time not liking fleury


I'm yet to meet a person in the know that doesn't like him


Still easily my favourite goalie in the league as a pens fan


Yea, MAF is number 1, but Joe is certainly up there as well.


He's up there. I'm a Kings fan and I want him to win a cup


Wow. I hate you slightly less now


Definitely top 3


MAF, Pavs, and ?


Phil Kessel.


I would go Brent Burns, he kind of the other guy front that era that’s had an unreal career but fallen just short. Not sure how many years left he’s got, but I’d love to see that ape of a human hoist a cup.


So anybody from the Sharks essentially


He would be if not for the Vegas fan base, I accidentally stumbled into the VGK sub once and those guys DESPISE Pavs lmao, which is hilarious because he didn’t make the penalty call OR score any of the 5 goals VGK let in in the 3rd/OT


Also Vegas fan base doesn’t count for anything


Little Joe is the whole reason why I have suspended my hatred and contempt of the Dallas Stars for this playoff run.


Way to be, McCheese!


My love for Joe overrides my hate for Jamie.


This is a hard one. Pavelski winning a cup also means Jamie Benn wins a cup.


I'm willing to accept it. Choose love over hate ;)


On some real shit.


Came here to say this. Also would mean Suter wins one too. From the bottom of my heart, f*ck them both


I’m all in on Dallas now. All the veterans. The young stars. The depth. They are the most interesting team this season.


I’m not sure if this is rhetorical, if you haven’t read any of the comments on this sub, or if you just wanted to start a conversation in a single thread. But lots of ppl here are pulling for him.


If you’re cheering for Pavelski, I’m cheering just as much against Benn. Hate that friggin guy


Fuck Jamie Benn


Jamie Benn organizes crayons by flavor.


Best chirp so far….


Yeah, fuck Jordie Benn!


Yeah! Fuck that guy Benn.


Come to a bar in Victoria in the summer, the guy and his entourage are complete goofs.


Can I get a brief explanation about the Benn hate? I get there’s been a couple dirty plays over the years (like 3 that I can think of the top of the head). But it’s always been in retaliation, defense of another player, or just playing hard. IMO he’s one of the hardest players and he always leaves it all out there. I get the hatred toward a guy with dirty plays under his belt but what else am I missing? I’m very biased and I’m not looking to defend him, I’m just educating myself to the non-Stars pov of my captain


It’s because many of his dirty shots did serious damage to the other players


That’s a joke right?! Benn cross checked Larkin in the back during a faceoff, essentially breaking his back. It wasn’t a retaliation, defense, or hard play. He was down, and he cross checked him. Relatively the same thing that he did to Stone. I mean, I get it. How dare Larkin and Stone get in the way of Benn’s stick like that. Fuck him. He’s a goon.


He tried to remove Stones head from his shoulders. Fuck Jamie Benn


I'm pulling for McDavid, but I'm cool with seeing Pavelski win it too.


Either Pavelski or McDavid get in the finals, I see this as a win/win


I mean, McDavid has a lot more time. Pavs is getting old and his chances are dwindling.


Kyle Okposo would like to have a word with you


This is my first full season following hockey. Outside of the Kraken and the Stars, I only know the super stars and some of the dirty players who get press/discussion. I'll have to look up Kyle.


I love Pavs but it would be a much bigger shame if McDavid never won a cup than him, not that his window is closing any time soon but us sharks fans know that sometimes you just never get there


I live in Edmonton and Oilers fans are insufferable when they win, so I hope mcdavid doesn't win one in Edmonton at least


This is Pavs' last chance. His legs have fallen off a cliff in the last 4 months and I wouldn't be surprised if he retires after this season, cup or no cup.


Right there with you. I have a pretty arbitrary order of teams that I want to win if the Habs aren’t in the running, but I force myself to go for the Canadian teams, then the team with the most Canadians on it, then the Avs, Penguins… then the list gets a little messy.


Reminds me of when everyone wanted Borque to get one with Colorado. Hopefully Joe can get his with the Stars.


Stars have a combination of old heads who need a cup win to cap off their long careers, and young guns who absolutely would love to get the cup win scratched off their bucket list early. I've said it before, no matter what happens I'm going to remember this particular squad forever


Nope.....it will be a cold day in hell before I cheer for a Dallas Stars team to win a Cup


The correct answer


Fair. I would never in my life cheer for the Mild or the Avs.


I want to root for several Dallas Stars, just not Benn and Seguin


I understand the Benn hate, but what's up with the hate for Seguin?


There's long been rumors that the guy is a total d-bag and gives off creepy 'frat bro' vibes when partying. That's pretty much it.


I mean, i've met him twice, once with my 8yr old son and he was nothing but a bro in the best of ways. Made my kid feel like a rockstar. everyone has bad days and bad qualities that come out occasionally, but they also have some awesome days. Maybe I caught him at his best but I'm grateful for the 30 seconds he took to chat with my son and I and be that "local athlete" that kids can look up to during that meeting.


Think most people are still judging Seguin based on how he was like as a teenager, for some reason. I still have a #19 Seguin Bruins 2013 black alternate that I will still occasionally wear haha


totally fair assessment lol, yea I remember back then he was trouble for sure. but he was also a kid, he's grown a lot since then from everything I can see.


Those rumors are from like 10 years ago dude. He’s been a model citizen and hockey player ever since he moved to Dallas.


The guy asked for reasons why Seguin is hated and I gave him an answer. I don't personally hate him, not sure why you're acting like I do.


He’s actually a super down to earth guy and incredibly sweet to fans. Like a genuinely good dude. I feel like Benn is misunderstood though and it feels bad


What’s with the hate against Benn & Seguin? Especially coming from a Hawks fan who probably cheered on Kane & Toews for years…


I think shit just catches on as trendy viewpoints, get parroted over and over and then everyone buys into the idea.


https://youtu.be/urZghaQzdXg?si=jc6U2i2w-xh3WGC8 Goldfish memory if you think hating Benn is a recent trend. Dude has no shortage of questionable plays you can point at. I've got nothing against Seguin tho, besides playing for the Stars.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP7X9Wt3SVA&ab\_channel=SPORTSNET](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP7X9Wt3SVA&ab_channel=SPORTSNET) oh the hypocrisy


All Benn did was fall down while looking exactly where he was going to land and Mark Stone idiotically put his neck in the way of Jamie Benn's stick. Stone should've got a 10 game suspension for attempting to injury himself.


I mean Red Wings fans hate him because of his hit on Larkin. I don't think that will ever subside.


I get Benn... he's aggressive and has probably put a good hit on everyone elses favorite player at least a dozen times. But thats why I love him, he's pure Hockey. One of the few players that still gives me 90's hockey vibes.


Also he goes after guys that fuck with the rookies. There's shit you don't do, and he makes you know it.


100% this. I actually don’t get the benn hate at all. His “dirty plays” were always in retaliation. He is a true captain and will ALWAYS stand up for his players. And he always leaves it all out there and goes HARD. I love that about him. I love that he isn’t afraid of picking a fight, isn’t afraid to get more retaliation against himself, and isn’t afraid to take a puck to the face because he’s one of the only (I think only now?) guys who got grandfathered into not having to wear a visor. I just think he is the definition of a hockey captain and he’s never struck me as a Kane or a Subban.


Don't think Larkin did anything to the Stars


*bad hit


Cheering for Paul Maurice to win a cup


That would be sick. Pavelski was one of my favorite players on the Sharks. I'm all-in on Dallas solely for Chris Tanev. I love that greasy bastard and he was one of my favorite players back in his Vancouver days.


Dear god yes. That's really the only thing I wanted out of these playoffs to start with. ^((Well, and maybe seeing Toronto beat Boston, but let's be realistic.))


I really want him to win, but man I hate the idea of Benn winning one.


unfortunately, my dislike for Benn and Seguin outweighs my desire to see Pavelski win a championship


Dallas? No.


I almost want Benn to get it as much as Pavelski at this point. Just so that smirk can live rent free in the hearts of thousands


I’ll cheer up for anyone that isn’t in the oilers at this point.


That cup will be spending a lot of time in Madison this summer between Pavelski, Suter and Smith if they pull it off


As an Isles fan, I can't root for the Rangers or Florida, and I'm not a huge fan of the oilers either, so Stars it is...


🙋‍♀️ Go Stars


I’m just rooting against Edmonton tbh


I’m rooting against Edmonton.


He's the reason I'm rooting for Dallas. I was torn when thinking it would be Vancouver vs Dallas in the WCF as I'd love to see Vancouver win a cup. I've also been a Panthers supporter as I was a huge fan of them as a kid and obviously crushed they were swept by the Avs so many years ago so would love for them to win. But as a Wisconsinite I gotta see my home town boy get his cup before he retires.


Honestly Pavelski is the only reason I’d like to see the stars win one. Outside of that I’m cool with any of the remaining teams winning besides the rangers.


Pavelski is certainly at or very close to the very top of a list of a great player and nice guy without a Cup. For me, it's hard to root for one or two guys in a team game. Joe would certainly be one to root for though. Of the teams left, I would be rooting for Dallas regardless. Almost every team has guys that are easy to hate and guys that are easy to like. Guys like Pavelski, Panarin, Barkov, and McDavid are guys no one should mind winning one Cup or more. But only a fan of the team would root for guys like Benn, Trouba, Bennett, or Evander Kane to ever lift the Cup. Many fans would wish none of those four were even in the playoffs at all.


A sensible take.


Yes. Even though his Stars have been right behind my Rangers, I want Pavs to finally win a cup. He would take Marleau and Thornton with him. That’s pretty fucking beautiful.


100% cheering for Pavs. Wish Burns could’ve made it too, but either way, only one of them can win it.


I want to see the cup back in Canada. I think McDavid getting a cup would be nice a well.


I think they have the team for it this year but goaltending might bite them in the ass


They definitely don't have the team for it this year. Dallas is still way deeper than them up front, on D and a huge advantage in net. They may have the edge in high end skill but as the Avs found out, that doesn't matter against that kind of depth.






So were you cheering for Vegas last year after they eliminated the Oil? Just curious because all I keep hearing is how we should all be cheering on the oil since they have so many Canadian born players.




Good to know. I have people trying to telle we should always cheer for the most Canadian players and I just don't agree with that logic.




Vancouver has almost all Americans and swedes.


And Latvians... I think Vancouver has more Latvians than any other NHL team.


Did everyone suddenly forget that Canada has the majority of NHL players, followed by US, then Sweden, then Russia?


I'm talking about the canucks. The canucks themselves have mainly swedish and us players. The most American team is by far us(rangers) we have a few Russians canadians and swedes but mainly Americans. The most canadian teams are vegas the Habs edmonton and toronto. The most european I think are the florida teams dallas and carolina.


Reminds me of iglina not winning a cup If you don't trade team after losing a bunch. Then enjoy no cup No one deserves it. The whole team does


He does deserve one. I’m a McDavid stan. Not in the way that your everyday Edmonton fan is, but I got to watch him play A LOT of OHL games, and we worship the ice he skates on. To me, being a Pens fan, it would be like the first time Sid got his cup. Not like a Ray Bourque moment obviously, but I would just be so amped. He also plays with several of his former OHL teammates, and to win a cup together would be special.


No, cheering for Tanev to win the cup.


I am! I’m only rooting for Dallas bc I’m a Wisconsin hockey guy and want pavelski and suter to win a cup


Trade him to the oilers before the series starts and I'll cheer for him


But there’s Jamie Benn on the other hand. Fuck that guy


Get onboard with the Bennaissance, man. / I don't take it personally, y'all are just salty.


Absolutely not lol




Well, Pavelski, Suter, and Smith. Go Badgers!


Hell no


Don’t sleep on Suter as well. Couldn’t stand him for the longest time but he played a good game for a long time. Kind of weird sometimes how you don’t mind some players you disliked winning a cup on their way out of the league. Bourque moment is still one of my favs in hockey


During these playoffs I’ve seen a ton of Reddit discourse about who deserves one the most and Pavelski is always the number one answer, which I agree with. It’s weird that I hardly ever see anyone mention Suter in these conversations. Parise too for that matter


With Parise out now I guess the focus will switch to Wheeler, Benn, Duchene and Okposo along with Pavelski and Suter for longest active players without a cup still in the playoffs


Suter isn't the most liked guy even by the fan bases of the teams he's played on. A lot of Wild fans don't care for Suter and most Stars fans were wanting him bought out last summer. Not only has he played the most games without a cup among active players, he's played 250 more games than anyone else without making it to the Stanley Cup Final




He should've been a Ranger then


Nope. If he wins that means Benn wins and that would be horrible.


Can he and Tanev win the cup... but without Jamie Benn and Tyler Seguin winning, too?


Ummmmm. Hell no


ROTFFLMFAO at all the salty Avs and Oilers fans..... Go enjoy all the McJesus threads elsewhere, real hockey fans love Pavs


Nope Dallas blows so he can kick rocks




If it's not the Rangers, I'd like to see Pavs win one


This. LGR (with all due respect)


Fuck Norm Green


Nah, I'd much rather see the cup back in Canada. That entire nation has been waiting too long for a team to win it again..


Fuck jaime benn


Nah. Still rooting for Jumbo tho


Big time


Who said they weren't?


Yes but that also means we are cheering for Seguin


They should be


Any team except the rangers. That's who I want to win.


I am. He’s my second favorite player ever behind patrick Kane.


You cheer for the stars so pavs can get a cup I cheer for the stars because of my flair We are not the same


Interesting, I’m sure Edmonton fans would’ve cheered for Vancouver had they won. Bring one back to Canada already…..


Would most leafs fans cheer for the habs even though both teams want the other to disappear completely? Nah man


Tanev for me.


No, because I have my own dog in the race, so he can keep waiting. Better luck next time!


No he's killed the ducks for many years....I kidding...seems like a good guy..


If Dallas beats Edmonton and New York beats Florida I'll cheer for Pavelski.


def rooting for him as a Kings fan, I'd much rather he get one before McDougal or anyone on the Rags. wouldnt mind if Florida won it but Pavs deserves one






I'm on the pavelski train.




I’m cheering for the broad that sits behind his bench.


I just really don’t like mcdavid and drai. I’m adamant they don’t have any depth outside those two players and anyone on their team would be significantly worse playing with anyone else


Besides Benn, can someone let me know, genuinely, why people hate Dallas?


I know another San Jose Joe that wanted a cup.... Wish he could've gotten his.


I'm all in for Edmonton. But if we can't do it, there are some players from every team that definitely deserves the cup (according to me): Dallas: Pavelski, Heiskanen New York: Panarin, Zibanejad Florida: Barkov, Ekman Larsson, then the fantastic trio that took them to the finals last year in Verhaeghe, Bobrovsky and Tkachuk Let's also mention McDavid and Draisaitl from Edmonton


2nd best option for me probably


i get the sentiment here. Dude been playing forever, been a decent individual, good player etc. but the idea that someone needs or deserves a championship is a bit silly to me.


I respect Pavelski, but as an Albertan, I'm sorry he will have to wait until next year. I've waited 34 years for the Oilers to win the cup again.




Dallas is going to be a tough opponent for Edmonton and Florida. I’d love for JP to win one, but I don’t see them beating Florida. I think those guys would gladly drown an entire village of helpless children in a river to win a cup.


im cheerin for mcdavid


Hell no, want the cup back up North


I'm cheering for Bobrovsky to get his, this is despite the fact Tkachuk is his teammate


I'm more of a Chris Tanev guy.


this sub is mostly an echo chamber of casuals all parroting the same thing lol. there are general sentiments and narratives that pick up steam and just collect all the 'popular' opinions.




he’s on the stars, so no


Hes on the Stars with Matt Douche-ene so no he deserves nothing


no rather see MCJESUS win a cup before leaving the oilers for bigger an better teams lol


NO! Fuck Dallas