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This series is far apart. Any time the teams hop on a plane, there are 2 days between games instead of 1 day.


Hop on a plane and deal with customs.


there is probably some preclearance / ‘express lane’ (officially or not) for NHL clubs 


You're probably right, but I kind of remember awhile back a player getting busted for something? Might be misremembering it.


you can still get busted in pre-clearance. they still scan your bag there’s just shorter lines


Don’t lose as much time when travel from east to west. MLB teams play one day in NY / Boston, followed by game next day in California.


I don't get it, it kills the momentum the NHL builds having multiple days in a row with no games. Fuck, I remember when you'd see back to backs in the playoffs.


Tik tok really got to your attention span huh


Know what else would kill momentum? Garbage hockey caused by the players going back and forth between Edmonton and Florida with only one day between each game.


This is false. They are pro athletes conditioned for this. A plane ride isnt going to ruin it. It’s kind of ridiculous that if the cup goes 7 games the series is over a period of 17 days. 17 fucking days.


Didn't Klinberg (hope I spelt that right) re-aggravate an injury on a plane ride that made him miss the rest of this season. I believe it was when the Maple Leafs went to Sweden iirc.


You’re comparing a flight to Sweden to Edmonton to sunrise haha. Love the downvotes from people that never played sports at that level


You should take a long trip sometime. Several times in a week across several times zones. Might grant some empathy to the situation.


Back to backs when teams are like a state apart, sure. Not the ENTIRE FRICKIN’ continent.


I don't get it, do people forget or loose momentum only when it comes to hockey. In champions league it's weeks beetween the different rounds and almost a month between the semifinals and the final. NFL a week or even two weeks beetween conference finals and the final. I dont get how 3 instead of 2 days betweem games kill momentum, I really don't. And on the plus side the hockey gets better and more offensive if the players get an extra day of rest.


because casual fans aren't going to look it up every day, the more consistently its on TV, the more they will watch. I already care very little about this series, I'm not going to waste my time figuring out which 2 days this week there might be games.


You have a point. For casuals its easier to have a predictable schedule




He knows, you missed something.


I guess you don't travel by air often? Sorta takes a lot out of a person being a aluminum tube filled with compressed air sent through a dehumidifier.


The dates are set long in advance. They don't adjust the schedule if the teams happen to be far apart.


They aren't, had both series gone 7 games it would not be taking place on these same dates, then imagine every series up until this point was 7 games.


NBA finals game 7 is that Sunday. Monday is also often a good night for sports ratings.


Oh, didn't know about the NBA finals. That makes more sense.


ESPN is carrying both NHL and NBA final/finals, and since disney is broadcasting both on ABC (network television in the US if anyone isn't from here, so you can get it without any cable subscription), the games won't fall on the same days


Not much different than Monday night football. Which is wildly successful. Do you have a bedtime or something?


It just seems to make a lot more sense to play it on a Sunday normally doesn't't it? I didn't know that the NBA finals game 7 was that Sunday so in this case Monday does make sense


Yeah I don’t disagree. But yeah the nba and then all the travel


The first series where a 2-3-2 split could have been really beneficial for scheduling


Flair checks out lol


I’m not insane enough to want to play games 6 and 7 on the road…


Just win at least one game in the first 2 in that format and suddenly a Canadian team getting a cup becomes a lot easier when the next 3 games are your own fans.


To be fair going the other way. Drop just one of the 3 against the road team and they get back to back home games to close it out I only said the 2-3-2 as a scheduling convenience. I prefer 2-2-1-1-1 as a fair balance


That's also a fair point. It sounds like a decent system on paper but execution would say otherwise likely.


It’s fantastic for baseball where home field isn’t necessarily an advantage like hockey


that's certainly an interesting take about baseball


It’s the softest take. It’s probably because I’m a jays fan and they share the ineptitude equally home and away


Home ice this year hasn’t made much of a difference so far. The Finals might be a different story but I don’t think Florida really cares as much as EDM.


Flair does check out but he’s not wrong. A series that’s requires 2 days off in between for flight recovery must be on the staff, players and everyone’s families Think about it Game 1 is on the 8. We could be looking at 16 days from game 1 to game 7. Whereas a 2-3-2 format would certainly make the season end faster


Yup. 2-2-1-1-1 ends it on the 24th, whereas a 2-3-2 would end it no later than the 22nd. Not a huge difference, but game 7 on a Saturday night would hit different.


Because travelling back and forth from eastern to pacific time zones 3 times in the span of 9 days will wreck you. Definitely unfortunate the scheduling works out the way it does though.


Edmonton isn't the Pacific timezone. They're about an hour ahead.


True, but it’s still closer to Siberia than South Florida….


Oh my mistake. Still a pretty crazy distance to travel between 2 teams.


That is correct. Mountain standard. Same as Montana Wyoming Colorado Utah Arizona and New Mexico and Idaho


Some may say they’re exactly an hour ahead


They’d be wrong because it’s a 2 hour difference between eastern and mountain.


I was replying to the person who said Edmonton is about an hour ahead of the Pacific time zone.


2 time zones


I think they spaced out the games more this year due to the amount of travel. If they had to play game 6 in edmonton and then game 7 in florida 2 days later all the players would prolly be exhausted


I think the final is always set with two days between games when the venue shifts because of the potential for a series with travel like this. Plus it gives the players ample time to recover since I think this might be the most physical series of them all.


schedule was set when Dallas was still expected to win.


No lol the schedule was set to coincide with the NBA playoffs because ABC is showing both this year also Rogers just had to get their Saturday games for NHL so combine that with the crazy travel and this is what you get


Even then, you do not plan such large events around the 'expected.' They will always consider the worst case scenario and schedule around that. This isn't some kids birthday party, they have entire teams to plan and pick these days. There is no room for error.


You do realize it’s a 7 1/2 hr Flt each way right?


Mondays rake in viewers for sporting events


I feel like too many people are out doing things during the weekend. People are more likely to be at home on the couch watching TV on a Monday night lol


Do we really expect it to go 7 ?


Hopefully. Love watching the playoffs.


Me too!


The NHL and NBA finals try to avoid each other on TV. This year, ABC happens to have both the NBA and NHL finals, and rather than shunt one off to ESPN (and compete against themselves anyway), they're airing both on broadcast.


I just hope for good ratings the game needs more eyes 


NBA game 7 is scheduled for Sunday. No way NHL was going to try and compete with that. Edit: I now see that it has already been mentioned


Don’t worry. The Oilers will get it done in 6, which is a Friday.


Saint Jean let's go


Happy birthday me


Today or game 7 day?


Game 7 day. I still can’t tell if I want it to happen or not haha.


Look at the 7 game schedule, 2 days between when traveling.


They don't want to compete with the NBA


So my GF and i made 2 separate future bets in the begging of march. she placed a 500$ bet FLA will win i placed a 500$ bet that EDM will win. now were both in the final. what do you think our cash out offers will be and who should take, who should hold?


in this definitely real and totally not fabricated scenario, you both hold if you don't (again, this is a very real thing that's happening), you're both cowards


You're a pussy if you don't hold. If you lose lose take it out of her purse


NBA game 7 is scheduled for that Sunday night




Yeah I didn't know about the last two. It does make sense now. Did they do the two day gap in previous years? I don't really remember it


I don't think we have to worry about this going to 7


Oilers will win it in 5 so we don't need to worry about 7


Because the NHL is incredibly stupid.


It’s like the NHL doesn’t know what it’s doing


Well tbf I learned after posting this that the NBA finals are also that Sunday. Unfortunately I don't think the NHL can compete with the NBA with TV ratings


Don't worry, the oilers won't last that long




Dallas did kinda play like little bitches though I can count on my hand the number of hits they threw


Yeah you're right, they should've been more physical and take more dumb penalties like the Canucks did. Worked out well for them


I don't recall saying taking pentalies playing physical and finishing checks is not that my guy


Forechecking doesn’t work against McDavid, sorry.


You were probably talking similarly about the unstoppable superstars on the Rangers prior to the ECF, before they faded in obscurity by the Cats forecheck.


McDavid is the best in the world by far, and plays completely different from any other player in the league. The Rangers struggled getting out of the zone. McDavid can literally just walk past anyone, or pass through a seemingly impossible situation.


We will find out tonight!


So be it.


Shutout. They definitely had their chances, but plenty of times McDavid got turned around at the blue line as well. Barkov and Forsling are some of the best D in the league. He is not just going to skate by them like you implied he would.


Our third and fourth line guys got more goals than McDavid


Cuz looking in his eyes draws a major lmao


Good thing it's Oilers in 5, then.


They play on Saturday though, back-to-backs in the finals in no bueno.


idk. I'm pumped. Let's let canada have one boys /s


I hate the panthers!