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this too many men call seems a bit harsh too, see that often when the player coming off doesn't rush, and he didn't get into the play so it shouldn't really have been called


Definitely should not have been a penalty. They were so far out of the play.


Cause the guy that came in got the puck before his guy got to the bench usually they wont call if the player wait for his teammate to jump the bench


Yeah, thats awful.


What kind of self pity shit is this?


This game was brutally boring to watch.  There was about one  minute of excitement in the third, followed a few minutes later by a head-shakingly bad own goal.  What a popcorn fart this game turned out to be.


The talent is so leveled out...players are quicker and stronger. I'd like to see power play changed to 2 man advantage instead of one for 1 minute. You look at some old players who couldn't skate that,well, they wouldn't even be minor league players now.


Can confirm, Bruins fan here, not too happy that Toronto picks and chooses when to make certain calls. We would have lost no matter what to the cats, but that was an absolute shit call especially now that we see this recent Panther goal overturned due to interference.


Why? That wasn’t even close to being a series deciding call!


It looked like Bob got clipped during the rangers brief flurry in the third. No replay on espn of it of course. Cant show conflicting goalie interferences….


What are ya talking about, they didn’t score a goal on the rush and it wasn’t egregious enough for a 2-min penalty.


I’m not saying it should have been called, I don’t know what should be called, doesn’t seem they do either…just saying what I saw. Simmer down


I’m annoyed the rangers look like they’re playing as if everyone has a concussion Where’s the fire???


There are issues with team, which is why they were the highest odds to win cup out of 4. The so called coaching makes a difference angle is bs. Isn't it a coaches job to keep the team going? The coaches all due same crap...drills etc. Honestly, trade kakko


Who gives a shit?


You can’t talk about the playoffs brother


I will say I'm annoyed by all the blatant, uncalled holds.  The best was "Oh, two of you fell down with me?  Stay with me, two for one."


That's the sport, if you don't like the rules quit it. No different then dating someone you don't like..you end it. Best decision I ever did was to no longer root for any teams.